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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 8:30am-9:01am EET

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er, a combined attack, let’s remind you, we have already verified all this, we went in with drones , we played in a concentrated manner, we flew through the south, a part of them was shot down there, mainly the air defense forces defended dnipro and dnipropetrovsk oblast, but unfortunately, despite the fact that 10 out of 16 drones were shot down in the dnipropetrovsk region, children were confirmed to have hit one of the objects, so part of the population is without electricity. but it will be restored, since it is the thermal power plant generating the particle that has been damaged. but at midnight, explosions rang out in the dnipro. the utility company dniprovodoknal reported that in connection with the attack and interruptions in the electricity supply, which roman mentioned, there is a temporary lack of water supply in a number of districts of the city. head of the public council under the dnipro city council, gennady korban , said that the boiler house, one of the local boiler houses, also remains without electricity. and
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actually in the first night there was already a repulse of the alarm, but we are still collecting the consequences of this russian alarm. in dnipro, energy and infrastructure facilities were damaged as a result of a nighttime attack by drones - the head of the regional serhii lysak of the military administration. fires broke out, but our utility workers and emergency services quickly extinguished them. now utility workers are actually working on overcoming the consequences. heroic people. so. and in the meantime, we are collecting information for you from the eastern part of the front as soon as our next guest is in touch with us, we will ask him how true it is, in particular this analysis, which i am currently looking at based on open data and some of my own channels, the institute for the study of war in tells about certain tactical successes of the armed forces, in particular in the east from yampolivka and... also southwest
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of donetsk, there is information about this and we will ask yury fedorenko, the commander of the kahilles attack uav battalion of the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman ivan sirk. glory to ukraine, mr. yuriy. glory to heroes. so, please tell us about the operational situation in the direction, does what was voiced by my colleague roman really take place in your direction? tell me, please, i don't know what exactly our colleague said, that the occupiers are advancing near yampoli , it's the other way around, our yampolivki have just advanced themselves and to the south-west of donetsk, they say that there are a little bit of trebuchets on the line near bakhmut, tell me in more detail what concerns the bakhmut direction in general, it must be understood that it is one of the most difficult and continues to be a priority for the enemy, the enemy from its side. carry out shock
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and assault actions around the clock, there is not a single day that at one point or another the enemy does not try, using its shock and assault potentials, using various tactics, to conduct shock and assault actions, but for the sake of truth, the defense forces managed to stabilize the situation, all the positions that we hold at the moment remain with us, and it really succeeds in difficult, hard work, in some places ... i will say that the defense forces are doing the impossible, to push back the enemy and make improvements to the previous edge, it means knocking the enemy out of advanced positions , to occupy them , then, not just to hold, but by repelling constant attacks, because every position that the enemy loses, he tries to retake, by repelling constant attacks, the defense force holds these positions, and thus does not give the enemy the opportunity to take over the initiative on... polyboi, i believe that
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the initiative continues to remain on polyboi, on the bohmuth branch, in particular for the defense forces, the head of norway's intelligence says that the initiative passes to the russians, what would you say to him, because he was actively quoted german televisions, quite often in the information space there are different opinions on how to really fight, what successes on the battlefield, how to correctly use weapons, how much ammunition to spend, how important drones are, or vice versa, and everything related to this yazane i will tell you this, that we are fighting on our god -given land, and we can clearly see what is happening on the battlefield, and what we need in order to defeat the occupier. that is why the opinion of our international partners is extremely important for us. but we do
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what we have, well, it's that simple, you know, it 's called interpretation of interpretations, that's how the head of military intelligence of norway invited him to fight in ukraine. the 92nd storm troop is recruiting people into its ranks, so let him join, by the way, mr. yuriy, if we talked about recruiting, how are you doing with it, we know that you invite the council to your ranks of fighters, tell us in more detail, yes indeed, we should become more... almost four times after reformatting the growth into a battalion, this indicates that we will hit the enemy four times more actively than now due to the fact that there will be more personnel and, accordingly, equipment. as far as recruitment is concerned, i was pleasantly surprised to see how
