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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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and how does the world live? two hours to keep abreast of economic and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, espresso in the evening. i'm here temporarily, i'll be back home soon. live now where you are, the information day of the espressu tv channel in rospol, there are really a lot of events, so we will inform you about everything as part of today's broadcast.
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the most important and analyze the main ones accordingly events of the day ivan shevtsov , head of the press service of the 15th mobile border detachment of the state border service of ukraine, is in touch with us. the assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard is now in the kupyan direction. glory to ukraine. mr. ivan, we welcome you. yes, mr. ivan, we suggest, before starting the discussion, to actually watch the material of our colleagues who were there and recorded the opening of the recruitment. center in lviv, which was launched by the ministry of defense together with the city council, and actually they are not handed out there summons, a person can come there and look at available vacancies in the ministry of defense and join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. i suggest watching this story together and discussing it later. everyone who is preparing to defend the state has the opportunity to choose a phage and a unit. recruiter iryna lutsyshyn shows a list of seven vacancies.
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lviv brigades, among the ranks of the armed forces, are looking for both cooks and clerks, as well as grenade launchers and gunners. as of today, we have open vacancies in seven brigades. the list of vacancies is diverse, starting from military positions and beyond. for example, we have open vacancies for dog handlers, we have drivers, we have operators and there are even open vacancies for accountants. to solve the problem of staff shortage as efficiently as possible. the ministry of defense of ukraine together with the lviv city council opened the first recruiting center of the ukrainian army. he works at the address: 67 kostya levytskogo street. here, specialists tell volunteers about open vacancies in the army, advise candidates and conduct career guidance tests. we emphasize that that this is a civilian institution, civilian recruiters work here, all women. this has nothing to do with the activities of tsc tsp. there is.
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ask to chat, and you can go further , you can go to the fourth, you can leave your questions, see what vacancies there are, actually the data, everyone must have a military specialty, not today, but tomorrow, it awaits everyone, so it is better to consciously understand, in why are you strong, to prepare and being prepared to go defend the state for a certain period of time. after a person has chosen a position, recruiters direct her interview to the military unit. with the consent of both parties, the volunteer can conclude a fixed-term contract or a contract before the announcement of demobilization before the service, the future military man or woman will undergo specialized training. if we have a volunteer who is recruited, who has a document from a part that the part is waiting for him, then the tsc tsp does everything possible to issue it. this volunteer specifically for service in
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the relevant military unit, and training centers, every conscious citizen should not to be afraid to go to the recruiting center, because here they do not issue bandages, here every citizen can choose the specialty, the profession, by which he can benefit our armed forces. the ministry of defense plans to open such recruiting centers throughout ukraine, in particular in kyiv, zaporizhzhia, dnipro, and odessa. and poltava. kateryna oliynyk, nazar melnyk, espresso tv channel. thank you to kateryna melnyk for this extremely informative and interesting story. ivan shevtsov, head of the press service of the 15th mobile border detachment , is in touch with us state border service of ukraine. assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard. so, mr. ivan, we understand that a recruiting center is now being launched in lviv, to be more precise. on the other hand, we understand that the offensive guard and so on also have certain of their own. initiatives in
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general, if we talk about recruiting prospects, in order to help people get the position in which they would be the most competent, like this... how does this system work in your opinion, and accordingly, we wanted you to evaluate the lviv recruiting experience? i will say that in this procedure has been going on for a long time in the state border service, in almost every region of ukraine, in every regional center we have our recruitment centers, that is, it is directly a unit that is engaged in the recruitment of military personnel, there are two options, the first is to enter the service under contract and the second recruiting company to come for mobilization, join the unit you want. if we talk directly about our unit, then if a citizen is from any region of ukraine, came to the assembly center and
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said that he wanted to serve in our brigade, in the steel border, and in a certain position, for example, as a driver or operator of a uav, or a sniper or. in some way, depending on what kind of phage he has and what abilities this person has, we fully accompany this person from the moment of submitting documents to the direct appointment to the position, that is, our servicemen in the recruitment centers make certain requests for tsc, draw up all the necessary documents, help to pass the vlk and accompany the person directly... to their unit, this period can be from a week to a month, depending on how quickly the future conscript will collect his documents, but we definitely guarantee that according to the recruiting company, if a person has chosen
