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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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what does the sbu say? let's listen. the suspicion was announced under articles 191 and 255 of the criminal code of ukraine. the ex-nard publicly denied being friends with his business partner, who owned a company involved in the criminal scheme. but, as the collected evidence shows, the participants were actively communicating. well, this, this is the most important conclusion that the participants. were actively communicating, probably in the messenger, that pashinsky wrote on his facebook page that this morning the sbu and nabu came to search him in the case of nationalization oil products of oligarch serhiy kurchenko. since march 22, i have been the head of the national association of defense and industrial enterprises of ukraine, there is no need to search or search me. during this time, i have never left ukraine , a company that is a member of the association.
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drones, artillery, armored vehicles, ammunition, reb and radar stations. every day we experience the deaths of loved ones, russian bombings, audits of das, as the head of the association, the coordinator of many defense programs, i have only a request to the investigators, don't distract me with kurchenko, please. earlier, the former naftogaz official oleksandr katsuba, who was suspected of abusing his official position, said that under the slogans of the national. well, 10 years in this case, frankly speaking, when something is taken out of such an old, old suitcase, some cases shake them up and start moving again, the question arises as to why this is done, especially during the war, when pashinsky was there in the first days of the war in spite of everything, he did... a lot of handing over weapons that were
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contracted for foreigners, so that, including tanya chornovol, used kneeling during the defense of kyiv, and now two years have passed, already 10 years in this case, this case was dragged out again, what do you think, gentlemen, about this, serhiy? well, it seems to me that this matter is more political, because if there really was something so terrible, then it would have been extracted... probably earlier, why didn't we have to wait 10 years? i don't like it at all when ukrainian law enforcement agencies have such a spoiler methodology, when they go to a press conference, tell these cases in detail, well, you know that, well, that's it things need to be clarified in court, if you have a case, and this is by the way, well, i want to say about all law enforcement agencies in ukraine, so if you have a case, take all these materials, take the case to court as soon as possible and let's find out there... competition
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with the defense, who is right, who is guilty, and there you can make all these materials public. if it is made public before that at a press conference, but at a minimum, the lawyers can take all these materials in the press conferences, go to the european court and prove that they are taking place, there were terrible procedural violations, these are cases in general, accordingly, there is no sense in carrying them out, because they were done with procedural violations, so it is difficult for me to say about the details of the case, i generally think ... that such cases should be discussed by judges, the only thing i want to say, i know that mr. pashynskyi has done a lot for the defense of ukraine and is still doing it, and one day, probably after the war, we will learn a lot, including about missile weapons, which were saved by various politicians before the war at the beginning of the war, but i can say for sure that now is definitely not the time to engage in various matters, and if a person helps the defense of the country, and we can see this by what he does, then we must... give him
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the opportunity to work, because this is the most important priority for us now . mykola knyazhytskyi wrote on his facebook page that the search of pashynskyi, who is the head of the association of defense enterprises, shocked many contributors. pashinsky is known for supporting the development of neptunes, neptunes, bohdan and sending the first to the front stug. i think it was no coincidence that this was done on the day when the court decided to take mr. liev into custody. he is the former head of the department of defense. liev is involved in the case of the lviv arsenal, a company that stole billions from the budget under fictitious contracts for artillery ammunition. i do not claim that liev is guilty, knyazhytskyi writes, the court must prove this. but the fact that such a theft was impossible without instructions from higher authorities was shown even by a polygraph, which voluntarily went to pass liv. searches of pashynskyi in connection with the nationalization case oil products of kurchenko and rosneft ten.
