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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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donetsk region, which was hit by russian terrorists. as of now, we know of one injured person, the regional police reported. the russians dropped two guided aerial bombs on the village, damaging a kindergarten, a school, three apartment buildings and 17 private houses. in addition, the occupiers attacked with three s-300 missiles from selidove, where three were injured, including two children. 15 private homes in nivochchyna, also russian military shelling. by artillery in rai oleksandrivka, five private houses and critical infrastructure were partially destroyed. new victims of russian attacks in kharkiv region: a 61-year-old woman died in vovchansk. one more the resident was injured. around 11 a.m. the russians shelled the center of the city with artillery, and around 7 a.m. they hit the village of kurylivka. the projectiles hit the territory of the farm, they died. two
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men, two more people, a man and a woman, received explosive wounds, they are in the hospital , oleg syngubov, the head of the region, said. due to the night shelling in dnipro , patients of one of the hospitals are being urgently evacuated, palliative patients are being taken out, - announced the mayor of dnipro, boris filatov. water is drained from the heating system and also closed part of schools as cold weather is expected, the heating system can. cannot withstand the load - explained the official. at night, air defense forces destroyed 10 shaheds in dnipropetrovsk region, but several drones hit energy and infrastructure facilities in the city. fires broke out there, energy workers have already restored all the houses. however, as the executive director of detek dmytro saharuk reported on espresso, the prydniprovska tes was significantly damaged. it temporarily suspended the generation of electricity and it will not be possible to repair the equipment quickly.
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we can already see a trend that the enemy has concentrated on the donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions in order to significantly damage the power system, there have already been dozens of attacks over the past two to three weeks, one of our stations in the donetsk region, kurakhivska, is no longer working, due to the fact that it is constantly shelled the artillery, and... because today they significantly damaged the dnieper station, it is necessary to strengthen the anti-aircraft defense here, because i clearly do not have enough opportunities to neutralize such massive attacks. she died in the morning in nikopol a person, a man came under russian artillery fire. a private house was damaged - reported the head of the dnipropetrovsk region, serhiy lysak. occupiers at night. artillery hit
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nikopol, marhanka and myrivska hromada. there are three private houses in nivochchyna. one farm building was destroyed and another was damaged. fifty solar panels were broken. the russians killed a resident of the kherson region and wounded two others. at night, the enemy shelled the village of lviv. an 83-year-old woman died in the yard near the house, - said the head of the region oleksandr prokudin during the day, the enemy attacked the region 3 times, firing 215 shells. the occupiers fought with artillery, mortars, tanks, mlrs, drones and aviation. damaged residential blocks. two people were wounded by russian shelling in zaporizhzhia. a 67-year-old local resident was injured as a result of the shelling of gulyaipol. a residential building was partially destroyed, there were fires. in poltavaka , a 37-year-old law enforcement officer was wounded
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, the regional military administration said. during the day, the enemy made 127 strikes on 17 settlements of the region. spying for ukrainian planes, the 18-year-old resident of kyiv became an enemy agent. the traitor collected data on critical infrastructure, tried to identify the bases of our aviation and air defense systems, - reported the security service of ukraine. in order to collect information, he rented an apartment near the airport in the kyiv region, and for completing tasks, he received money on a bank card. molodyk was caught in the act while he was spending time. to intelligence near an energy-generating enterprise in the capital, now he is in custody, the traitor faces life imprisonment. in international shawarma day russia lost another 1090 units of its cannon fodder. and
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in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, our defenders have crushed more than 397,00 invaders. they went to hell with their equipment, eight tanks were reduced to ashes in just one day. 27 armored combat vehicles, 19 artists, 28 units of cars and special equipment and one means of anti-aircraft defense of the enemy. in addition, our defenders shot down 30 operational-tactical uavs. the general staff reminds that the data are indicative. the espresso tv channel is calling to join the gathering on fpv drones for a separate platoon of unmanned air systems sapsan of the state special service of transport. these brave soldiers are actively fighting in the donetsk direction, attacking and restraining the enemy. thanks to fpvidrons, our defenders have already destroyed a lot of russian equipment, fortifications and manpower of the aggressor. so we have a goal: to collect 1 million hryvnias for flying weapons.
