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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 1:00pm-1:30pm EET

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they say that, well, then some of our readers will not read us, if you and we will post your materials, this is it, mr. oleksandr, if, if we were not sure of your anti-russian in a healthy sense from the ukrainian position, position, we would they hardly talked to you at all now in this studio, it is completely natural, it seems to me unnatural now, that they are silent, so what is your attitude, by the way, to this opinion, mr. oleksandr, president vučuch, that russians in serbia are anti-russians?
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ukraine, then you have to ask ukraine itself, how does she relate to this organization, does she have any objections, and of course , what showed that, sorry, this is not some ukrainian organization, medvedchuk is not a positional politician, he is a traitor to the motherland, these are two different big things, so we we demand that this organization... be closed, they offer those ukrainians there, not that they unite politically around them, for example, there is some kind of holiday and you need gifts for children, then call us, we will give you these gifts, for the new year , please, let's organize something, there are funds and so on, so it is obvious that the teachers, meant that this organization is active, but is it so ... massive, well, i'm not sure if
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there are any supporters of medvedchuk who fled ukraine, well, i don't rule it out, but are they in the majority, well, of course, what what no, but are there - russians in belgrade, only in belgrade 100 thousand, 100 thousand, is it putin's opposition, well, well, they are doing their own business, russia sent 200 fsbshniks there, fsbshniks to... scouts, and fsbshniks, this counterintelligence, yes, who are following these 100 thousand russians, and belgrade, unfortunately, gave they are fine with the fact that they do not get involved in political projects that are not needed, there the russian opposition in belgrade held a little more than one meeting six months ago so that they, on the territory of russia, feel... it is uncomfortable, so russian
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special serbian special services wrote down everything that was said there, and the head of the special service went to moscow and handed it over to patrusheva, thanked him, then gave him a certificate, and so on, this is for the general understanding of who is pro-russian and who is pro-ukrainian studio, thank you, mr. oleksandr, oleksandr levchenko, ambassador of the republic of croatia to bosnia and herzegovina in 10-17. we're going to break now for a couple of minutes, but you stay with us. kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium, normalizes the heart rate , and increases physical and mental performance. kratal, a natural power for your heart. there are 15% discounts on glycyset and glycysed max. in pharmacies plantain pam
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we continue the saturday political club and vitaly portnikov will now reflect for us at the main event, it's called yes, well, i 'm not saying to teach us, am i? about what will happen next , many outline their condition, i am so worried, the last time i was there was on february 24, i understand that it is all emotions, but we are really now in a stage where our military leadership is changing, the president promised, that certain changes must also take place in the political sense, we will talk about this separately, however... with great gratitude to valery zaluzhny, we are now focusing on the situation with oleksandr's hate cirsky i don't know if you, mr. vitaly , are watching this, but in my opinion, this is a very disturbing story, which only confirms the thesis that you voiced in this studio, the new head will be
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a hostage of the popularity of the predecessor, well, well, it's clear, why, yes, it is so, how dangerous it is for such a structure as the defense forces, and during... war and for the new chief of staff, who should be focused on fulfilling his tasks, and there is at least no corresponding trust from society, well, that's about objective reality, mrs. khrystyna, we they talked about it, i said that there is a simple formula, if there is such trust in valery zaloshny, maybe someone there considers it excessive, but it is connected with the first months of the war, when many ukrainians believed that the russians were about to in kiev. that they will take over the country, that they will destroy the ukrainian state, and they were stopped by the army led by valery zalozhny, and volodymyr zelensky himself was one of the authors of this idea of ​​reality, that the army is our main strength, that we have yes, he said so then, so everything we have means
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if the army is headed by valery zaluzhnyi, our president organizes aid to ukraine, everyone said that what is the main merit of the president, he does not command the troops, he mobilizes the whole world for help. to ukraine, ugh, the moral leader of the civilized world, as we liked to say, well, this is the moral leader of the civilized world, and this is the person who leads this army that stopped navala. in principle, volodymyr zelenskyy himself should understand what kind of society he is dealing with, because if it were a different society, he would now would lead the troupe of the 95th quarter, not the president of ukraine. society mythologized him, invented him, gave him the features it would like to see. in a person who is at the head of the state and who voted for him to the position of president, despite all the convictions that the hopes of the vast majority of people, who they invested in this figure, will not come true , but this, that and this, what happened, the president himself once summarized this, i would say, in one of
