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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 10:30pm-11:00pm EET

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are ready, regardless of whether we have to retreat from them or not, as well as, in particular, regarding the enemy's offensive in the direction of chasovyar, which is 2 km away, and deep state analysts today seem to have written that the area around chasovyar can be made not approachable, but i am quoting the history of the construction of engineering and fortification structures and preparation for defense, again leaves much to be desired, so this statement of wishing for the best cannot help but disturb. wow, why is it that we have fortifications, so a little detail for understanding. let me remind you that this is the first time about the need fortifications, said the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, based on the results of the supreme commander-in-chief's bid on november 30. now we have a video where you can listen to the president, where he outlined a list of tasks and areas where fortification should be done. let's. let's listen to all the main
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directions, where we need to strengthen, speed up the construction of structures, of course, these are primarily avdiivskyi, maryanskyi and other directions in donetsk region, maximum attention, kharkiv region is the kupyansk direction, as well as the kupyansk-lyman defense line, and the whole kharkiv oblast, sumy oblast, chernihiv oblast, kyiv and rivne oblasts, volyn and the south, kherson oblast. that is, in fact , all regions were named, fortification was needed and is needed now everywhere, and quite significant funds were then allocated for it. in january of the 24th year, the government announced that 17.5 billion hryvnias would be directed to this, both for the construction of engineering and technical and fortification structures, and then an additional 2.5 billion were allocated, as it was said, to relevant departments and regional state
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administrations, completion of fortification works reported publicly, except for the already dismissed commander of the united armed forces , general serhii naev, who said that from june 22nd to january 24th , new fortification lines with ditches, pillboxes and new strongpoints and that the density of... mine-explosive barriers was increased as much as 16 times, according to the general, then private companies under the leadership of military engineers were engaged in the construction of defensive lines, but it is so, let's say, the optimistic side of the medal is also the reverse, the details of which i am now forced to retell, talking with officials, with the military, it turns out that not all areas of work go quickly. and there are a number of reasons that slow it down.
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what are these reasons? i will name three problems. first, a significant part of the time was spent, or is still spent, on the coordination of these projects, fortifications on each site, coordination of estimates for these sites. they tell me that it was necessary to take typical projects, tie these projects to the area and build without an estimate, and then receive money after the fact. but they are so afraid... to strike, because then they will have problems with the dbr, which , as they say to me, will certainly appear, and for this reason, private companies are in no hurry to contract the construction of these fortifications, and the state ones do not have sufficient capacities. the second problem, it concerns the involvement of workers, it turns out that the shortage of people, difficult conditions and urgency produces certain expectations regarding wages, but there are standards for payment. expenses and which
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are limited by these estimates, and that is, this salary cannot be high, so some have in areas or in certain areas , progress is less than it could be with fortification, despite the fact that the money formally exists for these needs, and thirdly, in addition to digging ditches, stretching those concrete dragon's teeth and digging concrete bunkers, what is called a fortefika. the fortification still needs to be properly mined, for example, to install anti-tank mines. according to soviet regulations, there was such a norm that 1 thousand mines were needed for 1 km. now these indicators have increased by five or six times, and in particular i would like to remind you that in the north in the main areas 500,000 anti-tank mines have already been installed before the enemy's offensive, but de facto it turns out that this is not enough, we need somewhere within 4x. and do we have these anti-tank mines -
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i asked, the answer was as follows, we have a certain shortage of tm-62 mines, this is a tm-62 mine. this is exactly this basic soviet anti -tank mine, we do not produce these mines, there is a certain supply of detonators for these mines, the mine itself is actually 10 kg in weight, as we now see there together with the detonator, 8 kg is, relatively speaking , an explosive that consists there of the opposite and hexogen, and these components are not produced in our country, so this phrase is a certain shortage of mines, i interpreted it so that we have to look for and buy such mines on the... foreign market, at least until we master the production of hexogen or tnt, and all this is actually related to the work of our industry, it is actually far from all the difficulties that concern the current measures of fortification and engineering of the front, although for
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the protection of the lives of soldiers in the format of our defense, it is of extremely urgent importance, so attention to there should be no less traditional forms of combat support. rather than creating new types of troops there, such as unmanned systems, because with the development of new technologies, we must not forget the basic things that ensure effective defense on the front line. and then we will talk about the front, about large-scale personnel changes in the armed forces and their impact on the army, which has an echo in society, and maybe even about a new philosophy of war, if it can be assessed at all. and now viktor kevlyuk, colonel of the reserve, joins us and an expert of the center for defense strategies. mr. victor, i welcome you to the spresso broadcast, i'm glad to see and hear, it's been a long time since we talked to you. good evening, mr. sergey, nice to see you too. i can't help but ask about avdiivka first, because the audience also
