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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm EET

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espresso. well, in the meantime, we'll hand over the floor to iryna koval, because it's time for news on espresso. so iro, we give you the floor with joy. glad to see you. well, we want to find out what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, in return, and in the issue i will tell about the losses of the russians in the tauri direction. there will be information about the level of the missile threat, and you will also find out which tower was blown up in france. wait for everything in a moment. 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to everyone viewers and i begin the issue with an urgent message from the air force that the missile is currently in...
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fixed traffic to kharkiv, so please be attentive and careful, stay in shelters if you live in kharkiv and the kharkiv region. and we move on to the main news. over the past week , ukrainian defenders captured almost 2 and a half dozen russian invaders, half of them in the past day in the zaporizhzhia direction. this was announced by the commander of the troop group, tavria oleksandr ternavskyi according to him, the enemy lost 44 49 people and 27 units of military equipment last day. in particular, these are five tanks, 18 armored combat vehicles, two artillery systems, a car and a unit of special equipment. 122 drones of various types were also neutralized. polish farmers blocked the zosyn and dolgobychuv checkpoints. in addition, the movement of trucks was again stopped at the crossing of the sheghini doctor, the state border service reported.
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protesters will pass three trucks per hour. cars, buses, humanitarian aid, as well as vehicles lighter than 3.5 tons, will be allowed to pass in both directions as normal. near dolgobychuv, two trucks per hour in both directions, one truck per hour at the checkpoint of the sheghini doctor. meanwhile, the polish police are investigating the incident that happened the day before, when farmers stopped three ukrainian trucks and... poured grain on the road. the campaign has a nationwide character. today , all checkpoints on the border with ukraine are blocked. our goal is to block the uncontrolled import of agricultural products from of ukraine. another goal is the cancellation of the green order, although this does not apply to ukrainian farmers, but to a greater extent to farmers in poland and europe in general. however, the main thing is the blockade of uncontrolled imports from ukraine.
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for example, in the direction of the yagodin crossing point, when it is fully functioning, the border can be crossed by 1,200-1,400 freight vehicles per day, but in the past day, 145 freight vehicles crossed the border, five of which went to poland and 140 to ukraine , 2.5 times as well decreased flow, or the number of cargo. vehicles that crossed the border in the direction of the ravarusk checkpoint. and the level of the missile threat is extremely high, and the russian fleet has increased the number of its missile carriers in the black sea, the defense forces of southern ukraine reported this. one small missile ship was added to the two frigates. at the same time, the total volley of calibers can reach 24 rockets. complex injuries.
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loss of limbs, many of our soldiers paid the price with their health while protecting the state, many of them are being helped to recover doctors of european countries. our correspondent olga dutko spoke with the national guardsman who is currently being treated in germany. pavel is a professional soldier. the man started his military career back in 2013, and later participated in the anti-terrorist operation. when the full-scale war began, he served in irpen and was a platoon commander. in those days with my brothers. stood in horynka on the last line of defense in front of kyiv. then the man was redirected to the chernihiv region, and later the battalion went to donetsk region. it was difficult, because the task was not only to repel or hold something back. the most important task is to bring all of your 30 men home alive as a platoon commander. the task was difficult, because... he had an advantage
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in equipment and people, says the fighter. after some time, the boys were ordered to retreat due to losses in neighboring units. i received the wound directly during the retreat, behind me. a mortar mine, 80- caliber, flew and pierced me through the wreckage. i still gave orders to the already wounded, thanks to which i managed to save 28 men from my platoon, unfortunately, two did not survive. the man was evacuated. he was operated on in kharkiv, then there were two more interventions in kyiv. mental health was also affected, because pavel was concussed for the third time. currently in the military in germany. here he underwent two operations, the last one lasted. a completely crushed part, i had my rectum removed, a colostomy and still have urology surgery left, you can't cry, grief
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shouldn't be on your face, you have to support, you have to smile, something, some kind of gratitude to express to the doctors and... and you must support if you want to cry, she left, cried, wiped her eyes and went back in. pavlo says that we need funding and quality weapons to win. i am a realist. i am a realist, the equipment is old, the weapon is old, ineffective. victory cannot be won by the number of people who are not created to fight, so it is necessary to take quality. in germany, a man can stay in rehabilitation until september, after that he plans. return to war. olga dutko from germany for espresso tv channel. detained in nikopol the suspect in the murder of the city's deputy mayor, vitaly zhuravlov. the 33-year-old alleged murderer was hiding in a rented apartment, where he was captured by law enforcement officers. the killer
