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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 2:30am-3:01am EET

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ciarom the goods that taxes create. so. after all, you and i all use supermarkets, use public transport and so on and so forth. we didn't have the kind of collapse that could happen at the start of a full scale invasion. we have the forecast rate of the national currency and so on and so forth. that is, we have a huge number of benefits that we take for granted every day. but in order for us to continue to put. each other, we have to, we have to be even more careful with each other, we have to watch what we say we tell each other whether we are keeping our commitments and whether we are open to sometimes very uncomfortable changes. and the example i gave is that it is very important for the society of civilians who are not in the armed forces to see that the armed forces adopts a philosophy of people-centeredness. and this is not just to make
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some kind of declaration, it is to show that the u.s. army really cares about the least possible number of casualties, that it is real, that what is the dignity of a person who, a person who is ready to sacrifice his own life, that his dignity respected on every stage, she might be in a dirty and cold trench, but her life is valuable, she 's not expendable, it's, it's important that... there can't be a kpi, for example, about whether a unit fights well or bad in terms of the number of killed or wounded, and the greater this number, the better, which means that the units fight better and so on. we hear hundreds and thousands of these stories, they have flooded the information space, because they penetrate not through some propaganda mouthpiece, they penetrate through personal stories that told by people who are in the armed forces, and this is an important issue. the second question is that we
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still, we have to look ahead and we have to understand that it is very important for everyone to adapt to the war, and for civilians as well, you don't think so, i'm sorry, but i'll just ask a follow-up question , don't you think so , that last year we talked so much about our sustainability, about the fact that we live a normal life, about the fact that businesses pay taxes, we buy, they trade in... in blackout conditions, we talked so much against the background successful offensive of our troops, that a part of society simply opted out of the war, believing that somewhere out there it will be done outside, and this is a large part of society, it happens when , when expectations are overheated, when signals are too optimistic, this is natural, it will happen , and that's why an honest conversation is actually very important, i also believe that now the situation is most likely real. may be in
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many aspects better than we estimate, because we are now at the lowest point of our feelings, and you said on the forum that ukrainian society is at the lowest point of its spirit, well, this actually means that the situation can be better than it seems to us, just as it was once worse than it seemed to us, that is, we also have to face the fact that, that self-assessment is not always... correct, but , in any case, we are now in conditions of very changed rules of the game, we see how difficult it is to solve the issue with the help of ukraine in the united states, we see how slowly our partners wake up in europe, we see how difficult this public discussion is going to be about what it should look like, by what roles, that is, what roles from... different institutions,
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who should assume what responsibility, how mobilization should take place. a very simple example, the law on mobilization, which got to the parliament, then was withdrawn from the parliament, then got to the parliament again, did not have a single, not a single public hearing, experts did not have the opportunity to understand what is inside the bill, it is some kind of secret, no, he about the relationship between the citizen and the state, he is about... the reason in your opinion, why the reason, because it is an unpopular law, it is a complex law, but if this law does not exist, then people who will soon be in the trenches for the third year, will not be able to return home, to have prospects of returning home, and this is also difficult, and this is precisely so that this law can be properly accepted by all parties, it is very important to understand what principles are laid down in this law, and it is actually very important that the principles... of the social
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contract, the dignities were embedded in it let the law say: yes, there are risks to everyone's lives for you and me, but we all agree that human life and dignity are important. and if we agree to that, if we build our relationships by those standards, then fewer people will oppose it, and then we won't be in a situation, yeah, then we won't be in a situation where we 're fighting each other, and i can say from those studies that i have seen, which i have studied for years, that if the state appears threatening in the eyes of the citizen, the citizen for these generation has... already accumulated experience of corrupt confrontation with the state, and the citizen will win, the ukrainians are very, the citizen, that is, corruption will win, corruption will win the rules, and accordingly, this means that the cost, transactional, of involving
