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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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vasyl zima's big broadcast. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. two hours to learn about the war and how the world lives. two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart people and not... espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more important topics, more more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world-front, society. and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from the 20th.
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until the 22nd on espresso. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to receive the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we updated design, sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust, we welcome you , we continue, who joined us, thank you for being with espresso, our colleague from poland, polish journalist and expert marekt, marko, we welcome you, can you hear us, congratulations, i hear, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory, i know that you and i have already talked about this so many times and already thought that they would finally put an end to this with court decisions, actions on... from the police, etc.
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by the actions of the new coalition government, let's see what the confederation is doing now, which loudly proclaims freedom and independence, is actually eurosceptic, as rafal mekler fasts, so they are already building barricades in the middle of the road, sticking the proportions of the european union and spilling grain from sealed transports , that is, they are committing criminal acts, and the question remains: one thing: there is no way ukraine can act there, we even spoke with our border guards just now. why do you think he does nothing against the same meckler and his confederates, for example, the police or local authorities when they are not producing such things. it is difficult for me to say this, because i am not the press secretary of the police, and even less of donald tusk's government. but the new government does not want to use my knowledge about ukraine. so it is difficult for me to comment
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on it, it would be better to dial the press secretary of the government or the secretary, they will tell us a couple of good words, mr. marko, they will tell us general words, uh, but it seems to me that it is just, well, in my opinion, the tusk government does not cope with his problems, does not cope with order in poland, it turns out... that agrarians in poland can do more than other citizens, uh, i don't know why, i understand their social situation, but i don't agree with this kind of falsification of laws, but how do i would have probably blocked the road, and even done something like that , i would have been pressured here so much that i would probably remember it for the rest of my life and be fined, but... as you can see, others can do
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more, i am very, very skeptical i relate to that, because i spoke on the air of mykola veresnya, a few days ago, on the antenna of your tv channel, which at the same time russian grain and russian agricultural products enter poland freely, and somehow no one blocks it, no one sets it on fire.
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for the fact that we so stupidly spend the common capital, social capital that our society originally had, tell us, and in general with such actions, when it wants to parasitize on all this? the same meckler and others from the confederation, they are increasing the number of supporters, or on the contrary, are these actions against them? according to the indicators, it is clear that they are in desperation, their party is disintegrating there, so in fact, and their indicators according to the last polls show that they spend a lot, they more or less, they have even lower indicators than the left-wing forces in poland, that is, they are really in favor of... i wish them what they wish for in ukraine, i also wished for you, sir marko, i wanted to ask you, more precisely, not me, i will simply convey this, vladimir vladimirovich
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wants to ask you, mr. marko, tell me, why did you attack peaceful, small, tiny germany and hitler was sleeping, they attacked him. a question from putin to you, i can answer yes, vladimir vladimirovich, change your doctor, or they are lying to you. that's it, that's it. the pills need to be changed from time to time, because we know that our, our, our biology is such that we get used to drugs, from time to time we need to change them, we need to change the therapist, we need to change the approaches to our body. that's all, and about that attack , well, well, it's not the first time we've heard it, well, well, what should i comment on, well, it would be better to comment on fairy tales, because at least there is some essence, there is some prose , there are, there are some contributions from that, here, well, well, well, what i can
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to comment, according to the pro-ideologist of putinism, and , well, well, even we, in ukraine, it is already difficult, it is difficult to say anything, we all know what it would be... but in ukraine, they do not even analyze all these two-hour delusions of putin, because we realized on february 24, 2022 that all this is nonsense, what he says, and there is no point in analyzing the delusions of this gray-haired grandfather, nevertheless we want to ask what is the reaction of the poles, your compatriots, to such statements, well, such as my more- less though. some, i would not be able to repeat, because we are cultural people, but there are the use of such obscene words, which are called motherfuckers, but here it is just on the air and it is undignified and ugly and uncivilized, first of all, we are cultured people,