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shot vitaliy zhuravlev's car with automatic fire, fired 20 shots, and then threw a grenade. the car caught fire. later, the body of a 59-year-old man was found in it. on february 8, the deputy mayor was murdered in nikopol. i would like to note that he planned the crime for about four months. for this, he rented an apartment and prepared weapons. after committing the crime, he bought a weapon from face smoothie and hid in a rented apartment. specialists of the forensic laboratory removed the weapon and sent it to an expert. also, during the pre-trial investigation, it was established that the suspect intended to commit similar crimes against other officials in the city of nikopol. he was remanded in custody. at least four people have been killed in a shooting at
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a greek shipping company near athens. greek media with reference to the police write that the armed man is probably a former an employee of the company entered. building and started shooting, as a result of which three people died, including the owner of the enterprise. then the body of the attacker was found in another area. he probably shot himself in the head. the perpetrator was a 70-year-old citizen of egypt. there is evidence that he was fired from his position in this firm. indicatively, the tower of the coal-fired power plant in saint-avold in france was blown up. the station will soon... switch to hydrogen production. in a matter of seconds, the tower with a height of about 120 m collapsed in front of hundreds of spectators. the detonation was organized by about 200 people, including mechanical engineers and police officers. france has committed to permanently abandon environmentally harmful
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fossil fuels at the un climate change conference at the end of 2021. moose blew up on the stretch. the tragedy happened near makarov. representatives of the state production and consumer service appealed to the animal rights activists with a request for help for the injured moose. the animal was lying down and not moving. zookeepers urgently left for the place, but did not have time. animal died after the autopsy, it was found that losya's front limb was critically damaged. no other injuries were found. therefore , the animal probably died as a result of an explosion on a stretcher that could have been left. antlers during the battles in the kyiv region. foreign minister dmytro kuleba was bitten by a stranger's dog. the day before, the country's chief diplomat was walking his four-legged pets. they were attacked by someone else's big dog that was walking without
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a leash. coleba posted a photo of his bloody leg with dog bite marks on instagram. the minister asked for medical help to oleksandrivska hospital. then there was an inte' on duty. from india, who stayed to study and work in ukraine after the start of the great war. kuleba thanked the doctors and urged dog owners to keep them on leashes. another award in her personal purse, ukrainian high jumper yaroslava maguchyk won gold at the tournament of the world track and field tour mil rose games in new york. she took the winning height of 2 m on the third attempt. this is a record for this tournament. such were the news at that time. our team works to ensure that by 4 p.m. you see... updated news release, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social
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networks and watch on youtube. marta holiarnyk, antin borkovskiy continue the broadcast of the tv channel. the spresso information studio continues to work for you to keep you informed . to call the most important news, and actually today ukraine was shaken by the information that a 17-year-old ukrainian basketball player was killed in germany, and in fact this information already has more details, so what is known as of now, it is known that 17-year-old ukrainian basketball player volodymyr ermakov, who was in germany, died, another member of this team is now in intensive care, but the ukrainian embassy and the ukrainian foreign ministry say that the boy
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is not in danger, that is, his life is not under threat threat, his condition was stabilized, and this is also important to understand , as for the situation itself, bilt, a german publication, writes that the athlete was stabbed by a 15-year-old boy, the situation happened while still on the bus, and a conflict arose between them between a group of ukrainian teenagers and between the group... other teenagers, foreigners. bild writes that during the conflict, a 15-year-old schoolboy of german-turkish origin inflicted these fatal wounds and his 14-year-old accomplice with greek roots is involved in this incident. let us remind you that it happened the day before, in fact, on saturday, it happened, the ukrainian basketball player was not far from dusseldorf, there he had... a match, and actually during his stay abroad such a terrible tragedy happened, well, let's hope
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that the culprits will be punished , so this is a minor person, and we don't know how the german law enforcement system will act in such a case either, but we will monitor this situation and inform you about it. well , this morning the security service and the national anti-corruption bureau came to search the former people's deputy serhiy pashynskyi. so, i am quoting information from the facebook page of serhiy pashynskyi. this morning, the sbu and nabu visited my office to search the case regarding the transfer of kurchenko fuel, actually kremlin rosneft fuel, to the state at the time looting of yanukovych, this oligarch profited from assets worth hundreds of millions of dollars, including almost 100 thousand tons of oil products, which in 2014 managed to be transferred to the state oil operator. the ex-nard added that he... in 2015 appealed to president poroshenko with a request to cover the fuel shortage of the armed forces of ukraine with rosneft fuel.
