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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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if the principles of the social contract of dignity were embedded in this law, so that the law would say: yes, there are risks to everyone's life for you and me, but we all agree that human life and dignity are important, and if we agree on this, if we build our relations according to these standards, then fewer people will oppose it, and then we will not be in a situation like this, then we will not be in a situation where we fight each other, and i can say from then on. which i have seen, which i have studied for years, what if the state will look threatening in the eyes of the citizen, the citizen has already accumulated experience of corrupt confrontation with the state over these generations, and the citizen will win, ukrainians are very, the citizen, that is , corruption will win, corruption will win the rules, and accordingly, this means that the cost of transactions. on the involvement of one person in,
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for example, the armed forces, will be so high that it will be impossible to work normally within the framework of, for example, such a law, and therefore it is very important that now the deputies, who are largely responsible, only on them, they are the only ones who can now both from the government and from the opposition, i.e. from any camp, they are the only ones who can now go inside, look, make a decision in which way they want to... change those norms, which are there, and in accordance with these changes, to offer society a new approach. most likely, any decision will be unpopular, because we are talking about the fact that everyone can donate, each of us can find ourselves in a situation where we have to sacrifice, or ukrainians want, a large part does not want, but the question is what will happen if, if fate falls on you, what will happen if the choice is up to you, that is, what next... and here the question is
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that we will as strong as the most vulnerable group of our society will be protected. i'm afraid we don't fully understand it. last question, we have 3 minutes left, i would very much like to talk with you about the previous topic, but there are only 3 minutes left. i also want to ask you about the frontier institute, a a week ago, in fact, on this forum , which we are talking about now, you announced the launch of the frontier institute, why the frontier, what do you invest in it and what specifically, how do you see your mission? we, as a society, are on the verge of a threat, and this threat will last, unfortunately, much longer than the war, because we are not at war with. putin's russia, we are fighting
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a much more complicated phenomenon, if tomorrow there is no putin and this state, in its present form, will still preserve imperial sentiment and imperial culture. it is important for us to learn to live in such a way that we could have a protected full life living next to a threat. the mission of the frontier institute is to understand how to ask questions of completely different players. scientists, analysts, politicians, business and so on, what can we do so that we learn to be resilient, to be resilient, and to understand how we can eventually move this frontier away from us. frontier is a very american concept, that is, it is a concept from the united states of the 19th century, ah, europe has forgotten what a frontier is. europe very much did not exist on the frontier for a long time. and the other
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side of this mission is to also help our european partners to open their eyes and understand better that the fact that they do not feel pain because they are not being hit does not mean that there is no pain, and we should all join together in this resistance. listen, over the last 15 years, or even over the last 10 years, you feel that the frontier is still moving, that is, we are moving. if... take the berlin wall as a point of reference for the frontier, which divided the closed world from the open world , then as they said in that anecdote, we made good progress, the question is simply that we made progress and could not protect our borders, we could not build a system that would be so stable that on the russian side it just didn't make sense to attack us and as a result... they now have a feeling that
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they can break us, they have a feeling that they can create the conditions that will force us to fold and then they will go to the european border for where there will be a lot for them it's easier, and don't you think that we didn't succeed in many things precisely because we are a people of the frontier, that the frontier influenced our identity in some way throughout history, here is a similar, well, not in these words, but a similar opinion is expressed by serhii plokhy, it seems to me that frontiersmanship is part of our nature, but that doesn't mean we have to take it for granted. at one time the vikings, there the scandinavians were those who preferred violent solutions, and modern scandinavia has completely different values, a different philosophy, i'm just thinking about the last 30 years, and that's about it, what a difference , so it seems to me that it is derived to some extent
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from the frontier of our identity, i would say that one of the things that can cloud the view is that we sometimes do not give up itself. the thing is, how crazy a distance we've come in the last 30 years, and how much we've changed, and when i look through my professional lens, and ask the question, could we have gone better, could we have gone faster, could this trajectory have been realistically there, so it's easier my professional answer is that no, we were most likely moving in one of the most optimal ways possible . tougher conditions, we have traveled a fantastic way, now we, during the war , must understand that we cannot stop
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our transformation, we must continue to implement reforms, we must continue to change, we must continue to strive for a different quality, we must remain at the same time realists and... in order for us to be able to build the kind of life that we want, and we also need to understand that we have a rather cool attitude from our western partners, because if we proclaim that subjectivity is important to us, it is a threat not only to russia, it also means that western partners will have to deal with us, and this is the reason why we have a blocked border, and this is the reason why we have problems with many neighboring . by the governments of neighboring countries, and this is the reason why this is happening so slowly the awakening of major european powers there, our subjectivity is not a signal that it will be easier, on the contrary, it is a signal for everyone that there will be more competition, we
