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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 12:30pm-1:00pm EET

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stup is a little sharper, let's say, in his statements, and i think that this is also the result of the fact that he has also had this kind of european experience, and the fact that he was the prime minister in finland, the fact that he was in the european commission, uh, and he has a more international approach, i think that these statements, well, let's say this, his, yes, how can you compare a little bit to the situation in poland, where sikorski, who is the minister of foreign affairs , and has such sharper approaches, sharp statements, sharp decisions, er, perhaps it is also connected with the fact that oleksandr stup is younger, and this is a new generation of athenians, which is no longer like that, it depends on the russian-finnish policy that was there or the russian-soviet finnish-soviet policy that was there.
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.. was in the 1970s and 1980s, he was brought up more in the traditions of, er, more modern, er, politics, er, and finland's policy towards russia, and europe's policy towards russia, and we can to say that this is such a victory for a political nation, because alexander stubb, as far as i understand, is half swedish, and he swedish-speaking, his first language, his wife is generally english, and it seems to me that the last president of ee... in finland, who spoke swedish as his native language, was marshal mannerheim, since that time there was simply no such thing, well, i think that in fact, stup is more associated with finnish politics than with there, let's say it's true that he is swedish by origin, but i think that he has more associations.
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still has the image of a finnish politician in society, but tell me, mr. andrii, if we turn to polish events, literally before our broadcast, it became known that polish farmers on the border spilled grain from several ukrainian trucks near the checkpoint, there is one dear goose, i apologize, but what to do with it, you see, the situation is not resolved. it cannot be solved, well, this is barbarism, this is a crime , it must be investigated , law enforcement agencies must be involved in this, if this happened, then it is necessary to restore order, first of all , it is necessary to restore order to the places of those protests in poland, this time farmers are protesting near the ukrainian of the polish border, previously they were truck carriers. and actually such an infectious
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example of the fact that these truckers somehow managed to agree on something there, they did not completely solve the problem, but they took a break and postponed it until march 1, then the farmers saw their example and said: well, why not do it we have protests near the border with ukraine, why not do it on international highways, the attention of the whole world is focused on this and... we will then be noticed, this is a very bad signal, so we need to restore order, of course, and this should to engage the polish law enforcement agencies and absolutely punish those who do this, one thing, protests, one thing peaceful protests, another thing can be considered an attack on ukrainian trucks, and again, i return to what i already said, eh
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... it is impossible, it cannot be allowed that this happens on the ukrainian-polish border, that these protests take place on the ukrainian, polish border, or eh by blocking the international highways that lead to ukraine, and what can the polish the government is in such a situation, i want to understand, well, look, first of all, these protests, which the farmers have started now, they are primarily directed against... the european agricultural policy, agrarian policy, against the so-called green system, here additionally here ukraine became a certain hostage of the situation when this european policy limits the development of agriculture in countries such as poland, due to the fact that they have small agricultural lands, and it
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is aimed at the development of large large-scale agricultural land, and therefore their products, their products become competitive. on the european market , in addition, ukrainian agricultural products have also appeared here , which are cheaper, which are competitive, and, well, which one, which one is supported, which one is valued by demand, and because what the polish government can do is to negotiate, to negotiate with the protesters, to negotiate with brussels and to negotiate. with ukraine, er, because this solution to this issue is complex, er, it is still the solution of this issue, er , demands, of farmers that is imposed by internal political, internal political
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confrontation in poland, because many farmers who started these strikes largely supported the previous government, er, in particular, the solidarity union of agrarians, the solidarity of agricultural producers, and they, of course, well, the polish government just needs to find ways to find a compromise in solving those demands of farmers, taking into account also the ukrainian factor, if we talk about the sensation this week, as it happened during the interview of the president of the russian federation , vladimir putin, to the american commentator torker carlson, the interview itself did not become a sensation, but the fact that putin actually defended the foreign policy of adolf hitler in 1939 and said that poland played itself and
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allowed itself to be attacked, that germany had no other choice, it is natural for all of us, i would say such a discovery, and i think that in poland it all looked with wide -open eyes, how are you? do you perceive such words of the russian president, look, here are two, two of these elements: first of all, i don't understand at all, well, of course, why such an interview took place, but, of course, we criticize this and understand that there are many nonsense lies that were told in this interview 'yeah, but imagine this interview being broadcast to the american public, there 's a few...hundreds of millions of viewers, and actually, this carlson youtube channel, and actually, well, i don't think they go into the story very much, and they know
