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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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and good health again, my name is mykola veresen, and the marathon continues on our channel, on the espresso channel, as i promised, bohdan ferens, express international candidate of political sciences, will now appear before our bright eyes, and we will ask him about something, a very very technical question, good health , mr. bohdan, thank you for finding time for us on sunday, and technically a very important question, i can't understand it, we are with the editors, they explained something to me, i still don't straight away' 99 united states senators
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await the consent of paul reand or renda pol, i i don't know where the last name is, the first name, to approve aid to ukraine, and there is the voting, which takes place exclusively by a quorum, that is, if, well, i explain to people that there are 50 states in america, each state elects two senators, so there are only 100 senators, and here are 99 of them, sitting in the hall and waiting, wondering how to help ukraine. and one is not there, well, there is not, then there is not, well, it will be 99 in favor, but one abstained , or somehow, i don’t know, absent, got sick, and by the way, there is also a vice-president, or a vice-president, and she, as a member of the senate, has the right, has the right, whether he or she, the dependent right to vote, what, what is happening there, mr. bohdan, procedures are taking place, sometimes those that really hinder, or... drag out
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the time of making this or that important decision, that is why we see this , let's say, it's a procedural intrigue, i would call it that, it does not yet allow us to move forward with regard to the plan, which was at least voiced in the context of the passage of the bill on aid to ukraine, well, israel to taiwan in the senate, regarding how really there the decision is made and the role of the vice vice president who had haris. indeed, the majority in the senate is for democrats, this is when , for example, it is 50 to 50, that is , republicans and democrats equally and the key vote must be cast in order for the decision to pass or not to pass, then just directly, yes, the vice president, by the way, she has been like this for several years therefore, she used this right , that is, she cast her vote , the decision was passed there, it meant that there were more votes... she remains in the senate,
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on the other hand, there is no such majority in the congress, the republicans have it, but i would call this the process of really partial stretching in time and abuse of the procedure directly for some of the republicans, as we can see now , in order for this decision, it was at least stretched in time, or postponed until that date. which will be later, almost. okay, then, mr. bohdan, what is the algorithm anyway? well, well, yes, we understand the senate, now, well, suddenly, we will pray that it will open this road, raise this barrier, and the procedure will begin, and then, then the house of representatives. in short, as far as we can judge the possibility success on this road with an already open barrier. that is, well, we, we know.
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that democrats are the majority in the senate , in the house of representatives there are not a majority of democrats, but the republicans there are so unenthusiastic, too , if they want to help ukraine, that’s fine too , but there are only 60, well, 70, well, 80 such zealots there, in total there are something like 400 in the house of representatives with something, i don't really remember how many there are, so this road, which they want to open now, does it really... theoretically at least bring the ukrainians closer to receiving this money and this help? it is expensive difficult, let's say so, and we can really observe our attention to very serious details of a procedural nature, political, internal, in the united states of america, we have never before paid so much attention, we have not studied all the senators, congressmen, their surnames. background, which
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means that really this dependence of ours on their internal political, so to speak, process, it, it increases this dependence, relative to. there it is really important to understand, to measure, at least, what is the situation inside the republican camp, if there in my opinion, there is still no unified position on this issue, on voting for the draft law in the form in which it is currently in the senate, that is, if there is no such unified position, then there may be challenges to the problem in the future, already directly in the congress , if... after all , the republicans reached an agreement within different wings, because at different stages, let's say, trumpist, well, the nuclear base, let 's say, on which trump relies, it
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can also increase in number, so before that let's say, the mainstream can be joined by other republicans who understand, let's say , where the wind of change blows, uh, it changes its own angle, that is , i would not expect it to be easy to pass a decision in congress, but on the other hand, i would like to hope that the republicans will finally find out for themselves internally that the support of ukraine is key, and it would be very good for this realization and result. was much faster, mr. bohdan, but then again a clarifying question, well, if wednesday republicans are not all for trump, so why then, why worry, it means that if we take the democrats, add those
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who are not trump, but are republicans, and together it will be a clear majority, and then the decision is made whether in... they should all vote equally, because from your words it seems that if the republicans come to an agreement, they will unanimously do this, or unanimously do otherwise? not everything is so simple, mr. mykola, because here you know the question, yours already, that is, the closer the result is to the primaries, the more active the phase of the presidential race, the greater the attention and directly from trump himself to everyone who is there in the ranks of the republican party, and even those, i am sure, there are congressmen or senators, who shared from the very beginning the need to make a decision regarding ukraine's support for israel and taiwan, but given, let's say, the increase of trump's influence on the republican party