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will also have to take into account the opinion of these ukrainians, who are these ukrainians, who do they allowed, so they demand something from us and so on, we need to have answers to these questions, and just one minute... but i can't ask about such a threat, if you said the word victory, i won't ask what's for you means victory, you put, by the way, in your reports are excellent, you ask a question, but you don't answer it, yes, if this victory is not what ukrainian society expects, if it is, and it obviously will be, yes, because it will be associated with certain compromises, with certain, that is, the people may not be from from from'. to hear the triumph of victory, won't it happen that it will lead to isolationism, to anti-westernism, to resentment against western partners and the whole world, and to such things, to certain stagnation, do you see this threat? i really hope that we
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it will not be necessary to think about it, but it seems to me that this is a test of maturity for us, we should, instead of being offended by circumstances that are sometimes objective. we have to think all the time about how we can be the strongest in every situation, and the answer to the question of what a ukrainian victory should look like, and thinking about what a ukrainian victory should look like, should be a constant process inside each of us, inside everyone sector, we have to be very clear that this is the answer. which we need and to a lesser extent we need to our partners, so in many cases we will have to make difficult decisions that will, among other things, anger our partners, who may be unpopular within the country and so on and so on and so on,
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it is very important for us not to primitive the answer to this question, to this reducing the question only to borders, or only to, that means, some legal status there, this. another question, this includes subjectivity, this includes identity, this includes culture, this includes security from future attacks, this includes there are many factors involved, physical survival on this one. yevgeny, thank you for the conversation, yevhen hlibovytskyi, a member of the nestor group, and the director of the newly established frontier institute was my guest, thank you for being with us, we imagine victory, it's great, thank you, thank you, there are discounts. on emolium 25% in pharmacies plantain, you and savings. there are discounts on psyk -
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10% in psyllium pam and oskad pharmacies. there are 10% discounts on zypelor at podorozhnyk pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on peectal one ivy. 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory and savings. a separate set of unmanned aircraft complexes sapsan of the state special service of transport, appeals to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the rashist organizations in the occupied
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territories? under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. see on tuesday, february 13, at 5:45 p.m. , the collaborators program with olena kononenko on the espresso tv channel. verdict with serhii rudenko. from now on, in the new two-hour format , even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i'm here temporarily.
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"i'll be back home soon, live now where you are, watch this week 's judicial program. control with tetyana shustrova. maidan judges on the way out. whom the vkk sent to release last week. she lost consciousness and we were thrown into the car park. but what an unscrupulous judge otrosh tried to stay in office? congratulations, this is judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. during all the years of independence, the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone changes. this year , despite the full-scale war, the judicial reform gained momentum. it is still being formed the new composition of the key bodies of the judiciary,
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which should form an honest judicial body, the courts still remain corrupt, controlled by oligarchs and politicians. today we will tell you about another unscrupulous servant of themis. but first to the news. the supreme council of justice stopped the consideration of the disciplinary case against judge tandyr, who... killed a national guardsman at a checkpoint in kyiv. the complaint to the judge was filed by the public integrity council and contains information that could be grounds for tandir's dismissal from the post vitaliy salikhov, a member of the prosecutor general's office, said that he did not have time to draw up a conclusion on the case, allegedly because he waited a long time for the requested information from the prosecutor's office. according to the law, the conclusion must be submitted for consideration 30 days after the filing of the complaint in the case of the tandoor by february 10. we will remind, on may 26 of last year, the head of the makariv district court oleksiy tandyr, driving a lexus car, ran over
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national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. a military serviceman who was originally from cherkaschyna and raised three children, died. according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the judge's car was moving at a speed of 100 km/h, tandyr himself was intoxicated. former head of the supreme court vsevolod. knyazov was released from sizo on bail. we will remind, last year in may, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the most extensive corruption in the supreme court of ukraine. scheme of receipt. a record bribe of almost 3 million dollars by management and judges. the head of the supreme court, vsevolod knyaz, was arrested with as an alternative to depositing a deposit of more than uah 107 million. almost every month, at the request of the prince's lawyers, this amount was reduced until it became six times smaller. on january 31 , unknown persons made
