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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 6:30pm-7:00pm EET

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in kharkiv oblast they sowed in 22nd year, we are sowing in 23rd year, we will sow in 24th year, despite the fact that a very large amount of our land is mined, there is a part of kharkiv oblast which is currently under occupation, that is dvorichansky , kupyansky districts of otg are theirs, and of course, a very large amount, which is on the border, we will not be able to sow it, because... it is under constant shelling and is heavily mined, the amount of land that is mined in the kharkiv region is 100 hectares, and we will spend billions of hryvnias on its demining, and it will take tens of years to do, but you know, a ukrainian peasant who survived the holodomor, a ukrainian man, he will sow on the last piece of land if possible,
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he will never have the opportunity, he will be free, because this is ukrainian consciousness, the land is bread, bread is what saved us from the famine, what gives us life, for a ukrainian, bread is a sacred thing, and that is the most important thing. well, yes , really, even if my bread dries out there, i don’t throw it away, i try to eat it somehow, nibble it, as you like, it’s simple, it’s really, you're right, it's already written on the genetic level, you won't throw it away, you 'll come whatever you want.' are there statistics on population growth specifically in terms of the return of people to kharkiv to kharkiv oblast, possibly from other regions where they were temporarily internally displaced persons or from abroad, if possible briefly, but this is a very important interesting question, more people are leaving us today, what comes, what those people who come. these are
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mainly people who have already been forcibly resettled from the war zone from the border, according to statistics, we have 350,000 internally displaced persons, of which 170,000 are internally displaced persons within our region, just so you know the numbers, and today, unfortunately, there is an outflow of the population, because emotionally and psychologically. people just can't stand it, well, this is a fact, looking at these footage and following these news from kharkiv and kharkiv region, it is absolutely possible to understand here, and it is actually possible and correct that people will save themselves in order to return later, because hopes on the fact that a missile or north korean ballistics will not fly into yours the house or the bus depot near the house, too, and such a risk is very high. thank you very much for participating, thank you for your comments, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us, and today kharkiv was also saying goodbye to... those who died from an enemy attack,
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and now we will talk about the situation in the mykolaiv oblast, where the enemy has also been hitting mykolaiv very actively lately, victoria moskolenko, deputy of the mykolaiv regional council, mrs. victoria, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, well , right away, let's start with the consequences of the latest enemy attacks, on the night of the 11th, if not i'm wrong, there was such a large-scale, large-scale attack, and so the enemy is striking in the mykolaiv region , please tell me about the consequences and , again, how to explain the activation, such a significant activation. russians specifically regarding mykolaiv? yes, the security situation in mykolaiv oblast has worsened a lot. we can observe this literally since february 7, when there was a missile strike, when about 100 residential buildings were damaged, one person died, and after that these strikes actually do not stop, the only thing is drone attacks, rocket attacks. after the strike on february 7, there was no
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but at the same time, the same can be said no less about the consequences of damage from drone attacks, from shahed attacks, so for today, if we take the last day, it is also close, this is what was recorded at this moment about 25 damaged residential buildings, there are also injuries, people are seeking medical help, thank god... there are no victims, but still this is very serious damage to residential buildings, as well as the infrastructure that is nearby, also, if you take a couple of days ago, these were also strikes on the infrastructure, according to certain an industrial facility, so we can say that during this period of intense shelling of the mykolayiv region, from february 7 to today, serious damage was caused, and what concerns the houses of people, there
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was a very powerful rocket attack, but the rocket was an abyss on the road, but still all the houses. are almost not subject to restoration today in terms of restoring it with small forces and people could live, that is why they are looking for housing, these are friends, these are neighbors, these are dormitories and everything else, that is, if you take it in total, it is about 300 houses residential buildings that need to be restored, i have two such questions, first about sowing, i read today that they started sowing in the mykolaiv region, you can not specify where and what. the enemy there did not start attacking our bread and our farmers at the very beginning , but i read about what is supposed to be agricultural, maybe it is not, again, i am not saying that it is 100%, but what is supposed to be agricultural machinery on the register in the territorial picking centers, and as in connection with the fact that
