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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm EET

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finding one's place, i.e. now it will obviously most likely focus on economic, social success, on some, some investment in the youth, and there will obviously be a renewal of at least partial power at all levels with the aim of attracting more young personnel, creating the impression that ... social elevators work and that it is possible to achieve success, as far as i know, various programs to modernize the economy are being debated so that the economy of azerbaijan, which is now completely dependent on oil and gas, and whether they have a chance to diversify, to create their own military-industrial complex, for example, as they begin to talk about it, these are big ambitious development programs. remains, it
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is a lot in fact, but when it was resolved , this issue of territorial integrity was resolved, it was more or less dependent on azerbaijan and, well, turkey, but it was as if two states, one people, a lot is said about it, and in order for these challenges perceive and overcome the economic, it is necessary... a lot of factors, well, i just think to myself, well, the shuttle connection between turkmenistan and azerbaijan, yes, if we say that this line goes all the way from china, all the way to the far east through central asia and then through azerbaijan, then through iran, which is also under sanctions, then armenia, turkey, georgia and beyond, further into europe, well, it is necessary to negotiate with that, with that, with that.
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well, first of all with the dictatorial regimes of central asia and first of all with turkmenistan, because they have a common maritime border, let's say along the caspian sea, it is at all possible, what do you think, well, first of all, not with turkmenistan, but with kazakhstan , because by sea everyone, everyone who has access to the caspian sea, has one external border, let's go , well, without suna, so eh... to negotiate first of all with kazakhstan, since it will naturally be a trunk direction, and we see a significant intensification of contacts on the line of bakostan, and kazakhstan is seriously counting on it, they like a stable partner in the form of aliyev, with whom they can come to an agreement, who will fulfill the basis, as far as possible, well, i am sure that in some
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form they will succeed. the issue of scale, the issue of route competition, not only that through central asia, the south caucasus is. and the issue of political stability in central asia, in the south caucasus. that 's almost the last question, i think, but it seems important to me. when... you said that there could be an escalation that could reverberate through the southern caucasus, you were referring to this situation around israel that iran could be drawn into, and and and all of this, all of this territory could ignite a little bit, and accordingly this can be a sign of the north and south caucasus, well, if it happens, certainly from the echo in the south.
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there will be no doubt about it, the other issue is that now we see the attempts of the iranians and their allies to oust the united states from syria and iraq as the first priority, and well, the impression is that in some form it can happen, in washington they can delay it decision, to agree to negotiations on the deal. mountains, but we see that the strikes on american targets in syria continue, the biters continue to strike as well, and although there are signs of a certain de-escalation, it is not clear that the situation was finally stabilized, thank you very much, thank you very much, sorry mr. serhiy, thank you, serhiy danylo, deputy director of the middle eastern studies center, informed us here that i would... personally
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, i really liked that we talked about the territories of the former soviet union, and not once, neither mr. sergey nor i used the word russia, that is, all these... plans, all these possibilities in central asia and the south caucasus are considered without the participation of russia. god bless everyone who is against russia. now we have there will be a plot and we will have advertising. so, president zelensky dared to change the commander-in-chief, after almost two years of a full-scale war, the society was prepared for this news during several places, i would say a month, well, okay, so be it. well, we have an official reason. we do not know, and i am not convinced that during the war in such cases it is possible to make public the official reason for the resignation of mr. zaluzhny and the appointment of mr. oleksandr srytskyi, but we know for sure that in time we will learn everything about it, after all, we live in a democratic state, and this means that sooner or later everything
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secret becomes available, and now the plot and advertising. on the evening of february 8 , the same photo appeared on the official pages of volodymyr zelensky and valery zaluzhny in social networks. in his office, the supreme leader shakes hands with the chief. zaluzhny shows his signature victory gesture, both are smiling. this was the finale of the information campaign for the change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. starting today , a new management team will take over the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. i want our vision of war to be the same soldiers in robots. avdivts and at the general staff and assistants. information about the possible dismissal of the commander-in-chief first appeared in the media in the autumn of a year ago. the authorities chose a strategy of uncertainty. officials neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. later,
