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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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to press something, here, and now, what will happen after the elections in the united states, who will win them, it will raise the question, because before that trump was considered, for example, an extremely pro-israel politician, although it seems to me that knowing such a powerful enough, as long as the lobby israelis in the united states , well , they don't expect such a completely worse scenario, maybe they just have to ask netanyahu the question that... well, maybe it's enough to look for someone new, but the war and also conducting such serious rotations now, it will extreme weakness, and therefore, all the crisis issues are increasing, and from this year, they will probably move to the next in an even more problematic form. thank you, mr. mykhailo, mykhailo yakubovych, scholar, candidate of historical sciences, researcher at the department of maltology of the university of freiburg in germany was in touch with us, as i already promised you, i will let you know. the final result
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of the presidential elections in finland, oleksandr stup became the new president of this country, a person who always supported ukraine, has a rather harsh attitude towards russia, refuses to even talk to vladimir putin, our next interlocutor is mykhailo ivan marchuk, a ukrainian artist, laureate of the shevchenko prize, he is in touch with us from vienna, congratulations mr. ivan, good evening, mr. ivan is now representing uv'. the biggest personal exhibition in your work, congratulations, mr. ivan, with this exhibition, please tell us about it, well, don't think that i'm bragging, but this is the biggest and best exhibition of mine that has ever been on planet earth , i had more than a hundred exhibitions all over the place world, but i was so lucky that i finally found a hall. which i
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couldn’t even dream of, and it fits here, almost 300 paintings, various periods of my work are collected, all 15 different marshuks are actually presented here, the hall is gorgeous, and i have not seen such a hall yet, people are leaving, people are just crying, you understand , because they can't resist the fact that, you know, the scheme that fits, you know, to the chest, you know, today came... and the delegation from odesa, everyone cried, the whole bus, you know, well, well, people, people they look at everything as if it were a miracle, this is a great miracle, and i will say that this is the truth, you see, then they are, i am just that, you know, when i first looked, you understand how, how this exhibition was created, it it's just that the curators arranged it here, it's just that you are exceptionally professional. exceptional
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, you know, on the design, fantastic, well, and i, i just know, here here already, as they say, they count the people who leave, then already in a couple of days, then already a couple of several thousand people have visited, i’m just doing that , that, that i put autographs who are photographed, you understand what, what, but people want, you understand, these families come, children come, here the school was ukrainian, here, you understand, there was a course named after marchuk here , you understand, they arranged it, you understand, well, life, life here it’s just boiling, you see, i come and just because i’m in the hands of people, you know, like it’s melting, you know, well, people want to see not only the paintings, but also a little to see me, well, i know that you are under during your exhibitions you communicate with people, so what is your conclusion now from this communication, well, you know, it’s communication , well, it’s just that... as they say, it fills,
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you understand, the truth of what i am, that i’m on the right path, you understand, i’m like this, i’m such a devotee of numbers and such attention to paintings that literally transform a person , you see, i feel it, because i talk to everyone, because every person thanks me for your work, that we have not seen anything like this before, you have not seen it, you will see it only in me, you know, because if you saw somewhere, they say, you would see something else in me, understand, right? what about communicating with people for a whole day, then i get so tired that i can’t even reach retirement, you know , but it won’t last that long, 10 days, you know, then for me it will be a kind of rest, you understand, contact with people, because i always sit and draw, draw, here i draw even more than in kyiv, even because the people there are mine, but tell me, do you see that you are perceived as a marchuk artist or as a ukrainian? artist komarchuk, how
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important is it to people that this is a part of ukrainian painting, mr. vitary, i have it here in the hall, in one hall, a large hall. only the ukrainian land, it's this, by those paintings , they will judge what kind of paradise the ukrainian land is, there are a lot of such landscapes that simply, you know, i can't take my eyes off it, and people look at it as if it's a miracle, you understand, well, and then different marshuks, the voice of my soul, it’s especially big, big, and the portraits are still-life landscapes, well... everything, everything, everything eranii marchuk, whom everyone is very, very interested in, you understand how i, how i started for such, for such, for such, you understand, art, well, at 11 i studied for years, and then it all worked out, it worked out, you know, i started from scratch, and
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even these paintings were preserved from the 60s, 70s, you know, well, far, far away, many of them have spread around the world, well , but i kept it. everything is a kind of framework, you see, because i really, well, i couldn’t get carried away with all the paintings, i kept such a large collection that should go around the world, you see, i didn’t do everything only for myself, you see, but i did it for people, i really want these paintings to travel around the world and beyond, you know, in such a number, and tell me, mr. ivan, how to present ukrainian art as such a peculiar one, i remember i was in... at a large art exhibition dedicated to the russian avant-garde, at this exhibition there were paintings of people we know from of their work in ukraine, such as david burlyuk , let's say, like ivan malevich, like other artists, and here's how to make it so that the world understands that