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many of the forms were filled out by civilians who are now conscripts, but do not complete the service, we try to justify. all the applications that we have received and if there is a delay in the response, specifically to you, to those who have already filled in, i apologize, due to the number of applications, we simply do not have time to effectively process everything here and now, it will take a little of time, therefore the staffing of the battalion is going quite actively and quickly, of course, it will take a certain amount of time, both mobilization and preparation, because every person, me... is now being mobilized from civilian life, she needs a general military training, which is generally mandatory , is a minimum of 30 days, then specialized training is another 30 days, and then an internship, conditional, i say internship, in fact, it is an introduction to the course of affairs specifically in
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combat conditions, at least another two or three weeks you will work with a combat calculation, by the time you will perform combat tasks on your own, that is, from a civilian... to a military one who is able to effectively perform combat tasks at the expense of the bpa, it will take at least three months. so, friends, don't waste time, show up today initiative, fill out the questionnaire , we stand shoulder to shoulder and defend our state, well, that is , the people who will send the application will be 100% trained and definitely, as they say, will not be thrown somewhere into a trench or somewhere else without training, while so often those who are against the general mobilization say and say that we are afraid to storm the landings there, well, for the sake of the truth, what happened was what you just described, people were really sent to the front line without preparation, and when this happened in the time frame, 2022 a year when everyone took what
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could and did go to war, regardless of how old he was, what was the preparation, because it was necessary to stop the enemy, after such cases it was necessary to take the necessary measures. measures and orders given regarding the fact that no citizen who has not undergone general military training cannot find himself on the battlefield, it is possible that a failure can occur in any system, but i am not aware of such cases, as in the last eight months at least , that's why yes, after mobilization, you will generally be taught the basics of military affairs, and you will be able to be effective them in the war. moreover, if we talk about the achilles battalion unit, we have people who have been fighting for almost two years. in the topic of uavs, we are one and a half. over time, during this period of time, we managed to become one of the best units in the defense forces of its
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kind. that's why we have motivated professional people to teach you everything we know ourselves to be effective in war. after such an announcement, i want to ask you in more detail how to do it, if you can, you need to go to some site or maybe on your pages in social networks, but for those of our viewers who are watching now and who would like to join the ranks of the armed forces. the next time you invite, i will ask you to post a qr code. qr code , you can find it, on our social networks, on the social networks of the division, wow, oh , unlimited, unlimited, thank you, camera, friends, who has a camera, qr code, scanner, or just through the application, point me, mr. yuriy will tell us what, apart from the collection, we can do for him? when you
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follow this qr code, you have the following options: the first is mobilization, that is, if you are a civilian, conscripted and want to undergo military service, beat the enemy at will, fill out the questionnaire, there is necessarily a section called skills, abilities and knowledge, civilians must fill it out, therefore that sometimes when writing an application for one position, we can for... offer another one that has not been placed, in order not to blur the accents and to be staffed by the category that is currently a priority, so be sure to register your skills and knowledge of civilians, you can also to zadonati her and you can go to our social networks, subscribe, in order to be in the dynamics and see how, in particular , the technique that you donate to is used, support us, i believe that it is necessary to do this ... including reporting to everyone , who helps the defense forces, because the realization that one
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penny, but from every ukrainian, can sometimes change the course of the battle, i think it inspires, mr. yuriy, look, and we also want to submit a card number for those who are not so advanced qr-technologies are friendly, of course just a bank card, for if you want to help the achilles five. 3 7 5 4 1 1 2 07 7 2 8 4 4 0 you are doing this collection because so far there is not such a large flow from the state, because as of february we have not yet seen large contracted drone parties as promised for the drone army, you are collecting them yourself or more rate for the help of volunteers and i have already done well done. donat has already flown, vidulyan. thank you. as for the support of the unit, it should be understood that
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the dynamics of combat is extremely high and the norm expenses on polybail means, it is also increasing. at the beginning of 2023, we received 20% of uav equipment from the state, 80% at the expense of every ukrainian, charitable organizations, foreign citizens who support us, including financially. at the end of 2023 , this changed for the better, i.e. uav production samples, their purchase still has positive dynamics in our country, at the moment we receive 50% of funds from the state, 50%, we continue to receive at the expense of each ukrainian, according to my beliefs and observations during conservation current dynamics, scale-up of production of bepla samples, as well as funding. at the same level by the end of 2024 , we should, in my opinion, already
