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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm EET

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it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, i welcome all viewers and now to the most important events. the united states senate finally supported the bill on international aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel. more than 60 billion dollars will be allocated for ukraine, even though opposition among trumpists is growing in the republican party. as oksana markarova, the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, wrote on social networks, the senators decided to end the debate on the bill. the decision was made 66 votes, which is six votes more than the passing minimum. however, there is still a vote ahead in the house of representatives, which is controlled.
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protesters who spilled ukrainian grain from trucks face five years behind bars. the prosecutor's office of the polish city of chelm started an investigation in two directions: destruction of property and violation of customs security. this is reported by the polish publication ferer. let me remind you that the incident happened at the dorogusk checkpoint. polish protesters broke the seals from three trucks traveling from ukraine to lithuania. in as a result, 3 tons of grain spilled onto the ground. european commissioner for trade valdis dombrovskis called on poland, hungary and slovakia to remove unilateral restrictions on the import of ukrainian grain, as the european union has already made alternative mechanisms that will protect farmers from the surplus of ukrainian products. he reminded that the restriction contradicts the exclusive competence of the eu in the trade room.
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policies and obligations under the free trade agreement with ukraine and sot. meanwhile , polish farmers are blocking five checkpoints on the border with ukraine. according to border guards, more than 1,200 trucks are standing in queues. russia has declared the prime minister of estonia, kaya kalas, wanted, reports the russian media outlet media zone with reference to the search database of the russian federation. why muscovites started. the pursuit of kalas is unknown, but journalists believe that the likely reason may be the demolition of soviet monuments in estonia. cases related to the dismantling of soviet symbols were brought the day before against the minister of culture of lithuania, as well as 59 deputies of the latvian diet. the russians are also looking for three ministers of this country. because of the night shelling in dnipro was urgently evacuated.
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palliative patients were taken out of patients of one of the hospitals, mayor borys filatov said. water was drained from the heating system, as it may not withstand the load, the official explained. at night, the air defense forces destroyed 10 shaheds in the dnipropetrovsk region, but several drones hit energy and infrastructure facilities in the city. there were fires. energy workers have already restored all homes. however, as the executive director told vetera espresso. it temporarily suspended power generation and it will not be possible to repair the equipment quickly. we can already see the tendency that the enemy has concentrated on the donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions in order to significantly damage the power system, that is ten. attacks over the past
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two or three weeks, one of our stations in the donetsk region, kurakhivska, is no longer working due to the fact that it was constantly shelled by artillery, but today they significantly damaged the dnieper station, here we need to significantly strengthen, strengthen air defense, because i clearly there are not enough opportunities for that neutralize such massive attacks. justified the russian aggression of the abbot of the church in the dnipropetrovsk region was detained by the security service of ukraine. the cleric supported an aggressive war against ukraine, for which he received a prison term. during the sermons, the cleric urged the faithful to help the russians, and during personal conversations with the parishioners, the cleric convinced them to leave for russia. a number of church officials were detained back in september 2022, but the sentence entered into force only after. the defendant
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faces up to 5 years in prison. stole gap during the war. the security service detained a deputy of one of the city councils in the lviv region. the figure, using his official position, sold stolen forestry raw materials. these products were supposed to protect critical infrastructure facilities on the front line. according to the investigation, the last time the perpetrator sold firewood for uah 40,000, during the search , over a million uah in cash were found in the suspect's possession. the origin of the money is currently being established. he spied on ukrainian planes. a one-year resident of kyiv became hostile an agent the traitor collected data on critical infrastructure, tried to identify the bases of our aviation and air defense systems, - reported the security service of ukraine. to gather information, he rented an apartment near the airport in
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the kyiv region. for completing tasks, he received money on a bank card. molodyk was arrested red-handed when he was conducting reconnaissance near an energy-generating enterprise in the capital. the traitor faces life imprisonment. 34 tons of tobacco were seized by law enforcement officers in the kyiv region. volynyan group organized the underground production of cigarettes. the cost of the tax on the seized raw materials reaches more than uah 100 million. law enforcement officers detained the perpetrators. currently, the full range of those involved in illegal activities is being established. crimea in the dialogue of centuries to the 10th anniversary of the occupation of the peninsula, an exhibition was opened in lviv that tells the history of crimea. visitors have the opportunity to immerse themselves in the culture of the indigenous people and dispel myths about the crimean tatars. for more details, see our material.
