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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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scan it and transfer funds. if you want to transfer money to the monobank , you just open the phone camera, point it at this qr code on the left, and scan and go and transfer as much as you don't mind, the main thing is that the money is there. well, either write down the card numbers or on a piece of paper, a piece of paper and a pen, or write them down in a notebook or phone. 5375 40. 112 14 06 6909 is a monobank and 5168 74 50 22 26 2494 is a private bank card number, you and i have to collect some 85 uah to reach this goal of 200 uah for this week, dear friends, we will be grateful if you listen to our appeals, and especially the guys from
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the 141st brigade, who are now in the orichiv direction, will be grateful, and now we will tell you about the incredible border guards, this is a couple in love, alina panina and ilya muzyka, they were held captive by the russian invaders, ilya was taken from the ilyacha factory in mariupol in april 22, alina was taken from azovstal in may, and their service dogs remained in the territories occupied by the russians, which became a symbol of relations these two people, stories of free ukrainians - this is a special espresso project about our compatriots who went through all the circles of hell in russian prisons, and the actual story of these border guards, see below. they were united by service and love for dogs. alina and ilya from volyn met at work in novovolynsk. the grooms work in the border area. service
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of ukraine, together with their four-legged companions. before the russian offensive, the couple served in the donetsk border detachment. alina met the morning of the full-scale invasion in the mariupol sea trading port. there, together with her dog sonya, she inspected sea vessels. we arrived at the unit, armed ourselves, well, if only we had received some of the tasks that were set for us. and went to the defense of the city of mariupol to the azomash plant with their unit. those terrible circumstances separated them. after the second attempt on the night of april 12, alina and her unit broke through to azovstal, where they were under constant fire for a week. at that time, ilya was already holding the defense at the ilyich plant. the moment i turned on the phone, ilya called. he said he was fine. asked if i was okay, because we didn't
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know where we were, well, we didn't understand where we were at all. on april 15 , the commander in the bunker informed us that our unit was captured on the territory of ilyich. the guys who were with us, you could say, there was a little bit of such a small panic, but then we sat down, thought among ourselves, talked and... and everyone agreed, they were forced to surrender, because there was no other way out in we weren't there, and if we hadn't given up, then surely i would have i would not be sitting here now. ilya and other prisoners were held for several days in a colony in donetsk region, in sertan, then in olenivka, then they were sent by military cargo plane to the territory of the russian federation, where ilya will be in the kostro colony for the next 20 months.
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from that moment, so to speak, the next day , the interrogations began, all their, so to speak, procedures that they carry out with the prisoners there began, we were fingerprinted, photographed a lot, we were not involved in any work at all, we just spent half 30 minutes sat, stood for 30 minutes, on camera, they gave us books, we read them, the books were in russian, yes, of course, about the second world war, the first world war, there about hitler, fascism, stalin, lenin, if they gave us food, but of course that was not enough, that that you ate, ate, ate here all the time. at such
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a moment, it's all taken away from you and, but you understand that you simply won't get it anymore, and if you eat what you have and... we tried so hard, someone had uh, for example, there is less there, we are porridge there were two spoons each, if we gave the guys less, well, we shared it between us with bread and tea. already on may 17 , alina panina was captured by the russians, they did not know about each other's fate, the girl was leaving the house together with the dogs with which she fell into the hands of the occupiers. after they brought me. to the volenivka colony, i was told to tie them in such a place where they take walks for prisoners, i tied them to a bench, gave them my pea coat,
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took off my military jacket and put them to bed, they sat down, i kissed them, and that was the last time i saw them at all, after... what, when i was there in captivity for four months, every morning at about 8 in the morning and at 10 in the evening i heard them barking, i asked a question when we were taken out of the deer park, why they don't give me the dogs, they told the next stage they can be thrown out, well, it was theirs , and after that we were taken away and i understood what they were talking about, because the military put us on planes. well, these were cargo planes transporting equipment, after that we were tied, blindfolded, that is, i physically could not take the dogs with me. in october 2022, a border guard returned home thanks to another exchange
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of prisoners. soon she returned to the service and all this time she was waiting for ilya's return. well, for so much time. while i was there in captivity , i got used to everything, that is, i asked a person for a phone, i took it in my hands, i did not know how to press some button, some number, that is, well, i forgot, and i dialed my father, i don't remember what he was doing, and i said hello to him, i told him, hello dad, he got well, he didn't recognize me as... since i didn't know anything about her at all there is no information, and he told me that
