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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 6:00am-6:30am EET

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opponent, stay on the espresso channel. there are 10% discounts on bronkhalyk in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on penger and herpavir, 15% in psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies.
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exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, the politclub on the espresso tv channel airs the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on...
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moscow and other cities of russia, analysis of processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, however, it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 13:10 with a repeat on sunday at 10:10. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. verdict
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with serhii rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you you can express your opinion on the malice of the day for with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and get involved, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on... channels espresso and ukrainian pen present the project own names with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. we will find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests - special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday the 17th.
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us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities. greetings, dear viewers, on espresso tv channel, studio zahid program, we will analyze the most important events of this week, which will undoubtedly determine the events of the coming months. our guests today are matthew bryza and mark fagin. the tv channel is now on the air mark feigin, a figure of the russian opposition, will work. in exile, former state duma deputy, iconic video blogger. glory to ukraine, mark, congratulations. glory, greetings, anton, greetings to all viewers. well, carlson landed in moscow. so we understand that probably none of the journalists received such honors. he was literally carried around like a sack. and so, the key story
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is not even what putin said in the carlson interview, the key story is why this representative was so gently perceived in moscow. dangerous imperialist journalism, and what he could bring, so we understand that carlson is not carlson himself. carlson is a person extremely close to one of the candidates, the main candidates for the position of president of the united states, and it is possible that he could even occupy a very high position in the event of trump's victory. well, what can i say, what can i say here: the visit is somewhat unexpected, a picture of him in the... big theater appeared in the kremlin public in a telegram, you know, since soviet times it has been a tradition to honor guests with space, ballet and something similar, so it is no coincidence that he was there with fsb operatives, i think he may or may not have known, but he was certainly accompanied, there was some kind of escort right in the big theater, and
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even then it was clear that he had arrived. putin gave this interview, as if sending a message to trump, that it is publicly heard that we are ready to negotiate, we cannot negotiate with this administration, they do not... hear us, we want to negotiate with someone new, who will become the master of the oval office in january 2025 , that we are ready to cooperate with america, and that there is mutual understanding with america, it can also be achieved with the next administration and so on, but the price of the issue is ukraine, then we are ready to negotiate. this is, if briefly and succinctly, the main leip-motif of the interview that carlson showed. now regarding the personality of carlson himself. you know what's in the american press. in some places there are reports that trump considers him as one of the candidates for the nomination for the post of vice president from the republican party. desantis was also mentioned there, although it seems that trump himself did not have a relationship with desantis, others were called. so , to claim that carlson cannot end up in
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the post of vice president, i personally do not believe that he will become a candidate for vice presidents and vice president under trump, but besides that, if the american press writes about it, it is not accidental. does trump have a completely secret trump? all the same, that moscow is obvious, and that he could then withdraw ready to cooperate. i think that trump and his entourage already have channels, and for that they do not need a publicly confirmed carlson to specifically lead something there. i think there is exchange opportunities for sure. but the public element is important here. on the other hand, weight. this carlson, he has a youtube account, he has already left fox news, he has 800 or 900 thousand subscribers there, i'm afraid to tell you. yes, of course, some of his videos have 2-3 million views, and with putin it will be a huge view. it can be expected that tizar
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, with the performance he showed for free with free access to the interview with putin, has already been viewed by almost 10 million. that is, the interview with putin will also have as many views. as well as articulates carlson, says: we have a right to know, we must find out what is happening. mark, look, well, the key story is what was in the pockets of carlson, who was going to putin, and what did he stuff, some kind of information baggage or some kind of information package, he stuffed it in his bosom when he was returning to trump, here is the key story, here it is the signals there are unspoken, unarticulated publicly. i will say right away that i believe that trump is wrong about putin, he is certain as a developer. he has just such a psychology, the psychology of a businessman, in addition, he is semi-criminal, semi-eccentric, a person who is either casino, or women, or beauty contests, and not some
