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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 5:30am-6:01am EET

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clashed, they could not go any further, and the war began, such slow combat work, well, yes, and there is nothing there, there already, relatively speaking, you can do this in stalingrad, you can do this in the kurdish arc, and that's it, and that's it you can't invent anything like that here, you just need to break it, and the one who finally breaks it, digests the enemy, he wins, or no one can do it, and the armies are one pro... opposite the other for at least 100 years, and it's also not an exaggeration, you know, centuries-old wars have been in the history of mankind and will be in our lifetime, i i'm thinking of appearing too, because it 's just, well, it's simple things like that, again, any person who studied at a military school, and general syrsky is in the clean, he knows that, it's not mathematics, it's arithmetic, no geometry is not algebra, how do you feel about the syriac information campaign now, i have to... regarding the fact that i was born, studied,
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had relatives in the russian federation, i will simply remind you that after all, this is a general who worked in valery zaluzhny's team , he was appointed, in my opinion, under the previous president, he knows the history of the armed forces of ukraine and actually the russian-ukrainian war. nevertheless, now they are pulling out some very strange type of skeletons from the closet, all this was in public access for a long time, it surprises me, because we have to talk about professions. quality, if a person has already reached the rank of general in ukraine, he is also a hero of ukraine, by the way, of course, yes, no one said, but why is it you who gives the title of hero of ukraine to a person who was born in russia, and why is this you are a person appointed commander of the ground forces, here it suddenly turned out that there is a certain glass ceiling, i i think i told you, i will tell you again, a person is born in different places, because there are cases of birth, the son of a tsar is a soldier... to be born anywhere,
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anywhere, you know that it is not lucky away from russia, you know that my mother was born in the evocative train, when this train stood on one of the semi-stations in the russian federation, and she was in this place where she was born, one day in her life, one single day, even her birth certificate in the kazakh language is a coincidence, but you can say that my mother was born in russia, that truth? well, this is a fact, it was what was written in her metric and in her passport all her life, although she was in this russian federation, i repeat, when the train was moving, it could have happened anywhere at the time when this train was evacuated from of the then ukraine, since then the ukrainian ssr, and it was during the evacuation, now in 2020, in the second year, children were born, some in poland, some somewhere else, but... by the way, some could be born in russia
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from those children of people who fled through russia to europe and gave birth to children there, what does this mean? first moment, second moment, ethnic syrian origin, first of all, i don't even know this ethnic origin, he was born in russia, so he is russian, it doesn't mean we don't know who he is by origin, and this is again a strange situation in a country that has among of its citizens , millions of ethnic russians who defend it, and against which... a country where millions of ethnic russians are fighting destroys it, ethnic ukrainians, ethnic ukrainians, ethnic ukrainians from russia, and there was even an ethnic ukrainian originally from ukraine, not from of russia, dmytro kozak, who was entrusted with preparing all this damn, all this nonsense, he is a ukrainian, and serhiy glaziv was also from zaporizhzhia, i don't know his ethnic origin, ukrainian, otherwise russian, but one of the ideologues of the attack, and valya matvii. which, well, it’s a joke, but she
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presided over a meeting of the federation council twice, at which a decision was made about putin’s right to send troops into ukraine, this is a formality, but it was this person who signed this permission, her permission is there, and such ukrainians can be remind a lot, and yes, and we are talking about ukrainians who are from ukraine, and after all, they are citizens of russia, how many traitors, who were not even citizens of russia, all of them. pushilins, zakharchenkos, beekeepers, shmasichniks, all this hop company, they are just citizens of ukraine. these people, at least, we cannot have any big claims against them there, again, just as we should not think about the ethnic origin of syrsky or anyone else there, so we should not think about the ethnic origin of matvienko, glaziyev or kosak, therefore that they chose russia as their homeland, they have russian citizenship, they gave it oath as civil servants, they only say that russia is a political nation.
