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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 3:30am-4:01am EET

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construction really predicted that there would be our opposition, especially it intensified at first again large-scale aggression, there were already several cases, that is, cases when we conducted operations, when the bridge was seriously damaged for several months, here is such a threat and now we use our combat potential we are constantly increasing, with the forces and means that can do it, but it must be done, well, when it makes sense, when there will be maximum benefit from it, i think that there are some plans for this, and about that commander of the navy, i do i think, and i meant it, but here, but again, well , i want to say that without the crimean bridge and without access to... the crimean peninsula through
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the northern transept, through chongar and through armyansk, well, it becomes an island, and to supply to the island, well, all the logistics, which means that there is a separate time of the year, especially in the autumn-winter period, when it is impossible at all, i remember when the ferry between kerch and the krasnodar territory operated before, and... then there was, there was such a time that the ferry was closed and did not function because of parrots, weather conditions, that is, here, taking into account the intensity of hostilities, these logistics, the need for them is very, very high, mr. andriy, i want to clarify a little what conditions, what means you consider, at least, well, necessary, maybe not sufficient, but necessary.
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but necessary in order to seriously impress the crimean one, this kerch one, i’m sorry , it’s putin’s word, he just called it that, the kerch bridge, already finally, because there were attempts, the attempts were successful, but all the same, it was obvious that we there is not enough means that it is necessary specifically, well, look, the destruction of such a bridge is such a serious, let's say , mathematical task for... task, because, if you remember, the first explosion, which was in october of the 22nd year, then, well, about 20 tons of explosives, and then we remember what the consequences were, the next explosion, then about a ton of explosives went off, but i think that our specialists know the construction of this bridge, and... they just plan
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the impression in the right position, because well, really , for such an object, you need not dozens, not hundreds of kilograms of explosives, but tons, that is it will be quite difficult to deliver such a quantity, well, i think that they know the technical features of the bridge and this is exactly what will be used, well, i want to say historically. example, if we take the 41st year, then when leaving zaporizhia , the dnipro-hes was destroyed, and then, so the soviet troops, they used 21 tons, as well as ammunition, well, explosives, and then the length of the damage , the dykes are hundreds of meters away, that is, it is very important to know where these
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explosives will be located, the same can be said for, for example, an explosion in the mouth of a dyke of the kokhov hydroelectric power plant last year , because the explosion that can be observed indicates that it was planted in advance, and the people who planted this explosive knew where it was, well, at... when carrying out sabotage operations well, in the conditions of the bridge , it is difficult to do this, but again , i think that our military is calculating how to deliver this charge as efficiently as possible, and how to solve this task, but this is really such a serious and very difficult, difficult task . well, i think it will
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decided mr. andriy, this week russia carried out another missile attack on the territory of mainland ukraine and the air... of the armed forces of ukraine even shared with us information about where some objects were launched from. well, the presence of crimea, unfortunately, is colossal, from the shaheds of chauda, ​​actually through sevastopol, tu-22 m3s worked, respectively, with kh-22 missiles. in addition, in addition to this, we have tarkhankut, also in crimea, three iskander ballistic missiles. launched, well , zircon, according to some information, actually this missile was also launched over kyiv from territories of the occupied crimea. can we say that, despite the fact that they have to hide the movement of such
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large-scale objects as missiles and so on from the defense forces, they effectively manage to do it, accordingly, effectively manage to charge the launch vehicle and... effectively carry out shelling, and again, crimea is a very convenient position for them to carry out such strikes, and we can monitor these starting positions, but again, the power of the means to counter them is not always enough, and besides it must be said that they also have a defense system, air defense, in crimea is quite... quite seriously developed, this is probably one of the most dense air defense systems in general on the territory of the russian federation, and which is currently created on the territory of the crimean peninsula, really they launch at least otsi ot shahedi from three objects, this is