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the account already has more than uah 200,000. remember, each of your donations is important. so get involved. you can see all the details on the screen. russia... force in search of the prime minister of estonia kai kalas - reports the russian edition of mediazon with reference to the search base of the russian federation. it is not known why the muscovites started persecuting kalas, but journalists believe that the demolition of soviet monuments in estonia could be a probable reason. cases related to the dismantling of soviet symbols were brought the day before against the minister of culture of lithuania, as well as 59 deputies of the latvian diet. the russians are also looking for three ministers. the president of ukraine plans to tour western europe, will probably visit paris and berlin, and will also take part in at the annual conference in munich, bloomberg reports with reference to its own sources.
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the main topic is increasing military support amid uncertainty over washington's funding problems. negotiations on security guarantees are also possible. bloomberg appealed to the french governments. and germany, but there refused to comment. the office of the president of ukraine also does not comment on his travel schedule for security reasons. the us senate came close to approving an aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan worth more than $95 billion. even in spite of the fact that opposition among trumpists is growing within the republican party. as ukrainian ambassador to the usa oksana markarova wrote on social networks, senators. praised the decision to end the debate on the bill, the decision received 66 votes, which is six votes more than the passing minimum. however, a vote in the house of representatives, which is controlled by republicans, is still ahead. european
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trade commissioner valdis dombrovskis called on poland, hungary and slovakia to lift unilateral restrictions on the import of ukrainian grain. since the european union has already developed... mechanisms that will protect farmers from the surplus of ukrainian products. he reminded that the restrictions contradict the eu's exclusive competence in trade policy and obligations under the free trade agreement with ukraine and the soviet union. meanwhile, polish farmers are blocking five checkpoints on the border with ukraine. according to border guards, there are more than 1,200 trucks in queues. russia and belarus were not allowed. to the world hockey championship, which will be held in the czech republic in may. this was reported by the international ice hockey federation. except moreover, belarus will definitely not play in the selection for the 2026 olympics, where in the decisive round it was supposed to become one of ukraine's rivals. for the aggressor countries, this is the third
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suspension from international hockey tournaments since the beginning of the full-scale invasion. decisions will be reviewed no sooner than in a year. this is how the espresso team saw the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your preferences. i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. stay with us glory to ukraine, this is a verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and... our victory. today in the program. big casting. after replacing
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the hard-working nasser, the president continued the reshuffling of the military leadership. how are changes in the army perceived? the hard way through congress. the bill on american aid to ukraine overcomes opposition from republicans. why trump discredits nato. grain on the asphalt. ukraine calls investigate. shameful incident at the border, who is behind the protests of polish farmers? about this and other things, during the next hour we will talk with our guests, igor lapin and roman bezsmertny, in the second part of our program, which will start in exactly an hour, we will have oleksiy holobutskyi and serhii taran as guests. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of how ukrainian soldiers on evdiyivskyi on... fpv drones destroyed a russian tank, a video of the detonation
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of ammunition was released by fighters of the 110th separate mechanized brigade, let's see. friends, apart from the telecast, we are also working on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live there, please like this video and also subscribe to our pages, in addition, participate in our survey, today we ask you the following: would you like to see a hard worker in ukrainian
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politics? yes, no, please vote on youtube, either yes or no, if you have your comment, please write under this video, and vote if you are sitting in front of by tv, telephone, telephone numbers on the screen: 0800 211 3801, those who want to see the zaluzhno in ukrainian politics, and those who do not want to see... uh, the zaluzhno in the ukrainian politics, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, vote, we, it is important for us to know your opinion, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. this week was not easy in ukrainian politics and, in particular, in relation to the rotation at the highest level in the armed forces of ukraine, because in addition to the dismissal of valery zaluzhny from his post... of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine and the appointment of oleksandr