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his speeches, he said that, what they say there, what will happen in said that if his will be elected president, then there will be war, trouble, the dollar is about 40, but nothing happened, well... okay, this is such a harsh reality, but who said that it cannot be spread to some other people, especially in the ukrainian situation , this is not russia, in russia, if you are making it up. a myth, they live with this myth for ten years, and this myth ends after a few years, about two or three, if necessary, by these, successors, assistants, after being brought to the mausoleum, here, let's say, there volodymyr lyach lenin was brought to the mausoleum, he remained forever a myth, because yes stalin wanted, stalin was included in the same mausoleum 30 years later. but his successors needed him not to be such a myth,
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and immediately russians and all soviet people, oh, and we didn’t know who we loved and what it was, but by the way, it didn’t work out very well, now the vast majority of russians , as you know, adores stalin, this myth remained, despite all the efforts of the state apparatus, in ukraine, as you know. elect a hetman, immediately say: "oh father, love of the nation, you will save us in two or three years", oh, scoundrel, damn, he robbed us, unloved, dear, that’s all this bullshit, well, it’s so, so, society is so different, that’s why russia is an empire, and ukraine is an anarchist army that became part of this empire, well, that’s how it is in general and in history develops, and there is nothing bad or good about it, it is a trend. so, a person who leads such a state with a tendency to idolize and quick anarchism must realize that this happens to
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others, and use this trust, as we said, but hope that if you remove a person on the thread of public trust in him from position, then you can kiss her, give her the title of hero, but the problem is that trust in you will fall, and in the person you appoint to the position that was held by this person who has trust, objectively speaking, we are not discussing now, let's say yes, i draw one or the other, it will not exist, mistakes will be hypertrophied and successes will decrease, trust is a big thing, i told you, i have already told you many times, and i tell you again, it is any person , who studied at a soviet school, knows that there was a military plan in the war between russia and france minister and the actual commander of the army. prince mikhail barclay to stop
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napoleon's army, lure it deep into russia, retreat, retreat as far as possible, even to moscow, there was a plan, and it can disintegrate, and it can lose all its fighting spirit and main weapons and all resources and such another, the russians to this plan. were treated, although the situation was catastrophic, the russian empire could simply fall, the russians treated this plan of barkle and others as treason, they said that he was a traitor, that he was german, he was scottish, well, it did not matter, that means he works for the enemy, he absolutely could not do anything, because the commander-in-chief of the neighboring front, let's say, general bagration. said that it was necessary to go to the end
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, to fight, to advance, to give opportunities to meet with the french army, although it was suicide by and large, but in the end the emperor, who was not a brilliant general there either, but understood that it was necessary somehow rely on the mood in the army, not in the people, the people were like that, you know, in the army in the elite, he sent there... mykhailo kutuzov is not the most outstanding commander among russians, although he is now, like the horse, and the order of kutuzov in the russian world and in the soviet union. kotuza differed from barclay in that a good man, a russian, a real russian, with a good russian pedigree, fully carried out barclay's plan, completely. even the french were lured to moscow with pallivia,
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napoleon died, who became the main author of this victory, to whom the state tried to give barclay his due, two monuments were erected in st. petersburg, ugh, kutuzov and barclay is nearby, it has not affected public opinion so far. pushkin, who was considered a great russian poet at the time, wrote a poem because he wanted to restore justice, about bulklay, about his injustice. insulted in russia, pushkin was attacked by the whole of russia, which knew how to read that he was a traitor, it was already 20 years after this war, pushkin had to justify himself, wrote a special article, no, i did not mean that, of course, only kutuzov , who had the trust of the russian people, could carry out this plan, that is, that was all
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complete bullshit, because barclay saved russia on our heads. because he was a great commander, well, on the level of napoleon, he , and kutuzov was not even standing there, and you understand that in order to find a plan that could destroy the army of napoleon, who captured all of europe and was generally the greatest commander, not 19 century, in general, in the history of mankind, right next to alexander the great, there had to be a person who thinks in a non-trivial way, to put it mildly, and that's why i am this story. which anyone who has studied the history of wars in general should know a clear clear answer to the question, what is more important, competence or trust? kotuzov was incompetent, no, he had confidence, and now, by the way, when i think that when i say that kotuzov is incompetent to a huge number of people who are older, i do not know there 50-60
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years old, who studied in soviet schools , something in their heart trembles, because it's still like saying that there is no god, well, i don't ... goes to church, then becomes an atheist, she still feels stupid when such things are said out loud, she thinks, what a person is now will fall through, hell, i don't say that in the studio, i immediately, i'm only talking about kotuzev, this is the focus of this story, he is objectively like that. objectively, we can talk about general syrsky with great respect for his military successes, we can, if we were with the military, military experts, say that he suffered some kind of mistake here or there, it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter , if we in this studio were to tell you for an hour about the political or incompetence or non-political incompetence of zelensky, well, what kind of