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we will definitely not use such words, and our western reaction is quite interesting, i liked the reaction of the minister of foreign affairs affairs, as he spread the map, and about all those. of historical events that vladimir putin spoke about there , where, er, the republic of the three nations, lithuanian, actually four, because they are already belarusian, now as now, but then they talked about three nations, russian, that is, the russian federation of ukraine, poles and lithuanians, it reached almost 100 km beyond smolensk, well, that's all, as we are talking about historical everything, the attacks are very good, and of course 10 questions, 10 points were also published through our mzts, which talk about 10 lies of putin , and imagine that half of it was an explanation about poland and half about
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ukraine, because there were also a lot of lies here, not only the relationship to us, as well as to ukraine, and these 10 were very well written, marko, very it was funny to read american political scientists of chinese origin, because they then it was immediately explained to them where khabarovsk, vladivostok and so on should be, if we use the pseudo-historical approaches of the 7th-9th centuries, when there were bears, and there were no russian bears in these swamps yet, but in this case we were very alarmed by another: not so much a lie, the bunker grandfather and the dictator and the international criminal, as it is defined in principle , as what actually, when he was talking about how poland is now preparing an attack on russia, you saw this fragment where he said that we have no claims , but if poland attacks russia, then we will give, that's the case because we have already experienced it, and in the 22nd year
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we too, with ulyana, found out that we attacked a peaceful, tiny russia, and that is why they are defending themselves, they have a defensive war, and this same rhetoric ... applied now not any of the baltic or scandinavian countries, but specifically poland. as in this case, in poland, they actually communicated this repetition of uh-uh. regarding the polish aggression and the attack on russia, that is, there was some kind of reaction at the level of the minister of defense, maybe other leadership positions, that is, was it communicated somehow, or was it just in the press? i'm just in the press but i know from unofficial sources that the minister of defense is constantly meeting with the military, our allies in nato are meeting, there are constant meetings about the buildup of weapons and acceleration. how will the desire come to lean here
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against the bunker grandfather, they call us a pale moth, like him , in some ways, and in other words, we also know it, a famous song from kharkiv, and well, what can i tell you, this is not the first time, i understand it, some people understand it... but i think most citizens in poland do not understand that, unfortunately, and this is my subjective assessment, it is not confirmed with one greedy survey, but the truth is that people in poland do not think about security yet, because they think that the war is somewhere out there and not near us, and nothing threatens us, i wanted to ask, because maybe you have already seen, we have seen only a teaser, there is a biopic, the death of putin, the polish director is coming out, but i wanted to know, maybe you have already seen some pre-premiere screening? did you watch this movie? heard, but did not see. no, i wasn't, i wasn't. the trailer is very
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good, actually. oh, interesting, yes. i saw the trailer, well nothing else, but i can't say because i haven't seen it, well, sorry but no, not present. and when, and when , these gigantic plans are read in poland, and they also highlight them on the federal channels of russian television. well, the promotion corridor, how they will advance. you saw them there. they show whole maps and arrows on the tv, like where the rocket attack is, where their ground troops are coming in, this is all somehow on polish television, for example, this is also discussed, there is no such thing on polish television, that is why polish television does not deal with, you know, fairy tales, and facts, as and ukrainian television, i would say yes, yes, welcome. we will wait for you, we burned moscow twice, we will burn it a third time , if necessary, and we were together then, so
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that was our joint together, together with the lithuanians, with the ukrainian, and moreover, the crimean tatar khanate before we have joined, i say, we need to restore traditions , great, we can, we can repeat, just like that , well, in conclusion, it’s just how you, as assessed by specialists, that is, it was said in poland, on... they cope, that is, how do they intermediate plans, because there is a deadline there, it is not this year, but in general, how rearmament , re-equipment is going, how it is evaluated, look, look, in the ministry of defense, when tusk and his government came to power, an audit is conducted there, they come out somewhere in between some, i would...
