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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 6:00pm-6:30pm EET

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hello, with care and respect for the liver and gall bladder exclusively on the air of our channel. greetings, friends, the politclub on the espresso tv channel airs the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics that resonate in our society. drone attack on kyiv and other cities. ukraine's drone attacks on moscow and other russian cities. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and the guests of the project: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's get out. they help to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday 20:10 at espresso.
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greetings, dear viewers, yana yavomelnyk and the espresso team talk about the most important things. 22 million tons. more than 700 ships exported cargo through the ukrainian sea corridor, informs the minister of infrastructure oleksandr kubrakov, for his in other words, exports can increase in case of modernization, development of ports and infrastructure, in particular, roads and railways. i would like to note that since july 18 , 2023, the last day of operation of the grain corridor, as a result of russian missile and drone attacks, almost 200 port infrastructure facilities have been damaged. at least
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26 people were waiting. i am aware of the entire range of tasks facing our units and the entire structure of the ground forces today. oleksandr pavlyuk commented on his appointment for the first time to the post of commander of the ground forces of the armed forces of ukraine. in a post on social networks , he thanked for the trust. the lieutenant general promises that he will do everything possible to strengthen the army and bring victory closer. you've gained experience. becomes for the development of the ground forces, because this is the largest, most numerous part of the defense forces, and it is the infantrymen who take the main blow of the enemy and bear the heaviest burden of the war, - pavlyuk noted. yes, the seventh medicine. in kharkiv oblast, soldiers of the guards offensive brigade destroyed another steel border enemy long-range observation complex by moore p. it became the seventh complex destroyed by the army. of the 15th mobile border
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detachment since the beginning of this year. the invaders were left without the opportunity to adjust the artillery in a certain location and track the movement of the ukrainian defense forces. murom is equipped with a thermal imager, a camera and can record everything at a distance of up to 10 km. tore down the tricolor in the donetsk direction, two border guards discovered a russian flag while repelling the assault of the invaders. not. the invaders noticed their alleged territory, the fighters, risking their lives, took the enemy's rag and threw it away. video confirmation was published by representatives of the state border service. however, they did not specify when it happened and which settlement it is about. the military command awarded. two people were injured by russians in the kherson region. two guided aerial bombs hit near the village of monastyrske. a 43-year-old man has injuries. at the time of the impact, he was
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in his own yard. a 67-year-old man suffered shrapnel wounds to the head, the head of the region oleksandr prokudin said. also russian aircraft targeted one of kherson's medical facilities. damaged internal premises and heating system. and the enemy dropped explosives in a golden beam from the drones. there the house caught fire. twelve injured as a result of the accident in the kharkiv region. today in the village. a truck and a minibus, in which there were 11 people, collided in malynyvka. according to the regional police, the bus driver drove into the oncoming lane, where he crashed into a car. 33-year-old kermanych and all his passengers, including two of them, were injured children, all were hospitalized. investigators opened criminal proceedings. a network of tunnels hundreds of meters long was discovered by the israel defense forces under the headquarters of the middle east.
