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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 4:00am-4:31am EET

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in the last 20 years alone, 2022-2023, up to 35 people were arrested on this, well, on this accusation, then such articles appeared both in the administrative code of the russian federation and in the criminal code, this is a discredit to the armed forces of the russian federation, in addition , they use such, i would say but from the civilian structure, like bloggers, like public organizations, which follow all these events related to the crimean tatars, and try to find something pro-ukrainian there, and then they start, well, let's say , to make such an informational background, and so then people who participated there or who are the owners of the institution where
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the event was held or the organizers are starting to come, besides, they follow social networks very actively, and indeed, after each explosion, which takes place in crimea, if it is found on social networks from there, it immediately comes to your feet. then they use such and such a scheme, first the representatives of smershe come, so now they are very proud of something there. that they have such a sense of humor, and start to intimidate, torture, and then start to speak to the camera, apologize there, or sing the anthem of the russian federation there , or say that putin is there, there is the world president, but all the same in relation to these people, they open administrative proceedings and either there is an arrest, an administrative one
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or a fine, that is, every person passes through the saint. the second other trend, which we all observe more and more already in 2024, first of all , a lot now they ah, let's say, either kidnap people when they return to their homes, or come at night and do it so that the neighbors don't hear, i can be heard, so the neighbors don't hear. and then they conduct with these people, let's say, such preventive work, let's say this, and these people are very afraid to provide information, and as our activists give us information, unfortunately, such cases are becoming more and more, and besides , the last one , for example, they gave us information, but for now they are afraid that we will make it public, but there were also arrests of activists in yenich district.
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of the tatar national movement, including just recently there was an arrest in feadosia of a father of five children, who was sentenced to nine days of arrest, but iskander, unfortunately, we don't have more time, it's called a gulag, that is, in fact, they built a gulag system in the crimea, that's all , that they can, and i thank iskender, the center he directs , for keeping a close eye on them. and inform society and the international community. skandar bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, a member of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people, joined the together beraber program. and finally, let me remind you that last time you and aydera talked about the situation with tavria national university, after all, as it turned out, we have given up on reorganization so far, which is good, i think, because it destroys the very essence, the very essence of this project. crimean, crimean higher
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on the steepest, the only thing i want to note is that we actually have to talk about the fact that this university, the main ukrainian, crimean university, cannot be called taurian, because it is part of taurian taurian, these names fake, fake pseudo-greek, not really greek, they are part of the greek project of catherine ii, who sought to colonize the crimean and ukrainian lands as quickly as possible, which she did. this part of decolonization should also be in the names, and it is also necessary to think about it and not give up on any issues that concern the russian colonization of our lands for many centuries. well, we are glad to include serhiy kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the euromaidan crimea civil movement in 2013-14, a public activist who was involved in the work and efforts to communicate in general, in particular with the ministry. integration of the temporarily
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occupied territories in relation to the fate of tnu so far. sergey, congratulations, glory to ukraine. congratulations, heroes, glory. in fact, congratulations on the victory, it was strange to follow the initiative at all. to liquidate the tavri national university, you, with such a history, you, who was headed by vernatskyi, who even then understood what the soviet government was doing to the education system, and so on. in short, you are welcome, but just a few words about the aftertaste of this story, will the quality of education at tnu improve and will they not make another attempt to reorganize it, so to speak? certainly, i think there will be attacks. continued, i do not think that this is the final wish of the initiators, but you have already pointed out correctly, it must be said that both the public, the public, and experts, representatives of the president, and mustafa dzhemilov, the leader of the crimean tatar