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alina has been at home for a year . that i didn't know if she was alive, and since we were told there in captivity that the asovstals there were razed to the ground , and knowing that alina was there , such thoughts came to me, but i tried to drive them away, i made the second call to alina, the phone rang, i look, i don’t know the number, well, i don’t know who is calling, i didn’t really want to pick up the phone, but somehow my hand reached out, maybe to the phone, i pick it up, i hear... his voice, i couldn't even hear the words from me at all, because i was in such a shock. already on the morning of january 4, 2024, alina and his parents met ilya in kyiv. they did not recognize the boy. looking and seeing
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how different their captives are from us, who leave our captives, who come from there, by themselves, by themselves. health so by the appearance, how much they are not them, they are not fed normally, they are washed normally, normally dressed, and they just look, you have lost 18, 20, 50 kg, yes how did the boys lose weight, they were like that, how did they stay like that, they won't even say that they were in captivity, how is the red cross of such a structure, i only heard about it. i will say that we do not need such structures at all, because they do not help in any way and do not give any confirmation that the people are in captivity, from whom they take, they give confirmation only when the prisoners are already leaving the colonies, and they already know information, where they are and
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where they were, when they came to olenivka, they were not buried with us, women were buried from the red cross, they didn't come to us, they didn't give us some... certain humanitarian aid from him, from the red cross, although it was there, maybe it was, because the guys only went through ordinary soap. from the red cross and all. the couple admits that the occupiers hid the fact that they were taking ukrainian prisoners for exchange, and neither ilya nor alina knew about their return home. i tell the guys, guys, where did we come, well, what's going on, and they say, we came for an exchange, but i still didn't believe it, because already to spend so many months in captivity and , well, if... you, of course, i hoped, i believed, but well, i just imagined it in a completely
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different way, not not the way it happened when they are transported, you, you think at all , that this is a stage, an ordinary stage that transports you from colony to colony, you only know when you are already on the exchange, when you either see your representatives from some of our structures, or you already hear them when they speak to you. we welcome you to ukraine, every day we were told that no one needs us, that everyone has forgotten about us, how there is no such ukraine anymore, because poland took all of western ukraine, it held a referendum, and we already belong to poland, well, that is, all of western ukraine, and to kyiv, this is the entire territory, they took it, ilya and alina say that life has taught them to live one day at a time, so now they try... to spend time together as much as possible, and their new four-legged
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pets help them to forget the horror they experienced, and they believe that they will definitely see jesse and sonya again someday. to be honest, when i came home and they gave me a dog, i i just hugged her and i didn't need pills . well, a person gets used to it and what hurts him helps him, yes, well, i was in pain for the dogs, for ilya, i felt bad... but the dog, i just hugged her, i slept with her, and walked during the day, and i used to walk at night, that is, you get used to it so much that you hug it, and someone is just sleeping next to you, and you are already calm, you just don’t want to remember it anymore , that is to say, you experienced such a fear, some kind of, i don’t even know, what to call it, i just want to forget it all, well, that's a lot it's scary, it's very hard, it's... very , i don't know, it hurts even to remember, there are simply
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no words for what we experienced, and if i were to go back to it, i wouldn't want to, i'm tired of... . heavy and bulky saws, then the strong saw from razpak tv is just for you, with it you can easily cut trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from 1499 uah , and also a reliable battery in the set, just call now and order, there is a possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood, it will do it all... in one movement with a strong saw, just look how quickly it copes, even with thick branches
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look at the news. ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at events in ukraine will be located on the border of kyiv some katsaps and beyond. what kind of world does norman dream of, can we imagine it? all this in an informational marathon with mykola veresny. saturday 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. verdict with serhiy rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics , even more top guests, foreign experts , inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on spite of the day by phone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict is with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. well , gentlemen, we're returning it. to our air, people's deputy of the last convocation borislav takes responsibility in social networks, published information that according to his sources from the ministry of defense, in addition to nayev, and we already said that the commander of the northern front nayev also learned from the media, that he was released, it turns out, are also confirmed by myrhorodskyi, zabrodskyi, litvinov, bokii, myroniuk, tarnav. kirylenko, koval, moysyuk and a number of other commanders of the troops, that they are sent to the disposal of the ministry of defense, that is, in fact in reserve, emphasizes boryslav bereza, and he goes on to wonder why combat generals, among whom there are cyborgs, who protected donetsk airports and so on, are not needed by sirsky or