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warren buffett, who is always about one thing. lyuberetsk developer, is there luzhnikovsky or sonevsky? beauty, a bit of cinema, it's all some kind of mass media, he probably thinks like this: listen, don't negotiate, you get 20% of ukraine, we take 80, great business, you get a bare 20%. these are the territories and all the preferences are related to access to the sea, is there any new geopolitical situation for you? putin doesn't want 20%, he wants 100%, that's it important to understand. and here is the hope that even if trump wins the election, they will not agree, because 20% is not enough for putin. moreover, 100% of ukraine is not enough for him, his goal is what was stated in his memorandum in december 2021. the entire former eastern bloc, its demilitarization from the borders in may 1997, before the
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nato membership of these countries. that's what he's going to push for, and the hope is that they don't end up making a deal, because for trump it was a concession on air trade. i i think that putin can now maneuver without revealing all his cards. he wants to have just... an atmosphere in the united states, in the political establishment or in power, in which trump can come to be talked to at all. secondly, there are sanctions, and oil, and an embargo, and the removal of his status as a war criminal, all this putin wants, of course, and will make these demands, it goes without saying, we understand it, but this is only a derivative of the main demand about the fact that he wants all of ukraine, he never did will be content with the fact that he... kept 20%, and 80% will go to nato and the european union. this is important to understand. they
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will never agree on this, even with such a convenient negotiating partner for him as trump. in my personal opinion, trump knows where to stop. also because such a task of positions is unacceptable for the american elite, for the american doctrine, for everything that the united states has done in the last 30-35 years after the fall of communism. wins in... some kind of framework offer, an invitation to a party, therefore, in reality, carlson can only conduct what is called, behind which he does not even hide, even in this interview, maybe somewhere out of sight, out of the interview, out of the frame, it was about this. no need to start a dialogue, no need to negotiate, we can agree on everything, i am open to everything, i am ready for everything, it was in such expressions that putin could convey something to trump. we hope that... the current president biden will be able to implement what was announced or promised, but
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we see that everything somehow slips again and again, on in your opinion, what are the possible undercurrents , yes, well, on the one hand, we understand that the republicans are for ukraine, yes, but in fact we see that they cannot come to an agreement, and everyone is starting to shake this unfortunate border with mexico, yes , which has also gained importance, i don't know... it works, but it can't be seen outside the context of the election. the election in america is a determining factor, in which the republicans are definitely using the situation, perhaps the pressure on the democratic administration, biden himself, on his entourage in order to achieve maximum benefit for themselves in the elections, because the dispute about the border, about illegal migrants, by the way, the biden administration is resisting, he says. let in 5 thousand migrants a day , and the republicans say 10, now they go and
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insist that not a single person at all, which looks quite logical and correct from the side of the same republicans, but the problem is why it is associated with ukraine, why it interconnection with international issues, which, to put it mildly, is not included in the american agenda at all, the ukrainian issue is not affects neither taxes, nor migrants, nor reform. health in the united states, not for anything, just cynical american politics, whether we like it or not, is determined in many ways by the nomination of trump, because if nikki haley were nominated, this problem would not exist, she, if she had had a high rating and was the first applicant, then most likely such a situation would not have arisen. american senators, republicans, whose influence on the issue depends on trump's opinion, they seek their re-election. republican the electorate largely supports him, there the price of the issue is six republicans who
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constantly torture the rest and the head of the speaker of the house of representatives, johnson. six people who can throw their votes into the balance, taking into account the democratic votes, and re-elect speaker johnson. this is not beneficial to him, so he slows down the inclusion of the issue on the agenda. we'll see how it ends, we don't decide in advance, we'll see, but this... blocking is caused precisely by the actions of rabid trump supporters with the help of republican congressmen, the fact remains the fact , somehow it turns out that some small group sets up for... and maybe it also somehow fits, i don't know, into the program regarding ukraine, well, i wouldn't like to be quite so pessimistic a conspiracy theorist, but such a strange coincidence , you understand, when the americans cannot find money and promises,