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people, appealed to the president, to the cabinet ministers with the need to preserve the university, it is the only university, the only crimean university, which we are trying to... renew, it must be said that, of course, we would like and see, as the public, as experts, for this university to become a social and political project of a certain, certain role, not only a higher education, which would be targeted and attached to in general, the policy of reintegration of the occupied territories, in particular crimea, here it must be said that there is a huge problem in the ministry of education with the fact that... incentives and work with students, children from the occupied territories, incentives to enroll them in the higher education institutions of ukraine, it never worked , although there was a project, although there was efforts to do this, we see that tnu can become, tovar
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university can become that basis, and i would like to say that here too, we should thank ms. irina verishchuk, who nevertheless took the side. tavriv university , mon did not want to involve the ministry of reintegration in this process, did not want to consult with the public, this is exactly what they stated in the explanatory note to the document regarding the reorganization, and in fact liquidation of tnu , which they submitted to the cabinet of ministers, but we still managed to raise this topic , moreover, i to you i will say that our editors received this document on the project, the cabinet of ministers decree, and we turned to the rector of the university, uh, asked if he knew that there was an attempt to liquidate the university, to which he said that he had such and such information does not own, and the fact
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is that he also learned from the mass media that there are such and such, let's say, plans of the mind, but this situation in general looks... a little, well, to put it mildly, incomprehensible, because, if there are any claims to the uzuzutiya in ukraine, it is not the strongest place , let's be honest, the second is a false voice, there is normal communication between people, but between the government and society , it is strange, very strange, and we are very sorry , there is not enough time, i would still like to summarize, at least for some time tnu is not in danger. well, for our part, we will join and on february 15, the first meeting of the reintegration center will be held, which, after all , was created at the initiative of the rector, and precisely the goal of these experts and civil society and
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scientists who will be involved in this meeting will be to develop a certain vision regarding the strategy reintegration, first of all, development and university strategies in general, and strategies in general in the field of education and recommendations to the authorities, because we are necessary, we, we must create incentives for children from the occupied territories to enter ukrainian universities, and not as it was before, excuse me, well, 200-300 people a year, it's nothing, this is at a time when 8-9 thousand students enter crimean, well, different universities from crimea. i personally know some people who still wanted to join, but of course there is a full-scale war here helped, but what did they do, they entered local universities, well, what kind of education will the occupier give to our children, first of all, well, we hope
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for an overall increase in the effectiveness of the work of ukrainian higher education institutions of crimean origin, thank you serhiy, serhiy kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the civil movement euromaidan crimea 2013- the public activist was in touch with us for 14 years. so. and we did not have time to discuss many things, but next time then. yes, let's talk about important things. stay with the baraber project. together, the espresso tv channel and atp tv channel work together for you. be with us. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. big casting. after replacing
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the hard-working nasirskyi, the president continued to reshuffle the military leadership. how are changes in the army perceived? the hard way through congress. the bill on american aid to ukraine overcomes opposition from republicans. why does trump discredit nato? grain on the asphalt. ukraine calls to investigate the shameful. at the border, who is behind the protests of polish farmers? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests igor lapin and roman bezsmertny, in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly an hour, we will have oleksiy holobutskyi and serhiy taran as guests. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian soldiers in the evdiyiv direction. pv drones destroyed a russian tank, video of the detonation of ammunition, released by the fighters
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of the 110th separate mechanized brigade, let's watch. friends, in addition to the telecast, we also work on our youtube and facebook platforms for those who are currently watching us live there. please like this video and subscribe to our pages. in addition, take part in our in today's survey, we ask you the following: would you like to see zaluzhnyi in ukrainian politics?
