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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm EET

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what was left for hitler to do but attack poland, well, it was necessary to give him something again, well, what is the difference, tell me then, but what is interesting is that literally right there , this is all about nazism, as hitler cries, this it turned out that this whole story was confirmed once again, when ukrainian soldiers, let's show this photo, just the other day they caught a soldier near kupyansk and took him prisoner. this kantimir division, this is our 25th sicheslav brigade captured this russian soldier, and as you can see, well, yes, hitler’s deeds live on, but for some reason they live in russia exclusively, it lives in putin's head , and it lives, well, actually in them in his military, which are mostly like that, and what do you think, here we come to what tucker carlson is, that's all. ..
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after listening to hitler's justification, that poland had to be given more, that the logic is the same with ukraine. takir carson comes out and says that he didn't see, literally, what are you saying , putin can't be like hitler? russia is not an expansionist state, sorry, you are not have to say that because all the tories and newlands and all the liars and idiots running the state department want to... make it, you know, hitler, imperial japan, but the truth is that's just a lie, it's just bullshit, really , you have to be an idiot to think like that, but you , he told the whole interview, he literally started with this, that he pulled out something and began to tell there from the 9th century how russia has the right to seize someone else's territory, and after that tucker carson exits and says: "no, russia is not an expansionist state." from these words. in
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in principle, everything is done with him, it is clear , it is clear that he is not a journalist, one, secondly, he is not an independent journalist, two, he is a politician who is trying to work for putin, no, no more, no less, this is his main role, and he, his, again, the main role is to justify any actions of putin, is he an american politician, well, you know, of course, there are also doubts, but, well, unfortunately, we have such a situation now, tucker is a representative of... a certain part of american politicians from the republican party, whose presidential candidate is donald trump. and for us, this interview should be interesting, first of all, not even for putin's catch-up answers, but for what we heard from tucker carlson, and that's exactly what i want to talk about in more detail, because that's exactly what we will be to deal with in american politics in the near future, and what do we have to look for when... we hope for
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support, for help, and for some, you know, advancement of our interests, because it's very clear that in the interview tucker carson had three task, the main task - to attack the current president biden before the election, and to show that the policies of the biden administration seem to pose a threat to national security, because it seems that the biden administration does not want to give something away. to putin, well , i already said that these are direct analogies with the munich conspiracy, which was with hitler, when territories were given to him, after which the world war broke out. but tuckerson says literally the same thing: let's give putin something else, after he knocks it out, it will explode properly world war, actually, because that 's the way it works, if you give to a person who tries to grab more and more and a country... that
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has an aggressive policy, something else, that country starts trying to grab more and more, that's it, so from this from the point of view of the interview, it was such a failure, because everything he said was only aimed at this , you know, this community of world conspiracy theorists who see in all this, and maybe at some very frightened elites there affects you know who also think that you can shut russia's mouth with something, someone else 's blood, and somehow it will calm down, this is not the first time in history, unfortunately, but we have it , but this point of view is the personification of tucker carson, what else did he try to show, he tried to show that it was the usa and the west that provoked the russian attack on ukraine, and that is why this was the first question, and actually you can say that... putin failed it
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himself, because instead of starting to complain about , that yes, provoked, took some steps, he could not find what to say, well, in the literal sense of the word, no... found something to say, he began to talk about history and the fact that russia has the right to attack ukraine, from the point of view of normal, modern world security, all this is just an invader, no less , it is a war criminal, it is a violator of all the norms of international law, it is a treaty violator, it is by no means a country that was provoked, because he cannot even say what exactly. provoked him, he couldn't say it, as karshton didn't try to do it, that's why he, here i say, how began to delve into history and extract khmelnytskyi's letters, the second task was to show that putin does not threaten nato countries
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and other european countries, so putin said in this interview that we are not going to attack poland, we have no interests there, but well, you know, but again it was not. the conversation of neither a journalist nor an independent person, because to this, well, anyone just said, you wait, you also said exactly the same thing, all the previous 20 years, that you are not going to attack ukraine, but specifically already a month before the attack, you said it again, you said it in december 2021, you said it in january 2021, you said it at the beginning of february 2021, the 22nd year, that you will not... attack ukraine, and you attacked it, well, can you now believe that you will not attack poland, the baltic countries or something else. well, kerkarson didn't have time to answer this question, but it hung in the air and, in principle, everyone asks it and says, well, what was this conversation about in that case. and finally, the third task