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the mobilization has been strengthened, well, not strengthened, just now there will be a law on mobilization, there will be certain rules, and also the sowing, whether there is such, whether there is such and such information that this... the equipment must somehow be assigned somewhere and must be registered for military needs, or is it concerns only there, let's say, some graders or excavators, well, for the construction of fortifications now in the mykolaiv region, as far as i understand, funds are also allocated for fortification structures, please, you know, this question is very relevant in terms of the use of equipment, engineering equipment, let's say , for military purposes, it for some reason, no one has ever raised the question officially, right? at the level of military administrations, at the level of regions, but i , for example, do not really agree with the fact that this equipment is taken from private agricultural enterprises, because i see such equipment that can help our military, when roads are repaired and roads are repaired
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in the mykolaiv region and in the city of mykolaiv where there is no need, excuse me, they come to such absurd repairs, repairs, such absurd... areas that when pedestrian paths are made on the lower embankment, those who will the people of mykolaiv understand me, where no one ever goes, and you see this cool technology that could be used, this is a question i always have when i drive along these repair works, and this question, let's say, well hangs in the air, because you and i understand that even if you ask him to be the head of the region and then as a deputy, he will not get it. answers, simply referring to the fact that martial law, although everyone can see it, and people raised the issue and on social networks very actively, that people were against such repairs, we need to involve machinery here, and this machinery, as i understand it, is involved once in a while for contract work, as for sowing, sowing
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must be carried out, it must be supported, and i will say that our farmers and owners, they already help the armed forces, for example , those with whom i communicate, those whom i know, they always take the initiative to help anyway, but the fact that today they are demining part of the land that is to be sown, invest their money, somewhere they take risks, repurpose themselves somewhere, that's why that many acquaintances who today have refocused on, for example, growing not grains, but growing vegetables and other things, so they want to earn money and at the same time give taxes to us and... the country, so this is positive, it is supported, god willing, so that everything will work out for them. thank you very much, mrs. victoria, just as svitlana klymenko wrote in the comment, mykolaiv oblast is building fortifications against a possible attack from the sea, well , i will not comment on that now, for now i know that people from mykolaiv oblast are obviously watching us and also have some reservations ,
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fears are voiced, they believe that there will be fortifications, especially since money has been allocated from the regional budget, half a billion, well, we believe that they will be built, victoria moskalenko, a deputy of the mykolaiv regional council, was in touch with us. thank you, why i talk about fortification so much, because today it will be the topic of my colleague serhiy zgurets, he is already in touch with us, the director of the defense express agency and the presenter of the military summaries of the day column. sergey, congratulations, please continue. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today is really one of my topics programs are fortification on the battlefield, desired and real, and the second component is about personnel changes at the head of the armed forces of ukraine and about the dynamics of hostilities around avdiyivka. more on that in a moment. so, the enemy is now trying to take advantage of manpower, ammunition, equipment and is trying to push through in certain areas of the front. the intensity of combat clashes is quite high,
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over the past day there were 100 repulsed enemy attacks, this is a high figure, two thirds, it was just avdiivka, maryanka, there and 19 more combat actions, that's around. of course, when we we are on the defensive, then we immediately remember that it would be good to have good fortifications and engineering structures to protect our defenders, this is extremely relevant in the context of avdiyivka, where new lines of defense should already be ready, regardless of whether will we have to retreat on them or not, the same and in particular regarding the enemy's offensive in the direction of chasovyar, which is 2 km away , and deeppstate analysts today seem to have written that the area around chasovyar can be made impregnable, but i quote the story of the construction of engineering fortifications buildings and preparing for defense again. leaves something to be desired, so this statement wants better
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can't help but bother, why yes, what we have with fortifications, so a little detail to understand. let me remind you that for the first time the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about the need for fortification on november 30, based on the results of the supreme commander-in-chief's bid. now we have a video where you can listen to the president, where he outlined a list of tasks and areas where fortification should be done. let's listen, in all the main areas where you need to strengthen, accelerate the construction of buildings. of course, this is primarily avdiivskyi, maryanskyi and other areas in donetsk region, maximum attention. kharkiv region is the kupyan region, as well as the kupyansk-lyman defense line, and the entire kharkiv region, sumy region, and chernihiv region. and kyiv and rivne regions, volyn, and also south, kherson region. that is,