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a certain position, then she will definitely get this position. mr. ivan, i also wanted to clarify whether there have been cases when a person wanted to change from one unit, for example, to your unit, and... is this procedure difficult , or are there certain difficulties when a person wants to change the unit to which she will serve, it again depends on where the military serviceman is serving, if it is within the borders of the state border service, there are no problems at all, we have such events all the time, all willing military servicemen of the border service can write a report to their immediate chief about his desire to serve. in the 15th mobile border detachment, the border is stable. all such reports are processed and we have not yet had a single case when we refused and did not take such servicemen. another one the matter is other, uh, other units
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of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, it is quite difficult to transfer from ministry to ministry. these issues are resolved directly at the level of the ministries, but still... we have such cases when people are transferred from the ministry of internal affairs, as well as from the national guard or the armed forces. mr. ivan, well, accordingly, we would like to ask you about the pros and cons of serving in the assault brigade of the steel border offensive guard. so we understand that each division has its own specifics, as well as military branches and so on. what are your advantages? well, first of all, in us, it is in us. the state border service is the first such brigade-type unit , which is armed with mlrs, artillery, and units of unmanned aerial vehicles, we have the latest equipment, therefore, in principle
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, the most important thing is that every serviceman in our service is a motivated citizen of ukraine, who knows why he came to our unit, and we all came here to liberate our territory, liberate... occupied the territory of ukraine and go beyond the borders of 1991, that is, the most important thing is motivation, in our unit, after the end of the war, after the victory, we will still carry out our functions, which are inherent in the state border service, it is the protection and defense of the state border directly. we provide quite a good deal, we have an individual approach for each serviceman. and for every citizen who is now thinking about where to go to serve, i guarantee that we will find a place and find a position that corresponds directly to his profession, that is , there is no difference, relatively speaking, for a person who is mobilized or wants to go under a contract, where
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to serve, for example, in your brigade or in the armed forces of ukraine? well, of course, we are interested in the fact that people go to our brigade, er... because at the moment , due to the fact that the latest equipment is arriving, there is more of it, we have such positions that we have not yet staffed, at the moment... we are interested in having specialists come to us, for example, gamers or it geeks who before that, they were good at computer work, for them we have positions of uav operators, for example, drivers who have categories b, c, e, for them we have positions for drivers of technical equipment, especially now we have more. heavy equipment and excavators
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and trucks, so we also need such drivers, and such narrowly focused specialties, such as, for example, snipers, sappers, we also need such specialists, and in principle, even if a person does not have any specialty, but he has desire, wants to serve, then we will teach everything, every serviceman who comes to our brigade goes through at least a month... a training period and only after that he takes up his position and deals directly with what he came to, you know how to convince, mr. ivan, finally i would like to clarify, here goes a person in the tsk, yes, he says, i want to join the ranks of the advance guard of the steel border brigade, and he is told, for example, well , listen, friend, you understand, this is the situation , there is a need for people, and in other units and so on, that would you advise what steps to take to do, i.e. first contact... you and your respective recruiting hr, right? if possible, then
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ring the phones. first, you need to contact the procurement departments, they are in every region of ukraine, or call the hotline of the state border service. all the necessary information is available on the official website of the state border guard service, and only after an official application to our units, we can guarantee that upon arrival at the vtc, a person will not be taken to other units of the armed forces of ukraine, and it will be sent directly to the state border service. the second option, we in the steel border have our page on facebook or telegram. you can write to us on facebook, and we will directly provide contacts and help you choose your position and enter this position. thank you, mr. ivan, for the detailed information. ivan shevsuv, head of the press service of the 15th mobile border guard. of the detachment of the state border guard service of ukraine, the assault brigade of the offensive guard of the steel border on kupianskyi
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direction that was our conversation, but we still need to inform you about other important things. from two o'clock in the afternoon, the poles blocked the sixth checkpoint on the border with ukraine. it is about the korchova-krakowiec checkpoint. the state border service spokesperson told ukrainian pravda about this. and he says that a... ukrainian border guards received information from their polish colleagues that the picketers intend to block the movement of trucks heading to ukraine for one hour, the blocking of passenger transport will not be carried out if we if we understand correctly, this picket should end in about 17 minutes, but now we will go for a short break and after it we will return to our studio, stay with espresso, there will be a lot of interesting things to come, a few minutes and we will be back. nothing has worked
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stronger. friends, welcome! friendly! enable me ukraine online community. this is the first platform in ukraine for people to communicate with disability here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, psychologist, doctor, employment specialist, volunteers from all over europe. here you get support, advice and real friends. together we support one. we share useful information and learn new things. together we grow! join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. well, that's important news. today
