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tv   [untitled]    February 12, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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he didn't mean to say that he, what he said, for example, rubio, senator rubio, so to speak, as if he refuted these statements to some extent, that is, within the republican party itself, the positions were divided, but for example, the former opponent of trump , during the election campaign, such as the former governor of new york, generally said that i told you that he is not capable of being president, that he cannot be swamped, there you have it. that is, of course, that election rhetoric, it can be very aggressive and risky, but everyone must be responsible for their words, and here it is probably important to remember the context, it matters, and in which context, against which background all this was said, and the context is such that, first of all, aid has not been approved for ukraine yet, this is how it happens, it hasn't even come to a vote in the congress yet.
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the democratic administration of the usa actually stopped aid to ukraine, and in fact , tell me, please, trump's statements, are they somehow capable of positively or negatively influencing this aid or the prospects of this aid? well, we know that according to the reports of many media and sources that donald trump tried to put pressure on the senators, on his own. and congressmen , on their supporters in the legislature, so that they would not vote for this agreed aid package, which also included the border, and as we can see, nevertheless, in the end , the republicans gave up on this agreed package and the process is still going on voting only questions of aid to ukraine, israel and some others. other countries within the framework
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of the national security law of the united states, so they still listened to no specifically this statement, but previous statements and and and and calls of trump, so it must be said that he is not listened to, so his statements, his positions, his vision are very important, many republicans, so to speak , such and such traditional republicans say that reagan would turn over in his coffin to hear. these are the statements of trump, who actually calls russia to do whatever you want with nato countries. in the nato countries, as you know, they also took a very, so to speak, careful approach to this statement, criticized it, and some representatives in the european union in general said that donald trump totally messed up this whole story, it didn't look at all the way it looked, the way he told it, but, uh, yeah, uh,... most of those statements, they're
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just as calculated both to supporters of donald trump, and such statements can be perceived in russia, respectively. but if we talk about such a nuclear electorate of donald trump, i understand that these statements, as well as the statements that were related there, when he spoke about the fact that the usa can withdraw from nato, if other countries there stop paying these contributions, that is, statements like that, they don't really take away any political... points from him, they definitely don't take away any points from him, because as you said, the nuclear, nuclear electorate, they, it, it's absolutely committed supporters of, they're praying on the president trump, and it is very difficult to change their position at all, it is practically impossible to change their position in this situation, but i said at the beginning that this degree of tension is not only in the united states, against the background of this statement, but also ... in various capitals of countries nato and where
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are probably the most concerned, so to speak by these statements, it is poland and the baltic countries, because there are convinced that if vladimir putin really achieves his military goals in ukraine, the russian army will regain strength and in a few years can invade either the baltic countries or poland, and of course these countries are counting on, if this happens, their main hope will be in article five, that nato will respond. and now i understand that trump sowed doubts if he becomes president, not the fact that if russia invades these countries, that nato will respond. so, actually, what do you think, is donald trump interested in fighting back against russian aggression, in case it will use any aggression against nato countries. do they even talk about it in the united states? they are talking about it, but i would still like to draw attention to what has already happened. european
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countries are doing, and you know that today the prime minister of poland, donald tusk, is in paris, he already held a press conference with president macron, the president. macron is going to go to kyiv in the near future, then donald tusk is going to go to germany, they have already said that they will resume the dialogue between the three countries, poland, france and germany, in order to find ways to defend themselves, and indeed only 11 countries that are part of nato are fulfilling their obligations to funding of their military, these two from... from gross product, and this is to some extent donald trump's statements, they have a basis, because it is meant from the point of view that nato countries have to pay for common security, but one for all, as it is one for all, all for one
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principle, it's a very important principle of nato, and some actually in the united states have accused even trump aides of... they didn't explain to him what article five-fifth of the nato charter means, and some of trump's aides said that , that he said this at all, such statements that he said were not on the promter, so they cannot be responsible for it, that is, the discussion around this is very, very big, but european countries, as you know, even literally in the last months , i would say, they really changed their... their rhetoric regarding the danger of russia and they are preparing, preparing, and discussing the issue of possibly resuming the production of more, increasing production, more organization of its army, poland is purchasing,
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is currently purchasing a huge amount of materials from the united states, i mean military equipment, so these countries are really preparing. said that maybe trump's statements sometimes have a basis when he says that other countries are not paying what they should be paying for the alliance, so i'll just explain for context, for our audience, that indeed , countries should spend at least 2% of the gross domestic product on defense, but there are statistics from the 23rd year and it says that, for example, the usa spent almost 3.5%, much more than 2%, britain a little more than 2% . while germany, france, italy, spain were below this agreed threshold of 2%. that is , to some extent, firstly, trump is right when he demands that nato countries still pay about 2%, and on the other hand, perhaps, with his rather resonant statements, he encourages these