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people's deputy and servant of the people maryana bezugla attacked zaluzhny. from criticizing the activities of the head committee, she quickly turned to humiliating personal reproaches. and when colleagues began to demand dismissal. the leadership of the parliament and the sluga faction came to its defense the people during this time, society came to terms with the idea that the resignation of the popular general is possible and even probable. and when it took place, the president did not dare to say: "i decided to fire the headman." i offered general zaluzhny to be in the team of the ukrainian state in the future. i will be grateful for his consent. today, i made a decision to renew the leadership of... the armed forces of ukraine. in an evening address on the day of the dismissal of the head of state, the president spoke about the need for a realistic war plan the year 2024, rotations at the front line, improving the quality of training of military personnel, and the reasons for the dismissal of the enlisted man, zelenskyi gave only to a small group of journalists at a closed
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meeting. the lack of explanations gave scope for a wide variety of interpretations, both in ukrainian and foreign media. there are two versions in total. the first - the commander-in-chief had serious disagreements with the president both regarding mobilization and the strategy of the war, which, according to zaluzhnyi, had reached a dead end. some media reported that they were not satisfied with the actions of the head of state during the summer counteroffensive in the pentagon the second version. at the bank , they were allegedly given a too high level of support for the industrious among ukrainians, which was evidenced by the closed data of opinion polls, and they were afraid of his decision to enter politics. be that as it may , disperse. zelensky and zaluzhny decided gently and without scandals. in farewell , the president presented the dismissed head with the title of hero of ukraine. grateful to everyone who is close. to the team of the general staff, the ministry of defense, the president of ukraine, i am proud of each and every one of the armed forces of ukraine who
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protect the future of our children. all soldiers, sergeants and officers. i bow my head to all those who gave their lives for ukraine and freedom. we will remember and take revenge for everyone. the president appointed the commander of the ground forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, an officer with an ambiguous image among the military, as the new head of the armed forces. behind him is the successful defense of kyiv and a brilliant counteroffensive operation in the kharkiv region, as well as the defense of bakhmut, which raises many questions for many servicemen about the justification of high losses. with syrsky brings a novice with him. team according to the official notification of the ministry of defense, he has already discussed the detailed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024 with minister rustem umyerov. maintaining a balance between the execution of combat missions and the restoration of units and units with the intensification of training and
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training of personnel remains more relevant than ever. introduction of new technical solutions and scaling of successful experience, for example, application of safety. systems, modern means of electronic warfare is one of the future vectors construction of victory in our war of liberation. changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. took place on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the situation at the front is difficult, the army lacks ammunition and its commanders publicly admit this. instead of publicly telling the washington times about the critical staffing situation. there is an acute shortage of soldiers on the front lines. in comments to an american newspaper, some commanders suggested that at some point the front might simply collapse. despite such sentiments the verkhovna rada is in no hurry. with the adoption of the new law on mobilization, the president removed himself from the process, because
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you cannot gain popularity on this topic. the servant of the people faction claims that it is difficult to find a balance. we have to balance the interests of the military command, business and citizens. the task is not easy, there will be a lot of work. the majority of observers are of the same opinion. a change in the leadership of the armed forces is unlikely to lead to decisive changes on the battlefield in the near future. at times, this requires systemic reforms in the army, effective mobilization, increased western aid and increasing its own production of weapons , but the risks of interference by the presidential office in the operational activities of the military have increased significantly, after all, the president is the supreme commander, and appointing and dismissing the head of the armed forces of ukraine is his constitutional right, as well as personal responsibility. nothing has worked
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and good health once again, my name is mykola veresen, our program, our marathon is ongoing, now we are going to finland with you let's fly from the near east, in general from the east to the north, that means arseniy svynarenko, sociologist, lecturer at the university of helsinki, why, because... just today finland is electing the president in the second round and we will know for sure tonight the population of finland seems to me to be 4 million people, that is, they will have time to count. we will know whether it will be oleksandr stup or pekka havisto, finnish is not the easiest language, i will say frankly , i do not know what mr. arsenii, arsenii svinarenko, will say to us, thank you for finding time for us, thank you very much, this the program will devote these 15 minutes to the political and everyday aspects of the election, because
