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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 10:30am-10:59am EET

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gently and without scandals. in farewell, the president presented the dismissed head with the title of hero of ukraine. i am grateful to everyone who is close to me, the team of the general staff, the ministry of defense, the president of ukraine, i am proud of each and every one of the armed forces of ukraine who protect the future of our children. as all soldiers, sergeants and officers, i bow my head to all those who gave their lives for ukraine and freedom. we will remember and take revenge for everyone. the president appointed the commander of the ground forces , colonel-general oleksandr syrsky, as the new head of the armed forces. an officer with an ambiguous image among the military. behind him is the successful defense of kyiv and a brilliant counteroffensive operation in the kharkiv region, as well as the defense of bakhmut, which raises many questions for many servicemen about the justification of high losses. syrsky is bringing a new team with him. according to the official notification. of the ministry of defense, he has already
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discussed the detailed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024 with minister rustem umyerov. maintaining a balance between the performance of combat tasks and the restoration of units and units with the intensification of training and personnel training remains more relevant than ever. the introduction of new technical solutions and the scaling of successful experience, for example, the use of unmanned systems, modern means of radio-electronic warfare, is one of the future vectors of building victory in our war of liberation. changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine took place on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the situation at the front is difficult. the army lacks ammunition and its commanders publicly admit this. and not publicly told the publication the washington times about a critical staffing situation. soldiers on the front line are in dire need. in comments to an american
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newspaper, some commanders suggested that at some point the front might simply collapse. despite such sentiments, the verkhovna rada is in no hurry to adopt a new law on mobilization. the president removed himself from the process, because you cannot gain popularity on this topic. the servant of the people faction claims that it is difficult to find a balance. we have to balance the interests of the military command, business and citizens. task. there will be a lot of easy work. the majority of observers are of the same opinion. a change in the leadership of the armed forces is unlikely to lead to decisive changes on the battlefield in the near future. for this, systemic reforms in the army, effective mobilization, an increase in western aid and an increase in domestic production of weapons are needed. but the risks of interference by the presidential office in the operational activities of the military have increased significantly. after all, the president is the commander-in-chief. and appointing and
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dismissing the head of the armed forces of ukraine is his constitutional right, as well as his personal right responsibility. well, these are the personnel pies in a country that is at war, and at a time when there is aggravation on the entire line of a thousand-kilometer front, and the situation is quite difficult. people's deputy of ukraine. a member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence is in touch with us, we will continue the topic that was started in the plot. ms. iryna, congratulations, glory to ukraine. geruem, glory, good morning. ms. iryna, we know from colleagues, e-e journalists, that they were specially dragged to of record in order to explain something more to them, which cannot be to speak, and all colleagues said: well, we promised, we won't tell. we were not invited to such things. yes, and from the second
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, perhaps, perhaps, you, as a member of the profile committee, or your colleagues from the committee, were also told something a little more than the society about, at least, the reasons why the hero of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, should be replaced by another general, not a hero of ukraine yet. well, this is the whole essence of this resignation, yes, on the one hand, as you correctly noted in the story. the president has the constitutional right to dismiss and to appoint, and he is the only person in the country who has the right to do it, on the other hand, society needs arguments for this resignation during the second, second year of the war, yes, that is, the question is not whether he had the right or not, the question is in the manner in which it was carried out, during the last six months , a brutal
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, serial campaign to discredit, to smear his activities, to smear his personal, directly his person, was conducted against the head of the zaluzhny. and in the background of all this, then it happens first the resignation of chief zaluzhnyi, then the commanders of other branches and forces learn about his resignation from the army, and all this turns into a very shameful practice. in general, i believe that if you do not have the courage to tell the commanders about their dismissal, then this is a sign of weakness, and there is so much negativity. collect on this resignation, it is probably talent and talent, but then look, if it is not communicated, and by the way, i want to correct myself, yes, that is, to change one hero of ukraine for another hero of ukraine, because syrsky also has a hero of ukraine, in fact,
