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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 4:30am-4:59am EET

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100 thousand, but dear tv viewers, dear presenters, and then explain to me the informational hysteria surrounding the adoption of the law on increasing responsibility for mobilization measures and, accordingly , the hysteria over the mobilization of another 400-500 thousand personnel, when the main explanation was personnel rotation , and now it turns out that we just have to spend. and the armed forces of ukraine have enough personnel to carry out this rotation. then explain, and what was it then? the whole country watched the month due to incomprehensible political games surrounding the law on mobilization, corresponding claims against zaluzhnyi regarding the implementation of mobilization measures. but the main company should talk about the fact that the figure of ukrainian budget expenditures for... carrying out mobilization
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measures has increased in a strange way, if the guarantor called the figure 500 billion uah, then at the moment the figure is already heard, the sycophant voiced it as 720 billion, from which the increase is actually 50% , but the main company for understanding the implementation of mobilization activities on the territory of the occupying country, according to forbes should cost the russian budget 7.5 billion dollars, and this is about 300 billion according to the bank account, so explain to me how the mobilization measures of occupied ukraine are twice as cheap for the russian budget as in ukraine, where they should cost the ukrainian 500 in the budget, but it turns out to be 720 billion. and tell me, mr. dmytro, the verkhovna rada is still working on a law on mobilization, can it? of course not, but mr.
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vitaly, let's talk about the fact that even if this draft law is voted on, it will will enter only from the month of april, and then what to do with the rhetoric regarding the rotation of personnel and, accordingly, social justice in this matter. i would still like to understand how you imagine the further mobilization process in that case. what is the rotation or mobilization of new servicemen after all? first of all, mr. vitaly, it is the lack of communication with ukrainian society again, because it is necessary to explain that the mobilization activities, these 400-500 thousand, is not a one-person, non-simultaneous action during the month, respectively this is the plan that the armed forces of ukraine need to replenish their personnel, i.e.... to extend for a year or two,
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this should be explained so as not to scare ukrainian society, but something, mr. dmytro, when you talk about a year and a two, you are already scaring society, because many of us believe that this will all end in the coming months, at least by the end of the 24th year, mr. vitaly, well, i am not borysta, respectively, like his budanov, who promised us coffee on yaltonskaya embankment, that's right, i still analyze it promised mr. podolyak from the office... budanov promised that we would go to the crimea, and the huriv people really visited there, where they visited, well, that's a separate topic, let's talk about the fact that the statement there was completely different, budanov was talking specifically about the yalten embankment , but less so, let 's talk about the fact that according to the estimates of the same stoltenberg, which have been made so far, it is necessary to prepare for a possible military confrontation with the russian federation decades ahead, that is, it is not even about a war in ukraine. and possible military conflicts,
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the direct confrontation of the nato countries with the russian empire, it is worth talking about it, these are real assessments of reality, and it is no coincidence that the largest military exercises since the cold war are currently taking place in europe, involving 90 thousand personnel, and the legend of these exercises is the confrontation of russian aggression in in the same svalsk corridor, by the way, the scenario does not foresee any kind of gur language at all, moreover, it comes out of the crowd and says that, well, the russian federation currently has no possibility escalation of tension in other areas except ukraine. mr. dmitry, let's talk about the actual situation at the front, because the latest reports tell us about simply insane pressure and even certain such tangible advances of the russians on... the contact line, this applies,
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in particular, to avdiyivka, there is already a certain percentage in general of the settlement is under their control, and there are already battles in the private sector. in addition, at chasiv in the klishchiivka area, they also managed to push their troops forward, like that they say, marinka novomykhaivka is not too cool news for us, in robotyn , history is supposedly stabilizing for us. all in all, taking into account the situation at the front, in your opinion, is the currently chosen tactic of mobile defense, which... was noted by ex-head zalozhny, effective, and most importantly, will syrsky adhere to this tactic? it will be accordingly, because let's talk about the fact that tsirskyi is a member of zaluzhnyi's team, he didn't get anywhere from anywhere, and when tsirskyi himself, let's say this, is currently
