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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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impartially, you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. suspicion of pashinsky, what the former people's deputy and arms manufacturer is accused of, heavy fighting for avdiiv. some changes on the front line , and ukrainian grain on the road , what polish farmers want to achieve , we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 46 minutes, this is the velikiy eter program, my name is vasyl zima, and we will start with the announcement of the collection. in order to move quickly and carry out combat tasks, the 25th separate airborne brigade of sicheslav needs a car. they are constantly under the gun, the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold their formation in the... eastern direction.
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we ask everyone who cares to join the car fundraiser. don't be left out. every hryvnia brings our victory closer. and pushes away the imaginary victory of the enemy, which will not happen. our goal is uah 300,000. please also provide the details you see on your screens. we have already closed more than one collection with your direct help and will definitely close both this collection and what our boys our soldiers are asking us, boys and girls. and we will be able to give it to them together with you. well, today we will be included from two regions of our country, these are kharkiv region and mykolaiv region. the enemy is hitting both kharkiv and mykolaiv regions. for a long time, an oil depot burned in kharkiv, which was targeted by the enemy, only now it was extinguished. well, plus, you know, today she buried people, this family, which actually fell into a fire trap after...
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shahed was hit, the whole family was actually burned in this apartment, and today the mother said when these funerals took place. wished the enemies to burn in the same way, you know, it hurts, and you understand that words will not take revenge, but the armed forces of ukraine will take revenge, and here we simply understand that the enemy is not targeted now, and he was never targeted for a battle with our army, with our army, the enemy is aiming at the genocide of the ukrainian people, and they themselves say about it on their airwaves, there is nothing strange here. oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council, mr. oleksandr, i congratulate you. congratulations, good evening and glory to ukraine, heroes glory, i just remembered this story today, there were funerals, farewells to the family who died during the enemy attack, and there were these words, so that everyone in russia burned,
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as my children burned, i would like you to just tell it again about this, you know, it is worth reminding here that the enemy kills civilians absolutely. for some diabolical purpose, without any military purpose, like these strikes, they affect the people of kharkiv, because it actually happens almost every day, well, it's just that with one or another scale of tragedy, we support mom in her words, we too we want them all to burn there, to to to to to to none, you understand, because this is the family of potatinyt as... which was buried today at the 18th cemetery, olga, a woman, grigory and three children, three sons, the youngest is 10 months old , who simply burned to the ground after the blows of these, it's just incredible pain and sadness, you know,
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well, just a child who didn't even have time to live, probably didn't even take the first, first step. very sad, and you know, the consequences of this tragedy, they remained in the heart of every resident of kharkiv, i think every inhabitant of ukraine, we will hate our enemy even more and more, and although according to christian traditions it is not possible to curse and wish trouble to our enemy, but we cannot, our anger, as far as today... has reached the highest point, that we are just joking take revenge and let's make sure that they all burn to death just as those poor children burned alive in their own building. by the way, i want to say that only
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today did our rescue services from the dnss put out that fire, they had 60 hours to to eliminate all the consequences of this fire, 200 rescuers from 306 brigades were involved, an environmental disaster in the kharkiv region, because oil products spilled into the glopan river, and now we have oil stains along the entire length of the river, and we still do not understand the scale of these losses, because what amount was hit, how it will affect the... system of kharkiv oblast and the entire country, we still do not understand, and it is very difficult to calculate it, and at the same time, attacks on kharkiv oblast are constantly continuing, there are air strikes every two or three hours anxiety,
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they hit, yesterday they hit lyubotyn , today, 2 hours ago, they hit some part of the region, loudly, because everyone heard it, but we still don't understand... even in which part of the region, and constantly keep the population in such severe , severe tension . i am not talking about the kupyan direction and the city of kupyansk itself, in which it is simply impossible to live there for those people who live there, who have stayed there, it is just constant explosions, it is a constant uh, the alarm is constantly on, and rockets and shells are constantly flying by , aerial bombs and everything that everything is the enemy, everyone is there , everyone, literally all the weapons they have, all of them are being used in the kupinsky direction, there is just total, total intimidation of the population, total destruction of
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the infrastructure is going on, everyone understands this, because in kupinsky, for example, there is already almost all of the city, there are no undamaged houses left, because everything is one way or another, everything is the same, it, it is damaged, and also the entire border area suffers from shelling every day, shelling, the entire border area is under shelling . these are liptsi, cossack lopan, communities zolochiv otg, constantly under fire , the communities of kupyan otg, it is clear that the front line is there, there are constant battles, the front line is active there, and it is constantly, constantly they attack us, they constantly carry out assaults and our armed forces constantly fight back , and against this background , how much grief we have in kharkiv region, we still read there for... national news, there, for example, about the dismissal of 16 combat generals during the war