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yes, no, please vote on youtube, either yes or no. if you have your comment, please write below this video. well, and vote if you are sitting in front of the tv, phone, phone numbers on the screen. 0800 211-381, those who want to see a useful person in ukrainian politics, those who do not want to see a useful person. to ukrainian politics, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, we, it is important for us to know your opinion, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote, this week was not easy in ukrainian politics and regarding, in particular, rotation at the highest level in the armed forces of ukraine, because apart from the dismissal of valery zaluzhny from the position of the head of the armed forces of ukraine and the appointment of the new head
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of the armed forces of ukraine, oleksandr syrskyi, there were also personnel changes, major personnel changes in the army, because the deputy commanders of the armed forces of ukraine changed, and new commanders of the armed forces of ukraine were appointed. in particular, oleksandr syrsky introduced to the staff of the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk, who previously... held the position of first deputy minister of defense, and was also appointed chief of the general staff of the armed forces anatoly bargelevich of ukraine, who was the commander of the tro forces, ihor skibyuk, who was previously the deputy commander of the airborne assault troops , the commander of the united forces of the armed forces, became the commander of the airborne assault troops, yuriy was appointed. sodol, who was the commander of the marines, the commander of the tro forces, was appointed
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ihor plahuta, who during the maidan era served in the internal forces of the ministry of internal affairs and participated in the confrontation with the protesters. in a word, such a large personnel reshuffle. now we will talk about this deployment with the military, with an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, a special officer, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation, ihor lapin. mr. major, i... greetings, thank you for being with us today. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. mr. major, i have already enumerated, in fact, this great casting, which zelensky carried out over time. the last three days, starting from the dismissal of valery zaluzhny and the appointment of new commanders, how do you perceive such large personnel changes during the war, during a difficult situation at the front, how appropriate were they, how were they motivated and to what extent they can give
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the result that zelensky is obviously counting on, the truth is not clear on... what is he counting on? well, it seems to me that with these many decisions to date, zelensky is generally putting himself in conflict with society, so to speak, and decided to prove to everyone, i don’t know what he is like, i don’t know what his goal is, but now there is a very serious problem in the command of the territorial defense forces, i emphasize once again, this is the main part of our society, which, as they say, from the plow, from the sechs. it the people's army, so to speak, who left, mobilized, are now in the teroborona forces, and the lion's share of them are maidan residents, this is a colossal problem, maybe someone thinks that they are sweating it out, because now they are already starting to take some receipts from the military there, which they are warned about criminal liability, blah blah blah, well , we all know why the increased criminal liability
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of military personnel was invented, but the chief cop who dispersed. it was in the government quarter that he commanded the units of the internal troops and stood opposite to us, the maidanites still have to give orders, and the maidanites have to obey the law, it’s just that it’s some kind of dissonance in people’s heads, today, well, i ’ve talked to a lot of people, it’s just rubbish, and what better thing can be thought of in the interests of the russian federation, i i don't even know, the issue of... personnel changes in general is a matter of responsibility of the supreme commander-in-chief of president zelenskyi, but i want to say that no citizen of ukraine dislikes, well, i don't know such people who like, for example, corrupt people like shurma, or maybe someone loves the head of yermak's office, yermak himself, or i
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think few people think that someone loves the representative of the mint zakharchenko, the same dad. the russian occupiers, and then deal with we must direct all our hatred against this trash, i emphasize once again, the representative of the ministry of internal affairs. namely, who is in charge of the territorial defense forces today, this is the state, i don’t have it in my head, i haven’t invested it in my mind since yesterday, simply, i understand that every soldier will carry out the order of his the sergeant, the sergeant will listen to the combatant , the combatant will listen to the combrig, but somewhere in the depths of their souls, as one classic said, each of them will think every time, whether he is hiding,
