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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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it's 6 p.m. in ukraine, and for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. let's start with the situation in the kherson region. two people were caught. severe injuries as a result of shelling of havrylivka. the russians hit a residential building with a drone. the victims were hospitalized. this was reported in the regional military administration. the occupiers also hit a public transport stop in kherson. as a result of the attack, residential buildings and two medical facilities were damaged. people, on happiness was not affected. the invaders attacked odessa. the air force shot down the kh-59 missile. above
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the city, oleg kiper, the head of the regional military administration, announced this. as a result of falling debris , a multi-story residential building and an uninhabited new building were damaged. fortunately, no one was hurt. in krasnohorivka, a 74-year-old woman came under fire. the victim suffered injuries to her face, back and limbs. the policemen tried to save the elderly woman, provided her with first aid and transported her. to the hospital, unfortunately, next day she died. the law enforcement officers once again call on the residents of the front-line settlements to evacuate, as this is the only possibility to save their lives and health. it will take weeks or even months to restore the power plant that went down in dnipro after a nighttime drone strike. this was announced by the director of dtek, dmytro sakharuk. the enemy damaged an important valuable. equipment that
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is not currently available for quick replacement, so recovery times can be long. all consumers in dnipro and the region have electricity, but according to the director, the electricity supply scheme unreliable we can already see the tendency that the enemy has concentrated on the donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions in order to significantly damage the energy system. there have already been dozens of attacks over the past two or three weeks, one of our stations in the donetsk region, kurakhivska, is no longer working , due to the fact that it was constantly shelled by artillery, but today they significantly damaged the dnieper station, and here we need to significantly strengthen, strengthen air defense , because i clearly don't have enough opportunities to slander such people massaged attacks the united states senate
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finally supported the bill on international aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel. more than 60 billion dollars will be allocated for ukraine. even in spite of the fact that opposition among trumpists is growing within the republican party. as oksana markarova, the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, wrote on social networks, the senators decided to end the debate on the bill. the decision was taken. however, a vote in the house of representatives, which is controlled by republicans, is still ahead. it really adds confidence and motivation. i thank you to senate majority leader chuck schumer and republican leader mitch mcconnell for your decisive and morally strong choice.
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democracy will definitely endure. thank you to each of the 70 senators who voted in favor. ukraine appreciates it very much. that was the first step. next, the house of representatives, the congressmen vote there. we are waiting for a positive decision. the korchova krakow checkpoint is also blocked. polish farmers started another protest action. this was reported in the state border service. according to preliminary information, the movement of trucks was blocked at an hour at the same time, passenger transport will be allowed through without delays. commanders will be allowed to write off military property without the approval of higher officials. this was announced by prime minister danys shmagal during the government meeting held in the east of ukraine. therefore, shmagal instructed the ministry of defense to continue the simplification of accounting as soon as possible.
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military property. it is about the fact that commanders should be given the right to write off military property by their order without the approval of superiors. officials, this applies to property worth up to 100,000 tax-free minimums of citizens' incomes, this is roughly 1.7 or more than 1.7 million hryvnias. these rules will not apply directly to weapons, but will allow for the write-off without unnecessary delay of destroyed drones, ammunition, cars and other property that has a very short life on the front. thus, the officers will focus on the execution of combat. tasks, and not on bureaucratic correspondence. uah 139 per day for one fighter. the newly created state operator tylu presented new methods of providing military food. the agency plans to create several new delivery models
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food for this, ukraine will be divided into sectors in order to distribute volumes. if the military redeploys, they will be supplied by a local supplier. this will help clean up. monopolization in the security market. the quality will be controlled in three stages, including laboratory tests of each batch of canned meat and fish. companies that have been criticized in previous years, as well as those that are considered sponsors of war, will not be allowed to supply. model one: networks, military units. model two. it. purchase from manufacturers, as well as separate procurement of logistics services and delivery to military units. our procedure for verifying suppliers, it consists of two main stages: ah, this is the integrity block, checking the supplier for integrity, and the compliance block
