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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport is appealing to the viewers of the espresso tv channel to join the collection of crown bones and technical equipment for our training. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! vasyl zima's big broadcast. two o'clock. of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as respected guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, espresso in the evening. i'm here temporarily, soon. i will return home,
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live now where you are, information day of the tv channel in rozpol, events. there is a lot going on today, so we will take the opportunity to inform you about the most important things, in the espresso studio martolnyk and antin borkovsky, and we already have time to add to our studio serhiy dibrov, senior lieutenant, head of the public relations service of the 21st separate of the mechanized brigade, which will now join us from the lyman direction. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, glory to the heroes. well, first of all we would like to ask you about the operative.
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the situation in the liman direction, now in the area of ​​responsibility of our brigade, we are approximately in the city of liman, in general in the liman direction, the situation is a little calmer than usual, a little calmer means that the shelling continues, but there were, attempts to storm continue, but they do not take place from morning till night and all night after that, that is the enemy is trying... to achieve something, but most likely he is preparing a new, more powerful offensive and is preparing forces for this, besides, the weather conditions are not very favorable at the moment for moving somewhere and trying to repel something, so most likely in our such an operational climatic pause, uh, uh, we would like to ask you what resources the enemy is currently operating, because very often we also hear from your colleagues who are involved in other directions that the enemy has enough...
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a lot of resources and they already started a little bit and to use armored vehicles in these so-called assaults that they are trying to carry out, is there an increase in the enemy's armored vehicles in your direction now and, in principle , what resources is he currently concentrating there? well , you know, in july of last year there were official statements by ukrainian intelligence and ukrainian politicians that the enemy had concentrated about 100,000 personnel and about 900 tanks and about a thousand armored vehicles in our direction. it was in july, and now forbes, the newspaper forbes, it has identified new data that now the enemy concentrated 40 thousand people and 600 tanks. why this happened, where the difference was, where it was distributed, i can only guess, i can calculate something from the reports of our units, but still, even this number has already been halved, it significantly outweighs these forces that are on our side, so we are still three ...
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defense and we are trying not to prevent it from advancing further on ukrainian land, the enemy has tanks, the enemy has armored vehicles, we see them, we destroy them to the extent of our strength, the enemy has artillery, and we we hear and see, and again we counter, and the infantry, which, as always, few people count, few people feel sorry for, pity and rush into assaults, when the weather permits and when our artillery and ours, in relation to the infantry, would like to understand which... infantry, which units of the enemy are concentrated there now, and in principle, is this infantry sufficiently prepared, and by the way, i would like to clarify right away, perhaps you know, regarding the nepalese, because there was information that russia recruited approximately 15 thousand and whether in citizens of this state in principle were captured somewhere, perhaps, or their location is known in your direction as well, i can say that according to all the yes... which
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we have both intelligence and data from prisoners, the regular russian army is fighting against us, that is , contract workers who have become contractors either in recent months or were earlier, they have different subsequent trainings, according to combat experience, are led by cadre russian officers, still experienced, so this is a really serious enemy, this is not a private military company, not some fines there companies, battalions, storms and so on and so on, no, this is the same second army of the world, its classical implementation, i.e. russian contract soldiers, as for foreigners, well, you know, the sight is bad, you can’t always see what color the skin is, especially in the winter, among the captives according to my... data , no citizens of russia were found so far , let's say, people who do not belong to the white race were not taken prisoner, this does not mean that they do not exist, but so far there is some evidence that that such people are fighting against us, for now there is no mr. serhiy, accordingly, we would like to ask about the enemy's resources, so you
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mentioned the approximate number of infantry units, and the enemy's population, yes, but if we talk, for example, about heavy artillery, equipment and a certain parity. what, for example, is happening in the sky now? er , it seems that the enemy is trying to form some forces in order to carry out a powerful attack on our positions, to break through them, but somehow it does not work out, perhaps because now the ukrainian army has the ability to defeat the enemy not only on the front line, at points provision, in the zone, in the concentration zone , a month ago, for example, they tried to create a ... beam kulad, tried to go in columns across the contact line, but these columns began to disappear even before they were in the field of view of our our fighters, that is our artillery, artillery reconnaissance detected them, and artillery and shock destroyed them, destroyed them very successfully, and when the time came, it seems that the time came
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to attack, only a few units were able to reach the front edge, even less from this battle, because almost all were destroyed. after that, it seems that they tried to achieve their goal with the help of artillery, that is, there were several days when it seemed that they had brought all the shells that were in russia, they were firing constantly, every minute we heard, every district around liman i heard two or three explosions and this continued for several days, that is, thousands of shells, hundreds for sure, maybe thousands of shells were fired, now there is no such, such a density of artillery fire, it seems that they have run out of shells... maybe they save money, that is, they have a full arsenal of means to fight with us, and they use infantry, tanks, artillery, and aviation, but somehow their use is somehow strange, that is, the activity of one type of troops is accompanied by
