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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 9:30am-10:01am EET

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one of the drivers was drunk, this is 24-year-old ivanna hrypnyak, they accused her of cooperating with representatives of territorial procurement centers, a fight took place and the woman was injured, her child was also injured, as of now 24-year-old ivanna hrypnyak is in the hospital , and the police promptly responded to this case, and criminal proceedings were initiated last week, it was said. or hooliganism committed by, committed by a group of persons, the reaction, besides this, it should be noted that the residents of kosmach also appealed to the law enforcement officers, they wrote a collective appeal , in which they stated that the video published on the network , it insults their honor and dignity, as well as the law enforcement officers, at the moment there is one statement from a resident of kosmach, who claims that the driver, i.e. ivanna hrypniak, committed she
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ran over her leg. based on this fact, the police also started criminal proceedings under the first part of article 286 of the criminal code of ukraine. this is a violation of road safety rules. well, it should be noted that the reaction of the management of the security service of ukraine did not delay, and they also started criminal proceedings. it is about the alleged obstruction of the armed, legal activities of the armed forces of ukraine. within this. of this criminal proceeding , a legal assessment will be provided to all participants of the incident, the spokeswoman of the sbu administration in the ivano-frankivsk region, maria rimmar, reported the day before. svitlano, it is also known that representatives of the central committee met with local residents. how did this meeting take place, what was agreed upon, and was it possible to agree? well, it should be noted that there was indeed a meeting at the end of last week. some shopping centers with the community, i note that
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it was initiated by the residents themselves, according to the people, they wanted to understand why there is a mobilization in ukraine, there was an overwhelming majority of women in the hall, only a few men, and the meeting lasted several hours, and of course, emotions there was a riot in the hall , i would like to note that the meeting took place in the kosmat house of culture, this is... yes, the hall has 300 seats and it was packed to the brim, people demanded from the military to explain to them who ukraine was fighting with, because after two years of war obviously they are they still do not fully understand this, and it is worth noting that the parties failed to reach an agreement, the representatives of the tsc assured that they will visit the village and conduct alerts as well, because the locals themselves are in no hurry.
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thank you, svetlana, for participating, we will follow the course of events. svitlana malynyuk, a correspondent of radio liberty in the ivano-frankivsk region, was in touch with us, then i will pass the floor to oleg galev with the news. hello this is news in minutes, here is a brief summary of what is being talked about on the net. the bitcoin rate rose to 50 thousand dollars per coin, reuters reports. this happened for the first time since... 2021. bitcoin is the most famous of the remaining virtual coins. this cryptocurrency appeared in 209. ukrainian singer maria sur can represent sweden at eurovision 2024. she made it to the finals of the melody festival music competition, where representatives from sweden are chosen. the singer told about this on instagram. swedish radio also reported. maria is 19 years old, she is from zaporizhzhia. the final of the swedish selection. will be held on march 9 in
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stockholm. ukrzaliznytsia stopped collecting greetings for defenders on valentine's day. earlier, the company announced that if you, or your significant other, are in the military and will not be near you on the train on february 14, then ukrzaliznytsia promises to deliver greetings to them right in the car. to do this, all those willing to register in the chatbot of the railways, since yesterday they no longer collect greetings in order to have time to process all requests, already tomorrow on the military in trains. expect a pleasant surprise. that's all for today, look for more news on the radio svoboda website, as well as on our social networks. thank you oleg, and i call on all our viewers on radio svoboda's youtube channel to join. if you are not yet subscribed, subscribe, it helps to promote all our videos, live broadcasts, important video reports from the front on ukrainian youtube. next, let's talk about...