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promises, promises, it is also a very profitable moment for the democratic administration, because... president biden, apart from the decision of congress, has the opportunity to help with weapons and military aid, first of all. there is one the possibility of bypassing congress with its decisions on the budget of the pentagon, etc., but what does he say? he says: no, we will not do this, let all the responsibility be on the republicans, if they refuse to allocate these 60 billion, let them be responsible for everything. that is, it is some kind of game on the part of the democrats. we know that within the democratic administration of the territory, it is not yet known that there are even parameters of possible negotiations with moscow that would be beneficial to ukraine, we do not know, because the previous conditions for the release of the occupied territories are rejected by moscow as well, and
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in general the west also calmly reacts to this ultimatum from moscow. so yes, you can assume that... i'm willing to help, i 've even made concessions on the borders, i'm ready for a fence on the mexican border, but they don't want it, you see how the republicans behave, in an ultimate manner, so for some part biden's entourage, giving him additional points, it is profitable to present it so that the problem is only with the republicans, here, of course, there is a more complicated pattern of the game. conclusion: ukraine has become a hostage of the election campaign in the united states, and it will probably continue this way until november. we 're already in february, there's at least another six months to go, but sooner or later it has to end. well, in any case, in the near future putin is going to visit his esteemed partner erdogan. well, we understand that
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syria, libya, the red sea, these are all understandable stories, but let putin go personally. so he must bring something, hear something and get something. i believe that putin is traveling with two countries to agree. he was in saudi arabia before that, and now he will go to turkey to choose or propose the format of the negotiations regarding ukraine, either the istanbul one, which already took place, or the summit in jeddah, which took place in august last year, which was hosted by saudi arabia and where negotiations were held with trump as the future president. it will already be in november. and it is possible that the venue, naturally no one will go to moscow or washington, can be istanbul, jeddah or riyadh, this is the global south, it can host, and not some kind of geneva, as was the case with biden. it seems to me that putin
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is interested in the support of such an idea from the global south, the initiators. summit in jeddah, saudi arabia and other countries, and the istanbul format was already in 2022, and putin now appeals to it, says: "you fools, you didn't agree with us then." so, i can well assume that, in addition to other issues related to the relations between turkey and moscow, erdogan and putin, it will be a priority to resume negotiations on their site on favorable terms for putin. i think, that he will negotiate about it. speaking of these o... framework putin's visions and proposals, we remember, yes, how many throwaways there were dedicated to the istanbul format, throwaways, i don't know, careless wording and so on and so on and so on, well, they tried to make the extremes of the time of the prime minister of great britain boris johnson, although in any case we understand that it was not his decision, not his vision,
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simply, a collective measure could not accept such a thing, there was a withdrawal from the istanbul agreements, there was a withdrawal from the istanbul agreements. combined decision, the deanery in buch really influenced the readiness of the west at that moment in the spring of 22 to supply weapons in significant quantities so that ukraine could defend itself. and the positions of ukrainian society were taken into account. ukrainian society did not want any agreements through concessions. plus , it was clear that the success against which these negotiations began. moskovskyi, when they hit ukraine on february 24 and approached the kyiv region, it turned out to be imaginary, that is, the opportunity to implement this plan was very small, because in general the kyiv region... is protected and moscow's losses were huge, besides, they were not ready, the plan provided for three days or 7 days, maybe a month, that is, a short period of time, blitz-krieg, it
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choked and no one was ready to continue exactly in the form of a blitzkrieg, it was necessary to withdraw, regroup and start a long, long war, which is happening now, you know, i think that it was not some kind of ... the right decision to refuse negotiations then. the problem is not that ukraine left the negotiations. the west had other intentions then, and that the west is not fulfilling its obligations, let's say frankly, with regard to the supply of such weapons as it has promised. ukraine did not ask for an event within the framework of ramstein, the big seven, two nato summits already. he promised to supply these weapons. i remember
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that the liberation of kherson happened against the background of the successful kharkiv operation, and there were promises that almost tomorrow we would provide rockets to the attacks, icebreakers and the rest in order to finish this matter on the battlefield, but nothing happened, they are nothing provided at the end of the winter of 2023, when the documents were revealed and it turned out that at all the supply of these weapons, which were promised, and tanks and the rest, is being delivered very slowly, and that in general the offensive will not start in march, april, or may, because there are simply understaffed, undertrained soldiers of the ukrainian army, as promised in the right number, unsupplied weapons, the agreements were different in the event and the promises of the event were different, so