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with the qualification criteria, the capacity block, that is, whether the supplier is capable, whether he is capable, has the appropriate material and technical resources , base and the like for... to fulfill the obligations assigned to him. a child who swallowed 20 magnets of a toy constructor was saved. to the boy's parents contacted the ohmadyt hospital and reported that the child had a severe stomach ache. during an x-ray examination , specialists saw that there was a whole group of foreign bodies in the child's digestive tract. it turned out to be a magnetic constructor. the parts were located in different parts of the gastrointestinal tract, but were connected to each other. surgeons immediately performed the operation, now the child is undergoing a course of treatment and rehabilitation. two soldiers and a commander were killed in a battle with the hamas group in the south of the enclave. during clashes in 30
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hamas militants were eliminated in western hanyunisa. about 10 members of the group were killed in the center of gaza, according to the israel defense forces. in general, since the beginning of the war with hamas... the number of dead among the israeli military has increased to 232 people, and among palestinians to more than 28 thousand. a gold mine collapsed in turkey, local media reported. up to a dozen people were found underground. a search and rescue operation is currently underway. the cause of the tragedy is being investigated. the court extended the preventive measure to oleksiy tandyr, who accused of committing a fatal road accident at a checkpoint. this is reported by the kyiv city prosecutor's office. the sviatoshynskyi district court
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decided to remand for another two months until april 14 of this year. let me remind you that on the night of may 26, 2023, the head of the makariv district. court tandyr beat to death a 23-year-old soldier of the national guard. after the accident, tandyr was in a pre-trial detention center. the judge faces up to 10 years in prison. the sense of smell did not disappoint. a service dog found drugs in a car at the border. this was reported in the state border service. the intruder tried to transfer cannabis to romania. however , at the krasnoilsk checkpoint, a service dog found sumka for. hormonal substances. the violator was detained by law enforcement officers. in kharkiv , a 43-year-old woman fell into the lopan river. this was reported in the state emergency service . rescuers managed to lift the woman
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to the shore with the help of a fire ladder. the rescued woman was hospitalized with hypothermia. they made fun of the famous. politicians , traditional carnival parades were held in large cities of germany, therefore the german chancellor olaf scholz was depicted with a hole in his head and the signature holaf scholz, that is... empty scholz, and trump was depicted with scissors and a cut us flag. the topic of russia's war against ukraine was also covered. in cologne, one of the heroes of the carnival was the doll of volodymyr zelensky in the role of prince hamlet from shakespeare's play. and the inscription to be or not to be connected with nato. and in düsseldorf, the figure of vladimir putin tried to swallow ukraine. the artists also depicted a sexual act between the kremlin dictator and the patriarch cyril and added the inscription "from russia with love", painted in lgbt colors. that was
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the news so far, you can read more on our website "espresso tv", a summary of the highlights on our social networks, and of course watch us on youtube. i am iryna koval, i say goodbye to you, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, literally in a moment meet my colleague vasyl zema. tingling, numbness or crawling of ants in the limbs arise spontaneously and disturb you. a special complex of active substances. dollgit antineuralgia helps in normalization of the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps. return to usual activities, without subjugation and numbness in the limbs, long-lasting capsules anti-neuralgia,
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discounts on paracytamoldarnytsia. 10% in pharmacies plantain, bam and savings. good evening, we are from ukraine. they came to the defense enterprise again. the senate said yes, and with what zelensky, for what purpose he plans to decide to western europe, ask for shells or talk about security agreements, about this and that, we will talk for the next hour and 45 minutes, this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zema and we let's start from the collection notice. in order to move quickly and carry out combat missions, the legendary 25th separate sicheslav airborne brigade needs a car. they are constantly under enemy sight. the occupiers are trying to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders will firmly get a formation in the eastern direction. we ask everyone who cares to join in collecting funds for the car that you see on
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the screens now, it is exactly such a car that our soldiers really need. don't stay away, every hryvnia is coming closer. our victory and accelerates the death of the enemy. our goal is uah 300,000. please report the details you see on your screens. you and i have already closed more than one collection, collected millions of hryvnias. our fighters reported back showing that they received everything you raised money for. therefore, we believe in you, you believe in us, and together we believe in the armed forces and support our glorious army. well, let's start by talking about the situation in the dnipro. at night, the enemy struck a powerful blow with these drones in the city, also in the region, they flew in, there were artillery fire, but of course the strike on the dnieper was quite large-scale. danylo miro, deputy of the dnipro city council, is in touch with us. mr. danilo, i congratulate you. good evening, vasyl, very glad to see you. mutually, you know, when