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blood donation, there is an immediate need for donor blood in ten regions, among them vinnytsia, kyiv, odesa, dnipro, mykolaiv, where all blood groups are needed. the need for donor blood remains stable throughout ukraine. needs are dynamic, change every day depending on the circumstances, about it reported the ministry of health. every week, the department publishes a list of regional centers where donors are especially waiting, about how people donate their blood in the front-line kharkiv and telovo lviv, see the story of my colleague iryna ostrovska. with the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the need for blood in kharkiv increased significantly, local hospitals need it not only for the sick, but also for the wounded, of whom there are many due to the russian strikes. kharkiv region near the front is subjected to artillery and drone attacks every day. most often, there is a lack of resources of negative blood groups - doctors say. however, depending on the situation, other groups may also be in short supply. if a military
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or civilian person falls, and she needs not one dose and not five doses, but maybe 10, and we can send them to a medical institution in a day, and the need will arise. so that there is no shortage, kharkiv doctors ask citizens to donate blood regularly, they form a reserve of donors here to call them in case of critical need, i always go here as a holiday, it was the first time we went together with my husband, we went to my place and they turned me around because they didn't find a vein, as they told me, i was very, very upset, and then we came a second time, we already came here, and everything is fine here and... we have been going regularly for the second year, we have planned donations, we receive a telegram reminder from the telegram bot, and we do not miss it, our closest friend, my best man, has been on the order at zero since the first days, my
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daughter’s husband is also there, my son he worked with me and i miss him very much his, his golden hands, that is. therefore , of course, i help these people in the first place, as much as i can, i am here for the first time and i want to help our military men, i was not going to, well, i felt some kind of guilt in myself, that i should do something, help something. in lviv, more than 100 km from the front line, there is also a great need for blood, at the beginning of the full-scale invasion , it increased by 35%, say the regional service center. at the same time, the number of donors decreased significantly in january, so now all groups are in short supply. we have a decrease, well, because of the holiday, let's say, now the situation is imposed diseases, that is, many people are either sick or have already fallen ill, and accordingly they cannot be donors for a certain time, and
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for those reasons we have a decrease in the number of donors. oleksandr now donates platelets for cancer patients, but periodically comes here to donate blood as well. let's say, a free thing that i can do, yes , well, that is, it does not require any, i don't know, additional funds and something like that, so i can, i come, the man even refuses to get a tattoo, because he does not want to take a break from donation, well, when i make 120 donations, then it will be, if we assume that in a year it comes out to about 12, well, different types of donations, yes, well, 10 years, to get a tattoo, that means not six months there... blood, well, i can't afford it yet, that's for sure. in order to collect more blood, in the lviv regional center they go to the communities on such a special bus. you see that everything is comfortable here, that is, chairs for blood sampling, there are scales, stirrers, that is, the donor, he
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is examined by a therapist, there is a special a compartment for a therapist, a laboratory for determining blood groups and goes to donate blood, that is, we can accept about 80 people per day in visiting conditions, many people are ready to donate their blood for the needs of others, but do not always have the opportunity to go all the way to lviv for this. since march of last year , doctors of the lviv blood service have made 72 trips to the region and collected blood from 4,000 people with this big bus alone, and this year they want to expand this practice and have already planned 13 such trips for february. iryna ostrovska, anna chernenko, andrii rulliuk, freedom morning. we understand that... now there is such a great need for blood and blood components, both for the military and for civilian hospitals, it is not difficult to understand whether the shortage is felt strongly and what needs to be done to ensure that blood supplies are stable? well, if you allow me, i will start with the following: shortage
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of blood and blood components that are made from it, it always exists in the world, why? because the donor is a person for society. it is priceless and very useful, and the donor must be practically a healthy person, actually speaking, ah, the second component it is important that... about a third of people on this earth, on our planet, sooner or later face the need to use blood or its components, the nuance of this is that this need arises unpredictably, both by the time of occurrence, and according to the volumes, as a matter of fact, which must be applied. and that is why this problem is acutely relevant, this issue