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that's the story. well, let's go further and now we will involve in our marathon andriy osadchuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada's committee on issues of law enforcement activities. we will probably start with this extremely high-profile story, the search of people's deputy pashinsky, who is not a people's deputy per se, you know, but a person who, in particular, organized it. there are a lot of necessary cases related to our defense industry, in particular, it is about stugna and not only about it. mr. andriy, your versions and in general the procedural perspectives of this case. good day. well, i think we should not mislead the audience and clearly talk about exndep, right? yes, you just said nardepa, he was a deputy verkhovna rada. he has not been for a long time, but he is known for having problems with,
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shall we say, the new government after 2019, and he was, to put it mildly, not well liked by president zelenskyi's office and zelenskyi himself, if i don't remember, not i'm wrong, somewhere in the 19th year, you can correct me, but zelensky said at some meeting that he would go out and ask people if pashinsky... is a criminal or not, do you remember, it was like that, yes, yes, yes , which is absolutely unacceptable, because in principle zelensky built his company allegedly on the desire to build justice. and judicial reform, but i myself very often leaned towards such very strange formulations that have nothing to do with the rule of law, but less so, there is still not enough information on today's situation, i would not like to go into any details, the only thing that makes me very sad, this is what i, as the first
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deputy head of the law enforcement committee , know that, in principle, law enforcement agencies are currently very overloaded. because in principle, as in the army, law enforcement agencies are quite understaffed, while the current level of crime, criminogenic the situation in the country remains difficult, and this is obvious for a warring country, for a poor country, where there are millions of internally displaced persons, where there is a huge amount of weapons, well, you understand very well, there are many additional a... arguments that explain the critical situation in the country is very difficult, but it is very sad that under such circumstances there is time, motivation, and resources to investigate the events of ten years ago, which formally can be interpreted as protecting
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the interests of ex-citizen kurchenko, who was actually an integral part. mode yanukovych and is known as the wallet of the yanukovych regime, knowing that ukrainian law enforcement agencies are under the significant influence of the president's office, namely the team that supervises law enforcement agencies, and it is no secret for anyone that this is oleg tatarov, then this is probably very revealing , what is the mental state of these... people, that now they are ready to spend time and energy on such procedural actions, although i have no doubts that there are much more priority directions, both for the sbu and the national anti-corruption bureau, ago
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here he gives away some political points, and i also think that it is no secret for anyone that serhii pashinsky, at the beginning of the large-scale invasion, was known as a person who was actively involved in the ukrainian missile program, anti-tank systems, if i am not mistaken, he heads association of manufacturers of the defense-industrial complex and closely cooperated with the teams of the ministry of defense and the general staff in the first two years. war, so it's all a bunch, actually a little alarming, i don't know how it will end, but it's unlikely to be anything positive for all of us i do not get tired of repeating one simple phrase for almost the second year: let's do and say only that which really helps us to be stronger and helps us win this
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war, everything that hinders us is probably not the time to do and spend on it, though. .. at least one hour or minute of invaluable working time and resources of our state law enforcement system. mr. andriy, look, now they are preparing the second reading, yes , they are already preparing a draft law on mobilization for the second reading, active work is currently underway on development of this draft law, and i have a question for you, as for the deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement, because we understand that even syrsky... the commander-in-chief of the armed forces is new, he spoke about things that need to be reviewed in context which people we can quickly rotate, yes, instead of those who have been fighting at the front for a long time now, and we understand that this link of law enforcement is also uncovered, there are many of them, in dnipro, for example, recently there was a scandal because
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the special forces unit say that they were former berkut soldiers, they refused, in fact. to go fight, their unit was disbanded and forcibly told that they were sending assault people to the unit. if we are talking about the mobilization of law enforcement officers, where is the line between replenishing, let's say, losses and reserves, and on the other hand, so that the law enforcement system in the country works, because we understand that we do not need banditry now, and actually , well, you know, i would not like to speak in jargon there is no limit, but they can go up to that... if we take too many people from the rear cities and actually send them to fight, where is this limit, well, let's go straight away, that is, in your opinion, what inquiries will be made and... what are going on around this of the bill of discussion in the session hall, because the first version went without discussion, at least without amendments, but under the so-called accelerated procedure. you have asked
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at least 10 questions, so i will try to give a general answer. you know, i absolutely do not like the essence itself discussions about mobilization and tonality, because in reality it all comes down to complete loss. the trust of the ukrainian people, or a significant part of the ukrainian people, in the mobilization process, unfortunately, the assembly centers in the minds of people have turned into such black holes in space, and everyone thinks that if you get there, you will disappear forever. unfortunately, sometime at the beginning of autumn, i said on the air, it seems that your tv channel and other tv channels also, that the quality of the work of assembly centers... is a fundamental issue of the national safety, you see, the verkhovna rada can introduce any rules, although we can talk about it separately, it is not only the verkhovna rada that should do it, but if
