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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 6:30am-7:01am EET

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we will form units, prepare them, find out again, well, again , the enemy will not be able to attack at such a pace without infinity, it is known that these attacks are dedicated precisely to those elections, the so-called presidential elections of the russian federation, which will take place in the middle of march, well, and then i think, we will see what and how , and really... really, well, the key to victory, i think, will be to determine the most painful spots of the enemy, and hit them, and by the way, the crimean peninsula can be like this a very interesting city, and we will talk about it at the beginning of our article in your communication, they said that this city is very important, it solves a lot of military issues of the russian federation, and it has a very serious... the peninsula has a very serious
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ideological significance for putin personally, and competent military actions can lead to a very serious success, so which will then be the beginning, let's say, of future victories. mr. andriy, thank you, andriy ryzhenko, captain of the first rank of the naval reserve of the armed forces of ukraine, strategic expert of the sonata company was in touch with us. now let's take a short break. on our air, after which we will continue to talk about important topics for crimea. there are discounts on penger and gervir of 15% in the psylansky, bam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on mukaltin of 15% in the pharmacies of plantain bam and ochad. shakhtar marseille exclusively on mego. in the battle for one-eighth of the european league, the miners are preparing the french. an unforgettable reception. february 15 at
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19:45, cheer for the victory of shakhtar. turn on football on mine. there are discounts on fairveks of 15% in psyllium pharmacies, you and save. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zima, and we we are starting a two-hour broadcast. two hours of your time , we will discuss many important topics today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will talk more about the war, serhiy zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, now about what happened in the world , yuriy fizar, yuriy dobrovech will speak in more detail, please give me the floor , two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us, oleksandr, congratulations, please, and news of sports, a review of sports events from yevhen pastukhov for two hours in the company of favorite presenters, thank you very much elina. for information about
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the news of the presenters' culture, which has become familiar to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the new year, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. a separate platoon of unmanned aircraft complexes of the state sapsan of the special service of transport, appeal to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crowns and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! glory! watch this week
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in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the roshi organizations in the occupied territories. under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always resonate. watch the collaborators with elena program on tuesday, february 13, at 5:45 p.m. kononenko on espresso tv channel. on the air of our channel. congratulations, friends, politklub is on the air on the espresso tv channel. the most relevant topics of the week: russia's war against ukraine, the war in the middle east, the crisis on the border between ukraine and poland. topics causing resonance in our society: drone attack on kyiv and other cities of ukraine, drone attacks on moscow and other cities of russia. analysis. processes that change
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the country and each of us. the country should get the right to start negotiations on joining the eu. vitaly portnikov and guests of the project: us boring because there is nothing to fight about. let's find out how to understand the present and predict the future. for the world, a second trump presidency will be terrifying. project for those who care and think politclub. every sunday at 20:10 at espresso.
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and we continue the joint project of the espresso tv channel and the atr tv channel together with berabe. ayder muzhdabaev and khrystyna yatskiv are with you in this important conversation. well , we will probably continue to talk about what is happening on the territory of the temporarily occupied crimea. pretty interesting stuff the day before, so to speak, the march elections
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take place there. well, for the example of the last program , we already informed our viewers that konstantina, the eternal number two, as they say, steps on the fifth number six, in fact. aksyonov is coming up on the fifth, and in fact , on february 2, he started such a tour, visiting citizens on his behalf, and the ministry of labor and social protection of the republic of crimea , the ministry of health of the so-called republic of crimea, the ministry of education, youth science of the republic of crimea, and so on and so on. so on, well, that is, this is all that is located. in goblin aksyonov's department directly, konstantinov now wants to step on something, aksyonov studied at school, i just don't know, goblin, he manages everything, the entire education, do you understand correctly? no, he does not manage education, he manages crimea, but, well