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being told that he is the creator of victories kharkiv region, in accordance with the successful nature of the defense of kyiv, i have a question, but where was the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine at that time, if not him. actually planned this nature of the operation , syrskyi is his subordinate, but less so, what will happen now, i.e. , the appointment of syrskyi will absolutely not affect the plans of the armed forces of ukraine regarding further actions on the front line, this is active defense. the only thing worth noting is that once again the nature of the tactical advances of the russian occupiers in the avdiivka area became possible thanks to the fact that the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense overslept tactically. maneuver of the russians, namely the use of a 2 km long drainage pipe, with which they entered the rear of the ukrainian group in the tsarska okhota area. this operation was prepared for several months in a row, welding work, drilling work was carried out , bc hiding places and equipment were made, during this time kyrylo
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oleksiyovych gave numerous interviews about how we will counterattack in 2024, currently the main key points before the threat defense not in avdeivka, this is a zenith and , accordingly, a chemist, so what is currently happening in avdeivka is fighting directly in the urban development, it is, respectively, in the private sector, nezalezhnosti street, respectively, where there are high-rise buildings, soborna street, chernichevska street, high-intensity battles , and the armed forces of ukraine are forced to deplete operational reserves in order to neutralize the further russian advance precisely in the area of ​​high-rise buildings, because then... the bakhmut scenario will actually repeat itself. and the fact that the society is currently happening in avdeevt is this attempts of the occupiers to gain direct control over the locations of the armed forces of ukraine. they did not storm the avdiiv koksakhim head-on, as probably
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the ukrainian servicemen themselves had hoped for. flank coverage, respectively , the berdychi steppe with access to the swallows, the second is an industrial avenue that provides an opportunity. from the control over locations, the distance to the location is up to 1 km, this is the truth, regarding the events taking place in avdeivka, but you agree with the point of view of western military experts, who say that even the capture of avdiyivka is a purely political effect that will not lead to any tangible changes, even on the front line in the donetsk direction. mr. vitaly, i agree with the statement of the classic, do not read, paraphrase, do not read the western press, because when the western press reports that the fascination... devki should be tied to the presidential race of the russian federation, then i would like to hear the opinion of the russians, i apologize to the western experts about who would actually compete with the russian dictator, in this case tactical defeats or successes directly
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on the battle line. in my opinion, such theses, and moreover, they sound from rather highly respected western media, have the opposite goal of legitimization. dictatorial regime of the russian federation, to show the possibility and presence of political competition in the russian federation and the so-called free expression of will, i.e. pluralism of opinions. why are such omissions from the western press? explain to me thank you, thank you, mr. dmitry. dmytro snegerov, military expert, the co-chairman of the public initiative of case law was on our air. we're going to break for a couple of minutes now, but... with us, to the very end, the following footage may shock you, news from the scene live, kamikaze drone attacks, political analysis,
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objectively and meaningfully, there is no political season, exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front, a shot, freedom, frankly and impartially, you draw your own conclusions. we continue. khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. we are already ready to include our next guest and this oleksandr motyl, historian, political scientist, professor at rudger university, united states. congratulations, mr. oleksandr, glory to ukraine. congratulations thank you for the invitation. so, let's talk about what is happening with the help of the united states of ukraine at the beginning, how can you explain it, what is happening in the senate now, is it really possible? get help, or just political moves that won't pass the house of representatives anyway? well
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, that's the whole point, you see, in the senate, the senate, being somewhat more responsible, then they they took exactly this decision to give aid to ukraine, which is 95 billion, it would be the greater part of ukraine, as you know, then a certain part of israel, but the problem is that now the house of representatives has to think about all this and... well, against ukraine, at worst, at best, many of them simply do not think that ukraine is important, and it remains an open question whether they will vote for it or not, no one really knows, if we talk about the substantive review and amendments that are being danced around now, particularly in the senate? i did not understand you, but let me paraphrase: we we understand that what happened in the senate is