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putin, and i believe that it was the main thing in all this, in general, it was tuckerson who tried that putin was ready. negotiate, and that putin wants to negotiate, and here too , interesting things happened to the carson era, after putin told him that russia was there and had the right to attack, tuckerson asked him a question about the territory of ukraine itself, and i will tell you , that it is important to understand that such questions, in principle , should not have, well, rights. i wouldn't have any kind of moral, well , i wouldn't think to put a person who isn't an enemy of ukraine from the very beginning. well, just listen to them. in the case of ukraine, you say that the lands of this state have been russian for hundreds of years. so why
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didn't you just take them 24 years ago when you became president. did you have nuclear weapons? they don't. what have you been waiting for so long? you obviously have an encyclopedic knowledge of... this region, but why haven't you done it for 22 years, how are you the president, if ukraine is, in your opinion, a fictional country? but, it is a fact that you did not say this publicly before the start of the war in february 2022, you explain at length today that you felt physically threatened by the west in the form of nato, including the potential nuclear threat, but what made you move? and you know what's interesting here is that this is, well, to some extent the failure of er kerbson, because he's trying to say that, well, you never said that you were going to attack ukraine, you never had an encroachment, that the myth that tucker carson, which, well, the so-called
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putin of fershtei, nurtures, which the main russian propaganda nurtures all over the world, that russia was not going to. attack ukraine it was not going to and it does not want to specifically attack ukraine, and it is not the goal of the war in general to seize ukrainian territories, and here all this breaks down in this excursion into history, in this statement that these are our territories, that is, there is a clear contradiction, which appeared anyway, because yes, because for more than 10 years, this is what russian propaganda has been constantly talking about. i just didn’t want to hear that, not tucker before, not his entire audience, not that part of the politicians of the world and in particular the united states, not donald trump in that including that the main reason for the war, and the main reason for the fact that this aggression took place in general
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, is the desire to simply seize the territory of ukraine, and here in this interview it became simply, somehow, very, very clear, but the matter was not limited to that. uh, because, uh, now they're talking about how to come to an agreement, and here we recall again, the munich conspiracy with hitler, we immediately recall, all these, you know, again. russian proposals and tucker carson's question precisely about: do you think that hungary has the right to reclaim its land in ukraine and other nations have the right to return to their borders of 1644, did you tell viktor orbán that he can take part of ukraine, or do you think you have stopped it now? and actually there's still a question there that sounded just verbatim, yes, or? to be satisfied with the territory you have already captured, to say, well, this is the vision
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of pro-russian politicians, not only in the united states, but also in europe, and their representative is tucker carlson, and here the question arises whether donald trump is their representative , with a capital probability, and we probably have to think if donald trump... comes to power, what will we have, how can we continue to defend ourselves, because it is clear that we will have to defend ourselves to a large extent, relying on our own forces, we have left, well, consider this year, in order to achieve that we can defend ourselves, i think, in this regard, this interview was very important for us, to hear it and understand that we should understand, there are such intentions, and precisely russia doesn't want that now... tell me that russia doesn't want to negotiate, that's all blabbermouth russia wants to negotiate, but it
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wants to negotiate on the surrender of ukraine. moreover, she wants to agree on the surrender of the west, and this has already become an unpleasant gift for takar karston, because he hoped that they would limit themselves only to the fact that they would simply throw ukraine into his hands with this company of putin lovers, and no, it turns out not so. and here putin disappointed him, because he told him that, well, no, now you have to literally figure out what else you will give us. but you imply that he worked for the us govt nato, was he just a reporter who was given material he shouldn't have, it looks very different, very different, very different things, but let them in washington now see that this was a wrong decision, let them abandon it, find some thin excuse that... won't offend anyone, why should you bother and correct someone
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's mistakes, i understand, you can say that it's our mistake, that we stepped up and with the help of weapons decided to stop this war, as i said, started in 2014 on this plan don't worry but i will bring you back thanks dumbass, i've already talked about it, you and i have discussed it now, then we'll go back to 90-91. well, there is something wrong here that i would like to show you and i am not very sure about it, well the fact is that then i will just explain what the point is, the point is that tucker carson asked him several times, well, there, if you now admit that nato has achieved something, and are you ready to call biden, are you ready to call the new president of the united states? are you ready to make any concessions, for all this to him, in principle, putin said, no, come on, now you
