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tv   [untitled]    February 11, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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as well as the head of the foreign affairs committee of the polish sejm, who is also responsible for the reconstruction of ukraine on the part of poland. everything is correct. as always, we analyze the main events of the week. the last few days turned out to be rich in the statements of polish president andrzej duda about ukraine, which everyone discussed. duda's statements unpleasantly struck not
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only the ukrainian audience, but also part of the polish audience. let's start with the statement of the polish president, which was related to crimea and caused a real storm. president duda said that he is not sure that ukraine will ever be able to return crimea. what do you think about this way of thinking and do you share it? later, the president of poland explained this in detail, i believe that for the good of the cause, this issue should be closed in the end. shortly after that. the president presented a completely official, formal position, without any additional insinuations. so, with regard to the president's statement, although i am in opposition to him, and i was very critical of his words, i will not use this situation, because, although he actually spoke extremely poorly, i believe that we can fully accept his explanation and his clear position on what the status of crimea is, but i think you and i can take a moment to discuss that fact a little. i said a long time ago that if
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you watch western media, conferences, etc., the greatest propaganda success, the apogee of this russian lie is the story about crimea, it is truly unheard of that in the whole world there will always be someone who is ready to argue and to state something like that. often very decent people who cheer for ukraine, have such a style that they suddenly say, yes, ukrainian crimea is a part of ukraine, of course, this is not discussed, but later. they give in fact, he was russian for a long time, and it is the funniest thing that educated and reasonable people often say such nonsense, well , because crimea, he was russian, to put it mildly, not very much, crimea was russian in about the same sense as russian there were bielystok, or for example warsaw, when the empire was expanding at the end of the 18th century, then the russians, as they usually do, bit off that, bit off that is, they took crimea, they took georgia, they took a piece of poland, in that sense, of course, it was. empires, that's clear, but when the empire
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was falling apart, you know, i have a map hanging in my house, of course we record this program not at home, in a library in the center of warsaw, otherwise i would show it to you, but listen, when the empire was falling apart, it was even in in the 17th year, at that time western countries attributed crimea to ukraine, germany recognized crimea to ukraine, and i actually have this german map of ukraine , skoropatsky’s map with crimea in it, that is technically it was already like that then. so, even then it was clear to everyone that as the empire disintegrated, this part of the imperial state would belong to ukraine, which naturally re-positioned itself on the map, like many countries in our part of europe, and in reality re-positioned itself, and in fact crimea was never russian . perhaps the most russian crimea was when the russians simply colonized the peninsula as part of the soviet union and expelled the crimean tatars from there. but all these were elements of purely imperial policy, and then even totalitarian. and
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in fact, this discussion about crimea surprises me a little, because everything is clear with crimea. it is very important for ukrainians to know that polish politicians understand this. you know what, not everybody gets it because i'm just saying it is. i say this everywhere. i think that this debate, oh, i know how to put it, this whole debate after our president's failed statement, like every debate has a good ending and a good outcome, which is just that everyone finally got interested. this problem, because people actually sometimes believe this point of view of putin, i sometimes i see it most often in the west, yes , for example, when putin made his speech, i don't know if you remember, when putin made a speech after the annexation of crimea, there was his crimean speech in the kremlin, it was, i then got on a plane during this speech and then landed somewhere in the world and called my colleague and asked what he said, this colleague of mine is sitting in the next room here today, his name is pavel, and i'm asking this pavel what he said. ..