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for the first time the first lady. the first gentleman will be a foreigner, if mr. arseniy corrects me later, because oleksandr stub has an english wife, and peka havisto has a guy from ecuador, or somewhere in latin america, how much, yes, yes, something like that, well, it’s as if it’s exotic for us, although for some reason it seems to me that it is exotic, my first question, mr. arseniy, for finland, which is very democratic, so... extremely, i think, a democratic country where all these minorities, not minorities, it's embarrassing to even mention it, because all people are the same, what do you say, good evening and thank you again for the invitation, yes you are right, 4,200 thousand, almost 4,300 thousand people, residents of finland have
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the right to vote, and about half, somewhere around 40 or so percent have already declared. during the previous vote, and how can you say how much, how progressive in finland, it is very very not very easy to answer this question, for example, we know that one in three finns will have made their choice today in the elections, taking into account that he does not support a candidate who is married. he is married to another man, so more or less until , let's say, quite conservative people live here, but for
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ukraine, mr. arseniy, it doesn't affect ukraine in any way, because i looked at what they say. .. about ukraine, they are about the same, both of them say that support is necessary, let's do little, call on the europeans to do more, and so on, and so on, am i right, yes, yes, you are right , there are some, some such aspects in what, in the more they are, that is, the difference can be found, for example, oleksandr stup, he very clearly supports nato in the sense that he is ready to provide nato with all possible opportunities, use bases and so on, then here finland, pekavisto, he is more cautious , be careful with nato, and you definitely support finland's membership in
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nato, and he was also one of the mini ministers. of foreign affairs, in finland, when finland applied, submitted an application for membership in nato, however, havisto is more cautious about the fact that that it is possible to give nato countries the opportunity to bring their nuclear weapons, for example, to the territory of finland, and that is, alex tsandrost is more of a nato-oriented gavisto, more. however, in any case, both of them very, very clearly said that they will continue to support ukraine, and as we can see, this support is not decreasing. look, that is, to a certain extent, this is finland according to this guy pekhavisto, she wants to be
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a little like norway, because norway says that we are members of nato, and even nuclear ... these boats submarines can, but in principle we don’t want to have anything on our territory, then , well, such a super-heavy nuclear one, but my question is different, we don’t know who will win yet, but what’s the matter with you, sweden is nearby, but the swedes, to what extent the swedes will follow the finns if they follow the path of such a limited membership in nato, without a nuclear component. to what extent will they go the way of norway, which also thinks that, where is sweden, which, what are their moods? well, i, i, it's hard for me to say what, how much. limit nato membership, no, it is absolutely possible to say that it is full nato membership, however , the question of, for example,
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how to deploy nuclear weapons here in finland, havisto says that this issue should be considered by edoskkunt , that is, in the parliament, and after the parliament is dissolved, then we will do as the parliament says, that is, it is not some kind of taboo about which there will be no talk, and i expect that in the event that something happens , both finland and sweden will act clearly, yes, as it is stipulated by the conditions of membership in nato, the treaty on the membership of nato countries, and we can definitely say that... kohavisto and alexander stup, they fully support the conditions under which the country became a member of nato,
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and there are such features , which, which havistas simply say that they need to talk more about it, more so that the parliament is actively involved in this, and that we remember, for example, that... and one of the candidates for the position president jussi galago, he clearly said during the race during the first before the first round of voting that regarding the use of the finnish military in nato operations, he will think separately to make a decision about it. and that is, he is really trying to take such a staunchly position that finland's membership in nato is allegedly limited, and finland's membership in nato is possible, and
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havisto and alexander stup, clearly they definitely, clearly support membership, and this means, and this means that the nation as a whole is in favor of nato , because we talked about it, that finland... is a very democratic country, and if the leaders both say yes to nato, the eu, which means that if they radiated the opinions of these four million, well, how many took part in the elections, and then there is no discussion , there is no discussion about whether we do not regret that we entered, we were neutral for so long , maybe we don’t have such a thing, finland was not neutral, let’s put it this way, frankly finland... it wasn’t, it’s wrong to say that finland was allegedly neutral during the soviet union or later, no, finland was not was never a neutral country, and we can very clearly