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in general, then they changed their positions, which means that just this in some places the general line of the party, especially when it is very important... an element of just this in struggle between republicans and democrats, this is where complications arise and more focus on one's internal political and conjunctural interests. okay, i understood that you disappeared somewhere , but i hope you will be found now, and i will ask a question for now, i will try to do it for a long time so that mr. bohdan has time, but yes, here are you, are you there? you are not there, well, in short, you are desier somewhere, it is already beautiful, look, a very important moment, so it is very interesting at the same time, if it did not concern ukraine, but unfortunately, it concerns ukraine, so it no longer interesting, but some such crazy moment, mr. trapp, the presidential candidate, as i
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understand it, from the republicans, i will encourage the russian federation, attack nato countries that pay little, as i understand it, the budget, the joint budget of nato, that is, i i understand, after these... maybe not, the estonians may not worry, they have 2.5 or under three percent, and maybe even more, well, they promised to give 2% of the budget to support, that is, military operations, but there who have less 2%, then i'm just even curious, and how he will encourage, he will call putin and say denmark is there, listen, you can launch a couple of missiles at denmark, well, conditionally, if denmark does not have this 2%, i am trying to imagine this picture, but don't touch estonia, let the rocket fly through estonia to copenhagen, and and don't touch there, i don't know, the netherlands, it's also good there, we like the netherlands, somehow, explain this logic to us, or is it just trump? well, first of all,
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trump before the election, trump after the election, these, i think, will be just different trumps, that is, i won't say that he will change radically, if he turns his eyes. the white house for the second time, that is, really his eccentric such policy in the context of diplomacy, it will probably continue, and everyone just remembers, especially. in continental europe, nato member states, how difficult it was when he became the first president at the nato summits, we remember even the behavior, the conversations that took place, the conflicts that arose between berlin and washington, between merkel and trump, and with fear with a certain risk, they expect that history may partially repeat itself, this is the first, but i still believe that now it is more like this... a campaign full of emotions, who follows, i advise, by the way, to subscribe
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officially to the official channels of both the democrats, biden, and trump, in order to understand more deeply, trump is now playing on emotional components, mainly by mobilizing his electorate, and he really gives such ambiguous codes , let's say, diplomatic comments, but there is an institutional component in... in the united states of america, which in some places, regardless of who comes to the white house, is still a foreign policy vector, and defense policy, at its core, is precisely the northern atlantic alliance, they are being adjusted, but fundamentally their direction, so to speak, does not change, so on the one hand, this is a signal to the member states of nato and continental europe that there may be certain challenges. but on the other hand, i wouldn't start giving final conclusions right now, that they say, as
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it used to appear in the meeting, the usa will withdraw from nato membership, or something like that will happen, that is, there will be tougher, maybe really conversations in the context of financial issues , this was when trump was saying that states could not fund the senato, let's pay a little more to our budget, but now the situation is different, after the invasion of the full-scale russian ... federation, a lot of european nato member states, they have significantly increased their defense budget, so mr. bohdan, i think why you disappeared somewhere for 20 seconds , and it turns out that you were spying, because you began to answer with such words as trump before and trump after, but i have it written right here, you must have spied somewhere, and also said trump, before and trump, after that. .. different trump, the head of the mungen conference, which is about to begin, says that russia may attack
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nato. for us people who are experiencing a full-scale invasion, for us to attack means to seriously attack. and you , in your opinion, to what extent such an attack can be so targeted, so, no, well, so, somewhere provocative, so, so, you know, no, not all rockets, tanks will hit berlin, but... some there, some problems on the border, maybe in the sea, maybe in the baltic and so on, how can it be, because i do not believe at all that russia will dare to attack, but when the chairman of the munich security conference himself speaks , then i have to believe him, well, first of all, i will say my opinion, why are statements by top officials, ministers of defense, nato member states, mostly european, about a possible attack by the russian federation. again, most likely this is provoked by the fact that you need
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to communicate more with your electorate, with your citizens, because the increase in funding, which i mentioned about defense budgets, is a sensitive issue for politicians first of all, because the money is not taken from the air, it must be taken somewhere from some spheres of education, humanitarian, and redirected, for example, to the defense sphere, and thus not always citizens of one or another country. more western , let's say, understand this necessity, feel a real threat from the fact that, for example, tomorrow there could be a full-scale war, for example, between the nato block and the russian federation, and this is quite synchronous, i would say, and system communication on top levels within nato and at the political level of the nato member states, it is precisely based on a little bit of survival, so to speak, of society. not about the fact that it is necessary to increase defense spending and prepare for a real threat,
