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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 1:30am-2:01am EET

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i could, and i would like to ask you, how you view the prospects, whether it may not happen that, relatively speaking, these internal disturbances in the states, connected with the compromise, will continue so long that it will have a negative or radically negative effect on our front line, what is your forecast, what are your estimates? well, probably, it is unlikely that it is worth making any catastrophic forecasts, although the situation is really difficult, and what is more... if, the problems in this situation are added by inadequate actions on the part of the top political leadership, because what the enemy wants most in the classics of military art is to disorganize the enemy from the inside, and above all his armed forces, and when during a critical period. of the defense of ukraine
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, the high command of the armed forces is being replaced, this is a step to disorganize the defense of ukraine, practically, and accordingly, with all the resulting consequences, and our partners are also looking at this, and of course, so to speak, the enemy, the aggressor will throw information about something that specifically... narratives, messages about what and or is worth to help those who, as it were, are not ready to help themselves, on the contrary, chaos themselves from the inside. another thing is that this chaos is a consequence of the work of enemy agencies, and agents and agencies of influence. even before the beginning of the russian invasion, the political leadership of ukraine was very clearly informed that it was necessary to...
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clear the highest echelon of the state administration from agents, and immediately after the beginning of the large-scale invasion, they talked about it and kept talking about it, whether we see progress or not, and therefore of course if for our partners both in the united states and in europe the question becomes in terms of how do we continue to help, i don't think... the question is going to be whether to end aid because first of all that, of course, that's going to hit us first, but it will also hit the west, the western political community, it will not be the case that they say it is a separate defeat of ukraine, it already sounds quite clear that in fact, then it would mean a scenario so dark... for the entire
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west and vice versa it is the encouragement of all forces from the so-called axis of evil or coalition of evil continue to act exactly in the way that russia has shown, well , we see in the middle east how the iranian proxies, which it has been creating for a long time in various subregions of the middle east, have been activated , so here in this case it is about how quickly will rethink approaches... in washington, in brussels, and here it must be said that in europe this rethinking is moving, in my opinion, much faster, ah, well, in the fact that, probably, there is an awareness that the war in ukraine , in fact, it is a war in europe, no somewhere on the threshold of europe, as brussels officials sometimes say, and this is a war in europe, so i think that the coming weeks will be revealing in this context. and
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yet, i think there is reason for cautious optimism. when we talk about the most demonstrative actions, you expect, in particular, progress in certain directions there, in particular , the unblocking of aid to ukraine there, or the possible signing of new agreements on security guarantees for ukraine there by germany or france. are you talking about these components of strengthening ukrainian european security? first of all, i mean that it is important to solve the financial issue, and here too it seems to me that the promotion can be more serious precisely from the point of view of transferring the frozen assets to ukraine, because how will the situation in the congress go in the future with the aid package for ukraine , well, if i don't see any reason for this yet. rapid
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progress, but from the point of view of what to transfer to ukraine, at least part of the frozen russian assets, this is important. a moment that still has a chance, a greater chance of resolution, and in this context, of course, it will be important not only to have money, but also to have weapons and ammunition, and here there is no doubt that if the bet is largely placed on the help of our european partners, and within the framework of what is known today, if they would make... serious efforts on the part of some countries, eu members and european nato members, in order to help ukraine as much as possible. see, for example, note that finland, ah, it was recently announced there that they will be able to increase
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five times the release of projectiles, that is, in principle, it is very revealing, giving grounds, so to speak, for optimism, after all. the european defense industry will begin to act more dynamically, and since what has been holding back until now, this defense industry, which in principle would be ready to implement larger-scale programs for the production of weapons of military equipment, is , so to speak, the uncertainty that was on the part of politicians, more precisely the mantra that this is a regional conflict somewhere in the east. a little further from europe, and therefore, they say, it may end soon, and accordingly, if you invest in some new technological lines, new capacities, then no one will need them, and in fact, then you
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will go bankrupt, this is what held back the european defense industry, although it was ready if it were to build up, and now it seems to me that somewhere... the rubicon has already been crossed, when the question of whether to do or not to do is no longer worth doing, but the question is how to speed it up quickly, because the way the european bureaucracy works, it is calculated that within 5-10 years, we will be able to deploy, so to speak new programs, implement new types there, improve existing ones, implement new types. military equipment, and there is no such time for 10 or 5 years, therefore, as it were, in this case, of course, that ours, our approach and strategy, it is important that the state policy be coordinated, and now it turns out that
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the ministry is also uncoordinated defense and the command of the armed forces, as a result of the organizational changes that have taken place, and accordingly our... our needs, if they are not clearly articulated, it is known that we have asked for strike aviation and more rocket systems of salvo fire there and so on and so on, but so to speak, these should be continuous efforts, and not those efforts when some people arrived for a long time, negotiated with some, now other people appear and... everything starts from scratch and thus we are then put at the back of some queue at a time when we need to be at the front of that queue in view of the urgency of providing the forces and means that we need right now on the battlefield. mr.
