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tv   [untitled]    February 13, 2024 11:30pm-12:00am EET

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the inaugural peace summit, which will start the implementation of the peace formula, had a correspondingly sufficient number of participants, including at the level of leaders of the global south, and the president of ukraine constantly talks about this in his conversations with the leaders of such countries. yesterday, for example, there was a conversation with the president of the south african republic, we are working on it, just as the swiss side is working, just as our partners in the european euro-atlantic community are working, each of them has its own equal relations with the countries of the global. be it china, india, and other countries, and of course, there is a very difficult diplomatic work going on there, which, i'm sorry, i won't voice to you on the air, but we will look at the result, the result will definitely be positive. you said that all the previous meetings of the advisers were successful, but just the last meeting in switzerland, there was no chinese representative there, i understand that from this point of view this is not a very successful story, because in kyiv they hoped that the representative of china it will still be, especially since a huge... the chinese delegation has arrived
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then in devoz. there were chinese representatives at other meetings, at the meetings in kyiv, when the head of the president's office met with ambassadors, again the chinese ambassador was present at some of the meetings of the countries participating in the formula, work with the chinese side is ongoing, of course ukraine is interested in the chinese the party took part in the practical implementation of the peace formula. and do you think they are determined for china to participate in the peace summit, are there any signals that say that they are determined to do so? look, there is dialogue, there is constant dialogue, and more once i emphasize, both ukraine, and in this case switzerland, the country that will host the summit, and our partners, and china, the dialogue with china, and the chinese representative is ready to come to the peace summit, well, look, we will definitely not be with you now at at the current stage to comment on who is ready, who is not ready to come, you will see everything with your own eyes. thank you very much, ihor jokva, deputy head of the office of the president of ukraine, we mostly talked about the future. aid for ukraine. thank you.
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minister of agriculture of poland reacted to the situation with ukrainian grain scattered on the border. let me remind you that the farmers who protested near the doroguska checkpoint stopped three ukrainian trucks and dumped grain on the road. the law enforcement officers started an investigation, and the minister of agriculture of poland, czeslaw sekerski, apologized for such actions of polish farmers, but at the same time he... said that farmers, they say, can be understood. farmers have not mastered their emotions, but it should be remembered that they are in a very difficult economic situation. on the eve spring field work, they have no money to buy fertilizers and plant protection products, it is hard not to understand their desperation. and also, sekersky reported that technical talks are currently underway with the ukrainian minister of agriculture regarding trade conditions that would limit the influx of ukrainians. goods,
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because, according to the polish side, this destabilizes the polish market. taras vysotskyi, first deputy minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine, joins our broadcast. good evening. congratulations. i will remind and for to our audience that on february 9 such a large strike of farmers began in poland, and within a month they promise to block all checkpoints and also block roads and highways. and one of the reasons for this strike, not only this reason, but in particular. they call the influx of ukrainian goods to poland, which allegedly causes a decrease in the prices of polish products, how does ukraine react to all these accusations and, perhaps, will it still react? objectively, first of all, i would like to note that we remember that actually from april 2023 restrictions were introduced unilaterally by poland first, then there was a decision of the european commission, which was valid until... september
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2023, and then again there are restrictions from the polish side regarding the impossibility of exporting four products from ukraine to poland at first, namely wheat, corn, sunflower and rapeseed seeds, and then expanded to bran flour, that is , it is impossible to say that there is an influx of this product, because it is physically limited, moreover, ukraine... in september 2023 made a decision to introduce licensing for the export again of wheat, corn, rapeseed and sunflower to five countries, including poland, romania, bulgaria, slovakia, hungary, and the licensing procedure says that a license to export these products can be obtained only after the agreement of the country of destination, i.e....