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years ago, both revenge and an attempt to divert attention from the real thefts of the defense budget by the authorities. this is the opinion of mykola knyazhytskyi. oleksiy, how do you perceive such stories, when law enforcement officers 10 years later, after 10 years, put forward some kind of claims, well , whether it was mazeppi, igor mazeppi, who was engaged in the construction of a cottage town near kyiv, and these land cases are somehow very old, very old, that is, this government has been in power for 5 years, since the president came to... the presidential chair and suddenly, 5 years later, after coming to power, they again take up this pashinsky case, why? well, why is it difficult to say, because pashinsky is of course a famous person, but not so much as to
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cover all the gaps, let's say, it's hard to say, absolutely. that is, from a media point of view, especially again, we understand, i read many posts of famous people who are currently defending their homeland at the front, the same chornovil, tatiana, who reject any accusations against pashinsky, that is, from this point of view, it doesn’t particularly work out somehow, but it is clear that the cases lie constantly, that is, they are kept in order that... there will come a certain moment to take them out, yes, that is why there are many of these cases, and depending on the situation, on some other circumstances, they are drawn out , although i am sure that during the war, after all , cases that do not concern the army do not
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concern the whole time, specifically, that some crime was committed during the past two years there, for example , from the war, well... still after all, they should be waited until the victory or the end of the war and then deal with them, if this is true, well, there is some sense in this. they are stealing now, a lot is being stolen, there are a huge number of schemes, they don’t have time to read some investigations every day, and it is necessary to do this , because it seems to me more important, and the resources of law enforcement agencies are limited, after all, they should be spent on something that brings benefits right now, all the more so... again, after reading some, some specialists, i am not a lawyer, they say that in principle this matter, well, if you wish, let's say yes, she will fall apart in court. well, it's a strange story, to be honest, because pashinsky heads the association of defense enterprises, and
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again, well, we've witnessed many stories when people who produce weapons came under some, some audits, some checks. additional, and frankly, a completely logical question arises, if you have complaints about a case ten years ago, why do you not have such complaints about the things that are happening now, because for some reason the journalists in this situation were the people who started talk about overpriced products during the ministry at a time when the ministry. of defense was headed by oleksiy reznikov , mr. serhiy, do you think that there is more politics in this story, or an attempt, let's say, to redistribute influence there on the defense enterprises that are part of this association, or
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to influence them, or, let's say, to influence for those contracts that these enterprises receive from the ministry of defense, well... to think about this , you need to have access to materials, which, unfortunately, we do not have, and this only emphasizes the fact that we are old for a long time it's time to give up this ideology of a single marathon, when we can't talk about everything, but someone can, we have to give up many other things and restrictions in politics, and the only thing where censorship can remain and is really needed is censorship of no'. and this one that affects the military, well, for example, there are the movements of troops connected with the work of air defense there, of course censorship is needed there, but with regard to other issues it is not needed, and then we could have the opportunity to discuss it more with you open and have more
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materials for any matters related to the ministry of defense. i want to emphasize that such a lack of information, it still gives rise to rumors and disbelief, and this is bad, because in times of war, to distrust something in the ministry of defense, well, this is a very bad story, but there will be such distrust, if we finally... introduce a free circulation of information, of course, which touches not on military, but on political issues, so that we can draw some conclusions that there is, whether it is a political struggle, an internal, underground, is this a redistribution of the market, or are these really criminal cases, because as we can see from those audit cases, including various international structures, which from time to time appear again not in ukrainian, but in foreign mass media. information , during these years the ministry of defense of ukraine had everything, there was, there was courage and heroism,
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and there were criminal cases, and there was corruption, and this is now obvious to everyone, so i would like to see more freedom of speech, then we will know the truth in each case. thank you, gentlemen, in just a minute we will return to our conversation, do not switch. there are discounts on elbows, but 10% in pharmacies, plantain, bam, and savings. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags are not for my sore back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i'll pick it up. dolgit - the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. with muscle spasms, long-lasting anticonvulsant tablets. dolgit anticonvulsant for muscle relaxation. wicket kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart. kratal
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for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. verdict with serhiy rudenko , from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts, inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day for help. telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. welcome to the time of news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design and we continue the saturday political club by khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our
