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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 4:00pm-4:31pm EET

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we have to let it go, because now the broadcast schedule tells us something else. andrii dubas , president of the association of ukrainian banks, very aptly said about financial literacy, i support him here, ukrainians need to improve their financial literacy, but we are ready for more news, actually to hear from iryna koval, who from the newsroom prepared relevant information. iro, we give you the floor as usual, and please tell us what this issue will be about. thank you, marta, well, i will tell you in this issue about the situation in kharkiv region and kherson region, there will also be information about which other crossing point was blocked by polish farmers and a lot of other information, so wait for more details in the release.
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at 4:00 p.m. in ukraine, a news broadcast on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval is brought to your attention. greetings to all viewers. consequences of the attack on kharkiv oblast. a 61-year-old woman died in vovchansk. another resident was injured. in the morning, the russians shelled the city center with artillery. in total , about 10 hits were recorded in vovchansk. it was reported head of the city military administration , tamas gambarashvili. the rashists also attacked the village of kurylivka. the projectiles hit... the farm, two men were killed, two more people, a man and a woman, received explosive injuries, they are in the hospital - reported the head of the region oleg sinigupov. two people were seriously injured as a result of the shelling of havrylivka in the kherson region. the russians hit a residential building with a drone. this was reported in the regional military administration. a 71-year-old woman and a 36-year-old man the man received shrapnel wounds. and
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explosive injuries, she was hospitalized. and in krasnohorivka, a 74-year-old woman came under fire. the victim suffered injuries to her face, back and limbs. the policemen tried to save the elderly woman, provided her with first aid and took her to the hospital. unfortunately, she died the next day. the law enforcement officers once again call on the residents of the front-line settlements to evacuate, as this is the only possibility to save their lives. and health. the united states senate ultimately supported it draft law on international aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel. more than 60 billion dollars will be allocated for ukraine, despite the fact that opposition among trumpists is growing in the republican party. as the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, oksana markarova, wrote on social networks. the senators decided to end the debate on the bill.
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received 66 votes, six more than the minimum required to pass, though a vote in the republican-controlled house of representatives is still to come. it really adds confidence and motivation. i thank you to senate majority leader chuck schumer and republican leader mitch mcconnell for your decisive and morally strong choice. thank you to each of the 70 senators who voted positively, ukraine appreciates it very much, it was the first step, next, the house of representatives, the congressmen's vote there, we expect a positive decision. the korchova krakow checkpoint is also blocked. polish farmers have started another protest, the state border service reported.
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according to preliminary information, truck traffic was blocked for an hour, while passenger traffic was blocked transport will pass without delay. the newly created state operator tylu presented new methods of providing the armed forces of ukraine with food. our correspondent, dmytro didora, will talk about the changes, he will be with us live. dima, i welcome you and i am waiting for details from you, what are the ways of supplying food... to use dot and will there be no corruption risks in them? iro, congratulations, congratulations to our viewers, as assured by dot, there will definitely be no corruption risks, but i will talk about this in more detail later, and i will start precisely with the ways that we heard today, which are planned to be introduced the state operator tilu later, and they told that for this... year
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, 40 million hryvnias were allocated for feeding the armed forces of ukraine. they have already received funds in the amount of more than 12 million for the second quarter of this year and are already planning them. to put this money to work and have already created 11 procurement procedures on the prozoro system. as for how the products will be procured, a new scheme has been proposed: ukraine has been divided into several sectors, these sectors include oblasts, such logistics centers have been created in certain oblasts, and the dot claims that this will help prevent... monopolization of the market, which used to be several large suppliers for the armed forces of ukraine, and they supplied from the western regions, for example, to the eastern, now each, each sector will supply the areas that are part of it, and they say in the dot , that this will help regional suppliers