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, he pretends to. here, the simple question is that this week it was announced that of course, from the side of the russian special services, that aksyonov was targeted. and not only were other attempts being prepared, this happens, that is, the staging of such attempts occurs when aksyonov really needs to demonstrate how important he is, how often such provocations are against him, most often the attacks on aksyonov are hangover attacks, i think, judging by everything, this is what happens with them, and yes, well, they really do, they know that they are in in principle, who are they, and they are waiting, well, not without reason , because our special services... are working, but it seems to me that this is all actually these, as he is, as he will be, then he will be, for sure, not like this, you know , someone will treat him there, why treat him, he was already scared in the 90s, yes, well that is, it is very similar to the fact that he is simply trying to acquire such a reputation and
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capital, his importance that even the ukrainian security service of ukraine is hunting me, dear vladimir vladimirovich, please do not forget about me when you win again on... listen , well, he , he, why so, so long there, why did they change the so-called government in sevastopol, the occupation government, but the goblin is so simple there like a monument, i immediately said, he is simply close to putin in terms of class, that is, he is as he once was, well, in leningrad, back in the middle bandits, that is, it is an element close to putin in terms of class and society, so he pretends to be like putin. is trying, well , let's try to talk about what is happening directly in crimea, and iskander bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, which, by the way, is recognized as an undesirable organization
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in its functionality, is in touch with us, literally at this very moment, i am a member of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people in the territory of the russian federation this week. eskander, congratulations, glory to ukraine. good day let's say that you know, i, what are my feelings in relation to these brothers. appointed, so to speak, in crimea, can we say that not everything is in order between them and, most importantly, we can take advantage of this, because any discord among them is always a plus for us, well, let's say so, and as for that, i heard a bit of your previous conversation, and as for oksyonov, he is really very, well, let's say comfortable, i would say so for putin, and that's why he... still remains there now, aksyonov - is a bandit who in
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in the 90s, he was a goblin and remained a goblin, he was a rocket launcher, and as for aksyonov, by the way, he received, he himself is from transnistria, and he received a military education, and as for konstantinov, he is also a bandit, who, what is ... well, who constantly tried and appropriated a lot of things related to construction, and really, what is the use of this money that he later earned from it, he just tried to control the construction business in crimea, well, as for the situation with them... well first of all, they work out what they need now
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to work out the elections on the territory of crimea, because now the first thing on the agenda is to hold elections in march, to demonstrate that the people of crimea are actively participating in these elections, and that they are voting for putin, and that is why they are already starting to warn, first of all , it concerns municipal institutions, it concerns state institutions, it concerns schools, when parents begin to be told about all this, that they should actively participate and that all this will be under control, and therefore i will say what... what kind of people, our compatriots, well , pro-ukrainians think about how not
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to participate in these elections, that is, it is possible to either not be in crimea for this period, or to leave crimea for a while, that is, such thoughts also exist and someone starts leaving, because it will be very difficult to just hide, because for them you really have to demonstrate. well, such activity in the crimean elections, an interesting situation is developing there in general, i don't know what kind, well , i think that your center has the most extensive information about what is going on there is happening, and i always wonder how much, how much the pressure on the population of the peninsula has intensified and is intensifying recently, because i just don't... i don't, it's not, how can i say, i don't collect systematically, yes, but you collect skender,
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there is always someone there they force you to apologize, someone is released , someone is searched there, uh, what are the trends, in general, your center is now observing, recording, monitoring, well, first of all, when we talk about persecution in crimea, starting from 2022, they started creating a new one. tools, that is, apart from what they are they used battalions there, initially hizbu tahrir there, involvement there on february 26, there involvement in the forest, ah, there for organizing some sub-level actions there, then in 2022 they recognized the nomanovichan battalion as a terrorist organization, and indeed for according to our data, everything says everything in numbers and... in the last years alone, 2022-2023, up to 35 people were arrested on this
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, well, on this charge, the following articles appeared both in the administrative code of the russian federation and in the penal code, this is a discrediting of the armed forces of the russian federation in addition, the federations use such, i would say, civil structures, such as bloggers, such as public organizations, which monitor all these events related to the crimean tatars, and try to... find something pro-ukrainian there and then start well, let's say to make such an information fund , and therefore, then to these people who participated there or who is the owner of the institution where the event was held or the organizers begin to come, in addition