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the noticeable activity of other types troops, somehow , mr. sergey, i still wanted to clarify with you, there is already confirmed information from our main intelligence department of the ministry of defense that the russians already have starlink systems, satellite communication, and they can supply them through third countries do you already know, perhaps, whether russian occupiers have old women in your direction? there is no such information, we haven't taken the trophy starlniks either, but it's possible. on the other hand, the russian army, even without starlinks, would have very convenient, very useful, because it very successfully replaced what we lacked scalable means of communication, that is, those that can work at the level of a company platoon and those at the level of a brigade and those that have a higher level of access to the internet are access to the internet, russians
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in the two years of the war, they somehow learned to do without them, they use some local lines of communication, radio communication, they use less and less and staring may be for them as an auxiliary factor, it is not... in my opinion, not essential and fundamentally will not improve the quality of combat. mr. serhiy, well, we have a new team in the general staff, we have a new chief of the general staff, we have a new commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, colonel-general oleksandr syrskyi, and we have signals from the new chief of staff. he informed about new tasks, which are on the agenda, first of all it is about... clear and detailed planning of actions by all military administration bodies , taking into account the needs of the front for the latest weapons from ukraine's partners. the fastest and most rational distribution and delivery of everything necessary for combat units was and remains the main task of military logistics. in general, we understand that commenting
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on this appointment is a violation of common sense and subordination, but in any case, certain tasks and certain directions have been outlined. which you think might be worth it too improve? it seems to me that... new knowledge of the situation and these generals worked, let's say so, for two years, and constantly , divided, i am sure that they will express this knowledge now, i have nothing to add to that, i see new orders, efforts. those accounting transactions, let's say paper transactions, i see a shift, i really want
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to believe that such shifts will continue and will improve our situation. thank you, mr. sergey. serhiy dibrov, senior lieutenant, head of the public relations service of the 21st separate mechanized brigades from the lyman direction. we had a somewhat disjointed conversation, because we understand that access to a stable internet is difficult in the liman direction, but it is nevertheless essential. i hope we all understood the main thing that mr. serhiy wanted to convey. we will now take a short break, after which we will tell you about the pilot project of recruiting in the armed forces of ukraine. yes, on this day, today, the first such center was opened in lviv, and we will actually find out what is the peculiarity of such a recruiting center, whether it will replace recruiting, mobilization, this is also an open question, but... in general, it is interesting to understand what is the goal of the ministry of defense and local self-government in order to actually make this process
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of mobilization or, as they say, joining the army, as clear as possible, so that people can to understand in which directions they see themselves, so we will ask all this in just a few minutes and stay with us, we will find out everything for you, and you will only hear. oh, and we got wet, can you have some tea, mom, dad, what should i do to avoid getting sick? vitamin c, d3, zinc and main, quercitin to strengthen blood vessels. just take quertin immuno. all in one package. in one capsule, four components together. so simple, one capsule a day. so convenient. quertin immuno. there are discounts for afida max. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. with...
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the help of a telephone survey, turn on and tune in, the verdict with serhii rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enablem. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and
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real friends. together we support each other, share useful information. and learn new things, together we grow! join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. a whole day of the tv channel in rospol. well, today, polish blockers, the so-called farmers , blocked two more checkpoints on the border with ukraine. zosin in stelukh and dolgobychuv in hryniv. also, the protesters again they block the passage of trucks at the medica checkpoint, bordering the ukrainian sheginia. thus, the polish border guards informed their colleagues from ukraine that at 10 a.m. the protest actions of polish farmers began at the zosyn checkpoint, which borders
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ustelug in the volyn region, and they plan to let trucks over 3.5 tons pass through. per hour, cars, buses, vehicles with humanitarian aid, as well as vehicles up to 3.5 tons, in both directions will be issued in the usual mode, and the situation with the scattering of ukrainian grain simply does not leave anyone indifferent, because yesterday, at least this morning, my entire feed in social networks was about the fact that polish protesters dared to actually throw away ukrainian grain on... a part, yes, and we all know how not right now, ukrainian farmers are collecting this grain, when they are doing everything possible to grow this grain, collect it and supply it, and in fact, when we see such pictures, it is sad for us, of course it hurts to look at it, and we understand what was wanted would the adequate reaction of the polish authorities to such a precedent is terrible, because obviously