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and not just dismissal, not transfer there, for example, to another position, no, this transfer to the reserve of the ministry of defense, as a quote, during the war, the ministry of defense transfers 16 generals, these are very famous people, this is tsenaev, this is tarnavsky, this is zabrodsky, these are... people of legend, these are people with great combat experience, does the country not need , we don’t need their experience, the country doesn’t need it, it doesn’t need their management, i just know that we are in such a state of despair because we don’t understand the processes that are taking place today after the replacement of mr. general luzhny, we don’t understand why we have to prepare and what, what what is happening in the country, it is so impossible that... during the war, we simply took and withdrew into the reserve such a number of combat generals with
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such experience, who remained, and can we during the war afford some key specialists in our business , everyone understands that there is a specialist in every case, it is easy to remove key specialists from the defense forces in such a number, well , to be honest, we do not understand a little in despair, and there is such a little panic... we are being shelled here every day, here there are still some processes in the country that are illogical, in my opinion, and for sure will not strengthen the defense capability of our country. well, by the way, today i specifically checked during the second world war, in particular, if we talk about the biggest confrontation between nazi germany and the soviet union, they changed generals, even the heads of staffs and the general staff, but they were always transferred to some other positions, that is, in any case, everyone was in the war, no matter which. no one said that this position suits you, this position does not suit you, it did not matter, if you have experience, you are in the war, because, well, war actually -
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this is the meaning of the life and professional growth of any general, he prepares and studies for the sake of war, it is immediately clear that these people should not be thrown into the trenches on the front line, although anything can happen, but in any case it is good, i think , that they will somehow think, think and find their place for everyone in this war, because ukraine needs protection, plus, of course... you talked about explosions, but i am reading about what hit the oblenergo building in kupyansk today , well , i think that this is another blow, there and and and you yourself said that there are almost none, there are no whole houses, i read about the fact that the enemy is amassing significant forces precisely to strike at kharkiv oblast, i will not lie about the number of armored vehicles, but what i read is actually such an impressive, impressive figure, especially since we understand that the armed forces of ukraine today have a certain shortage of ammunition, such a mass of armored vehicles. drones, of course, are not so easy to destroy, but what do you say about these constant hostile
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not only statements, but also preparations for an offensive, how does this affect civilians and the readiness to resist, especially since kharkiv already this resistance was put up at the beginning of the invasion , you know, the people of kharkiv can hardly do anything to surprise or frighten us after what... brought us after february 24 the accumulation of troops there or any other actions or these constant ipso-hostile informational and psychological attacks, which are simply calculated exclusively to intimidate the population, when bloggers are given the command to send a message there on all social networks, tiktoks, everything else, that kharkiv is being attacked, that kharkiv will be taken away, and so on under... elections the president, even for some dates, from my
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point of view this is a classic ipso enemy, and about the forces that have been accumulated, by the way, our intelligence understands what forces are accumulated, and they were not accumulated yesterday, they were not accumulated long ago, and we we understand with what forces they are storming kupensk, and we understand what forces we have on our border, so for the people of kharkiv... after we survived northern saltovka, after we survived the practically occupation of the city, because i want to remind you that we had a ring road before. from circus, from from the last checkpoint of the village of tsyrkuniv to the ring road, it was 1 km to the actual beginning of the city of kharkiv-saltovka. the story was the same in the derhachiv direction, they were 500 m away from the ring road in the derhachiv direction, so we will definitely
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make an oper, we will resist and we will defend our city. and their psychological attacks, information-psychological, special attacks of the enemy, i believe that it is necessary to filter this information and be sure and believe in our armed forces and help, help in the first place turn, what we can so that our armed forces feel more comfortable, freer, so that they have more weapons, more opportunities to protect us. we will unite with our armed forces and together we will protect kharkiv and all of ukraine. you know, right now... they are reporting by region how much money will be spent on the equipment of fortifications, the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi, the supreme commander-in-chief at the end of last year actually gave the order to start actively building these fortifications, well, such large-scale, i would say, concrete from using different materials, well , let's say rivne region will purchase and carry out works at