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, they monitor social networks very actively and indeed after each explosion which happens in... if found there in social networks, it immediately comes to them, then they use such and such a scheme, first representatives of the smersh come, so now they are very proud of the fact that they have such a smersh, they begin to intimidate and torture, and then they start apologizing to the camera, and... singing the anthem of the russian federation, or saying that putin is the world president, but all the same , they open administrative proceedings against these people, and either arrest administrative, or fine, that is, every person passes through the saint. the second, other trend, which we all
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observe more and more already in 2024, first of all. a lot now they, let's say , either kidnap people when they return to their homes, or come at night and do it so that the neighbors don't hear me, yes, the neighbors don't hear me, then they spend time with these people, let's say, well such preventive work, let's say so, and these people are very afraid to provide information, and how do they give us our... see information, unfortunately, in such cases is becoming more and more, and besides, the last one, for example, they gave us information, but they are afraid that we will make it public, but there were also arrests of activists of the crimean tatar national movement in yenich district, including very recently there was an arrest in feodosia, and the father of five
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children, to whom they sentenced nine. days of arrest, but iskander, iskander, unfortunately, we don't have more time, it's called a gulak, that is, they actually built a gulag system in the crimea, that's all they can do, and thanks to iskkender, the center he directs for keeping an eye on everything important, actions informing society and the international community. skandar bariev, the head of the crimean tatar resource center, a member of the mejalis of the crimean tatar people, joined the razom beraber program. and finally, let me remind you that we are literally. last time aydera and you talked about the situation with tavria national university, in the end, as it turned out, the reorganization of tnu vernadsky has been abandoned so far, which is good, i think, because it destroys the very essence, the very essence of this project of crimea, the crimean university is the coolest, the only thing i want to note is that we, in fact
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, should already say that this university, the main ukrainian crimean university, cannot... be called tavriy, because it is part of tavriy tavriy, these names are fake, fake pseudo-greek, not really greek, they are part of the greek project of catherine ii, who sought to colonize the crimean and ukrainian lands as the fastest, which she did, this part of decolonization should also be in the names, and this should also be thought about and not given behind in any issues that concern russian colonization of our lands for many centuries. well, we are glad to include serhiy kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the euromaidan crimea civil movement in 2013-14 , a public activist who was involved in the work and efforts to communicate in general, in particular with the ministry of reintegration of the temporarily occupied territories regarding the fate of tnu. sergey, congratulations, glory to ukraine.
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greetings hero. in fact, congratulations on the victory, it was strange to follow the initiative at all liquid the tavri national university, you, with such a history, you, who was headed by vernatskyi, who even then understood what the soviet government was doing to the education system, and so on. in a word, we congratulate you, but literally a few words about the aftertaste regarding this story, will the quality of education at tnu improve, and will they not make another attempt to reorganize it, so to speak? certainly, i think that the attacks will continue. i do not think that this is the final desire of the initiators, but you have already pointed out correctly, it must be said that it is the whole the public, the public and... experts and representatives of the president appealed and mustafa dzhemiliv, the leader of the crimean tatar people, appealed to the president and the cabinet of ministers with the need to preserve
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the university after all, it is the only university, the only crimean university that we are trying to restore, it must be said, that we would certainly like and see, as the public, as experts, that this university becomes a certain, certain role, a socio-political project. not only higher, which would be targeted and included in the overall policy of reintegration of the occupied territories, in particular crimea, here it must be said that there is a huge problem in the ministry of education with the fact that incentives and work with students, children from the occupied territories, incentives to enroll them in the higher education institutions of ukraine, it never worked, although there was a project, although there was... efforts to do this, we see that the tnu can become , the university of tavris can become that basis, and we would like to, and here we must
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say, thank mrs. irina verishchuk, who nevertheless took the side of the tavris university, mon did not want to involve the ministry of integration in this process, did not want to to consult with the public, this is exactly what they stated in the explanatory note to... the document on the reorganization, and in fact the liquidation of tnu, which they submitted to the cabinet of ministers, but we still managed to raise this topic, moreover, i will tell you that our editorial received this document on the draft resolution of the cabinet of ministers, we turned to the rector of the university and asked if he knew that there was an attempt to liquidate the university. that he said that he does not have such and such information, and the fact is that he found out that way from the means of mass information about
