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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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199 hryvnias with the possibility of free delivery, check with the consultants, a powerful saw strong is what you need, call. we summarize the informational morning in ukraine on espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. a suspect in the murder of the city's deputy mayor, vitaly zhuravlov, was detained in nikopol. the 33-year-old alleged murderer was hiding in a rented apartment, where he was caught by law enforcement officers. he had been preparing for the crime for four months, the dnipropetrovsk police reported. the killer shot vitaliy zhuravlov's car with an automatic burst, fired 20 shots.
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on february 8 , the deputy mayor was murdered in nikopol, i want to note that he planned the crime for about four months, for this he rented an apartment and... armed. after committing the crime, he bought a weapon in lice smuzi and moved to a rented apartment. specialists of the forensic laboratory seized the weapon and sent it for expert examination. also , during the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the suspect harbored the intention of committing similar crimes in relation to others officials in the city of nikopol, he was remanded in custody. a suspected
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attacker of ukrainian basketball players was detained in germany, said the spokesman of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine oleg nikolenko. he added that the investigation is ongoing. nikolenko also noted that there is no threat to the life of another victim. the day before, let me remind you, there was an attack on two boys, members of the youth national team of ukraine, in the city of oberhausen. they were attacked with a knife, probably because of their nationality. 17-year-old volodymyr yarmakov died of his injuries in and artem kozachenko was hospitalized. the tragedy happened on the eve of another match. according to local media, the attackers were of arab origin and shouted offensive words about ukraine before the attack. three people were injured due to enemy shelling in the kherson region. during the day, the enemy fired almost two hundred shells in the region, - informed the head of the region oleksandr prokudin. in particular, in kherson, the russians fired from... public transport and
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a garage cooperative, the port infrastructure and a medical facility were also damaged in the city. the roof was hit and the heating system was hit, water started flowing, so the people who live here saved everything. the ceiling got wet in my office and it collapsed. we have no casualties. everything is fine, it wasn't a working day, it was sunday, so we somehow try to cope on our own, it's not the first time. a 63-year-old woman and her two grandchildren, aged 10-17, were injured in an enemy attack on a cell house in donetsk region. all three were treated for variable explosive injuries and bruises, the regional prosecutor's office said. the occupiers hit the private sector of the city three rockets with... 300,
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at least 15 private houses and power lines were damaged there. the property of the hrynkevich family, which is involved in the case of equipment in the ministry of defense, was seized, the state bureau of investigation reported. the real estate and cars of the lviv businessman, as well as members of his family, his wife, son and mother-in-law, were seized. in addition, the bureau plans to seize the apartments of the fiancee of the businessman's son, an artist. sofia morozyuk. let me remind you that igor hrenkevich and his son roman appear in several criminal cases proceedings through the procurement of clothing and underwear for the armed forces. the businessman's companies won 23 tenders for the supply of clothing to the ministry of defense for 15 billion hryvnias. but most of the orders were not fulfilled. he set up an observation post in his garage. the security service of ukraine detained an enemy agent in the city of oleksandria on kirovy. hradshchyna the collaborator used
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his own garage, located near the railway station, to spy on the movement of our military and equipment. a local resident lived there for more than 20 years. in of russia, before the start of a full-scale invasion, he returned to his homeland to sell all his property, then he was recruited by the russians, the traitor faces up to 12 years in prison. syria is preparing russian drones for the war in ukraine. the training is taking place at the shayrat airfield, the main intelligence directorate reports. according to their data, the training of russian drone operators is conducted by the lebanese gazebo police. and the iranian revolutionary guard, and the process is managed by one of the commanders of hezbollah, kamal abusadiq, who specializes in the manufacture and maintenance of drones. it is also known that along with the russians , syrian mercenaries, whom moscow plans to use
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in the war against ukraine, are being trained as uav operators. partisans of the atesh movement got to the russian yesk airfield and conducted reconnaissance there. of this. in the krasnodar region , the aggressor country is shelling ukraine. atsh agents managed to find out the exact number of aircraft and the location of warehouses with missile weapons. they passed the information on to the defense forces of ukraine. the partisans also pasted up leaflets with a message for pilots who fly on these ships. they call on the pilots to cooperate in order to stop the war of aggression through joint efforts. 59 planes and helicopters were illegally exported from russia, and some of them are used in the ukrainian armed forces. propaganda media report that the fsb has opened criminal cases against the management of rosaviatsia. allegedly, in the last two
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years, they have taken out of russian jurisdiction, boards and sold them abroad. in particular, to the so-called countries unfriendly to the kremlin. according to the racist security forces, at least three are worth it. after that, mi-8s took part in the war on the bot of ukraine, transport il-76s delivered cargo to kyiv with the defendants turned off so that their routes could not be traced. in the case, several suspected fsb officials are searching them, russian propagandists note. another 790 invaders were destroyed by the ukrainian military, so the russian army has lost almost 300... 96 thousand soldiers since the beginning of the large-scale invasion. also , during the day, our defenders burned 10 enemy tanks and two dozen armored combat vehicles. six artillery systems were hit and seven tanker trucks. in addition, our soldiers landed 45 drones and one cruise