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there is an independent ukrainian painting, which is different from russian, which is not a subdivision of russian, and not , here... here i am i think that it is so clear to everyone that it is not even necessary to understand and mention malevich here, they, they see absolutely art that is simply not seen anywhere, but it smells of ukraine, as i told, how i settled here in vienna, temporarily , you know, i said that vienna smells of art, and i, and i, you see, flow into this channel, but... completely different from the art that exists here and in vienna, in europe and so on, i found my way and here you cannot mix with anyone, and the ukrainian spirit lives, you know, in my every marchuks, this spirit exists in different sections
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, you know, and people get to know each other, but tell me, you talked about the fact that you want to show this exhibition in different countries, do you have any specific creative ideas? plans, where it can still be exhibited, there are plans, there are plans, i am aiming for great britain, there will be such an exhibition in britain, there will be such an exhibition in great britain, as in vienna, we, we are planning it, but how it turns out, it already depends, what territory can be given to me for my exposition, here... a huge hall, understand, i have never seen such in the world before personal exhibitions, yes, in museums, but there are many halls and the mobuto museum, but if i put almost 300 works in one hall, the white hall, i call them, you know,
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i have never seen such a white hall anywhere, the floor is white, the ceiling is white , the walls are white, the pictures look fantastic, i don't wash myself, i said, let me put a bed here, i'll sleep. and here i will be my paintings, because i, because i like to sleep on them and cover myself with them, and tell me, mr. ivan, what do you think about exhibitions in ukraine during the war, what should be done with ukrainian art in such a time difficult and dangerous time, well, you know , as far as i know, i have two exhibitions in the national gallery, yes, yes, one is dedicated to shevchenko, there, yes, yes, yes. yes , the exhibition of the shevchenko collection and the exhibition of personal collections, and you know, this, i hear, i know everything, because, because, me, me, all the information is transmitted from computers, that's why people go, and people go, and people go
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to the exhibition every time, no, no, they do not regret it, you understand that, what, that the exhibition is posted, well, because, because, because already, the resonances are still in... in the world it was done, but the ukrainians, you understand, they love when you are well known somewhere in the world, you understand, then he comes to ukraine, but in ukraine i am already used to how much and i have been for so many years... he knows that they can no longer be confused with anyone and go to the exhibition, because they missed me, they missed my paintings a little, well, this is important, how much people need art during the war, it is also important to understand how perception changes, i understand it this way, i, i am even asked if i or i deal with military topics and what is being done now on in ukraine, i... i made a couple of such sketches, but, but i told myself that you can't
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show people what they see in real life, you can't, you have to show them something so that they, at least for a moment, at least for two, at least for three, they forgot, they forgot that they know what is being done every day, and they see what is being done and feel it on themselves, it is being done, that is why they need to be shown art, music, everything, so that... little by little, a person somehow comes to life, comes to life, that there is another world, you understand, not only broken and so on, you understand, but you can breathe clean air from the canvas of my paintings, that is, you still want it to be a dream, not a picture of reality, i want it to be in reality, you understand, like this, someone wants it to be like it is now, so that a dream was really let's say so, you can outline your exhibition in vienna so that the dream
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really becomes a reality, because i, why do i work madly, yes, why did i save so many paintings, you understand, in order to give people the gift of sharing, or rather, my dream, look, and people, i tell them, look, look, my paintings, will tell you very a lot, even more. than i can say , you understand, and that is the truth, that's why i found the codes to the hearts and souls of people, that they cannot be separated from the picture, you understand, and then they still show me tears and cry, understand me, i wiped away a person's tears, she was happy , she felt something, she happened in another world somehow, and you understand, and they come out of there straight away, some are crying from joy, from pleasure, some are just having thoughts, well, you understand, it's calm here. you can not pass this exhibition, i you once again, congratulations on this exhibition, mr. ivan, and
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i remind you that our guest was the ukrainian artist of the loryat shevchenko prize, ivan marchuk, who is currently holding a large personal exhibition in the austrian capitals, and we will now take a break for just a couple of minutes, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky... saws, then strong saw from razpak tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry . it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with consultants. cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement. with the strong saw, just look at how quickly it can handle even thick branches, once it's ready, and unlike standard
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to many, the events of the day became as if they were honored guests of the studio. in two hours vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. verdict with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day by phone survey, turn on and... turn on the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. a separate set of unmanned aerial vehicles of the sapsan complexes of the state special transport service. viewers