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ukrainian grain should not be lying on the road, even more so there should be a certain understanding of... at what price this ukrainian grain is given, so we hope, at least politically, on at the diplomatic level , this incident will be resolved and at least , well, there should be some kind of public apology for this , in my opinion, from whom is the public apology, well , from the one who did it, and for that, he must first be detained and so on, arrested, well let's hope that polish law enforcement officers will work no worse than their ukrainian colleagues in similar situations, petro adamek , deputy of the lviv city council, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine, mr. peter. we congratulate you, glory to the heroes, have a good day and good news. well, lviv once again embarked on an extremely important experiment and launched a recruiting center, a civilian institution that will directly cooperate with the ministry of defense and the ukrainian general staff. yes, we would like to ask you about the specifics of this center, which was opened today in lviv. i want to say,
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that this is not the first such case, we have it. the center of the separate first davinci battalion named after dmytro kotsyubail, then we have the recruiting center of the azov regiment, we have the recruiting center of the 103rd brigade of our lviv brigade, so this is really a pilot project with the ministry of defense, it, let’s say, we are changing approaches to mobilization , this is the first rule, we are planning it, it is based on the principle of snaps, there should be six such centers, the army needs not only attack aircraft. and programmers, locksmiths, drivers are needed, and therefore they will not be handed over in those centers subpoenas, it will actually be a person who wants to stand up for the defense of our country, these are volunteers, or everyone understands that we just have to obey the law, and in order for this not to happen, how do people worry that they
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will be caught on the street, taken to tcc and tomorrow he will be over there, or tomorrow or the day after tomorrow he will already be at the front, that is, there will be tests about... that is , it will be psychological tests, that is, such cooperation to change approaches to mobilization to more civilized ones. i believe that this is a very correct story and lviv is alone here as always from the first mr. peter, who was the initiator of this format of recruiting for the army, because you rightly pointed out that people should understand where they want to go and not always, when they receive a summons and get into the tcc, they have such an option to choose, and if we understand correctly, this recruiting center is designed so that a person already knows plus or minus where he wants to join, perhaps, in particular, in which division, or in which direction he would like to develop. and we understand that these are actually recommendations of the recruiting center, they will somehow be taken into account when a person needs to mobilize. and
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i will answer you in turn, i think that there are many victories for parents, you know, defeat, orphans, that is, if everything goes well and the centers work, as we believe they should work, and i emphasize once again, this will be the principle of snaps , but with wax specialization, but if it does not go, then the defeat will be an orphan, yes, but this is the result. many meetings with representatives of the central committee, the head of the city, heads of factions, representatives ministry of defense, then we will work it out, and i think that this is such a humane, humane approach to mobilization, in fact, i emphasize once again that no summons will be served there, a person can come, try on any position, any part, look at vacancies , that is, it’s just another way of communication , that is, there are still people alive there, you know, i’ll tell you this, she’s a civilian, it’s very difficult for her to go to war, but i talked to one company commander, my friend, and he he says, i am my
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soldiers, as i say, you will be afraid, you will die, yes statistics, statistics say that 90% of us return home alive and well, so you understand, it will also be psychological support, and it will be such a gentle hand in hand for the common victory, and the work of our community. common good, that's why i believe that this is a very necessary initiative, and we multiply it in each of the districts of the city of lviv, and whoever was the initiator, i think, all the time, the time is such that such things must be initiated. mr. peter, we would actually like you to tell us where this recruiting center is currently working, and if we if we understand correctly, then you have already mentioned that in each district of the city of lviv, in particular, we are talking about lviv now, there will be such a recruiting center and we would like to understand what they are based on. will be located, or will it actually be these checkpoints, which are already known to all lviv residents, and it is precisely somewhere on the base of these checkpoints, these recruiting centers will somehow be located there, the city
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gives kostya levytskyi the first, if i understand correctly 57, yes, i can give everything to danylo apostola, the square is there, the old days, there in in the very center, that is, it is not a matter of location , so we give as a city, we give our premises, make repairs and can... give psychologists specialists there, and of course the ministry of defense will provide personnel, so those who will introduce people to the course matters , i.e. to familiarize with vacancies, to show how it happens, to warn what training will be for this or that vacancy, where do the programmers go, where do those, you understand, so that one man fought, then fought, as he fought, then nine the husband should support him, and part of it some of them must also be mobilized, and there must be troops, so... well, we are specialists from the city of premises, part of specialists, but most of the specialists and those so-called recruiters, this will be the ministry of defense. well,
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actually, i will now quote oleksiy bezhevets, the authorized representative of the ministry of defense on recruiting issues. for the fm army. so, the agency will create a center in four cities, kyiv, lviv, dnipro and odesa, and it will be a civil structure, these are pilot projects, the basic version is in tsnapa, so that a person can come... and put a recruiter all the questions she has about the service, how to join, what vacancies are available, etc., well , according to the authorized representative of the ministry of defense, a person can come several times and will be able to leave his data, if there are no vacancies at the time when he came, if, for example, who would, for example, satisfy the needs of a person, well, in this case, the recruiter would be obliged to find this person, call back as soon as a vacancy appears and say: dear, please come by... let 's talk , an extremely important initiative from on the part of the ministry of defense and it is good that lviv supported it. peter, i would also like to ask you about the situation with aid for our