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syrskyi as the new commander, there were also personnel changes, major personnel changes in the army, because the deputies to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine changed, and new commanders of the armed forces of ukraine were appointed, in particular, oleksandr syrskyi introduced the commander of the ground forces oleksandr pavlyuk to the staff. who previously held the position of first deputy minister of defense, was also appointed chief of the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine anatoliy bargelevich, who was commander of the tro forces. ihor skibyuk, who was previously the deputy commander of the airborne assault troops, became the commander of the airborne assault troops. he was appointed as the commander of the united forces of the armed forces. yuriy sodol, who was the commander of the marines, the commander of the tro forces, was appointed
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ihor plahuta, who during the maidan era served in the internal forces of the ministry of internal affairs and participated in the confrontation with the protesters. in a word, such a large personnel reshuffle. now we will talk about this deployment with a military officer, with an officer of the armed forces of ukraine, special appointee, people's deputy of ukraine of the eighth convocation ihor lapin, mr. mr. major, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, mr. major, i have already listed exactly this great deployment that i made. during the last three days, starting from the dismissal of valery zaluzhny and the appointment of new commanders, how do you perceive such large personnel changes during the war, during a difficult situation at the front, how appropriate they were, how motivated they were and how much they can give
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the result that zelensky is obviously counting on is not... is it clear what he is counting on? well, it seems to me that with these many decisions to date, zelensky is generally putting himself at odds with society, so to speak, and decided to prove to everyone, i don’t know that he is like that, i don’t know what he has a goal, but now there is a very serious problem in the command of the territorial defense forces, i emphasize once again, this is the main part of our society, which, as they say, from... the plow from sakha, this the people's army, so to speak, who left, mobilized, are now in the teroborona forces, and the lion's share of them are maidan residents, this is a colossal problem, maybe someone thinks that they are paying attention, because now they are already starting to take some receipts from the military there, that they are being warned about criminal liability, blah blah blah, well , we all know why
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the increased criminal liability of military personnel was invented, but the chief cop... who dispersed precisely in the government quarter, led its units of the internal troops and stood the maidanites are opposite us, and today he must give orders, and the maidanites have to listen by law, it’s just that it’s some kind of dissonance in the minds of people today, well, i ’ve talked to many people, it’s just trash, and what better thing can be thought of in the interests of the russian federation, i do not even know. the question of personnel changes in general is a question of the responsibility of the supreme commander-in-chief of president zelenskyi, but i want to say that no citizen of ukraine dislikes, well, i do not know such people who like, for example, corrupt people like shurma, or maybe someone loves the head of yermak's office, yermak himself, or i
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think that someone loves the representative of the mint zakharchenko. the same tatarov there, left hand or right foot from portnov, but zelenskyi leaves them, you release those whom the people love , whom the ukrainians love, without releasing the industrious, because what about this trash, well, i already said, i was asked the commander, what to do, i say all my people against rosna, we must direct all our hatred against the russian occupiers, and then deal with this trash, i emphasize once again, the representative of the bs, namely, today is in charge of the territorial defense troops, this is the state, i don’t have it in my head, i haven’t put it in my head since yesterday, simply, i understand that every soldier will follow the order of his sergeant, sergeant will listen to kombat, the combatant will listen to combrig, but somewhere in the depths of his soul, as one classic said, each of them will think
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every time, whether he is hiding, whether there is a dog buried there, because somewhere above... sits a cop , who dispersed the maidanites, but you just understand this in me, it is called to sow mistrust among soldiers , it is simply impossible to come up with a worse thing in the conditions of war, but this is exactly what mistrust is, considering some generals and colonels i personally know are normal, i.e. the same vadim of sukharev, we fought with them at the luhansk airport, i.e. this is a combat an officer, one of those who... was the first to give the order in this war in the 14th year to open fire on the enemy, on the russian occupiers and on the separs, that is, he is a heroic person, it is real, well, he and i, as they say, and we are friends and that's all, i still know a few the officers who were appointed, in principle , let's put it this way, there is a decision, there is asyrskyi, there is his team, maybe he chose his team, but something seems to me that that team,