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in fact, all regions are named, fortification was needed and is needed now everywhere. substantial funds were then allocated for this. in january 24, the government announced that 17.5 billion hryvnias would be directed to this, as per construction of engineering and technical and fortification structures, and then it was allocated. an additional 2.5 billion, as it was said to the relevant departments and regional state administrations, the arrival of fortification works was publicly reported, except that the commander of the united armed forces, general serhii naev, who had already been removed from his post, said that from june 22 of the year to january 24th in the northern operational zone, that is, on the border with erefia, belarus, constructions. new fortification lines with ditches, pillboxes and new strongholds, and that the density
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of mine-explosive barriers was increased as much as 16 times. according to the general, at that time , private companies under the leadership of military engineers were engaged in the construction of defense lines, but this is, let's say, the optimistic side of the coin, there is also the other side, the details of which i have to retell now. communicating with officials, with the military, it turns out that not all areas of work go quickly and there are a number of reasons that slow it down, what are these reasons? i will name three problems: first, a significant part of the time was spent, or is still spent, on the coordination of these projects, fortifications on each site, coordination of estimates for these sites, i am told that it was necessary to take typical projects, tie these projects to the area and build them. without an estimate, and then receive money after the fact, but they are afraid to do so, because
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then they will have problems with the dbr, which , as they say to me, will certainly appear, and for this reason, private companies are in no hurry to contract the construction of these fortifications, but state ones do not have sufficient capacities. the second problem concerns the involvement of workers. it turns out that the deficit people, difficult conditions and urgency. produces certain expectations of salary, but there are standards for the payment of labor costs and which are limited by these estimates, and that is, this salary cannot be high, so in some areas or in certain areas the progress is less than it could be with fortification, even though the money formally, these needs exist, and thirdly, in addition to the fact that it is necessary to excavate, stretch the eyes of concrete dragon's teeth and dig concrete bunkers, what
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is called fortification, everything still needs to be replaced correctly, for example, install anti-tank mines. according to soviet standards , there was such a norm that 1 thousand mines were needed for 1 km. now these indicators have been increased by five or six times, and in particular i will remind that 500 thousand have already been installed in the north at the main areas of the enemy's offensive. anti-tank mines, but de facto, it turns out that this is not enough, we need somewhere in the range of 4 million. and do we have anti-tank mines, i asked. the answer was as follows: we have a certain shortage of tm-62 mines, this is a tm-62 mine, this is precisely this main soviet anti-tank mine, we have these mines are not produced, there is a certain supply of detonators for these mines, the mine itself is actually 10 kg of weight, as we can see now, there together with the detonator, er, 8 kg, this is relatively speaking,
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an explosive that consists of stratyl and hexane , and these components are not produced in our country, so this phrase "a certain shortage of mines, i interpreted it so that we have to look for and buy such mines on the foreign market, at least until we master the production of hexane or tnt, and all this is actually related to the work of our industry, it is actually far from all the difficulties that concern the current measures of fortification and engineering of the front, although for the protection of the lives of soldiers in the format of our defense, it has an extremely urgent nature. importance, therefore, attention to traditional forms of providing combat operations should be no less than the creation of new types of troops there, such as unmanned systems, because with the development of new technologies, we must not forget those basic things that ensure effective defense on the front line. and then we will talk about the front, about large-scale personnel
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changes in the armed forces and their impact on the army, and which has a branch. and society, and maybe even about a new philosophy of war, if it can be assessed or formulated at all, and now we are joined by viktor kevlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert at the center for defense strategies. mr. victor, i welcome you to the spresso broadcast, i'm glad to see and hear, it's been a long time since we talked to you. good evening, mr. sergey, nice to see you too. i can't help but ask about avdiivka first, because the audience also asks me, and i think they expect that. how can you assess the current situation and possible changes in this most hot one area of ​​the front, i think you have something to say to our viewers, in my opinion, the enemy has finally decided that he is close to achieving success in the avdiivka area and is advancing in the most, so to speak, inconvenient