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a deposit of uah 18,168,000 for the prince. and the ex-head of the supreme court was released from custody. he cannot leave kyiv without permission, he must surrender his foreign passports and wear an electronic means of control. on february 6, the supreme council of justice suspended knyazum from the administration of justice until april 6, 2024 in connection with being brought to criminal proceedings responsibility the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine continues to clean the judicial system of unworthy representatives through evaluation. judges for compliance with strict requirements, professional, ethical and anti-corruption criteria. the evaluation is conducted for the first time after the full restart of the commission's quels, in accordance with high international standards of justice, so not everyone passes it. last week , several judges failed the evaluation at once, two judges were sent to the maidan for dismissal. judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv
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during the revolution of dignity, marina lozynska sent a 20-year-old student to play. oleksandr sydorenko. berkut fighters grabbed him on the square, beat him and tortured him with electric shocks. we were led into such a circle, where a dozen or so berkut residents were standing. and they started beating us. well, then she lost consciousness and we were thrown into the garage. with legs, sticks, hands, everything. even with stones. moderate concussion . here you see. they left me with shin splints, a broken rib, a rib cage through my back, that is, a trace of stunners, however, maryna lozynska apparently had no questions about such injuries, as well as about the formulation of the suspicion itself. you were not embarrassed by the fact that
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there is no concrete objective aspect to the suspicion of this suspect, what exactly he did. common phrases are used that have been used in hundreds of such cases that have come before the judge. based on my own understanding of the law, i came to the conclusion about the validity of the suspicion of the use of such a preventive measure. marina luzynska also traveled to moscow and crimea several times already after the beginning of the occupation peninsula in 2014. on the same day as luzynska, kateryna vasiliev was found unsuitable. judge of the svyatoshyn district court of kyiv. she has superpowers and after being appointed as a judge of the chutivskyi district court of the poltava region in 2013, she was able to get a positive rating in 9 days to transfer to the svyatoshynskyi district court of kyiv and within two weeks she received the decision of the highest quality commission on the transfer. well, a very rapid
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increase. i would have worked in kyiv for a month before the appointment already after the victory. in the competition, i liked it, i was interested in working, if the law provided for a competition , how did you end up in the toshinsky court without passing the competition, that's what the question is, i just submitted the documents, kateryna vasylieva does not remember whether she took the exam and in general, exactly how the competition was held. the public virtue council has a version, why? everything that was previously said is in our personal opinion, in our opinion. as the contest did not take place, the judge theoretically simply received this certificate and either did not receive the certificate or found out through the apparatus of the vvks and got into the court that wanted, maybe we made a mistake in the indicator, maybe family or friendship ties were not used, maybe it was just banal corruption, and this is already known to us by inna otrosh jr., she tried hard
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to avoid this qualification assessment, they say, passed it already in 2019. and was not going to repeat it, but she did not succeed. utroz is a judge of the commercial court of kyiv, and the civic council of virtue has a lot of questions for her. i declare that i appeared voluntarily, as i was called to the plenary session meeting, at the same time, it is my opinion that there are no legal grounds for holding a plenary meeting after the submission of the brp to the president of ukraine. in 2013, former president yanukovych appointed orodzh as a judge of the luhan commercial court. oblast, but already 26 days after the appointment, she was transferred to the commercial court of kyiv. enchanting, considering that judges usually wait for such a rapid career jump for years. and inna otrosh managed it in less than a month and did not do without breaking the law. transfer to the capital took place without a competition, inna otrosh herself
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did not have the necessary experience at that time. there is a certificate in the case that you should consider . maybe it was like that, if i worked there for up to two months, maybe it was like that, looking at when they were sued, they could be there for several days at all, or for weeks , they didn't receive a sued, well, it's the fourth one, i swear. that's how they made it, on the 10th they filed a statement, and on the ninth the head of the court gives you a description, that is , 5 days after you took the oath, no case was considered, and the description is that you, working in the luhansk, commercial court of the luhansk region, proved himself as a competent, experienced specialist. experts believe that the rapid career jump of inna otrosh jr. was not without help. relatives, i personally submitted the application, as far as i know, there were no other contestants. inna otrosh, the daughter of the odious ex-head of the pechersk district court of kyiv, during yanukovych's time, and
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ex-member of the supreme council of justice. in 2014 , she hastily left ukraine, and the news spread that she was allegedly older, got a russian passport, moved to crimea and headed the occupation yalta city court. however, later the news died down, and then again. appeared in kyiv. inna otrosh refused to answer questions about her mother. my mother is not a member of my family. meanwhile , the younger inna otrosh also visited the territory occupied by the russians. since 2014, the judge has traveled to the occupied crimea nine times, as well as to st. petersburg twice. my trips to the russian federation were made exclusively to the city of st. petersburg. and exclusively, well, in the autonomous republic of crimea. exclusively for the purpose of communication with my close people, for me this is an urgent need, it is about trips to the autonomous republic of crimea, firstly, regarding