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whether there is a dog buried there, because he is sitting somewhere above. .. who dispersed the maidan residents , but this is just what i have, you understand, it ’s called sowing distrust among soldiers, it’s simply impossible to think of something worse in the conditions of war, that’s exactly what distrust is, considering some generals and colonels i personally know are normal, i.e. the same one there vadim suharevsky, we fought with them near the luhansk airport, that is, he is a combat officer , one of the ones who first gave in... this war in the 14th year the order to open fire on the enemy, on the russian occupiers and on the detachments, that is, this is a heroic man, it’s real, well, he and i, as they say, are friends and that’s all, i still know several officers who were appointed, in principle, well, let’s say it like this, there is a solution, there is asyrsky, there is his team, maybe he selected with himself team, but somehow it seems to me that that team, let’s say,
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was brought to him by yermak, although among them there are normal people, maybe it is necessary that... someone did something after all, maybe it has something to do with it, i don't know, well, that is, let's put it this way, there are normal people who command respect, doubts creep into me about that , how others were fired, yes, that is, i remember very well, general muzhenko was fired on the way to an international summit, he learned about it from the media, when he arrived at the meeting place with foreign partners, this is a humiliation that still needs to be looked for, the same general khorenko, the commander of the sso forces, was released. quite simply, he is also about it i found out through the media that general naev was fired, i also found out through the media, that’s how you have to disrespect the military, you know, that’s exactly what zelensky is pitting himself against, unfortunately, but that’s how it looks, he ’s pitting himself against the army, that’s it it's just trash, it's disrespect, i don't know
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, well, maybe i'm more emotional now , i understand that i'm emphasizing once again, and all soldiers must follow the orders of their immediate commanders, but this is the turmoil that is now sitting in heads of the maidan residents, she is nowhere to be found it will happen, and who knows, i... a person will react in this or that situation, this is what i worry about, because i emphasize once again, our enemy is the russian federation, it is the aggressor, we must direct all our hatred to the destruction of rosna , but how to fight with this trash , i don't know, i'll be honest, for the first time in my life i have nothing to add, by the way, mr. major, there has already been a video of fighters who say that they publicly support the new team . forces of ihor plahutu's tro. let's hear what they say. general plahuta is this an authority for many of my peers. against
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the background of the information that he allegedly dispersed the maidan, i can say one thing. now this general hardly sleeps, hardly eats and is not at home. he is demanding of himself and his surroundings. that is why he headed one of the most important branches of the military, tro. he did not commit any criminal orders, that is why he withdrew his personnel to save the lives of the guys, all i can say is that it is an honor to serve with such people alongside, glory to ukraine, heroes, glory, you know, i listened like a song some student on the given topic, you know , did not commit crimes, that is, the demolition of the barricade on december 10, 2013 in the government quarter, that means it was not a crime, i understand correctly, or is it called, you know, what is it called, it is a big stitching from zelenskyi, to oppose some military personnel
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to other military personnel. well, that’s all, well, we read the essay on the given topic, told, a person who probably didn’t see it, maybe you can show a video of the dispersal of protesters precisely under the units that were subordinate to this general, maybe the person was not on the maidan, or maybe he was 10 at that time... and today he is 24, and he just doesn't know it, that's all, please, this, these are only fragments that are filmed, do you remember the thesis, journalists will not be beaten, no, we will not, well, you, well, you yourself know better, you are journalists, you know what happened on the maidan, i did not commit crimes, i emphasize once again, well, first , i have a very serious question, we have police ranks, ranks of the ministry of internal affairs, ranks in the armed forces. it is necessary to undergo re-certification, perhaps a person passed re-certification, maybe the serviceman says that he has not committed any crimes, he doesn't know, he says he doesn't
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sleep, it seems that this serviceman is with this general 24/7, yes, he travels with him, he says he doesn't go home, he doesn't eat , he is not sleeping, it is possible that a military serviceman is constantly near this general, he can testify like this, i emphasize once again, for me there is a fact, you understand, the law on lustration... they poured it on our heads, simply put, someone established through the courts, someone else somehow sweated sideways, you know? for me, there is a fact: a person took part in the dispersal of protesters on the maidan, now you can say whatever you want, and the impression is that we really have no anti-maidan activists in the armed forces of ukraine, but on the other hand, what do you lapin want here, in you tatarov is sitting in the office, tatarov, a person who went to... press conferences with yanukovych, let them shit on this maidan and on our revolution of dignity, because for us it is a revolution of dignity, and on the 20th they will cynically come