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way for us. over the past day, the enemy has advanced in the private... sector to the southeast of the coke-chemical plant and controls a large part of this private development, he has gone somewhere 200 m, but it is very difficult for him, and he has very seriously lost the pace of the offensive in this area, he is trying also make your way to the area of ​​the fire and rescue station part of avdiyivka and break through as deep as possible into... the ninth quarter, if the enemy manages to do this and get into the area, chemist, this is the area of ​​the city of avdiyivka, then our defense, unfortunately, will lose its integrity and stability, and the further defense of the city, or will have a focal such focal character, or in
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principle it is possible to retreat from avdeivka, because it will not be possible to hold it, and... it will happen sooner or later, the enemy is also trying to advance in the area of ​​the railway wire, in the north of avdeivka, east of nevilskyi, advancing along the street tymiryazev, to the agricultural machinery in the north of the city, near pervomaiskyi, heavy, fierce positional battles continue in the areas of novokalynovoy, novobakhmutivka, in avdiivka itself, novokoli. near thinenko, near the northern one, pervomaiskyi, the enemy continues to try to cut the main logistics route from lastochkino to avdiivka, now it is somewhere in different sections, from 700 m to 2 km, that is, formally this highway is already under enemy fire
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control, today the command operationally strategic grouping of troops tavria. announced some changes in this area, but what kind of changes and what we should expect was not said, i think that the enemy is in for a surprise. mr. viktor, you previously did not rule out the possibility that we would have to withdraw from avidivka, and this is one assessment of reality, on the other hand, it is known that the transfer of our reserves to this direction... in particular, there some publications even began to write about the transfer to this direction the direction of even the third separate assault brigade, and after this the question arises whether it is possible to determine further by actions... around avdiyivka which approaches, the new commander-in-chief will confess regarding actions in certain
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directions, of course, i am primarily referring to the actions of syrsky as the new commander-in-chief in the context of this difficult situation around avdiivka, will it be possible to establish cause-and-effect relationships as we fight near avdiivka, then we will fight in the same way in other directions, either using the maximum reserves or decisions. or any other solutions? i think that it should not and will not be possible to do this, because the enemy, operating again in ovdeivka , is trying to push us to bakhmutskyi a scenario where they simply destroyed the city and moved through the ruins. certainly , khortytsia's grouping of troops, which was kept in action by bakhmut, fought with an enemy grouping that outnumbered it by five... times, the situation in avdeivka is somewhat different, on the other hand, avdeivka is a specific city, accordingly,
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a specific situation is created around this territory, the enemy has abandoned the frontal assault on the coke chemical plant and is trying to bypass it from the north, that is, we are observing a slightly different operational picture, how will i do you want a new commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it is difficult to say, first of all , the military operations in avdeivka are managed by the commander of the 110th mechanized brigade, commanding the operational-strategic grouping of the tavria troops, general tornavskyi, and the bulk of the decisions in these areas, strictly speaking, belong to him, what do they will be able to support the new commander-in-chief, how he will... contribute to the defense, how we will act, well, it is difficult to say so far, and it seems that after all, it is necessary to push back precisely from how
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the commanders who are in this direction will act have been for a long time. of course, and then the second question is no less relevant, it is actually your assessment of these unprecedented, in my opinion , significant personnel changes in the management of the armed forces, because it is not only that... about the commander, not only about the chief of the general staff, but also a number of commanders of military branches, a number of new deputies there, will this massive, significant, significant change of generals, will it affect, relatively speaking, the continuity of the management of forces, because many people have changed, and what consequences can such a massive replacement of people, well, it's not worth watching. you should not expect a loss of management stability, the staffs remain the same, the people