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to develop and enable them to supply food to the armed forces of ukraine. we will hear more. model one is networks, military units, model two is procurement from commodity producers, as well as individual procurement logistics services and delivery to military units. currently, we heard that there are several models, dot will purchase logistics transportation services from manufacturers with you, not pay for their products. they are also about the quality control of the food itself , which will be delivered to the armed forces of ukraine, they will introduce quality control when receiving goods by retailers, monitoring by employees of the state operator tilu and mandatory laboratory control of each batch of
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canned meat and fish, namely such will be introduced control control. tools that will help control food quality. regarding corruption risks, they said that they will not cooperate with suppliers who are recognized as international sponsors of terrorism, such a list is maintained by the national agency for the prevention of corruption, and regarding those, how exactly such corruption risks will be perceived, let's also hear. our supplier verification process, it consists of two main steps, which is the integrity block. verification of the supplier for integrity and compliance with the qualification criteria block, block of capabilities, that is, whether the supplier is capable, whether he is capable, has the appropriate material and technical resources, base and the like to fulfill the obligations assigned to him. and they say that
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there should not be such situations as with the grenkevychs, since the dot will check suppliers in advance in case... they have orders for the supply of one or another product to the armed forces of ukraine, i will just remind you that the state operator tylu will deal with the supply and procurement of clothing, food, fuel and lubricants for the armed forces and also want to attract more medical equipment in the future to purchase them for the armed forces of ukraine. and dot expects that for one soldier of the armed forces of ukraine, the amount per day of food will be uah 130.9, however, they expect that in the event of an auction, this price may change and decrease. thank you, dimo, it was our correspondent dmytro didora, who just talked about the work of the newly created state operator tylu, which presented new methods of providing the armed forces of ukraine
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with food. we move on to the next ones news, and two soldiers and a commander were killed in a battle with the hamas group in the south of the enclave. during the clashes in the western khan'. 30 hamas militants were eliminated, about 10 members of the group were killed in the center of gaza, according to the israel defense forces. in general, since the beginning of the war with hamas, the number of dead among the israeli military has increased to 232 people, and among palestinians to more than 28 thousand. in kharkiv, a 43-year-old woman fell into the lop river. this was reported in the state emergency service. the rescuers succeeded lift the woman ashore using a fire escape. the rescued woman was hospitalized with hypothermia. a child who swallowed
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20 magnets of a toy constructor was saved. the boy's parents contacted the ohmadit hospital and reported that the child had a severe stomach ache. specialists saw on an x-ray examination. that there is a whole group of foreign bodies in the digestive tract of the child. it turned out to be a magnetic constructor. the parts were located in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, but were connected to each other. the surgeons immediately performed the operation. now the child is undergoing treatment and rehabilitation. creativity for a donation. in ivano-frankivsk, orphans and displaced children draw pictures to sell at an auction. it is planned to be held on the second anniversary of russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine. paintings will be sold in the vagabund art space. now the children are working on their creations under. under the supervision of professional artists. the theme of the upcoming exhibition is patriotic. young
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artists have to prepare 20 works of art, and the proceeds will be given to the needs armed forces of ukraine. i decided right away that i wanted to draw dogs. well, it seemed to me that the patronus dog is such a patriotic and fashionable topic. i have been drawing for quite some time now. for almost six years, she worked professionally in her hometown, everyone who wants to sign up, we will have a second master class, well, there are children here who have the ability to draw, but they all draw well, there are no bad drawings, especially children's , such were news at this time, we will see you at 5 p.m., our team is working on
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with a new issue, and my colleagues, antin borkovskii and marta oliarnyk, continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. thank you, iryna koval, thank you to the news editor, well, let's pick up the baton and analyze the most important things. russia has reserves of tanks for three more years of the war, because it exchanged their quality for quantity, reuters reports with reference to a report by the international institute for strategic studies, based in london. russia lost more than 300 tanks during the war in ukraine, but still has enough inferior armored vehicles in storage for replacement and can potentially withstand another three years of heavy losses. well, let's get a military expert involved now. oleg katkov, chief editor of defense express. probably, we will start with this. glory to ukraine, mr.