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values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. this is the verdict program. my name is serhiy ordenko. we work live on the espresso tv channel, and at the same time appear on the youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are now watch us there live. please don't be stingy, like this video and subscribe to our pages. in addition , during our we are conducting a poll on the air, we are asking you the following: would you like to see a hard worker in ukrainian politics? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you watch us on tv, please pick up your smartphone and vote, if you wanted to see us in ukrainian politics, 0800 211 381, no 0800-211-382, all calls these numbers are toll-free, call at the end program, we will sum up the results of this vote. today we have serhii taran and oleksiy holobutsky as our guests, and gentlemen, i would like to return with you to what
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the kremlin is currently articulating to the world, what, what, what they... are saying in general, including through tucker's american propagandists carson, and not only because of him, what russian dictator vladimir putin said about the anti-russian hysteria that seems to exist in the world, he believes that the whole west is at war with russia, and russia is not really interested in poland or the baltic countries, he is sure what the war in ukraine will quickly... end if the west just stops giving weapons to ukraine, he doesn't need to negotiate with joseph biden for that. let's listen to this fragment of the interview. and what to decide here? everything is very simple, i repeat, we have contacts through various agencies. i will tell you what we are saying about this and what we are bringing to the us leadership. if you really want
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to end the hostilities, you need to end the arms supply. it will end within a few turns. a few weeks, that's all, and then we can agree on some terms before you do it, stop what's easier, why should i call him, what should i talk to him about, or beg him about what? and the permanent representative of russia at the united nations, vasyl nebendzia, in an interview with bbc journalist stephen sakura, once again accused the event of starting a war against the russian federation. let's listen. we are undoubtedly in a state of conflict with the west. we openly talk about it. the west is waging a proxy war against russia, and it is doing so, unfortunately, at the cost of lives ukrainians, providing them with weapons, moreover, not only conventional, but also cluster bombs, all kinds of rocket launcher systems, shells with depleted uranium. the west also participates in
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military planning, in satellite surveillance of us. so the west is, of course, a singer. oleksiy, it seems to you that what inna benzia and putin are saying are pleas to the united states of america for negotiations in order to invite to some kind of negotiations, which they have clearly outlined that they will talk only with biden, probably not with biden , and with trump. well, still with biden, and this means that now we should talk with biden, and not with ukraine, yes, he said in an interview more than once that he is ready to talk to zelensky, but he is not allowed to talk to zelensky , let him change the laws , let’s negotiate, well, what he says is not
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interesting at all, we should understand that it is a little more complete, or at least well... his picture of the world, which he somehow showed to tucker kalson, it is more in line, well because he decides everything, not benz, these are already echoes of all these efforts intellectuals, so the signal to certain people, well , this is really such a rather complex scheme, a complex topic, because the easiest thing to say is that a person has fallen into a frenzy and something is brewing there, and there is no need for eavesdropping at all. but thank god that the scenario planned by the kremlin did not come out, because first of all, it seems to me that it was putin himself's initiative to structure the interview in this way, and not the initiative of political technologists or specialists who, after all, understand , what to tell the puppeteers over there in the white order in
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the united states about how bad it is to be to be a nazi in ukraine is, to put it mildly, wrong. or to tell the same, but more moderate republicans about the excellent relations with china, russia, this is also somehow not quite where it should be, and the words, i noted this and, well, not only me, of course, that when carlson tucker interviewed orbán, orbán looked like, well, an ideologue, so an ideologue of christian european conservative culture, yes. which opposes left-liberalism, and putin with his historical lectures looked, well, really, like a person who still does not understand... to whom he is addressing, i.e. what was it about, what was it for, why was this address historical, and the fact that he misunderstood everything, it caused a reaction, yes, if the chinese
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they make fun of him, and it is quite frankly, or really a completely logical question, so that if you review the borders, then vladivostok and a large part of siberia, it once belonged to china, and you can also review all these conditions. and the former president of mongolia said so, well, i am not talking about europe there or about america, but the message about peace, with regard to negotiations, not peace , but negotiations, yes, well, of course, he allegedly said that trump has all the possibilities, and he is doing it, to stop financial aid to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars, and trump, in principle, this part of the agreement, if it exists at all, although most likely it does not exist, it is so to speak... such passes to each other, so that everyone, well, helps each other, right? putin, well, this is my version already, so putin guarantees that he will really make some
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concessions, right? well, in order for it not to be a peaceful negotiation, yes, trump becomes president and he comes to moscow, or he comes to helsinki or wherever, meets with putin, and comes out, says that there is nothing to negotiate with him, because he, well, it's not the best situation, right? they , he comes out, says, we talked with putin, as i promised, we agreed on everything within 24 hours, there, i don't know what putin is ready to do, that's another question, yes, and here, here it will be caught in this interview , it is possible, in principle, that putin does not want to communicate with biden, does not see the sense in this, he says this frankly, he has time, as he believes, he will wait until november, there will be a change of government, and he will wait. more favorable conditions for him than trump could offer him today, but this is in the case that he, trump, fulfills his part