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one person in, for example, the armed forces, will be so high that it will be impossible to work normally within the framework of, for example, such a law, and therefore it is very... possible that now the deputies, who are by and large, now responsible for them, only for them, they are the only ones who can now and from the authorities, and from the opposition, i.e. from any and every camp, they are the only ones who can now go inside, look, decide how they want to change the norms that are there, and in accordance with these changes already propose to society, that is, new approach, most likely, any decision will be unpopular, because we are talking about a large account. about the fact that everyone can donate, each of us and you can find ourselves in a situation where we will have to donate, do ukrainians want to, most of them do not want to, but the question is what will happen if, if fate falls on you, what will happen if the choice is on you, that is, what are the next actions, and here the question is
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that we will be as strong as how protected the most vulnerable group of our society will be . i'm afraid we don't fully understand it. last question, we have 3 minutes left, i would really like to talk to you about the previous topic, but there are only 3 minutes left, i still want to ask you about the frontier institute, a week ago, in this very forum, which we now we are talking, you announced the launch of the frontier institute, why frontier, what are you investing in it and whether? specifically, how do you see your mission? we, as a society , are on the verge of a threat, and this threat will last, unfortunately , much longer than the war, because we are not at war with putin's russia, we are at war with a much more
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complex phenomenon, if tomorrow there is no putin and this state in its present form, the imperial sentiment and imperial culture will still be preserved. it is important for us to learn to live in such a way that we can have protected, full life, living next to the threat. the mission of the frontier institute is to understand how, to ask questions of absolutely different players, academics, analysts, politicians, businesses and so on, what can we do so that we learn to be resilient, to be resilient, and to understand how we can... after all, over time, push this frontier away from us. frontier is a very american concept, that is, it is a concept from the united states of the 19th century: europe has forgotten what a frontier is. europe has not been for a long time existed on the frontier. and the other side of this
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mission is to also help our european partners to open their eyes and understand better that the fact that they don't feel pain, because they are not being hit... doesn't mean that there is no pain, and we should all join together in this resistance, listen, and 15, over the last 15 years, or even over the last 10 years, you feel that after all, the frontier is moving, that is, we are moving, if we take the berlin wall as a point of reference for the frontier , which divided the world closed from the open world, then as they said in that joke, we have made good progress, the question is simply that... we have made progress and could not protect our borders, we could not build a system that would be so stable that from the russian side just didn't make sense to attack us, and as a result they now have a feeling that they can
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break us, they have a feeling that they can create the conditions that will force us to fold, and then they will go to the european borders for. .. where it will be much easier for them, and you don't think that we didn't succeed in many things precisely because we are a people of the frontier, that the frontier influenced our entire history in some way. identity, here is a similar, well no, not in these words, but a similar opinion is expressed by serhii plohii. it seems to me that frontierism is part of our nature, but that does not mean that we have to accept it as a given, at one time the vikings, there the scandinavians were the ones who preferred violent solutions, and modern scandinavia has completely different values, a different philosophy, i just thinking about the last ones 30 years. and that's what the difference is, it seems to me that it derives to a certain extent from the frontier nature of our identity.
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i would say one of the things that can cloud the view is that sometimes we don't realize how crazy far we've come in the last 30 years and how much we've changed, and when i look through my professional lens , and i ask the question, could we have moved... better, could we have moved faster, could this trajectory have been realistically somehow, that is, easier, my professional answer is that no, we were most likely moving towards one of the most optimal possible scenarios, and if you honestly consider the factors, the initial factors that we were in, and it was not poland, not bulgaria, not the czech republic, it the conditions were much tougher, we passed easily. a fantastic path, now during the war we must understand that we cannot stop
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our transformation, we must continue to implement reforms, we must continue to change, we must continue to strive for a different quality, we must remain at the same time realists and maximalists in order for us to be able to build the kind of life we ​​want, and we also need to understand that we have a rather cool attitude from our western partners. because if we declare that subjectivity is important to us, it is not only a threat to russia, it also means that the western partners will have to deal with us, and that is the reason why we have a blocked border, and that is the reason why we have problems with many neighboring, neighboring countries' governments, and this the reason why this awakening of the great european states is happening so slowly, our subjectivity is not a signal... that it will be easier, on the contrary, it is a signal for everyone that there will be more competition,