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matters to people who believe in him, it is a religious thing, when there is a religious one in politics... it is still stronger than any rationality, so i deliberately do not discuss how much the situation will change in connection with the resignation of valery zuluzhny, in general, i believe that reading all these opinions that the scumbag published in the western media, i perfectly understand that there is no special alternative for any commander , there will not be, because you understand, war is not a series of miracles, it is. .. to use chances, and each chance is used once once, we did not let our military russians go further until the afternoon, they found themselves in an awkward position in kherson, from where they could be knocked out, we used the moment of surprise in the kharkiv region, because there were many places where you could strike, and this is a huge
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merit of the general syrian, that he used this element of surprise, but how many times can you use the element of surprise, how many times can you scare... a person, if you suddenly appear from some bush, well, once, well, the second time he already knows exactly where where this bush is located, then there is a clear understanding of where the front line is, where the line of confrontation is, that is, these are purely technological moments, that is, these are all the effects, they were used, they were used by the russians in february 2022, something worked, something did not work, but it was precisely the element of a surprise attack, at some point... a war simply begins, remember the second world war, when the nazis attacked the soviet union, and used a certain element of surprise, on the readiness of the soviet leadership to attack, they reached moscow quickly, literally in a few months, even with battles, but then the armies actually met there, they
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could not go any further and it began. war , such slow combat work, well, yes, and there is nothing there, there already, relatively speaking, you can do this in stalingrad, you can do this in the kurdish arc, and that’s it, and you can’t invent anything like that here, you just must be broken, and he who finally breaks, digests the enemy, wins, or no one can do it, and the army is one against the other at least 100 years, and this is also not an exaggeration, so what do you know, there were hundred-year wars in history. and they will still appear in our lives, i think, because it's just, well, these are simple things like that, again, any person who studied at a military school, but the general. in fact, he knows that, this is not mathematics, this is arithmetic, not geometry and not algebra, how do you feel about
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the syriac information campaign now, i have to ask about the fact that i was born, studied, relatives in the russian federation, i just let me remind you that this is a general who worked in valery zaluzhny's team, he was appointed, i think, under the previous president, he knows the history of the armed forces of ukraine and the actual russian-ukrainian war. nevertheless, now they are pulling out some very strange type of skeletons from the closet, all this was in public access for a long time, it is surprising, because it is necessary to talk about professional qualities, if a person has already reached the rank of general in ukraine, he is a hero of ukraine, by the way, well, of course, uh, i don't know, no one said, but why are you giving a title to a person who was born in russia the hero of ukraine, and why is this person appointed as the commander of the ground forces, here suddenly you are... i think i have already told you, i will tell you again, people are born in different places, because there are cases of birth,
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the tsar's son of a military man, he could have been born where , whatever, you know the bad luck away from russia, you know my mother was born on an evocation train when that train was standing on one of the semi-stations in the russian federation, and she was in this place where she was born. one day in your life, one single day, even a certificate of birth, she is in the kazakh language , it’s a coincidence, but you can say that my mother was born in russia, it’s true, well, it’s a fact , it was what was written in her metric and in her passport all her life, although she is in this russian of the federation, i repeat, there was a time when a train was traveling, it could have happened anywhere during the times when these trains were evacuated from... the then ukraine, the ukrainian ssr, and it happened during the evacuation now in 2020, the second year children were born, someone in poland, someone else somewhere,
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but, by the way, someone could have been born in russia from those children of people who traveled through russia to europe and gave birth to children there, what does this mean? the first point, the second point , the ethnic origin of the syrian, first of all, i don't even know this ethnic origin, he was born in russia, so he is russian, it doesn't mean, it doesn't mean. a strange situation in a country that has among its citizens millions of ethnic russians who defend it, and against which a country is fighting where millions of ethnic russians are destroying it, ethnic ukrainians, ethnic ukrainians, ethnic ukrainians from russia, and there is there was even an ethnic ukrainian originally from ukraine, not from russia, dmytro kozak, who was entrusted with preparing all this in... this paska, all this noise, he is ukrainian, and there was also serhiy glaziyev from zaporizhzhia, i do not know his ethnic origin, a ukrainian, he would still be russian with one of the ideologues of the attack, and valya