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mykhailo, given all these risks, challenges that you mentioned, which at times and to a large extent generated by our own actions in terms of system optimization. defense, what is your internal forecast for the situation during the year and on the front line and in relations with our partners, what to hope for, what to fear? and here, hardly anyone can make any kind of prediction, because, so to speak, this is an equation where there are more unknowns than known quantities, and we perfectly understand that the 20th... year is the year of elections for almost half the world, all the more so in our key partners, partner countries, both the united states and the european union, the elections of the european parliament, that is, the configuration may or may not change fundamentally,
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but one way or another, this factor of turbulence will take place, and we already feel it ourselves, so this is the main thing. that is to hold the line of defense, and that which concerns, so to speak, the action outside the line. front, then this is what concerns under the build-up of diplomatic efforts to get what we need for the front, and asymmetric actions to defeat the enemy in his strategic depth, that is, the war must be transferred to his territory, and it seems to me that it is necessary to act in this way, and then the forecast will be positive, and we cannot allow what they say... everything is lost, here we are, they will not give us money, they will not give us weapons, and of course there are those
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who are inclined us to a capitulation model of behavior, and they promise a cease-fire, that is the first step, they say, there and then somehow it will be there, how it will continue, we already went through it in 14-15 years, 10 years ago, when the russian aggression began. therefore, it is , so to speak, stepping on the same rake, if one has the illusion that it will somehow succeed to agree, of course , there are such politicians in the west, but nevertheless, in europe in particular , it still seems to me that there is a not yet fully realized, but already clearly present feeling that this war is a war in europe, and it is very it is important for our diplomacy to convey this to the european political community, so
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we have to do our own thing, as they say, there is nothing new here, to resist and beat the enemy, including on his territory, mr. mykhailo, thank you very much for these expert comments for the time you found for our viewers, our i will remind the audience that it was mykhailo gonchar, the president of the strategy 21 global studies center, then we will talk about how information and its... pretation from truth to lies is related to the events in the trenches and to the use of conventional weapons, but about that later advertising block. there are discounts on pairs of villages of 20% in the pharmacies psylansky, pam and ochad. there are discounts on glysed and glysed max 15% in psylanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues
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from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhiy rudenko. every weekday. from 20 to 22 for espresso. the espresso channel and ukrainian pen present the self-titled project with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals. which interpret and comment on the most relevant public discussions, which news will be analyzed by the guests of the project this week, and actually who will be the guest studio, we will find out already this sunday, definitely, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special, proper names with myroslava barchuk, sunday 17:10 at espresso. we continue our
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program, and then about confrontation with the enemy in the realm of battle. for meanings and for the truth, it is precisely about the information front, which is related to the events in the trenches, and how information and its interpretation affects our enemy, and how it affects us, and now hryhoriy lyubovets joins us, this one of the heads of the communication and content security center. sir grigory, welcome to the espresso channel. good afternoon, i greet you. i would like to start our conversation. from the fact that, one way or another , we sometimes perceive the events that take place in ukraine through the assessment of foreign media, and actually this has become a kind of standard, but even now, when the situation with the removal of general zaluchny from his post took place, everyone immediately
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ran to read that foreign media are writing about this situation, i would like to... ask you why this happens, whether such secondaryness carries risks in terms of the perception of one's own vision and trying to perceive everything through external evaluations? here we can say, first of all , that the perception of information and the perception of meanings, which you are talking about, is precisely the culture of statehood, which you and i, unfortunately, understand. that ukrainian statehood in a restored version, it was a short story, after all, just as the russian federation was created for practically a little more than 30 years, so ukrainian statehood was also restored for 30 years, and before that there was the soviet union, and this