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concerns not only wartime, because now it is a very relevant problem, but also peacetime, and actually speaking, any society, any country, it works actively to to implement the principle of voluntary free donation and precisely regular donation, i.e. so that people... don't repeatedly donate blood or its components sporadically, but do it on a permanent basis, and in this way a sufficient number of reserves are formed that satisfy all needs. the fact that in ukraine, the supply of donor blood and its components is stable, is confirmed by the fact that since the beginning of the war, ukraine has never exported or imported a single dose
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of components or whole blood for satisfaction of their needs. and how long can blood and its components be stored and whether the number of donors in ukraine has increased over the past two years or not, and what motivates people, are there possible motivational programs at the state level to become a donor? of course, the need in connection with ... the armed aggression of the russian federation has increased significantly, i will not divulge the numbers, because this is a component of security, every citizen who believes that he is socially useful, or wants to be socially useful, must remember remember the importance of donating blood, in addition, i want to say that the main need right now is whole blood, if we are talking about whole donor blood or erythrocyte
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components from which it is obtained, then it can be stored for up to 42 days. if we are talking about such a component as plasma, then the problem is less here, because plasma can be stored in a frozen state for 36 months. and there is another component of blood, these are platelets, ah, they have a very limited shelf life, up to 5 days, one blood donation can save a minimum of one life, a maximum of three lives, why? because erythrocytes, plasma and platelets can be obtained from one dose of whole blood. a citizen of ukraine over the age of 18 can become a blood donor. after the age of 60, if the donor donates blood for the first time, admission to donation , and... at the discretion of the doctor, after 65 with the permission of the doctor on the basis of a medical examination,
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until suspension from donation on a permanent basis is associated with the presence of some complex chronic diseases or the presence of infectious diseases such as, for example , hepatitis or hiv in the candidate himself. in the donor or a donor, but there are time restrictions, the donor can be suspended temporarily, well , for example, if he has a fever, then the suspension is temporary for at least two weeks, after vaccination for four weeks, after certain diseases, again according to the result of a medical examination on the basis. conclusion of the doctor of the blood center. in addition, we remember that on the eve
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of the donation, the donor must have a good rest, drink any liquid, except dairy products, in order to replenish the volume of liquid in the body, have a good mood, and be ready to make a donation. thank you, mr. oleksandr. who joined and told these simple rules, but serious in order to become a donor, as you mentioned, for ukraine it is now very important in our reality in which we live. oleksandr sergienko. deputy general director of the ukrainian transplant coordination center joined the svoboda ranok broadcast. thank you. and thank you all for being with us. write in the comments whether you had such an experience, whether you were a blood donor, or perhaps you do it on a regular basis. sign up on radio svoboda. the freedom of the mornings is with you every weekday from 9:00 on this channel, also broadcast on
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the tv channel. my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and our entire team wish you peace. until tomorrow, the espresso tv channel continues its broadcast, here we are again on the air, and we will spend these 15 minutes before the news with andrii yusov, a representative of the main intelligence department, we are waiting for him, but this morning the news arrived that there was a fire in moscow in the middle of the night oil refinery, here... in russia, there was a little comment on this whole thing history, they already say that these were generally planned works, well, in the russians in katsapya, everything is as usual, but everything is according to the plan traditionally in moscow, if something is on fire, then it means the moscow night grill, like that, by the way , from such unexpected news, when
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they were dispersing treason, that the czechs, our allies in the anti-putin coalition, have to... vat our tanks and they immediately return to zero at the front, and nothing has been repaired, you know , that is treason, nothing has been repaired, but now the czechs say that we are ready at any second, so far nothing has come to us for repairs, as soon as we arrive, we are already ready to repair, so the betrayal is canceled, so andrii yusof is in touch with us, the representative of the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine , glory to ukraine, mr. andriy, glory, i congratulate you, mr. andriy, i want start with what was accelerating on the body. channels, information that in the waters of the black sea, one, one of the russian ships destroyed a russian ship with friendly fire, everything that we read, as they say, do you intelligence officers know something, or is it just some kind of informational noise, or the real story is fresh now, let's say that such
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information is known, but it needs additional verification, ugh, so we don't have confirmation yet, understand? and there another collaborator went to kobzon and again, even the representative of the mayor's office says that we cannot know whether it worked for us to make it double, or it just happened, bad mushrooms got in, as he said, what do you know. about the history of berdyan, we must understand that the defense security forces, special services simultaneously and in parallel implement, prepare and plan and implement dozens of similar operations, operations of revenge , justice, punishment, collaborators, traitors, war criminals, in many cases no public statements are made about this and