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editor. glory, thank you for the invitation. i quote verbatim. a report by the international institute for strategic studies, based in london. moscow was able to trade quality for quantity, moving thousands of old tanks out of storage at a rate that sometimes reached 90 tanks a month. the report also notes that ukraine has suffered significant losses since the beginning. invasion in february of '22, but western military supplies delivered to us to maintain supplies while increasing their resilience. let's start with this report and signal about low-quality tanks in russia, which can last for three years. and there is an important aspect in the fact that it is about the fact that during the war, well, the enemy restores stored, still soviet machines, it is precisely t-55, t-54, t-62 that is meant. old versions of the t-64, t-72 of the first versions, well, the t-80s are raising it, and
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it is about the fact that this institute, which exists, to things, a well-known authoritative center that issues such monks as military balance, then they, for example, immediately said that they could not count, for example, how many the russian federation was able to restore, not restore, but to produce new units of armored vehicles, but according to the agreed pictures, exactly from bazibr. they came to conclusions about the possibility of lifting from the storage bases the appropriate number of tanks and combat vehicles of infantry and self-propelled guns. the important aspect is that the phrase that they will be enough there for two or three years, or maybe even more, that is, exactly such a post is in the original publication, and it is quite difficult to say exactly how many tanks the enemy still has there. why the first aspect is that it is very difficult to assess from satellite images
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how much is still possible to restore. a banal situation is simply the logic of restoring any and all machines, including armored vehicles, tanks, bmpp, bters. the one with the best condition is restored first. they are restored by such machines, for example, tanks, which, well, are almost complete, which is necessary to sort through and reassemble, to carry out major repairs and restoration, this is one situation and... one expenditure of resources, including time. another situation is when a tank, directly, or any other combat vehicle, infantry, combat vehicle, is incomplete, missing, it must be completely replaced. the engine, the transmission , the guns need to be replaced, the rollers need to be changed , the sight needs to be replaced there, and this is a different volume of work, including time spent, so not far, not even all the machines that are in storage in the russian federation yet they can to be restored in principle, in particular, on satellite images, which also illustrate the institute's work, it is shown that
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some cars are just lying there, well, the tower is lying in... separately on the ground, and it is already lying in such a state tens of years, a separate building, and if you go there on your own, just arm yourself with google maps and look at the known coordinates of the equipment storage of the russian federation, then it is possible to notice that trees have already grown from some of the buildings there, and of course it is possible to restore such machines, but it is simply a waste of time significantly high, another aspect, the more the technique of old samples, the more difficult it actually is. to keep them, because when we return to the topic of arming the enemy with such tanks as t-55, t-54, then of course there is a question about where to get some components, well, if there are radio stations, for example, there is conditionally there r-123 can it be replaced there, and they are replacing them with more modern ones, then the question is, for example, the
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v55 engines, if i am not mistaken, these engines are no longer produced at all, there are, of course, certain stocks, but... they these stocks are distributed not only on recovery vehicles, they are allocated to keep t-50s, well, t-54 t-50s that are already in service, and they also need to replace engines, because this resource, to engines, is necessary components and all the rest , which are no longer produced, that is, in fact , the fact that the russian federation can really restore a significant amount of equipment from storage bases, taking into account the fact that there are also 12 central storage bases for tanks only and 37 mixed weapons storage bases, then , of course, there are resources there, that is, the machines themselves, themselves hulls, but to say for sure that the russian federation can rebuild 100 tanks a month at a constant rate there, it is quite difficult in
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any case, huh, mr. olezh, look, i would also like to pay attention to the information from behind... water from the head of the rain metal concern, this is a german plant that manufactures projectiles, and actually he says that it was armin peperger who said that they cannot meet the needs of ukraine for 2 million projectiles per year, and that is exactly how much we need, and they can produce up to 700 thousand artillery shells per year, that is, until the 25th year. if we are talking about ensuring the supply of shells, then where else can we get them, which countries can supply them to us? one of the largest ammunition manufacturers in the european union now, because rain metal is not only a company that operates in germany, recently a year ago they renmetal bought expal, it is a spanish
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ammunition manufacturer, but again rain metal is not the only ammunition manufacturer in europe, and from large circles. of them players, manufacturers of ammunition, it is possible to mention the french nexter, scandinavian namo, there are belgian companies, and there are oby systems in great britain , well, if we talk about the european segment of nato, that is, the fact that rain metal can only independently produce 0.7 million ammunition per year, this is actually quite a good indicator, in principle, and where to get the necessary amount of ammunition, and the estimate is 2 million per year... it is, well, let's say this, a year ago in the ministry of defense of ukraine they talked about what it is necessary to have in order for everything to be very, very good, approximately 7 million per year, that is, well, ammunition there will definitely not be much, the question is where to take them , first of all, these are the sources that already exist, that is, this , well, first of all, the american defense industry, this is general, not only