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receive 70% from the state, but there will be 30% left, which we will definitely need, friends, so that you can help, it is also worth noting that, unfortunately, given the dynamics hostilities, even in the current line of combat, more than 1,200 km, the state will not be able to fully meet all the needs of the defense forces, because... the dynamics of hostilities are extremely complex and high, and those technical the means, even those supplied , they are unfortunately lost, if we talk about the means, they are lost as a result of adverse weather conditions, as a result of the enemy's radio electronic warfare, the fire effect of the enemy, that is why the support will be needed for more than one year, so friends , especially the uav is such a consumable, both shells and cartridges, everything is correct, only. we would like to remind those who have already followed the qr code and looked at how
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the recruitment questionnaire actually looks, remember that if you want a safari, if you want to see how it burns well, the enemy's equipment is burning, and if you want to do it at least under podmayskyi, then you have to sign up already, says mr. yuriy, it will take three months of training before you can fly in real conditions, so don't delay it. thank you, mr. yuriy, yuriy fedorenko, the commander of the kahiles attack uav battalion, the 92nd separate assault brigade named after koshovoy ataman, ivan sirk, was in touch with us, after a break we will continue to discuss the events at the front, stay with us, tired of heavy and bulky saws, then strong saw from rozpaku tv is just for you, with it you will easily cut. trees and shrubs, it is so convenient to use for carpentry work, it is an ideal tool
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broadcast of vasyl zima, two hours of air time , two hours of your time, hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day for two hours, a big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening for espresso. according to the results of january, the tv channel. espresso continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. good morning
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to everyone who joined the broadcast of the tv channel, roman chayko, ulyana panasiuk in the studio. 720 day of the full-scale invasion, serhii zgurets is in touch with us, we are talking about the situation at the front and other important military matters, mr. serhii, glory to ukraine, glory, good morning, congratulations to your followers, so the information appeared yesterday evening, which is really the russians tried to hit kiev with a real zircon, our media also wrote a lot about this hypersonic missile. and defense express has been actively looking into what cercon, cercon is wasn't tserkon flying over kyiv, so they confirmed that they found the wreckage of this missile in the past, last week in the dnipro region of the capital. so, what is wonderwav, tell our viewers, please. well, first of all, i will say that we wrote for the first time
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that it was a circus, then there were reports in other mass media, and we, well, extremely pleased. by the fact that the kyiv research institute of forensic examinations is conducting a further investigation of this story and has collected all the fragments that allow us to conclude that this weapon on february 11 or 7, it was actually zircon. what conclusions can be drawn, this weapon was adopted only recently for the equipment of the russian army, this is primarily how we... we can draw conclusions, a rather raw sample, because although it is said that this is a hypersonic weapon with a range of up to a thousand km, how declared brashly. putin has a speed of up to nine machs there, technical analysis shows that it is actually impossible to ensure, and this missile
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does not have the capabilities for such a speed, and it can mainly go astray with those of the system of air defense, which are on the equipment of the ukrainian army, although it was declared that this missile has the so-called hypersonic speeds, which do not allow any air defense system to fight with it... who, but in any case, er, indicative , that in fact there are two places near kyiv where the debris of the church fell, there may even have been some, two rockets were used on the seventh, why such small eruptions, first of all, because already knocked down debris fell there, and that is precisely why this combat the part did not work, which has a combat mass within the limits 300 kg, so... in any case , the effectiveness of air defense is confirmed, and the effectiveness of this new wunderwaffe is actually disproved,
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so actually, mr. sergey, what kind of wunderwaffe is it, if it crashes like other cruise missiles, yes, that is, at least they have to shoot new cartoons, especially since yesterday we only watched part of the cartoons where they took some demonstration shots, american ones, called their new... hypersonic missiles, but what exactly do we want from hear you more confirmation, this is that after yesterday ’s bid, in particular, we heard that the number of mobile air defense groups that will shoot down the shaheds, drones and everything else will increase, and we were interested in this information, there were even footage of the shaheds being shot down by american vampire laser systems, how... how effective is it, how many do we have, and will the new groups beat the old one, as they say, with anti -aircraft and other means,