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to lay flowers for the institute where there are such how i was shot, including me , thank god, the boy was taken away and my brothers covered that i survived, someone did not survive from my volyn region, from the 36th hundred, if i am not mistaken, six dead, from the 12th hundred , in which i was also. there are dead boys, that is, we have already wiped the feet of a heavenly hundred, today the tatars are sitting in yermak’s office and rule ukraine, so what i want here is to be outraged that you are here lapin beads, as they say, you scatter, in front of whom you scatter beads, them to the back of our maidan, you saw that produces berkut in dnipro on orders from maidanivets, who heads the dnipro police, to go to units for the protection of ukraine, have you heard what they say? well, that's all, what else can be added? well, yes, i am, perhaps an emotional person, trying on the verge of a foul, without violating the constitution, to express a position, and some
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cannot say so, how am i? maybe even more, and let's not forget, you know the rule that military personnel, active military personnel cannot appear on the airwaves, be on tv without the permission of their commanders, commanders, etc., well, you know you communicate, yes, that is, there is such a rule, and i apologize, but this man who read this essay for homework, he was allowed to join, well, i just don't know , well, to be honest, i won't, i'd rather not. .. i will comment, because it doesn’t cross my mind, today zakharchenko, people are sitting in yermak’s office, and those who dispersed the maidan are in charge of the tro forces, to whom is the honor, well , there are no questions, maybe they are together with this general 24/7 and he looks at how the general is not sleeping, but as far as i know, it is probably the general not in a dugout next to him over there on the ruins of this settlement, but that’s all, that’s all, that’s why it’s all
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the same to me... i’m not convinced by what the guys could be asked to say so that there were no demoralizing factors on the front line, well, i will believe it and i say myself that all our fierce hatred for rosnya and the antimaidan, let's direct it first on rusnya. mr. major, you have already mentioned how they changed khorenka, how they changed naev, and muzhenka, how they learned about the signing from the mass media decree on dismissal. nayev also confirmed that he learned about his dismissal from the mass media, how can it be perceived at all during the war, when the commander of the forces is dismissed and not informed, but only the decree is made public, then he does whatever he wants, this and that , how is it, how does it technically happen in general, that a person commands a large mass of people, he is under authority.
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no one calls him, no one tells him, in the end no one tells them during the 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, because these people have been at war all this time, 10 years in this war, no one even informs them about it, no one takes such a normal human step, thank you, mr. general, for your service, why is it called spitting and grinding and humiliating , that's all , how it looks, it looks like that, spat on, rubbed and humiliated, if we are talking about a general, well, you can imagine, a general comes to some military unit, gives an order, sits, relatively speaking, the commander of this unit, says: dude, who are you, i just got in i read in the press that no one calls you anything, well, that is, you are a general after all, but that's all, you represent what a spit in the face of the commander, well, you just know, some may not know, but it happens in the army.
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it just so happens that a lot of disgruntled cambrigos who could fire people were guilty of this, well, that’s it, that is , you you you you you come from the military, and they tell you that you are nobody, you already, you have already been changed, it turns out, technically it happens as it is the order of dismissal and your disposal, that's all, you are at your disposal, dismiss the general, as you how do you fire a soldier now during martial law, well, you won’t fire him, why are we going so far, but let’s remember how kombat kupol’s commandos were removed from the combat battalion, how they were removed, and that’s how they were taken and removed, released, because he said something in the media that he doesn't like something, the military doesn't have the right to vote now, and on the one hand , it seems like the right thing to do, so as not to spread treason in the trenches, but on the other hand, well, when you look at it, it's really an operation, sorry point, and you must obey this order, because you have someone sitting over you in kyiv, the security intelligence service will come right away, no, it won't
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come, they are for... because they are afraid to come, they will call you and so on, so you carry out this order and give an assessment, of course, criminal or not criminal, you are not, well, a soldier is not can give an estimate, but when a soldier is told that you have to go and be wound up on tracks without anti-tank weapons, well, even before there was some chance to prove your innocence, today we are building new bunkers, and what did you think, who who the fact that we don't talk about it much these days, here are the journalists let them do an investigation, how much? day of servicemen of the armed forces of ukraine, convicted by court verdicts in cases of the sgb. i remember last year the servant of the people, a deputy from the servant of the people party, i'm yatskiv, i think that's my last name, they did the tsk, which means they evaluated the work of the dbr. so, over a certain period of time, the employees of the sbi instituted 400 criminal proceedings, of which 1,000 were against officials, 3,000 against.


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