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technical negotiations with poland are about this right now, i.e., if poland does not agree, these products will not go there, so after all, poland is primarily a ukrainian transit. products to other countries of destination, including outside the european union. i let's just break down what you said then. let's start with the last one , you say that poland is a transit, but we at the same time, we talk with polish journalists, and with experts, and with political scientists, and with market specialists, they say that it is not always a transit, which is very often , after all, some conditional businessmen from the polish side and from the ukrainian side also contribute to this, which is not always the case. that the grain enters poland, it is sold there, maybe not all of it, but some schemes have been set up, does ukraine recognize this, and does ukraine want to deal with it fight somehow, if it exists, look , first of all, even this incident, a very unfortunate
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incident with the protrusion of the grain, the grain was going to the baltic states, so it was going there, so to lithuania, so after all, if we say that it remains legal, it should be done impossible it is simply impossible, if there is, we are not talking about any illegal devices, then , yes, there can be violations of any country in various spheres, for that there are relevant bodies, there is trade, and in ukraine there is, we are fighting constantly with shadow circulation, other things, so here again from the point of view, if there is violation, then the law enforcement system should deal with it accordingly, and we are in favor of the law enforcement system investigating this case as well. thank you for opening the proceedings, if there are others, please remember that in the spring of the 23rd year , the polish prosecutor's office took appropriate actions to check ukrainian products
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. we can once again assure that the ukrainian manufacturer makes quality products, they meet the requirements, and in this case through poland she has to... travel by transit and in the absolute majority of cases we are sure that there are other cases in this case, where there are open proceedings, we have not been notified by the polish side so far, so we cannot comment on them. the polish side did not officially report such cases? so. ugh. taras, you said that first of all, from your point of view, there is no influx of ukrainian products into poland, which is what these protesting farmers are talking about, that export licensing is taking place. then from your point of view, why are the farmers protesting and why are they in the ukraine is blamed for all this, what are the pitfalls then? looking at the demands of farmers, they are the same in almost all european countries, but we see that there are protests
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except in poland, in germany, in france, spain, belgium, in many countries, everywhere the demands are reduced to two basic factors, that is... . requirements for environmental friendliness, environmental protection, land set-aside, which the european union plans to implement, and the second requirement is to increase subsidies, because now the international cycle of low prices, in general, prices for agricultural products, they continue to fall and... under the conditions, farmers say that they cannot work, but this is an international trend, they fall in all countries of the world, and it is not related to ukraine, so there are still these two global things here , which are the main ones, and it must
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be understood that this is the main reason why the situation is so difficult for european farmers, it is actually difficult for all of them now, and it is difficult for ukrainian farmers, because... prices have decreased for ukrainian farmers as well, in including those sold through odessa, through the sea route, it really is now it is difficult for farmers in most countries, yes, i agree with you that such protests are taking place in the countries of europe, then why do polish farmers specifically blame ukraine for their troubles, do you have an explanation? first, if we look at all the requirements, then there is more. about ukraine, but for some reason they are blocking the ukrainian border, well , portuguese farmers are blocking or spanish farmers are blocking the border from the point of view of delivering brazilian products, and french farmers are blocking the border with spain so that it does not go
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product, that is, we see a similar trend here, farmers are in a difficult situation, and they are trying to limit access to the product. production of other farmers, french, spanish, spanish, brazilian, portuguese, latin american, that is, they naturally do it within their country with their nearest neighbors. therefore, this is a confirmation that the situation is difficult and they are simply implementing it with those who are neighboring agrarian countries. by the way, a number of polish colleagues with whom we spoke are journalists, they also draw our attention to the fact that for example, polish farmers accuse ukraine of the fact that due to the influx of, say , ukrainian food, their food prices have been reduced there, but there is also the factor of russian food, and it is not subject to sanctions, it is about... continues to enter europe, or ukrainian the party somehow communicates this, and maybe, you know, if there are a lot of
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players on the market, it is possible to reduce this number of players at the expense of russian food, do you communicate this, and we communicate including in this direction, here again we need to verify, so what is such information in the media, we also saw it. in terms of such trade, we also saw, again in the baltics, farmers' protests regarding the access of products from the aggressor country, so here we really need to study as much as possible and we agree that a decision should be made, in general we advocate that the aggressor country should be under sanctions in all possible dimensions, here we do not have direct access to these statistics, since we are not yet integrated statisticians there. system of the european union, that is why we are talking about it with our colleagues, we are talking about the fact that it is necessary
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would be to study and ask to really give relevant information, whether this is the case. and what do you think, how would the european commission react to ukraine's request to impose sanctions on russian agricultural products? all things must be discussed comprehensively, right? including now there is talk of extending the zone of duty-free wars. the free trade zone with ukraine, yes, which ends on june 5, so clearly, er, it is difficult to predict a solution here, but the fact that we conduct such a dialogue and show that it should be studied and ask for official data is the question is raised, we will see in the final result what will be a comprehensive solution in all directions, we hope that it will be in the near future, returning to... this incident with the scattered grain, the day before the embassy of ukraine in poland stated that kyiv