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which is not only in theory and in a doctrinal dimension within the framework of nato, that russia, they say, the enemy may attack, but when it is not clear, but more realistic to modernize its defense, the armed forces forces, the further west the country is, the less likely they feel this threat now, the further east, closer to the border with the russian federation, the more they really feel this threat they feel much more about that... the question about which you mentioned provocations, well , there has always been these hybrid threats, as they are now commonly called, but for example, planes into the airspace. for example, sweden, which really was not yet a part of nato, but in principle was in the block, so to speak, of such an informal defense of western democracies, repeatedly, then submarines swam to places where they are not needed from the russian federation, then planes flew in, e- er, that's why i don't rule out that these are similar elements of provocations on the part of the state aggressors can be, including migratory,
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crisis eyes, artificially created moments on the borders between finland and the russian federation there. yes, we will be talking about finland today, and we will have a guest from finland, and we will definitely remember everything about it. i would like to thank bohdan ferrens, an expert of the international candidate of political sciences and move on to middle eastern problems, in view of this, we have serhiy danilov, the deputy director of the middle eastern research center, now i hope to see him, i will have them. very it's nice, because the middle eastern studies center really knows a lot. thank you mr. sergey, thank you for joining us on sunday. so, yes, serhiy danilov, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center. and, mr. sergey, the first question. the first question is very personal. you, personally, as a specialist, were surprised that under the headquarters
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of the united nations organization in the gas sector. israel found. to the command post of khamaz, there were some in the tunnel somewhere, it became known today, and there, too, so these terrorists were sitting, on top of the heads of the terrorists, that means the un, and the un cannot be touched, because it is the un, and it surprised me, i could imagine many things, and i know that according to hearsay and gossip, these are all tunnels, not non-russian ones. specialists in metro construction, as many mass media write, that there simply specialists in the construction of the metro in moscow went to the gas sector and built them such an underground, something big underground, but under the un headquarters, i would, i would, i would i didn't believe it, if it hadn't been made public, what would you say, well, i'm not surprised, first of all,
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secondly, well, the organization itself, the train itself. it has a rather specific status, as you know , it has been working for a long time, takes care of palestinian refugees, it can, its leadership could not know about this, about this tunnel, one should not imagine that they are there, is it some kind of super organization, no, it is big social service, well, what is this, what is this agency, a large social service with a rather large budget. that deal with water, social assistance, education, and food for certain categories, which employ local staff, local staff are very often, if we talk about the gas sector, was connected or sympathized with hamas, so
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to say something here that something unexpected happened, well, i wouldn't bet. but what happened unexpectedly, i would like to talk to you right now about putin's visit to turkey, which has been postponed for the second time, and what, whatever it means, is he so afraid that erdogan will arrest him there? well, because there is a warrant, and the roman statute was approved in turkey, as far as i understand, and if putin is subject to arrest for any reason in any state that... that supports all this, then, but he is a brave person, we all know the president of the russian federation, he boldly attacked ukraine, boldly shows his face to the americans and europeans, here suddenly, well, is he scared, is he really, he is preoccupied with the elections in russia, and something is unbelievable, because everyone
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knows that he will win them under all conditions, so that your version, mr. sergiu, does not happen there, please. well, obviously, if he does not go, then something was not agreed on the agenda, or putin did not like something from the proposals put forward by the turkish side, which i i am sure, were relatively compromising and even complementary to putin, but not as he sees them. his state is now euphoric, yes, they think that they are advancing, that victory is close, and their appetites have increased, and what is there about what specifically, well, i think. we will find out about it pretty quickly, but yes, it looks like a humiliation, because erdogan was counting, and the turkish press got quite excited. campaign, how great erdogan is, the great putin himself goes to him, and putin is a world-scale figure, and, but he even goes to us, he was also supposed to come
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to turkey last time, if you look at the order of who goes to whom, yes, putin to erdogan, erdogan to putin, but erdogan reconciled and went to sochi, instead of receiving in ankara, well, now obviously something happened. well, i don't think that it is connected there with the s-400, talks about the transfer of which to some unnamed party, in exchange for the return of turkey to the american program, the fifth-generation f-35 fighters entered, and there were leaks of information about this to the press, i don't think the turks are up to it now will leave, but nevertheless something disagreeable happened during the visit. please clarify , mr. sergey, that is, the americans could connect the provision of f-35, these are really super, super planes,
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with the fact that they do not buy the s-400 from russia, well, what anti, anti-aircraft systems, did i understand correctly , don't even just don't buy, but give the s-400s you bought to the russians. turkey bought the s-400 system after the failed rebellion, after the 16th year, in response to this, the united states deleted, threw turkey out of the f-35 program, turkey had already invested in the program at that time f-35, there is more than a billion dollars, but its participation after the purchase of this weapon, which is considered strategic, was frozen. now there is a proposal that turkey should give up the s-400 and the united states will consider their return to the f-35 program. it's interesting, we went
