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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 4:30pm-4:59pm EET

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and studios, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people, in the evening at espresso. so what armor. on the information day of the tv channel in rozpol, we talked a little with marta oliyarnyk, especially since we have a people's deputy of ukraine present in the studio, we wanted to casually ask him about all the secrets and secret plans of our people's elected officials. mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, first deputy. the chairman of the committee related to ensuring the interests of veterans, yes , the lieutenant general of the militia is in reserve, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, congratulations, well, mr. mykhailo, the bill on mobilization, the first reading according to the accelerated procedure was successful, debates, petitions and so on and so on immediately appeared, we understand that a lot of people are waiting, including conscripts and not only the time-limits, so to speak, of the already updated...
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draft law, well, first of all, let's start the analysis of this story with what is called a procedural point, i.e., how seriously will these or other amendments be considered by the committees of specific profile and not profiles, as long as it is may take longer in general , will there not be, for example, another accelerated procedure, well , there cannot be an accelerated procedure, according to the regulations of the verkhovna rada until february 20... on february 1 , the submission of amendments to this draft law will continue, we all already know about the first first reading, i i am sure that by the second reading the draft law will take on a completely different content, it will be improved , a compromise will be sought, some things have already been agreed upon that have caused a public outcry, but we all must clearly... inform that the draft law
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or the law on improving mobilization needed, because what is happening today , the methods of work of the tsc, it does not satisfy the current state of affairs, no one, neither the military, by the way, representatives of the tsc, nor civil society, which has already been agreed upon, agreed that this is also a positive, as for me. that persons with disabilities of the first, second, and third groups will not be subject to mobilization , this is important, in addition, it has already been agreed that the law will be improved, that persons from the category of persons with disabilities who need care will themselves determine who will care for them, one a person will have the right, that is everything is as it happens today within the limits.
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current legislation, the following, a compromise is being sought on the demobilization of conscripts and their, or rather term. it is very important that we insisted, and it was voted in the first reading in this version, that conscripts will be demobilized, and conscript service becomes a thing of the past. but in the voted version, it is offered for six months. to release conscripts, we are categorically against, we believe that two to two months is the time when, when these young men need to be immediately demobilized, moreover, i introduce correction, that within 12 months, they should not be subject to mobilization as a military obligation, why, because each of them served two, some 2.5 terms and... they
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should recover today, determine their future, maybe someone from they want to go on a contractual basis to mobilize, that's their right, but they have to rest for 12 months, that's what we 're working on now, the next thing, e-summons, we remember that the previous version, it involved the delivery of e-summons via e-mail , office of the military obliged, now... in this version, they voted in the first reading and, thank god, they have already listened to our recommendations, demands that there will be no e-mail, but there remains the option of introducing the institute of the electronic cabinet of the conscript, reservist , etc. we believe that it can be preserved under one condition, as a voluntary form. military
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registration of the conscript himself, why? because not all citizens of draft age today, first of all, have gadgets in which you can have this electronic cabinet, and on the other hand, not all of them we have high-quality internet in populated areas. let's imagine that today in a religious area of ​​lviv oblast, the internet does not work, or it works, it is unstable, a summons arrives for tomorrow or for three, in three days, and the conscript did not check whether there was no connection, like then? it is wrong and it cannot work one for all, because of this the debate continues, we believe that a better version. to leave voluntarily, by the way, it is also convenient, because the law provides, but not all people in our country are conscious, so to speak, and register voluntarily, not even voluntarily, not everyone registers, yes, but why is it convenient, for example, you need to clarify, update the data, and then the conscript
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enters his military office and enters this data and does not need to appear in the procurement center, but this law stipulates that... everyone is obliged to update data after the entry into force of this law, but including through either the military electronic office, or by visiting the tsk, or going to the national security agency, the center of providing services i think that it is tsnap that will be used the most popular, because it came there, and by the way, you can't do it in snap. serve subpoenas, subpoenas, there is still this version that tsc employees have the right to serve only in writing and in person, and this is very important, i think that after the introduction of this flow of data, after all
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, in our state it will be clear how many conscripts, the rule, which is in the first reading, is currently being discussed regarding... employees of the national police, police, court security service, civil servants, including tax and customs, that they will be mobilized, by the way, they have 60 days to put on military uniform, and they will be mobilized according to the decision of the cabinet of ministers, what percentage of them will be reserved, which percentage will be reserved. we believe that this norm is wrong, it should be written into the law, because it is a corruption component, when the cabinet of ministers will give one a postponement, the other will reserve 50% and others, because of this this norm is also being discussed, but we must understand that
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the national police is also fighting today, it is has combat units, people and others , special units that fight, on the other hand we have to understand... about ensuring law and order and fighting crime, this is their main function, and one can only imagine with fear when all the police will be taken off duty, from the cities, from the villages, what can happen then, because of that, as they say, one should not bend the stick, and as for the customs, there should also be the service of persons who are not subject to mobilization, that is, women... too, the tax office is also the same, civil servants, you need to review the method reservation, we must realize that the military front will be effective when the civilian front is also protected, i.e.