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he answers me, but he talked a lot, but he didn't say anything about crimea, and i say: why didn't he say it, because he started with crimea, he then said that crimea is russian, because st. volodymyr was baptized in crimea, and the whole world heard it. and in fact, even st. volodymyr was not russian, so he was actually baptized in the crimea, in chersonese, but at that time it was a greek colony. all this has nothing to do with russia. and there was no moscow then. perhaps there was simply no russian state at all, no muscovite state, etc. there was russia, it was being created, but this is not the case russia. all this has nothing to do with russia historically, but the russians actually somehow managed to convince many people in the world, even, as i say, quite educated people, who then... disinformation is the profession of the russians, and they have achieved enormous success in it, it's our job to deal with that, and we'll cover those things in our programs as well. but let's discuss the second statement of polish president andrzej duda,
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which took place this week during his visit to africa. duda expressed his belief that the us presidential candidate will end the war in ukraine during it is about donald trump, what do you think about such words of the polish president? but i didn't even hear those words, you surprised me, did he really say that? president andrzej duda was asked what he thinks about donald trump's statements in which he promises to end the war in ukraine in 24 hours. and president duda, what? andrzej duda literally said that there is no reason not to trust donald trump. after all, everything that trump has ever promised, he allegedly fulfilled. well, we know of only one politician who says peace has a name, and that name is donald trump. this the politician is viktor orban, but what do orban and duda have in common? i'm surprised and it's a great moment for our program. you can see
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my genuine surprise because i really hadn't heard that. the ukrainian media simply abounded with this quote. in all newspapers, without exaggeration, it was top news. i still am. i find it possible to admit that this is true, we have known each other for so many years, but i cannot believe it at all, so i will clarify: if president duda really said that, then there is no sense, logic or reason in this, because there is no reason to believe that donald trump has any chance of ending this war unless he tries to force the ukrainians to surrender, but the ukrainians will not surrender today and there is no indication that this will happen in six months, a year or two years, because the combat the spirit in ukraine is very strong, but we have already talked about it, this year is decisive, so president duda to... if he has such a warm relationship with president trump, actually have more influence on the republicans in the congress, that is, in the house of representatives and the senate, in order to they supported military ukraine, ukraine in war, a little more energetically, because otherwise the price would be much higher. i mean a situation that doesn't look like it, if you wanted
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to think about it, believe me, not all members of the republican party are the same. the republican party in the us, let's be honest, is a bit politically blackmailed by trump today, so they're a bit scared. but many of these people are extremely experienced, especially senators, experienced american politicians who understand very well that if military aid does not come today ukraine, one day these costs will be greater, because the costs of liberation from the russians will really be much greater and higher, i think this is the key. this week , the former presenter of the american tv channel fox taker carlson interviewed vladimir putin, and it caused a shock around the world. in particular, the spokesperson of the european commission peter stano, answering questions. and at the same time, donald trump calls carlson his future vice president, does he trust
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him? how can we explain that the republican wing that is looking for contacts with kremlin cannibals, such huge support in the united states. now, now , wait a minute, but you and i are very aware of the fact that we actually have some kind of historical error, so i don't know, a lot of people are just used to the fact that it's just the way it is, it's not going to be like this anymore, no , understand, nothing can be as it was, in fact, some part of our world has ended, and part of this problem is the uncertain results of the united states election, but because i think differently than president duda, namely, i believe that president trump is very unstable, so this could bring bad things. news, but can also unexpectedly bring good news, because everything can suddenly change for him. but let's now imagine the worst-case scenario that president trump wins, although that's not certain either. i honestly don't know why everyone is so sure about this, because america is made up not only of republicans, but also of democratic voters,
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and there are even a little more of them, if you take into account the number of individual voters. in addition, haley is only one step behind trump. yes, not in the us you can say that everything has already been decided, everything from... i don't know why everyone thinks that, secondly, if donald trump comes to power, it is not known what kind of policy he will pursue after the election, he likes this kind of policy now, so he's surrounding himself with all these weird republicans, screwing up the whole republican party, in that sense i have something to say about republicans because i know a lot of them, i mean really good, i know a lot of these people and i know that they think the same way we do here but why do so many people support trump because these are the times, these are the populist times, today people are gullible because they are looking for security, now it's like that everywhere, agree, and besides that, education is still important. looking for security, and besides, we live in societies where large groups of people are educated, but not necessarily that