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matvienko, who, well, this is a joke, but she chaired the meeting of the federation council twice, at which a decision was made on putin's right to send troops into ukraine, this is a formality, but this one the person signed this permission, there is his permission, and such... we can remind a lot, and yes, and we are talking about ukrainians who are from ukraine, and yet they are citizens of russia, how many traitors who were not even citizens of russia, all these pushilins, zakharchenkos, beekeepers, shmasichniks, all this gang company, they are just citizens of ukraine, these people, even though we cannot have big claims against them there, again, just as we should not think about the ethnic origin of syrskyi or anyone else there, so we should not think about the ethnic origin of matvienko, glazev or cossack because they chose russia as theirs homeland, they have russian citizenship, they took the oath as civil servants, they just say that there is a political nation in russia, well, there is one, i think there
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really is, according to the signs, it must be said that we created it, we created it , wow, in fact , with our maidans, we proved to the russians that there is something that opposes them, this is how a political nation is created behind the zamorph'. which does not see threats. the maidans created both the ukrainian political nation and the russian one. by the way, we have said many times, here is nagorno- karabakh, this great tragedy in life armenian and azerbaijani peoples, created two political nations. ugh. not only ethnic, but political. believe me, azerbaijanis at the end of the 1980s and early 1920s were not a political nation, they were simply residents of the azerbaijan ssr. armenians were rather such a... historical nation that remembered its great past there, and then suddenly these nations met in a terrible conflict, terrible for everyone, but came out of
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this conflict two very different. by political nations from people of different ethnicities origin, try talking to an azerbaijani jew about karabakh, ugh, you will hear everything you hear from an ethnic azerbaijani, because this person does not feel exclusively connected to his ethnic origin, he begins to be connected to azerbaijan, although he does not have it , there should not have been any emotions that the azerbaijanis might have towards the armenians in connection with this actually ethnic conflict between these two peoples, also precisely... not of armenian origin, she will absolutely perceive reality that way, and here between us and the russians also this correlation took place, so it exists, but i am not talking about these people, again, not about these people, but about those who simply betrayed ukraine, being ukrainians, this is a strange story, when people who fight for ukraine are not ethnic ukrainians, but ethnic ukrainians, just real traitors, will you remember that all this nonsense in the occupied
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regions is good? our heads of state who fled to russia in 2014, how many ukrainians were among them, 90%. this head of the sbu, yakemenko, the minister of internal affairs, zakharchenko, who were they, russians that were born in russia, there was one who was born, it is not known where, and this one, kolya azarov. who took his wife's last name so that no one would know about his origin, people are ashamed, that's what, but he tried to at least look like such a russian chauvinist, it's true, even when he was the head of the ukrainian government, so well, that's why i mentioned to you that he was not russian, because this is not a question of
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ethnicity, it is a question of politics. motivation, he had it like this, russian-soviet, well, that's all, so everything here, it seems to me, is absolutely obvious, ugh, and i don't think that there can be hate against the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces, related to where he was born and where he studied, we have most of the generals and senior officers who are of that age, she studied in russia . military schools , simply because there were more of them, there were more of them on the territory of russia, that all these people, as a rule, we had such a tradition, they are children of the military, these are military dynasties, they went there precisely because their parents went there in fact, they didn't give it away, i can't say, but my own by example they made it clear that this is the best job for a man, when you are born into a military family, you don't have many ideas of what you should be, because you see your
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father this job, it's like that... man really , and you want , you know it, i know it, you know it, and i know it, because we, my grandfather was a professional military man, i know it all, that is, we don’t need to, and many people they know what to explain here, well, yes, well, let's move on to the issue of the promised political changes, because the president promised not only in the military sphere change something, how did you read it, by the way , how real is this signal? intention as an understanding of the fact that the term of the constitutional powers of the president coincides, although the state of war in the country according to our constitution allows him to continue his work, look, we have two articles in the constitution, article 108, 103, i apologize that the president of ukraine is elected by the citizens of ukraine on on the basis of universal equal direct suffrage, by secret ballot, for a period of 5 years,
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well... may 30 should have ended, but there is, for this there is article 1008, that the president of ukraine fulfills his powers before taking office as the newly elected president of ukraine. for 5 years, but the powers are valid until a new president is elected, that is , there are no problems with the fibbing of volodymyr zelenskyi after may 30, but the question of why does arise. why, because the authority that he, because the authority ends, he is transferred to the post, fulfills the authority to the introductory one, that is, he worships ukrainian legislation can be turned around, that is, he is elected on the basis of law, authority continues, but the question is functional.


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