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the fact that there is such, there are such, let's say so, plans of the mind, but in general, the situation looks a little, well, to put it mildly, unclear, since, if there are claims that communication in ukraine is not the strongest place, let 's be honest, there is normal communication between people, but between the government and society, it is strange, very, yes , yes, we are very sorry, there is little time, i would still like to summarize, at least for some period of tnu, nothing is in danger, well we will join in, and february 15 will be the first the meeting was held, the reintegration center, which , after all, on the initiative of the rector, was created at... well, and precisely the goal of these experts and civil society and scientists, who will be involved in this meeting, will be to develop a certain vision regarding the strategy
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of reintegration, first of all, strategies for the development of the university and, in general, strategies in the field of education and recommendations to authorities, because we must, we, we must create incentives for children from the occupied territories to enter... ukrainian universities, and not like it used to be sorry well, 200-300 people a year, this is nothing, this is at a time when 8-9 thousand students enter crimean universities every year, well, from crimea they enter various universities, here i personally know some people who wanted everything - to enter, of course, there is a full-scale war here , it helped a little, but what did they do, they entered local universities, well, what kind of education will the occupier give to... well, we hope for the effectiveness of increasing the work of ukrainian universities of crimean origin in general.
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thank you sergey. serhii kovalskyi, co-coordinator of the civil movement euromaidan crimea. 2013-14 years. a public activist was in touch with us. so. and we didn't have time to discuss many things, but next time, then. yes, let's talk about important things. stay with the baraber project, together. espresso tv channel and atp tv channel work together for you, stay with us. we are looking for seven-year-old darinka kozachenko from the kharkiv region. i know that the girl is an orphan and met the war in the border town of vovchansk. this is chuguyskyi. district of the region, which was occupied from the first days of the war. in autumn in 2022, this territory was liberated, but there is still no information about the missing child.
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perhaps the girl was taken to... russia or to the temporarily occupied territory. of course, it is not excluded that the child may be in the territory controlled by ukraine. therefore, i ask everyone who has any information about daryna to call us on the magnolia children's search service hotline at the short number 11630. calls from any ukrainian mobile operator are free, or write to the chatbot of the children's search service in telegram. also want to remind that we are continuing the search for 16-year-old karina kanivets, who also disappeared during the full-scale war, but already on the left bank of the kherson region. her mother told us about karina's disappearance. imagine, a woman does not know anything about the fate of her daughter for about a year.
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it so happened that the parents. did not part until long before the start of the war and lived separately. the girl lived with her mother on a permanent basis, but on the eve of the full-scale invasion, she was with her father, and when the russians entered, she ended up in the occupied territory. from time to time, the woman says, she corresponded with his daughter on social networks, but in april 2023, the connection with karina mysteriously broke off. the girl has stopped logging into her accounts and no one knows where she is now.
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went missing and stopped publishing since april 2023, this is konevets karina igorevna, date of birth 08/09/2007 if anyone has seen karina kanivets, or knows anything about her possible whereabouts, do not delay and immediately contact the magnolia children's search service at the short number 1163. prices from any ukrainian mobile operator free, if suddenly there is no. i have told you only two stories of missing children. in general, since the beginning of the war, we have received thousands of appeals for help in the search. fortunately, the vast majority of children have already been found, but the fate of many remains unknown.
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this especially applies to the temporarily occupied territories , where the work of the police is virtually paralyzed, where it is impossible to leave and there are communication problems, anyone can help find missing children, take a minute of your time and go to the website of the magnolia children's search service, here you can view all photos of the missing, who knows, maybe you will recognize someone and eventually help to find them. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against a child, anywhere, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the offender. stopcrime ua.
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greetings to all viewers of the espresso tv channel, we are starting the information day with news. khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. at night , the russian invaders attacked. ukraine by shaheds. ukrainian military shot down 16 drones within the dnipropetrovsk, zaporizhzhia and kherson regions. this was reported by the air force of ukraine. in total, the enemy launched 23 attack drones from the regions of primorsko-akhtarsk in russia and cape chauda in the temporarily occupied crimea. a 73-year-old woman got


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