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another opinion will have to be taken into account these ukrainians , who are these ukrainians, who allowed them, it means to demand something from us and so on, we need to have answers to these questions, and there is only one minute left, but i cannot ask about such a threat, if you said the word victory , i will not ask what is for you means victory, you ask, by the way, in your wonderful report, you ask a question, but you don't answer it, right? if this victory will not be as expected by ukrainian society, if it is, and it will obviously be like that, yes, because it will be associated with certain compromises, with certain, that is, the people may not feel the triumph of victory, will it not happen so that it will lead to isolationism, to anti-westernism, to insulting western partners and the whole world, and to stagnation. certain, do you see this one a threat? i really hope we don't
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have to think about it, but i think this is a test of maturity for us, we have to, instead of being offended by circumstances that are sometimes objective, we have to think all the time about how we can be the strongest in every situation, and her answer to the question of what ukrainian victory should look like, and... thinking about what ukrainian victory should look like should be a constant process within each of us within each sector, we must be very clear that this is the answer which we need it and to a lesser extent our partners need it. therefore, in many cases , we will have to make difficult decisions that will, among other things, anger our partners, who may be... unpopular within the country, and so on and so on and so on,
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it is very important for us not to primitiveize accordingly this question, this question reduced only to borders, or only to, therefore, some legal status there, this is a more complicated issue, this includes subjectivity, this includes identity, this includes culture, this includes security from future attacks, this includes there are a lot of factors involved, physical survival on this one, absolutely. yevgeny, thank you for the conversation, yevhen hlibovytskyi, a member of the nestorivska group and the director of the newly established frontier institute, was my guest, thank you for being with us, we imagine. victory, it's great, thank you, thank you, congratulations to all, this is a football format, and today we will make such a summary for the week, the national team of ukraine found out the opponents in
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the zzinatsia league, how shevchenko went to the heads of uefa, fifa, is shakhtar ready for the eurocups, that's all and we'll tell you a little more today. we are oleksandr vashchuk and andriy malinovskyi, and i would like to immediately move on to the fact that the draw took place and the draw has determined our opponents in the league of nations in a tournament that was not previously evaluated, but now it turns out to be a tournament from which you can enter either the european championship or for the world cup, so ukraine's opponents will be the czech republic, albania and georgia, and at the moment there are such opponents that the czech republic and albania have already qualified for the euros, georgia will play in the playoffs, just like us, that's why the group. at first glance it's easy, at second - well, if to analyze a little deeper, they are still worthy opponents, and let's show them, after all, we visualize these opponents and how, i want to say that serhii rebrov was at the draw, it's very nice, because not always our coaches or officials go to the draw , here he went, commented, and if we have a comment from serhiy rebrov about
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the draw itself, let's listen to it, i don't have some... emotions, because now we are really focused on preparing for the playoff games, but i think that it is very an important tournament, now, all the clubs have the opportunity to get to the euros through the league of nations, so this tournament used to be like friendlies, but now, as i say, every meeting, it decides a lot in the group, so it's a very interesting tournament and i i think that as i said. each team is now not playing a friendly match, but rather a more responsible match. well, in the background there will be an increase in rank to return to league a, where we have already been. yes, but in this tournament, no one knows where it is better to play in the a league, the fighters or these. so, we expect such opponents that will be, the games will
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take place in the 24th year, in september two matches, in october two matches, there in november two matches, and we start with albany, we finish. albania, and i also say that you don't want to underestimate the opponents there, the czech republic , for example, there are quite a lot of quality legionnaires there, just like in ukraine, they play in england, their most talented players are there, and they also passed quite easily selection, overtook poland, likewise albania overtook poland, and georgia themselves know, perhaps heard, success at the youth level are huge, and therefore somehow talk about the fact that it is a weak opponent, well, of course, ukraine. nominally, this is the favorite of this group, i remind you that the first place goes to league a, the second place , if it takes, plays the playoffs with the league, and with the third place, whoever takes, well , the last team is relegated to the lower division, and well i remind you that it is thanks to the league of nations that now the ukrainian national team has a chance to go to the euros, where it will play in the playoffs with the bosnians in march,
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like bosnia and herzegovina, if we pass, then we will play with the winner of the pair iceland israel, and precisely about this... the question here is that he is now most focused on preparing for these march matches, and if the march matches go well, then of course you can put a check mark that this is a success and the task is accomplished. and we include andrii malinovskyi in the conversation, andrii, we started talking by drawing lots, we listened to serhiy rebrov, we want to listen to you, he will hear a little later. and also the form of our collectors - this is always such a debatable issue, because we said there a week or two ago that our collectors, legionnaires they are having fun there, they are scoring goals, this week is not so successful, and we will also remember that gerona played against real yesterday, yes in the national team, shevchenko also in the national team, andriy went to the uefa congress, where he met with such