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you are in another city and not in dnipro, even watching videos, reading telegram channels, you don't feel what the townspeople feel when they are worried. and the attack itself, and the consequences of this attack, we know that these houses were left without heat, without electricity, the hospital had to be evacuated, schools were closed, well, actually the situation is not easy, i just want you to describe this particular attack a little, what it was and already then about overcoming the consequences, and how paralyzed the city was in something after we managed to hit the enemy, in particular, in the tets, please, tez, vasyl, well , i want to say that i will not say that it was unexpected, probably for us. already with you , in general, such a word as unexpected from a terrorist neighbor will somehow be incorrectly interpreted like this, that is, in principle, we always expect, but in fact at night it was very, very loud, very, very, there was a multi-wave attack from drones, even there after a few waves
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they launched one missile at a time they launched , of course, that they test our air defense and so on , but... our air force is very jewelry-like worked hard and that it is a very, you know, very, very strong indicator that after such a large-scale attack, we have no victims, no wounded, no, fortunately, no dead people, so this is the most important, this is what we, the most valuable , yes, what we are saving is the life of our people, we also hit the object. infrastructure and critical infrastructure, what can i say that at night we did not have light, water, heating on very large residential areas, at this moment, well, even in the morning, light was our energy heroes completely restored throughout the city, that is , we did not have a place where there was no light, as
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far as water and heat are concerned, then large residential areas, unfortunately, so far there ... specialists are working to restore heat, because, and, please, please, i just wanted to add that there was also an evacuation of patients in the hospital, i understand that again due to what happened, there was no access to thermal energy, maybe to electricity, again, how successfully and effectively managed to do it, because it was again, the question is about people's lives, we understand that there are different patients in the hospital, there are stable ones, there are people who are, let's say, urgently sick. are there people who may have performed operations there, please, so everything was carried out at, let's say, if i can put it this way at the highest level, because it is actually a very specific, let's say, medical institution, which actually required a lot of attention to patients, the evacuation was due to the fact that there was no heating and
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we also have five schools... they are switching to an online format because there is also no heating, this morning two schools finished, well, we know, let’s say this, the temperature norms were appropriate, normal, and that is why they studied for half a day today, tomorrow it will also be switched to the online format, due to the fact that there are problems with heating, i am here for you that's the way it is at the moment, dad , please finish, yes, at the moment, this is the situation , and what can be said, our... you know, we are proud of our military, our angels, but there is also something to be proud of our specialists who work and energy workers, and as regards the water supply. and as for heating, it you know, ordinary people who do extraordinary things. thank you very much, thank you, of course, to the military, rescuers , and utility workers, who contributed to the fact that
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the city itself could continue to live, and heat and electricity were restored, and the greatest happiness in this story, in fact, because everything can be restored, rebuilt, and you can't bring people back. it is very good that there are no casualties and the enemy attacks came only on objects and not on people's lives. danylo miro, a deputy of the dnipro city council, was with us. now we will discuss now with one guest, then with another guest. it is a very question that, you know, we would not like to discuss, but it happens and we need to explain what is happening, or ask ourselves questions, and we will ask mykhailo makaruk a question, he is a military serviceman, and now we will, mykhailo, congratulations, glory to ukraine. mr. zima, i am very glad to hear you praise the heroes and thank you for inviting me to the air. thank you for agreeing. well, let's start with the question of justified or unjustified inspections of defense enterprises, well, which actually manufacture those or other types of weapons, protection and sights, because there are
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several such cases, as they say , today's story, the manufacturer of bulletproof vests reported searches, the company was actually stopped, the website was stopped, orders were stopped, the showroom for heroes of sevastopol in kyiv did not work, so but before that there were stories with serhiy pashynskyi and with the archer company, which makes... sights, let's look at today's case, and is there any system visible here , can you trace completely different cases, firstly, today ballistics is officially the owner also reported that he thanked the national police of ukraine for their adequate behavior, for the fact that they had clarified the situation, because his direct competitor, the welmet company, had written something inappropriately on them, as disputing competitors, and, in my opinion, this is inappropriate in conditions of war. everyone knows velmet perfectly at the front, everyone knows ballistics perfectly, and in this case they should be friends rather than enemies.