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soviet union practically did not provide a culture of free confession meanings, categories, processes, discourses, and therefore today, unfortunately, what you are talking about is precisely a stereotype and a defect of the past, the past in management, because this is exactly what can be called conditionally sovietism, and not only in the management of our state, but and the average citizen. and even an intellectual, for some reason we do not see our discourses and run to foreign ones of any quality, and this is just one of the pitfalls, i will not talk about losses, namely our flaws, and here the question arises
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, how to get out of here, very simply, we have discursively. to represent the country, and especially its specifics of struggle, we have a great, very specifics, so your previous speaker spoke about the fact that we are at war in our center, and practically in our research, scientific expert environment, we use this term content, not from the standpoint of the legal norm, namely content. because this is where all the problems come from, practically ukraine leads the ukrainian civilizational struggle for the perspective of world civilization, we lawyers are sent to the field of war, conventional war, historical war,
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any war, and we are with you almost unique. precedent situations , because we are confronting precisely genocidal aggression, which is not measured only by a trench, it, by the way, if we talk about a trench, it is measured in a trench, what is in the hands of our hero, a fighter, and what is in his head, and what in his head and his perception and spirit are becoming, perhaps, the most important for today. that is exactly what general zaluzhnyi showed the world in an appropriately world-class discourse, and this is a very correct line. this is not just a public application of a person, it is practical, you saw, yes, that they began to discuss the world discursively
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an industrious person, and not some foreign author or interviewer who goes to moscow for some reason , it is clear why, but there is very little of this, because the result of this action is global, we have to contain the world. discourse, we have something for whom, and today, this is not just our right, but our duty, because we are the first, that is, in fact, we now have to raise the perception of this war to the level of civilization, that is, to an order of magnitude higher , than what we currently operate in our formulations, journalistic or expert, and create mechanisms for these messages of ours to the world level and zaluzhnyk, as i understood from your message, created precedents when fundamentally important things were discussed, they
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resonated with our foreign partners, and they probably ensured a certain backlash there in political decisions, military decisions, and this mechanism was worked out, and if if we don't take advantage of it now, then we will actually lose certain opportunities, so i would here... add, it's such a broad line, because on the one hand, the president is doing it, our diplomatic mission is doing it very well, to things, and on the other hand mr. zaluzhnyi did just that, and here in this synergy, and we still need to talk about synergy, because the combination of qualities gives scale, depth and primacy, and we had this, we must not lose it today, yes, decisions have been made. martial law is correct, because it is martial law, and the question is now to hold the topic, and here in front of me the speaker
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spoke correctly, it cannot be allowed that the line of argumentation, the scale of argumentation and the perception of our arguments, ukrainian, and the dubious - these are not his arguments, these are arguments of ukraine, these are the arguments of those heroes who laid down their lives so that we formulate these arguments, understand them, perceive them as a mistake and move on, that is why this level must be maintained, and therefore the level of discourse, and we are just talking in our institute and in the center about the fact that we practically have another technology to raise, in addition to the robotic system, now the topic of robotic... systems as a type of weapons is raised, this is the theater of communication and content confrontation, this is the same stake with the same