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influential people, there were delegations from different countries , of course, italy, england. well, the management of infantino and fifa and ceferin uefa also spoke and there are already some positive developments, because the fifa website reports that they talked with ukraine and will go to a meeting, maybe this will lead to, for example, disqualification now of the belarusian football association, because we know that russia is not allowed in football, but belarus, unfortunately, is playing and, although in reality they are playing, they are not playing, there are no successes, but still this... formally it is necessary to achieve of this ban, and andrii, welcome, how do you hear us, what can you say, the donation and generally about these stories, which were congressional. yes, a very interesting week, to a large extent already hot, despite the fact that it is still february, still winter, and we see that there are many events not only in club football, but now the national team is starting, now our us
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, well let's say so, to please with the news, that 's how we got the draw for the league of nations, a very important tournament, we all know it, and now our managers, new and old, also emphasize it, and we know it too , that this tournament , through which you can get to the forums, and the opponents who are now in our quartet... at lunch , we were absolutely beyond our means, taking into account that now there is a decline in georgian football, considering that now the czech republic is not so powerful, and albania will always be an outsider in football confrontations with such powerful countries as ours, well, plus the czech republic, we are two favorites, and albania and georgia , after all, are teams that are unlikely to create opposition to such national teams with such a status as our team, well plus, after all, look now, time passes and we understand that... that just such faces came , powerful football faces like andriy shevchenko, like serhiy rrov, and they are already recognizable, and everyone understands what kind of country this is, now it is identification with our country, we
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have seen it now in the congress, what respect is huge, now, we understood that we also had very strong coaches before, very strong representatives, but now exactly how powerful is the personality of andriy shevchenko, how recognizable and significant is the person of serhii rebrov, this is what makes our ukraine even more. the favorite, including in the league of nations, there is now a discussion about how to use this league of nations, it is clear that we want to win, but we have nowhere to play, let's say this, the nearest reserve, do you think, it is still worth combining these tasks, and you you know, maybe it's worth it, but it's unlikely that anyone will go to such experiments now, we understand that there is a skeleton around which the team is built, and this is exactly how serhiy rebrov will act now, because he came as a pick-up, we understand that, but for. .. he still has an additional status, he also became the vice president, and he has a huge responsibility, so he will not mix, and he will put the maximum currently powerful
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lineups for all the matches that await us this year, and we we understand that it will be such a kaleidoscope, a very busy football year, which actually starts already, the battles will start in a month, and even in a few days we will talk about the miner who will start his battle, and it is equally important that ukraine get a result, because we are from... now in the fifa ranking there among of the european national team in 12th place, and this 12th place gives us the first basket in the draw for selection for the world championship, and this is also very important, there we lose alone and immediately drop to 13-14 and that's it, and the opponents some can be very difficult, but not for us you can now experiment neither with compositions, nor with a functional emotional state, so now we have to set just that... the most powerful result, the most powerful goals for ourselves, and now that's all, if absolutely everything turns out in our favor , because all the leading footballers
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now have game practice, we can see that everyone is playing, well almost everyone is playing at the base in their powerful championships, the championships are all on the go now, so we just have to be in our best form for these most important matches, well, the league of nations is a tournament that we... in any case, we have to win, taking into account all the components, that is, all the inputs, and as for the playoffs now, it is clear that we are favorites with bosnia, herzegovina , the same with any of the opponents, either it will be israel or it will be iceland, there is no difference, we are definitely favorites, here the most important thing now is to get results first of all, then when we wanted a beautiful game there, that's what we always want, but now we want a beautiful result, we want to play in the strongest competitions, also... already spoke that serhii rabruv, in addition to being the coach of the national team, the vice-president, and that 's what he is about, he commented that he is now driving such a double function, and it is about the congress serhii rebrov and in the status of vice-president,
