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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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the germans say, well, i want to fully confirm, first of all, the words that germany is really doing a lot to help ukraine, even unexpectedly for me, i never thought that i would live to see olaf scholz come to washington and there actually call on the americans to help ukraine more, i always thought that berlin, it is doomed to... to always receive a magical pendulum from washington, to somehow move in this direction, but now the cards and stars are completely unexpected, but as we can see, it's actually very easy to explain why it happens, but anyway, it's something that i'm not even that two years ago, but a year ago i would hardly have been able to believe, but coming back to the reaction... in berlin and
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in general in german society, first of all i want to say that in the german press there is definitely no such fervor regarding the replacement of the commander-in-chief that we observe in the ukrainian media, this is quite understandable, because the german media and the german experts commenting on this topic, they still hold a bit of distance, they don't want, they consider this issue a bit domestically political. at the same time, they do not believe that anything will change very much, i fully support the thesis that, in principle, the person of syrsky, who was allegedly being prepared for the position of commander-in-chief, was not, let’s call it, adequately or correctly promoted to the western reader, so we we really see in many, especially commercial... them
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, theses about, say, the butcher or about the fact that he does not reckon with losses, it seems to me that he is very actively working on this issue and russian propaganda, which in principle is ready to attach any labels to any ukrainian officer, commander, which will turn away from him both the western audience and the ukrainian audience, i am definitely not ready to comment on the competence of mr. syrskyi, unless i really see that... this person showed himself as a successful military officer, an experienced officer not only under mr. zelenskyi, so i am also a little skeptical of the thesis that he will be a dry puppet of the bank, maybe i, i don't have enough information, but let's go let's remember that mr. tsirskyi started his career with...
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his career began under mr. poroshenko and continued under mr. zelenskyi, so i think that to write off his competence as a military man just because somewhere we are in some anonymous telegram channel read something bad about him, and then not very competent western journalists retold the same thing that they also read on the same telegram channel, it’s not worth it, there are examples of more, i think, balanced and successful journalism, for example, today it is clear that there is a certain information vacuum regarding the identity of mr. syrsky, and for example, the german public broadcaster, ard, he published a rather long article with expert comments about who he is, where he came from, and the emphasis, in fact, i would highlight in this article three emphases: firstly, his successes in the defense of kyiv and kharkiv, that is, at least part
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of the ... tsk forces recognize him as a fairly successful commander, and secondly, not a commander, but a commander, he became a commander only now, and thirdly, this is exactly how syrian will be able to cope, it is clear that he will not only, he will not cope with it, but one way or another, since during his term of office, if you can call it that, it will be possible to solve the question of mobilization, because again, quoting the words of mr. who, he is a supporter of the rotation of the military on the front, and the rotation of the military on the front is impossible without providing the army with additional human resources, and this in turn leads us to the question of mobilization, what will it be, here already german journalists are asking themselves, because they understand that it is quite sensitive and difficult question for ukrainian society, and therefore i wouldn't say what the new commander-in-chief is asking... right away
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, very super skeptical, but really i notice the fact that, well, at least, again, i won't talk about how much he is good, bad. how insensitive he is to losses, but i definitely notice that topics about his insensitivity to losses are spread not only by ukrainians, but also by people whom, i would say, you can suspect that they are ready to play a little along with russian propaganda, and we know that propaganda is most ideal when she gives away an extremely big problem from some real things, and where there is no such thing, she makes it up, so i think... about the competence of mr. syrsky, let the military speak better, but the fact that this topic has really become a moment that they will try to give away russians, this is clear, and it is very important for us, as ukrainians abroad , to oppose this and not allow this narrative
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to spread further, because in any language it harms us. thank you alexander. colleagues, in a few minutes we will return to our studio, a small one. pause, hello, this is svoboda morning, rfe/rl's information project, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live coverage, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00. friends, we continue our broadcast, the second part of the verdict continues, my name is serhiy rudenko, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey, we are asking you on youtube about the following: do you understand the reasons for the resignation of the meritorious officer, yes, no, the question is quite simple, as
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are the answers, so please go to youtube and vote don't forget to put like this video, and write comments under this video. let me remind you that tatyana is visiting us today. vysotska, maria gurska and oleksandr golubov, my colleagues who work in warsaw, strasbourg and bonn. well, i think that you must have seen today, either excerpts or the whole interview, putin and kerr carson, well, in poland, there is probably quite a lot of commenting on this interview, especially insults against the poles, about the second world war , and not only before the second world war, but... putin's answers about the fact that if the poles do not attack us attack, then in principle we will not attack poland. maria, is there a reaction in warsaw and in general in the polish press, in general, to this interview, since, as russian