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asks me, and i think they expect the most about how to assess the current situation and possible changes to it. hotter areas of the front, i think you have something to say to our viewers, in my opinion, the enemy has finally decided that he is close to achieving success in the avdiyivka area, and is advancing himself, so to speak let's say, in an inconvenient way for us. over the past day, the enemy has advanced in the private sector to the southeast of the coke chemical plant, monitors. a significant part of this private building, he walked somewhere 200 m, but it is very difficult for him, and he very seriously lost the pace of the offensive in this area, he is also trying to break into the area of ​​the fire and rescue department of avdiivska, and
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break as deep as possible into the ninth quarter . if the enemy manages to do this and enter the area. a chemist, this is the district of the city of avdiivka, then our defense, unfortunately, will lose its integrity and stability, and the further defense of the city will either have a focal such a focal character, or in principle it is possible to retreat from avdeivka , because it will not be possible to hold it, and it will happen sooner or later, the enemy is also trying to advance in ... railway lane, in the north of avdeivka, east of nevilskyi, advanced along tymiryazeva street, to the agricultural machinery in the north of the city, near pervomayskyi, heavy, fierce positional battles continue in the areas of
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novokalynovoy, novobakhmutivka, in the very on the outskirts of avdiivtsi, near the thin one, near the northern one, pervomaisky, the enemy continues. to cut the main logistics route from lastochkino to avdiivka, now it is somewhere in different areas, from 700 meters to 2 km, that is, formally, this highway is already under enemy fire control. today, the command of the tavria operational-strategic group of troops announced some changes in this area, but what kind of changes are these? what we should expect was not said, i think that the enemy is in for a surprise, mr. viktor, you did not rule it out before the possibility that we will have to withdraw from avvidivka, and this is one assessment of reality, on the other hand, it is known that our
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reserves will be transferred to this direction, in particular there some publications even began to write about the transfer to this direction, even a third separate one. and against this background, the question arises whether it is possible to further determine the approaches of the new commander-in-chief based on the actions around avdiivka. will testify about actions in certain directions, of course, i am primarily referring to the actions of syrsky as the new commander-in-chief in the context of this difficult situation around avdiivka, will it be possible to establish this cause-and-effect relationship, how we fight near avdiivka, then we will fight in the same way in other directions, either using the maximum reserves or making some other decision, i think not it is worth it and it will not be possible to beat it, because the enemy, again operating in ovdeivka, is trying to push us to
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the bakhmunt scenario, when they simply destroyed the city and moved through the ruins. undoubtedly, khortytsia's grouping of troops, which was kept in action by bakhmut, fought with the enemy group, which outnumbered it by five times, in avdeivt the situation is somewhat different, with another. on the part of avdeivka - a specific city, accordingly, a specific situation is developing around this territory, the enemy has given up the frontal assault on the coke chemical plant and is trying to bypass it from the north, that is, we are observing a slightly different operational picture, how the new commander-in-chief of the armed forces will act, it is difficult to say, first of all hostilities are managed. in avdeivka, the commander of the 110th mechanized brigade, commanding the operational-strategic brigade
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general ternavskyi's grouping of tavriy's troops, and the bulk of the decisions in these areas, as a matter of fact, belong to him, what the new commander-in-chief can do to support them , how he will contribute to the defense, how we will act, well, it's hard to say for now and... probably , that after all , it is necessary to push back precisely from how the commanders, who have been in this direction for a long time, will act. of course, and then the second question is no less relevant, it is actually your assessment of these unprecedented, in my opinion , significant personnel changes in the management of the armed forces forces, because we are talking not only about the commander, not only about the chief of the general staff, but also a number of commanders of military branches, a number of new successors, whether this massive, significant, significant change of generals, whether it
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will affect, conditionally in other words, the continuity of power management, because a lot of people have changed, and what consequences can a mass replacement of people have? well, it is not worth observing, it is not worth expecting a loss of management stability, but... well, that is enough, well, such a difficult conclusion, so far we have not come to it let's go deeper, then i will ask you about the things that you emphasize in your publications, i read them carefully, taking into account your experience as an officer and phage and other components, as a military expert, there are three theses in your publications that are worth attention, in particular , the fact that the ukrainian army preserved the soviet heritage in every possible way for 32... years , secondly, that no one in the ukrainian army began
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to replace people who were carriers of the old philosophy of war, and the third thesis: nothing will work with the new philosophy, because the army is a segment of society and inherent in society, ukrainian culture will dominate the army. so the question arises: significant personnel changes and these three systemic problems that you wrote about earlier, whether it is possible to change the philosophy of war. in the ukrainian army, where to start, what to take as an example, what is pulling us back? a new philosophy can come only with a new generation of military personnel, if citizens have not yet abandoned the practice of going to the doctor with a box of sweets, and if the case is serious with a bottle of cognac, then it is likely that the same people will follow the same path in the army as well. well, no... in any case, the british military historian sir bezelgard said that it is more difficult
