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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm EET

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and that the russians do not understand what putin wants, then it cannot be said, that is, they still have them, well, at their level, they keep their narrative, and in fact we should be intellectually higher everywhere than the russians, it seems to me that this does not always succeed. andrei, you know, you are absolutely right, you can never underestimate the enemy, or make him a caricature, if we say that they are all morons, that they are all, then the question arises, who are we fighting? two years, listen, well, then, you know, we 're putting ourselves down when we say that they all such, and we then, have not defeated him until now, therefore, of course, the enemy is cunning, the enemy is smart, the enemy is insidious, and both putin and the russians have a clear picture of the russian empire in their heads, there is a clear picture of their management of eastern europe, as at least, there is a clear understanding, and the words used to be beautiful were once loved... to be in the soviet union,
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the native country would live and there are no other concerns, that is, there is an ideology, and people live according to this ideology, but what you have there is no water and what died in the toilet, well, that's it, that's bullshit, but here we have calibres, here we have iskanders and we are the whole world, let’s show, here all people have ideologues and they clearly live according to this ideology, and putin has a vision of the world, and this vision of this world, what exactly scary , he... and many psychologists and experts rightly say that putin is a collective russian archetype, he is a russian, and he , why are they supporting him, not only because they are afraid, and they were not afraid, but there is an ideology and all the rest, but he says and does what pleases them, so let him sit still further, so here we must understand that we must not underestimate, we must be higher, we must be intelligent. we should be
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more united, golden words, mr. mykhailo , thank you for them, the column, how is nepran and money, yes, well, nepran and money, the column that was sunday nepran was renamed today, thank you for the conversation, mykhailo nepran, the first vice-president of the chamber of commerce and industry was with us, dear friends, we are going for a short break, we are returning, they are writing, they are writing, nepran superovsky, they are writing like this. here's tepran to me suitable, i love, i love people with a sense of humor, they write that they made me laugh, they write that mr. mykhailo made my day, thank you, and they write that we need such people in power, that mr. mykhailo heard these comments, if not, then our editor will convey these words to him , friends, let's take a short break, come back, let's continue, we'll talk about the hard worker, whom ukrainians perceive as a father, why so, that's about it.
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healthy sleep and an instant update of furniture at a good price call there are discounts on ferveks 15% in pharmacies of travel bam and. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 1 10 years, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and... and thank you for your trust. a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. we appeal to the viewers of the tv channel to join in the collection of crown funds and technical equipment
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for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, me called mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond. what kind of world does mr. norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 on... esso. channels espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who interpret and comment on the most relevant social discussions. we will
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find out exactly what news the guests of the project will analyze this week and who will be the guest of the studio this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names with myroslava barchuk. sunday, the 17th. dear friends, we are continuing our marathon. yuliy morozova, co-founder of the public organization association of responsible citizens, is in touch with us. glad to see you, mr. yulia. good day. you wrote about the fact that for my father, for many ukrainians, valery zaluzhnyi, who was dismissed this week, was a kind of father, people perceived him that way, and so on. his resignation is perceived as the loss of a father, why did you decide to compare valery zaluzhny with this image? well, in general, valery pekar wrote that, he quoted me a little in other aspects, but the fact that the supreme
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commander until the day before yesterday was really such a certain mythical figure, about whom we knew very little. in fact, even before the full-scale war, few of the people, with ukrainians were interested in who is in charge of our army, and then, in fact , zaluzhny turned out to be the most highly rated person , the most powerful, yes, the most powerful person trusted by millions of people, but it was a paradoxical story, because in reality we knew very little about mr. valery. actually, if we talk about how ukraine survived this entire history, in your opinion, was it possible to come out of all this in a different way, or did we come out of it all stronger? well, you can always