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well, it is there, i think that it is actually by the signs of uh, it must be said that we created it, we created it, wow, in fact with our maidans, we proved to the russians that there is something that opposes them, that is how a political a nation for a morphed population that does not see threats. the maidans created both the ukrainian political nation and the russian one. by the way, we have said many times that nagorno-karabakh, this great tragedy in the life of the armenian and azerbaijani peoples, created two political nations, well, not only ethnic, but also political. azerbaijanis at the end of the 80s, beginning of the 20s, believe me, were not poly. nation, they were simply residents of the azerbaijan ssr. armenians were rather such a historical nation that remembered its great past there. and then suddenly these nations met in a terrible conflict, terrible for everyone, but came out of this conflict as two very different, but political nations,
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of people of different ethnic origins. try talking to an azerbaijani jew about karabakh. ugh. you will hear all that you will hear from an ethnic azerbaijani, because this person does not feel exclusively connected to his ethnic origin, connected to azerbaijan, although he does not have it, there should not be any emotions that azerbaijanis there may have towards armenians in connection with this actually ethnic conflict between these two peoples, the same in armenia, talk to a person who lives there in armenia, who is not of armenian origin, you will absolutely perceive reality in this way, and here this correlation also happened between us and the russians, so that it there is, but i'm not talking about these people, again, not about... about these people, but about those who simply betrayed ukraine, being ukrainians. this is a strange story when people who are not ethnic ukrainians fight for ukraine, but ethnic ukrainians, just real traitors. you will remember that all this shushera in the occupied regions, our
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heads of state, who fled to russia in 2014, how many ukrainians were among them, 90%, are fine there. this sbu head, yakemenko, minister of internal affairs, zakharchenko, who were they? russians born in russia? i was there one who was born, it is not known where, but this one, kolya azarov, do you remember him, what he was like, here he was, in reality he was an ethnic russian, well, to be honest, no, not a russian, so that’s important, yes we are talking about this story, he was estonian. to such russian chauvinists, the truth is, even when he was the head of the ukrainian government, that is , why did i mention to you that he was not russian, because it is not a question of ethnicity, it is a question of political motivation, he had
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such a russian- soviet, well, that's all for you, so everything here seems absolutely perfect to me obviously. ugh, and i don't think that there can be hate against the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine because of where he was born and where he studied, most of our generals and senior officers, who are of that age, studied in the russian military schools, simply because there were more of them, there were more of them on the territory of russia, that all these people, as a rule, we had such a tradition, they are children of the military, these are military dynasties, they went there precisely because... their parents they didn't actually give it there, so i can't say but by their example they made it clear that this is the best job for a man, when you are born into a military family, you don't have many ideas about who you should be, because you see your father doing this job, it's so
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manly, really, and you want, here i am , you know it, i know it, you know it, i know it, because i, my grandfather was a professional soldier, i am you it. we know it, that is , we don't need to, and many people know it, to explain here, well, yes, well, let's move on to the issue of the promised political changes, because not only in the military sphere, the president promised to change something, as you read, by the way, this signal, as a real intention, as an understanding that the term of the constitutional powers of the president coincides, although the state of war in the country according to our constitution allows him to continue his. your work, look, we have two articles in the constitution, article 108, 103, i apologize that the president of ukraine is elected by the citizens of ukraine on the basis of universal and equal direct suffrage by secret ballot for a period of 5 years, so according
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to this article, the powers of 30 may should have to end, but it is based on article 1008 that the president of ukraine exercises his powers before taking office. the newly elected president of ukraine for 5 years, but the powers are valid until a new president is elected, that is, no problems with the bribery of volodymyr zelenskyi after may 30 on... the siege does not arise, but the question arises with the powers, why? because the authority that he, because the authority is ending, he is moving to the post fulfills the authority, i.e. adores the ukrainian legislation, can be turned around, that is, he is elected on the basis of law, the powers continue, but the issue is functional, functional, perhaps. the entire hontional will have to act, we have not been in such a situation, the only person
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we had a term longer than 5 years, after the election, was leonid kuchma in connection with maidanovich, but it was a very short period and no one was not interested in this, from the point of view that the new president was just taking office, and the previous president did not need to do anything, he just needed to be in office, and... here the president will need to actively manage the state for an indefinite period of time, which means that the president may fear, i don't know how much this is again, i am not a lawyer, that he will not have any powers, that is, that his powers in this situation will correspond to the powers of an acting of the president of ukraine, well, that is, the impossibility of dismissing certain officials, the impossibility of appointing certain officials to their positions, but only acting ones. yes, it is not an opportunity to even submit a candidacy for the prime minister, if