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it is to be seen in the state in which the finnish army is located, the finnish army is the army which, in my opinion, as i have already said many times, is the most prepared for any scenario of the development of events on ... more prepared here in europe, i think, and that's why we can be absolutely sure that president peck havist or president aleksandr stup, yes, they will, will rely on the opinions of citizens, on opinions that are on what is being discussed in parliament in the food of finland, and while we see that the citizens of finland, that finland, the people of finland, it... strongly supports ukraine and also very clearly supports finland's membership in nato, because the majority understands very well that the threat is
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extremely real, the threat from russia. let's talk about russia, it's some kind of game, what is it, because we see that the finns have closed the border with russia, there at first partially, then leave it... some kind of crossing in the middle of the night, somewhere such that you will not reach the crossing so that to get to finland, then they said we are all closing, then they said for two months, now they have extended it again for another two months, and it seems that they simply do not want moscow to be nervous there, especially strongly, they are like, well, we close for two months, two months pass, oh, well, we close for another two months, maybe now they will be for 10 years, but they will be measured for two months, well, so as not to annoy that huge bear. which is called the russian federation, i think here that the understanding is very clear in the ministry of internal affairs, what i see from their comments, and what i
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see from... from the opinions of my colleagues, as who deals with the issue of hybrid threats, the finnish government very clearly understands that the issue of the border, namely the use of refugees, refugees from third countries, from the middle east, as a weapon, let's say, as an instrument of influence, influence on finland, is part of this hybrid influence, hybrid war which russia is waging against probably the entire civilized world, and therefore i think that when it comes to hybrid threats, the answers here will accordingly be not always obvious, not always so unambiguous, and what finland supposedly opened, then they closed the border again and now the border remains closed again for two months, this is an indicator.
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that the government analyzes and understands that this is a hybrid operation of russia with the aim of influencing the internal politics of finland, and now, now, let's say, for two months, finland is taking additional time in order to open the borders later, but under the time at the moment when the border will be opened will already have... new legislation that will allow finnish border guards to immediately refuse these asylum seekers to asylum here in finland, that is, a new one is currently being considered, the new new legislation of finland , which will enable the border guard, the finnish border guard, to immediately assess how
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realistic it is for an asylum seeker whose life is in danger, and if there are insufficient grounds for receiving asylum in finland, then he will be refused immediately at the border and sent back to mardor, and we see that this law is being developed right now, i am sure that in the near future we will see it in the parliament and the president. in the baltics, about which they are already talking about what they say if a person lives for a long time, i don't have finnish citizenship, i haven't learned the finnish language, there and so on and so on, we don't rule it out, latvians, lithuanians, estonians say, somewhere it's already going, somewhere it's
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not going yet, but if the thought. they are moving in this direction, we see them, we hear them, that if you are not disloyal, then we will not keep you here, go wherever you want, to moscow or belarus, i don't know, they say this in finland, rather, rather more often, let's say this, talks about the issue of dual citizenship of citizens, and also one more the question, it's a question about... changing the rules for entering finnish citizenship in order to increase some requirements, for example, language requirements, requirements for knowledge of society, finnish history, in order for a person to be able to obtain citizenship, it's really about there are discussions, and the politicians have already promised, and this
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government which... now, is acting now, it promises to change some legislation during this year to make it more difficult to get citizenship, and also, maybe in this context, some of the changes for those who somehow do, have or two citizenship, citizenship of russia and finland , or somehow, that is, let's put it this way, already flocking to the flight... the policy of granting visas and visas for visas for stays, thank you very much, thank you very much, mr. arseniy svynarenko, a sociologist and lecturer at the university of helsinki, explained to us about , what is happening in finland , now we will talk about history, because vasyl pavlov will appear, i hope, a military man.


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