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propagandists boast, more than 60 million people, if i am not mistaken, maybe even more now at this minute, people on the planet have watched it interview, and what, what, what did you hear? and what conclusions do you have in general from this big two-hour conversation, where 20 minutes was a pseudo- history of ukraine and russia? in general, i have such personal conclusions that astrid lindergelen was shame on carlson, but of course this is a joke, if we talk about poland, i think the poles were most affected by this interview, because poland was mentioned by putin 36 times. and actually the commentators in the polish media say that there is nothing fundamentally new, after all, putin did not say anything, and carlson is a useful idiot. well, here it is also worth quoting the spokesperson of the european commission, stan, who even before the publication of this interview said
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that putin is a chronic liar. that is, it is, in most cases, at least clear, at least in poland, and it is also worth quoting deputy prime minister, chief minister. of the defense of poland, władysław kosyniak kamysh , who said that when putin says that he will not attack poland, it is known that he cannot be trusted, because he also promised not to attack ukraine, so he cannot be trusted. well , my colleagues from the polish media say that it is a shameful situation when a journalist becomes a tool of a big criminal, i will also quote here a fragment of our conversation with the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish diet. which will be available on espresso already this sunday at 10 p.m., i literally asked him that a few hours ago about this, about the aspect that affected me personally, that trump calls carlson his future vice president, a candidate for the presidency of the united states, this is how donald trump
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says that he trusts this person, and actually i asked the polish politician , how to explain that the wing of the republicans, which is looking for such close... contacts with the kremlin cannibals, has such huge support in the united states of america, and what a polish politician answered me that trump is mostly supported after all small. witnessed and intimidated people, and the representatives of his own party, he has already intimidated so much that they are afraid to stick their nose out, so that he does not start taking revenge on them later, and yet , actually, the participation and victory of donald trump in this election race in the united states america is now under a big question, but as for poland, let's quote polish prime minister donald tusk, who did not comment on putin's interview. on carlson, but literally today also stated, probably not by accident, addressing the american senators that
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they should be ashamed of their position, and this the entire former head of the european union, well , i hope that the example of poland, which at the end of last year elected a democratic government and protected democracy in its country, will also be able to inspire americans not to support such figures who have no professionalism or moral compass, thank you , thank you maria, our... will we show viewers a small clip of president putin telling carson that russia has not achieved its goals in the war against ukraine? no, we have not yet achieved our goals, because one of the goals is denazification, meaning prohibition all kinds of neo-nazi movements, this is one of the problems that we discussed during the negotiation process that ended in istanbul last year, not on our initiative. because the europeans, in particular , told us that it was necessary to create the conditions for the final signing of the documents, my colleagues
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in france and germany said: well, as you can imagine, they will sign the contract with a presented pistol to the temple of the head, it is necessary to withdraw the troops from kyiv, fine , we withdrew the troops from kyiv, as soon as we withdrew the troops from kyiv, immediately ours ukrainian negotiators threw into the trash all our agreements reached in istanbul and prepared for ... armed confrontation with the help of the united states and its satellites in europe. petya, what are the satellites in europe? did you watch carson or not? watched, satellites in europe watched carlson, i watched it in its entirety, from beginning to end, of course, and i completely share the impressions that the spokeswoman of the european commission expressed today at the briefing, she... they said that they had not heard anything new from putin in the european commission , because he repeated the old lies and manipulations,
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trying to somehow justify his aggression against ukraine. but it is interesting that the spokeswoman of the european commission drew attention to one of his phrases: that russia will fight for its interests to the end, and from this concluded that putin is not going to move towards peace in any way and is only going to continue his aggression against. as he is actually doing it now, and if we talk about the general impression, for example, the same european brussels twitter, it is interesting that there are a lot of people over putin they laugh, just this one of his is such a multi-minute, half-hour or even excursion into the past , many european photo frogs have already been created on this topic, for example, he is asked why you attacked ukraine, he says: a million years ago the earth was covered by water, and somehow that 's how he answered carlson's question, it was
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funny, so putin is not particularly afraid in europe, but they are also worried that he is not going to stop his aggressive efforts in ukraine yet and is also looking at europe. thank you, alexander, in germany they probably pay attention to how putin quite often juggles the nazis. neo-nazis , because this is such a difficult topic in general for modern germany and for the past of germany, what do germans say about putin and carson and about nazis, neo-nazis, well, i will not sign for all germans, but german chancellor olaf scholz is quite direct said that what putin announced. voiced in this interview today, this is some very absurd and unrealistic reading of history that has no