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essentially a vote to put on the agenda, that is, we will start talking about it. on the other hand, the consideration of the merits should begin, it will actually be a struggle for the important points for the congress, which should be taken into account during this vote. what moments are most important now? for various groups, in particular among republicans and democrats, well among democrats and for a certain part of republicans, they actually really support ukraine, they understand that this is not a matter of goodwill, that it is strategic, geopolitically important issue and that it is imperative for america, as a country that still occupies a leading place in the international arena, to support ukraine, because supporting ukraine is tantamount to supporting democracy, a certain... a certain balance on the world stage , and so on, they understand this, and thus they
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are ready and not at all ready, but they want to support ukraine. the problem with those representatives, with those congressmen in the house of representatives, they are largely from the south and west, the midwest, so for them ukraine and russia are all far away, for their voters even further. many of them never happened. border, so they are not so focused on such international affairs, it has always been so and continues to be so now. the second problem is that there is trump, you see, he said quite clearly that he is not favorable to ukraine, well, there are certain hesitations, but mainly this is his message. and they are all representatives, to a certain extent also senators, but mainly the representatives are afraid of him, they are afraid that he... the president, they are afraid that if they don't vote the way he does if he wants, then he can pay back
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in one way or another, and this is very possible, so there is also this factor, finally, we must remember that in the house of representatives, they are elected for a term of two years, which means that if it is a person became a representative and is already thinking about the next election, this leads to the fact that representatives in general, republican representatives, in particular, they are ... prone to populism, which means that they are ready to do everything that will give them a win, a victory in the next election, and because their voters, well, those people in the west and in the south, ukraine or russia are not so important, so they usually propose populist policies that seem to support america, mainly harm american interests, not to mention ukrainian interests, well, in principle, there is another question here, which may be unclear, i think, in ukraine. for six months, they discussed the issue of this
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compromise, migration legislation in exchange for aid to ukraine and israel. they allegedly reached an impasse with the migration legislation, although in reality they reached significant compromises. refused to the voting of this draft law, allegedly, so as not to resolve the issue of aid to ukraine. now they do not want to vote on migration legislation, but are ready to discuss aid to ukraine. all this happens in one senate. how can it be? well, this is a good question, but you understand, biden thought that if you connect the issue of migration with the issue of ukraine. then he will kind of force, well, trick him, so to speak, but he will force the republicans to vote for ukraine, because they will want some solution to the migration issue, they used it, however, as threat of blackmail against him, so we are not ready to support ukraine, unless you are ready to make radical concessions on this issue, and then the situation remained such
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a stalemate, now the white house finally thought, well, why should we... you are one and the same the package itself, we will offer support to ukraine and israel, and then we will discuss separately, this is another issue. in principle, this is logical, in principle, the republicans should agree to such a thing, but again it is in their interest to create a kind of chaos in the political system, and it is also in the interest of trump himself, he doesn't want to what solutions, painful issues are there, because then it works out to the advantage of biden, and not to the advantage of trump, trump and the radical, and the radical republicans, so it is not known what will happen now, in principle they should agree, but in them they have such a logic that is not fully understood, and it is not completely excluded that they
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will vote against support, and then against this package, regarding aid to the border.' they would like to then, they are then given the opportunity to put all the blame on biden and thus the opportunity to win in elections in november, the situation is crazy, yes, but now they are trying to lay straws allegedly in the white house, at least this is reported by the new york times with reference to representatives of the administration of the president of the united states, they say that they are also trying to consider substitutes there. options, that is, how to support ukraine, if, respectively, in the senate and in the congress there is no agreement on this package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. one of the options we have already discussed is the prospect of confiscation in our favor russian assets, actually transferring them to us. on the other hand, this is allegedly the purchase with the money