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the story, and they don't think, oh, well, if the president of the country, the president of russia, says this, it is probably true, and all this nonsense and all this s... story is spreading among the american society and among the electorate, first of all , the republican party, in poland, of course, this was treated critically, it was completely criticized by these judgments putin , the ministry of foreign affairs made a corresponding statement, published those 10... inaccuracies or, in general, it would be more correct to say 10 points of lies that were told by putin in relation to poland and ukraine, but nevertheless, well, in fact, we can
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to justify, but the main, as it is a target group, the main consumers of this information will be americans, this is quite, quite dangerous. therefore, i think that it is necessary to activate all of us who defend and have their own vision, the correct vision of history and activate this, propagandist counter-propaganda activity in america and show how dangerous such statements and such interviews are for the formation of the image of putin and the formation of the image . e-e europe in for the americans, isn't there a word that russia is not going to attack poland, but will respond if poland itself attacks it , with such an indirect threat poland will be quite tense, you know everything perfectly well, i absolutely also feel that
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these kind of statements are actually a rather alarming signal that putin... will be able to use this, this is a kind of justification, reasoning that he can attack poland if poland is on... where on them, and to invent reasons why poland attacked russia, he will have a lot of reasons, well, in particular even at least because they will shoot down a russian missile on the territory of poland, which well as if they will mistakenly launch in the direction of ukraine, but it will fly to poland, can they be used? the issue of the airport or the airport site in rzeszów as a kind
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of threat, because weapons against russia are supplied through it, and this is already an attack on russia, or simply to invent some kind of provocation and thus have grounds for justification for attacking poland, in poland it 's being taken seriously and i think... that i hear more and more voices in poland saying that we need to get pretty serious strengthening poland's defense capabilities and in the end they are doing it, well, that is, they will prepare for it, you think, so i think they will prepare, they are already preparing for it, and the previous government did it, and as you can see, now and the current government is doing it , and the purchase of new, new military equipment and strengthening, increase. trump will have nothing to say about the defense budget right away,
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because poland spends more than 2% of its gdp on armaments and nato, and its creation of new military units, including troops, territorial defense, and deployment american military bases in poland. and military and large-scale military exercises that are taking place in poland, this is how poland is preparing and is fully aware that russia can attack them, although fully aware as well, as at least the current polish ruling politicians state that the best means to protect poland will be aid to ukraine and ukraine's victory in the war with russia, and this is what the prime minister is talking about... poland's donald tusk and minister of foreign affairs rodosław chykorski, they and other polish politicians,
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especially in their conversations with the american politicians, including from the republican camp. thank you, mr. andriy. andriy deshchytsi, the former head of the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine and our country's ambassador to poland and finland, was in touch with us. we will literally take a break for a couple of minutes. please do not switch. there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia 10% in the pharmacies of travel bam and oskad. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back, for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, whatever you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. for muscle spasms, "doolgit" tablets are anticonvulsants. dolgit anti-convulsants for muscle and calf relaxation, there are 10% discounts on afida max in
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our guest today is mykhailo yakubovych, orientalist, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the oriental studies department of the university of freiburg in germany. congratulations, mr. mykhailo. good evening. well, so our first topic is what is happening with the relations between russia and turkey. putin's visit to turkey has been postponed again. why do you think the russian president is in no hurry to go to ankara? it is not so much that he is not in a hurry, as that he is not in a hurry, the fact is that erdogan has not yet completed his movement in this direction, specifically erdogan has not... formed a position on how he will continue to behave in this role of mediator, which he is dreaming, which he is selling to the internal audience, that is, he is waiting for certain signals, in a sense, i think, it is connected with help of the united states in ukraine, that is, if this aid is continued, and the chances are still such, then erdogan may continue to
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postpone putin's visit, that is, he took a certain pause, and... of course they gave putin an opportunity to save face, to say that in that choice, that is, it is difficult to say here which of them made the decision, they are currently preparing his visit to the dprk, but it looks like erdogan is waiting for help from the european union to ukraine , so to speak, will be in trend further on this topic get aid from the united states, well he will take a look here, especially now the dynamics are already in his favor, the americans... approved the sale of chief-16 to him, and he is doing well in many other ways , you can postpone it a little, that is, in a certain sense, he is even putin turned into a hostage of his policy, he succeeds in some such tactical variations. and you can say that now relations with the west have improved in turkey due to the fact that
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the issue of sweden joining nato was finally resolved, and why does erdogan have such improved relations, only. because of the planes? well, turkey was one of the countries that first joined nato back in the 1950s, but the turkey of those years and erdogan's turkey are, to some extent, two different countries. turkey, and the rather powerful economic issues that they must solve, and erdogan sees that the future is actually his - it is not some kind of putin's ally under putin, but an independent person, an independent politician. the leader there is almost world-class, who can be placed alongside others, that is, one should also calculate his self-psychology here, he will not be like lukashenko or anyone else there, he is a figure of a completely different scale, who has become a hostage of this scale, and therefore in this case, turkey, guided by this policy of rather pragmatic