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nothing to do with reality, firstly, and secondly, it definitely does not justify the start of this war, and he directly said that the reason for this war, no matter what putin says, is simply the desire to seize more ukrainian land, and that that is, here i think that ... the fact that a german politician, especially one who is very cautious, very conservative in his statements, as mr. scholz calls such things in the direct text, then there are no questions about this, and ... i have to say , which i think also most germans have no illusions about what carlson can be called a journalist, sorry, but comparing carlson magazine with journalists, who was fired from fox news for lying and manipulation, is actually the same as being fired from the gestapo for excessive
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brutality, and well, that is, quite expectedly german. the media write about the fact that he actually gave putin a very soft, it cannot be called an interview, it is actually just propaganda material, that he spoke essentially, well, they call it there, conditionally speaking, a participant in a special information operation, but actually , in fact, they did it, i.e. he, by the way, quoted polish politicians who... were quite harsh in their statements about this, that actually kalson was holding the microphone in front of a liar and a murderer, so again, it's quite unusual for the german media, so i i think that the reaction of the majority of germans here is quite understandable and expected, everyone
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understands everything and everyone calls things by their names, it is clear that there is a certain part of germans who are sympathetic. to extreme right-wing ideas or extreme left-wing ideas, but they still loved the alternative for germany party, considered putin the savior of europe's conservative values, but some of them are already being tried for pochu's attempt and so on and so on, it's a long story for germany, but we have, we just have to finish, now we're off the air, sorry, we have timing , oleksandr golubov, tetyana vysotska, maria gurska were guests of our today. thank you colleagues for participating in the program. in the course of our program, we conducted a survey, we asked you about whether you understood the reasons for the resignation for being rude, on youtube. 15% said yes, 85% don't know the reasons for the resignation are undeserved, or they say that these reasons are not clear. let's put an end to this, it was the verdict program of serhiy rudenko, i'll say goodbye to you until
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monday at 8:00 p.m., goodbye. welcome to the spresso channel. today in our program we will of course talk about the front and weapons. but is limiting the enemy's ability to generate or restore its energy there or industrial capabilities a front in our war with the russian federation? of course there is. if so, is it possible? it is possible to undermine russia's ability to continue the war only with blows to its industry, energy and defense enterprises. and whether information is a weapon in its delivery in the form of either truth or lies, and how this weapon is used by our enemy and how we use it, and whether there are any new technologies that have
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a powerful effect in the conditions of this war. so , the front and weapons are now a lot in... measurable and about how ukraine and our partners act on various fronts and with what consequences we will talk about this with our leading experts in the war and weapons program, and of course, including in the context of changes in leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. my name is serhii zgurets, i am the director of the information and consulting company defense express, which, together with kanal espresso , aims to highlight the most relevant trends in the life of our defense industry, the military and international. and now we are joined by the president of the center for global studies strategy 21, mykhailo gonchar, one of the best, in my opinion, experts in the field of energy and military security, mr. mykhailo, i congratulate you, i am glad to see and hear, good health, i congratulate you, mr. serhiy and viewers of lvivexpress, there are many questions
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related to the events of this month, this week and even the last few days, and here are important accents. and nada's points, which , i hope, you will help us put in place, and i will start first of all with such a profile question, which comes from the fact that in the course of a month, at least seven objects in the territory of the russian federation, which are related to the energy sector, have undergone such significant strikes by our unmanned systems, it seems that more than 100 billion or 100 million, rather 100 billion, damages were caused. dollars for of the russian federation, and the question arises whether this is such a significant new trend that can really significantly weaken russia's defense capabilities. and is it possible, first of all , to make a single bet on this in order to force the enemy to abandon further aggressive actions. thanks, good question. well,
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of course, there can't be any bet on one type of weapon that will bring victory, and you also can't bet on defeating something alone that will also ensure victory, so there should be classics here. complex the use of the force of means and the defeat of the enemy not only on the front line in its operational depth, so to speak, but also in the strategic one, and in principle the fact that the objects of the fuel infrastructure in the depths of russia, the european part of russia, began to be affected , i think, precisely an indicator that there has been a transition to such a ... more comprehensive approach to a war of attrition, because as russia has switched to this format of a long-term war of attrition, and from
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the very beginning it is shooting at our entire territory to its entire strategic depth, and we are would speaking were limited only to actions on the front line and near the state border, then actually this asymmetry is, i would say unnatural. so now there is a corresponding compensation and use of those new opportunities, i have a long hand in the opportunities that have appeared with the appearance of new, more powerful and more far-reaching unmanned aerial vehicles of the strike model, so this is absolutely the right strategy, it actually has now acquired of a more complex nature, because if we remember in the 22nd, in the second half and... in the 23rd year, attacks were carried out, including against those objects that are currently being attacked in the area of ​​southern russia, but