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without explaining the reasons for his resignation, but having announced a certain toast in the detachment, i do not understand then what task the new commander-in-chief syrskyi has to perform, when it is said... that there must be combat generals, there must be a war plan, how can a military plan be drawn up campaigns, when the reserve forces are unknown, about the mobilization resource, what weapons and in what quantity we will get and so on, that is , making a plan is roughly writing an equation for 10 terms, where all 10 terms are unknown, x, y, z and so on , about what is the reason, well... don't give without political science those measurements there in ratings, fear and so on, in which there is a strategic and tactical advantage to change the entire leadership of the armed forces at this very moment, even though you were somehow communicated by the supreme commander, no, we don't care in any
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way they did not communicate this issue, maybe they communicated it to the representatives of the servant of the people faction, maybe the head of the committee, members of the committee are aware of it. they also learned about it during broadcasts or from the media, that is , after the fact, and this is once again, you know, from from my point of view, it emphasizes the unwillingness to make responsible decisions, and the main thing is to argue these decisions, society, this is a weakness, the weakness of the president, who actually hides behind the decisions that he announces , delays, then shuts up, then does not make any comments on this matter, huh. and one more point, you have already mentioned general neyevo, who will learn from the media about his resignation, but we were more interested in the quiet, quiet appointment of her, i mean the new kermanych, territorial defense, territorial defense forces
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they receive a commander's license, according to which you can even find videos from the days of the maidan, in particular, on december 10, a collective attack on... the maidan from all sides, and he is one of those who controls those forces, yanukovych's mint forces, on january 21 there is even a video, where the government quarter is cleaned up, and he is exactly the spokesman who, in the style of tatarov, actually decommunicates everything, why exactly such a candidate is put on the territorial defense forces, if there are enough colonels and generals with combat experience in ukraine, i think that ... this is the case when indeed, you also mentioned tatarov, when people from the time of yanukovych, yes, that is, from the time of the fugitive president, return to their positions, and to such key positions, in particular the commander of the teroborona, you can talk as much as you like about this person after a large-scale
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invasion, but the very fact that he did during the revolution of dignity, from my point of view is a clear marker for the non-acceptability of such appointments, but probably in the office of the president they have already decided that they can get away with everything, and in this way, the reincarnation of everyone who was, who was during the time of yanukovych, is actually being revived, yes, is being restored in key positions in the state, this is an example of history and the situation, and during a large-scale war, realizing that society is not, has enough has... has enough wisdom to not to rebel, because the key thing now is the unity of society, they use their opportunities quite defiantly, or maybe for clarification you can just tell us, maybe the commander of the tro forces, ihor plahuta, as
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they say, in these years after the escape of yanukovych, showed himself to be completely the other side, we we have stories when the same maidan birkutas... sit together with the maidan defense forces in the same trenches and are absolutely the same defenders of ukraine, maybe plahuta, as they say, fixed everything, or do you know something? nothing is known to me, except what everyone knows from open sources. at the moment , there was no attitude, no, relatively speaking, personal such advocacy towards this person in the committee, we all know what everyone in society knows, the only thing that for me personally, everything remains a marker is the behavior of this person during the revolution dignity, it is sensitive enough. ms. iryna, we cannot help but touch on one more important topic for society: the bill, this
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is the second submission from the cabinet of ministers, i am very sorry that the government has really removed itself at the level of even a monomajority, regarding the justification and commenting on this bill, you have probably already seen, even the head of the people's servants , david arahamia, said that the draft law is unacceptable, and moreover, it contains anti-constitutional norms, which it would be desirable not to adopt even in the first... reading in such in the form in which it was adopted, this is the first, on the other hand, now there are 14 days for amendments from the deputies, they will come out on february 21, after that the committee will compile all this into a single table to prepare for the second reading, i predict that there will be a lot of amendments , because the verkhovna rada did not demonstrate unity even during the adoption in the first reading, there are factions that gave... zero votes or a minimum of votes, so i think that the discussion around