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than planting a new idea in the heads of the military, it is only to knock out the old one, so i think that this is the process of removing the old idea, the old philosophy, on this and the new command must focus, that is, in fact, there is hope that the arrival of... these new generals, there are recent brigade commanders after all, gives a certain optimism that they can possibly ensure the creation of such a new critical mass of thinking, which will then possibly pass into a new one. .. the philosophy of war and relations in the armed forces? look , the people called up for mobilization, in principle, they are carriers of a completely different philosophy, they are not the majority of their majority, they are not graduates of the soviet military school, actually speaking, it is not like that and this school is bad, it is about the fact that
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interpersonal relations, management culture , they... are formed mainly by society, not by a military school. the military school imposes certain special techniques on it, because armed struggle has many differences from ordinary business, for example. i want to for new people who, many of whom i know personally, are absolutely progressive, but will there be enough will and pressure to promote new things? i hope it will be enough if they will be supported by the new command, and the command, as a matter of fact, choose not rich, or support those you have recruited to your team, or you will be defeated. and we have literally one minute, i would like to ask, the new law on mobilization, adopted in the first reading, whether it carries
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the foundations of a new philosophy of war, or whether it rather carries the foundations of a certain, let's say, soviet heritage and where for some reason they forget about the mobilization of the economy , the mobilization of industry, they only talk about the person, first of all the law is not about mobilization, but about making changes to the legislative and normative legal acts of ukraine, the law about mobilization, which is being amended, is one of the 12 mentioned in that bill, changes are made to the law on the national police, to the codes of labor laws, a huge amount of doc. undergoes changes. as for the transfer of the national economy to military rails, this is a political decision, it is not depends on the law. do we see it? no, we don't see it. the russians, in addition to the fact that they transferred
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their enterprises of the defense-industrial complex to three-shift work, for example, in the nearby tagil, next to the ural wagon factory, which is the main producer of... tanks , a zone, an institution, of the federal service for the execution of punishments was built, but , so that people who are serving a sentence can work at a tank factory, and thus pay off some of their debts to the state, we should not do the same, but close our eyes and not see that the enemy is all by force... spins up the wind turbine of its defense-industrial complex, this is wrong. mr. viktor, thank you very much for your clear explanations, i think that they will be heard by our officials and our viewers, and i will remind you that viktor kivlyuk, a reserve colonel and an expert of the center for defense strategies, was in the espresso. these were the main highlights of today's military results, more
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international and economic news, more on vasyl zema's big broadcast, so stay tuned to the espresso channel. these were the summaries of the day, thanks to serhiy zhorets, thanks to his guests, well, we'll continue literally in a moment, good evening, we're from ukraine, there are discounts on pairs with... 20% in pharmacies plantain, pam and oskad. why am i here i have sensitive teeth, eat ice cream - pain, cold air - pain, sweets - pain. the dentist prescribed lakalot sensitive, which effectively reduces tooth sensitivity. if i had known lakalut sensitive earlier, i would not have had to come here at all. lacquer sensitive - reliable protection against pain. there are
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15% discounts on uurolessan in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on zipl of 10% in the pharmacies psylanskyk, pam and oskad. according to the results of january the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. unchanged by... our values ​​and ukrainian perspective, stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. exclusively on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: the war against russia of ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics
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causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis of the processes that change the country and each of us. the country has to get the right to start. eu accession negotiations vitaliy portnikov and project guests: we are bored, because there is nothing to fight about, let's invent, they help to understand the present and predict the future. trump's second presidency will be for the world terrible a project for those who care and think. political club. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso. a separate complex of unmanned aircraft. peregrine falcon of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of crowns and technical equipment
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for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. the war created there are many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities, but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online enable me ukraine community. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get any information about disability, medical services and... free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe,