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i wrote a direct post on the account of serhiy pashynskyi in order to immediately dispel a lot of manipulations there, i am familiar with serhiy pashynskyi, met in 2016, he was the chairman of the committee on defense and intelligence, and i helped write a bill then, which i am frankly proud of, helped to promote it, it was a bill. on the forces of special operations of the armed forces of ukraine, which was accepted in the 17th year, in general, after that, in principle, we did not see each other, then i saw him on the third day of the war, when he brought a bundle to kyiv with an arabic letter signed in arabic contract, which in principle helped a lot in the defense of kyiv at that time, extremely strong, well , there was no heaven, and i know that even in... the news, the higher political leadership is proud of the raw production of sau bohdan, stugna, korsar, vilkha, but this is all thanks to what
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the company that they argue with pashinsky, but no one, well, i can say personally, we were looking for a way out for one unit, and everything was deaf, but because of other people. before pashynsky, they were short of his production. it is strange to me to see openly in the information space at the same time the statements of the investigative committee, forgive mr. katapsan, that is, the russian federation, and our listeners who sing in unison. it is not normal. we are in donbas, this is our group. all of grovykhaevo is here. who does not have a secret, we have sabers, shells, and we are watching
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what is happening, we need mortars all the time, we need a defense complex in kyiv, in the rear, we have a very big misunderstanding of this situation, to put it mildly, you know, such a betrayal creeps into our souls, in general, well , look, we already had some checks, we had a state audit service or someone come there, they pulled everyone out coordinates of defense enterprises. it ended with a large-scale missile attack on ukraine, everyone knows perfectly well what this led to, someone was punished, well, they did not come to any open collaborator, there, they did not come to these simple gentlemen, who people call themselves legal consultants, who are now openly disrupting the process mobilisations, discrediting these very csk members, discrediting the armed forces, the authorities do not see all of them, as well as the investigative bodies, and for us it is wild, we just watch and it happens... you know, such things happen feeling as if we were thrown in, killed and everything is fine with everyone, but people are kind, we have been fighting for two years, we are living people, we want to survive, first of all, in this war, we are not talking about
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winning anymore, we just want to survive. i will only add that according to the history with pashinsky, i read that the association of weapons manufacturers , which he heads, in fact, transferred more weapons to the army during the period of the full-scale war than, say, come back alive and serhiy asylum combined, this no no no no no criticism of others, it's just because so that people can compare that on 14 there with something like billions, everything leads to the fact that a lot of work is being done and a lot at reasonable prices... weapons are being transferred and i also asked about the company, i can say that this initiative of the government and the president to attract the private complex for the delivery of them to the photo complexes of radio-electronic protection of radio-electronic warfare 90% it is from this association that the same quertis and many others come to the front and there was also
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a story about the manufacturers of sights on the archer computer, in october there were also inspections there, and you talked about it, it's just that the story has normalized there and people can work , are there any ongoing, well, you know, we are end users, we will get marchers, we are grateful to this company that we can cooperate on the front with their products , but if everyone were to shout, attract private business to the defense sector. production and to the largest, well , the representative, the largest association of arms manufacturers, well, they come, well, what will a private entrepreneur say, who, for example, wants to produce something, he will say that everyone comes, just so they come in and mention to them that he took fuel from rosneft, there were a lot of reports, well, it's not hard to see, google is killed, it's easy to check, so i say they'll come to me like that, why do i need it.. . themselves
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for repurposing, everyone is shouting, well, we will assemble drones in the kitchen, which then fly, will not reach the destination and the batteries in them are not working, well, everything will be fine, i thank you very much, mr. mykhailo, for joining and i wish you good evening, today mykhailo makaruk, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine, was in touch with us, well, he actually told us what kind of weapon is needed and how this weapon, scope, it can be a rifle. is a means of protection, as the ballistics company does, well, we understood that it is a different story, but in any case, this is all necessary, because the ultimate beneficiary here is the armed forces of ukraine, the ultimate beneficiaries are us, the people, the citizens of ukraine, which are not even at the front, because our troops, which protect ukraine today, which are protected, armed, have means of destruction, for means of protection, means of transportation, armored vehicles, this is our security,
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and this is the hope for victory in this one. war , so the beneficiaries are us citizens, we citizens , we should, like the journalists in this story , monitor, at least not criticize someone in general, not shout treason, at least talk about it and try to find out what is happening, if not nothing good, then we must speak, let's intervene and so that such and such a story does not happen, and we continue to talk about this topic and join the conversation tetyana chornovol, a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine and a journalist, ms. tetyana, welcome, hello glory to ukraine, glad to see and hear, glory to the heroes, i am also very glad to see, well, actually, we will start with the key topic, it is the searches that took place at serhiy pashynskyi, they handed over suspicion, they did not hand over, suspicion, they wrote that it was a fake suspicion , but in any case the story has begun, your reaction is the very fact that they came with searches, what they want, and how you can now assess, well, as of this evening,
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maybe you have more information, what is there from ... it happens, if you have contacted and have, have more information about a continuation of what started yesterday , as far as i know, the arrest of serhiy pashinsky is being prepared tomorrow, the reasons for this arrest, i am absolutely convinced, are not a matter of ten years ago in the 14th year, i don't even want to talk about it, because you know, if we talk about this case, well, it 's talking about pashynskyi, about his family, about his problems, in fact, we all have problems now. of the country, and i want to say about this, why is there such a massacre of poteshytsky now, the fact is that now the army has stopped receiving shells, but i am now directly at the front, i will tell you that, for example, 5 days ago a salnetsepok went off 100 meters from me, and according to reconnaissance we can see traces of where this salnetsepok went next, this is a certain factory zone, there are hangars, i am currently working for f'.


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