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deeply educated. for example, in poland, after the fall of communism, the level of scholarship. schooling is a category that shows the number of educated people in relation to the population, as well as those who could receive an education at their level, or, let's say how many 18, 20-25-year-old young people have a higher education, so the level of scholarship, when it comes to... education in poland was about 80%, and after 30 years it reached, depending on the year, 49, 51 and 52 %, as far as i remember, and it started to be a trend all over the world, that is , all over the world, we have a lot of people who have a little lick of political science, a little bit of sociology, but they just don't always have time, i don't like to complain about people, i a politician himself, looking for the votes of the voters, and trying to understand them, and i think that i am them... and because of this, often
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fall on the hook to the populists, but it is also true that sometimes quite often they can quickly reverse this trend, this is what we will see in poland in the last elections. and in general, we know that this week a court in the united states decided that donald trump no longer has immunity in the case of the storming of the capitol. let's see what will happen, the american legal system has many solutions, there will still be an appeal, so we will watch, but there are still many unknowns in this story and there is definitely no clear scenario of further events, experts say that it is like this... a year, a year uncertainty and many unknowns, isn't it, which is sometimes a bad thing, but sometimes it can also
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turn out to be a good thing. and we hope that this is how it will be for us. the week in ukraine began with the visit of the eu high representative for foreign affairs, joseph borel. borel's speech in the ukrainian parliament was incredibly inspiring. he spoke about ukrainian soldiers, about the future victory and about ukraine's path to the eu. borel watched the whole world on the news, residential buildings were burning, rescuers were working, people were crying, only four people were killed in kyiv, and this is a shock , my parents were also in kyiv, i called them, they were in a state of shock, because emotionally it is very, very difficult to survive, difficult and scary, to be honest, my daughters and i planned to come. to kyiv and postponed the trip, because as we can see, russia is already using these
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combined missile systems, first drones, they are followed by different types of missiles, and as it turned out this week they are already using north korean missiles, what hope do we have in such a situation, for what we hope in this scenarios? the good news was that the european union accepted its package of financial assistance to ukraine. the good news is also that when i started to look into... this case, i noticed that this package will also be well protected by the eu supervisory authorities, which is the best counter to the argument that often comes up in the west now, i keep hearing those texts that we don't know where our money goes, that's also what i wanted to say in preparation for our program today, we know where it goes and if something is wrong, it is subject to very strict control by european institutions, so there is money and european money will be spent not in vain, american money is worse. we have already talked to you about this and will continue to talk about it, because american funds are mainly intended for financing front-line operations, namely
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for ammunition. we see such greater aggression, greater hatred on the part of putin. it is clear to me that putin, i think that he will unfortunately only increase this aggression before the elections in russia, he will want to try to intimidate everyone more, because these attacks are clearly are meant to devastate everything, people are dying, but in these attacks there is also this element of fear, intimidation, and i think that... i would like to add here, it is extremely important that the ukrainians are steadfast, what i hear from my friends, my family in ukraine. of the russian federation dmitry medvidev. this is to your words about intimidation. medvedev threatened nato with an asymmetric response from russia in the event of a conflict and
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again reminded of the possibility of russia firing nuclear missiles at nato countries. in this way, the kremlin simply wants to stop western military aid, which is now critically important. according to the wall street journal this week, it is written that the situation at the front is critical, without western aid. without western long-range missiles, ukraine will find itself in a difficult situation. this is already the case, let's be honest, we need more western weapons, what forecasts do we see here? this is the ammunition program for the production of ammunition in the european union, which is managed by european commissioner thierry braton. i know that it has been launched, it is already partially implemented, it is about these 155mm projectiles, which are so