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interests, takes certain steps, takes other steps and looks further, where is the reaction... there is a benefit, so it is quite predictable here, no one objected that turkey would reject sweden there, for example, they tried to sway this map with the burning of the koran, but we see that all these russian and pro-russian things , which were played with, they are not succeeded, so it's not that turkish relations have improved, rather they have activated their old ties and erdoğan, so to speak, has stopped demonizing himself, especially now there is a question about what is happening in the middle east, specifically , this is the future of gas, and here, well, erdogan has a certain voice, which he also tries to use, so here, in this case , the west simply could not brush him off, saying, well, who is that erdogan, as much as
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one and the same exactly, that is, it had to happen somewhere establish contact, but in return. erdogan will also have to take certain steps. and, by the way, about the future of gaza, we can now say that the war is simply at a dead end, because on the one hand there are talks about a cease-fire, and on the other hand, the parties, as often happens, absolutely overstated, i would say, the demand for each other, and israel is not going to end the war without releasing the hostages, and hamas says that if israel is going to carry out an offensive in the rafah area, that's it. the south of the gas sector, so to speak say, the extreme, then the south or the north, well, it is from the west, yes, the west, you see, i always have these geographical ones, yes, well, let’s assume so, well, in any case, this is the border of the gas sector and egypt, let’s be precise, then in this situation, there will be no talk about hostages and a ceasefire, how to get out of the situation at all, it is very difficult to get out of the situation,
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because here the question is who, if not hamas, the palestinian administration... is in this state, and which one governs the west bank of the jordan river, we have an extraordinary amount limited powers about its rating, including in the gas sector itself, well , it is difficult to talk about something there, that is, in palestine palestinians need to form some new forces, will there be opportunities to form new forces that are capable of dialogue, that are capable of development, that are capable to replace hamas. well , it works, it looks quite unrealistic, at the moment it is about the fact that since israel has already started selling some external bonds, moreover, in israel now... it is about recruiting new reservists, that is the war is dragging on, one war is becoming more and more complicated, somewhere netanyahu must come out either the winner, or at least a signatory
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of the peace on some such terms, so that the hostages are really returned, and b) exclude a new war, i can assume that hamas will go to the release of hostages, in principle, this has already happened more than once, but to completely surrender in terms of the threat to israel, well, then hamas will turn into zero, which... neither he nor his sponsors will agree, and now the position of egypt is interesting there, egypt already pulled up army, he is already trying to engage in such a stronger dialogue with israel there, it is clear that the tank division will not play a big role there, and it is not clear who it will be directed against, i mean on the border with the gaza sector, but somewhere here can such an increase in tension play to such a pressure on peace that they say to conclude a new one. truce, yes, there is a truce, but will it last, what will it change for the fate of the palestinians themselves? apparently, some of them will somehow be able to dry out and leave gas, some of them
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will continue to live there around the refah and wait for what will be the solution, but netanyahu , who was already expected to give a truce, nevertheless, judging by everything, is trying to conduct at least some kind of ground operation there, it is really worth reminding that this is, in fact, already... the last such enclave, the last stronghold not only of hamas, but of any palestinian resistance in this region in general, and that is why there is an open question, to which we can now say what will happen to the gaza sector in a year , i would not undertake to make any problems, and at all no one is now undertaking to do, well, as far as i understand, it is very important for israel that this war ends precisely with the elimination of hamas in the region, but from the very beginning they said that these calls of hers, they are to... quite unrealistic in terms of possibilities israel? well, this is a return to the situation that existed before 2005, 2006, there
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were even jewish settlers there, then they were removed from there, there were their own protests, there was an attempt at reconciliation, then this attempt at reconciliation did not lead to anything, so this is critical for israel important in this case, but israel is also trying to get as much help as possible and to settle its internal issues, because no... yahu is a politician with a rating, but what is with this rating now and what is the growing criticism, what is the opposition, it is generally, well, an extremely difficult domestic period in the history of israel, and that is why the question here is whether netanyahu will still risk putting everything on the line, doing everything, or either we them or they us, eh, well, this has been talked about for a long time in this war, but in in this case... the position is american and the position neighbors of israel, in order to cover it up with some kind of compromises, but the limits of this compromise, after all, as we can see, are their