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get out of any situation better and more professionally, and there are no limits to perfection, but we need to understand, this is what i constantly told my colleagues there in mine. wrote on social networks that when society or some part of it is in a very difficult, very unfavorable situation, well, what about where ukraine found itself in connection with the attack of russia, well, there is no other way to describe it, then when you are in such a situation, then as a rule , there is no choice between ideal and good, or between good and good, as a rule there is a choice between bad and catastrophic, that is. or bad, which one, but which one leaves chances for the bad ones, which leaves them almost none, and well, i am not a colleague of the president's office, i do not know much about the motivation, about the reasons that globally led to this decision, but the fact that our situation is difficult and
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worrying, and some changes were needed, zelenskyi is your countryman, the truth is, yes, but it turned out that he changed jobs a long time ago and moved to kyiv. and then i changed jobs once again and moved from the quarter office to the bank office, so i am not as close to the processes as it might seem because of our common hometown. no, of course, i... i understand, but nevertheless , that is, was it such a communication, you know what the matter is, how to formulate it correctly, now i risk stepping on thin ice a little, but nevertheless, i will try to allow myself, it seems to me that we everyone, we are a country of presidents by and large, no matter what the constitution says, every president is a new era, a new era in the history of ukraine, and we have everyone, we have one president , relatively speaking, who understands well. well, relatively speaking, there, as it were, it is correct formulate, well, this is the type of the west of ukraine, and
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there is one president who understands the east of ukraine well, that is, president zelenskyi is a president who came to us from the east, even if it was not there, that is, he was not a person who supported, for example , euromaidan and so on and the like, and does he in principle correctly understand what was wrong in this communication and why many people were f'. even, or did they focus only on how to properly package it so that no one takes it out of the bank tomorrow? well, let's face it, no matter how much you like it there mr. zelenskyi, well, this is also not the kind of person i am, of whom i am a fanatic, but 73% is still an indicator that speaks not only of the east that voted for zelenskyi, but as far as communication with... exactly this, this personnel decision, well , i can become, as a person who studied
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communications and in a peaceful life mainly engaged in this, then the situation was definitely a losing one, that is, if there was a decision to remove a soldier and for some reason it was unavoidable for the supreme commander, that's good beautiful communication that would satisfy most of the country there, well, it simply could not exist, well, firstly, because the decision itself... in itself took a very long time and was a little troublesome, well, and secondly, precisely because of this the phenomenal trust of people in the armed forces, because even people who, either from within the army or from the outside, globally criticized and expressed dissatisfaction with what is happening in the armed forces of ukraine, paradoxically, they separated this negativity, this negative attitude from the absolute. well, such total trust and acceptance of everything that the diligent person does and says
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, so there was a paradox here, and the office of the president actually, well, there was no chance to somehow communicate in such a way that everyone was satisfied with it, but of course we wanted that, well, we as a society were perceived as more mature and more clearly and reasonedly... they explained what was happening, valery zaluzhnyi’s successor is accused, mr. syrskyi is accused of being born in russia and that he studied there, how to deal with such measures, well, this is delusional, and i would advise those who became or claims the role of leaders thoughts, to be very careful when with similar approaches, well, people apply. left for, let's say, the military, who are over 50 years old there, because, well, even if you take,
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for example, mr. zabrodskyi, yes, who, let's say, was a nominee and favorite of the former president, well, he is a person who studied in peteri, a person who was under contract in russia for 5 years already during the time of independent ukraine, well, that is, anyone, well... not just anyone, but a lot of well-known high-ranking military personnel who are clearly pro-ukrainian, who have proven actions there loyalty to our state, they have this russian part in their biography, so i wouldn't focus on that, i strongly hope, well, i 'm almost sure that there are certain checks on these things about a possible connection now, about a possible influence. there through relatives, if they really exist, that it is conducted by the competent authorities, but simply to stir up people
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with these, excuse me, words and gestures, which are actually not relevant, because, i repeat, a huge part of the heroic commanders of the armed forces today they studied ukraine they served her in russia, and this is a fact that will not go anywhere, and this person, well, this part of his biography will not go anywhere. you know, i went to the page of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine on facebook, and actually mr. oleksandr syrsky, well , i don't know if it's him or his team. in fact, who are responsible for maintaining e-e pages in social networks, changed the main photo, now on this main photo, mr. oleksandr, but many users, that is, most of the facebook users who came to the comments, under it photo they write glory to valery zaluzhny, how will oleksandr syrskyi be