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important, as a result of many processes , a small detail changes the situation, and these 155mm projectiles and... are this detail. i believe that it will give a lot for victory, and i believe that it will succeed. also, let's see what will happen next in the us, as president biden will actually be able to provide aid and find a political way to get it. that's two. two main scenarios in my opinion. but i would also like to say one important thing. i don't want to sound overly optimistic, but as far as i'm concerned, it's simple the technology that the weaker the united states is in terms of aid allocation, the more europe mobilizes. because... you see , for example, in these wordings , the belgian presidency is starting now, and we 're seeing the idea of ​​strategic autonomy of europe coming back into play, although you know, i 'm skeptical of this idea of ​​european independence from america, because i know , that it is simply unrealistic, but on the other hand, when this idea comes back to life, there is always something new in it, especially when it comes to the military industry, new the production of shells and weapons, where europe
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is trying to cope on its own and strategically, it has no other way out, it is strategic. after russia attacked ukraine in 2022, europe entered a phase where the big test was whether it could defend itself, no matter what, in any scenario. but let's sum it up anyway, what will this ammunition program be? we have already allocated european money, there will be american money, of course, there will still be a way to organize at least part of it. trump's victory is also not certain, and even if trump will win, it is not known what policy he will pursue. of course we won't know , probably everything will be falsified of course, but his people will know the truth, and we will also quickly learn what his place in the system of power was during those elections. let
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me say this: politics never happens linearly, there is one line, there are other scenarios, and it turns out that in the end... there is no reason for us to consider a negative scenario for ukraine. i was under the impression that several articles in key newspapers around the world, this one particular time paint a picture too pessimistically. i believe that it is necessary to give a little more courage to those who are fighting at the front in ukraine today. these are hundreds of thousands of people who are there every day. and we know about it. and maybe that's just what we need to talk about. maybe we don't talk and think about them enough. maybe we just need to get back to some positive information. great britain's ambassador to nato says that ukraine should not expect a miracle at the july nato summit in washington. what do you think about it? but there is acceleration, because in in nato, the situation is actually possible and looks a little worse, in the eu, but it is much better, because accession negotiations will start in a moment. the war became an accelerator of all
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this, all those processes, but i also know that 2-3 years ago no one would have talked about it seriously. today we are in a situation where the ukrainian market is open to polish manufacturers, this is amazing, and we know and can state that the entire european market is already open for ukraine, and we have to talk about this relationship between the eu, ukraine, poland-ukraine, only from a point of view pessimism, it's wrong, you need to pay attention to optimistic things, because besides the fact that there have been many misfortunes, there are a lot of factors that allow us to confidently say that the nearest forecasts ... give us the opportunity to somehow check this series of misfortunes, add to your there is only one word: may putin burn in hell as soon as possible. that's for sure. implemented by farmers as part of the protest paralyzed the blockade of roads, which was actions. we cannot bypass this topic, especially since a blockade was announced at the zosen-u stelug border crossing on monday. we with
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you talk about the blockade all the time. what is the polish government thinking? this process is ongoing, it's dynamic, so i don't want to dot all the dots. i was during the negotiations on this topic in kyiv, when the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, was there. i orientate myself in the way things are conducted. negotiations at the eu level, i can only say a few technical steps on both sides and a little goodwill and this blockage can be bypassed, i mean bypassed in the sense that we can just get along. the key in this matter is two in words, ensuring security, in particular the guarantee that ukrainian companies do not engage in cabotage, i.e. capturing the market, even if it is small, this is clearly illegal according to the agreement with the eu signed by ukraine, which is in question, but it is even small. degrees exist. yes, according to the data i have, there is not too much cabotage, but despite the fact that its degree is insignificant, this information spreads between people. we know how it works when everyone talks about it. i
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think this is very important. from ukrainian it is important to understand that today the great strength of the polish point of view is exports to ukraine. so if there are any restrictions on the queue of vicious cars entering poland. oh. i worry that all these technical details might be boring, but it's really important. if the car is loaded. goes, say, from krakow, reaches lviv and returns, that is, it is a very short distance, and the car cannot stand in a queue for a long time, because if you stand in a queue for a long time , then another problem begins, again from the other side, but this is an endless conversation, and we we return to it again and again, well, it cannot be that there are no problems in polish-ukrainian relations, because these relations are too close, so there will always be some problems, and we will discuss them. next week we will talk about...