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in the final vote, the senate of the united states of america supported the bill on allocating aid to israel for ukraine. and taiwan in the amount of 95 billion dollars, more than 60 senators voted for the bill, and it provides financial assistance for ukraine for more than 60 billion dollars, yes, but now this bill has to be approved by the house of representatives, it is not known at the moment when the vote will take place, somewhere for the next two weeks, us senators will be on vacation, but house speaker johnson on... extremely actively criticized this package bill, well, but he also threatened not to bring it to a vote, yes, well, but it was brought up and voted on, well, the key story is what will happen in the next couple of weeks, that is, whether they will press it or not, yesterday representatives of the international currency fund and met with the prime minister of ukraine denys shmygal, about this and other things ihor
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burakovskyi, doctor of economic sciences, professor of the department of economic theory of sciences ma, chairman of the board of the institute of economic ... research and political consultations. glory to ukraine, mr. professor, we welcome you. to the heroes, glory, thank you. well, the delegation of the international monetary fund has arrived, and we understand that they are preparing to create an additional financial security cushion for us. well, because, as the classics used to say, in the united states it's clear that it's dark. and accordingly, we have to insure money just in case. your visions. so to speak, the prospects of new additional tranches from the international monetary fund, and in general, on what conditions can they give us money? well, i want to say that right away the current mission of the international monetary fund came under the extended financing program, the decision about this program was made last year, its cost is about 15.6 billion, and in 2024 we
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should get somewhere about 4... dollars, so if there is a question about airbag, then obviously the discussion is ongoing, and i think that it was going on, about, perhaps, how to repurpose the tranches, perhaps receiving 1 billion, 800-900, so to speak, millions, perhaps receiving more of them today from so that it means so say, funds began to flow in, funds flowed in from other donors, well, what to do, in principle, the requirements of the international monetary fund, they are standard, but the point is... when it comes to ukraine, it is of course an issue related to the stability of the economy , these are issues related to the effective use of available financial resources, that is, ukraine must seek... all opportunities to mobilize domestic finances, and it is clear that the international monetary fund will also help, well, this is known to all so to speak, yes order with state
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spending, this is to order directly with the work of our large state enterprises, which are system-forming, these issues are related to the adoption and implementation of the national revenue strategy and many, many, many other things, well, to conclude such a short speaking, i would like to say that... with the international monetary fund and international donors, it is fundamentally important for us, if we recall the state budget expenditures for the year 2024, they amount to approximately 3.4 billion dollars, while domestic revenues cover, at best, 52% of these costs, so international aid under certain conditions is fundamentally possible for us to ensure stability and survival. of ukraine. mr. igor, but we understand that the imf is not benefactors who give us money on credit and under corresponding obligations. and understanding that the country is in a state
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of war, it is difficult to predict whether we can fulfill these or other obligations we have undertaken. what do you think could be the model of this cooperation between ukraine and the international monetary fund, when we understand that to guarantee, yes these or other guarantees, give for a friend. we cannot, and to what extent is this a matter of principle for the international monetary fund? this is fundamental for the international monetary fund, if we, for example, look at the requirements that were set directly in the extended financing program, then from my point of view there is nothing here, so to speak, well, as they say, out of bounds, yes, that is, in principle normal requirements, we must understand that spending on the military, let's say the power of ukraine, on the one hand, is help with side of the united states. america of other countries , and on the other hand, it is obviously our own funds that we must do, that we must close all the holes related to the leakage of public finances, this is absolutely clear,
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there is nothing to talk about here, that we must fight for the effective use of funds, to cover again the holes, corruption connections and so on, also about this, so to speak, you can't, you can't forget, the fact that you need to put some kind of order with state enterprises, and these are very big payers taxes and very large institutions so to speak. which in many respects determine the development of the ukrainian economy, must be done, therefore , frankly speaking, i am on the side of the requirements of the international monetary fund, each of them can be discussed further, yes, but in principle, from what was required of us, it is in principle consistent and with our capabilities, and with what, from my point of view, should be done right now in order to increase the stability and sustainability of the ukrainian economy. mr. igor, i would also like to clarify with you as a person who is friends with the economy gently. parliamentarians bill about mobilization, more precisely about the strengthening