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zelensky , and indeed, if this is the purpose of the ssko, and writes that it is... far beyond what could be called syrsky's new team, well, after all, does this have any relation to political considerations regarding this rotation , again about we are talking about political considerations in connection with new appointments, the new commander of the territorial defense of the troops, as it turned out, is ihor plahuta, during the revolution of dignity, in the ministry of internal affairs and led the forces of the internal troops, if you remember, there were such, during the crackdown on the maidan, and, that is, he led the berkuts and special forces, and the national guard at that time, in fact, he was then responsible for, in particular, as ukrainian pravda writes, that he was responsible, for example, for
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clearing the government quarter from the euromaidan barricades on december 10, 2013, for... were 400 berkut fighters and internal troops were involved. in 2005-2008, this plahuta served as the commander of a separate presidential brigade, and as of 2009, he was the commander of the 169th training center, later the head of the southern territorial command of the internal troops of the ministry of internal affairs. well , it actually became known that he will now be the new commander. what is tro. now we will talk about these appointments. we are waiting for the appearance of our next guest on our airwaves - this is volodymyr omylyan, politician, diplomat, minister of infrastructure of ukraine in 2016-2019 and military serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. in the meantime, i remind you about our collection, it has moved a little, and we only have about
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5,500 left to collect in order to reach the sum of 400. this is 76 hryvnias. together with andrii seychuk, we have less than an hour left before the end of our gtr. i hope that in 40 minutes you, dear friends, will make it so that we will get this collection right at this mark of 476,000 and finish this week, and we will praise ourselves, thank each other that we... this and they did with you, well, of course, if there are 5,500 more in addition, let me remind you that we need to collect 1 million hryvnias, we currently have 470,000 hryvnias. 481 hryvnias and 36 kopecks. this week you and i started from the mark of 276,000 and in principle, if we add another 5,500, then we will finish, it will be exactly
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200,000 that we have collected with you. if we keep this pace, in principle, 1 million will be collected very soon and will be transferred to the 141st brigade, for which you and i are collecting, and they need walkie-talkies, batteries, starlinks, binoculars, and rangefinders. probes, detectors, drone detection and many other things needed on the front. gathering is hosted by the espresso tv channel together with the iryna koval charitable foundation, a person you know well if you watch etere espresso, she is our presenter, who also volunteers. so please join in, scan the qr codes, write down the card numbers and add to our, our, our collection. well, i also want to. to say what we will have today at our final, the final block of our conversation igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, a political
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scientist, we will talk with him about what is happening in the united states, what are our chances, what the chances of the united states itself if trump does become their president, because his latest statements are that if he becomes president, he will allow and even encourage russia, china and all other regimes to attack ... other nato countries , who pay little money to the nato budget, they simply, in my opinion, shocked even those who , in principle, are used to the fact that trump is a fabulous, uh, cascade, you can’t say that on the air, unfortunately, although i want to say a lot of epithets about trump, uh, because his statements are somehow frightening, but what is so frightening is that he says how scary it is that he has massive support, and... also, we're going to talk specifically about this interview of putin with tucker carlson, the odious journalist who is said to be able to come
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with trump to authorities, what impact this interview will have on the americans, but we will talk about that later, and now with us is volodymyr mylyan, a politician, diplomat and minister of infrastructure of ukraine in 2016-2019, and a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you. i congratulate you. in fact, all these new appointments are in the military management, how do you view them, have you seen the news that, for example, mr. nayev found out about his dismissal from the police, or that the tro is headed by a person who once dispersed the maidan, well , i am a military serviceman, so i i can assess this situation very modestly. er, the president made a decision, took full responsibility for global personnel changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, the results