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country to allocate more money for defense, and for ukraine, maybe i'm wrong, well , you see, from the point of view of ukraine, they are. maybe he encourages other nato countries to help ukraine more, but he himself says that ukraine really needs to stop this war, his son declares that there is no chance at all in this war, conservative, conservative analysts, observers say that it should be stopped, and putin has, has to do what he's doing, has the right to do what he's doing because... nato has gone too far, that is all this rhetoric exists, and therefore regarding ukraine , here trump's position is still he, he does not, he does not, he says, i will stop the war, he does not say how he will stop the war, but, but he does not want
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the united states to help ukraine. but you saw that already, for example, for example, polish president andrzej duda said that when he was asked if he believed that trump would end the war there in 24 hours, he said. president trump, everything he promised, he delivered. well, the rhetoric is changing, president duda has always been friendly with the president trump, as we know, during the election campaign, and was right on the eve of the election campaign, visited the white house, i was there, i remember it, so, well, everyone has a position. thank you very much for your comment, myroslava gongadze, head of voice broadcasting. in eastern europe you were on radio svoboda, you are always welcome. thank you well, finally, we will tell you the story of ryan o'leary, a former soldier of the united states army. he fought in iraq and afghanistan and joined the ukrainian
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army at the beginning of the full-scale intrusion. first, there were special operations under the leadership of gur, then he signed a contract with the representative's 59th separate motorized infantry brigade. by the way, today we joined combat missions in donetsk region. check out his story. my name is ryan o'leary, i came at the beginning of the program, and now he performs ukraine. in february 2022, and since then i have been serving in the armed forces, i fought in moschun, irpin, buch, also in zaporizhzhia, kherson, mykolaiv, kharkiv, i was in semenivka. i have been in donetsk region for the last 11 months. before, how to come to ukraine, i fought with the iraqi army against isis for 5 years, and before that i served 11 years in the us army in iraq and afghanistan, as an infantryman. real military service. was in 2007 in iraq, i mean the iraq war, it wasn't
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as intense as this one, you could go to your base and once or twice a month you could have missiles come in there, but it wasn't a high intensity conflict, so i can say that i didn't see real war until sometime in 2014 when i went back to iraq to fight against the idols. i came here because... i thought that ukraine needs help, it is a developing democracy. as americans, we should support democratic countries. it doesn't matter where they are. you know, i stayed because i am an ideological person and i believe in democracy. in certain cases you can defend democracy with a pen and paper, in others you have to take up arms. that's why i'm still here. from the beginning of the war on february 24 to march 3. i didn't have a contract, and then zelensky called on foreigners to join. i
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signed a contract with the gur division. and in that the same day, i and 12 other boys were sent to moschun. i was with gur in moshchunia virpena, and then i left with the air reconnaissance to buchi. i was in mykolaiv with gur. operations in kherson from gur. he was with the ssso in kharkiv. next, the operation in the north in semenivka was with the foreign legion and land forces. we came to semenivka to help with local protection at the border, to give advice, to conduct reconnaissance to find out where the russians were moving from, because they used saboteurs, drg groups killed many civilians and ukrainian soldiers, we discovered the route through which they were going in and out, set up several ambushes there, we failed to attack these drg groups because... they used other routes, at that time we were already planning our operation, so
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me and 12 other guys found a part of the border that was mined, but no one was watching it. we spent about three days demining this area, it was about one and a half km. then we found a position next to the road along which the russians and their officers were traveling. so we organized the first ambush on this road. we placed anti-tank mines on the secondary road. the screeds are a little further. at first we wanted to launch a rocket at a car. i went to get this rocket. the car stopped and the russian military saw us. then we just started shooting at them. we managed to kill three guys who were in the car. later we found out that they worked for the ministry of defense of russia, some high-ranking officers. when we killed them, blew up the car, we turned back about 800 m from cheka. to attack the next group of russians, but it so happened that they drove their
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truck into anti-tank mines and blew themselves up, the next day the russians came across anti-personnel fragmentation ozm mines, so it was quite a successful operation. you can always find more similar stories on the radio liberty ukraine youtube channel, and there is also another youtube channel called radio liberty. subscribe to be. courses, and radio svoboda is also on social networks, instagram, telegram, facebook, twitter, viber, and our website, so that you are always up to date latest news, support us in this way and support independent journalism, svoboda live will be back on the air tomorrow. there are 10% discounts on bronchialik in the pharmacies psylansky, ban and oskad. shakhtar marseille
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exclusively on mego. in the battle for one-eighth of the european league, the miners are preparing an unforgettable reception for the french. february 15 at 19:45, cheer for the victory of shakhtar. turn on football on meigo. there are 10% discounts on paracetamol as a gift in psarynsky bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on the rezzy table. 15% in psarynyk, pam and ochda pharmacies, there are discounts on sinus hot and sinus caps, 15% in psarynsky, pam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting two hours of airtime. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgurets