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ratel, this is the entire european defense industry, but when it comes to it is about receiving from... significant simultaneous batches, i.e. stocks, there are scenarios of their purchase, receipt in countries that do not belong to nato in principle, and a project with south korea was being developed, the fact is that the suu did not fall into the liturgy due to the presence of north korea nearby, therefore did not reduce the defense industry and shells from south korea, they followed such rather cunning circles. supplies, when these shells were replenished in the warehouses of, for example, the usa, american shells went to ukraine. the question here is that bsul has changed its paradigm of not handing over to ukraine. not the sale of these weapons to ukraine, and direct or direct deliveries of these same projectiles to ukraine through europe or the united states have already been organized, for this scenario, it is actually
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quite objective how difficult it is to rebuild this process, it is not difficult to rebuild it in issues of production lines there, logistics, on the contrary, it will be even easier, because now, well, when the shells are from south korea. went to the usa , they first went there, shells from america, manufactured in the usa, went to ukraine, that is, it is not about simplifying logistics, it is the opposite, if the shells will go directly to ukraine, then it will be a simplification of logistics, but nothing more is needed for this just political will and political and diplomatic work, because here the issue is not exactly in politics and international relations, similarly. situation, for example, may well to be about the production of ammunition in south africa, there is a fairly powerful manufacturer there, which, by the way, is also owned by rain metal, and there are also adequate, quite significant,
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in my opinion, well, as noted, there are adequate stocks of artillery systems, which are commonplace for the south african the republic no longer needs it due to the massive reduction of the armed forces, in particular the artillery in general, and here again the question is exclusively, rather than all, in politics. and not in production or any other issues. mr. editor, look, we would like to ask you about the mega-scam, well we understand that it is very cool that we will receive the former soviet m17 helicopter from ecuador, yes, a very good, pleasant story, but ecuador will instead receive a blakehawk from the americans, they will give us equipment, which in general there is only one unit, so say... operational, so accordingly, all the rest are suitable, as far as i understand, for replacing aircraft parts, yes, if we are talking about the ecuadorian mi-17, then
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we are talking about five, well, according to the information available in zmi, then we are talking about it is about the fact that there are six helicopters in total, only one of them maybe in flying condition, others will obviously have spare parts, or will be restored, at the same time the sale of ecuador blackhawk, this is exactly the situation when we are talking about such, well, in fact, bulk supplies, the country transfers soviet equipment, or russian equipment, and it is not only about about helicopters, there are also proactive fire control systems, there are about 30 units, well , 20, well, a few dozen, there are also several osa-type anti-aircraft missile systems, that is, ammunition for them, which is so important, and now it’s just ukraine . pending in fact, the approval of direct security assistance from the united states in the general package of $60 billion, which will be broken down over the course of a year, and now there are simply
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no other options, at the same time, for example, the united states still has the option of selling weapons, and thus they find ways , where there is still an opportunity to find soviet equipment and transfer it, especially since until now, when it comes to, well... helicopters, if you focus exclusively on them, then what is the aspect, in ukraine there is a mi 17, mi-8 helicopter , they need to be serviced somewhere find spare parts, and it's better to have , but blackho is cooler, mr. editor, that is, i don't argue, i don't argue, but while we get them, while we just have the example of the f-16s, the helicopters will be, well, maybe a little , of course, it is easier if we are talking about black hoke, but it is better to have both black hoke and what is already there, if there are blockades, conditionally there are hundreds of units, then yes, soviet helicopters will not be needed, but well, look, here it is
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i'm sorry, we just don't have enough money, for example, for ukraine to receive, so to speak so here is the mi-17, we understand, well, these funds will go from those funds that are already allocated by the united states, maybe it would be worth somehow transferring them immediately to something of higher quality, i just don't think that this is included in... general packages, which has not yet been approved , it is frozen, that is, these 60 billion, they are not spent, they were supposed to be spent since october of last year, or because the fiscal year has already been shifted in the us, the calendar year, but they are not spent, and most likely these these so-called circular supplies precisely when, for example, and the conditional poland itself gave its armored vehicles to the soviets, after which it received them from the usa. a discount for the purchase of abrams, they purchased them, warsaw spent money on this, purchased with its own funds, but with a discount, and they simply gave it to ukraine, and they knocked out warsaw, so, well... other
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funds were paid for new tanks. thank you, mr. oleg. oleg katko, military expert, editor-in-chief of defense express, was on espresso. meanwhile, we are moving on. and then, according to the plan, we have a small pause, after which we will return to our ether, so stick with espresso. tired of heavy and bulky saws? then pilka strong from unpack tv is just for you. with it you can easily cut trees and bushes. it is so convenient to use it for carpentry. it is the perfect tool for your home or garden. and the price is only from uah 1,499. a reliable battery is also included. just call now and order. free delivery is available. check with consultants: cut branches, cut timber, chop firewood. you will do all this in one movement with a strong saw. just look at how quickly
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day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. information day of the tv channel in rozpol, we talked a little with marta oliyarnyk, especially since we have a people's deputy of ukraine present in the studio, i wanted to casually ask him about all the secrets and secret plans of our people's elected representatives. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy chairman of the committee related to... ensuring the interests of veterans, yes, lieutenant general of the militia in the reserve, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, mr. mykhailo, the bill on mobilization, the first reading according to the accelerated procedure was successful, debates, petitions and so on and so on immediately appeared, we understand that a lot of people are waiting, including conscripts and not only conscripts, so to speak, already updated...


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