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responsible for the organization of communications management are the same, the style of work will definitely change, because new officials occupy the chairs of commanders and commanders of new ones, on the other hand, at the same time, 16 are being replaced.. .. on other officials, i cannot recall such a case in the history of wars, to replace the leadership so en masse, what can it be called? on the one hand, it is certainly an indicator of the change in strategy that ukraine this year chooses as a guiding line. on the other hand, i want to be wrong. but it looks like they are starting to prepare us for peace, well, that's enough, well, such a difficult conclusion, for now we
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will not delve into that, then i will ask you about the things that you emphasize in your publications, i read them carefully , taking into account your officer experience and phage and other components as military experts. there are three theses in your publications that are worth attention, in particular, that the ukrainian army for 32 years in all ways preserved the soviet heritage, secondly, that no one in the ukrainian army began to replace people who were carriers of the old philosophy of war, and the third thesis: nothing will work with the new philosophy, because the army is a segment of society and the ukrainian culture inherent in society will dominate in the army, so the question arises: essential personnel changes and so on... the three systemic problems you wrote about earlier, whether it is possible to change the philosophy of war in the ukrainian army, where to start, what to take as an example, what is pulling us back. a new
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philosophy can only come with the new generations of military personnel, if citizens have not yet abandoned the practice of going to the doctor with a box of sweets, and if the case is serious with a bottle of cognac, then it is likely that in the army these same people will follow the same path, well, no matter what the british military historian says. said that it is more difficult than planting a new idea in the heads of the military, it is only to knock out the old one, so i think that this is the process of removing the old idea, the old philosophy, this is what the new command should focus on, that is, in fact, there is hope that the arrival of these new generals, there are still recent brigade commanders, gives a certain
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optimism that they... may be able to ensure the creation of such a new critical mass of thinking, which will then possibly pass into a new philosophy of war and relations within the armed forces itself? look , people called for mobilization, in principle, they are the bearers of a completely different philosophy, they are not superior to their majority, they are not graduates of the soviet military school, actually speaking, it is not like that and it is bad and the same... it is about the fact that interpersonal relations, management culture, they are formed mainly by society, not by a military school. the military school imposes certain special methods on this, because armed struggle has many differences from ordinary business, for example, i want new people, many of whom, i know
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personally, are absolutely progressive. no, but , firstly, will there be enough will and pressure to promote the new, i hope it will be enough, will they be supported by the new command, and in the command, as a matter of fact, choose not a rich person, or support those whom you have attracted to your team, or you will be defeated, and we have literally one minute, i would like to ask, the new mobilization law passed in the first reading, does it carry the basis? of a new philosophy of war, or does it rather carry the foundations of a certain, let's say, soviet heritage, and where for some reason the mobilization of the economy, the mobilization of industry is forgotten, only people are talked about, first of all the law is not about mobilization, but about making changes to legislative and regulatory acts of ukraine, the law on mobilization, to which changes are made, one of the 12 mentioned in that bill. are not
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included in the law on the national police, in the codes of labor laws, a huge number of documents are undergoing changes. as for the transfer of the national economy to military rails, this is a political decision, it does not depend on the law. do we see it? no, we don't see it. the russians, in addition to the fact that they transferred their enterprises to the three-shift operation of the defense-industrial... complex, for example, in the nearby tagil, next to the ural wagon factory, which is the main manufacturer of tanks, built a zone, an institution, of the federal service execution of sentences, so that people who are serving sentences can work at a tank factory, and thus pay off some of their debts to the state there,
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we should not do this... ourselves, but close our eyes and not see that the enemy, is twisting its defense-industrial complex with all its might, this is wrong. mr. viktor, thank you very much for your clear explanations, i think that they will be heard by our officials and our viewers, and i will remind you that viktor kivlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies these were the main highlights in the military results of this day, more in between. them and economic news further on vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. these were the military results of the day, thanks to serhii zgorets, thanks to his guests, and we will continue in just a moment. good evening, we are from ukraine.


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