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a variety of colors, textures, sounds and aromas all this immerses the visitors of the exhibition in the atmosphere of the peninsula. you will be able to see paintings. collections of the lviv national art gallery, these are the works of jan tsonglinskyi, volodymizh nalench, and the couple roman and margit selskyi, which are combined with the genre series of artist and graphic artist dmytro docentek, called male. the male series is complemented by reproductions of crimean tatar ceramics of the 18th and 20th centuries. all presented works show crimea in a dialogue between past and present, unity of cultures and traditions. years i collected and researched these artifacts, and the idea arose to make copies of these, from this collection that i keep, which i took out of the crimea, and through these objects to show
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the daily life of the crimean tatars. in one of the exhibition halls , videos from the 12-month series are shown. about the crimea project of the chain of memory links. of course, there are many more myths created by the russian empire during the soviet union, and now by russia during the last 200 years, about crimea and the crimean tatars, and it was very important for us to show what these myths are. visitors also tried the traditional ones crimean sweets. this idea was proposed by the owner of the krymsky dvorik cafe, lera yne khaibulaeva. all dishes were prepared according to family recipes. i perceive people very well... they have intellectual information through food, so actually wherever and in general wherever there is something about crimea, i will definitely be there, this is once again any excuse to talk about my homeland, this always, not that which is pleasant, it is definitely, but it is necessary, this is a joint project
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of the borys voznytskyi lviv national art gallery, the mejlis of the crimean tatar people and the public organization crimean institute. strategic studies. in the future, the exhibition is planned to be shown in other cities of ukraine and abroad. the president of ukraine plans to tour western europe, likely to visit paris and berlin, as well as take part in the annual conference in munich, bloomberg reports with reference to its own sources. the main topic is increasing military support amid uncertainty over washington's funding problems. it is also possible. negotiations on security guarantees. such were the news for this time, our team is working to be the first to know the latest news at 3 p.m., read more on our website espresssotv, follow us on social networks and
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watch us on youtube. my colleagues, marta oliyarnyk and antin barkovskii, continue the broadcast. glory to ukraine, dear tv viewers , the informational and analytical marathon is on the air of the tv channel. thank you to iryna koval, thank you to the news editor for the presented edition. so what, let's analyze all the most important events today , there are a lot of them. united states senate finally supported the bill on international aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan. the matter is small, under the consideration of the house of representatives. earlier, the speaker of the house of representatives, mike johnson, however, criticized the text of the bill containing
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funds for assistance to ukraine, well, let's hope that johnson will be convinced, but about this and other things during today's several hours of broadcast with marta liarnyk. well, antin barkovskyi is with me, and today we traditionally remind you about our collection of the espresso and foundation tv channels charity of our colleague iryna koval, we are jointly collecting a million hryvnias in order to buy for ours. soldiers from the 141st brigade, who are currently defending our state in the orichiv direction of the zaporizhzhia region , they need a lot of everything necessary, in particular starlinks and also a lot of other equipment, batteries, charging stations, binoculars, rangefinders, in short, a lot, a lot of everything , our goal is to collect a million hryvnias in order to buy it all, and now you see on the screens the opportunity to join this collection, we ask you... thank you for the fact that you donate and do not stop doing it, even if it were not difficult for us financially right now,
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we understand that not everyone has the opportunity, but at the same time they try to donate at least some small and to do, so we urge you not to be indifferent, to join, if you do not have the opportunity today, then join when you have the opportunity, we traditionally try to remind you about our meetings, if you have the opportunity, then join right now qr code on the screen, a few clicks. and yours the donation went to a good cause, or you can rewrite or take pictures of bank card numbers, if that's more convenient for you, you can do that too. yes, well, we will now include in our marathon ivan stupak, a military expert, an employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004-15. glory to ukraine, mr. ivan. welcome to grom slava studio. well, yesterday, the president of ukraine held a meeting of the supreme commander-in-chief in an updated composition. yes, priority issues remain unchanged. fronts and protection of frontline regions, people
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and critical infrastructure from russian aerial terror, i quote directly. reports of the chief of the syrian army and the chief of the general staff bargelevich, representatives of intelligence, commanders of the operational-strategic groups of troops, avdiivsk, kupinsk-south, providing the army with all the necessary shells, drones. rap, reports of energy experts, viguls, military-civilian administrations. to the president of ukraine also reported that a decision was made to increase the number and capabilities of mobile fire groups. well, let's go now avdiivka, kupyansk, then pivden. why say, well, it's difficult, well, once again, you and i are getting involved, and it's difficult, difficult, and every day it's getting harder, because the russians are advancing in this direction on avdiivskoe, they use a variety of terrain, and they are diverse. engineering structures, i mean there are sewer passages of some kind, there have already been cases
