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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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the process of optimizing higher education institutions will be difficult, perhaps unfair to certain educational institutions, but we understand that the state is determined to make this process happen after all. we will now go on a short break , and after that we will add volodymyr tsibulka, a political scientist, to our airwaves, and we will have many topics to discuss with him, because in fact there are also many events, both today and over the weekend, so stay with us , stay with espresso, we 'll be back in a few minutes. we will add volodymyr tsibulek and let's talk about the most important thing. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry . it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. also reliable. the battery is included,
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and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. an important signal from the vice prime minister for innovation, development, of education, science and technology, minister of digital transformation of ukraine mykhailo fedorov. i quote, a fragment of his... interview with the reuters agency. in the 24th year, ukraine will produce thousands of long-range radio-controlled drones capable of delivering deep strikes on russia. there are already up to 10 companies that produce drones capable of reaching moscow and st. petersburg, the category of kamikaze drones with a long range of 300, 500, 700 and 1000 km is growing. two years ago, this category did not exist at all, an extremely important signal. well, the key story that…
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and, by the way, very interesting news came to us from the european union, the president of the european parliament, roberta mytsola, announced the importance of creating a new security system. and defense, which will complement nato, something new, it concerns our competitiveness, energy supply, trade and, of course, defense. europe must increase its capabilities and create a new security and defense system that will complement nato, not compete with it. i wonder if this statement by robert mizzola is provoked with trump's recent statements and concern european politicians about whether the united states will be able to be a guarantor of security in the event that russia ... does attack a nato country. we will talk about it all with volodymyr tsibulek, a political scientist. mr. volodymyr, welcome to espresso. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. and right away, i would like your reaction to roberta mytsola's statement, which says that europe should create a new security and defense system that
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will complement nato. here it is important, you know, as they say, to read between the lines. do you really think it can be of its own kind the answer? to those threatening statements from the mouth of donald trump, the possible potential next president of the united states? well, first of all, the european union has approached the idea of ​​creating the united armed forces of the european union for several years. and at this turn of history, it is impossible to imagine that the european armed forces were created without the participation of ukraine. because the potential, for example,... the nuclear potential of france and, unfortunately, great britain has withdrawn from the european union, but the nuclear potential of france, the technological potential of france, italy and germany creates, well, the czech republic, by the way
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, finland, sweden, creates an opportunity to consolidate such technologies and redistribute the intra-european market in such a way that... in fact, it will be a self-sufficient technological cluster, and aviation, and missile, and air defense, and, er, of course armored vehicles, and communication systems and drones, that is, in the european union independently, well, as a union, or a cluster of several countries, now, for example, poland is modernizing very quickly and modernizing its military-industrial potential, that is. .. in in this sense, even if we talk about a continental idea, remember, there is a political idea of ​​the weimar triangle, paris, berlin-warsaw, then we could talk about such a security quadrangle, paris, berlin,
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warsaw, kyiv, and this would really create an axis a european one that would allow you to be an independent player without looking back at... well, fluctuations in the united states, especially since the united states has long been declaring that its potential should be concentrated in the pacific region, precisely in the pacific, while the atlantic passes under the responsibility of europe, and of course great britain, yes, well, the golden formula was once voiced at one time, you know, the rescue of drowning people, that is, the work of the drowning people themselves, you know, i would really hate to be in that situation, but... the key story, so that, as you rightly said , this new weimar square could work , yes, there is a quadrangle, well, but what we saw now on the polish-ukrainian border, well, this is just a story not
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just about vandalism, but something about a symbolic misunderstanding or the work of outright provocateurs, yes, in particular, it is about a wagon with grain, which one or another scoundrels cracked open. what should we do correctly to make it work and be implemented, yes, because on paper very often everything is smooth, but when it comes to money, quotas and so on, unexpected things appear here, i'm being a little ironic, but obstacles, well there are several points here, the fact is that poland does not... support ukraine both in the military component and in transit, in logistics, but on the other hand, these games, they, of course are affecting a small segment of our relations, but it must be said that the pickets on the border with
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ukraine even played for the better for the ukrainian economy, because, for example, the shelves of ukrainian stores for the last month, well , the last two years, were filled with polish products, because of these pickets many of these products did not reach ukraine, and ukraine even had a positive trade balance, well, in trade with poland. here it is necessary for, well, to begin with, i am surprised why the ukrainian authorities do not react to this, that is, the ministry of agriculture, the ukrainian agricultural policy something was slandered there so delicately, the ambassador plenipotentiary of ukraine in poland zvarych, to his credit, reacted very quickly and clearly , by the way, yesterday i looked at the resources of the ministry of foreign affairs and the office of the president, there was no mention of events on the border, for ukrainians, of course, very it hurts when the trucks are cut and the grain is spilled