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chauda, ​​this means balaklava, and this, belbek. airfield, there was already such information, but chauda, ​​it is very convenient for them, because there the opportunity is quite large for to launch a large number of them, and then , as for zircon, it was assumed that it was launched from a frigate of project 1135.6, well, it is, as i understand it, now novorossiysk, well somewhere there of course. it circulates between the crimea and novorossiysk, here, well, again, the rocket is quite interesting, but the fact that they launched it, more, as i understand it, has a psychological intention to make such an impact on the inhabitants of our
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state, here is the rocket indeed, she is quite so fast, although there is no data about her yet, except... that she is very fast, it rises to a height of 30 km, its direct-current engine is turned on there , accelerates it to a speed of 3 km/s, in fact, and it flies at such a speed to the point at which it begins to fall on the target on the earth's surface, so but torkhanku is a well-known position, the starting positions of these complexes, such as iskander, are prepared there, they are mobile, they are hiding them somewhere, well, again, crimea is in the hands of the russian federation - this is a very serious threat to us, and therefore that they can fire missiles at us, they block shipping, and this is a serious threat to
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the countries of the black sea and mediterranean region, everyone understands this, and therefore, i think, they support... for it to return to the control of ukraine and become actually peaceful and demilitarized, and not well, he was not in the status of this unsinkable aircraft carrier, which he is now. mr. andriy, i have a dream for crimea to be militarized as much as possible, but under the condition that it belongs to ukraine. so that no one else goes there from any direction, and thank you for being so professional comments, well, we urgently need to demilitarize russian facilities, in particular from the black sea fleet, and it seems that this is being done quite well, with a meeting of the armed forces of ukraine this week, ours was amused by the figure of 33% of the warships
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of the black sea fleet of the russian federation, and ukraine removed the mess, that is, this and drowned and simply damaged, all this happened during a large-scale. the invasion is a third, imagine, this is colossal, there is actually more than a third, because the ship moscow, it weighs, well, in this list, well, seriously, mr. andriy, i probably also, i ask you a question related to the citadel special operation from the special operations forces, the operators of the 73rd maritime center of the sso conducted an extremely complex and effective operation in the black sea near the coast of the temporarily occupied crimea, working quickly in the zone of potential damage to the enemy. according to intelligence, one of the illegally captured mining platforms was used by the russians to enhance the operation of the iranian-made mohajer 6 unmanned aerial vehicle, so that... these mohajers actually flew further and more efficiently to the territory of the mainland of our
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country. was it possible to eliminate the special equipment? i have the following question: we watched and the veil was opened to us of a special operation of the main intelligence agency with these fighting towers, as they say, ibraic platforms in september 2023, but apparently then... it was about freeing not all drilling rigs from russian equipment and russian control installations, i understand correctly, yes, i also understand that way, the fact is that these towers are not there now, they are in gray zone, and we went there, well, after we hit the boika towers in the summer of 22 with harpoon missiles, then... they removed the personnel from these towers and stopped using them for livestock gas, but there
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was left the equipment you are talking about is also equipment for observing the surface of the sea, these are the so-called neva stations, and in order to see what kind of shipping there is, well, it is not so relevant now, but before the war they checked very closely , surveyed shipmen in... shipwrights in order to in order to see the general picture, who is following where, what are the volumes of transportation, and so on, in addition, they had underwater observation equipment, this equipment is quite serious, because it actually gave a picture of what is on the seabed in the north - of the western part of the black sea, and that means the data... they collided, collided with this single system, it is called
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harmony, ah, because of what is happening on the seabed, in fact in the world ocean, in all the seas and oceans, where are the interests of russia, the headquarters of this harmony is located on a new land, i understand that this is the action that we are seeing now, operation citadel, it was also carried out on... one of the towers, which is actually not being serviced now, but on in which, according to our intelligence , this equipment was also kept, and this equipment was taken out, well, as i understand it, it was dismantled, but now we see the black sea of ​​oil and gas, and here is one of these towers, and this equipment was also deactivated so that they do not continue to lead the eyes... cast iron activities, reconnaissance activities and did not use these towers to
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coordinate the flights of their unmanned aerial vehicles over the southern part of our country, over the occupied territories and over the territories that we control. well, mr. andrii, we recently changed our commander-in-chief. of the armed forces of ukraine, general syrsky begins to fulfill his duties, he has already managed, well, let's say so, to present his priorities for the near future. many believe that general syrsky is offensive-oriented, somewhat more so than ex-chief zaluzhny, who made it clear in every possible way that it is important to be in such an active, but still defensive, stage. and the following question for you: whether,
