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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 12:30am-1:01am EET

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because in the 22nd year, in the months of february and march, when certain people were quietly gnawing away at the minnow in the basement of the president's office on the bank street, it was precisely these generals, together with the ukrainian people under the leadership of general zaluzhny, who stopped the russian invasion, and i do not thank you for anything, yes simple, vile, dismissed by decree, it’s just, you know, er... the highest point of cynicism and dishonesty, but this is not the first time, let’s remember how general muzhenko, who at that time represented at the international meetings ukraine in brussels, he was dismissed and multiplied by zero those meetings, general pavlovsky was also dismissed in his time, he will also be at the international arms exhibition and solve issues, conducted successful agreements on the supply of... ukraine was also put on the fact
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was released and these negotiations were cancelled , so i didn’t sell anything, let’s say nothing new, this is just repeating the systemic dishonesty and ingratitude of people in power, well, where does their gratitude come from, they didn’t serve in the army and don’t understand what officer honor is and , in general, what honor is in the general sense, mr. general, you did not mention yourself in this list, because general... krivonos was one of the first to be dismissed by the current government from the post of deputy secretary of the national security council and defense, it was in 2020, you can explain why you were fired then, why these generals were fired now, because you are all heroes of the russian-ukrainian war, you are people who went through these 10 difficult years in this war, and ... well, just throw away this cohort of people,
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which the armed forces of ukraine, well , i mean, the leadership, well, it looks absolutely absurd, in a rather difficult situation in which we are now. in fact, everything is very simple, against the background of those people you listed, let's not touch me, it will not be entirely correct, but precisely against the background of those people who were called by the ranks of the armed forces, and for now. of whom have now been fired from those positions, all these people sitting in the president's office look just like that, pathetic fools, nothing more, nothing less, so why should they be compared to those who look courageous, professional, who have lived brightly all their lives and defend their ukraine, fearing nothing, envying no one and doing their job professionally, that's why they removed them and... elected
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a new team now and they hope that the new command will be silent, although i am more than sure that this is temporary complacency, because both general syrsky and those who are close to him will also ask questions to the authorities, why the existing law on mobilization does not work, why the economy does not meet the needs of the armed forces , why the political leadership of the country does not implement the law on mobilization, why the mobilization plan is not signed and... and not distributed, why no enterprise of ukraine received a mobilization task, many reasons, precisely what concerns the existing law on mobilization, and there is a huge number of points that the supreme commander-in-chief, his cabinet of ministers , and ministries are not performed by the supreme commander, and the military in this law are purely consumers of the powerful work that should be organized by the political leadership countries on... they didn't, whose
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benefit is it? well, it only benefits the enemy , so draw your own conclusions, dear ukrainians, why it is not being done, or they can’t, if they can’t, then let them make room for professionals, there are enough of them in ukraine, and let these professionals launch that system, the ability to protect themselves and powerfully prepare both their own people and use the power and capacity in our economy, after zelensky dismissed zaluzhny, there were many conversations and discussions about who oleksandr syrskyi and whether he will be able to be, well , at least the new leader, or let's say the new syrskyi and the leader of the armed forces of ukraine. you know very well the team that has now come to the leadership of the armed forces of ukraine, they were in other positions, respectively in the second and third positions of the armed forces. of ukraine, but these are also people
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who went through the war and are going through the war together with the brave and with you, including what makes this team different from you. of the team that left, that is, to just understand what the difference is and why this team turned out to be better than the team that was retired, well, for zelenskyi, first of all , it did not show up at all, because it is just starting to work and has not shown any results, of course, in this team, there are certain people who do not yet have work experience at operational-strategic and strategic levels, and it can be quite serious. to influence a certain situation, because the green government has already made such certain, you know, popular rotations for themselves, let's remember the dismissal, the mass dismissal of military committees in the past, last summer, and exactly what this led to,
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military commissars were removed, only one was imprisoned, the others were simply covered with mud, no thanks and no apologies, as a result mobilization. got busted and is now boxing hard, it's the same at the moment, cool cambric doesn't define whether he will be a cool staff officer, or how long it will take him to become a strong staff officer, so it's just a fight for the popularity of one actor standing stage and cannot bear all those who are more popular than himself, mr. general? but here are those who were dismissed from military positions commanders, military generals, obviously no one is talking about them now and no one is talking about their prospects, because in principle, the knowledge that these military
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generals possess, including you, obviously most of the armies of the world do not have such experience, because they do not wage war. you have a unique experience together with those who were already released together with valery zaluzhny. why do you think the authorities do not use your experience and do not try to offer the generals some teaching positions in universities, some positions where you were useful, why doesn't general kryvonos pass on his experience to those... who learn from those who will go to the battlefield tomorrow. i pass on my experience, but i do it without faking certain things, because the authorities persecute and oppress those people who communicate with general kryvonosk, even the modern command of special operations has