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let's say this, was brought to him by yermak, although there are normal people among them . maybe it is necessary for someone to do something after all, maybe it is connected with this, i don't know, well, that is, let's put it this way, there are normal people who command respect, doubts creep into me about how others were fired, yes, that is, i remember very well, general muzhenko was released on the way to some international summit, he he learned about it from the media when he arrived at the meeting place with foreign partners, this is a humiliation that still needs to be looked for, the same general khorenko, commanding... the forces of the ssso was simply released, he also learned about it through zmi, general naiv was released, i also found out through zmi, that’s how you have to disrespect the military, you see, that’s exactly it, you know, that’s what zelensky is pitting himself against, unfortunately, but that’s how it looks, he’s pitting himself against the army, it’s simple, it’s trash, it's, it's disrespectful, i don't know
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well, that is, maybe my emotions are speaking more now, i understand that i am emphasizing once again, and all soldiers must obey the orders of their immediate commanders, but this turmoil that is currently sitting in the minds of the maidanites, it will not go anywhere and... who is it knows how a person will react in this or that situation, that's what i'm worried about, because i emphasize once again, our enemy is the russian federation, it is the aggressor, we must direct all our hatred to the destruction of rosna, but how to fight with this trash, i don't know, to be honest, i have for the first time in my life, there is nothing to add, but by the way, mr. major, there has already been a video of fighters who say that they publicly support... the new commander of the tro forces , ihor plahuta. let's hear what they say. general plahuta is an authority for many of
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my brothers. against the background of the information that he allegedly dispersed the maidan, i can say one thing: now this general hardly sleeps, hardly eats and is not at home. he is demanding of himself and his surroundings. that is why he led one of the important branches of the army, where... ro. he did not commit any criminal orders. that is why he withdrew his personnel to save the boys' lives. all i can say is it's an honor to serve with such people by my side. glory to ukraine. glory to heroes. you know, i listened to how some student's essay on a given topic, you know, did not commit crimes, that is, the demolition of barricades on december 10. in 2013, in the government quarter, this means that there was no crime, i understand correctly, or is it called, you know what it’s called, it’s a big stitch-up by zelenskyi, oppose
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some soldiers to other soldiers. well, that’s all, well, we read the essay on the given topic, said a person who probably didn’t see it, maybe you can show a video of the dispersal of the demonstrators under the units that were under the command of this general, maybe the person was not on the maidan, or maybe it was him at all... in that he was 10 years old at the time, and today he is 24, and he just doesn't know it, that's all , please, this, these are only fragments that are filmed, remember the thesis, journalists will not be beaten, no, we will not , well, you, well, you yourself know better, you are journalists, you you know what happened on the maidan, i did not commit crimes, i emphasize once again, well, first of all, i have a very serious question, we have police ranks, ranks of the ministry of internal affairs, er, in the armed forces you have to undergo re-certification, maybe a person has passed re-certification, maybe that , the serviceman says that he hasn't committed any crimes, he doesn't know, he says, he doesn't
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sleep, the impression is that this serviceman is with this general 24/7, yes he travels with him, he says he doesn't go home, doesn't eat, doesn't sleep, so then it is possible that this is a military serviceman next to this general is constantly present, sometimes he can testify like that, i emphasize once again, for me there is a fact , you see, the law about... lustration was poured on our heads, but simply put, someone stood up through the courts, someone else sweated it somehow, you understand, for i have a fact, a person took part in the dispersal of protesters on the maidan, now you can say whatever you want, and the impression is that we really do not have any anti-maidan activists in the armed forces of ukraine , but on the other hand, what do you want? tatarov is sitting in the office, tatarov, people... what went to press conferences with yanukovych, let them fuck this maidan and our revolution of dignity, because for us it is a revolution of dignity, and on the 20th they will cynically come to lay