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of the agreement, yes, that is, he will not give help, and trump will simply use ukraine in two or three months, including in the election campaigns, talking about the fact that, look, yes, look, everything that biden does, everything that he does not undertake, everything is unsuccessful, absolutely, not only. graceful issue, even the war in ukraine, and here on trump of course, he can play precisely some serious failures of ukraine during the war during this year, then he will tell, you see, what is being done and what and what and what really needs to be negotiated with putin, well, in the future , different things may arise there, but again, these are still conditional, there are a lot of conventions, a lot of data, everything can change absolutely, and so can putin. maybe got it wrong and trump eventually got it, and putin got it wrong, but then again, i can't understand why he really didn't use his least favorite
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horse, didn't start talking about gender-neutral toilets or something else , so he talks about it very often, and for some reason here he is in front of a person who talks about it openly, who really supports him with him, which is the funny thing, that he supports these theses of putin, and something, but... for some reason he was ashamed of putin, for some reason we did not think, because he is the one who speaks stupid russian for cattle, so it is clear, he can be fucked there, an american came here, whom he, after all, well, at least a little, but he respects, considers it harsh, and here he looks like a morass, well full, he doesn't want to, because i 'm 100% convinced that putin actually doesn't believe all that nonsense about the gdp, about everything else, well, he was just counting on the internal audience, serhii. how do you perceive putin's attempts to shift, well, he always does, well, he always shifts, the responsibility for what is happening in ukraine, to
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the ukrainians, to the west, and in principle, he says, we were not the first to start the war, but we will end it , well, he has approximately such a thesis, well, it is part of putin's propaganda, it is not here nothing surprising, but if we talk about what... putin's information strategy is now, it seems to me that it became obvious literally today, when this journalist, the so-called carlson, said that putin allegedly has a willingness to compromise with the west regarding ukraine, they say, he had a secret conversation with him, he did not say about the terms of this conversation, what exactly was discussed there, but at the same time carlson says that putin is definitely ready to compromise. and i would consider this a part of putin's delusion, or perhaps pr itself karls himself, but if not for one but. the fact is that this thesis was very actively picked up by everyone.
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kremlin tv scumbags, all the kremlin media picked up this thesis and began to spin it on all channels, this is in russia, where there is no freedom of speech and where all mass media work for the propaganda of the kremlin. this means that the thesis about putin's alleged willingness to negotiate with the west regarding ukraine is the kremlin's official position, which putin would like the west to hear. of course, putin will not agree on anything good with... the west, of course he does not want any peace in ukraine, but he wants the west to believe that he is ready for such a compromise. to whom are all these words and this entire interview addressed, only one person, trump. that's all for him, because now putin has, well, to be honest, the geopolitical situation, well, to put it mildly, not very well, because no matter what we talk about russia's mobilization potential, about what
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it has set. the economy, on military rails, this is all true, but geopolitically, russia is losing a lot, because remember that before the war of the great war in ukraine, russia claimed to be the third in the world there, or even the second in the world, that is, it was a respectable country with which in principle you could do business, which was perceived as one of the world leaders, and now it has turned into some iran, some a regional power that is powerful, but interferes with everyone's life, this is... a completely different geopolitical status, so probably putin would like to enter into some geopolitical agreements in order to exit, at least from this stage of the war in ukraine, well, more or less convenient for myself, and i think that putin is being made betting on the fact that trump, against the background of his pre-election promises, will also be ready for some compromises, that's exactly what this interview is about, that's what all these agreements are about, that putin
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did it a little bit wrong... it's unfortunate, it's true, but this is the message he would like to convey, and that is why ukraine must be ready for what is possible, perhaps, i emphasize, if trump returns to the white house, then there will be an attempt to conclude some major geopolitical agreement, and for this ukraine must be ready, must clearly strengthen diplomatic presence of ukraine in the united states, working with both political parties. strengthening contacts between ukrainian politicians and experts and american politicians and experts, targeting the american mass media, american social networks so that we learn about the war in ukraine not from such dubious interviews, this is now a matter of national security , because putin is betting on the fact that americans will learn about the war in ukraine from such interviews, and not from ukrainians. thank you, mr. sergey. serhiy
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taran, oleksiy holobutskyi were guests of our program today, and during this broadcast, we conducted a survey , we asked you about this, whether you would like to see us in ukrainian politics, let's look at the results of the survey of the television survey, 92% - yes, 8%, no, these are the results of the survey on television, and we 're doing a survey, it's also ending now on the youtube channel. results 86% yes, 14% - no, it's on youtube channel espresso. on this, friends, i put a full stop, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, we will meet tomorrow at 2:00. to date.
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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the spresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. the united states senate finally supported the bill on international aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel. more than 60 billion dollars were allocated. for ukraine, despite the fact that opposition among trumpists is growing in the republican party, as ukrainian ambassador to the usa oksana markarova wrote on social networks, the senators decided to end the debate on the draft law. the decision was made 66 votes, which is six votes more than the passing minimum. however, there is still a vote ahead in the house of representatives, which is controlled.


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