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own, well, in this case , the israel defense forces, and here it will be difficult to argue specifically with such a strong argument, well i understand correctly that at the beginning of the war, especially the israeli war, because now 128 days have passed, we talked about the fact that ukraine needs help... and israel does not need it so much, it is rather symbolic, israel can manage on its own without american help help, but now this is the money i would have allocate the american congress and does not allocate, but by the way, today the senate will begin to consider again this bill on aid to ukraine and israel, let me remind you that israel and ukraine are close there, that this is money that the israelis really need for further military actions, absolutely necessary, well, in general, i am very often. heard there, you know, about recipes from israel, how to defeat putin, to which questions were always answered by competent people, when israel was directly at war with putin, that is
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, here we have a certain kind of mythologizing, and i have different assessments of military capabilities, but here we should not forget that the civilian population of gaza, no matter how it is, no matter how much the arab side likes it, but still it is used as a human shield for hamas. well, this is a fact, and it is difficult to deal with it, it is difficult to somehow oppose it, even those hundreds, 300, 500 thousand who come out with the support of palestine, let's stop the genocide of gaza and so on, but the fact remains the fact, and this fact is so unfortunate , that it twists israel's hands in many ways, restrains in many ways, well and plus hamas prepared very well, it took into account the experience of many wars, while it seems that israel... approaches, they remained somewhere, well, maybe in the 2000s, 2010s, but not in the 2020s. now we see how it is developing, even the technology
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of drones, suicide bombers, even the syrian regime has mastered it, it attacks its opponents with them, not to mention the houthis and others, but we see that hamas has fewer missiles left, that is, such mass attacks on israel, and which they could release, they are already releasing, another question is that they still have opportunities for such a partisan terrorist war, and which can be not only on the territory of israel, far beyond its borders, and there are also certain fears about this, so here in this case... well, wait, that only the army and the special services will just shut it all down, absolutely not, especially with the powerful help that has always come from the persian gulf countries, that is , hamas has simply risen, it has become an even bigger tool, if ever there is a palestinian resistance movement, well, its there used here is the soviet union, now it is being used by russia, it is being used by iran, it is being used by the super players, and therefore it is good to say that israel is only opposing hamas, absolutely not, israel is opposing
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the whole. conglomerate and in a certain sense even russia also wants a hybrid, so here, well, the situation is such that i will not say that some kind of parity has been achieved, but israel will even need, perhaps not so much military, but political in many respects support, because the forces that are now on in the west, we see the situation, how powerful it is, not that it is a pro-palestinian lobby, i would rather call it anti-israel. and not pro-palestinian, because in reality no one there is as worried as they pretend to be palestinians, but it is there and it can influence further strategic decisions, so tactically israel holds on, but what will happen again in a year, in five , in 10, will israel be important, for example, to such players there in latin america, the global south, in general, china, the same one that is deprived of this the sentiment that exists, for example, in germany, in
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all others, but here it no longer exists. and therefore, in this case, israel understands that there is an extremely powerful threat to the future, a threat that must be addressed already. and how do you think american-israeli relations will develop in this area, because literally during our broadcast, the president of the united states, joe biden , and the prime minister of israel, benjamin netanyahu , had a 45-minute conversation on the phone precisely about the war against hamas and that was the most important thing in this conversation the offensive in... rafah and biden emphasized that he wants to see the defeat of hamas and the long-term security of israel, but at the same time, said that the military operation in rafah cannot continue without a plan to ensure the safety of the more than millions of people who are in it place, it is not an easy, i would say conversation and difficult demands for the israeli prime minister, right? well , these are requirements that contradict each other, and
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the americans understand it very well, that is , they emphasize it, but in fact they act in a completely different way. actually now the americans don't really need all this, because it will strengthen anti-americanism, strengthen the already problematic politics of biden and will once again affect the elections. trump is sitting here conditional and not conditional , even real, sitting and watching, if there is no help for israel, well, look, america abandoned such an ally, if there is... a situation with greater casualties, and it will be obvious, then again who is to blame ? it's biden's fault, because biden supported this genocide and apartheid in gas, so many will say, and here we see that for this year, i think , there will be no significant changes, somewhere there will be israeli promotion, somewhere they will somehow try to limit something, press something, but what will happen after the elections in the united states, who
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will win? this will raise a question, because before that trump was considered, for example, an extremely pro-israel politician, although it seems to me that knowing how powerful the israeli lobbies in the united states are, well , they do not expect such a completely worst-case scenario, maybe they just have to to ask netanyahu the question that maybe it is enough to look for someone new, but the war and also conducting such serious rotations now will be an extreme weakness, and that is why all the crisis issues are increasing, and they will probably move from this year to the next, to the next in a more problematic way. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych, sulaznat, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the department of freiburg university in germany, was in touch with us. as i promised you, i will let you know.


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