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of the european union, of those weapons that will be manufactured in the united states, and then before. to be given to ukraine, taking this into account, how do you see german chancellor olaf scholz's visit to the united states and the main highlights of his meeting with joseph biden. well , you see, taking into account what you said, scholz's visit is a shocking moment in politics, the foreign policy of the federal republic of germany. imagine that the german chancellor came to america and in... america offered further support for ukraine, further arming of germany, europe, america, cooperation against russia, so what, well, this could not have been imagined 10, 15, 20 years ago, here the german chancellor turns out to be the defender of ukraine. he came, of course, to speak, to confirm some of
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his position, to force the house of representatives to a certain extent. to make the right decision, whether it will affect it, i do not know, but it is not excluded, because after all, not only scholz, other state leaders have already spoken out for help in ukraine, the senate is supported by the white house, the pentagon, the state department, well , a large part of intellectuals and analysts, so the more the house of representatives becomes isolated, and it is possible that scholz and his... what will help in this, in this direction, but this is the very fact that, by and large, the europeans have to convince the americans that they should help ukraine. let's remember 2022, shall we? well, yes, well, it's just such an irony of history. it one of the positives of this, this crisis
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, which is now present in the house of representatives, that it forces europeans to finally take... very seriously their own security, and the first, as trumpo as president, he basically taught them that you cannot fully rely on americans, and this discussion , i think, i hope, convinced them that even in the best case, when the president is both pro -europe and pro-ukraine, one must still take up one's own self-defense, this is good, this is good for europe, this for america and, in the end, also for ukraine. well, on unfortunately, it is positive in the long-term sense, ukraine needs weapons tomorrow, not in 10 or 15 years, but at least something is happening. like a positive dispersal in cases. ugh. and tell me, mr. oleksandr, how did the united states take an interest in this interview that tucker carson took with putin. because for
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russians and ukrainians this is the number one topic. everyone in russia will discuss it. it is being discussed in ukraine, but this is an interview that was not on any leading tv channels, well, they watch it on twitter. a large number of people on former twitter, but again, we don't know, they're just browsing, that's it, we know what social media is, that. to watch the tv screen , turned it on, turned it off and forgot how important it is in general from a political point of view, well, in principle, it showed again that putin has not changed at all, has not changed his songs, so to speak, he is the same speaks and sings, which he has been saying, by the way, for 25 years, but at least in the last two years, this is one thing, and secondly, it seemed that caroson is in in principle, a jerk who was unprepared for this... interview, and at the same time putin proved that he is a boring man who cannot answer a very simple question, except that it requires 30 minutes, well
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, he laughed too, somehow you saw , he somehow could n't hold back, yes, but you see, for an ordinary american, an interview with putin in which he talks about the founding of novgorod in 862 or something like that, and he talks about it... two hours, two hours, at that moment no one was in manhattan, although it is difficult believe me, i'm sure that none of the americans will listen to it, i didn't watch it, maybe 5 minutes, then i heard about the polish-lithuanian principality and excluded it, because it's just idiocy, the only ones who listened were people like me or you, commentators, analysts and others, this is our, this is our professional duty psychotherapist putinsky listened, so i... i don't know if putinsky, but it seems to me that for the community, well, this kind of professionals should be interesting, well, tell me, sir oleksandr, okay, we drop rurik, but the americans who hear
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in fact, from the mouth of the russian president , the justification of the nazi leader hitler, who was forced to attack poland because she did not want to give up some of her territories voluntarily continent, well, but obvious things, where evil should be called evil, and good should be good, and they also sound, or did it somehow play a role? well, to a certain extent, i am, well, as you know, the poles reacted, but i read several blogs there, several discussions on the internet, where people pay attention to this very thing, so that it caught everyone's eye, by the way, i even wrote an article today... the first two paragraphs are devoted to a certain topic, and of course, not only that he justifies hitler, he actually identifies himself with hitler, because in fact the logic