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let's also hear , what impressions, i was there as a coach of the national team, and my thoughts were more about the national team, that's why i supported andriy mykolayovych, i liked the congress and i think that everything went as planned. i was wondering how the vice president would look at everything teams, as much time as i had, i watched a lot, not only the candidates, but the preparation of all the teams, it is very important, and it is important that we start and have a very good second part of the championship, so i went there not only as a coach national team, it will be very interesting for me to watch the training of all the teams, see serhii rebrov probably visited abroad. more teams than when he was in ukraine, well, yes, we noted it, even counted it, in ukraine he visited exactly two teams, miner and dynamo, when they played against each other,
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and now he's already visited... well, at least five or six clubs that are currently preparing for the season, and plus he can't decide where he is as a vice president, he's looking, and daven is considering candidates as a vice president , so now he still needs to cope with these two roles, so to speak, well, he probably chooses a role depending on his own, well, what he is wearing, you see, when he covers up, he is the vice president, listen, well this image suits him, and we talked a lot about the image earlier about our mentors, that is oleg. such a person, such a personality is recognizable and he was always in a sports maxi suit, and there is ruslan ratan, again, he does not have a golden ball, but he is always at the matches of the youth team from which he went to the olympics, he is always just right in a shirt or in a suit, by the way, here is the image right now, look how much he said even now, how many videos, how many comments, how many even leicester, that all are in the best sense in relation to the image
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of our representatives... shevchenko and serhiy rib, that is why it is necessary to fix it now and as much as possible in this way, because this is exactly how they look at us, this is how we identify with, they are from ukraine, and we are with them, well, i am also glad that they do not go to in their sweatshirts, in khaki colors, they really understand that a lot of people are showing them and watching, and also, well, you need to look a little bit accordingly, and here we see the meetings of shevchenko, rebrov with delegations, and here is igor hryshchenko, as we said. general secretary of the uaf, he constantly accompanied him there, as well as a functionary, as well as the translator is probably so helpful, although andriy shevchenko and serhiy rebrov both know the language , they both speak english very well, and both played in london and played in the english championship, well, probably also for hryshchenko’s communication, he is immersed in legal, economic such more internal processes, so it is also definitely a help for
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football players, serhii rebrov and andriy shevchenko are first and foremost a football player, that is, they know the coaching process, but all such kitchens are internal, they are more functional processes, they for the most part, ihor hryshchenko is now on his shoulders. well, you see that ceferin and infantino are saying such general phrases about shevchenko, about helping ukraine. we still want some specifics, so that there are really some actions, but before the actions we had to approve the new rule about the blue card, but... it was postponed to announce it, but we understand that sooner or later this blue card in football is all one thing will be introduced, well, we have already approached it, besides, it has been required for a long time, that is, football, well , it is clear that a conservative sport is one of the most conservative, but we understand that something like this needs to be introduced and implemented a long time ago, and why, because it happens, well, it often happens that there is not enough yellow and too much red, so this is just such an average option , it is absolutely
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appropriate now. falls precisely into the concession of football itself, because we understand that attack breakdowns, there is a time delay, what a big time delay, relatively speaking, there with a breakdown of the attack, that is, the team concedes there anyway, conditionally speaking, the opponent will also receive a yellow card there a card, a conversation with the referee, it all affects someone, him in particular, and the team that is there, which needs to score, relatively speaking, still loses two or three minutes there, so it is absolutely necessary to introduce such a rule, and it is clear that it will , i think that this year it will be, at first it is possible for women there. football at the youth level, youth level, and then at the professional level, we just have to wait for it this year, i think, well, let's explain again that a blue card will mean that a player is sent off for 10 minutes, and for a violation such, these are disputes with the referees, and also some such foul that interrupts an attack, a dangerous attack, and if there are two blue cards, then it is equal to red, and if blue and yellow, well, we like
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this combination of colors, then also. is combined, well, it is equated to a red, it is an expulsion, but there is a lot of talk about it, well, different opinions , well, most do not perceive it, but it is worth reminding that the yellow and red card at the world championships appeared only in 1970 , before that they played without this, so that everything new somehow becomes permanent in football anyway, well, yes, and it was precisely related to the traffic light with yellow and red colors, but now they decided that... well, well, yes , to make corrections and make another blue color, maybe just in fact it is related to our flags and now this is also additional support, and then we need to talk about the national team, then it is clear that the national team is ours, well, the backbone is the legionnaires who play abroad and such a change in style vitaliy mykolenko impressed everyone because we are used to seeing vitaliy mykolenko always like this in sports he even wears suits.


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