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and from next week and at 15:30 on sunday, read the highlights of our conversations on, thank you, thank you, thank you very much. there are discounts on fervex of 15% in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are bags of collagen and vitamin c to restore articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and positive. affects the health of the bones, lengthens the joints, improves motor functions, with lengthened joints, move freely. there are discounts on tantum verde, 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam
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congratulations, this is a joint project of the beraber tv channel and the atr tv channel, in which we talk about the problems of the long-occupied crimea. we hope not for long. my name is khrystyna yatskiv and i greet dere mozhdabaeva. peace be upon you, khrystyna. well, we start with this week's informational reasons, probably the most recent, it is, after all, the change of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, valery zaluzhny, the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine is general syrskyi, does this mean a change of approaches, including in relation to our movement to and in crimea, when it is appropriate, we will definitely ask this question to the military, we will remember that exactly... occupied crimea for the time being, shelling of the territory of mainland ukraine is underway, and in particular , the zircon missile that hit kyiv this week.
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was launched from the territory of the crimean peninsula, we will also say a few words about it. the state of the naval group features a new, interesting, as i think , special operations, special operations forces in the black sea, and certainly logistical enemy capabilities. in the context of the last interview of the commander of the naval forces of the armed forces of ukraine oleksiy neishpapa. that's where we'll start, but ayda, what accents did you set for yourself? week about crimea , well about crimea, basically, i observed the same thing that you are saying, christ, i also, well, i saw this quote that you mean, that the bridge will be destroyed this year, it is obvious that this should happen, well, if there is a sufficient quantity and quality and characteristics of the corresponding weapons, because crimea is now a hub, an armed,
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weapons hub hubs where missiles are stored, the same drones, that there is constant shelling from there, that is, he does not give rest, because this is what, in their opinion, it is such an aircraft base in the black sea, but i think that later this situation will be corrected, and it is interesting to talk about it really with specialists, because we may want to skip it, but unfortunately, we don’t know, we don’t know, although you know more than i do and... enough talking with our military, unfortunately, i don’t have military training, but it leads to certain results, and i am very happy now to congratulate andrii rezhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company. congratulations, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, good day. salam aleyka. probably, we
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will start with the thesis of the pope and... the crimean bridge must be destroyed, and it will happen quite soon, most likely this year, we do not know what the optimism of the commander of the naval forces, the armed forces of ukraine is based on, but hopefully on something very practical. nevertheless, on in your opinion, and according to your, in particular military, analysis, what percentage of russian military logistics in general falls on the kerch bridge. and can we talk about the fact that no matter how we destroy it, sooner or later the russians know how to overcome the consequences, know how to start work again, and basically we know, you know, we just overcome, try to try to patch the problems that we have as we go appear, please, but first of all, i liked how our president named
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crimea. the center of gravity in the war in the 24th year, indeed, this is such a very interesting definition, because now the crimean peninsula is a critical force, a military force in the hands of the adversary, thanks to which it influences the situation on the territory of ukraine, it does not conduct missile strikes throughout ukraine, it... supports occupying the southern and eastern regions of our country, it keeps us practically half-cut off from our sea supply routes, which is why it is a very important object, and there really is a large military group there until the beginning of the active phase
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of the war, until 22... of the second year was there of the order of 30,000 people , russian military personnel, so i once looked at the ranking of the armies of the countries of the world and saw that 30,000, that is, what the russians kept only in crimea, is more than the armed forces of half of the nato countries, individually, then there are simply fewer armed forces in these countries, that is , this is a really serious group, it... needs to be supported, it is necessary to constantly supply ammunition, food, fuel, evacuate the wounded, and so on, that is, logistics is needed, just from the point from the point of view of logistics, the crimean bridge is very important, and especially its railway branch , and through the crimean bridge.


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