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military, yes, if we are talking about the funds of the lviv city community? well, i think you , anentin, too, like no one i know, that we were also one of the first here, that is, we gave the lion 's share of the development budget, and that we gave the lion's share, the entire development budget in fact. despite the fact that the so -called personal income tax was taken from us from the military, we give for victories, because we believe, for victory, because we believe that without victory, without for us to resist, there will be no economy, no infrastructure projects, and 1 billion uah, no less than 1 billion uah, we, of which we are already in fact, roughly, so that you also understand that this billion, it also goes within the limits year, today we have the month of february for you, that is, we received only there, and moreover, winter is always depressing in the sense of the receipt of taxes is a period of time, and we have already distributed virtually all the funds that we will receive for the first quarter, according to the requests we have each. we
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have a budget meeting every week commissions, and these and those funds that are already available, and that are yet to arrive, we are already dividing the needs of the military, priority, you also know, this, these are drones, these are cars, this is special equipment, turrets, everything that the city can buy according to the budget code, because the city cannot buy weapons, unfortunately, but all such special devices that have a dual purpose in that participation, there are sterling, ecoflo, well, everything , everything, everything... we can buy, we are playing a tender, we have identified four enterprises, which are these, which have the right to do this, and they are this they do it non-stop, they announce transparent tenders, they buy, and every couple of days there is a transfer, a transfer of troops, directly troops, well, we are working on it, that is , we are all working, the entire economy of the city of lviv is working for victory, an interesting thing has also appeared in lviv initiative and perhaps it will be useful
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to other self-governing communities, in particular. in lviv , a new position of deputy mayor of the ombudsman for veterans and people with disabilities was created, so we understand that there is no official person for this position yet, but we understand that in general, the concept is extremely important , that is, if we are talking about the concept, how in your opinion should it develop , should this direction develop, i would rather say, probably for people with disabilities, i would say yes, i would not... .. yes, i am floating a little , but i will tell you how it is, and if we are talking about cooperation with the veteran environment, with veterans, we really have such a position in the state, the mayor has already had an adviser, i had a conversation with him and advised, well, i advised the advisor to communicate, we simply have a lot of veteran environments, they are in us they are different, we have them, we need them all , that’s all, all that energy must be turned into synergy, and this will be the task of this
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deputy, there is no deputy yet, that is, as i understand it, the person who is currently the advisor , mr. dmytro , i’m afraid of his last name, i can’t remember it now, he is young, energetic, but he fought, that is, he demonstrates, well, at least so far, at first glance, very much, very much, the desire is great, and we communicated with him, i have already communicated him with those environments with which i communicate, and my colleagues from the fraction, and he is already carrying out, shall we say, fruitful ones. i hope to meet and see how he will give it, because here, well, this work is so difficult in the sense, it is communication with people and with people who have gone through hell, yes, but he is a person who has experience, i am very hopeful , which , well, but again, it is the prerogative of the mayor, whom he will nominate as a deputy, but the fact that we created such a position is also one of the pilot projects, i think that other communities will do it, because we we understand what
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we have to think about tomorrow, right? and about today, already today, many people are being demobilized, for one reason or another , unfortunately, we have the same people with disabilities, they are also veterans, we have to socialize them, that is , we have to do everything to make it happen, so that they integrate into society , so that they are not alone, because before they were taken care of by the army, and now the community will take care of them and , accordingly, also the ministry of social affairs, and here we are making such a structure, because we understand that, unfortunately, it will be a lot and... it is necessary will be, and it will be necessary in that situation, too people who in that situation should help with everything we can, that is, if we are going to talk, we are going to talk about socialization, about treatment, about this, this is a whole layer of work that one deputy does not damn, it's all the departments, the deputies' corps, all the officials, everyone should work on this problem, thank you, mr. peter,
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i was in touch with the lviv city council, i was on espresso. well, in the meantime, we are already handing over the floor to iryna koval, because it is already time for news on spresso, so iro, we will hand it over to you word, with joy, we are glad to see you, and we want to find out what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in return, and in the issue i will tell about the losses of the russians in the tauri direction, there will be information about the level of the missile threat, and you will also find out which tower was blown up. in france, wait for everything in a moment. 3:00 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers and i begin the broadcast with an urgent message from the air force.
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it is reported that... that the missile is currently by'


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