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of a passage deep into our positions, well, once again , you don’t need to be a great specialist to understand what the situation is now in avdiivka, and the russians understand this, that they need to push a little further and even there a little more and there will be a result, according to unconfirmed information , a third assault unit was sent to this direction, but once again this is unverified information, we do not know what the purpose is or to hold... the entire city, well, this location, which is left of the city, for how many days, two or three, until our military leaves, or it is a political goal, as was the case with bakhmut, keep everything there at any cost, it is difficult to say, but once again the situation is very critical and we see how the russians attack everything every day and they mount, unfortunately, ugh, mr. ivan, look, information has appeared, the russian propaganda media are currently informing about this, that in... moscow , a factory that manufactures mig helicopters on leningradsky prospect is on fire, the russians actually
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write that the fire started in a reconstructed workshop attached to the plant's working building, and the fire broke out on the second floor and the third floors of the building, the reasons are still unknown, if we are talking about possible reasons, then this, as i understand it, is not about some kind of damage by some drones, actually about... a fire that happened on the spot, here we would like your assessment, how important is this factory, if we are talking about a factory that manufactures migs, and if the consequences of this will be critical there. fire, then to what extent the work of this object can be in question? well, you have such a difficult question, we don't know the level of the fire, we don't know what burned and we don't know its effect on production, maybe some kind of hangar caught fire there , i don't know, where some old equipment is stored, or in general there, i don't know, newspaper clippings, pravda newspapers, they were accumulating there
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for i don't know 20 years, well, before the collapse of the soviet union, they caught fire, once again we do not know the extent of the fire, we do not know the extent of the damage. and it is difficult to predict how it will affect production in general, i don’t know the details of spare parts for helicopters, well, for aviation equipment, well, let’s wait another time, when there will be at least some plus or minus, well, not that official confirmations, maybe there are some additional ones video materials, photo materials, then it will be possible to say, because such productions, as usual, this is, for example, south mash in the dnipro, this is, for example, several productions. bus stops, then just a few stops, this is the extent of such production, this is tens of hectares of territory, maybe something was leased and it burned down, maybe some critical workshop burned down, but i can’t say yet, we’re just guessing, yes mr. ivan , well, let's go now to our operational plans, we're talking about the non-secret part, we have not only a new
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head commissar, but we have a new team, new deputy chiefs. general staff and further and further and further we understand that this is this team, it is not new, they worked for certain positions in the armed forces of ukraine, a large part of them showed an extremely high level of patriotism, discipline, military acumen and the list goes on, but we understand that they received new, possibly tasks, yes, which were announced recently by the newly appointed head, especially the commander-in-chief. of the armed forces of ukraine and colonel-general syrskyi, and accordingly to protect people and launch scenarios that will allow various, so to speak, structures to work at full capacity, as far as we understand, will work more actively with style, your feelings, we are talking only about non-secret ones or other intuitive visions of yours, come on,
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when this appointment took place, well, once again in my information bubble. probably 75 people, they reacted extremely negatively to this appointment, many, i saw the military falling, the volunteer community, many people wrote that we had to serve under the leadership of a new chief, we understand that nothing good awaits us, everything is bad, everything is gone , at the same time when information about the new team appeared, mr silsky, many military personnel, including your colleague, journalist yuriy botuzov. he , well, they accepted these appointments, oh, not bad, interesting, that is, it inspires a certain optimism, let's see, maybe everything is not so bad, that's my assessment, give at least a month to syrsky and his team to show themselves, and i think somewhere at the beginning of march, we can, well, in the 10th of march, we can at least understand plus or minus what his style of management is, what his approach
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to this war is, how his team will show itself, because during this time there will be... reassigned people in the middle ranks, maybe somewhere at lower levels, everyone has to make their own team, and there are already such, you know, unverified materials about what our military writes that tfu-tfu-tfu, but somehow it shifted from sometimes the process is bureaucratic, that is, there is less of this bureaucracy, you don't have to drive along the front line, these pickup trucks are loaded with papers for approval and coordination. approval of signature, re-signature, seal here, signature somewhere, signature here, as the classes once said, that is, well, i want to believe, what is this in a month we will see some kind of change, and first of all, our military from the front positions, they will be able to say whether they feel the changes are positive, they will say, wow, nothing, we did not expect this, this is a plus, it is
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great, or they will say the opposite, well, listen, we didn't expect anything new, we understood that it would be the way it would be, so... as it goes, it got even worse, or the middle option: it didn't get better, it didn't get worse, so oh well once again, give the new team time to show itself. well, in the meantime, in the tavri direction the intensity of hostilities is increasing, this was reported by the commander of the operational-strategic group of troops tavria oleksandr tarnavskyi, i quote: er, commander tarnavska. the intensity of hostilities is increasing, the number of artillery shells fired by the enemy in our operational zone. february 12, that is, yesterday, is also the highest figure this year, 1267 with airstrikes, 67 of them were recorded. at the same time, he added that the defenders of tavriyskyi. direction inflicted on russia and the largest losses since the beginning of the year , 645 occupiers were destroyed. there is a feeling that maybe the enemy is hoping