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secret prices for some reason for a billion hryvnias, mykolaiv. with whom we will talk a little later, will spend 473 million uah on fortification, two times less than rivne oblast, and are there similar ones, well, we can not announce all the numbers there, if, but the funds are laid in the budget of kharkiv oblast, because we understand that kharkiv region is definitely in greater danger now, well , as of now, than rivne region, relatively speaking, although there is also a border with belarus there, the threat has not disappeared, but in in any case, there are still swamps, forests and a lot of other things, well, you are so lucky, if there were no swamps there, i am a member of the budget committee of the kharkiv regional council and i know the exact figures that are allocated for fortification, but i can tell them on the air i can't , by the way, kharkiv oblast was engaged in fortifications in 22, very actively, most active in 22, it was also engaged
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in 23, we spent on fortifications. i think the most of all areas, and they are currently these works not stopped, for the 24th year we have allocated enough budget funds to strengthen kharkiv oblast even more. well, i ask this question in advance, because again i see that, for example, in some regions, well, in the south, the main thing is that i understand that kharkiv is not the south, but they are already preparing to start sowing, and today there is still this story about spilled ukrainian grain on the territory of poland, to what extent. i understand, it was done, well , they attacked the car, cut it down and spilled ukrainian grain, which is collected, as they say, grain on the blood of our people, or kharkiv region will be preparing for sowing, is it necessary to carry out some work for this, that is , again, what will be the price of grain that will be sown and then harvested? the shameful
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phenomenon that happened on the polish border for ukrainians who survived the famine, it 's just... that's why when i saw it, you know, my heart hurt, i think many ukrainians somewhere inside were crying because of that shameful, shameful incident, you you know, we in kharkiv oblast sowed in the 22nd year, we are sowing in the 23rd, and we will sow in the 24th year as well, despite the fact that... a very large amount our land is mined, there is a part of kharkiv oblast that is currently under occupation, it is the dvorichanskyi, kupyanskyi districts of the otg of theirs, and of course, a very large amount that is on the border, we will not be able to sow it, because it is under constant shelling and very
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mined, the amount of land that is mined in the kharkiv region - 100,000 hectares and in the course of its demining. we will spend billions of hryvnias and it will take tens of years to do it, but you know, a ukrainian peasant who survived the holodomor, a ukrainian person, will be at the opportunity to sow on the last piece of land, it will never be free for him, if possible, because this is the ukrainian consciousness, land is bread, bread is what saved us from famine for us life, for a ukrainian, bread is a sacred thing, and this is the most important thing. well, yes, really, even if my bread dries up there, i don’t throw it away on... i try to somehow eat it, nibble it, as you like, it’s simple, it’s true, you’re right, it’s already written at the genetic level, you you can't throw it away, you can think of anything, but you don't throw it away you'll do it, after getting wet there, i also wanted to ask
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whether they are returning, whether there are statistics on population growth specifically in terms of the return of people to kharkiv, to kharkiv oblast, perhaps from other regions where they were temporarily, as internally displaced persons, or from abroad, if possible briefly, but it is very. today, more people are leaving than arriving, the fact that those people who are coming are mainly people who have already been forcibly resettled from the border zone of hostilities, according to statistics, we have 350,000 internally displaced persons, of which 170,000 - these are internally displaced persons within the borders of our region, this is just so you know, just numbers, and today, unfortunately, there is an outflow of the population, because emotionally and psychologically, people simply cannot stand it, and
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this is a fact , looking at this footage and following this news from kharkiv and kharkiv region , it is absolutely understandable here, well, it is actually possible and right that people will save themselves in order to return later, because there is no hope that rockets or ballistics will not fly north - korean to your home or to the bus depot near the house, that's also a risk very tall thank you very much for joining. thank you for your comments, oleksandr skoryk, a member of the kharkiv regional council, was in touch with us, and today kharkiv was saying goodbye to those who died from an enemy attack, and now we will talk about the situation in mykolaiv oblast, where the enemy has also been hitting very actively lately in mykolaiv, victoria moskolenko, deputy of the mykolaiv regional council, mrs. victoria, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, let's start right away with the consequences of the last enemy attacks on the night of the 11th, if i'm not mistaken, it was so large-scale, a large-scale attack, well, on the mykolaiv region... strikes, please, about the consequences and , again, how to explain the activation, such a significant activation of the russians specifically regarding
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mykolaiv, yes, the security situation in the mykolaiv region has worsened a lot, we can literally observe it on february 7, when there was a rocket strike, when about 100 residential buildings were damaged, one person was killed. and after that these strikes actually do not stop, the only thing is that these are drone attacks, there were no missile attacks after the strike on february 7, but at the same time, we can say the same, no less, the consequences of damage from drone attacks, from shahedny attacks, so today, if we take the last day, it is also close, this is what was recorded at this moment about 25 damaged residential buildings , there are also injuries, people seek medical help, thank god, there are no victims,
