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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 12:00am-12:31am EET

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but i have never heard anyone say that countries are not paying their contributions to those specific programs or nato budget commitments, there are no such reports, instead any suggestions that any country may not fulfill its alliance obligations to nato, are much more destructive than how much a country spends on its army, and this... such, one might say, even irritation was felt today in the statement of a prominent european diplomat. allow me to be sarcastic, we will see and hear during this election campaign many different things. let's be serious, nato cannot be a military alliance where everyone chooses for himself, cannot be a military alliance that works depending on what the mood is in the usa on certain days, it's impossible, now
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yes, tomorrow no, it depends on who chooses , let's be serious, nato can't be an alliance that everyone has their own taste, it either exists or it doesn't exist, but i'm not going to waste my time commenting on any stupid idea that comes up during this us election campaign. but such a sharp statement also emanated from giuseppe borel, we will continue to monitor all important statements from washington and the presidential campaign, which is in full swing. bohdan thank you very much, my colleague bohdan tsyupin was in touch from london. meanwhile, the senate on monday began the final consideration of the bill, which provides for the financing of aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. this document passed procedural approval over the weekend. how long can the process of discussion and approval take, is there a lack of support for this legislation in the senate and what will await him in the house of representatives. we will talk about all this with our congress correspondent kateryna lisynova, who is joining the broadcast.
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hello katya. katya, judging by how the draft law is currently being considered, when should we expect the final decision, and is there enough support for the issue of aid to ukraine and israel in the senate? in general, today the senate is supposed to move on to the consideration of amendments to the aid package for ukraine, israel and other partners, but as of now it looks like the consideration of these amendments may be delayed, at least until wednesday at the beginning of the senator's session. stated that there is no agreement among republicans and democrats on the procedure for considering these amendments, which actually also delays the process itself. in his turn, the leader of the majority in the senate, democrat chakshumer once again called for approval of this bill and said that he is actually optimistic about its consideration because of the previous vote, which had little enough support from the republicans. i suggest you listen to it today's statement just now. we have conducted
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numerous procedural votes that demonstrate that this bill has strong support. it is time to finish the job and pass this important bill. if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, and for american prosperity. nothing would make putin happier than a hesitating congress. that it is better somehow to persuade him, to calm him down, to listen to him, then these modern chamberlain slaves ignore the warnings of history, the appetites of autocrats inexhaustible republican leader mitch mcconnell also supports the bill, speaking publicly in the senate, but ... as of now,
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i remind our viewers, the republican party has its own division within the party itself, and right now the statement of the leader himself and the position of the leader of the party is not enough for the majority of republicans supported one or another bill, therefore, as of now , the maximum number of republicans who supported the continuation of consideration of the bill on aid to ukraine and a partner is 18 republicans, and on the contrary, the attention to them is loud also opposition to aid to ukraine, so senator tommy tapperville, who... voted against all initiatives in support of ukraine, today stated that continuing aid to ukraine, they say, is not worth it, because ukraine has already been given enough money, and it doesn't matter, they say , did not lead to victory for ukraine, ukraine. i suggest listening to his statement today as well. the 17 republicans who voted in favor of this bill can explain themselves why they changed their minds, that's their business, but we... the requirements have not changed.
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we must not give ukraine a penny until the security of our own borders is fully guaranteed. we have already given ukraine more than 120 billion dollars. that's more money. than enough to reinforce every border of our own country, unfortunately, although it was predictable, the $120 billion we sent to ukraine only resulted in several years of stalemate on the battlefield, costing hundreds of thousands of lives as ukrainians, and to the russians. katya, if the senate does approve the bill, what is waiting for it in the chamber representatives, is there enough support there and will speaker johnson even agree to bring it up for consideration? in general, the main question now for the house of representatives, as you rightly pointed out, is whether speaker mike johnson will introduce this bill in the format in which it will be agreed to in the senate for consideration by the house of representatives. earlier, as recently as last
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week, speaker mike johnson stated in a comment for journalists that he believed that the issues of ukraine and israel should be considered separately, and he said that the issues of israel are his thought now more urgent and that it should be considered first, and regarding the issue of ukraine and assistance to ukraine, he has more questions, in particular regarding the strategy of the white house, victory in ukraine, or any plan in general, but i will note that despite such statements of the speaker, the white house repeatedly, or rather every month, holds briefings for representatives of the house of representatives and the senate, in general for the congress, where it actually outlines the plan of action in ukraine, but nevertheless, the speaker declares that these statements are not enough for him, that he needs... specific from his point of view, the white house's plan of action in ukraine, as well as more checks on the aid that comes to ukraine, and that he said that he had more questions about the issue of ukraine in general, and that consideration of this draft law should be made separately, but nevertheless the speaker did not