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the un agency for assistance to palestinian refugees in gaza. at a depth of 18 m , there was an office space with steel safes, most of them were open and empty, one was. computer servers, in others industrial battery units. the israeli military believes that the terrorists received electricity through this facility. in the organizations claim that they left the headquarters on october 12, 5 days after the start of the war, and learned about the find only through the media. a real miracle and a zest for life. on the island of mindanao in the southern part of the philippines, a three-year-old girl survived, who was under rubble for 60 hours due to a landslide. the child was considered missing, rescuers found her after a long search, wrapped her in a blanket and connected her to an oxygen cylinder, then brought her to the hospital. the girl has no visible injuries, saving the child gives hope
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to rescuers, said edward makapili, a representative of the emergency situation agency. let me remind you, a landslide in the philippines happened on tuesday evening, it destroyed a house. and swallowed three buses and a jeep. 35 people died. soup protests at the lyon museum of fine arts, two eco-activists poured soup over the painting spring by the french impressionist claude monet. thus, they decided to draw attention to the climate crisis and the problems in the country's agricultural sector. this spring will be the only one that we will be left if... that we do not react, what our future artists will paint, the women chanted, they were arrested, and the city authorities responded that there is no justification for attacking a work of art that is part of the heritage of the french people. these
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are not toys anymore, a russian woman was accused of discrediting their army for asking that children be given fewer military-themed toys in kindergarten. as... the local media write, natalya from irkutsk expressed her point of view to the teacher of the group where her child went, and she wrote in response on a woman denunciation. the court found natalya guilty of discrediting the russian army and imposed a fine of almost $350. crimea in the dialogue of centuries, to the 10th anniversary of the occupation of the peninsula , an exhibition was opened in lviv, where the history of crimea is told. visitors can immerse themselves in the culture of the people and dispel myths about the crimean tatars. more details in our story. a variety of colors, textures, sounds and aromas. all this immerses the visitors of the exhibition in the atmosphere of the peninsula. you will be able to see
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paintings from the collection of the lviv national gallery art galleries. these are the works of jan tsunglinskyi, volodymizh nalench and the couple roman and margit selskyi, which are combined with the woman. by the artist and graphic artist dmytro dotsenko's series called male. the male series is complemented by reproductions of crimean-tatar ceramics (18th-20th centuries). all presented works show crimea in a dialogue between past and present, unity of cultures and traditions. for 20 years, he collected and researched these artifacts. and the idea arose to make copies of these. uh, from this collection, which i keep, which i took out of the crimea, and through these objects to show everyday life, the life of the crimean tatars. in one of the exposition halls of the exhibition , videos from the series of 12 myths about
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crimea, the lantsyug project, links of memory are shown. of course, there are many more myths created by the russian empire against the ussr, and now russia continues. of the last 200 years about crimea and the crimean tatars, and it was very important for us to show what these myths are. visitors also tried traditional crimean sweets. this idea was proposed by the owner of the krymsky dvorik cafe, lerayna khaibulayeva. all dishes were prepared according to family recipes. very good people perceive intellectual information through food. actually, wherever and generally wherever there is something about crimea, i will definitely be there . this is once again any reason to talk about my homeland, it's always not that pleasant, it's definitely, but it's necessary. this is a joint project of the borys voznytskyi lviv national art gallery, the mejlis of the crimean tatar people, and
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the crimean institute of strategic studies, a public organization. in the future, the exhibition is planned to be shown in other cities of ukraine and abroad. see you at 20, team news is working on the final issue, then an informational marathon with mykola veresny. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresin, for two hours, that is , until 8 p.m., you and i will discuss together what is happening in ukraine and the world, we will discuss ukraine, the ukrainian war. we will talk about the united states, of course, about finland, where there are elections, about the middle east, where there is a war, in short,
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there are pro-hag, pro-hag, i would say, courts, where the ukrainians do not show themselves well enough, but let's start with the war, as and always, mykhailo prytula, a military expert , is in touch with us, i hope he is already there, i can already see him, so he is definitely there, thank you mr. mykhailo for joining our broadcast. good health, i already am, i see, i see, i see, look, the first question is purely theoretical, but this is, you know, controversial, today the whole of ukraine is buzzing, discussing this issue, because it's as if the zaluzh, the zaluzhny kept the personnel, and the new head is not very syrian, and if people were to argue about it, and i would ask you, the world knows how to make it so... that people too, during war, and protect people , and advance, and win, and go to the borders of 1991,
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this can be combined in principle, of course , if there are technical means that will help destroy the enemy's infrastructure, his military equipment, destroy logistics ways to destroy personal. a sufficient number of personnel , zaluzhnyi did not have such an opportunity, but he did not have an f-16, which is already on the way, nor a sufficient number of caesars, nor a sufficient amount of artillery, that is, those means that syrsky will already have, in zalushny was simply not there, er, of course, it was possible to compensate for the lack of equipment using comrade zhukov's method, but zulzhna did not do it. and it is obvious, but syrsky, he will already