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this draft law, which is actually such, you know, which is exclusively coercive offers and does not proposes an algorithm for dismissal from military service, from my point of view it will be very, very debatable and difficult, but can it not happen as happened with the first reading, which at the committee, maybe i will discuss... there were obviously some non-public ones, but no amendments were submitted it was not, and then this draft law was brought to the council for a meeting so that it could be voted on in an accelerated mode, could this happen with the second reading as well? well, in principle, the turbo mode that was included in the first reading can be applied to the second reading as well, if there is an instruction from the office the president to adopt as it is or to keep those norms. which are needed directly for applying, as it is written there, measures
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of influence, yes, that is, this is a completely new, amendment to this draft law, here are these measures of influence, if there is an instruction to leave them, then definitely the 243 votes that scratched yes on the first reading, they will be in principle to play such a key role during consideration in the second, in the second reading, but we will follow the amendments, we will follow the amendments in the committee. we will follow the amendments in the hall, if the committee has them to reject, as a logical cleansing of all the anti-constitutional, corruption provisions contained in this draft law, regarding the amendments to the first reading, we did not have the opportunity to submit them, that is, it would have been possible to make comments to the committee, but due to the turbo regime that was included, in fact immediately after the committee meeting in 15 minutes minutes the draft law was already in favor of... and was already being considered in order to pass it in the first reading, there may be a turbo-mode, but let's
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hope, we will fight for such a draft law, in such a wording, in who is he came in, was nevertheless corrected, and the norms , which are absolutely absurd, from our point of view, were cleaned from it, and in conclusion, if we can be very brief, we are about one young lady, she is known as maryana wagnerivna, i ... i want to ask you about bezuglo, she sang elsa's song of letting go of the ocean, damn it, i let her go, she is no longer a servant of the people, but she still holds a position in the committee, so what will the decision of the session hall be about maryana bezuglova's position in the committee? there is a committee decision to remove her from her position, but the verkhovna rada does not consider this decision of the committee, it does not consider it because of... giving votes that are not given by the faction of the monomajority, the faction of servants of the people, that is why they
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continue to tolerate her activities, her information sabotage, which she committed in relation to the head of the committee zaluzhnyi , as she is now, you know, prancing and enjoying the fact that he was retired, as if she knew this even then, and she did it all, therefore, a person who is in the profile. the committee behaves without understanding regarding the ethics of relations with the military, from my point of view it does not to work in the committee, but the verkhovna rada is a monopoly. thank you, mrs. iryna, we wish you fruitful work in the committee, iryna fries, people's deputy of ukraine, member of the verkhovna rada committee on national security, defense and intelligence, and we already have the next guest, andriy demchenko, spokesperson of the state border service of ukraine, joins us, mr. andriy, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, we continue with you the topic of national security, this time from the side of the western border,
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the situation with protests on the ukrainian-polish border, please operational information, which checkpoints are already blocked, how often do polish protesters, activists, ukrainian trucks, ukrainian cars pass, and what are the queues at the borders, if they already are, well, as of now, there are already five directions blocked, still blocked for the morning there were checkpoints yagodyn and ravaruska, after 10 o'clock. we see that the polish farmers have renewed their blockade in the direction of the shegyny checkpoint, and have also expanded their actions to two more checkpoints, that is, in stelukh and hryniv. if we talk about the directions of the points pass in stelukh and ugryny, which were also affected by blocking actions, fortunately
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there were no queues of freight vehicles on the territory of poland on these on... against these directions towards ukraine, but in the direction of the checkpoints, ravaruska, krakowiec, with in the queues , as of this morning, there were about 1,050 cargo vehicles waiting for the possibility of crossing to ukraine, and in the direction of the sheginni checkpoint, about 200 trucks, of course, in those directions where traffic was still blocked as of this morning, a small the number of cargo vehicles could cross the border, because the polish side allows one or two trucks per hour, both to ukraine and to poland, but the movement of cargo vehicles in general has decreased significantly, because, for example, in the direction of the checkpoint berries,