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rejected the option of bringing to a vote the bill approved in the senate, which will be a joint package of aid to ukraine, israel, taiwan and other partners, in general... stated that everything will depend on the version and form of this bill will be agreed upon in the senate itself and with what amendments it will pass the final vote. vitk, let's stop now, all eyes are on the senate, and it looks like one of the last dates for consideration is wednesday, and it will be on wednesday that it will be possible to understand whether any specific amendments will be added, or whether these amendments will be beneficial. in particular , the republicans, do they support such a bill in the format with some new amendments, but one way or another, we should expect more information on wednesday, and actually we will meet again on wednesday by our viewers to tell them the latest news about the approval of aid to ukraine. thank you, katya, we will continue to follow
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the saga on the capital hill, my colleague kateryna lisonova was in touch with the congress. the role of the united states is extremely important in resolving the conflicts that have engulfed. the world this year is convinced of one of the largest analytical centers in the world - atlantic radio in washington. in a report on the main global risks and opportunities for 2024, analysts assess the probabilities of various scenarios in the war between russia and ukraine, analyze who will determine the political dynamics of the world this year. oksana betratenko spoke with the author of the study, peter engelky. russia's war against ukraine continues, the middle east is unstable. armed attacks in the red sea. armed conflicts are increasingly becoming a part of international relations. what conflicts will dominate world events this year? we must start with the war in ukraine. this powerful conflict is likely to remain an important
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geopolitical phenomenon throughout 2024. regarding the conflict in gaza and in the immediate vicinity in general in the east let's see if the resolution will come quickly or if it will drag on for another year. it. challenge to the international community, like attacks on us forces in jordan and the region, and third, there is a low to medium probability that china will openly attack taiwan, carry out a full-scale invasion or blockade of taiwan, there are also potential conflicts worth noting, one of them is a conflict between nuclear forces and the use of conventional weapons, the probability of this is small or medium. what scenarios do you foresee for russia's war in ukraine? in our forecast for 2024, we included both a risk and an opportunity for ukraine. the risk is that the event will not provide the necessary type and volume of aid, which will harm ukraine's ability to fight offensively and defensively. the scenario of no aid in 2024 or
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beyond complicates the equation for ukraine, both on the battlefield and in the economy. an alternative to the receipt of aid from europe and the united states, the supply of artillery ships. ammunition and other types of weapons for war, as well as constant innovation from the ukrainian armed forces, it will allow ukraine to go on the offensive. i consider ukraine's chances in 2024 to... not only hold the territory, but also seize the initiative in the war to be quite good. when will we see what scenario plays out, when the west can consolidate and build supplies? the biggest issue is washington, now there is a fragmented politics here, additional funding for ukraine is linked to other political issues, in particular the border, so the probability is 50/50. i personally believe that this will happen and the us government. will provide as financial support and weapons for ukraine this year. how likely is it that russia will use
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tactical nuclear weapons? of course, at the beginning of the war, this fear was very widespread, especially because of repeated statements by putin and other russian officials about the possibility of using nuclear weapons in ukraine, but two years have passed and it seems that it was an empty threat, or mostly empty. i believe that the probability that russia will use... nuclear weapons in ukraine in 2024 is low, because the west, and possibly china, signaled russia not to do it. is there enough demand and pressure to achieve significant changes in the un this year. this is exactly what we have listed among the possibilities for 2024. the reform of the un security council may go through both the inclusion of new members and a change in voting procedures this year. this is good news, as you say, there is pressure from many sides in the world community to make this happen. the problem
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is that it is talked about for a very long time, but it is not done. it's great that the biden administration, france, and great britain generally support un security council reform, but russia and china do not. returning before the start of our discussion, what are the dynamics in terms of international response to conflicts, should the un strengthen its role, should the us and europe act in this is an eternal question of international relations, isn't it, there is no world governance, the un is the closest to such a world institution , which deals with conflict resolution, and as we said, the un security council now has its own problems. it cannot be said that the un does not have an important role, it previously played a role in mediating peace agreements, for example, world governance always a question of a constellation of actors who cooperate more often than oppose. and which together have enough influence to stop conflicts. obviously, the two biggest
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powers, the united states and china, will hopefully play a constructive role. i expect and hope for this during the biden presidency as well, if trump becomes president. but not only the usa is needed, new powers, middle powers in europe, the eu, the countries of the middle east, south asia and others need to be at the negotiating table. such coordination can be carried out within the nato group of seven. then problems can be solved. structurally. read the full version of this interview on our website. anxiety about the future support of ukraine by the international community and internal disputes somewhat overshadow the pride of ukrainians for the successes in the fight against russia. in particular, the process is evidenced by public opinion polls conducted on the eve of the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. ukrainians are more united than ever in their absolute ignorance of russian president vladimir putin and all his ambitions. more details in the plot myroslav. two years of full-scale polls of the national democratic invasion of russia did not break the ukrainians. a new