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a survey, and they immediately ask the question, what kind of relationship do you have with general kryvonosk, in what kind of relationship can be found with those who have served with me for 5, 10, 15, 20 years. in the same system, of course, we know each other, of course we are like brothers, but these people are now trying to be removed, the government is treating other people the same way, who are now being dismissed, and now the large number of generals placed at the disposal of the minister will receive their salaries for two or two months, then it is unclear what, it is unclear, how they will be appointed in fact, either resign due to your health, or you will simply beg, this is not the first time this has been done. and looking at it, for some reason i remember a russian song, it once sounded in the song, the mistakes of the resident and the family generously fed me with birch sap, nothing changes, you are used and then thrown away, and this does not mean that
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we have to hold a grudge against the state, because the state is useless here, just like the managers, some of the cases that got into such chairs, such things. do simple green envy and the desire to spit in people's souls instead of helping and strengthening themselves, normal leaders surround themselves with professionals, not sycophants and those who sing you praise songs and for rocking or swimming, as for other generals, you absolutely right, the experience of these generals can be actively used, including outside... borders, i think proposals will come, and maybe these people, if the state does not see immediate. now we will restore contact with general kryvonos , some problems arose, we
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had some problems with communication. please, mr. general. and these people can absolutely calmly transfer their experience in foreign armies, at one time i was even offered citizenship more than once. from the leading countries of the world and in his same rank to resume in the army and to transfer experience to nato countries, but ukraine is ukraine and it is my homeland. i also hope that the general. but, no matter what, they will remain in ukraine and will pass on their experience to the soldiers and educate the next generation. the government does not deal with this issue at all. let's remember how successfully she froze the five -step program, which precisely envisaged the strengthening of ukraine's defense capabilities, not only of the armed forces, but of ukraine. but the authorities were not interested in it then, and they are not interested now. they are trying to appoint the goats to repel the military, but military from the category that, unfortunately , when they serve, they do not have the right to criticize the government, but when they are released, then probably
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there are many of them who will be able to tell how it really was in the sidelines and dungeons of the bank, when the mice quietly rustled on the green seashore. mr. general, our youtube viewer serhiy popovsky asks, please ask what general kryvonos is doing now, so i am forwarding this question to you. i will personally answer this question, because by already answering, i help many, to many soldiers who are currently preparing or fighting, i advise, advise, and also try to protect our soldiers, take part in trials for the prosecution of heroes of ukraine, real heroes of ukraine, the same roman chervinsky, or today was the trial of major malakhov, whom the authorities i went to the ... cigarette shop without the right to pledge , this is exactly the struggle for my brothers, for
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my co-workers, this is also now a part of my life. mr. general, in the previous broadcast, when we talked about the prospects of general zaluzhnyi, and then the question was resignation, not resignation, all these conversations that took place, and today, as i understand it, it became clear to me, now finally, what will happen next with the hard-working you. it was hinted at, about the fact that the current government may initiate some cases against general zaluzhny, and not only about general zaluzhny, we talked in general about those people who know how to fight, who know how to manage large teams in the armed forces of ukraine. mariana bezugla, deputy chairperson of the parliamentary committee on national security and defense, who retained her seat after devastating, simply devastating attacks on... the servant, which she wrote on her facebook page, the armed forces began a functional review,
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the general staff, units, who is fighting, who is not, headquarters, rotations, well, you understand, who would report this, how i don't know what relation it has to all this, and whether it is so important to conduct this functional review and do some kind of revision, again. after all, against the background of the russian-ukrainian war and what is happening at the front, what kind of revision can we talk about, when and who will conduct it, people, who came to the new people came to leadership positions, they know very well the situation inside the country and inside the armed forces, so how can you directly deal with this, mr. general, the head of diplomacy of the european union borel said that... russia may launch another major offensive in ukraine after the presidential elections in march,
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another major russian offensive may be launched a few months after the russian elections in march, but i have seen that the ukrainian people remain determined to continue the fight, and i have seen his ingenuity and stability in work, borel said about it, well, actually, now we have some problems with communication again, mr. general. but again forgive the connection and the fact that this connection is interrupted, borel said that in march russia may launch another major offensive in ukraine after the so-called presidential elections in russia, how likely such a scenario is and whether he is considering our leadership has such a scenario, because today an interview with sirsky appeared on the tsdf tv channel, this is a german tv channel. channels, he says that ukraine is going on the defensive, and we are not
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going on the offensive now. well, we have already gone into deep defense since the end of summer last year, so we can clearly say that, for sure, there was activity in the zaporizhzhia direction, in other directions we actively switched to defense. now the question is to what extent the authorities helped to organize this powerful defense, as far as... the fortification equipment of the area is concerned, when we hear that there is no money for dragon's teeth in the zaporizhzhia region, which is in the war zone, but there is for some reason. for eurovision, then i ask the question is, does this government really want to win this war, or are they, like samurai, only interested in the way directly, and there is no washing in them, and they have only one way, how can they stay with this government for a long time, that is why they are not actively engaged in winning, not they don't guess the country , they don't guess the economy, they don't guess their own people, mr.