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missile. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. and to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine. 100 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the fiercest battles continue in the avdiiv and marin directions. our defenders are holding positions on the approaches to avdiivka. there, 23 attacks and another 18 near pervomaiskyi were repelled during the day. ukrainian soldiers continue to restrain the enemy near bakhmut, krasnohorivka, georgiivka and novomykhaivky in donetsk region. up to fifty enemy assaults were held back there. the russians also tried unsuccessfully to advance. not far from the one operated in zaporizhzhia and on the left bank of the kherson region. our soldiers struck two enemy personnel concentration areas, hit two control points, one artillery and two enemy ammunition depots. monitoring of
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the ukrainian border is strengthened with additional equipment, the state border service said. mobile systems are equipped with optical and thermal imaging cameras. and can recognize targets at long distances. with the help of the device, the border guards go to a certain area, conduct round-the-clock surveillance, including the airspace . the espresso tv channel invites you to join the collection of fpv drones for a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special transport service. these courageous soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, and yes... restraining the enemy. thanks to fpvi drones, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal - to collect uah 1 million for flying weapons. the account already has more than uah 200,000. remember, every donation you make is important, so
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get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. polish carriers continue to block two checkpoints on the border with ukraine. it's about... checkpoints yagodyn and rovaruska. there are more than a thousand trucks in queues, - said andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service. according to him, another thousand trucks are waiting to enter ukraine at the checkpoint. krakow, there is no blockade there, but due to protests, they were formed near other checkpoints queues demchenko also reminded that polish strikers do not obstruct the passage of cars and buses. this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks. join, put your preferences. i say goodbye to you, until tomorrow, stay with us.
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the politclub program is on the air on the espresso tv channel, vitaly portnikov is with you, he welcomes you, friends, for the next two hours, the most important events of the week, trends, assets , our first interlocutor today is general serhiy krivonos, former first deputy commander of special operations forces and deputy secretary of the national security and defense council of ukraine. congratulations, mr. serhiy. good evening, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. so, let's talk about the changes in the military leadership of the weapons of the ukrainian armed forces, almost a total change, i would say, which is in principle. said the personnel sense of such a complete renewal of the leadership
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of the armed forces? i don’t see, to be honest, such a powerful renewal of the leadership of the armed forces, according to certain generals, maybe there were some questions, but so powerfully and in such a large number, i consider this as only one factor, it is a factor that diverts attention from political failures. authorities in ensuring the activities of the armed forces, especially in 23, because when the authorities try to make the military extreme only in the war, i ask the question: and you, gentlemen, political leaders, what did you do according to the existing law on mobilization, and exactly how did you translate in the functioning of the economy on rails in a special period, i am not talking about the functioning of the central... bodies of state power, enterprises, institutions, local
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self-government bodies, they have done absolutely nothing, and no matter how much they change the military , no matter how many they change, if the economy is stagnant and does not work, does not provide the necessary armed forces, if the mobilization plan in accordance with the governing document , which must be approved by the president, and from this plan every enterprise of ukraine must have a mobilization task to produce products. to meet the needs of the armed forces, it does not change anything in general , except that the struggle is not for victory, but there is a struggle for glory. let's remember the previous life of our leader, he remained in his own way, in his own acceptance as an actor, and only one can be on the stage, and only he should be applauded, he will not tolerate others, that's why the change. meritorious in the first place - it is a struggle for support, but
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from my point of view at this stage he has made himself worse, how the situation will develop further, i am worried if there was no hunting for leads, which in principle has already started powerfully, starting from the general , i'm sorry, colonel chervinskyi, major andrii malakha was finished, who was also imprisoned on trumped-up charges and is being kept in solitary confinement. prison, and such examples, unfortunately, will soon be more than enough. and tell me, in general, what are the possibilities of the new leadership of the armed forces of ukraine from the point of view of changing the situation with the computerization itself in the armed forces and at the front, how justified are the words that it is possible to simply reformat the current composition of the armed forces, taking into account the fact that many people are not directly on the line front, but as part of the armed forces. well. directly, this is again the same from my point of view of pure water fitting, you know, manipulations are no more than
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300 thousand, and who checked this figure, why exactly this figure was announced, and those units are those military units that are set aside for rest, to be carried out for staffing and carrying out re-adjustment, this was taken into account, therefore it is just a manipulation, no more than, this figure is much higher than 3000. and in a normal army, well, at least 1/3 must fight, 1/3 rest, 1/3 prepare for conducting hostilities, let's even remember the times. the first world war, when winston chenshi, being the commander of the fuseler battalion on the western front, himself prescribed that they fought for 10 days, rested for 10 days, and prepared for war for 10 days, and this directly allowed the soldiers to fight normally during the war. in our situation, we still don't have such capabilities, that's why this bare