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, but this is a crime against property, and it is very interesting how the polish police will react, because we have seen very strange behavior of the polish police, who basically complemented the picketers, which means that in this way the polish state demonstrated some of its special position on this matter. and now i would like to hear if the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs requested information from the polish side on how many thousands of tons of grain were imported, for example, into the territory of poland during the two months of the current year, well, one and a half months of the current year, i would like to know whether or not this grain was intended for the polish consumer or not? it was transiting, if it was transiting, then poland is now under the control of poland
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to be sanctioned for non-compliance with the free trade zone in the european union, these are illegal actions, these are actions against the european union, and the polish side must now record these actions, we do not see the police recording these crimes and starting... no, proceedings has already been opened, as far as we know, the proceedings have already been opened, well, this is a proceeding, this is a puff, a bubblegum, whatever it is called, they will drag this rubber for a very long time, then, then they will issue a fine of 10 zlotys to those who damaged people's property, i am here it is just indicative that the polish state punished those who attack ukrainian trucks in transit, especially brutally in... well, look, mr. volodymyr, the situation actually looks
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like we had high hopes for the new government in poland, so we thought donald tusk would come and his team would come, and we will refresh our relations, and we will be able to solve this issue with blocking the border, but we understand that the situation does not look as we would like, and actually the minister of agriculture of poland even stated that he fully supports the polish demands. here it is important to understand whether can we find points of contact, i mean we are official kyiv and official warsaw in order to settle this issue, which has been going on for months, and we understand that now farmers in other european union countries are also joining the protests, and here we understand that surely the european commission should get involved in this process and should regulate this issue at some centralized level, perhaps with some subsidies, subsidies, because farmers in... are now crying about great competition and that ukrainian farmers will displace them, so we understand that, well,
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probably, this is already a situation where we cannot simply observe, but when there should be a centralized decision, will it be a centralized decision and will there still be some normal communication between warsaw and kyiv to settle this issue? well , first of all, as far as i know, brussels is pretty tough on the polish government and... and here is donald tusk, he has to balance, i saw his latest statement that he will protect farmers, well of course, these are his voters , he is forced to protect them, but here there is a different issue, without polish counterparties, ukrainian grain could not enter the territory of poland and be sold or processed, so deal with polish counterparties, why are you clinging to ukraine, in ukraine for... this grain, ukrainian companies are transporting it, and what are they doing, what are polish
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counterparties doing with it grain, figure out for yourself why the entire agricultural industry should suffer, why human rights should be violated, why property should be destroyed, i think that in general it should be, if the polish authorities have honest intentions regarding relations with ukraine, then... . for any the destruction of property and damage to grain on the road, this is especially traumatic for ukrainians, because the memory of the holodomor is not... digestible and when and especially now those who survived the occupation or who survived these raids and lack of food and in fact well , her near-starvation under the heel of the occupier is especially painful, and it looks like a mockery of the struggle of the ukrainian people, it is
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a humiliation of the struggle of ukrainians for their freedom, and in this sense it is especially painful, well... in any case, we understand , which is key history is the creation of a possibly joint, perhaps, i don’t know, triangular mechanism with the participation of the european commission, which would allow a real model to be developed, and after that it is possible to connect law enforcement agencies, although i think the poles did not use force against their own, so to speak, for good reason these confederate farmers, yes, so as not to raise the degrees of hysterical polish politics to a higher level, yes. yes, that is, when we think that in polish politics everything plus or minus is quiet, compared to ours, then it is not so, there emotions are just they are simply regurgitating, one must recall the past election campaign in poland, and for example , the behavior of peace, i understand the confederates, they are , well, so to speak, radicals, and the behavior of peace is a respectable centrist center
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-right party, but they also allowed themselves such attacks in side of the ukrainians and... who, in fact , fueled this atmosphere of nervousness among the polish population. ukrainiania, mr. volodymyr, unfortunately, is just such a platform where all these emotions can grow, and accordingly we would like to return to our beautiful ukrainian situations and emotions, we understand that there have been huge personnel changes and rotations in the higher military. people , people with biographies, generals, colonels, who have served more than one year in the armed forces of ukraine, have entered the command, but emotions are still running high, and we understand that, well, perhaps some additional large rotations are coming, for example, at the cabinet level, yes well, in general, in your opinion, when the situation stabilizes,
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the first thing to do is if there were personnel reshuffles, well... what zelensky stated, about extensive personnel reshuffles, started from the civilian sphere, from the political sphere, it would not be so painfully perceived in society, on the contrary, it would be possible to generate great hope in society that some real modernization and renewal will begin, instead , starting with the military sphere in ukrainian society in this way , zelenskyi gave rise to, i would... say very, er , alarming expectations, because one of the accusations against general silsky is that he fired in the bakhmut cauldron eh, well, passionate military units that were supposed to break through the front in the south, today there was information that
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the third assault brigade, such a rather passionate military unit, has been redeployed to the front in the area of ​​active operations. and here is a very interesting point, it will suddenly turn out that without the support of artillery, without the support of serious equipment, without the serious saturation of drones, this assault brigade will have to engage in such infantry battles from a close range, where there are large losses, and if the russians are on the russian side throws of course. there are enough professional soldiers in this direction, but it can be said that it still has human reserves, well, sorry, inhuman reserves, but we are losing the most valuable fighters, the most qualified, this is very, very disturbing, mr. volodymyr, but look, here