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yourselves, figure out what you're going to do to stop it, and how you're going to literally pacify me, well, you know, it was very close to it, not literally, but very close, that now you have to sort it out yourself somehow , which is by no means a desire to make concessions, well that is... what happened, i think so, both in principle and in the matter of when tucker harson really hoped that now he, right during the interview promise to release from captivity an american journalist who is in captivity in russia, it turned out that no, not that they are not ready, moreover, they began to tell that, that this is not a spy journalist, what i will tell you, for the entire journalistic community of the usa, is simply a hoax. absolutely and everyone understands that he is not a spy, he is just a journalist who was taken hostage, and tucker carson himself
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understands this, and this was just a complete failure, because it showed that putin, well, does not have such peacekeepers such wishes, and he is not, you know, the kind of person who was not heard, as tucker wanted to show it very much, but he was not heard, he was not spoken to, not the biden administration wanted to talk, the west didn't want to talk there. and it turned out that putin just wants to seize other people's territories and that these territories should be given to him, that's all , period, and if he captures someone or something, then everyone should accept it. it's like a given , he wanted it, and whether the attacker is ready for it and there is donald trump and so on, i don't know, in fact, i don't have an answer to the end, i understand that they are drifting in this direction, but the words are the same carson says that i will have to think about it all year about the fact that he is not ready
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to take any political responsibility, not even a moral one, for making peace in this way with an aggressor who in fact absolutely does not want to make peace, that is the essence of this story, so what is it, and we see you again, kratal contains natural components that carefully care for your heart, kratal improves blood supply and functions. normalizes heart rate, increases physical and mental performance. kratal is a natural force for your heart. is discounts on tantum verde, 10% in psarynyk, pam, and oskad pharmacies. ordinary things become unreal. heavy bags, not for my sore back. for back pain, try
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and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for an update. espresso and thank you for your trust. verdict with serhiy rudenko is now in a new two-hour format. more analytics, more more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every day on weekdays from 20 to 22. for espresso. fear of an opponent is something i have felt more than once, and that is normal. recognize the fear, study the opponent, teach your body to defeat it. it's like fighting with veel. if you don't do regular tests out of fear, then it's okay can go into the breakfast stage. you may not feel the symptoms, and he will win. it's
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not easy, but science has studied your enemy for you. with regular antiretroviral. therapy , your body will learn to keep it under control and you will live a full life, without fear. knowledge about complex things is important. knowledge about the ox saves lives. watch this week in the collaborators program with olena kononenko. who headed the russian organizations in the occupied territories. under the protection of our friends, russian soldiers. but to whom did united russia entrust the fake mandates? words volodymyr volodymyrovych, they always sound. greetings, i'm olena kononenko and this is the collaborator program about traitors who. following the call of the heart and the harbor, he went to serve the rashiv occupiers. today there will be many new faces of treason, who are asking to be defamed throughout the country. but let's start with
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the well-known seller, music producer yuriy bardash. after the full-scale invasion, he fled the country and first hid in georgia. there , on the pages of his social networks, he compared ukraine with nazi germany, and himself called a russian. after that, bardash allegedly... began to receive threats from the georgian legion, so the traitor decided to scratch his way to russia. i came here, roughly speaking, with a backpack. yes, i have been to moscow before, but this time with the knowledge that i am here forever. in his telegram channel, a great expert and traitor, bardaz writes that it was the zsu that blew up kakhovska and believes that the descendants of russia will study it. how a great power, standing on its knees, ruled the history of the whole world. i think i will study it to no one, because such a sub-empire must simply disappear. in addition to everything, bardash
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boasted that he would soon receive a russian passport and also change his name. and he called the glimpses of ukrainian patriotism that appeared in him a few years ago a coincidence. the phrase "putin is ours" is a phrase that reassured ukrainians. they wanted me to tell them. the traitor's dream has finally come true. on january 23, he received a cherished passport with a chicken. there is nothing to be happy about, because he will soon lose his ukrainian citizenship. now even a rooster in a ukrainian village has one more rights and freedoms than bardash, for whom the door to the civilized world will finally close. well, let's talk about those who are also trying with all their might to be useful for russia and faithfully serve the leader, such as 34-year-old alina shamrai, who has been the head of the russian public organization the union of kherson mothers since july 200. the people of kherson region were finally able to get out of the backyards of ukraine and
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choose their own future. after watching this video, there are a lot of doubts about the adequacy of a person and whether he has common sense. although about what is it me, what common sense do collaborators have? until february 24, almost no one had heard of alina shamrai, but... when the kherson region was occupied, the scumbags of the russian media began to mass write laudatory odes about the union of the subjects of kherson and its head. as it turned out, this organization cooperates with local gauleiters and promotes russian propaganda under the guise of the interests of children. as you ask, everything is very simple, through manipulation and lies. shamrai begins to sing a song on camera about the desire of children to sleep peacefully in cribs, not in basements, to go to kindergarten and walk. in the parks under a peaceful sky without shelling, but at the same time forgets one important detail: to say who exactly took away our children's childhood, thanks to whom the little ones hear