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have at his disposal a greater number of drones, and a greater number of equipment, and a greater number of aviation and air defense means, to say that zasyrsky will try to use a large number of personnel there in order to , to overcome the prevailing opponent, i would not , because he will have a completely different technical equipment that was used. and he was industrious, in principle, he did not have the opportunity to act in such a way as to preserve the personnel and go forward, and sesto will have such an opportunity, well, that is why he was actually industrious and did not waste the personnel, take care of him, because it was clear, that, for example, it is impossible to launch an offensive without sufficient air support, without anti-aircraft defense as well, without the elimination of the russian anti-aircraft defense aircraft,
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which, let's say, gave a whole instruction and did reconnaissance on the depth of the ukrainian defense, it was also difficult, now this there is no plane, what there is somewhere is flying very far, far away, and so on, that is, mr. mykhailo, that is, you have no doubt that all the weapons that were promised... that were agreed upon, they will get to ukraine and the whole ammunition in which this weapon is needed, that is, you have no worries here more or less, i think that - let's say this, it's a military secret, oh, what is it, where is it, how much is there, well, i think , that most of it is already what is needed, we hear some information, for example, there is a manifestation 16. about missiles, about missiles over there from canada, about
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caesar, and so on. that is, information is coming in, but we see only indirect side effects of this information, based on this information we can draw two conclusions: first, they give us weapons because they see that russia is preparing for something, well, actually , the second conclusion is that russia is preparing for something, but what can russia do? and getting super-modern weapons from iran, they seem to have already received, super-modern weapons of the 80s from north korea, well, apparently, too, means that it... can do, can only take a large number of personnel and to move a large number of personnel, this is all that it can do today, mr. mykhailo, regarding the personnel, but i do not have a conviction, i had it somewhere until december of last year, everyone said that after the presidential elections, well, the so-called elections of the so-called president of the russian
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federation, a comprehensive mobilization may be announced, and for the last two or three weeks... three weeks, there is no mention of this, because it seems that the wives and mothers of those who are now with on the russian side at the front, they are demanding something, and it seems that putin will not dare, because the situation is really difficult in the sense that you can arrest an oppositionist, a journalist, an activist and anyone, but what will happen to the army if the wife of that soldier is taken to a butchery somewhere in kazan or in gentle novgorod. in moscow or it is not known where , in vladivostok, how will he fight, here he gives his life for russia, and there his wife is sitting in a butchery, because she does not want him to give his life for this russia. what do you say about the possibility of mobilization in russia? i b said that it is possible that these cases that are happening, they do not play such a big
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role, because those who are at their front. they often don't have mobile phones or the ability to contact their relatives and don't know that their wives are leaving, that's exactly why wives leave, and often those husbands who have already died and will never come back leave, so the influence on the army is there minimal, they will not go out to point their weapons at moscow and shout down the tsar, yes down, they will not do this, because... the mass media rejected the possibility that there would be a mobilization, well , in order not to worry the people before the act of national approval, which is called putin's election, even
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choose not the president of russia, then, well, there is another very trivial one.. .a moment that we somehow do not take into account, but it should be taken into account. in russia, there was always trouble in the army, it is winter, because the army needs to be warmed in winter, it is necessary to dress, it is necessary to give them felt boots, boots, hats with ears and so on. in winter it is expensive and difficult. a large number of troops it is difficult to feed them, it is difficult to warm them, it is difficult to give them... they need the necessary clothes and equipment, especially if this army is designed for one day of war, there is no point in wasting resources, but when the heat starts, the sooner it starts, the better sooner they will leave, you don't need to dress people in winter clothes, you don't need to dress them there, give them
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tents, you don't need to wear earmuffs, you don't need to do a lot of things there that are done in winter, so it will be profitable for them to mobilize a large number, well somewhere from the beginning of april, maybe the end in march, but not earlier in any case, i.e. right after the elections , the lists of conscripts will be clarified, who will come, who will not come to the elections, and those who will come, they will receive summonses after that. well , actually the process is completely clear, administratively clear for the entire russian federation, the system there works absolutely clearly. mr. mykhailo, i have a very important question, i just did not know about it, and you hinted so subtly, but this idea was not developed, and i think the audience will be interested in it, i roughly understand what you had in mind mind you, when you said that why clothe and