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study by the institute, a research organization funded by the us and other western governments, shows that 77% of ukrainians are optimistic about their country's future and are doing everything they can to help the war effort. these sentiments are visible among the people interviewed by voice of america on the streets of kyiv. my life has changed a lot. has changed dramatically, because now i am a volunteer, i have many friends in the army, and i live in this war. there is no fear. the strength shown by the ukrainians and how they responded to the invasion was unexpected for many, says yevhen hlibovytskyi, head of the frontier institute of the political and analytical center in kyiv. the strength of people, the resilience of people really surprised the world and one of the things that the west did not... predict was how determined ukrainians would be, how resilient they would be, how
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strong they would be. however, today, when losses on the battlefield are increasing and there are no new breakthroughs, ukrainians are beginning to look at the war more realistically, says marcin valetskyi, director of the national of the democratic institute in ukraine, an organization that conducts regular polls. ukrainians understand that this will be a long war. in may 2022 , most... believed the war would last up to 6 months, now 43% believe the war will last at least another 12 months. polls show that the majority of ukrainians prefer the country to become bigger. when asked by ndi how important it is for them that ukraine becomes a functioning, successful democracy, 93% of respondents answered that it is important or very important to them. there is corruption a serious challenge for ukraine when we ask about the key institutions that have the highest level of trust when it comes to the fight against corruption,
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journalists, investigators in the first place, and civil society in the second. so, the spirit of the revolution of dignity, everything that... lives, ukrainians want journalists and civil society to control the political elite. before the full-scale russian invasion , ndi polls showed differences in public opinion about joining nato between the more russian-speaking regions, in the south and in the east and the rest of ukraine. after two years, almost nine out of ten respondents want to see their country in nato, support for eu membership is even greater. the majority of ukrainians in... almost 90% of ukrainians express concern about the decrease in global support for ukraine. according to yevhen hlibovytskyi, the world should realize that ukraine is fighting for the protection of values ​​that are dear to the west. when we hear
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voices in the west that there is fatigue, that... effectively means that the russians have won over the west in the west, and that is exactly the problem about which ukrainians shouted that russians see weak points. ukrainians consider the decline of international support, corruption, internal disagreements and disinformation to be the main threats, second only to russia's military aggression in terms of threat level. myroslava gongadze, voice of america. volunteers collected more than 30,000 dollars to help ukraine . a small cafe in the town of estes park , colorado. this place is home to less than 6,000 people and is located in the heart of rocky mountain national park. the cafe was opened seven years ago by an emigrant from ukraine, a with the beginning of the great war , ukrainian dinners were organized here, the profits from which go to help. svitlana prestynska and volodymyr petruniv attended one of these events. i tried
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ukrainian cuisine for the first time. it is very tasty. i know about it. the place has been around for quite some time, they make great sandwiches. today we decided to try ukrainian dishes, we really liked it, we tasted borscht and cabbage rolls. tereza and mark denman visited the rocky mountain delly cafe for the first time during the days of ukrainian cuisine. mark tried borscht and cabbage rolls for the first time, which entertain visitors. and here they offer dumplings with potatoes, vinaigrette and pies with cherries. there are no prices on the menu. guests order.
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these dishes are prepared by the rocky mountain delly team and ukrainian volunteers. she cooked cabbage rolls, the road was baked , we gave them clothes, we knitted socks, they gave us potatoes, they cooked them, they boiled them, and then they mashed them, then they dried them, they prepared dry borschts for the soldiers. in our district, we ourselves are from the kirovohrad region, there are volunteers to whom we send funds, which. these funds are distributed to our soldiers, they, they they buy what they need with these funds , they report clearly, we decided to get together, we have such a small ukrainian community, but a very powerful one, where people could come to us, learn more about our culture, a lot of people when they come and
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do not doneyshen, but they actually bring some things, clothes, even... the man who came from loveland brought bulletproof vests. volunteers of the stespark ukrainian community feel like ambassadors of ukrainian culture in the united states. by their example, they strive to show the hospitality of the ukrainian people even far away from home on the basis of what kind of person you are and persononality, they would judge the whole country that you present. cafe rocky mountain delly was opened by ukrainian emigrant iryna irklienko 7 years ago. since then , the establishment, which offers a variety of sandwiches, has become a popular place in estes park. when the war started, it was amazing for... us in the community already knew about us and people asked what was happening at home, wanted to help, we talk about ourselves through our food, show photos with scars,
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show where we are on the map, because we were such as did not know we used to have several hundred people come, in march 2022 we had no standing room in this business, we ran out of food an hour after the doors opened at 11 o'clock. now there are much fewer, but regular customers like linda bensliy, co-founder of the local organization patriots for peace , continue to support ukrainian volunteers, even when attention to ukraine has decreased significantly. they are like our family, we love them. since the beginning of the ukrainian dinners , 33 thousand dollars have been collected to help ukraine, as well as ukrainian stespark every month organize and send parcels with humanitarian aid to the homeland. svitlana prestynska, volodymyr petruniv, stespark. and that's the end of it. thank you for watching voice of america in ukrainian.