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but still, this is very serious damage to residential buildings, as well as the infrastructure that is nearby, also, if we take a couple of days ago, these were also blows to the infrastructure , according to certain industrial facilities, so we can say that during this period of intense shelling. mykolaiv oblast, from february 7 to today, serious damage has been caused, and what concerns the residential buildings, people were hit by a very powerful rocket, but the rocket was a chasm in the road, but still , all the houses are almost impossible to restore today in order to recover with small forces and people could live, that's why they are looking for housing, it's... friends, it's neighbors, it's dormitories and everything else, that is, if brothers in general, it is about 300 , maybe residential buildings that need to be restored, i have two
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such questions, first about sowing, i read today that they started sowing in mykolaiv oblast, you can not indicate somewhere, so that the enemy does not start attacking our bread and our farmers at the very beginning, but i read about what is supposed to be agriculture. perhaps it is not so, again, i am not saying that it is 100%, but that allegedly agricultural machinery should be registered in territorial procurement centers, and how in connection with the fact that increased mobilization, well, not increased, there will simply be a law on mobilization now, there will be certain rules, and also sowing, whether there is such, whether there is such and such information that this technique must somehow be assigned somewhere and must be registered for military needs, does it apply only there, let's say some graders or excavators, well, for building a fort. please, you know, this question is very relevant in terms of the use of technology,
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engineering technology. let's say so, for military needs, this is a question no one for some reason ever does, well no raised officially, yes, at the level of military administrations, at the level of regions, but i , for example, do not really agree with the fact that this equipment is taken from private agricultural enterprises, because such equipment, which can help our military, i see when being repaired roads, and they are repairing roads in the mykolaiv region and in the city of mykolaiv where they are not... mykolaiv, they will understand me, where no one ever goes, and you see this cool technique that could be used, this question is always in my mind when i drive along these repairs, repair works, and this
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question say... yes, well hangs in the air, because you and i understand that even if you ask it as the head of the region and later as a deputy, you will not get an answer, simply referring to the fact that martial law, although everyone sees it, and people raised the issue in social networks are very active, that people were against such repairs, it is necessary to involve technology, and this technique, as i understand it, is involved once in contract work, as for sowing, sowing needs to be carried out, it needs to be supported. and i will say that our farmers and owners, they already help the armed forces, for example, those with whom i communicate, those i know, they always take the initiative to help, but the fact that they today partially demining arable land, investing their money, taking a risk somewhere, repurposing somewhere, because many acquaintances who today repurposed to, for example, cultivation
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not... new ones, but growing vegetables and other things, that's why they want to earn money and at the same time give taxes to us and ukraine, that's why it's positive, it's supported, god forbid that everything will work out for them. thank you very much, mrs. victoria, just as svitlana klymenko writes in the comment, mykolaiv oblast is forcibly building fortifications against a possible attack from the sea, well , i will not comment on that now, i know that people from mykolaiv oblast are obviously watching us and also their own some warnings, fears are voiced, i believe that there will be fortifications. that the money is allocated from the regional budget half a billion, well, we believe that they will be built. victoria moskalenko, deputy of the mykolaiv regional council, was not in touch with us , thank you very much, why am i talking about fortification so much, because today it will be the topic of my colleague serhiy zgurets, he is already in touch with us, the director of the defense express agency and the presenters of the military summaries of the day. sergey, congratulations, please continue. i congratulate you, vasyl, i congratulate our viewers, today indeed one of the topics of my program is fortification on the battlefield, desirable and real, and the second component
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- this is about personnel changes among members of the armed forces of ukraine and about the dynamics of hostilities around avdiyivka. more on that in a moment. so, the enemy is now trying to take advantage of manpower, ammunition, equipment and is trying to push through in certain areas of the front. the intensity of combat clashes is quite high, over the past day there were 100 repulses. of enemy attacks, this is a high rate, 2/3, it was just avdiivka, maryanka, there were 19 more battles, it is around bakhmut, and of course, when we are on the defensive, we immediately remember the fact that it would be good to have good fortifications and engineering structures to protect our defenders, this is extremely relevant in the context of avdiyivka, where new lines of defense should already be ready, regardless of whether
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we have to ... perform them or not, just the same and, in particular, regarding the enemy's offensive in the direction of chasovyar, which is 2 km away, and dibstate analysts today seem to have written that the area around chasovyar can be made impregnable, but i quote: history with the construction of engineering fortifications and preparations for defense , again leaves something to be desired, so this statement wants better cannot but disturb, why yes, that we have fortification. so some details to understand. let me remind you that for the first time the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi spoke about the need for fortification on the results of the supreme commander-in-chief's speech on november 30. now we have a video where you can listen to the president, where he outlined a list of tasks and areas where fortification should be done. let's listen. on all major
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