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the commander-in-chief after valery zaluzhny? well, i think that mr.... a syrian military personnel with a lot of experience, he did not come to this position from show business, therefore , neither from journalism nor from communications, therefore, on the one hand, it is unlikely that he will immediately there will be magical, correct, clear communications, although i hope that there will be people who, uh, well, this story will be pulled, but i think that he is definitely not up to it, because you... there are a lot of cliques, and flash mobs there people who will continue to write praise to zaluzhny, well, they will certainly be, and certainly do not envy mr. syrsky in this regard, because the media appeal, that is, the media attractiveness of her former commander-in-chief, well, this gentleman is far from it, but
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i am sure that he has has its positive aspects, and again i would urge... everyone who considers himself a responsible citizen there, who sincerely worries about the victory of ukraine, to give a chance and give credit of trust, because you and i are not in the state when we can spread out, well accusations, when we can simply criticize the commander -in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine now, well, because if he does not succeed, if the negativity that is hypothetically attributed to him... is not attributed to him, if it really comes true, and if we go according to some worst-case scenario, then it is not syrsky who will lose, it is not zelensky who will lose, well, we will all lose, and we will lose not just there, our life will get a little worse, there is some kind of financial crisis, recession, we can lose everything, so we are now in the same boat, and well and and and they are obviously
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working on the image of general syrskyi and will continue to do so to work, well, the team that was shown, it caused great admiration. many of my friends who have been in the armed forces of ukraine for a long time, and most of those deputies, well, these are quite young people, this is already a new generation, and these are not some kind of military commanders, they are really combat generals, and therefore i hope that this story , she, too, will add public confidence to the new commander-in-chief, but i wanted to say that many people, for example, yevgeny libovytskyi, pointed to this whole story with zaluzhnym, it was very... reminiscent of the story, how, for example, viktor yushchenko became popular , it also seemed to start from nowhere, and with yushchenko, who did not seem to want to be the future leader of the revolution at all, who was almost killed by this poisoning and so on, but he just went there it's been a while, but i'm just talking about the fact that it seems to me that there are several protagonists in this drama, then there were,
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that is, there were people who projected some expectations on yushchenko, he was there later somehow i don't know if it's true. is yushchenko himself really in line with these expectations, who at some point also realized that he was a national hero and well, he wasn't a messiah, but at least a person who is very important, a very important step must be taken, and he took it to a certain extent, because ukraine was a completely different country, of course without him, and uh and al there was also a bunch of kuchma and that too so too acted somewhere within the framework of his optics and it also led him somewhere, i am talking about the fact that... now zaluzhny behaved, it seems to me, very wisely and responsibly in this whole story, but why did we find ourselves again so quickly in this similar , in a similar mise-en-scène, what does this say about our society, like what does this say about, for example, the current, current banking, its communication, strategic and non-strategic,
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what does this indicate about us as voters and citizens, well, we? very serious tensions , we have a real enemy who acts shamelessly, who, well, with whom it is almost impossible for us to fight in communications, and when they tell me, yuliy, there is something known in communications, why do we lose there in europe or abroad in communications , well, it is almost impossible to win, because we are trying to fight within the framework of some rules and regulations, they are our enemies do not disdain any dirtiest... ways, so of course, to some extent in the short term in some battles we will lose, i believe that truth and goodness, it will still win, so sooner or later. how will we win, but what the state leadership has to go through now, well , this is a very complicated story, it is clearly connected with global processes
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there in the united states of america, in europe, with elections in the states, which are approaching with a certain crisis identity of these european global structures, well, with the fact that the reserve the strength of the credit of trust that zelensky had, he... well, he is still slowly melting, uh, if we speak, just again in a spherical vacuum, then of course, zelensky and his popularity rating, that , that the tinker is no longer a head , it will not add, and i very much hope that , firstly, there are some serious objective reasons that we may one day find out why this step was necessary, and secondly, well, realizing that after all... there, the media and communication component of the president's office calculates and about ratings care, i really hope, it ’s just like a citizen of ukraine who wants to win, eh, well, i really
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want to believe that there are still some trump cards eh that we can show, whether there is a state of the army, or in any successes on the battlefield, because if there are none, then of course the comparison between syrsky and zaluzhny will be... definitely not in favor of syrsky, because people will quickly forget the problems in the army that were under zaluzhny, it will remain this mychological component, which will not go anywhere, but to something new command, well, they will have to deal with all the difficulties, with all the challenges, well, they will be scary, because we continue to lose to some extent in the number of weapons, and it is not known whether we will be able to quickly correct this situation. we have an extremely difficult situation with mobilization and also a beautiful solution that would give us chances at the front and satisfy, let's say, the broad masses, but it simply does not exist, and all