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you remember, we had a period when we had the acting president, oleksandr turchynov, and during this period, let's say, there was the head of government, the minister of foreign affairs, the minister of defense, they were not submitted by the president in principle, they were presented acting, themselves, as if they were acting, although they were full heads of their ministries, well, there could be many such things that... now we would have to find out, uh, maybe we should submission to the constitutional court to clarify the function of the president of ukraine, in connection with these two articles, but exactly that, but the president may fear that he will not have enough authority for certain actions, and therefore, let's say, he may seek to replace all those officials that he wants to replace in the political the country's military leadership until may. because he may think that he has a limited period, so someone works in a position, well, when he
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has a desire, he will replace this person with another person, huh, but it's not a matter of desire, it's a matter of time, it's once, then, as you know, when the term ends, a person quite often changes the command for the next term, it is as if the next term begins, in fact, it may not be five years, it may simply be until the end of hostilities, but this is just a new quality. management, yes , there may also be such a point of view, so i think that there will be a lot of changes, simply because it will be considered that it is better to carry out all these changes that want to be carried out, personnel, to be carried out by may 30, so that then there are no super probable contradictions to simply not check, i can do it why can't i, when everything is done, and then i work quietly, and i don't even need to ask anyone about these questions, because i don't need to make relevant decisions. it might be, i don't know , well, i think the president is discussing it with lawyers, he has a legal team and he
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understands it better than we do, although i say again, i would, say, get would like a clear, clear clarification of the constitutional court on this matter, so as not to raise this topic again, but look, we are discussing it with you now the question is from the point of view of the mechanics of the process and the letter of the law, of course, and not the fact that the president thinks in these categories, can he think in categories... the legitimacy of his continued tenure in office, we have already made sure of the legitimacy of his tenure in office, if he is in office, until the newly elected president takes office, but what about those players who are currently supporting us in the confrontation with the russian federation, there may be problems with them, because they also know how to read texts, they also have no, everyone, they will not be interested in it at all, they will be interested again in whether it complies with the legislation, whether it complies with the legislation, it is... that's how they are, they don't support the president, they support a functioning state, in a functioning state such legislation , there is no newly elected president,
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because there are no elections, that's all, and when the president talks about a change in the political plane, he means, again , the institutional structure of our state by law, or how it works de facto , the president's office is doing a lot now different functions, which are how it works de facto, but in any case it is clear what the ministers and the head of government are for. in the parliament, at the meeting of the president's office, the parliamentarians have the opportunity not to vote, however, they vote, so it's just that, you see, if the president didn't have a majority in the parliament. it could be discussed, but admittedly, he does not have a majority, and the coalition that is there can take advantage of this situation to impose some new figure on him for the position of prime minister, but there is nothing, uh, well, let's move on, we still have 20 minutes to talk, and i can't help but ask about the aftertaste of what putin said to tucker
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carlson, actually, well, it's important, actually, who chose this interview, how do you evaluate this work from a journalistic point of view, maybe and... of course from a political point of view, well, first of all, i never considered that tucker kalson is a journalist, he is a propagandist, because he is engaged in manipulation, by and large he lost his job as a tv presenter precisely because fox had to pay hundreds of millions of dollars because it couldn't to prove the credibility of his information, because he just made it up, it's again at the level of religion, he made something up there, and he says something like that, he believes that it is so, uh, because he, as we could see on during the interview is a completely ignorant person, he is stupid, but the problem is that even he, as a person, after all, he is an american, which we were not there, and it was funny to him, this person in front of him was so , he puffed out his cheeks after that, putin is a smart person, but he is not talked to him like an intelligent person, he talked to him like an idiot, well, not verbally
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, he gave out interesting things, like with some person, that is, from some underdeveloped country there and... here he is, that is, a white person who brought these necklaces , take a look, but, but like this, for sure, this person eats one of his ministers for dinner, ha, it looked like this, it looked like the behavior of such a person, his attitude to putin, like the behavior of such a white colonizer, ugh, who lands there on his ship there of some indian or african country, that's how it happened. to the people, if i were putin , i would not be flattered by this conversation of mine, well , because carlson is like that, another person would not come, and maybe putin and carlson have common views on how people look in general, people according to classifications, only putin in this classification of carsonson is below him, ugh, because he is an american, and putin knows who, that was also visible, and the fact that