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of mobilization, and this draft law currently contains such norms that can, many experts are already talking about it, which can still create big economic problems for us in the case, relatively speaking, for people who evading mobilization will seize accounts, there is a great risk that the business will go into the shadows, accordingly, the salary. will be in envelopes, and in this way, well, we can our economy completely, so to speak, well, with i don't even know how to describe it, we don't want those bad scenarios even imagine, but again, if there are strict restrictions, then can it really somehow negatively affect our cooperation even with the imf? well, i want to say right away that when it comes to war and the fight against russian aggression, there are... there are no, you know, such pleasant economic solutions, yes, that is, we are talking about the fact that we must mobilize our military, our human and our financial and economic resources in order
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to fight the enemy, and it is necessary to proceed from this, yes, that is, the war cannot be won on the sofa, it cannot be won in a warm bath, and it is necessary to make sacrifices, financial sacrifices , economic sacrifices, i am not talking about human sacrifices , this is a very difficult issue in general, this is point number one, point number two, so far by and large, well, let's remember, for example, the law country 's state of emergency, if i'm not mistaken, there are about 40 or 42, so to speak, clauses of various kinds of restrictions that states can introduce in order to survive in emergency conditions, including in war conditions. if we look at the current restrictions, well, today we have, well, in in the best case, 10-15 of them, and those, so to speak, that have already begun to be canceled to a certain extent, for example, the liberalization of the currency market and some other things, so i think that such conversations that mobilization will kill, so to speak, ukrainian. .. the economy, well , it seems to me that this is a lot of cunning, but it is clear that mobilization is a big cynical, i would say, investment project, we need funds here, of course, which we will have to
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use, but then the question arises... how we will carry out this mobilization, gradually, or, let's say, in bursts, and in depending on this, certain economic mechanisms will work, this is on the one hand, well , on the other hand, we must also understand that if we do not protect our country today, do not ensure the safe survival of our country, then all the talk about reconstruction, all the talk about such big and good prospects, they will remain only talk, it just reminds me of a situation when we save a person who has stopped. heart, we do an indirect massage of the heart, at the same time we break the ribs, but we save the person for future life yes, mr. professor, but at the same time, you would like to return to the story with money, right? 40 billion dollars, or more precisely, euros from the european union for several years, is a very serious amount, yes, but we understand that it will not be enough, so in the united states the corresponding debate will continue, let's hope for a positive result,
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but in any case. .. speaking of the amount we would need to balance our budget, right? well, in general, or in general it will be possible to use foreign tranches in order to, for example, repay social benefits? well, let 's talk numbers. last year, we attracted approximately $43 billion in international financial aid in various formats. 27% of this money is the money we received in the game. form, it is a lot in principle, that is, money that must be accounted for, but which does not need to be returned. as for the current needs of ukraine, they are estimated today at about 37-38 billion dollars, and as far as i understand, we have certain obligations, we have obligations from of the international monetary fund, we receive this money from the second donors, for the second month in a row, the largest is japan, which very actively helps us in terms of financing
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our budgetary... budgetary problems, as for the money of the united states of america, there are two situations here, that money , which were talked about today, and before our meeting with you, this is money that will go exclusively for military needs, but in order to provide for military needs in terms of salaries, military personnel, those who work directly with them, and so on , this the money is money from our budget, so if a positive decision is made, and i hope that the european union will make a positive decision. will be accepted and given the agreements that we have, i think that these things 37-38 billion dollars for 2024 we will close, we are talking about financing, well, i would say, economic, not military financing of our budget, as for 2025 of the year, well, questions immediately arise here, because so far we do not see any such real prospects, and therefore we must intensify negotiations regarding the transmission in ukraine seized russian assets and search.
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some other, so to speak, ways to ensure clear volumes of regular financing of ukraine in the 25th, 26th, 27th years. thank you, mr. igor, igor burakovsky, doctor of economics, professor of the department of economic theory of naukma, chairman of the board of the institute of economic research and political consultations, because in eteriso we actually talked about an important topic, about our money with you, about how we will live , actually, which ones? money we will live in this year, because we will remind you that almost the entire amount in the state budget, we direct to the army, but already social expenses and the rest of the expenses are given to us by our own, or as loans, for example, as an international monetary fund or some kind of aid, our allies actually we talked about all these moments with mr. igor, well , news time is slowly coming to spresso, iryna koval
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and the news editor have already managed to prepare. fresh and interesting information for you, so iro, we welcome you, we are glad to see you, and actually tell us what you will talk about in this issue. thank you, marta, by the way, well, in this issue i will tell you about the situation in the tavria region, where the biggest losses since the beginning of the year of the russian occupiers took place in the past day, and a lot of other information, wait literally in a moment. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine. for your attention, a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in kharkiv oblast, there in vovchansk. a 61-year-old woman died. another resident was injured.


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