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reservation of specialties, positions, so that the business works, so that taxes are paid, and i repeat once again that all the funds earned by the ukrainian... payer all taxes go to the security and defense sector. mr. mykhailo, what does the new head of the armed forces of ukraine, the new general staff have to do with all this, and perhaps they may have visions that differed from what, for example, i proposed or agreed to the previous team, which was engaged in the organization of the mobilization process in particular. i don't think that there will be drastic differences, because under the previous head of the committee, all those people who are in charge today, they also participated, or their subordinates participated in the preparation of this version of the bill, i don't think that there will be drastic changes. because this is not only a matter for the military, it is a task of state importance, so that we have an accounting system,
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a mobilization system, and the mobilization must be fair, socially fair, this is the task of this draft law, i think that on those working groups... will be attended by representatives of its general staff, all those people who, as far as i know, participated in the development of this draft law, they all serve on e loans. there will be no drastic differences in their positions, because in fact, everyone is for objective accounting, this is important, and there is another debatable norm regarding persons who are abroad, how they should be registered and how they should be served by our by consular units, the version says that those who did not enter the military register, but find... abroad, it will not be served in our consular units, there are certificates,
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replacement of passports, i am categorically against this, because the constitution of ukraine protects citizens regardless of where they are, even if they are convicted of a crime, the state is obliged to protect them and protect , here is the only option, it is necessary to write such a norm, on the one hand, so that those citizens who are abroad... they understand that protecting the state is the duty of all citizens, and on the other hand, we must realize that coercion or we will not stimulate their return with harsh measures, neither now nor after our victory, but it will be necessary to rebuild our state, and it is important that ukrainians do it, and even so , many people may think about whether they need to keep this citizenship, and this very serious, i would say. story, now we're going to take a little break and then we're going to come back to the discussion in our studio,
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22 at espresso. the espresso information day is in full swing at the espresso studio mykhailo tsimbalyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, with whom we we are discussing possible amendments to the draft law on strengthening mobilization, and therefore we settled on the fact that they can still partially mobilize civil servants and so on on the list, and you say that you will discuss this, because they want the cabinet of ministers to approve... in those who will be armed, and what about those, so to speak, anti-constitutional norms that ombudsman lubinets spoke about, regarding seizure, accounts, property and everything else, have the deputies found any, well, excuse me, thank god, our banking system barely still works stably, god forbid yet to start blocking accounts, that's it in general
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, firstly, the banking system will collapse, and secondly, well, excuse me, but maybe this man, whose account was blocked... he supports a minor child, minors, other members, it's quite true, maybe he has parents whom he cares for, etc., that is, it is a provision that is unconstitutional, and i do not think that those people who are deputies who voted for the first reading will take it upon themselves to vote for the second reading, because i think it is us it will still be possible to fight back. like what we talked about with you that applies to graduate students. graduate students, this is really a discriminatory rule, when those who work and study under the state form, they have a deferment, those who are paid, on a contract basis, are deprived of this deferment, it is wrong, it is discrimination
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based on the type of study, and in general, to me. it seems that this is a problem more than the ministry of education and science, because it is the ministry of education and science that gives each university a license number for one or another specialty, if the ministry of education did not give, for example, one or another university such a number graduate students in graduate school on a paid form of education, then the university would never recruit, because of this, it is a wrong approach, it can work... only for the next academic year, when there will be a new admission, all this must be discussed, i understand the military, they have one point of view, but we must not forget that there is a war going on in the state, but the war cannot continue in
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violation of the rules of law, because then we turn into too. what does the state produce, mr. mykhailo, look, here are two such powerful messages: one from the adviser to the head of the presidential office, podolyak, i am now quoting podolyak, he said this on the telethon a couple of days ago, the president said another thing, this is podolyak’s direct speech, for example, talking about the renewal of the leadership of the armed forces, he says that we have almost 1 million mobilized, and those who were directly on the front line in the war - this is 2,300,000, the others were very far from the war, but they are there, and here it seems to me to be one of the key ones. syrskyi's tasks are to conduct an audit, where, how and who is, and after that to say how much additional quantity is needed, this is one signal, well, a signal arrived from a member of the national committee on national defense, intelligence and so on, maryana bezuglai, so the armed forces of ukraine began
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a functional review, the general staff, units, who is fighting, who is not, rotation headquarters. well , actually, this is a sad truth, but we should be grateful to all those who today are mobilized and serve in the armed forces and other military formations. this is clear, because all of them perform combat and not quite combat tasks, even representatives of headquarters and other structural support forces, they perform an important function for the armed forces. another thing is the rotation it is necessary, and it is best, for the rotation to take place by replacing those who are currently at zero or in the combat zone. actions by those who already have experience today, i.e., who are in the structure, but are in the withdrawal zone, in the tsk, in other pitro, by the way, if