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of this decision will also reflect the situation at the political level, because now it is already clear that someone else is to blame for something it will not succeed, but it is very important for us to get a positive one... because the issue of the entire state and every citizen is at stake, that is , there is no right to make a mistake here, the main threats have not disappeared anywhere with personnel transfers, the enemy is gaining strength, he is preparing a new regular army perfectly equipped to strike at ukraine, we need to be ready to repel that blow and we need to go on the offensive to... to rent the empire, that is, to put it very briefly. regarding these personnel appointments, again, it is, as i understand it, personnel reserve of the president of ukraine, with whom
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i inform, based on the recommendations of the commander-in-chief. mr. volodymyr, in fact , mr. syrskyi is faced with rather contradictory tasks now, if i understand correctly that... what results commander -in-chief supreme president zelenskyy now wants to see from him, that is, on the one hand, it is necessary not to go for broad mobilization, and on the other hand sides to somehow change and overcome stagnation at the front, i.e. some offensive actions are expected there, obviously i don’t know, how is this possible simultaneously adhere to the first and second, or do you believe in any offensive actions this year? look, in order to have offensive operations, we need to mobilize, we can mobilize if we explain three
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simple things to the people, the recruits, how much... there will be a military contract, that is, all military personnel, current or future, want to understand the term of their service and the option to earn until retirement, death or death, he is not suitable, the second is inadequate financial support and social guarantees, and the third, every new recruit wants understand that he is not cannon fodder, he will be properly prepared, properly equipped to perform the tasks that his superiors and the state will set before him, under these conditions, i am convinced that ... we can easily recruit the necessary number, and we need to stop all these tantrums around dck and all these trips to supermarkets, gyms and everything else, there are many more methods for this, especially in the modern digital state, which they like to talk about so much, can we plan something now, in our the same the resources we had, our army has not changed, and when certain advisers to the president recommend rotations, rotations can be carried out, but nevertheless, in order for... one
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fighter to function successfully on the front line, he needs several more military personnel , as those who provide it for full-fledged work, this will not change, and sending tankers, gunners, staff members, drone operators to the trenches will only worsen the situation, not improve it, and fourthly, the provision of troops, primarily with weapons, with fire means of destruction. and uh, we don’t have a lot of ammunition, uh, maybe now after the appointment of a new commander-in-chief, something will be given from the warehouses to the front line, but you don’t know that there are such gold reserves that everyone has everything there, their quantity is also very limited, uh, that’s why the miracle will not happen until we launch our own production in full scale without words
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there posting about the increase. something 10-20 or 100 times, or talking about parity in something with the russian federation, but really, so that the soldiers, the soldiers at the front, at the front, would see it, well, and the third thing, of course, i would recommended to stop this wild, incomprehensible division of powers between different branches of the military and the crossing of functions, when drones are launched in our country by the sbu, gur, eh, there are some other power structures, it should all be concentrated in one point of the armed forces. of ukraine and everyone should have clear responsibility for the type of operations they perform. other specialized structures cannot do this. the sbu should do its job, and gur should do his job, preferably not monitoring journalists or the opposition. in fact, many sources have reported, and report unofficially, that
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this has been in the army for many months. the principle of unity of command, or whatever it is called, has a huge problem with it, and this is openly written about, for example, by military serviceman and well-known volunteer yuriy kasnyanov, who wrote that this is actually the main task facing the new commander-in-chief syrsky, so that, as he writes, at least to try to restore the control of the troops and says that both the ministry of defense and the general staff, all confused functions, it is not clear where one begins completely. the opinions are different, and i quote further: and the office of the president has a habit of interfering in military processes up to the level of brigade, brigade and battalion through the heads of commanders, we actually have a separate navy, air force separately, ssso separately, gur has its own little victorious war. well, here are some things, i understand that it is difficult for the military to comment on this, i will just leave them here, so to speak, but
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what, what, what about... concerns the question, the question of mobilization, you say what, what, what is wrong with him now, what should be the solutions for in order to, well, in order for this system to work, mobilization, it's not only in fact how to catch people on the street somewhere and push them in some direction, relatively speaking, well, at least it seemed to me , it seems that this is not a function the state should worry about how to... do it, here, but not when , for example, we hear from yuriy botusov, who visited avdiivka the other day, in avdiivka itself, that there are problems with fortifications, and that avdiivka has been fighting since the 14th year, and that , and until now we cannot make normal fortifications there, as if they say they have to be, they are not there, under the chasm of time.


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