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now this problem cannot be blamed only on ukraine, they say that their counteroffensive choked, or rather did not fulfill the tasks that were set before it, but you fulfilled all commitment to ukraine... putin was given a break for at least six months, he managed to create the notorious three -row surovikin line, minefields and a sea of ​​other things. thus, he created a favorable position for himself for negotiations, so he can now press. there is only one problem: if the west did not give in to this pressure, putin would not achieve anything, nothing. this is solely due to the weakness of the west caused by the elections, in which
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even a democratic incumbent administration is forced to maneuver and not make drastic moves in order to get through the election period with relatively the voters' calm attitude towards themselves, without giving reasons for intensifying criticism from trump and the republicans. so the negotiations will only resume. under the new administration , under the previous one, there is no chance for this , do you think it will fit into the agenda of putin's russian self-reappointment, this is the story with the war, and how ready they will be, so to speak, to go to the end in what is called existential war. it is not the voters' votes that are important, he himself determines how many votes he will get, to him... it really belongs to putin it is important, it is pointless to deny it, and
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he monitors public sentiments, they have nothing to do with the results of the elections, even if you imagine that 90% are against putin, putin would not give up power, he secured the result with bayonets and defended it, would write that he has 90% and would not give it to people. to come out and be indignant at this violation, substitution or falsification of the results, but the mood is still important, he must control it, it must correspond to his wishes, his intentions, that is, so that in no case comes a serious, irreconcilable contradiction, you can't replace the real picture only with virtual, invented elections and their results, you can't, people still have to remain loyal, he keeps an eye on it, the war is definitely a stimulant. people began to live worse, someone is sent to the front, someone is in the army, someone got scared and left, relocated outside of russia, and wants to return, etc., that is, a lot of problems
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related to the war. how about another way? putin cannot take a break, he is now, as forbes writes, i read this article, preparing to offensive in the kharkiv region, it is possible that this is an ambush and a pso, perhaps the actions of the russian army, the kremlin, are precisely such as to provoke the expectation of an invasion from the belgorod region, for example, to kharkiv or kupyansk, it does not matter, they say that on kup' yansk concentrated 500 tanks, a tank army there, armored vehicles, armored vehicles, in the same amount, and 40 thousand troops. that is, the situation here looks like putin would naturally want more success, to take kupyan or avdiivka, which he did not take, by the way, which was not predicted as for avdiivka, she has two weeks left, that's all, but putin didn't take her, it's important for him to get this result, but he won't risk too much until march 17, there are six weeks left, not so much.
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to live horizontally for these six weeks until march 17, and then to start some new efforts in a new situation with a new government, new powers, possibly established in the new government by his successors, daughters, close people, who are really children, descendants, which is what putin wants, certainly. then, to me it seems that the option of an offensive is more realistic, in my opinion, there is not much time left before the elections, but let's imagine that they will go to kupy tomorrow. "i was there in kupyansk, many people say, what do you talk about all the time, i can testify as a person who was there, not according to the globe or the stories of others or telegram channels, i saw the splinter at the bottom of kupyansk , i don’t know how to overcome it without huge losses, probably everything is possible in the world, they have a lot of shells, the north koreans are supplying them, they will bombard the whole city with them, but i repeat, just overcome this
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absolutely impossible. the officers showed me, they were stationed there, it is not very visible from the position even with binoculars, because the distance is great. i mean, i don't see how it can be done in six weeks. and here is avdiyivka , there are no such problems there, the terrain is flat, but they did not reach it either, so i think that this is a more long-term plan, and not one that he wants to show the russian voters the result before the elections, look, i took kupliansk. it seems that there will be enough time for this. thank you very much mark for this extremely interesting conversation, i would like to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, a figure of the russian opposition in exile, a former member of the state duma and a well-known blogger, was currently working on spresso. professional cream against fix is ​​an extra strong fixation for all types of
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dentures. protefix is ​​worn on wet prostheses - german quality at an affordable price, there are discounts on pectal one plus 10% in psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. exclusively on the air of our channel, congratulations friends, on the air politclub on the espresso tv channel, the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland, topics that resonate in our society: drone attacks on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu.
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vitaly portnikov. and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, help to understand the present and predict the future, for world, trump's second presidency will be terrible. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.


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