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figure is 3,000, in general, when there are civilians who have absolutely never served in the army. and never had anything to do with national security, although in their own way they are responsible for this to the functional, they start telling the military what and how to do, well, it looks just comical, in certain moments even tragic. and now regarding the possibility of the military leadership, do you see any additional possibilities for changing this situation of stagnation of the front line, which president zelensky is talking about? how ? you see, we have a war now. not daring head-to-head assault bayonet attacks, these are already extreme measures that should be avoided in modern war, and if the front does not receive the required amount of shells, equipment, arterial systems and much more, no matter how brave and smart the generals are without
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reliable support, nothing will change if we talk about... the situation related to what weapons ukraine may soon receive from the allies, in principle they are already saying and about the f-16, about other new technology, such new technology does not change the situation, it can improve it, but to say that it could radically change it in a few minutes, well, you know, these are tales about a wonder, a miracle weapon of the time of hitler's reign in 44-45 years everything must be complex, only f16 unpowered anti-aircraft or ukraine e will not change the situation, missiles that are needed in huge quantities despite the fact that the russians are immediately building up, if we talked less about it, maybe it would be better, we have a lot of people about these things the politicians are talking, and the russians are absolutely calmly increasing
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the authenticity of the means of radio-electronic warfare, and a lot of them simply do not achieve the goal, therefore... there is a golden rule in war, how many times you keep silent, how many times you do not regret it. unfortunately, the politicians who rule our country does not know this and does absolutely the opposite. what do you think about the capabilities of the russian troops themselves, in this case, we are talking about a war of attrition, but is the russians themselves at risk of attrition? in the numerical equivalent, they have much more potential, and in view of the fact that propaganda works in them, and financial support , the interest of the service, in the ranks, the russian army is also quite large compared to the huge amount of begging, let’s call it, of the russian population, for them 6 - $7 salary upon conclusion of the contract - this is a large amount, so their potential is much greater than ours, and they have a plus, i also say that propaganda works very powerfully,
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in this regard, i would not call our activity propaganda at all. mararanu, because it is generally something that is not aimed at the unification and unification of nations, but in our case it is just so that they do not pour mud, as they will consider, and from my point of view, they do not tell the truth to the authorities about their inaction. what do you think about such a negative public reaction to a change in military leadership, as far as it is dangerous in terms of undermining trust in the state as such? well, the president is confidently sawing a branch on... who is sitting, we'll see how it will be further, well, you know, the president can saw a branch, but the effectiveness of the state and its confrontation with russia depends on the president's legitimacy, this must also be remembered. i am absolutely against all these calls for, you know, attempts at power changes, if we talk about it, how will we differ from the same russians,
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so we are in favor of democratic approaches, but our own people, who elected their own leaders, have the truth has the right and is even obliged to point out to the authorities the lack of work, especially during the war, which concerns national security issues, to what extent do you think it is now possible to say that there will be trust in the new military leadership in the ukrainian armed forces, or in the army at all it is worth talking about trust, there is simply management, it is appointed, it functions, there are no problems, well, there are two legal points of view. here, of course, you are absolutely right, psychologically, well, there is a perception of certain soldiers who can do them to accept or not to accept in certain groups. if we talk about the fact that from... you see here russia's ability to break through the defense line of the ukrainian troops, it was so serious, let's say, let's take a look from
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the other side, the question is not the ability of the russians to break through, the question is our ability to respond in a timely manner to their desire to break through the front line in certain areas, this is probably the most important thing, and here again everything rests on economic security. means of reconnaissance and will strike in a timely manner against the accumulation of troops even before the moment when they entered the front edge, strikes on logistics centers, on control points, and what was not done for two years, they finally began to do, this, the systematic destruction of the critical infrastructure of the russian federation, this is the most important thing, because it is difficult enough to fight head-to-head at the front, in they have more power and means, but if we deprive the russian army of timely support. with fuel, er, ammunition, weapons, equipment, then this will significantly improve our situation, plus, by destroying their oil and gas transport complex, we reduce
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the capacity of their budget, because exactly mostly at the expense of oil and gas, they replenish that large army with the required amount of equipment, weapons, ammunition, plus they pay money to their soldiers, then everything is much easier, you don't need bravery, you need... smartness and pinpoint strikes on critical objects of the russian federation, in principle, you believe that it is precisely strikes on oil depots that reduce russian capabilities, but then again, why strike at oil depots, drones, which cannot destroy an oil refinery, or, after all, missile technology, which can definitely slow it down recovery for months, well, of course, missiles will be better, but in this situation we have to use everything that is available in... taking into account that the authorities did not make any special efforts to launch the capabilities of their own military defense system for two years, so any hammer with a nail, which can