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scales with which we have to act, and it is not an allegory, it is a front of wide action, because the modern world is local, simultaneous and horizontal. new concepts of yours that have gained recognition, i heard there, a new thesis information and content theater of military operations, how you started to use, and i would like you, for example, and our brigades to explain what, how it works, because we have you there was a discussion that our military brigades who create their own content on the battlefield, when they collect videos, when they show how they destroy the enemy, and this video becomes massive, when... on the basis of these video fragments , the meaning of the war, the possibilities of this war begin to be correctly perceived, it becomes the driving force of the unity of society and
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the army itself and even resonates in the minds of our partners, is it possible to make this element using the information potential of our combat brigades a mass element that will be tangential to those qualitative changes that zaluzhny also spoke about and which... which zelensky partially mentioned there, first of all, precisely because the brigade is not just maintaining the perimeter, the brigade produces not only the results of military actions, it practically produces style, energy and spirit, and we know different brigades that have different scales in terms of these parameters. but, even here , i would still refuse now, but no, not like that, you don't have to refuse, i expanded the understanding of unity, synergetic potential,
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synergy. that is, a combination of large-scale, let's say, potentials that give a new quality of potential. so, this synergetics is precisely preparation, action, and results. but these results, if we give them, are equal brigade, then we show what an 800, and practically 1500 km line is. of active defense, it does not become conditional, it becomes real, because these are all the exclusives of the brigades that you are talking about, and those special forces that you are talking about, they simply need to be transformed into communication and content flows of different tempo-rhythms of perception, submission , formats and filling to the level of the world, because
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ukraine... is fighting for a world perspective, and this is not, again, not an allegory, this is reality, and therefore the conversation will give us something or not, at such a statement, the question will be who gave first, and why someone didn't give, because now we have to orient ourselves now, when the elites are practically our diplomatic corps, the authorities, that is, the administration of the supreme commander-in-chief. brought into the mode of understanding the importance, now it is necessary that this importance is again in the horizon of communities and people , that without eliminating the regime that depopulates the environment of its peoples and practically where it is present, we must create opportunities and conditions for peace and humanity in
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civilization dimension. mr. grigory, but under these conditions, the enemy also understands these potential threats from the ukrainian side and begins to act with lies, and truth or lies do not matter there, here is the visit of this scandalously famous journalist tucker carlson to russia, and this interview, that's all a total lie, but the scale of the lie also, well, creates serious challenges for us to be able to... push our own agenda, what are your assessments of this story, how can it be countered, what might the consequences be? this is just an example when a lie is raised the highest level, from which putinism began in general, it began with the fact that the terminology of the right words turned into a demonic tool, precisely the weapon of the regime. a very
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simple example, the understanding of the word russia, peace, negotiations, elections - these are all weapons of this regime. now the example you are talking about, when lies come from the highest political level, many people in the world do not imagine and do not know that it is possible for such an official to speak about this, why? because in... they, for example, in the countries of the free world believe that they, everywhere in the democracies, everywhere mass media everywhere should bring someone to justice for lying, by the way, there is a global problem today that it is necessary to establish a norm of a verbal crime at the international level, a verbal crime in particular, because lying at the global level is practical.. . a crime
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against humanity, and therefore the question of this particular example, it simply shows the scale of actions, we very often say, they tell lies, stupid stupid, and in general it is somehow incomprehensible, why, because we are prepared, we we understand, but there are many countries in the world, here is a very simple example of grain receipts from ukraine. about this, as if it were an obvious thing , few people knew, in fact, where the bread came from, the bread was from ukraine, and the putinites in africa said that they were bringing it because they had given instructions to ukraine to supply something, therefore the topic of lies, misinformation and fakes - these are technological things, these are things that are a challenge for m...


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