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expects a decisive reaction from the polish side , polish law enforcement officers, what specific reaction is expected in ukraine? we expect the fastest, within the limits of the relevant legislation, the fastest, objective and transparent investigation, the corresponding precedent, that's it... everything is within the limits of the law, but that it should be done as much as possible, as far as all procedural moments allow, quickly and publicly from the point of view of the result, so that it really shows, firstly, that this is the wrong moment, that it is not necessary to continue doing this, and that above all all countries appreciate a fair approach, if there is a violation, then it will be investigated accordingly with the appropriate conclusions, so we insist here again on... a normal speedy public investigation and presentation of the results, including for our country. is it about
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any compensation, reimbursement? here, in fact, in any investigation, when the damage is fixed and the blame is fixed, it automatically means that the damage must be compensated, but before that, the fact of violation must be confirmed, yes, the relevant procedural, so it is assumed by itself, as already... as a result of the investigation, it is now important that it be conducted as quickly as possible, all procedural actions are completed and a legal decision is made accordingly, and it is already a basis, including for compensation. thank you very much for your comment, taras vysotskyi, first deputy minister of agrarian policy and food of ukraine, was on rfe/rl. that's all we have for today, subscribe to radio liberty's pages on the internet, like this broadcast... you will support our work and support independent journalism in ukraine. svoboda live
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will be back on the air tomorrow. there are discounts on acc long. 15% in podorozhnyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. there are discounts on citramonnytsia - 10% in pharmacies plantain bam taschat. there are discounts on pector one plus 10% in pharmacies plantain, pam and savings, there are discounts on tizin bio tazin silo, 20% in the pharmacies of plantain, bam and osha. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast , my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war,
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right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and what the world is like, and now about what happened in the world in more detail. yuriy fizar will speak, yuriy good evening, please speak to you. two hours to be up to date with economic news. time to talk about money during the war oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevgeny potushok for two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to lina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of the coming day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio. andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also the chairman. verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. according to the results of january , the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. we are the first for the 10th month in a row. i congratulate
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chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old. we have updated the design and sound. we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust. i'm here temporarily, i will return home soon. live for... now where you are. greetings, please look carefully at this boy's photo. unfortunately, he went missing and nothing is known about him for more than six months.
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his name is vlad lyubichev and he is 12 years old. he disappeared in the city. in the kharkiv region, if you know even something about him, do not delay and inform us on the hotline at the number 1163, or write to the chatbot of the child tracing service in telegram. i emphasize that any, even the smallest details are important for the search, as usual, i ask you for sharing the video on social networks, it really helps a lot in the search and it is possible that one of your friends or acquaintances can recognize the child and report it. important information. we are also continuing the search for 12-year-old hleb cherepanov, who disappeared in mariupol at the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. the boy is looking for his mother. we submit all search services in russia, in ukraine, to the police too. despite the fact
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that a long time has passed since the disappearance, and there is still no news. the woman does not lose hope, she really hopes for yours indifference and begs to help her in finding her son. he played the guitar, studied well, and was such an artist, i wanted him to become an artist, get into a prestigious class, he did well. mariupoli and they remained in the city when there were very fierce battles. because of the shelling
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, sohleb lived with his mother and grandmother in hleb, his mother and grandmother left their apartment and hid in the house of their relatives. one day, gleb's mother went out on business, and when she returned, she saw that a shell had hit the house where her son and mother were. man, their neighbor told me that a shell hit the house and that the military ordered everyone to get out and go to the bomb shelter, i started to cry, i said, how am i going to find it now, he says, go to my shelter, i was in despair, i did not know, what to do, where to look for them. hleb's mother began to search everywhere for her son and his grandmother, the woman checked in only on april 14, on her birthday. however, this time too, unfortunately, the search did not yield any results, since then
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nothing is known about the fate of the boy. it is worth noting that there was a version about the death of hleb when a shell hit the house, but fortunately, the boy was not found among the dead, so gleba's mother assumes that her son may have been injured, perhaps he received a concussion, partially lost his memory and because of this cannot report anything about... himself, and therefore i am asking you, and especially the residents temporarily occupied mariupol, who can see this program on the internet. look closely at the boy's face. he is approximately 150 cm tall, has brown hair and brown eyes. there are three moles in the shape of a triangle on the face near the mouth. gleb's mother really hopes for your help and indifference. i appeal to everyone who can help. palnu, please, any information may be useful, please contact the police or the detective service, i am really asking
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for help, i am desperate, if you have any information about hleb cherepanov, do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the detective service children on the free number 11630 from all mobile operators, do not be indifferent and let's try to find the boy together. the ukrainian program is broadcast from washington. voice of america chaas taay. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. us president joe biden called on the house of representatives to immediately approve a bill that provides