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general, another piece of information that came from the military balance sheet is... a report by the international institute for strategic studies in london, they write that russia lost more than 3,000 tanks during the war in ukraine, but has enough lower-quality armored vehicles in stock for replacement and can potentially withstand another three years of heavy casualties. do you agree with this statement that russia still has this reserve for three years in terms of armored vehicles, but of an older model. 50s or 60s there? i will say that you consider the point of view as a pessimist, i consider it as an optimist, yes, they have reserves and they actively learned to use these reserves, now our task is to continue the powerful work that was carried out in december, january and on beginning of february on the destruction of a huge number of enterprises
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in russia, if we continue to actively burn their industry. complex , they will not be able to earn money for their own army if we destroy their factories for the production of explosives, for the production of gunpowder, for the production of ammunition, for the repair of equipment and weapons, their capacity will be significantly reduced, so the question will not be about three years, but significantly a smaller indicator, so we understand which way to go to this, we understand how to implement it, now the task for the question to our authorities, will they be able to provide... the required amount, the financial equivalent of our needs to destroy the enemy's infrastructure, that's all, and the question is whether our partners will also be in the same tone and in, let's say, in those opportunities to help ukraine, because today german chancellor olaf scholz, at the ceremony of laying the
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groundwork for a new munitions factory in the town of unterluss, called for large-scale production of defense equipment so that europe could successfully deter aggressors. let's listen to what he said scholz. we must combine all our efforts now. in my opinion, this means that europe should contribute everywhere by providing sufficient arms and ammunition that can be delivered to ukraine. germany has taken a very big step, and other countries such as denmark as well, but not everyone has yet... praised the necessary decisions. mr. general, it is clear that it is good to hope for europe, and to have one's own is certain, and also good, because one's own is one's own. yesterday we saw how searches were carried out in the apartment of serhiy pashinsky, who heads the association of defense
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enterprises, and we incriminate the case there from ten years ago in 2014, when the confiscated chicken products were diverted to the needs of the army, and this story has been around for 10 years, but suddenly now it is on the agenda again, what is happening now with the military-industrial complex, because i remembered pashynskyi , i remembered how in the first days of the war, he gave the dough, which was contracted abroad , to the soldiers, including... tatyana chornovol so that they would defend kyiv from the russians the occupiers, now they want to bring him to justice, i understand , to announce a preventive measure, well, what do we have, they know how to do things with big green threads, let's remember the same shchervinsky, the same general marchenko, general pavlovsky, major malakhov, we
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have more than enough such examples, they suck it out of their fingers in... what kind of business, and just as they invented cases related to the zhulyany airport in their time, and such examples are more than enough. the hunt has begun and continues on the other hand, the authorities are trying to remove those who , through their work, show their ability to protect ukraine, nothing more, nothing less, they don't need such people, they want to control everything and influence all processes, but you mentioned this case. with regard to zhulyany airport, how did this matter end, you were accused of damaging the runway at a time when russian helicopters... russian planes could land on this runway and russian landing forces landed right in the center of kyiv, how did it end, because i honestly don't it's okay, the case is frozen, and when the authorities
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want to press my throat once again, they will simply reopen this case and come directly to me with searches and will arrest me, as well as my other brothers, that is, they simply take and hang all those who... er, led or is leading her army, and as a result, in this way, is trying to somehow keep them, they, what are they afraid of, that those who have more authority in society, in the army, will come to power, or are they afraid, that the fighting generals will one day make the leadership in the state will change in some way, illegitimate , or something, what are they afraid of in general, they are afraid of those people who... are real ukrainians by birth, not only by passport, and those who rule us already have more than one passport , and several passports and it is not clear which one is closer to them, but for us it is necessary
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to clearly understand that there is no need to be afraid, and our task is not to go on the path, like what the authorities say, who are afraid of some general coups or coups in general, we are a democratic free country, and, on it's a pity... they didn't take the right person, ukrainians made a mistake, but still, time will put the dots over and those who are ukrainians by birth, by spirit and by their perception will come to power legally. mr. general, during the last few days the american propagandist tucker carlson has been torpedoing the idea that putin is ready for negotiations, that he is already tired of the war, that he is ready to sit down there. at the negotiating table, well , of course not with zelensky, but with the leaders of the united states of america, how likely is such a scenario in your opinion, as in the general's opinion, how