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will we have enough vampires? well, really, really the fight against shaheed is an important component of our air defense, we fight against shaheed in various ways, and the first component is related to the equipment of mobile groups, it is expanding and intensifying, because now we see the video from the 11th, this is the command of the naval forces showed how on the 11th the shaheds near odesa went astray , probably using the new installations that the united states delivered to us, indeed this system is called empaire, now we see that it is actually a puskovan, on which there are four guided missiles, but the feature is that there is a powerful optical detection station. somewhere, i think, up to 40 kilometers, which can see enemy targets in good conditions, there is a thermal imager and a laser illuminator, so this laser illuminator keeps the shaheid under control and
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a missile flies to this point, which is guided to this point by a laser, which will receive a laser on this shaheid , in fact, this initial contract was signed a year ago. well, they were supposed to be installed by the end of the 23rd mine, the previous contract had the number of about 13 of these installations, the range of destruction targets, i think that within 5 km is guaranteed, but it is important to understand that in fact this missile has a cost of less than 40 thousand dollars and it is three times cheaper than shahei, that is, in fact, it is one of the most... effective means of destroying mines in terms of efficiency, cost and so on, because if we shoot down or shot down
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shaheds there with missiles, it was not entirely rational, because the use of missiles of these systems completely changes this economic balance in our favor, i wanted to ask you, mr. serhiy, even last year a combat unit of russian propaganda shot down margarita simenyan. and blew up highmars with hundreds of each air, now we saw two highmars that arrived in the states for maintenance, it was confirmed that they were damaged, but i didn’t even look with a professional eye, well, there is one minus wheel, probably the chassis needs to be done there and some small damage, that is , it was not so much the damage and restoration that interested her, as the information that they just... can come back to be returned to us again so that they shoot new ones, we need, means of long-range damage,
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as they say, retuning, re... that was the version, would you like to hear your analysis? in fact, we have already learned to service almost all american equipment on the spot, this also applies to howitzers and other models, and this significantly speeds up repairs, although the americans are quite so picky about some models, i think that replacing the wheel there or replacing the armored parts on this machine , there would be no problems on the territory of ukraine either, so i think that it is not extremely difficult there thing eh, the fact that hymers are now used quite effectively, there is no need to look for an explanation when we see the number of enemy targets that are destroyed by these hymers, and about the flashing of new rocket bombs that we expect, a ground launch small diameter bomb with a range of 150 km, which were about to arrive, because
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there were messages. that they are already in ukraine, so i think that the issue of flashing additional machines for new impression devices is quite likely, but i rather want to be more it is optimistic that these missiles are already being used on our launch hymers, which are already in ukraine. well, mr. serhiy, we finally have time to talk with you about one more topic related to vampire and the shooting down of the shaheds. ukrainian. and the defense-industrial complex is also not sleeping anymore and is pondering over how to confront those flying shaheds who disturb our ukraine, and here the rep pokrova complex works in ukraine, well, the name is telling, but what is it and how does it work helps land the russian-iranian shahedis? well actually indeed, the first thing that was mentioned about this system was...
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commander-in-chief valery zaluzhnyi, when he was in office, and this extreme publication just mentioned that there is a cover system that actually covers a large part of ukraine, and the peculiarity of this system is aimed at replacing coordinates of satellite systems that are used by the shaheds or others attacking the enemy's unmanned aerial vehicles, and it is quite so complicated. the system is scattered from the point of view of dislocation, and we can already see that it gives results, because we somehow see that these or that shahed simply fall on the territory of ukraine, they are not shot down by air defense, but they are such that they are suppressed and they just hit, hit without external destruction, and such cases are happening more and more, indicates that the system is
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sufficiently effective, that is, we understand correctly, in fact the racket has a point where it should hit, programmed in advance, even all these pretzels, which are also programming for this, in fact, with the help of this, we knock down the end point, we bring it out, as it were they say, in the field of chess, or we just plant, well, there is an inertial system that works in shaheda, there is a system related to gps correction, so we change the point that...
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time to guess all the dead in this russian-ukrainian war, traditionally at nine o'clock, we have a moment of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of the ukrainian military and civilian citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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