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legal, any restrictions, legal, regarding such trips. citizens of ukraine have the right to free and unhindered entry and exit. and this is true, however, the ukrainian judge is not an average citizen, and constant visits to the occupied territory do not contribute strongly. trust in the servant of themis, but inna otrosh does not agree with this. i think, third-party observers do not have such information at all know, this is firstly, secondly, they can find out only because now we are talking about it live, but i think that no one is watching us except the judges, as practice shows, because no one is interested . the judge of the commercial court of kyiv, inna otrosh , managed to become the owner of a 360- square-meter house near kyiv even before assuming this position. meters of two apartments in kyiv, only one of which reached 146 square meters and cost about 250 thousand dollars, as well as a lexus car. immediately after her
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mother, inna otrosh, senior, left kyiv for crimea in 2014. she gave her daughter another apartment in the center of the capital of 139 square meters. all the property that existed, which had already been explained to the relevant board, bkps, all the property was acquired before i became a member. judges, except for the apartment that was given to me by my mother, in 2014, this apartment was purchased by her in the 12th year, then, accordingly, she declared, all other property was accumulated before my occupation of the position of a judge, and should not be the subject of research. this interview at vkks inna otrosh failed, and was so offended by the qualifying committee that she could not contain her emotions. the next day, she published a column in the publication laws of the side. where she stated that the members of the commission of judges do not know the laws, disregard the requirements for the protection of personal data and interfere disproportionately in the personal lives
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of judges, moreover, the entire judicial reform was initiated and implemented with the participation of international experts and, in accordance with international standards, is actually intended to create pocket judges, from the publication and neotrosh in the edition of law and business, purpose judicial reform in its permanent state is... not the creation of submissive judges who will speak only when and only what they are allowed to say. the slogan of forming an independent court is merely a cover to achieve the opposite goal by keeping the judge in constant fear that he will be removed from office if he does not meet the right criteria. everything is true, judges must meet the criteria of professional competence and integrity, which is required by the high status of the position, and as part of the qualification assessment, it is examined on... only this conformity. evaluation includes not only an interview, but also a thorough study of documents, consideration of exam results, analysis of decisions made, disciplinary complaints
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, and more. higher qualification. the commission recognized inna otrosh as not having the right to administer justice. the final decision on dismissal should be made by the supreme council of justice soon. for today, i have everything, it was judicial control and i, tetyana shustrova. report corruption and dishonest judges to us at the email address you see at screens, or write to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. it’s all good , there are discounts on pairs of villages, 20% in podorozhnyk pharmacies, you and happiness, there are discounts on paracetamol darnytsia, 10% in pharmacies psyllanyk, pam and oskad, there are discounts on helpex
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20% at pharmacies psyllanyk pam. and saving a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. viewers of the espresso tv channel are asked to join the fundraiser. thrones and technical equipment for our unit. thank you. glory ukraine! glory to the heroes, the great return of great lviv, conversations, discussions, the search for solutions, the largest conversational format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general, i believe that we need two things: money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must finish it and we must win. all the most important, every thursday at 21:15 in the project. says
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velikiy lviv on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zima and we are starting. two hours of airtime, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail about what happened in the world. yury, good evening, please. two hours to catch up. economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elinia chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming. and also distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in
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two hours. vasyl zima's broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening on espresso. see this week in the collaborators program. sport is out of politics. who exchanged the army of football fans for the army of the russian federation. train at zenit schools, train with champions. but how can a player who was called a traitor now report to the zsu. i am very happy to return to shakhtar. greetings, i am olyna konone. and this is the collaborator's program about traitors who began to serve the rashi occupiers at the call of their hearts and wallets. today's issue is about salesmen, football players, those who betrayed the blue and yellow flag, under which he gained world fame, millions of fortunes and an army of thousands of supporters. today, these people glorify a completely different army, the enemy, or simply are silent about the bloody war in ukraine, those who successfully changed their shoes and suddenly became patriots, the country should know all of them. in
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the face during his career, this football player set a real record, having played 144 matches for the national team of ukraine. we are talking about anatoly tymoshchuk. born in 1979 in lutsk. the golden age of his career took place in the shakhtar club, where tymoshchuk joined in the late 90s and later became the team captain. and bayern, where he was a finalist in the champions league in the 2011-12 season. sportsmanship and good fitness. cooking brought the football player worldwide success and recognition, many foreign football clubs, such as juventus and roma, were interested in him , but tymoshchuk decided to sell himself to the russians, went to play for the gazprom-funded club zenit, where he later became an assistant coach and moved to st. petersburg. well, zenit did what had to be done in the first half. arshavin serves and tomashchuk scores.


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