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here you get support, advice and true friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together, we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with support national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. on the evening of february 8 , the same photo appeared on the official pages of volodymyr zelensky and valery zaluzhny in social networks. high pressure in his office. a hand to the head, the male shows a signature victory gesture, both are smiling. this was the finale of the information campaign on the change of leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. starting today
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, a new management team will take over the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. i want our vision of war to be the same soldiers in the work station or avdiivka, and at the general staff and on the pond. information about the possible dismissal of the commander-in-chief appeared for the first time in the me'. last year in autumn. the authorities chose a strategy of uncertainty, officials neither confirmed nor denied the rumors. later, people's deputy and servant of the people maryana bezugla attacked zaluzhny. from criticizing the activities of the head committee, she quickly turned to humiliating personal reproaches. and when colleagues began to demand the release of the bezulka, the leadership of the parliament and the faction came to her defense "servant of the people". during this time, the society came to terms with the idea that from... the rate of a popular general is possible and even probable, and when it happened, the president did not dare to say: i decided to fire the general. i offered general
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zaluzhny to be in the team of the ukrainian state in the future. i will be grateful for his consent. today i decided to update the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine. in an evening address on the day of the dismissal of the head of state, the president spoke about the need for a realistic war plan for the year, rotation on the front line, improving the quality of training of military personnel, the reasons for the dismissal of the serviceman, zelenskyi told only a small group of journalists at a closed meeting. the lack of explanations gave scope for a wide variety of interpretations, both in ukrainian and foreign media. there are two versions in total. the first: the commander-in-chief had serious disagreements with the president both regarding mobilization and the strategy of the war, which, according to zaluzhnyi , had reached a dead end. some media reported that the pentagon was not satisfied with the commander's actions during the summer counteroffensive. the second version: the bank was allegedly irritated
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by too high a level of support. industrious among ukrainians, as evidenced by closed opinion polls and feared by his decision to enter politics. be that as it may, zelensky and zaluzhny decided to part ways gently and without scandals. in farewell, the president presented the dismissed head with the title of hero of ukraine. i am grateful to everyone who is close to me, the team of the general staff, the ministry of defense, the president of ukraine. i am proud of everyone in the armed forces of ukraine, who protect the future. our children, all soldiers, sergeants and officers, i bow my head to all those who gave their lives for ukraine and freedom, we remember and take revenge for all. the president appointed the commander of the ground forces , colonel general oleksandr syrsky, an officer with an ambiguous image among the military, as the new head of the armed forces. behind him is the successful defense of kyiv and a brilliant counteroffensive operation in the kharkiv region, as well as the defense of bakhmut. which
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raises a lot of questions among many military personnel about the justification of high losses. syrsky is bringing a new team with him. by according to the official notification of the ministry of defense, he has already discussed the detailed action plan of the armed forces of ukraine for 2024 with minister rustem umyerov. maintaining a balance between the performance of combat tasks and the restoration of units and units with the intensification of training and training of personnel. remains as relevant as ever. the introduction of new technical solutions and the scaling of successful experience, for example, the use of unmanned systems, modern means of radio-electronic warfare, is one of the future vectors of building victory in our liberation war changes in the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine took place on the eve of the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. the situation at the front is difficult. the army lacks
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ammunition. this is publicly acknowledged by her commanders, not publicly told the washington times about the critical personnel situation. there is an acute shortage of soldiers on the front lines. in comments to an american newspaper, some commanders suggested that at some point the front might simply collapse. despite such sentiments, the verkhovna rada is in no hurry to adopt a new one the law on mobilization. the president removed himself from the process, because you cannot gain popularity on this topic. in the faction. servants of the people declare the difficulty of finding a balance. we have to balance the interests of the military command, business and citizens. the task is not easy, there will be a lot of work. the majority of observers are of the same opinion. a change in the leadership of the armed forces is unlikely to lead to decisive changes on the battlefield in the near future. this requires systemic reforms in the army, effective mobilization, increased western aid and
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build-up. own production of weapons, and here the risks of intervention of the presidential office in the operational activities of the military have increased significantly. after all, the president is the commander-in-chief, and appointing and dismissing the head of the armed forces of ukraine is his constitutional right, as well as his personal responsibility. greetings, my name is vlasta lazur, this is svoboda live and we start with the situation at the front. russian troops have built a 30-kilometer barrier in the occupied part of donetsk region, which is called the tsar train and which will probably serve as a defensive line against future ukrainian attacked the american institute for the study of war writes about this in its new report. analysts, citing satellite images, dated may 10 of that year and february 6 and 10 of this year. these pictures show that the russian troops during the last


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