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putin asked him irritatedly at the beginning of the interview, is this a show or a serious conversation, because he was laughing. and that, a serious conversation, this is one point that they obviously expected something else from the campaign, seriously, of course, some signals, if trump says that he will end the war in 24 hours, then putin should at least pretend that he knows how, when putin says, i absolutely do not care how you save face when you recognize these regions as russian, save, well, find, save me that, then it means that he does not see any compromises, especially trump, i think that he will help save putin's face, and it turns out that putin wants to give trump the opportunity to somehow run around and save face, you know, and this story is very strange, and he
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didn't say anything new, that is, oh, he said something new, they will hear the americans , well, again, then... alexander was absolutely right that the americans will start hearing about rurik and veliky novgorod, and will not understand what all this is for in politics, because he does not operate in legal and political categories, but operates categories, you know, of blood and soil, hitler's, and this, and it looks strange for a modern person, it already looked strange for a modern person in the 30s, but now it looks completely different. he looked like that during this interview, oh, they will see, as everyone says, we will lose the informational battle to the right-wing conservatives, we will not lose anything, and they hear what they want, so to speak, they are not going to hear this at all, because in their heads it is not the putin who was sitting there, but the putin who
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needs her, well, it is another matter that the people there to politicians like trump, they saw that this putin, they need another one. did not happen and that he is not there, well, this is also a very important point, well, you saw that putin is somehow not developing, we are waiting all the time, yes, we are waiting for him all the time, that he is somehow rethinking reality, he is basically already 20 for years he has been talking nonsense, you know, like soviet radio, it’s true, one thing, putin, ukraine is gone, the austrian general staff is, it’s very like some grandfather on the bb benches, no, well, with hitler it was something new, or just unfortunate rhetorical somersault, no? well, it’s so frank, sorry, slapping what’s on your mind, in my opinion, even he didn’t resort to that, it’s true, it was a tent with hitler, i agree with that, lukashenko made such a mistake when ... when he came to office, you know, he gave an interview there, one of the first to say: "well , not everything bad was connected with hitler, he built a road there, gave people jobs, and everyone too, but lukashenko has never
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done this again in 30 years, and this is only after 24 years comes to power, suddenly, but this is not a secret either, they all there in this kgb adored nazism, ugh, because they saw that communism is somehow not like that, it is somehow not as he likes, mossy, kind of like them they said, but the nazis, and they did not know about the nazis from the stories of their grandfathers there, because they were simple boys from simple families, and the grandfathers only knew that they went to berlin and destroyed the reichstag, and they they knew from the movie shield the sword, putin's favorite, he said his favorite movie, 17 moments of spring, beautiful nazis, apparatus struggle, this is their view of the reich, even aesthetics, i think they are very ok, of course, they duplicate it in fact, it is simply the heir of this. everything, and they are just now beginning to be historically heirs, that poland did not force poor hitler to attack it, well, we heard it all from hitler’s comrade himself, nothing new, well,
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putin’s historical parallels are such, but if we look at today’s germany day, we see a country that is taking on the role now the flagship in general and in principle regains the role of a truly leading european country. even with regard to behavior on the international arena, and what remains, the devil today had a text that said that the german special services and relevant bodies believe that in the event of the defeat of ukraine to europe, because another 10 million ukrainian citizens will flee, they are trying to avoid this reinsurance, and the opposition says 10 million, this is their very optimistic forecast, this is the best option, this is the best option, and you understand what is actually happening. so many people at the same time, it is not so easy to accept , as it seems, ugh, and it will not only be women with children, it will be men, not the whole world will be, and plus absolute
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destabilization in the neighborhood of central europe, and in central europe itself, and all the words, oh, they will gladly accept 10 million, as they say in our country, they won't mind, eh, well, try to immediately accept 10 million people, even if you imagine that five of them will later get a job with you. digest is a big humanitarian crisis, and to prevent this humanitarian crisis with syria, angela merkel negotiated with erdogan, in this case scholz is erdogan himself, you see, it is erdogan to whom all these people will come, he does not have another erdogan except himself, and of course he needs ukraine to win, because he is not at all knows the pitfalls, first of all, it is an economic loss. and in the best case, in favor of the christian democratic union, in the worst case, in favor
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of an alternative for germany, which will trample over these migration issues as best it can, uh, and all this, these are politicians, you understand, this politicians who think about the legacy, about what they will do next in general, how they will be perceived. of course, scholz didn't really want to take part in all of this at all, you understand, by and large he is not so much a politician as an accountant, he is temperamentally like that, but what if everything falls out of his hands, and he sees how all this can to return, and what will be said about him, that he is the chancellor who lost to germany because he failed to help ukraine, why should he live this, then, he is a person who reached the biggest thing you can do for yourself, not even in german, in world politics, is the federal chancellery. this is one of the greatest positions in the world, and here is a person who realized this ambition of his, that in order to be cursed for the rest of his life, here is angela merkel, despite all the contradictions of her heritage,