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, nowadays, while the new team has arrived, to take advantage of this moment, when, so to speak, the old ones give up their cases, new ones are heard, new ones enter the course of business, and accordingly, one can expect intensification, maybe it’s just , we are entering vesna and the enemy, despite the roadlessness on... is also trying to raise the degree of escalation, well, it depends on which teams are facing the enemy, what exactly, that is, you and i said that now the russians concentrated on two directions, and earlier they there were 12, that is, now the two main ones remain, kupin sleman, avdiivka, these are the two main ones, everything else is either auxiliary or a distraction, that's all there is, well, resources for everyone, all directions are right there to maintain the intensity equally. in all areas, the russians simply do not have enough, but to concentrate and give results there, that is, do not forget that there is also a political leadership that is putting pressure on
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the russian military, let us quickly give results, the elections are coming soon, and we have not yet shown victory, so this story is not critical, there will be no victories, and they will not show them, but if they will be, first of all, it will be more pathos, the turnout can be adjusted to the presidential elections, by the way... there is such preliminary information that the planned turnout for putin's elections is already planned to be 75% and 70% of votes in favor this kremlin dictator. and do not forget that there is a large budget in the russian federation, which can be developed, can be developed only if there are such liberated territories. first of all, it is a media component, it is possible in every region to have many newspapers, videos, some programs, shoot videos, commercials. about the fact that we released something there, plus, this is the budget for reconstruction, like in mariupol, they spent a lot of budget money on this pseudo-reconstruction, they destroyed it themselves,
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they restored something themselves, and many people are waiting in line, when , when it will be when you release there, then we will start to use the funds, that is, it depends on the military, which is why they are being actively pushed forward. mr. ivan, we would also like to discuss with you the situation with the starlinks, which are already fixed on that one, actually the occupiers through third parties countries. in some strange way , they supply them to themselves, and actually some media write that starlinks in russia are sold exclusively for the needs of the svo, the so-called, and actually, they catch satellite communication only near the borders with our state, that is, we understand that individual satellites , which would be on the territory of the russian federation, starlinka does not have. is it somehow possible to block the operation of the starlinks used by the occupiers and to what extent... only the appearance of these means at the front on the battlefield on the enemy's side can complicate the process for our military? well, this issue can be solved
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personally by elon musk, you see, he will block, or rather, he is the owner of the company, blocks our military from using stalinka missiles in the occupied territories, for example, do you remember this story with ukrainian surface-to-air drones, they used these complexes, starling sets. and somewhere in the 22nd year, well, in the 23rd years , the russians found unmanned aerial vehicles on the coast of crimea, and lost contact, that is, elon musk in manual mode, well, his company, let's face it, turned off the connection and their it’s just there, how the garbage was taken to the shore , he can do it, or rather the company can do it, there are photos on the network, or rather, there is a coverage map on the network, where part of the luhansk region of the occupied territories is located... in the blue zone, what’s up here staling is working, you can do well, but the front line, how to deal with it , we understand, well, so as not to throw the baby out with the water, so as not to connect with our
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men, but they can, they can, there is a demarcation there, there is a line, or rather , the dividing line, you can see how it passes, i.e there is no such critical story with this, at the same time, our military records from our side, the communication drops rapidly, just capitally, the level of communication, the level of the signal. it works for the russians, but here is the last point , the russians are not happy about this, because there are people who are specialists in the field of communication, i am not such a specialist, but i refer to them again and maybe who is watching you there, specialists, they will be able to either confirm or refute this point of view, they say that the activation of starlink occurs directly on of the earth, the location data of this set of these communication nodes is directly fixed, the americans opened. these data are then transferred to the ukrainians, plus the starling company provides the ukrainians with intercepted information, well, which will come from the russians, and it is possible. soon
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the russians will feel all the negativity, but again, this is coming from the russian side, and it is difficult for me to verify how reliable it can be. thank you, mr. ivan, ivan stupak, a military expert and sbu employee from 2004 to 2015, was an espresso employee, actually talked with mr. ivan about the situation at the front, the new commanders of the armed forces of ukraine, about the fire in moscow , the factory that manufactures the miga is on fire, we don't know exactly what happened there, we will... monitor this situation, but we will leave now for a short break and after it, we will add ivan shevtsov to our broadcast, with whom we will talk about recruiting centers for the armed forces, how they generally work and what is the difference between a recruiting center, for example, which was opened by the ministry of defense in lviv, together with the city council , and for example recruiting centers that open some specific brigades separately, we will figure it all out, so stay with espresso, there are many interesting things ahead, stay with us.
2:27 pm
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two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become likeable to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, the events of the day in two hours , the big broadcast of vasyl zima, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are, information day of the tv channel in rozpala, there
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are really a lot of events, so let's be a measure. broadcast today to inform you about everything


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