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is with us, and what is the world like? and now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yury, good evening, please. two o'clock. to be informed economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchenko is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen pastukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about cultural news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. watch this week's program of collaborators with olena kononenko. who headed the rashist organizations in the occupied territories? under the protection of our friends,
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russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? on tuesday , february 13, at 5:45 p.m., watch the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. hello, you are olena kryvets. i hope you are safe despite wartime and regularly do a test on the ox. yes, you didn't hear me. you have to do it at least once a year, it’s scary , maybe, but it’s scarier not to know your status, to give the disease, cause illness and infect loved ones, so the hiv test is about love for yourself and others, about the opportunity to save their lives and your own, because with modern medicine, the disease is not contagious and not scary.
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knowledge of complex things is important, and knowledge of oxen saves lives. we are looking for seven-year-old darinka kozachenko from the kharkiv region. i know that the girl is an orphan and met the war in a border town vovchansk. this is the chuguyiv district of the region, which was occupied from the first days of the war. in the fall of 2022, this territory... was liberated, but there is still no information about the missing child. perhaps the girl was taken to russia or to the temporarily occupied territories. of course, it is not excluded that the child may be in the territory controlled by ukraine, so i ask everyone who has any information about daryna to call us on the hotline of the magnolia child tracing service at the short
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number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator free of charge or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. i also want to remind you that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war, but already on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for about a year. it so happened that karina's parents separated long before the start of the war and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother on a permanent basis, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion she was with her father, and when they entered russians, ended up in the occupied territory. from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded
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with her daughter on social networks, but in april 2023, the connection with karina was cut off for... is now, no one knows, everywhere in search of a child, because i don't know where to shout already, how to find a child, i can't, i'm an adequate mother, for me a child is my life. the girl's mother is now also in the occupied territory, but continues to do everything in her power to find her daughter. to everyone who saw, or who knows something about my child, who has been missing and stopped coming out since april 2023, this is... from karina ihorivna, date of birth, month of birth, august 9, 2007. if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible
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whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free. if suddenly there is no possibility call, write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i am asking for my child. for her to respond, i'm really looking forward to it, thanks to everyone who can help. i told my beloved so that she would see and hear me, you only have two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown. this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories, where the work of the police is practically paralyzed. from where it is impossible to leave and there is communication problems, anyone can help find missing children, take just a minute of your time and go to the website of the
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magnolia children's search service. here you can view all the photos of the missing. who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help them find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child. anywhere, anytime, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal. stopcrime ua. the ukrainian program is broadcast from washington voice of america service time time. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. the white house assures nato allies that the united states will
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defend every inch of the alliance's territory. white house communications adviser john kirby made the announcement on monday. vice president kamela harris will reassure allies of this in person during a visit to germany this week, where she will take part in the munich security conference. the question of us commitment to article five. nato in the future arose after the statements of the ex-president and a member of the presidential party the election of donald trump this year. at a rally in south carolina, he said that as president he would not defend nato countries that do not contribute enough to the alliance's security, even if they are attacked by russia. the white house called these words terrible and dangerous. john kirbyge, on the other hand, assured that the biden administration is committed to nato security. during president biden's tenure as commander-in-chief, nato has become more relevant, stronger and larger than ever before. he gave priority to strengthening our network of alliances and partnerships
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all over the world. and of course, nato plays a key role when it comes to security on the european continent. this is what an american president should be in terms of strengthening alliances and partnerships and sending a strong signal, particularly to nato allies, about how seriously we take our commitments. and you have heard from president biden, i don't know how many times, that we will defend, if necessary, every inch of nato territory. this is what the commander-in-chief of the united states should say when it comes to nato. of course, a big one donald trump's statements also attracted attention in europe. a number of politicians criticized the ex-president's rhetoric. do such statements add to the uncertainty about the future of american leadership and whether european leaders are looking for ways to ... strengthen support for ukraine at a time when congress cannot agree on funding for further aid to kyiv. we will talk about this with our european correspondent bohdan tsyupin.