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when it is fully functioning, the border can be crossed by 1,200-1,400 freight vehicles per day, on the other hand , 145 freight vehicles crossed the border in the past day, five of which were headed for poland and 140 for ukraine, in 2 .5 times as well the flow decreased, or the number of cargo vehicles that crossed the border in the direction of the ravarusk checkpoint should also be in the thousands. goods vehicles on the territory of poland in the direction of ukraine in the direction of the kraków crossing point, this direction was not blocked before, and fortunately it is not blocked now, but the queue arose because other directions by which drivers could cross the border are blocked, and they are looking for all alternative routes
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where they can cross the border. mr. andrii, allow me to clarify in advance the protesters said that rubber aid or other strategically important cargoes for ukraine, we ourselves understand what is being said, in particular, about western aid of various kinds, the protesters will pass unhindered, is it possible to ensure such unhindered movement now, and how is it possible? according to the information we have from our polish colleagues, it was indeed noted that the participants of this blockade... reported that they would not impede the movement of humanitarian goods, of other important goods for ukraine, but as far as they could comply, it is difficult for me to say, because the blocking actions actually take place on the territory of poland, and as a rule, it is at a certain distance from the border, so do
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all these vehicles that transport these goods manage to proceed unhindered through the middle where traffic on the access roads is blocked to the border, it is difficult for me to give an assessment. mr. andriy, please tell me, we were the first to post a video-photo showing that ukrainian trucks on the territory of poland simply poured grain directly onto the roadway, it was the same putin versteyr, the leader rafal mekler of the lublin branch of the confederacy party, in this case, can we... on the part of ukraine present him with claims in the form of destruction of property and apply ukrainian criminal law, whether they tell you something or not, because on the other hand, i understand that when they do there barricades... tires, throw up earth and stick the proportions of the european union, this is about, this is about what the polish police should do, and for inciting anti-ukrainian sentiments and
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destroying property, can we do something with putin's rafal mekler or not? well to understand that neither the border guards of ukraine nor the border guards of poland can influence what is happening outside of our competence. actually, of course, from the drivers. who crossed the border after that, we also have confirmation that such facts took place and that the participants of the blockade in relation to a certain number of cargo vehicles carried out what they dumped er, spilled grain on the ground, and as far as we know, the polish police are investigating this. incident, let's call it that, but of course it is necessary that other state bodies of ukraine and including the embassies of our country
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joined in, so that those who committed these actions would be punished, because such and such actions are unworthy of the cross-border movement, of ukrainians, and actually of those montages, which our citizens transport. regarding such individual characters of the same mentioned rafel meckler and other ukrainophobes and putin lovers, you have, for example, that they are the person of nangrat, you have some things, when the border service will stop them if they want to go to ukraine, or should we wait for the security service of ukraine to react and provide it to the border guards, border control measures, they are carried out in accordance with... the norms of the law and every citizen who crosses the border, whether ukrainian or foreigner, they pass the necessary check, and if there are any reservations, then
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of course they are used directly at the border. well, you didn't have any fresh information on the confederation in mekler, or is it secret information? we cannot share information about third parties except, i understand, information about the border, yes, thank you. we will not embarrass you with such questions, although we are very interested in rafal mekler, as well as other putinists who incite anti-ukrainian sentiments, to be punished. thank you, andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border guard service of ukraine, was in touch with us, talking about the situation, the operational situation on the polish border, where protests continue, thank you. well, i was most surprised, you know, when they pour out these mountains, pour out the grain and stick the pra... of the european union and that in basically, these forces, which are absolutely not european, they are precisely anti-european , at one time voted for all kinds of confederations, they put the russian flag there, well
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, actually then it would be logical, but here somehow it all looks so cruel, but the polish police said that they are really looking into it and even looking for those farmers who could do it or those activists who they are actually there and i'm sure that in 5 minutes, track it our our viewers in 5 minutes exactly from the news service get on... the latest details, in particular, regarding this one the situation on the ukrainian-polish border. all in all, stay with espresso for a few minutes of news and we'll be back after that. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then the strong saw from rozpak is just for you. with it, you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. this is also... an ideal tool for your home or garden, and the price is only from uah 1,499, also a reliable battery is included, just call now and
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