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this will fall to one degree or another on the new command, you know i actually allowed myself, after the resignation there was a lot of work many different emotional comments, and i allowed myself one, probably emotional enough, where i wrote something about the genius of the supreme commander, but ... i wasn't really joking when i wrote that i thought it was good news, because really president zelenskyi, i’m actually interested in what you think about it, it seems that maybe for the first time in all time he took on a huge responsibility, he took on a huge responsibility, and from today he, well, he actually took on the responsibility for what will happen next is up to us one and a half minutes, that's for sure, and i still believe. that to some extent this is a calculated step, and on the other hand, well, i really want to watch valery fedorovich carefully now, the deserving one, well, because
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in essence he has to be reborn, i strongly hope, well, in some new guise, because well, he had clearly functional, limited in all senses, well, global, overwhelmingly, but limited in all senses, a position, we do not know who will be the diligent one now, but i really want to... believe that this is his mythical large-scale image, he was not just an image, and that he is a really powerful person, with intelligent approaches, with a global understanding of processes, and i really want us to learn about his further steps, and they lead to the fact that people say, okay, uh, hardworking with us, with ukraine, and well , that's what this part means. confidence, which people had exclusively, was based on this person, well, she remained with us, mr. yuliyu, thank you for these communication clarifications, yuliyi morozova, co-founder
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of the public association, the organization association of responsible citizens, was from we are going to take a short break now, come back and continue, we still have an hour of our marathon ahead of us, andriy saichuk and lesya vakulyuk, we are working in this studio for you, stay with us. there are discounts on urolales of 15% in the psyllanyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances duolgit antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without subjugation and numbness limbs capsules dolgit antineuralgia - help to your nervous system. turn on the investigation from. who has a cold heart, the new chapter of the hbo series is already on mego, a real detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusively in the mego subscription. there are
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ukraine... topics that resonate in our society: the drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us, the country must get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent. they help to understand the present and forecast. this coming second trump presidency will be terrifying for the world. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback. there
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is a telethon in a telethon warning - this is an unnecessary thing, i believe that one should always be ready at any moment and always be, so to speak, in good shape, it is not so easy , of course, on the seventh working day, but we do everything this is for you and actually thank you very much, now i see such a touching conversation between us under our broadcast, we are reading, i it's true... i never respond to what someone says: listen, you need to transfer a couple of pennies there, the collection is not planned. oh, by the way, about the collection, thank you, by the way, about the collection, dear friends, 467,581 hryvnias, this is what we already have, i would like to finish this week at the mark of 500 hryvnias, i understand that it is difficult, because for this we need to collect another 33, less than 33 00, but
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there is... another goal, the goal of 476 thousand uah, why am i talking about the amount of 476 00 uah, because if we finish this week with this amount, it will be mean that you and i have collected uah 2,000 this week, because we actually started on monday with uah 276,00, i don't know what kind of science, numerology, as lesya believes that if we take 200,000, some charity fund will be connected, like it happened once already, and it will close for us in half an hour, i don't believe that miracles happen, sometimes they happen, dear friends, i believe that everything comes with hard work, and your hard work now is to pick up, for example, smartphones, for example, point the qr scanner that is in the privat-24 application
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to that qr code, what are you doing, if you... look at the screen with privat 24 , scan it and transfer funds, if you want to transfer money to monobank, then just open the phone camera, point it at this qr code, which is on the left and scan and go and tell how sorry you are, the main thing is that this money is there, well, either write down the card numbers, or on a piece of paper, a piece of paper and a pen, or in a notebook or in the phone. write down 5375 4112 14 06 6909 this is monobank and 5168 74 50 22 26 2494 is the private bank card number you and i have left to collect some 85 hryvnias in order to reach this goal of 200 hryvnias for this week, dear friends,
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we will be grateful if you will, if... i you will listen to our appeals e.


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