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see you tomorrow, all the best, take care, pa-pa! there are discounts for pairs of villages, 20% in podoro pharmacies. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. there are discounts on quiet soothing 10% in pharmacies, plantain, you and economically. professional anti-fix cream is an extra-strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. protefix, german quality at an affordable price. there are 10% discounts on lactiale in psarynyk, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are 20% discounts on tyzin bio and tyzinc silu in psyllany bam and oskad pharmacies. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is
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the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting. two hours of air time. two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now it will be about the war. let's talk more serhiy zgurets with us and how the world is living now about what happened in the world, he will talk in more detail yuriy fizar, yuriy, good evening, please , i have two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchyvka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov, two hours in the company of favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenii for the information about cultural news, presenters, which have become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather for the day. future, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl
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zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, news time. the tv channel turned 10 years old this november, we updated the design, sound, we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov, our values ​​remain unchanged and ukrainian view, stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust! good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a self-titled program, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the tv channel. espresso. so, literally in the next few weeks we will celebrate two such very dramatic anniversaries for our country, for society. it is
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10 years since the beginning of the shootings on the maidan and at the institute, during the revolution of dignity, and the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. this is such a time to draw certain conclusions, understanding, speaking, manifesting something that we could not dwell on. being at such a frantic pace, and today i will try to do it with my guest: yevhen hlibovytskyi, member of the nestoriv group, director of the newly established frontier institute, my guest yevhen, congratulations, good day, thank you for agreeing to come and talk, i know that quite recently, the ukraine 2024 forum took place, the dimensions of sustainability, the frontier institute itself and its partners organized this event and... it was really an event that had such publicity, more than 100 leaders of opinions, environments tried to find the question of where we are now, what state we are in,
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where we are... our sustainability and so on. let's start with how do you feel about the times and mood of today's society? i think that , for sure, he is worried, and if at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the ukrainians very clearly gave the mandate to the state and... and with the recognition of all the imperfection of the state , they said: okay, we fully support what the state is doing and are ready to fit into any management decisions that exist, already in the 23rd year we see a rollback from this position, and in the 24th year, i think we 're seeing an even bigger pullback, probably the easiest way to see that is through the institutional trust metrics that
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the polling companies do all the time, we're seeing trust just reach unprecedented highs in in 2022 and began to slide again in 23-24, and institutional trust is very different from, for example, popularity, because it actually determines the level of influence of this or that state institution, and... it determines with what force of persuasion, with what level authority this the institution can appeal to society, and actually ukrainians mainly took away institutional trust from the state, because they were wary of the toxic influence of the state on their lives, due to the fact that independent ukraine did not emerge as a result of the victory of the national liberation movement, as a result
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of this unique compromise, which in 91. along with the entire legacy, including the legacy of the extermination of millions of ukrainians, and ukrainians have been wary of state institutions from that time to this day, they actually learned, taking away trust, weakening the state and thus actually knocking out the teeth of those... institutions they were most wary of, and then feeling relatively safe. the 22nd year is a return of trust, the 23rd-24th year society saw that the advance of trust did not lead to a fundamental change in the quality of governance, i.e. there was no more responsibility, no more accountability, but there was no... less corruption and
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so on further, that is, as a result of what society began to do, it began to weaken the state little by little from the inside, by taking away this trust on the one hand, this process is logical , on the other hand, it is very dangerous, because it is dangerous, because we are in the process of war, and excessive weakening of the state will not increase the security of the citizen, on the contrary, it can lead to the collapse of ee... state institutions, and as a result , we are now in such a very precarious situation, a very unpleasant situation, we do not know exactly how society is, where there are limits beyond which one cannot stand up, we do not understand what these levels of trust are expressed, for example, in some digital indicators, there, like 12 or 15 or 22 but we we understand very clearly that the current trend
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requires all subjects. from the authorities , from the opposition, from a significant part of the entities that serve them, for example, there is the media and so on and so on, a fundamental change in behavior and actions, which are not based on an empty declaration, on actions to restore trust, but i i understand very well what feeling you are talking about regarding the trust in the government and state institutions in the 22nd year, this is when for the first time, perhaps in the entire history of our... life , we felt that the state is not a stranger, that this that it is ours, that it protects, that we can do something together, so we all began to trust the state and invest our efforts. the resignation of zaluzhny, which took place a few days ago, was also about a loan of trust, so zaluzhny is a trust, it is his own, it is...
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he is a representative of the authorities.


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