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no comments are made, information is reported when it makes sense from the point of view of implementing further ... similar operations or influence on the enemy, sometimes the information is made public, but with a delay in time, so there is information that another traitor went to kobzon's concert, one way or another, this is a consequence of his statesmen's treasonous actions and treason of the ukrainian state, whenever necessary , all additional information will be made public and proven. please tell me, we were preparing for a... conversation with you today, and thought it would be appropriate to ask you about the use of starlinks by the russians at the front, and this is a fresh update from the central intelligence agency, in fact, a fresh radio intercept has been published by your colleagues, they say , that starling terminals are purchased by the occupiers in arab countries, well, at least this is evidenced by this radio interception leaked on
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the network, at the same time elon musk says that he i personally don’t... he doesn’t sell any starlinks for the russians to anyone, but according to the radio interception, the russians buy them in arab countries, in short, it’s such a gray scheme, tell me more about how it happens and maybe the main intelligence agency is already thinking, how to counter it? yes, it’s like in the old joke, the price is cheaper than the manufacturer’s, the signature of the watchman, yes, that’s why no one formally sells such a story, and it’s true, well... we are not deceived, officially no starlinks are supplied to russia and that more to the armed forces, but russia is not the only one the number one terrorist state, but also the number one smuggler state in the world, that's why it's set up like this... gray supply schemes with this parallel import or basically smuggling is actually not easy to fight, because third countries, and it's not just one country, it's
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in such a number of countries may be involved in the schemes, and laying companies officially and legally buy sterling for individuals, legal entities, for civil needs, and then transfer them to the territory of the aggressor state, mr. andriy, but here is another story, well... to yourself, if not codes and all other things, it will not work, i.e., well, i understand that by some schemes you can start the iron itself, but how do they get these codes that musk says about, i do not provide anything, the pentagon what is needed for ukraine in i was bought out, paid by our corporations, so the codes go at the same level as the starling code, but how do they get these codes? the launch does not take place on the territory of russia, and then it is already a continuation of the work and so... there are specialists who support the operation of these devices, and activation is taking place very, mostly we are talking about the front line,
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that is, when it is really difficult to distinguish between ukrainian and non-ukrainian sterling works, although there simply should not be others there except for ours, so this is the question and the work is being carried out and with regard to the strengthening of the sanctions policy, restrictions the same circuit circuits in parallel. importing and determining the individual numbers of these terminals, each sterling terminal has its own unique number, and what will actually allow to identify the detailed route and actually block the same individual terminals, i wanted to ask you more, maybe the intelligence officers learned something more about this syrian-lebanese story, that is, of course, the iranians are present, and hezbollah is present there. and even the specific names of the commanders of the iranian revolutionary guard are known, i am talking about the fact that they are training there, well, let's say this, unmanned pilots, that is, the leaders and
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operators of shaheds and ababil 3 and these drones, the volumes of which are talked about, if you can count in two hundredths this amount, how much are they making, how dangerous is it, how much is it on the assembly line? well, in parallel there is preparation. different groups and qualifications, i.e. as cannon fodder, but mostly we are talking about local syrian mercenaries, these are mostly, with a separate exception, low-skilled, poorly trained, and those who will be sent as cannon fodder for the same assaults, and when it comes to training of uav operators, it is already russians who train foreign instructors, or... or russians who are preparing to become instructors themselves, that is, they learn from representatives of structures that have experience in using, in particular, iranian drones in combat
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conditions, there were attempts for a longer time to attract foreign instructors to the territory of the russian federation, even to the occupied territories, but now they do not want to go for security reasons, due to the active actions of the ukrainian defense security forces, well, actually they changed the model, now they are studying here in syria. in terms of number, well, all together , that is, there are about a thousand syrian attack aircraft being prepared, it is clear that the uav operators are dozens, that is, it is a much smaller number of people, but the uav operator, accordingly, has a much higher survivability, that is, his value here is that , how well they will teach him, and so on the issue of the availability of means, that is, the same drones, well, we have to ask you about the incident with the il-76 plane that got into... january 24, russian propaganda there is fully working out this story, they are already telling a lot of things about how they spent there already investigation and many other things, but you know that