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she is an icon for the germans there, because she provided them with stability almost the entire time she was in office, and scholz will be an anti-icon, he doesn’t want that, scholz came after merkel and completely ruined everything, we lived in such a wonderful country, but now we don't have a country. refugee camp, because scholz could not solve this challenge, which was there somewhere in the east of europe, not even here, it was necessary to just help, and what was he doing? ugh , so what is that in a word, the chancellor of germany is doing his job well now, his job in his own way, not only in our way, but in his own way, we coincided, what is politics, politics is an art, coincidence of interests, she and scholz , not even just from germany, but with scholz, coincided interests, that's why i'm surprised now poles they are all polish farmers, they don't understand what will happen next, what about all these ukrainian farmers who are now preventing them
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from receiving income. half of them may end up in poland as refugees, ugh, and they will not have any income, because they will pay much more taxes to the polish budget, in order to somehow save the country from a humanitarian crisis, it just seems now that the loss of ukraine in the war is a local story, no, first of all, western politicians are already clearly saying that if ukraine loses, the conflict will spread, because russia will... get stronger, get a taste of such power, yes, there will be destabilization there, destabilization here, hybrid wars, it will be very bad, i still think that nothing good awaits anyone, but in this situation it will simply increase in geometric progression, so of course, this is generally an anecdotal situation , which we have already talked about, that scholz himself went to biden, uh, to convince the americans, and not vice versa, the americans convince
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the europeans, as it has always been. all the last 10 years, it certainly does not please me from this point vision, there is very little time left, while you and i were at the saturday political club, there was information that katalin novak, the head of hungary, announced her resignation, thousands of people on the front line demanded this from her at a rally in the center of budapest, a little quote, i made a decision on pardon, considering that the convict did not abuse his vulnerability. children entrusted to him, it is actually about the fact that she pardoned a person who was accused of pedophilia, and the task of the president of the republic, which also follows from of the basic law, is to ensure the unity of the nation, katalin novak realizes that children are our most important treasure, believes that the nation is united in this, despite all differences of opinion, and announces his resignation. let me remind you that katalin novak was, in principle, a president who was sympathetic to ukraine, we had more or less.
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well, you understand very well that it is not katalin novak who solves the issue of indiscretion, this is the first, the second issue, it is said once again how such a vajda regime works. katalin novak is just a person who signed a document prepared by the relevant authorities. you can say that she should understand who she pardons, but it doesn't look like that, especially in hungary, where the prime minister must be absolutely loyal to the government, otherwise a person cannot become disloyal. president, and katarin novak was infinitely loyal to viktor orban . this decision was signed by the minister of justice, one of orbán's closest allies, judith varga, she also just resigned, she had to head the list of fidesz in the elections to the european parliament, but she left political life altogether, which means she took absolute responsibility for what
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happened. now viktor orban, he... is speaking, it was his address, and he was so upset that he did not accept the president's explanation, he said that all this is terrible, that he himself is a father and grandfather, if one of his grandchildren did such a thing, then he would he tore it up with his bare hands, this is also a quote, you are quoting it from katalin novak, and i am quoting viktor orbán from his address to the nation, it is not cynicism in general, are we really supposed to believe that all this was not coordinated in the government, the person who is responsible for all this, her... orban, because viktor orban appointed this minister of justice. viktor orban nominated this president . there are no consequences for viktor orban himself. and this is not the first time. by the way, katelin novak is the second president of hungary to resign in connection with such accusations. the first was somewhere in the 12th year, as far as i remember, pal schmidt, who
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resigned in connection with. plagiarism, me seems to be found somewhere in his works, if i'm not mistaken, and what's interesting is that pal schmitt and katalin novak were people endlessly loyal to orbán, who just nodded when he wanted something, and katalin novak's predecessor, janusz ader, who was between her and schmidt, well, he was there for 10 years, two terms, he cannot be said to have greatly hindered orbán, but he always contradicted certain actions of the government. submitted to the constitutional court, that is , he tried to behave like a president, it was not very successful, but everyone knew that he had his own independent position, strangely enough, this the person did not resign, well, he served two terms, but why? and because everyone knew that she had her own responsibility, and orbán knew it, and strangely enough, he did not want to conflict, although janoshav was also a long-time
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associate, but it turns out ... that endless loyalty in ...


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