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you said very correctly, and in fact , the western media are actively writing about this, about... the need to change, to change the strategy, considering the fact that we have not yet received a package from the united states, and so we understand that there is already a certain projectile hunger, and here it is important to understand the real capabilities of our army and plan the future strategy based on this , we understand that when zelensky officially spoke about the replacement of the commander-in-chief, he meant officially, at least it is about renewal, so about new approaches, or are new approaches possible? if there are no resources, then this is probably a rhetorical question, and again , we understand that now this whole situation with personnel reshuffles is also of a kind. a bit of a surprise, because naiv will learn about his resignation from the military, we have already gone through this once, once khorenko, the commander of the sso, also found out about his resignation from zmi,
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well, something is wrong here, yes, we understand that we need to work on something, and probably, this concerns adequate informing of society about the real state of affairs, because we have already fallen in love with victory in three, two or three weeks , here the situation is really difficult, and for some reason the authorities continue, well no... not to tell people how things really are, well, you see, here on the surface there is one very terrible scenario, in fact, and it can be realized with the arrival of the general of rural affairs, so what if the ukrainian military units, well, armed forces will fire at their most powerful, most passionate parts, which , according to the authorities, can always switch their energy from the front at any time to the elimination of itself, well, that is... in such a mutiny, here they are, for some reason they live with the thought of a military mutiny against themselves, and they didn't think somehow, well, more about obeying the laws, punishing their fraudsters and
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corrupt people, and this would not be an incentive for any riots, what about a new strategy, it seems to me that what is happening so far is... i would say, pathological overreach ideas of the general zaluzhnyi, we saw, he wrote a column about a new technological level for the troops about the need to transition to new technologies, and right there zelensky is creating a service of unmanned forces, well, the idea is correct, only this is all a decree, this idea will be fully operational in six months at best , although, although ... the gesture is made, there will be a lot of pr around it, i suspect that this gesture may be a mechanism to obscure
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the public's awareness of the real real volume of drone production in ukraine, because we see that there are indeed successes, there are strikes on oil refineries on the territory of russia, on airfields, but instead , volunteer drones dominate the front, and this... strongly suggests that something is not right in this, in this drone production, on the one hand, we see that gur has its own drone production, the security service has its own drone production, especially naval drones, and gur also has unmanned aviation, and in this sense it somehow seems to have successes here and there, but at the same time they do not read individual clusters. as coordinated high-tech work, that is, in fact, the transition to, well, i would say to the fifth generation of weapons. mr. volodymyr
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, in your opinion, will there be large rotations in the executive authorities, in particular, if we take the same cabinet of ministers, yes, because there were quite a lot of rumors about it, well , look, such a real civilized scenario is not visible yet, we saw the test voting, and then voting in the first reading of the law on mobilization, where the homeland and european solidarity are not voted because there were unconstitutional provisions in the law, but at the same time, bankova still found 240 , in my opinion, four votes, which means that there is a certain number of votes to change the government, but... the fact is , that it is not possible to create a new coalition , which would essentially be such a proto-election, because what exactly is the need, the need is in society, that the verkhovna
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rada, due to the impossibility of holding elections, informed society about the change in its program, i.e. society must somehow understand where the country is headed, c which side is leading the country. the current composition of the parliament, we, here is what is interesting, because we, why , why for us, general zaluzhnyi seems to be a great loss in the management of the state, because he is the only one who published visionary articles in various foreign publications, that is, he, he always talked about the development of the armed forces, but we do not hear from our authorities about the development of our state, we have a sko'. volodymyr tsybulko,
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a political scientist, can be heard, he was on the espresso airwaves, antin and i are already saying goodbye to you for today, we’ll see you tomorrow, but our colleagues will continue you stay informed and stay on top of everything that matters, so stay with espresso. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs occur. spontaneously and worry you. a special complex of active substances of dolgita antineuralgia helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia promotes the return to usual activities without subjugation and numbness in the limbs. anti-neuralgia capsules - help for your nervous system. kratal contains natural components that care for your skin heart. kratal improves blood supply and the functional state of the myocardium. normalizes heart rate, increases physical and mental performance. kratal -
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the results. espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskev and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. separate drone consents. state special transport service. the viewers of the espresso channel are asked to join the collection of crown bones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory to ukraine. to the heroes.
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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. volodymyr zelenskyi conducted the first rate in the updated composition. the priority issues remain unchanged, wrote the supreme commander-in-chief of the front and protection of the front-line regions, people and critical infrastructure from russian aerial terror. they listened to the reports of the syrian commander-in-chief and chief of the general staff bargelevich, representatives of intelligence, commanders of operational-strategic groups of troops. and in the last week , ukrainian defenders captured almost.
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dozens of russian invaders.


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