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flowers on the institute where people like me were shot, including thank god, the old man took me away and my brothers covered that i survived, someone from my volyn region did not survive from the 36th hundred, if i am not mistaken, six dead, from the 12th. there are also hundreds of dead boys in which i was, that is, we have already wiped the feet of the celestial hundred, today the tatars sit in the office of the ermak and rule ukraine, what do i want here, i am outraged that you are scattering beads here, as they say, in front of whom you scatter beads, our maidan is behind them, you saw what berkut is doing in dnipro, on the order of maidanivets, who heads the dnipro police , to go to units for the protection of ukraine, you heard that... they don't say, well, that's all, well, what else can be added, well, i do, maybe i'm an emotional person trying to on the verge of a foul without violating the constitution to express a position, and some
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cannot say so... like me, where else can more, and let's not forget, you know the rule that military personnel, active military personnel , cannot go on the air without the permission of the commanders, commanders, etc. and i apologize, but this man who read this essay for homework was allowed to join, well, i just don’t know, well, i’m being honest... it didn’t happen, i’d better not comment on it, because it doesn’t bother me , today people are sitting in zakharchenko yermak's office, and those who dispersed the maidan lead the tro forces, whose honor is it, well , there are no questions, maybe they and this general are together 24/7, and he watches as the general does not sleep , but as far as i know, it is probably that the general not in the trench next to him there on the ruins of this settlement,
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the truth is, that’s all, that’s why... it’s all the same to me, i’m not convinced by what the guys could ask, say, so that there are no demoralizing factors on the front line, well, i will believe it and i say myself that with all my fury hatred of rosna and anti-maidan, let's direct it first to rusna. mr. major, you have already mentioned how they changed khorenka, how they changed naev, and muzhenko, how they found out about the signing of the decree from the mass media, eh... regarding the dismissal, naev also confirmed that he learned about his dismissal from the media mass information, how can it be perceived at all during a war, when the commander of the forces is dismissed and not informed, but only the decree is made public, then he does whatever he wants, this, that, how is this, how does it generally happen technically, that a man, commanding a large mass of people, he
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added. no one calls him, no one tells him, in the end no one tells them for 10 years of the russian-ukrainian war, for the fact that these people were at war all this time, 10 years in this war, no one even told them about it does not report, no one does not take such a normal human step, thank you, mr. general, for your service, why, it is called spitting and grinding and humiliating. that's all, how it looks, it looks like that, spat on, rubbed and humiliated, if we are talking about a general, well , you can imagine, a general comes to some military unit, gives an order, and sits, relatively speaking, the commander of this unit, says, dude, who are you, i just read in the press, you have no name, well, that is, you are a general by epaulettes, but that’s all, you can imagine what a spit in the face of the commander, well, you just know
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, some may not know, but in the army it... happens, it happens, a lot of disgruntled cambrigos sinned by this, who could release people, well , that's it, that is, you you you you you come from combatants, and they tell you, you are nobody , you are already, you have already been replaced, you are discharged, technically it happens, as there is an order for dismissal and you are discharged, that’s it, you are at the disposal, the general is fired, how do you fire him, how will you fire him now a military officer during martial law, well, you won’t fire him, why are we going so far, let’s go... let’s remember how kombat kupov was removed from the combat battalion, how they were removed, and so they were taken and removed, released, because he said something in the media that he does not like something, the military now do not have the right to vote, and on the one hand, this seems to be right, so as not to disperse treason in the trenches, but on the other hand, well , when you look at the fact that this is really an operation, excuse the point, and you must carry out this order, because what do you
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have, the sbi is sitting over you in kyiv, which will come immediately, no... they will come, they are for it, because they will be afraid to come, they will call you and so on, so you carry out this order and give an assessment, of course, criminal or not criminal , you are not, well, a soldier cannot give an estimate, but when a soldier is told that you are without, relatively speaking, without anti-tank you have to go and be armed on tracks, well, there was a chance to prove your innocence even before, today we are building new warehouses, and what did you think that we don't talk much about it today, let the journalists do it... how many in the armed forces of ukraine have been convicted by the verdicts of courts in the cases of the sgb. i remember last year's day of the servant of the people, a member of parliament from the servant of the people party, yatsk, i think that's what they called tsk, which means that they evaluated the work of the sbu. so, over a certain period of time, employees the sbi instituted 4 criminal proceedings, 1,000 of them against officials.


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