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of reflection that he applies to poland is the same logic that he applies to ukraine, so it turns out that putin really is putler, by the way, he himself and it was recognized, i think, by experts, analysts and so on, they saw it, understood it, they laughed at the same time in horror, because he... just played such nonsense that it is better to imagine worse and it is difficult to imagine, but as they said, for ordinary americans, you know what danzik, gdansk is like, well, they could say that already about mars, then they are still more understandable. do you think that this interview was necessary in order for putin to really send some signals to donald trump, even publicly, about how the russian-american negotiations might look if trump becomes the head of america, as a result, no. none there were no such signals , there was this old song about history, about the fact that ukraine attacked russia, about the fact that the west insults russia, he generally became a thread
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of some kind, he was not like that, yes, well, if we speak, well you see, but trump knows very well that putin has a positive attitude towards him, and just such an interview, which, by the way, i am absolutely sure that trump himself did not review, so possibly two or three minutes of some of the most important moments and that's it . that's all, so whether it was necessary for putin to send some signals to trump, well, i'm something i doubt it, uh, it's simple, so it's part of his pr campaign, he had an opportunity to repeat what he's already said 100 times, he won't convince anyone, but there's a chance, well maybe a small one, but there's a chance that semi-sober people , who were half sympathetic to trump, will hear, at least certain parts, and think, well, you have to be... crazy to support putin, and you have to be just as crazy to support trump, so it might even backfire, it not excluded, but i am not sure. and several
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words, mr. alexander, finally with your permission, on the subject of elon musk, who is actually the owner of the x network, the former twitter, where tucker carlson has 11 million followers, and where , in fact, many expected this interview with putin, there is very alarming signals from our military that starlinks have become available to the russians, and obviously we find ourselves in a situation here now on equal footing and... and in the united states, our ukrainian minds now have a picture where, well, in fact, despite the pentagon's opinion, but a representative of a large private business now, well, it is a bit polar to the official position of the states, the states support ukraine, but personally, elon musk obviously thinks otherwise and helps in russia too. yes, well, don't
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forget, he probably is. the richest man in america, so this, this, this means that he has a certain influence, also influences the economic development of the country, so that he is naturally treated with a certain respect, whether we like it or not, here it would be, it will be interesting here, because whether he violates sanctions or whether he violates certain agreements of america with its allies, i uh, well, of course, like you. i am worried that he helps and is sympathetic to russia, but i do not exclude the possibility that some politicians or at least the federal bureau will pressure him into investigations, it is not excluded yet, but we will see if something happens, then probably in a week or so- two, so do you think that in a week or two it can be decided what will happen to donald trump's chances of running for
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president of the united states? and well, well, he will probably be the candidate of the republican party for president, that's about all are convinced that it will be so, the possibility is not excluded that this certain haile, that she will still be able to win in the end, well that, but, but that is only on the condition that there will be some crazy scandal with trump, which under, which will convince his voters that he is so irresponsible, that he is an irresponsible candidate. so if it doesn't happen, then he will almost certainly be the republican candidate, and the most disturbing thing is that a large part, a much larger part, let's say this, of democrats, liberals are convinced that he will and that he will defeat biden, this is very disturbing, of course, thank you, mr. mr. oleksandr, oleksandr
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motyl. historian, political scientist, professor of the rathor university of the united states, we had a call, now we will have a call with the former ambassador of ukraine to croatia and bosnia and herzegovina, oleksandr levchenko. we will talk about the balkans. congratulations, mr. oleksandr. best regards, studio. so, let's start with this upcoming ukraine-southeastern europe summit. well, in fact, a meeting with the leaders of the balkan countries. this is a completely new form. what can you do? expect from? such a meeting , mr. oleksandr, well, it is obvious that this is a continuation of the theme of ukraine's participation in the summit, the european union, the western balkans plus ukraine, we remember that in october, last year , all this took place in greece, in thessaloniki on the 20th.


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