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let's say, the plans of the defense forces for offensive operations will now be revised, and whether we can actually fall into a trap, when the appropriate conditions, prerequisites have not yet been created , we have not yet received the appropriate weapons from our partners, but we have already formed a request for offensive actions and... and we will start them in 2024, no, well, the main thing here is that in principle such decisions on the start of offensive operations were made by the military. the readiness of military formations, and not by politicians in accordance with some other, i do not know there wishes or other reasons. it means that now the armed forces of ukraine are, let's say, at the stage of such a strategic defense, because we know that in fact 3
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months ago russia started its own. papal actions, she continues them, she prepared for this very seriously, carefully, now there is a contingent on the territory of ukraine three times larger than the number of the contingent that attacked our country in february 22, but, well, they have the goals they set for themselves. at the moment they are out of reach, there are small movements, let's say, in the east, in the avdiivtsi area, in the maryinka area, but it 's as if we don't see kupyanska, but the tasks they set for themselves there, they don't do them performed, i think that it is unlikely that they
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will perform them, although the situation in avdiivka is very, very difficult, but such difficulty is caused by it. well, because now the supply is well of the armed forces of ukraine with ammunition, equipment , it paused a bit, and what we had, we really use, but very, very, let's say this, meticulously and well , economically, but it is really impossible to conduct offensive actions in such conditions, but i think that now a thorough investigation will be carried out... to analyze what we have achieved in these two years, and there were operations that really turned out very, very quickly, in my opinion, well, the most lightning-fast operation was the dismissal kharkiv oblast, we discovered that the factor of suddenness was really used then weaknesses of the enemy, delivered such
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offensive blows, and the enemy was actually not ready for them. and then, well, if you remember, tens of kilometers of the previously occupied territories were liberated in a few days, and in fact the entire kharkiv region was liberated, so i think that during this period of time we will gather ammunition again, which means let's form units, prepare them, find out again, well, again, endlessly. the adversary will not be able to attack at such a pace, it is known that these attacks are dedicated precisely to those elections, yes the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, which will take place in mid -march, and then i think we will see what and how, really, really, well, the key to
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victory, i think, will be to identify the weakest points of the opposition. and blows on them, and by the way, the crimean peninsula can be such a very interesting city, and we said about this at the beginning of our conversation with you, that this city is very important, it solves a lot of military issues of the russian federation, it has a very serious island has a very serious ideological meaning for personally for putin, and... competent military actions can lead to a very serious success, which will then be the beginning, let's say, of future victories. mr. andriy, thank you, andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company was in touch with us. now we will take a short break
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in our broadcast, after which we will continue to talk about important topics for crimea. hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda, top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson, live inclusion, we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut , we tell the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00 a.m. dict with serhiy rudenko from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front. society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko,
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every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. "live now where you are, and we continue the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atp tv channel, together with beraber, ayder muzhdabaev and khrystyna." yatskiv with you in this important conversation, and we will probably continue to talk about what is happening in the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea, quite interesting things
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are happening the day before, so to speak, the march elections are happening there, well , we already informed our viewers about the example of the last program about the fact that konstantinov, the eternal number two, as they say, steps on the fifth number six, in fact, well i don't know, although he is 26, he is speaking on the fifth day of aksyonov and in fact from february 2 he started such a tour, visiting citizens on his own behalf, and the ministry of labor and social protection of the republic of crimea, the ministry of health of the so-called republic of crimea, the ministry of education, youth science of the republic of crimea and so on and so on, well, that is, this is all that is in the department of immigration.