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funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan. after this document was supported by the senate. the american president gave an emotional speech on tuesday, where he once again emphasized: history is watching. failure to help ukraine will never be forgotten. congress must prove that allies can... trust america, we will listen to the direct speech of the president further, but it is worth noting that also the president biden reminded americans that the funding provided for in the bill mostly remains in the united states, because the money goes to the production of american weapons, such as missiles for patriots in arizona, javelins in pennsylvania or artillery shells in ohio and texas. this is another argument why supporting ukraine is in the interests of the united states. what 's happening in congress after the senate approves a bill on additional funding for ukraine, israel and taiwan, and whether house speaker mike johnson will heed president biden's calls for immediate approval help, we will talk about all this with our
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congress correspondent kateryna lisynova. katya, hello, how were the votes actually distributed the day before in the senate, how did the senators justify their support or non-support of the legislation? 70 for and 29 against, that's how the votes were divided in... in the senate, actually 22 senate republicans supported the bill on aid to ukraine, israel and other partners, but still less than half of the republicans in the senate. in general, it was not easy for them to pass this consideration of the draft law, because all day the opponents of aid to ukraine and partners gave long speeches, trying to delay the voting process, and in this way, the consideration of the draft law was essentially moved to after midnight. but nevertheless , it was voted on and voted bipartisanly, and in particular , senate majority leader democrat shah schumer called it a great signal and a positive sign that if
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house speaker mike johnson brings this bill to a vote in the house of representatives, it will receive the same bipartisan support . in his turn, the leader of the republicans in the senate, mitch mcconnell, too welcomed this vote and called it a signal to all of america's enemies that america... which continues to be strong and does not reject opportunities to help its partners and in its own interest of the united states of america, i suggest that you listen to both statements right now. with this bill, the senate kept its word to the ukrainians, who desperately need ammunition. today we made vladimir putin regret the day he put... we're also sending a clear bipartisan signal to our
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nato allies. thanks to the powerful with the bipartisan support we have here in the senate, thanks to this vote, i believe that if speaker johnson brings this bill to the house floor, it will pass with just as strong bipartisan support. our adversaries want america to decide that strengthening allies and partners is not in our interests and that investing in strategic competition is not worth it. they want us to... take our hard -earned authority and undermine it, but today the senate responded by reaffirming a commitment to restore and modernize our military, restore our authority and give the current commander-in-chief, as well as the next, more tools to protect our interests. history tells all accounts, and today history will record that the senate was resolute about the value of american leadership and strength. katya, now
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the representative is in charge of the chamber. president biden is calling for the bill to be passed immediately, for speaker johnson to bring the bill up for consideration immediately. will speaker johnson hear these calls, and if not, can lawmakers pass this bill for consideration speaker? overall, as we've heard, senate republican leader mitch mcconnell is supportive of this bill, but as we know and have known before, there's a big divide in the republican party right now. within the party itself, and so a statement by one leader, one republican, at least the senate republican leader is not enough, and it does not guarantee that a majority of republicans support this bill, and so house speaker mike johnson, the top republican, the house of representatives already stated that he opposes this bill, because they say there is no legislation on the border in it, but i note and remind that the previous bill on assistance to partners ukraine, israel and others,
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which included dvopa. that legislation on the border was blocked by the republicans themselves, but nevertheless mike johnson is now returning to the previous theses that, they say, any security of partners and any security interests of the united states of america begin at the border of the united states of america, and that, they say, because of this he opposes it bill voted in the senate. he made the relevant statement public yesterday. i suggest you listen. the senate did the right thing last week. rejecting the draft law on aid to ukraine, taiwan, gaza, israel, which included changes to the migration legislation, but did not have the necessary changes on the border. this document had to go back for consideration. the point of the extra funding package was to secure its own border before sending aid around the world, which is what it takes and the american people deserve. now, since the senate has not agreed to any change in
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policy. the house of representatives is compelled to proceed at its own discretion on these important matters. america deserves no better than the senate status quo. we will monitor how the situation develops in the house of representatives. thank you very much, katya. kateryna lisonova, our congress correspondent, was in touch with the studio from kapitaliyskyi pohorb. well, now we can listen to what words us president joe biden addressed to the house of representatives. and personally to speaker mike johnson. i urge speaker johnson to immediately bring this up for a vote in the house, immediately. there is no doubt that the senate bill, if brought before the house , will pass, and the speaker knows it. so, i urge the speaker to allow the full house to speak.
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their opinion and not allow the minority of the most extremist voices in the room to block this bill from even being put to a vote. this is a critical step, which the house of representatives has to do. the draft law must be adopted. it provides emergency funding for ukraine so they can continue to defend themselves against putin's terrifying onslaught. we've all seen the horror stories of recent weeks. ukrainian soldiers without artillery. shells, ukrainian units saving ammunition to protect ukrainian families, they are worried that the next russian strike could plunge them into darkness forever, or worse, this...


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