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of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the trona fundraiser and... technical equipment for our division. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! we continue the politclub program on the espressa television channel. with you is vitaliy portnikov, and our guest in the studio, yurii godymenko, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, head of the public association of the ukrainian association mriya. congratulations, sir. congratulations, and let's start with the most resonant event of this week, already let's try to sum up, this is the resignation of almost the entire military leadership of ukraine, you understand the real reasons, if you could clearly say, what are the reasons for dissatisfaction with the activities of the military leadership, starting with the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine valery zaluzhny, who, as is known, has recovered well the glory of ukrainians and ending
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with almost all his closest employees, well, that's a story from the domain. yes, each commander-in-chief has his, well, let's call it, his team, yes, relatively speaking, and when changed zaluzhny, it is clear that his people were also moved and new ones are being appointed, and judging by the fact that he is sleeping, well, the list is quite large, in fact, who is being appointed, then, well, it is obvious that this was planned a long time ago, because yes quickly conduct a number of negotiations, interviews, simple. it's impossible , but as for the release of the industrious, everything is very simple, it's a political decision, er, and it, i don't think it had anything to do with military successes or failures, it's a political decision, and one of the most interesting phrases that i read in the social network, looked like so that it seems that on this day
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the commander-in-chief was dismissed and a new one was appointed. president, if valery zalovzhny will have a political career, of course, this is a half-joke, half-serious, because the person who was associated with victories has left, and ahead, well, i say frankly, from my point of view, we will be victorious to wait quite a long time, because neither any major arms deliveries are planned in the near future, which could change the situation, nor the russian offensive is not over. and, accordingly , it will be much more difficult for the new head, because what if the predecessor was associated with victories , then it will be destined to suffer a lot of defeats, but the president, on the other hand, talks about specific military issues with which he is not satisfied, rotation, demobilization, mobilization, stagnation of the front line, this is what we hear all the time, no, well, we hear everything, we
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see everything, but it means that under the new head... i understand that everything will change , i am in this, well, frankly, i am not sure, not because he is a bad military man, but that's just not true, but precisely because the number of resources well, it's very limited now, that is, you can't expect a miracle with what we have now , physically you can't, well, although not, you can always expect miracles, miracles miracles happen, well, on the other hand, we understand that... in the task of the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces will be to demonstrate some of his new capabilities there, well, if the commander-in-chief is changed, the military leadership is changed, this military leadership, by definition, must show a new one. or what, or it will simply work according to the plan that is largely created predecessor? no, i think that on the contrary , they will work according to their plan, because, well
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, once again, i, well, i'm just a junior sergeant, so i'm not an officer of the general staff, and i never was and never will be, but the story is that people are just like syrsky, they have their own vision on all issues and always try to implement exactly their plans, the vision that they have, but syrsky has long been in the highest military leadership, you say that syrsky's team, but syrsky is part of zaluzhnyi's team, before that he was part of the team mozhenka, as a high-ranking officer, means that all these plans had to be shared by and large, not in the army, but in the army, it doesn't work exactly like that, in the army, it works differently, and staff officers, and even more so generals, are a separate story altogether. this is a special world in which, as a rule, there is no talk of democracy , so there is an order, there is an order, you carry it out, if
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you obey the good man , carry out orders for the good man, obey the syrian, carry out the orders of the syrian, and that's all, well, that's the time there and opportunities for conditional there is creativity, to put it mildly, not much, but how in principle can the political leadership in our real conditions influence the military on... the military leadership has real autonomy in decision-making and will this change with the appointment of a new military leadership? and this is a question that cannot be answered quickly, and all the more so will have to be answered either in the past tense, because we, well, we cannot now say how it will look like in the syrian, so or just predict something, and i honestly saying no i love, in the past tense, so to speak, there was certainly autonomy. was not in everything and not with everyone, and, for example , it was not only zaluzhny who contacted the political leadership, well, everyone knows, everyone already
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wrote about it, it seems that syrskyi also communicated directly very often, many teams, well, some commanders , let's say this, also communicated directly with the president's office, which is not entirely logical from the point of view of subordination, but the fact is, and the autonomous ... of course there was, but how it will look in the future we will see very soon soon, i think so, i'm not sure that we will know everything, but i think that even what we will know will be more than enough to draw conclusions, to be honest, will the role of the ministry of defense increase in this situation? hmm i don't know, just plain dunno , er... i think it shouldn't rise or fall, it should be exactly what it is, logically, exactly logically that it should be a ministry ,