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feed for one day, it is meant that some general is sitting and understands. that half of this army, which is now at the front , will be destroyed in a day or two, and he needs a hat, so what will i give him for 1000 hats, if tomorrow it is already necessary to give him 500 hats, and 1000 sha - and the remaining 500 can be put in my pocket, did i decipher your thesis correctly that no russian general would want to dress the army for one day, almost correctly, let me clarify... if you act according to tactics the infantry of the red army, according to the combat charter of the infantry of the red army, there is a model of the 1945s, 1950s, because... well, tanks of those times, we understand, but what will happen next, it will mean an offensive in waves in
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the old way the old proven tactics even knock out the first wave by 90, i.e. not 1,000 layers are needed, you understand, yes, only 100, that is, not 500, you didn’t... i counted correctly, that’s their logic quite simple: the first wave would be eliminated by 90%, but exhausts the enemy's defense, that is, our defense, the second wave, the third wave, then a new shaft, there are nine shafts going and even though they will do this, people don't feel sorry for them, people are almost free, and they can do it in different directions in ours, mr. mykhailo, the questions are already more specific . well , there is a lot of pressure on the ukrainian defense forces in the avdiivsk and mari directions, so the question is for you,
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how effective can this pressure be, how strong are the ukrainians standing where they are now, please, no matter how strong we stand , but when there is a flood of such a quantity, after all, we will protect our people, that's the most important thing. at this moment, well, avdiivka is a rather serious concentration area there, but they will be letters, they do not feel sorry for the people, we can see from the losses, which according to the general staff report , that they do not feel sorry for the people and throw more and more, the losses of the russians, well, there sometimes exceed the numbers there are 10 to one, after 5 minutes, they are howling to this day, this is confirmed not... just by the reports of the general staff, this is confirmed by video materials and everything else, they just go stupidly in a large mass, a horde, and what do you want from a horde? she acts like a horde, how about if a duck looks
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like a duck, walks like a duck, quacks a duck, then it is a duck, yes, well, if they act like a horde , walk like a horde, live like a horde, steal toilets like a horde, then they there is a bunch, or maybe the last question or a group of questions, but... i think it is of interest to everyone, given the fact that new information appears, some interviews putin gave, some reaction in the united states, trump is really a huge danger for ukraine, his presence as the president of the united states, are we exaggerating own rather panicky thoughts, for that matter and words, no less panicky than thoughts, i think we are exaggerating the danger of trump. because, first of all, the system of governance in the united states of america is multi-level, it is branched, that is, there is no such possibility for the president to influence the actions of the congress,
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because it is still uh, let's say this, for in terms that we understand, it is a parliamentary-presidential country, and the president acts according to the laws adopted by the congress, that is , trump does not have dictatorial powers, which... he was not, he is the independence of different branches of government, this is also something that belongs, besides, the states, they have independent power, and so on, they are on the feds, well, not really, so to speak, they pay attention to it, so friends, even if trump will come, he will be forced to reckon with the events that are happening, he will not do anything to hinder the popular... himself and the republican party itself, they will also look at their ratings, because trump will come, trump will not come , and
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he will have to be elected to the congress later than that to the people themselves, and the voters can ask , so i wouldn't exaggerate the danger, besides, there is another point, the united states of america, well , for example, in the year 19, the same... the same trump, the same trump, signed an executive order, appeared in march 19, about the preparation of the state authorities of the united states of america for a possible nuclear strike by russia in the form of an aerial or stratospheric nuclear explosion with the generation of a powerful electromagnetic pulse of the e1 type, that is, there is such an executive body... trump, he quite a pragmatic person, and it is one thing to play political games, and to play on the electoral field is one thing, but to lead.
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the state is different, he treats it like a businessman, well, i think that there is no such danger for ukraine, and even more so, if we look at even a powerful country like the united states of america, then in addition to the states, there is also europe, which is more interested now in supporting ukraine, so as not to fight alone, so that it does not happen. in the united states of america, well, at most it will be something temporary blocking, but rather they will use pr on which one of them helps ukraine more. that is, if now trump, there or his people are holding it back, it is only so that biden cannot say, here i helped ukraine, and then trump will come and say: but biden did not help, but i helped, that is, the game, who a great
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friend of ukraine. this is how it happens in my opinion. thank you very much, mykhailo prytula, a military expert, was in touch with us. thank you very much for finding time for us on sunday. now we will start advertising, it will last two minutes, then there will be bohdan ferens, an expert international candidate of political sciences, just about america, we will talk about it in more detail with mr. bohdan. advertising. there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam and savings. stiffness in the joints and spine, osteochondrosis, gout, radiculitis, arthritis and arthrosis. with all these problems, you will find the means for external use decrasin useful. consultations by phone. 0800-215-349. calls are free. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a time light stress, urinary incontinence can
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