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here, the simple question is that this week it was announced by the russian special services that they were not only preparing for aksyonov. another assassination attempt, that kind of thing happens, i.e. the staging of such attempts happens when aksyonov really needs to demonstrate how important he is, how often such provocations are made against him, the most frequent attempts on akonov are hangover attempts, i think this is what happens with them, judging by everything, and yes , well, they really, they know what they are, in principle, who they are, and they are waiting, well, not without reason, because our special services are working, but it seems to me that this is all, in fact, these, as he, as he will be, then he it will probably be, but not like this, you know, someone will treat him there, why treat him, he
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scared already in the 90s, well, that is, it is very similar to the fact that he is just trying to acquire such a reputation and capital, his importance that even the ukrainian security service of ukraine is hunting me, dear vladimirovich, please do not forget about me, when you win the elections again, listen, well, why is he the same. yes, so long there, why in sevastopol did they change the so-called occupying power, and the goblin is so simple there like a monument, i immediately said he is simply close to putin in terms of class , that is, he is the same as he once was, well, leningrad is still among the bandits, that is, it is an element close to putin in terms of class and society, so he pretends to be in the match, as putin also tries. well, let's go. let's try to talk about what is happening directly in crimea, and iskander bariev,
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the head of the crimean tatar resource center, which is recognized as an undesirable organization in its functionality, is also in touch with us, literally this very minute, in my opinion, this week on territory of the russian federation, and a member of myzhaliso of the crimean tatar people. eskander, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day, geran, glory. alaykum salaam. let's say that you know what the feelings are in relation to these local brothers, appointed, so to speak, in the crimea, can we say that not everything is in order between them and, most importantly, we can take advantage, because any discord they have is always a plus for us. well, let's just say that, ah, as for that, i heard a little bit of your earlier conversation. as for oksyonov, he is really very, well, let's say, comfortable, i would say so, for putin, and that's why he is still there.
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aksonov is a bandit who in the 90s was a goblin and remained a goblin, was a racketeer, and as for aksionov, by the way, he received, he himself is from transnistria, and he received a military education, and as for konstantinov, it also a bandit who, who , well, who... tried constantly and appropriated a lot of things related to construction, and really, what on this money, which he later earned from it, he just tried to control the construction business in crimea, well , as for the situation with them, well, first
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it's their turn... they are working on the fact that they need to work on the elections on the territory of crimea now, because now the first thing on the agenda is to hold elections in march, to demonstrate that the people of crimea are actively participating in the elections of the president of the russian federation in this election. and that they are voting for putin, and that is why they are already starting to warn, first of all, it concerns municipal institutions, it concerns state institutions, it concerns schools, when parents begin to be told about all this, that they should actively participate and that all this will be under control, and therefore i will say that
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some people in... our compatriots, well , pro-ukrainians are thinking about how not to participate in these elections, that is, it is possible for this period either not to be in crimea, or to leave for some time from crimea, that is, such thoughts also exist and someone starts to leave, because it will be very difficult to simply hide, because for them you really need to demonstrate that you are so active. in the crimean elections, an interesting situation is developing there in general, i don't know what kind, well , i think that your center, it has the most broad information about what is happening there, and i am always interested in how much, to what extent the pressure on the population of the peninsula has intensified and is intensifying recently, because i
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just, well, i don't, i don't know how to say it. to say, i don’t collect systematically, yes, but you collect skender, someone is constantly forced to apologize there, someone is fired, someone is searched there, what are the trends in general, but your center is now observing, recording monotoritis, well, first of all, when we talk about persecution in the crimea, then starting in 2022, they began to create new ones tools, that is... in addition to the fact that they used battalions there, first hizbu tahrir there, involvement there on february 26, there involvement in the forest, there for organizing some substandard actions there, then in 2022 they recognized the battalion named after nomanovychan terrorist organization, and indeed, according to our data, everything is said in numbers, in the last 20 years only 20. in 2022-2023
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, up to 35 people were infected according to this accusation. this is punishable discrediting the armed forces of the russian federation, in addition, they use such civilian structures, i would say. as bloggers, as public organizations that monitor all these events related to the crimean tatars, and try to find something pro-ukrainian there and then start , well, let's say, to create such an information fund, and therefore then to these people, people who participated there or , who is the owner of that, well...


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