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explosions and have to hide in shelters at night. we already feel safe under the protection of our friends, the russian soldiers. the organization shamray is financed at the expense of the occupation military-civilian administration of the kherson region, and its members receive a salary. in rubles, i don’t even know how much you need to earn to say such frank vomiting on camera, although alina does not seem to need a lot, the main thing is that it is enough for the little one. as a deputy head of the shamray organization, she distributes leaflets kherson region future together with russia and takes an active part in political events , calls for the opening of educational institutions to integrate children into life under the tricolor cloth. before, as we did, we recorded. once there was an electronic queue, but now i came for free, the child is satisfied, there are 15 people in the group. well, why not, sit at home and wait, or
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it is better to go, study and teach our children. in in may of last year , a message about the suspicion of shamrai appeared on the page of the prosecutor general's office. she faces up to 12 years in prison with confiscation of property. and while in ukraine this traitor is awaiting a court sentence and a cell, she herself will be arrested. at the last opportunity to sink even further to the social bottom. alina is also trying to build a political career in the occupied territories. we found her name in the list of candidates from the united russia party in the past fake elections of deputies of the kherson region, but to get the cherished the traitor was never able to get the mandate. we see that in the conditions of the svo, the kherson region and other new regions demonstrate an impressive unity with russia. journalists and... tavria heroically perform their work every day, well , someone take the bottle away from her, bring her to her senses and
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inform her that soon... cardinal changes in her life, she will have to enjoy chefir, not syvukha. from a masseuse to a clerk's chair. this is kuzmenko evgenia mykolaivna , born in 1989 in the village of novotroitske , kherson region. her father, mykola kuzmenko, is the archpriest of novokokhovskaya diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when it started the great war, she moved to her parents in the village of novotroitske, there she joined the occupiers and began to beg for positions. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there with faith and truth, so the rashists decided to advance her further. last year , kusmenko was included in the party's list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma united russia in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels
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, yevgenia showed her true self. people's love and support of the russian federation. in local public places , the collaborator urged locals to repaint the ukrainian symbols in the tricolor. elections are a mechanism of checks and balances of power. citizens have the opportunity to evaluate their elected representatives and, if necessary , replace them with new ones. this traitor won the election. the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter. what age you are, you are young, old, you don't care what you are working for, and when there is some incentive, it motivates people. this traitor knows exactly what she is talking about, because she has been through it herself. the occupiers encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy for kuzmenko. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always sound solemn and penetrate deeply
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into the heart and soul. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing. for a short time, she was an ordinary deputy, already in october 2023, the occupying power kherson oblast appointed a traitor to the post of head of the novotroit community. during her appointment, she read the oath of allegiance to the russian federation. now, in a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian wilderness and glorifies the terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points. of our great country, which offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try to use and apply useful and successful practices. the only opportunities that russia provides for collaborators is to get suspicions from our law enforcement agencies, and then sit down. true, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end
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in the same way, so it's better before it's too late. what to choose the first scenario. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about kremi sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. together we will send all the traitors in pursuit of the russian ship. see you later a week on espresso. greetings, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the very point. the following shots may shock you. news from the scene. live kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. exclusive interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. open and unbiased. you draw your own conclusions.
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in ukraine, it's 6 p.m. and we bring to your attention a news release on the spresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in the kherson region. two people were caught severe injuries as a result of shelling of gavrila. the russians hit a residential building with a drone, the victims were hospitalized. this was reported in the regional military administration. the occupiers also hit a public transport stop in kherson. residential buildings and two medical facilities were damaged as a result of the attack. fortunately, people were not injured. the invaders attacked odessa. the air force shot down the kh-59 missile.


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