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the peculiarity of this year, so to speak, is that they reached both the baltic and the continental depths of the european part of russia, that is , everything must be continued here, there must be a system and consistency, i finally understood why i got confused in these indicators, the point is that... last year this trade in hydrocarbons brought russia about 100 billion dollars, that is, actually the sanctions we are talking about there they spoke in different formats, after all , russia has bypassed, and this way of living on hydrocarbons, it seems to be preserved, are there any decision steps that can limit this maneuver of russia in this segment, what decisions can be made and how do they work in general then sanctions in the energy segment and in other directions? says, have they not exhausted themselves, are there mechanisms, means, well, to really use them as an effective way to put pressure on russia? uh, well, first of all, i doubt that the figure
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of about 100 billion dollars is correct, according to our calculations, it was much higher amount, another matter is that part of this money, well, if there are petrodollars, but there are petroyuans, petrorupies, which, so to speak, reduce... the possibility of maneuver for the kremlin, but we see that the war budget is provided, and it is not only indicator of russia's gdp growth for the past year, because according to the idea, sanctions should stop this process, not just stop the process of gdp growth, on the contrary , collapse it, we do not see any collapse. yes, we see serious problems brewing in the russian economy, but so to speak, roughly speaking, money for war enough, for now at least. and the russian budget for the 24th year is drawn up in such a way that in the first half of the year they throw as much money as possible into this hotbed of war, and they
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are doing it, and that is why it once again emphasizes the relevance of strikes by the defense forces of ukraine on strategic russian enterprises. in this case, i mean not only the enterprise of the fuel and energy complex. now regarding the sanctions, well yes, they work, you can't say that... they don't work, because the trade of russia and the european union and the g7 countries in in principle, it collapsed, but on the other hand , sanctions do not work as they should work, that is, they do not stop russian aggression, and the purpose of the sanctions was precisely to force russia to refuse, or rather not to refuse, but to make it impossible... . the functioning of this engine of aggression, that is, this inflow of these cash flows , which make it possible to feed the war budget, in this sense, sanctions do not work, moreover,
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we see that if the sanctions package on oil and oil products somehow works there, and indeed, russia received much less revenue than it was in the 22nd year, but those revenues that came in are somewhere at a level slightly lower than in the 21st year before the trade, so this money is enough, and therefore, accordingly, the language it is about the fact that the sanctions should not just be should be improved and patched holes, some holes are patched, others will appear, a more comprehensive approach is needed, and in particular , when we look at it, the big hole is the lack of a gas package of sanctions, no a smaller hole is the absence of a nuclear package of sanctions, more than that, here is the message that in general in russia, so to speak , they are mocking and proud that the united states has beaten. a record
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for the import of russian uranium raw materials, they bought as much as 1.2 billion dollars, which is almost twice as much as usual, so to speak, the nuclear sanctions package is on the agenda, in the plan of the macphail yermak group, it has been since april 2022, and in fact, if it turns out that the fact that sanctions against rosatom are ignored are sanctions against... not just against some corporate structure, it is one of such, one of such stony ridges of russia in its expansion. moreover, it ignores the fact that precisely the largest division of rosatom is the military division that is engaged in the production of nuclear warheads, that is, roughly speaking, the americans themselves finance the strategic nuclear
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threat to themselves with their own funds, so... because what they buy in rosatom, as if for the needs of nuclear energy, of course, but in fact it all goes to the needs of the nuclear, nuclear industry of russia and the russian strategic nuclear forces and not only strategic, that's why there are such things, such big gaps, they seem to require a new approach, but when various discussions were held in davos, behind the scenes it was also said that it is necessary to... move from sanctions packages to a policy of total economic isolation of russia, with the western side is meant, because of course china, india, and turkey will not join it there, but we perfectly understand that if sector-specific restrictions on the part of western countries regarding russia were introduced in the 22nd and 23rd years, and now the next and 13th and 14th will be discussed there,
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definitely. not the 15th package, but each of them becomes more and more small and does not give an effect in the end, so we are talking about a turn to a fundamentally new policy, to what extent the measure will be ready for this, we will see, i think, in the coming months, well, it is very interesting, but we understand that there are currently several ways, sanctions, a change in approaches to limiting the potential of the russian federation, and on the other hand, it is a strengthening of our actual capabilities, and now this is... a somewhat difficult, if not a stalemate, situation when we are now very much looking forward to receiving american aid, primarily military, financial aid, and i would like to ask you how you assess the prospects, whether it might happen that, relatively speaking, this internal turmoil in the states related to reaching a compromise will last so long that it is negative or radically will have a negative impact on our
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front line, what is your prediction, what is yours? grades? well, probably, it is hardly necessary to make any catastrophic forecasts, although the situation is really difficult, and what is more, if the problems in this situation are added by inadequate actions on the part of the highest political leadership, because what the enemy wants most in the classics of military art is to disorganize the enemy. and, above all, its armed forces, and when during a critical period of ukraine's defense , the supreme command is replaced by the armed forces, this is a step towards the disorganization of ukraine's defense.


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