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further to the west, which means israel, then turkey, we went east, further. what do you think mr. aliyev's victory in azerbaijan means, or does it mean nothing, i just don't. i will remind our viewers that people with the surname aliyev are in power in azerbaijan since in the 67th year of the last century, i was just before the elections, when mr. zelensky won, i went there, it’s a wonderful country, it’s wonderful, well, if you take the cultural part, i don’t get into politics, so i went by taxi, and they were in shocked, like you... someone who has never been a politician will win, and we have alevis since 1967, that is, he has it forever, and
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then the constitution will be rewritten after him, because he has me it seems that he does not have sons or a daughter, or correct me, maybe i am not right, then the daughter will be alieva, and so on, then the granddaughter, and then the grandson and so on, that's it, it's already a monarchy. well, yes, the element of the monarchy is present, at least outwardly, but these elections mean a lot, first of all, these elections were held in a country that, the first elections that restored territorial integrity, not only karabakh was occupied, but 20% of the territory in general , that is, the actual azerbaijani territories outside karabakh were occupied, and after the 44-day war and after the short three-day war that was ... last year, azerbaijan carried out its plan the maxim that was proclaimed even by the father of the current president at the dawn of independence,
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that is, the restoration of territorial integrity, and this is actually a great success, but also a great challenge for azerbaijan, because now a new national idea is needed, and aliev went to early elections, understanding all the symbolism of the moment , he went himself. to vote for the liberated territories, on the one hand, on the other hand, realizing that a new course is needed, after the end of this historical cycle that lasted 30 years, new programs, new policies are needed, and third, realizing that there is now a window of opportunity for possible destabilization in the region. and the situation is so tense that no one can know: there will be a regional war in the middle east, which may or may not affect the south caucasus, and it is better
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to take advantage of this. opportunities to hold elections now, to get at least a completely predictable and fair result this time, because it is clear that the winner, who carried out such a historic mission, enjoys the support of the voters, and from these positions to go to the next political one, and what about you, that is, you subtly hinting, or not subtly and not hinting , directly saying that... more or less honest, that just after winning the wars, it is obvious that the nation fully supported its president and the commander-in-chief, who really won the war, returned after 30 years all territory , and azerbaijan is now azerbaijan within its canonical borders, that is, what should the opposition do then, then the opposition, well, if it excludes itself from the struggle, because well, who, who, oh, he
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won the war, that's bad, no one. .. i will say that it is bad, it was necessary to leave the armenians in karabashi, and so no one will say what you will say about the position, the honesty of the result, well , i think that the results are still honest, and the opposition will have to update its program, the opposition still has some influence in azerbaijan, unlike the same russia, the people the front... the people's front of azerbaijan and the musavat party, they are present in the political arena, they are not designated as terrorists, as russia is designated, sorry, they are not banned, they exist, they did not participate in these presidential elections, calling them undemocratic and unfair , because they were obviously not sure about access to the mass media, on the one hand, and on the other hand, it was
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not profitable for them to participate, because their... really, against the background of this success, it might not even correspond to their weight, because if we take other matters, especially in baku, the support of the people's front remains, it is there, we may see it in the parliamentary elections, or perhaps we won't, we don't know, but now the opposition has taken a step back in the sense that it simply did not participate, and it will have to to modernize, something... take in order to to stay, and with the level of control that exists in azerbaijan, it will certainly be difficult for them to find their niche and their place in the political arena. mr. serhiy, an important point, here we go back a little to your previous answer, this search, the search for a new agenda, and what could it be? yes, the agenda is indeed
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fulfilled. not in full, yes, the territories have been returned, azerbaijan is within the canonical, within the canonical borders, and now it is necessary to come up with a new ideologeme, new ideologemes, what can they be, well, yes, on earth he fulfilled, but there is still the question of its registration, it is necessary to make peace with viromenia , it is necessary to demarcate and delimit the borders, and the next question arises, the region... the integration of the south caucasus, the inclusion of the south caucasus in the transport corridors, which in the situation when russia and belarus have become , well , almost not completely, but to a large extent a logistical dead end, and this central asia south caucasus corridor has now acquired a completely different meaning, then the search for its
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place. that is, now, obviously, they will most likely concentrate on economic and social ones success, on some, on some investment in the youth, and obviously there will be a renewal, at least partial power at all levels in order to attract more young personnel, to create the idea that social elevators work and that ... to achieve success, as far as i know, various programs for the modernization of the economy are being debated, so that azerbaijan , which is now, is completely tied to oil and gas, and whether they have a chance to diversify, to create their own military-industrial complex, for example, how do they think about it start speaking, these are big ambitious development programs.


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