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puncture a russian federation fuel tank may also be useful. however, i would like to ask you whether you are not afraid of the possibility of russian troops attacking some areas where there is a certain calm. the situation, whether the russians have reserves there to break through in the north, in the west of ukraine from the belarusian direction, or will they continue to focus exclusively on the direction that is a priority for them in the current confrontation in the direction of donbass? in war, the most important thing is not , you know, underestimating the enemy is the worst thing, so it's better to calculate the enemy's capabilities based on the worst options than to put yourself to sleep... i think that we won a lot and we are very cool there and everything will be fine with us. as the experience of all previous years of the war has shown, they have a sufficiently powerful capacity to overturn
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reserves from different areas of the front to what they need, and they actively use it, therefore even the struggle for the same kupinsky direction, it is primarily the ability to seize the kupinsky station, a nodal powerful station, and ensure the rapid movement of a huge amount of equipment and people, which is needed along. front, so the threat is always there, here it is already a matter for intelligence, so that they closely follow the movement of the enemy, predict the options for action, so that there are no such punctures as there was a puncture in the avdiiv direction at one time, when did not take into account the enemy's ability to use underground communications inside avdiivka, those who fought in avdiivka in the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th years knew about these communications for some reason, our intelligence has forgotten about it for now, this is the question most. thank you, mr. sergey. serhii kryvanos, general of the armed forces of ukraine, former first deputy commander of the armed forces,
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special operations forces of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us. now we will move on to our foreign policy affairs and we are in touch with andriy deshchytsia, diplomat, former acting minister of foreign affairs of ukraine and former ambassador of ukraine to poland and finland. congratulations, sir. andrii, good evening, i congratulate you, well, let's start with finland, where the second round of the presidential elections is currently taking place, literally in half an hour the forecast of the election results will be published, but in a few minutes we will find out. there is preliminary information that alexander stup, who was considered the probable winner of the second round, is in
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the first position and... with the number of votes of 52.7% of the voting participants, and his opponent pkh visto received 47.3% of the votes, but this is based on the calculation of 66.7% of the votes of the participants of the second round, literally in a few minutes we will know the final result, i think i will announce it in our broadcast, but how important are they for ukraine ? for these presidential elections in finland, mr. andrii, to what extent does the development of the situation in its relations between ukraine and the countries of the european union, between ukraine and the nordic countries, depend on the president of finland? well, look, first of all, finland has obviously become now an important player in northern europe, especially after finland became a member of
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nato. relations with russia in finland will also be very important for the development of the eu's relations with russia in general and the position of russia in relation to the european union and finland in particular, finland supported and supports ukraine quite seriously. and strongly and consistently, i think that both candidates for president take approximately the same position on the issue of ukraine and on the issue of relations with russia and big changes in relation to ukraine, depending on who will be the elected president, there is no, but it is important that of course that in finland... for
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finland, it is that these elections are taking place for the first time after finland became a member of nato, and in fact both candidates happened to be foreign ministers in their careers, each of them, and if oleksandr stup was a bigger supporter of finland's membership in nato, pkh's contribution was less. a supporter of membership in the alliance, nevertheless, he actually signed the documents and on finland's accession to nato. therefore, i think that it is of course important for finland to strengthen these positions of finland, as a reliable member of the eu and nato, in the person of novo. the elected
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president, in relation, again, as i already said, to ukraine, i think that the politics of one and the other will be approximately the same, and we will, will, we will feel this support. and tell me, mr. andriy, alexander stup said when he spoke in the pre-election debates that if putin called him with congratulations, he would not pick up the phone, by the way, mr. havisto said that he would accept the greeting, that is, the stupa is so tougher. but i remember well that when alexander the great was the minister of foreign affairs of finland, by the way, it was when you were the ambassador to helsinki, and there was an issue after the war in georgia, he was a strong opponent of the introduction of sanctions against the russian federation, remember you see, so this is such an evolution, you can say, you can't say, he was always against such warm relations with russia, he was in favor of such relations for a long time, but look, alexander stup is
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so a little sharp. let's say, in his statements, and i think that this is also the result of the fact that he also went through this kind of european experience, and the fact that he was the prime minister in finland, the fact that he was in the european commission, and he has more of an international approach, i think that these statements, well, let's say this, his, so, how can you compare a little bit to the situation in... where sikorsky, who is the minister of foreign affairs, and has such sharper approaches, sharp statements, sharp decisions, maybe that too is connected with the fact that oleksandr stup is younger, and this is a new generation of finns, which is already , well, not like that, dependent on the russian-finnish policy that was there or the russian-soviet finnish-soviet policy, which...


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