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bohdan, congratulations, first of all, let's listen to ex-president trump's words about nato, which attracted so much attention. i said: everyone will pay, and they say: and if we don't pay, you will still protect us. i said absolutely not. and they could not believe this answer. the president of a large country stood up and asked: if we don't pay and russia attacks us, will you protect us? i say , you didn't pay, you broke the rules, and he says, yes, let's say that's what happened, no, i wouldn't protect you, i would encourage them to do whatever they want, everybody has to pay, everybody has to pay their bills here we heard the words of the ex-president bohdan, will such statements alarm european leaders at a time when there is a war going on in europe and ukraine? well, of course, that...
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on the one hand, it is not a surprise to say that such words bother europeans, on the other hand, it is also not a surprise to those who have watched donald trump's previous statements regarding nato, what came from him , because even before, back in his term, we've heard, say, statements from him, like that nato was an outdated organization, there were ... say, messages that mr. trump discussed in to his circle the possibility, the theoretical possibility, say, of the us leaving nato, although , let's say, it was not openly discussed, but now he actually confirmed those conversations that were behind closed doors, and he confirmed, perhaps the worst thing that can happen to the defense of the alliance, it's when
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a key country... a representative of a key country, the president of the united states at the time, said that he might not fulfill his alliance obligations to certain countries of the alliance for certain reasons. of course, it is disturbing, first of all, obviously because of the biggest war on the european continent since world war ii, and europeans are talking about it and thinking about it and looking around. to what is happening in the united states, the prime minister of denmark spoke about it today, in particular. regardless of what happens in the us this year, i think the bottom line now is that europe needs to be stronger and we need to be able to do more on our own. i say this even though i sincerely believe in the transatlantic alliance. as the chancellor of germany just said, we are closely cooperating in
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nato. we are in the years after the end of the second world war, and i believe that it will be the same in the years to come. bohdan, donald trump talks about paying the bills, but nato is clear, there are no membership fees, it is about the obligation to spend at least 2% of gdp on defense. how fair and necessary are such reproaches towards countries that spend less? actually, reprimands are definitely needed, because in many countries... nato, at least so far , the level of defense spending, and that is exactly what we are talking about, that is, how much each a country, and now there are 30 of them in nato, spends on its defense as a percentage of the gross domestic product, and now the recommendation or commitment is 2%, and there are countries that
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spend more than where. by which indicators , for example, greece spends even more than the united states of america, poland spends a lot recently, a large, let's say , such a spender, you can say, a nato member is finland, a new nato member, that is, the situation is very different, depending on the country, depending on of where it is located from the situation with security, it is obvious that, for example, liechtenstein or... excuse me, luxembourg, a country that consists of one city and a few villages around it, will obviously spend much less on its defense than countries that have global military interests, such as the united states, of course, there are programs and the nato budget, which is financed by direct contributions from countries, but i have never heard anyone say that countries do not pay their
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contributions to those. specific programs or budget commitments of nato, there are no such messages. instead, any assumptions that any country may not fulfill its alliance obligations to nato, are far more destructive than how much a country spends on its military, and that's how it can be said, even irritation was palpable today in the statement of a leading european. a diplomat allow me to be sarcastic. during this election campaign, we will see and hear a lot of different things. let's be serious, nato cannot be a military alliance where everyone chooses for himself. can't be a military alliance that works, depending on which one on certain days, the mood of the us president. it is impossible. now yes, tomorrow no, depends on who you are.


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