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can it be that these generals and leaders of the armed forces of ukraine have been replaced, and in parallel there are some conversations or negotiations about the fact that, well, in some way it is necessary to end the war, well, we already had such a situation in... in the 22nd year, when, without asking the ukrainian people, certain leaders went to negotiate, now they are superheroes, and those who defended ukraine should be thrown out directly, outside the boundaries of the active defense of ukraine, so the situation can be and be considered in such a way that the replacement with a new one direct command carried out with the aim that, at the same time , in parallel... to carry out work on certain agreements with our enemy, if there are such agreements, what kind of reaction can there be in the army, in the front of those people who hold
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weapons in their hands? unpredictable, let's say it like this, it's unpredictable and not controlled, er , ukrainian society, as the experience of the last 30 years of independence shows, is able to channel its energy more than once in a difficult hour in this way and correct the situation, we already had two maidans, and if the situation is under control and somewhere we are if they want to anger and betray somewhere, then the situation may be such that the rescue government of ukraine will begin to rule this country, i do not rule out such moments, it may be with the participation of the military. time will show. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was general kryvonos. friends, we work live on the
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espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. for those who are watching us live there now, don't be shy , please like this video and also comment on what you heard from general kryvonos, ahead of us is volodymyr ogrysko, diplomat and politician. will join our broadcast in just a few minutes, and please do not forget that we are conducting a poll during this broadcast, today we are asking you about whether you expect further personnel rotations from zelenskyi in the government, since zelenskyi announced that such changes will be not only in the military leadership of ukraine, but also in the political leadership of ukraine, what positions are in question, what positions are in question, it is still unknown, but the fact that zelensky announces such and such renaming obviously, it has to happen, so if you expect further personnel rotations in power from zelenskyy, click yes, and if you don't expect no, click
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the button accordingly. on youtube, if you are sitting in front of the tv and have a smartphone or phone in your hands, please call if you are waiting for zelensky to submit personnel rotations at the number 0800 211 381 or 0800 2011 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end program , we will definitely sum up the results of this vote, and please don't forget friends, we have a wonderful espresso tv website, you can visit it, read the latest news and learn everything about ukraine and the world. we work for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. the most up-to-date information from ukraine, the world, and front-line chronicles are all available on our espresso website. tv. well, of course, of course, what
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ukrainians are most interested in now. this is how quickly the united states of america will resume financing of projects in ukraine, in particular, financing of the armed forces of ukraine, the supply of weapons here. during the last two months we we are watching how republicans are blocking the united states congress from considering the issue of providing ukraine with $61 billion. the senate voted today. in order to provide ukraine , israel and taiwan, aid in the amount of more than 95 billion dollars, but next there will be this bill, a complex bill, will be sent to the house of representatives, the speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson the day before criticized the text of the bill and made it
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clear that.. .will bring it up for a vote in the house of representatives if it passes senate. biden called on the house of representatives to immediately pass this bill and help ukraine, israel and taiwan, respectively. i will emphasize once again that the americans promise to allocate 61 billion dollars to ukraine. a huge amount, of course, which will be in more. to a greater extent, it was used in the united states of america to purchase weapons for the armed forces of ukraine, and , accordingly, to help ukraine in a difficult situation when the russian federation is trying to use weapons, including those of north korea, that is, we see how russia is trying to build up its forces, trying to restore its military-industrial complex,
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trying... in the current situation to do everything so that their, their army prevails over the ukrainian one and prevails, including on the battlefield, and volodymyr ogrysko, a diplomat, is already joining us. former minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, head of the russian research center, mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today, good evening, mr. serhiy, good health, mr. volodymyr, well, first of all, i can't miss you to ask about these major personnel changes in the military leadership of ukraine. obviously, such personnel changes do not happen often, but i would say that there have never been such major personnel changes in the military leadership, especially during the war, and this in a certain way raises questions among ukrainians: to what extent do foreigners have these questions, or do they understand the logic of
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what is happening? in ukraine, and what do they say to you, what do they talk about with you and what do they ask you in private conversations? well, you know, mr. sergey, foreigners are usually here behave quite delicately, because it is a direct competence, but also a direct responsibility of those who make such decisions, they are usually not... discussed, because it can be similar to interfering in the internal affairs of the state, that is, the president of ukraine has the authority to appoint and dismiss the commander-in-chief, other senior military leaders, which he took advantage of, but it also means that he took full responsibility for everything that would happen.


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