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what is possible, but the preparation is just going on, and just today the big nato exercises started, yes, that is, it’s not just that they started, and we’ll see what happens from that, ugh, well finally, shall we ask about ukrainians in poland, the polish sejm, we know, continued, decided to continue helping ukrainians, at least the lower parliament. the house of the parliament of poland, the relevant government project, will now be voted on in the upper
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house, and you, the polish society and polish politicians, are determined to continue helping ukrainian refugees in poland? look, there are divided voices in society, i would say, most people are not ready to support ukrainian refugees in poland. because they believe that we spend only on this, we do not get anything, and here, unfortunately, ukraine is losing informative information war, because this is actually a myth, poland helps a lot , but also receives a lot from refugees, look, some refugees set up companies in poland, businesses, pay taxes, uh, many people want to work and legalize themselves here,
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i i always emphasize one thing, look at the statistics, the numbers, how many. financial support went to the fact that some ukrainians work in poland for our pension system, it is the first time for, i don't remember from when, but it has been in the plus for quite a long period, there was always an inus, from that pensions are paid to those pensioners who are in poland like now, but of course, there will always be those who will say: have you seen what cars ukrainians drive in poland, and i always answer yes, yes, there are poor people and rich, but trust me, like a rocket flies at your head, she eh, she doesn't look, oh rich, i'm his ladyboy x5, i won't bomb him, i'm poor, eh, well, just rich, they always , they are always visible,
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but somehow no one pays attention, i am at home, i live in zombies, this is such a town like... with warsaw, i see many ukrainians here who do not drive supercars, old renaults, old codes , etc. are myths, unfortunately, mr. marko, thank you , marekron, a polish expert, journalist, was in touch with us about the difficult events currently being played out by a small handful of putinoids against... ukraine and against the poles themselves on their territory. and we will return to the ukrainian topic at the end of our broadcast, we will talk about the productivity of our parliament. parliamentary analyst of the chesny movement viktoriya oliynyk is in touch with us. mrs. victoria, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. so, the movement honestly presented the transparency rating of the committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. we ask you
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to briefly describe how many committees of the verkhovna rada of ukraine are there? quite a lot and they are responsible for absolutely different spheres of ukrainian social life, in fact, how has the level of openness of the work of the committees of the verkhovna rada changed in the conditions, when the meetings of the verkhovna rada and committee meetings are not broadcast, for example live, what are the deputies doing there anyway? well, let's start with the fact that the broadcast of our presentation is going on right now, that is, we only started on the 11th, and now the representatives of the most open committees ... are talking live about what they did to make these committees open, but according to the results, we can say that the difference from the last six months is very colossal, we have more than a dozen leaders who have become open and received the highest points for methodology of the openness of the movement honestly, but already during the presentation some of the leaders emphasized that for this, in order to
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constantly maintain such a level of openness, there are not enough people in the secretariats, there are not enough opportunities, well... the opposition representatives noted that they are very is it difficult to maintain openness when they are ignored, for example, by the tv channel rada and other resources of the verkhovna rada and do not take this open work of theirs into account? well , it seems to me that they could have found the answer themselves, because kanal rada has turned into some completely different resource instead of performing a direct task, that is, broadcasting and covering all the work of the parliament, both during the session and outside of them, and yes? who is the leader among us, who is the most transparent? we have seven leaders who have the highest score, among them there is, for example, the committee that was in the anti-rating last time, this year has the highest score, this is the european integration committee, it is headed by ivanna klympushtentsa, and she just emphasized on our broadcast during the presentation because those with the resources provided by the verkhovna rada,