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which is responsible for supplies to the armed forces, nothing more, nothing less, what the minister submits for the dismissal of the commander-in-chief of defense, who is responsible, well, actually for procurement, yes, not for military actions, he is not responsible for the result, well, it is... of course, that this was a requirement of nato and was accepted in agreement with nato, this is the political leadership of the armed forces , so-called, there is civilian leadership of the armed forces, that’s what it is, but it even sounds, to be honest, illogical, well, that is , the minister of procurement with all due respect to this really important matter is applying for the dismissal of the commanders of the troops, whose effectiveness he as a civilian even cannot estimate. well, that's it well, it sounds absurd, to be honest , well, this is legislation, this is legislation, but that legislation very rarely sounds absurd, well, but it is like that in every european country,
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and yes, it is true, but how many european countries have been at war in the last 50 years, well, i think that conclusions have already been drawn from the influence of the armed forces, which was there once in the past, which is fair, but judging by the fact that they have reduced their armed forces and... and combat-capable can be called combat-capable the armed forces are far from all of european countries, no one, well , everyone agrees that they drew conclusions , no one said that these conclusions were correct, if we talk about how the ukrainians treated the one in command, i was surprised that they immediately began to discuss the personality of general sivskyi, and so as if this is some new person who was catapulted there, it is not known where to ukraine, and you know, he graduated from a military school in russia, he has relatives there, as if it did not matter at all when he was the commander of the ground forces by the armed forces of ukraine conducted operations there in kharkiv. and
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was appointed to high positions by the current and previous presidents of our country, but listen, this, in fact, it looks like an element of psychological, well, element of psychological protection, of the whole society, society is shaken, society has not seen victories for a long time, this is a fact, society sees tragedies every day , very rarely sees something that lifts the mood, and accordingly, people who ... were annoyed by the dismissal of a stalwart, automatically, automatically transfer the negativity to the person who replaces him, and although of course, that president poroshenko also appointed syrskyi to the role of commander of the operation of the joint forces, and president zelenskyi is a hardworking person, and there is no one who is a hardworking president zelenskyi, well, this is not about logic , it is not about rationality, we are talking
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about emotions, people will get the negativity of the dismissal of the employee, because really , well, it all went on for a very long time and it all looked very ugly , really, for weeks and months, people got negativity from it, people bring negativity to their successors, i honestly remember that when they appointed they appointed him in vain, there was also a lot of criticism against him simply because he was appointed by zelensky, and... people connected with the army, well, they welcomed this decision, and yes, i remember this moment in social networks , i also remember, there was a lack of acceptance, because general muzhenko had great authority, yes, yes, yes, well, we all remember that, and now in the hands of syrsky, as well as in the hands of every soldier, officer, the fate of the whole country, and i honestly don't think that such a story helps him, to put it mildly, he is not
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charismatic, well, that's a fact, a scumbag. charisma in its pure form, and of course, people can't help but like him, and sirsky, i, as a person who will live in ukraine, all my life, well, i can only wish him success. tell me, please, but maybe this is not the problem of the users of social networks or the tv viewers, but the problem of the authorities, that they failed to create communication, as in this most important direction, this is also strange, we talk all the time about people who manage ukraine, that they may not know each other. on that, on that, on that, but they are masters of communication, and here suddenly in such a critical situation such an issue is such an obvious failure, and when the president makes a decision that is not supported by the majority of society, this was not the case before, they are not masters of communication, they are masters of creating personal brands, it is not
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quite the same thing. okay, we all remember the already legendary tweet of the ministry of defense that, dear journalists, it's not true, well , the legend is real, well, that's all it says about communication, well, i can confidently say that we have communication failed on all issues, and honestly, the resignation of the meritorious not even the biggest failure, because mobilization failed, mobilization communication failed, failed. and this , and more than that, i tried to understand in private conversations who should be responsible for this in general, well, just purely theoretically, so mobilization, important, important history, the most important, the question of the existence of ukraine or its non- existence, who is responsible, the parliament he says , no, like, it's not ours, we have it there, we will pass the law on it, yes, we say, well, we have some, well, we have some media there,
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and we communicate something there. and for everything else, it’s not up to us, we have our own media, but the gsha says that it’s not ours, sukhaputka at the time, who is responsible for the tcc and sp, says that we don’t have the opportunity, yes, we have to act within the limits and in the manner defined by the law, the cabinet of ministers says, blame us, if we did not have such a task, and as a result zero, well , simply zero, well, my opinion is that it seems that we once had a ministry of information policy. now it is part of the ministry of culture, information policy, so, first of all, there is not even a minister, if i am not mistaken, there is only an acting minister, secondly, they simply do not think about information policy, today they received a message that a meeting was held, on which the new typeface, which the internal documentation should be printed, was researched, i, as a person who loves symbolism, this is of course the right thing, but...
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well, the ministry of culture and information policy.


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