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we do not ensure the quality of work of the assembly centers, if we do not build trust in the procedures that take place in the centers configuration, then any change in the rules will not have any positive effect on the whole. the process of improving mobilization, at the same time, this mistrust, it forms these narratives, who should go instead of me, and all these really, not very meaningful discussions begin, let all the deputies go, let all the policemen go, let all the prosecutors go and so on, you are asking the right question, because we have to continue the mobilization process on the one hand, i want to remind all the viewers, because very often... in this debate , the phrase is used that the verkhovna rada is considering the law on mobilization is a complete delusion, because the law on mobilization has been in force in our country since 1993, and this law gives all
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powers, i emphasize all powers, to the supreme commander-in-chief of the president of ukraine, to carry out any measures related to the organization, implementation, determination of the volume, sequence, granting of benefits, granting of postponement , and so on. in accordance with the 11th article of this law, now it is about the fact that the verkhovna rada should improve all this, although, according to my deep conviction, all this should have been done by the nsdc headed by the president of ukraine back in november, december of last year at the latest , but the president's office not only refused this, but removed itself, transferred this entire story to the verkhovna rada and turned it all in some... nightly hackathon is so socio-political, because as you rightly pointed out, the first bill was submitted on december 25, again with such a tone that
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it is urgent, it must be considered immediately, adopted, it ended in great shame, because it had to be to recall the cabinet of ministers , because in fact half of the cabinet of ministers, and the human rights commissioner of the verkhovna rada, and everyone said that they are sorry, but the draft laws are completely unconstitutional and generally inadequate, this is the second attempt, so we considered the verkhovna rada in abbreviated form procedure in the first reading, and it was more of a political vote, so to speak, a monomajority, although the votes for the draft law were actually given by the ex-opzh, it seems that 27 votes were from the ex-opzh and without these votes it would not have been adopted in the first reading, and now of course it is changing. some kind of endless discussion, mostly behind closed doors in the committee on national security and defense, but something tells me that this
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discussion will continue for a very, very long time, because it seems that the president's office is happy with any option of consideration and final approval of this draft law or failure to approve it, because if, after all, the verkhovna rada is broken at the knee and some super... as it is customary to say now, unpopular means, some measures, then the president's office will naturally so carefully popularize the opinion that this is all the verkhovna rada passed it, that's why we are here, and if the verkhovna rada refuses to pass this bill, of course the president's office will popularize the thesis that the deputies do not want to fight and do not want to defend their country, so i think we need to look more here not in... details, in the essence, which is that during a great war, ukrainian legislation is structured in such a way that all issues directly related to the war
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must be resolved. first of all , the military and political leadership of the country. in two years, we simply got used to the fact that the verkhovna rada still exists and is still working, but i think everyone perfectly understands that by the spring of the 22nd or the spring of the 23rd there should have been ruins on the site of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, as well this is absolutely not an exaggeration, and that is why the legislation is constructed in such a way that the military-political leadership should not turn to the verkhovna rada for some operational... issues, such as the issue of improving mobilization, so everything that is happening now is simply from unwillingness to take responsibility for unpopular decisions, and it is sad that this process has been going on for more than three months already, yes, somewhere from november , this whole catastrophe started, and it is terrible, when in the conditions of war we really understand that we need to improve the mobilization
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process, but... at the same time, when you talk about rotation, the management of the office itself has already admitted that out of almost a million people who are in the defense forces, no more than 300 thousand fought, and this is now presented as a possible shortcoming of the brave man and his team, although i would certainly consider it as the ability of the armed forces forces of ukraine to maintain huge reserves, but all these discussions, they remind me very much of some discussions of public issues. in peacetime, all this information on the number of our reserves, and on the number involved in direct armed actions, and on the number mobilization, and the number of shortages in the troops, they should all, in theory, constitute a military secret, and they should not be discussed publicly in the widest formats of the audience, so this is also one of my
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huge claims. to the office of the president, that in fact, matters that contain state secrets and should be discussed exclusively behind closed doors, we are all forced to discuss in public, and i think, again, this does not make us stronger. thank you thank you, mr. andriy, andriy sachuk, people's deputy of ukraine, the first deputy chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on law enforcement activities was eteri espresso. antin and i will now take a short break, after which we will add a lawyer to our broadcast. tanasiychuk and we will discuss with him the situation related to mobilization, but its legal, let's say , aspects and what happened last week in kusmachi in ivano-frankivsk region, it is important to understand, to understand why this is happening, and we all need to know this , so stay with us, a few minutes and we'll be back. do you want wake up rested and full of energy, but
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