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we talk about the tsk, there are such security companies that they are talking about, there are different numbers of them, but if they are rotated, sent to the combat zone, then they can be replaced by those fighters who go to recovery, or have, or return after... certain injuries, that is, it is one of ideas, i think that the new leadership of the general staff is considering this, and it is very important that there is also justice among military personnel, they are men in uniform, they clearly carry out orders, but they have a keen sense of justice, indeed a third of all those who are mobilized today , they are in the combat zone, the rest, why was the rotation not carried out and is it possible to... now those leaders who headed and were appointed by the president as the supreme command for certain positions,
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the highest military officers, must give an answer but they came, i'm sorry not from civilian life, they were all in the structure, they know everything, they can clearly do it all in a very short time and still rotate until the next mobile. by the way, it has not stopped, it continues, but we have those people who should be sent to the front to be trained, they must spend at least 30 days in training centers, after that special training and after these procedures only be sent to perform combat tasks. mr. mykhailo, look, what about the example of corruption at the level of commanders who do not want just like that, relatively speaking... when a person has every reason to be demobilized, or if he was injured, let him go, and these are not rare cases when the commander demands a bribe, a certain amount, or
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to be transferred to a physical position, or to let a person leave if he has the legal right to do so, can we prescribe some control mechanisms in this draft law, let's say so that there are no such cases in the army, when the military should receive for money what they... should receive and without that, during the war are available any corruption risks, and in fact there is such a thing, it is not of a massive nature, because most of the military commanders of the middle and higher ranks today are bona fide comrades in arms who know each other and understand what honor and conscience are, but there are individual cases, er, it is impossible in the law... to indicate the safeguards of all these corruption exceptions, but for this there are other legal documents in the form of laws, statutes
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of military service, in order to provide, put safeguards or punish in the case before, when such a crime or an offense occurred, because of that and... today, the state bureau of investigation is working , today the law enforcement forces of the armed forces of ukraine are working to detect such violations, but i emphasize once again, war, it makes its own corrections, it is difficult to predict everything here, but this is not a mass phenomenon, all- after all, most of our commanders, i repeat, are conscientious , they know what honor is, what conscience is, and they understand that for any offense today... they will have to answer later after the end of the war, looking their brothers in the eye, and answering before society and before the law. yes, without
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a doubt, if we talk about the approximate terms of consideration of the bill on mobilization, yes, in the second reading, when should we expect to wait? it is difficult to make predictions, but in principle , i think that next week, somewhere on february 21, 24, the verkhovna rada of ukraine will go to the vote in the second reading, then the signature of the president and the entry into force of this law, i do not think that someone will delay, because the improvement of the accounting and mobilization system is needed immediately, it is needed for of the armed forces of ukraine, it is necessary for the national security of our state, and it is ultimately necessary for society, but once again i will return to the fact that mobilization... as well as demobilization must be fair, and this is the task of the cabinet of ministers and us as people's deputies, we
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actually did not talk about demobilization... we talked about the demobilization not of conscripts, but about the demobilization of military personnel, so we are talking about the demobilization that is proposed after 36 months, it is too long, we should talk about 18 months, and if not less than 12 months in the combat zone , then after 18 months demobilization, voluntary demobilization, or leave, recovery occurs. and again the continuation of the service, it should be at the request of the serviceman, and, but we also have to prescribe the rotation, three or four months in the combat zone and the rotation, now it is still being discussed together with the military leadership, and for the rest, what in your opinion, it will be with generals, so the deputy head, and there until recently the chief
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of the general staff and so on, that is, it is a general. but we understand that the generals have their own order, that is, they can be placed under the command of the new head of the syrian army , they may not receive this, and accordingly, what will happen to our generals, it is very important that these people remain in the service of the state, and that they are not guided by internal ambitions, personal ambitions, resentments, so that they are ruled by one call, this is victory. over the enemy, they are all moral authorities, for the personnel, for the state, we should appreciate their merits, but each of them, i emphasize once again, has above his personal ambitions to become, to bet victory over the enemy, i think that they will be offered positions, not equal to all, because some held very high positions, but here it should... i emphasize once again,
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it should work that each of them with their experience can still serve the people of ukraine, in one or another position, i would very much like it to be just like that, because it will be an example for a meritorious person, what can be meritorious, i once again believe that he played his historical role, especially in the first year of a large-scale war, time will dot the dots of hope, he himself said, that wants to renew his with... and then, i think he will announce his decision publicly. thank you, mykhailo tsembelyuk, people's deputy of ukraine, was in the espresso studio, and antin and i are already finishing working for you today and passing the baton to our colleagues, who will continue to inform you about the most important things, in just a few seconds there will be news with iryna koval, but we are already putting an end to today and will see
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you tomorrow. worked for you so that you know the most important, to... for your attention news release on espresso tv channels. in the studio of iryna koval. i congratulate all viewers and just now about the most important events. two people were seriously injured as a result of the shelling of havrylivka in the kherson region. the russians hit a residential building with a drone. the victims were hospitalized. this was reported in the regional military administration. the occupiers also struck a pose'.


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