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it is very difficult to do such work openly, among other leaders we have coma. on energy issues, from the committee on issues of state power, anti-corruption policy, there is also a committee on human rights, and in general we have seven of the best committees, which have the maximum score, huh, and when a people's deputy of his own free will because of the latest iphone model conducts a live broadcast during a meeting in the verkhovna rada, is it about transparency or hype, is it about innovations, in fact it just one we have a topic of discussion for today's presentation, because it is possible to observe the openness of the committee's work as much as the law requires, but journalists will not be allowed into the premises of the verkhovna rada, citizens will not be allowed. at the same time, when we see live broadcasts from the session hall, and everyone, literally all of ukraine, and not only, knows when this meeting is taking place, that is , there is no longer
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any question of security risks in this case, and now this meeting and this presentation must become, for sure, the first a stepping stone to advocacy from the openness of the committee, definitely to the return of journalists to the verkhovna rada, this has already been emphasized by the vast majority of those who are now speaking directly at our presentation, because we all understand that formal openness is not about... what ukrainians really want, they want direct access to the government, through journalists, and of course, broadcasts to find out what is really happening there, not only through ttok, but also through official resources, which are funded by our budget. ms. victoria, and we would also like to clarify about indicators of the committee on national security , defense and intelligence, now it seems that attention is focused on it, but the information about what happens at the meetings of the committee, it is obvious that in wartime conditions some information... can be hidden, but, for example, when journalists appeal to the representatives of the committee with a request to explain certain things, to bring some clarity, then usually many of them, especially
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representatives of the presidential faction in the parliament, refuse, what do the committees do, what are the current indicators in your has a transparency rating, from the beginning of our monitoring, we all understood that the beginning of the war is a very difficult period. the beginning of a full-scale war, that is, in february of the year 22, required certain such security restrictions that the defense committee had, well, the law enforcement committee, we have not yet counted the points for this committee, but already in january we informed the committees that we would start to monitor their openness, we sent them an official letter, because we understand that the activity that the committee is currently conducting is very important and we definitely we need to know what is happening there, of course with all safety restrictions in place, but... to be completely closed when the activities of the committee directly affect every ukrainian, this is wrong and it shouldn't be like that, ugh, oh, well, sure, we want to
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thank you , mrs. viktoriya, viktoriya, olinnyk , parliamentary analyst of the movement, honestly, right now this is the presentation, their research, the goal is one: to return the opportunity to see, hear and understand what is being done in the verkhovna rada , for... in particular, our journalistic community, so that we they could also show you how that's all, we have to prepare for the fact that ulyana and i will have to say goodbye, i don't know if we can show one very interesting post, it's the former previous president of mongolia, he also watched the same thing we talked about, and i i don’t know, oh, look, he wrote that half of the territory of russia, he listened to putin, he listened to putin and immediately followed the historical map of mongolia, well , during tamerlane’s time, it turned out that there was something sticking out in some swamps, and russia in 1471 , he drew such an orange spot, you see lower map, all the rest is the mongolian empire
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, but i wrote for uncle vladimir, don't worry, we are a peaceful and free nation, unlike you, we will not turn back, i will finally have time to read one very nice piece of news at the end of our broadcast: in kyiv and lviv, by valentine's day for... a romantic express will be launched, there you will be able to ride in a beautiful new carriage in a compartment for two to romantic music and even to order dishes from the menu of the famous chef yevhen klopotenko, half of the seats will be given free of charge to wounded soldiers undergoing rehabilitation, so that they can spend time with their loved ones. you and roman chaika are saying goodbye today, we will meet tomorrow in the same team, in this same studio, in 5 minutes. news and stay tuned, there will be more operational and interesting information, until the next meetings, if you are tired of heavy
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12:00 pm
uah 1,499 with the option of free of charge. delivery, check with the consultants, powerful saw strong what is needed, call, we summarize the information. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio on espresso news in the morning in ukraine. a suspect in the murder of the city's deputy mayor, vitaly zhuravlev, was detained in nikopol. 33-year-old alleged killer hid in a rented apartment, where he was caught by law enforcement officers. he had been preparing for the crime for four months, the dnipropetrovsk police reported. the killer shot vitaly zhuravlov's car with automatic fire, firing 20 shots.


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