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they are silent about what happened to the ukrainian servicemen, they used to say that there were ukrainian prisoners of war, they were on that plane, they even printed a list then, it’s kind of strange, nevertheless, more information about they are not there, why... now the intelligence department is in this direction, and we know that the ukrainian side is submitting requests to russia regarding the return of the bodies of servicemen, have we received any response? no, there is no answer at the moment, but similar requests have been submitted and will be submitted, and of course ukraine is conducting its own investigation, the security service of ukraine opened proceedings, and the investigation is ongoing, at the same time, it was ukraine that took the initiative to conduct it. international investigation, well, but, strangely enough, the aggressor state once again rejected such a proposal as her after the volenivtsi terrorist attack, regarding list
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65. we can confirm that this is indeed the name of the ukrainian defenders who are, were, are, as of now formally, we did not change anything in this status in russian captivity, and so they were submitted for exchange that the very one that was cancelled, when the russian plane went down, the same plane that is a military plane, and that ukrainian prisoners were allegedly there, no one... no one was warned, and the silence did not apply then, no on belgorod, not to the resort. in contrast to the last exchange, and when everything was done and organized correctly, and the penultimate one, there was a corresponding message, and the regime of silence was observed, and it was informed that the plane was transporting ukrainian prisoners, why il-76, why such a large board, and only 65 people, why are there only three guards, why
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are they not showing and handing over... the bodies for so long, well , after all, why are they not allowing an international commission, even its creation? indeed, there are many questions here. i just wanted more clarify, and what ways are there, what ways to conduct a non-ukrainian or independent study, investigation of this incident. it is obvious that russia does not and will never allow international observers or investigative teams. will not give any black boxes. what are the ways out in order to... find out the truth and eventually find out where these our servicemen are, and bring clarity to this matter? it is clear that the easiest, shortest way would be to access the place of the plane crash, study the wreckage, study the black boxes and finding out the nature of the damage, and therefore the possible cause of the damage and what was on board, because if it turns out that... there
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were, for example, weapons, missiles for the s-300, and it was transported together with ukrainian prisoners, well, this is yet another obvious war crime of the russian federation, so there are a lot of answers, in fact , ukraine does not have access to this territory, and accordingly, an international investigation is not being conducted, well, what can ukraine do by collecting operational data, intelligence work, poll. e one way or another witnesses of those events, at least in part, and our captive boys who returned, who were also supposed to be returned on the same day, were exchanged, that is, this is all happening and the investigation is ongoing, the information will be communicated, mr. andrii, we have literally one minute, i ca n’t not to pay attention to one interesting video, we know that
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a criminal case was once opened against the former freelance adviser yermak oleksiy aristovych. well, he is a well-known intelligence officer, he was a pilot, as you know, well, just in general super-super, but here he is on a combat mission in monaco, here is this video, is there something on it, for example, should intelligence do, or will it only have to be done through some other channels? i think that if there are legal grounds, then law enforcement agencies should respond to everyone accordingly, but the video and... tragically, i behave, well, but according to aristovych, in principle, if he goes to monaco like that, then you know it too, that's right, i think we definitely, definitely know, well, here we thank mr. andriy, andriy yusov, representative of the main the intelligence department of the ministry of defense, and not to the candidate for the presidency, to the arrest officer, such congratulations were conveyed, well , we started, mr. andriy, so he is engaged in
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the relevant services. are monitoring the success of aristovych's actions on the western front, the output is below zero, and it is, therefore, our journalists are ready to report all the most important operational news, they have prepared an issue, khrystyna perubiy , i will present it, khrystyna, i congratulate you once again, tell me what will be in this issue. thank you, colleagues, i will tell you about the situation in the regions of ukraine in the issue, as well as about loss of the enemy, in a moment, wait. news on the air of spresso, i'm khrystyna parubiy, i'll talk about the most relevant at the moment. in the morning, a person died in nikopol, the man was hit by russian artillery fire. a private house was damaged, reported ...


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