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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 3:00am-3:30am EET

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inclusion from abroad, about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, switch on and switch on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 for espresso. and then the most important news as of this hour, after that we will have an interesting conversation about where aristovych went, where he was last seen and... yuriy fizar about events in the world outside our state, as well as cultural news from lena chechenino and the weather from natalka dadenko well, now about what. two people were seriously injured as a result of shelling in havrylivka, kherson region. the russians hit a residential building with a drone. the victims were hospitalized. this was reported in the regional military administration. the occupiers also hit a public transport stop in khersoniv. as a result of the attack , residential buildings and two medical facilities were damaged. people are lucky. well, the occupiers
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attacked odesa, the air force shot down an kh-59 missile over the city, the leader reported this oleg kipar of the regional military administration. as a result of falling debris , a multi-story residential building was damaged and the new building was uninhabited. fortunately, again, no one was hurt. it will take weeks or even months to restore the power plant that went down in dnipro after a nighttime drone strike. it was reported. director of the detek company dmytro sakharuk, the enemy damaged important and valuable equipment, which is currently not available for quick replacement, so the recovery period may be long, all consumers in the dnipro and the region have electricity, but according to the director, the electricity supply scheme is unreliable, a tendency is already visible that the enemy has concentrated on the donetsk and dnipropetrovsk regions in order to damage. the power system significantly, there
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have already been dozens of attacks over the past two or three weeks, one of our stations in the donetsk region, kurakhivska, is no longer working , due to the fact that it was constantly shelled by artillery, but today they significantly damaged the dnieper station, here we need a lot strengthen, strengthen air defense, because i am clearly not enough now opportunities to... to thwart such massive attacks. and the mayor of dnipro, borys filatov, said that the situation with energy supply is really hanging on by a thread. the situation is very difficult. the senate of the united states of america finally supported the bill on international aid to ukraine, taiwan and israel. we are talking about more than 60 billion dollars, which will be allocated for our state, even though the opposition among the trumpists is growing in the republican party. as
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oksana, the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, wrote on social networks markarov, the senators decided to end the debate on the bill, the decision received 66 votes, which is six votes more than the passing minimum. however, a vote in the house of representatives, which is controlled by republicans, is still ahead. it really adds confidence and motivation. i thank senate majority leader chuck schumer. and republican leader mitch mcconnell for his decisive and morally strong choice. democracy will definitely endure. thank you to each of the 70 senators who voted in favor. ukraine appreciates it very much. that was the first step. next, the house of representatives, the congressmen vote there. we are waiting for a positive decision. well, in fact, the upper house , the senate, that is, not... was so
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optimistic right away, i will remind you that there was a process, well, at first it was not approved before the new year, then after the new year, then it was january, we waited , then there was a procedural vote, which again did not get the required number of votes, then there was another vote and another vote, finally this aid was said yes, but we know that in the house representatives in the congress, there is also mr. johnson , who does not want to put it to a vote at all, there are nuances, again, yuriy fizar will tell more about it today, we will talk with him about the chances, although, again, if... they want very much, they have to , there must be an understanding that this is not only the security of ukraine, it is the security of the world order, of the western type, of democracy, and of the leadership of the united states of america itself in this western world, in this western civilization, because the leader of this civilization today is the united states states of america, which have to prove everything now first of all, to themselves and their citizens and their partners, among whom, by the way, is us, ukraine. the newly created state operator tylu presented. methods of providing
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the armed forces of ukraine with food, the agency plans to create several new models of food supply, for this ukraine will be divided into sectors to distribute the volumes. if the military is redeployed, they will be... provided by a local supplier, this will help remove market monopolization, quality assurance, will be controlled in three stages, including laboratory tests of each batches of canned meat and fish will not be allowed to be delivered to companies that have been criticized in previous years, as well as those that are considered sponsors of the war. the state operator expects that 139 hryvnias per day will be spent on food for one soldier, one network, military units, model two, this is a purchase from manufacturers, as well as a separate purchase of logistics services and delivery to military units. our supplier verification procedure, it consists of two main stages, which is
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the integrity block, the supplier verification on integrity, and the block of compliance with the qualification criteria, the block of capacity, that is, whether it is able to deliver. whether he is capable, has the appropriate material and technical resources, a base and the like to fulfill the obligations assigned to him. support for veterans in professional development is ineffective, and specialized institutions are ineffective, as evidenced by the results of a survey among veterans and active servicemen of the ukrainian veterans fund of the ministry of veterans. negative evaluations make up more than 50%. according to the respondents, it is worth it reduce the bureaucratic component and implement. quality survey service was conducted in the period from january 15 to 25 of this year, 1043 respondents took part in it , there is no elementary program, but they do not work, today i am on my own, well, we and my team at our level will distribute
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information there with those opposite there , which are in other cities, there in our area, where we work, but this is a meager level, we need more media coverage, i don’t know advertising, communication specifically with... people who need this support and help to every program that is developed by the state, it was built precisely on the needs of the general mass of veterans, not some adviser, veteran who sits close to you, because this is his subjective opinion, not a friend, not a brother and not a suitor, but the broad mass of veterans . the court extended the preventive measure to oleksiy tandyr, who is accused of committing a fatal road accident at a checkpoint near kyiv. this is reported by the kyiv city prosecutor's office. the svyatoshyn district court decided to keep tandir in custody for another two months until april 14 this year. let me remind you that on the night of may 26 last
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year, the head of the makariv district court, tandyr, killed a 23-year-old soldier of the national guard . after the accident, tandyr was in the pre-trial detention center of the judge. the judge faces up to 10 years in prison. they warm and save the limbs from frost. reusable heating pads for the military are made by lviv volunteers. our correspondents will tell you how heaters work and how much they cost. sophomore ulyana zhidovska pours in container of the mixture, which will become the basis for the future heating pad. we weigh 3 kg , it is acceptable, and add 300 ml of water, i.e. 1:10, after which we proceed to the second stage, we already dissolve our substance there until there are no crystals, after which we pour into bags and digest for 10 minutes so
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that there would also be no crystals, students of the faculty of pharmacy of the lviv national medical university suggested making reusable heating pads. in november 2023, volunteers created the first samples: laboratory production, watching assistant of the department of pharmacognosy and botany, roman osyuk. reusable, you can use the same thing up to 100 times. its cost price is uah 30. accordingly, you can buy a disposable heating pad at a cost of 30 to 70 hryvnias. and accordingly, that it is unprofitable, better of course. use our reusable chemical warmers. pocket heaters save our soldiers from frostbite and hypothermia of limbs in field conditions. the reusable warmer keeps the temperature from two to six hours. activating it is extremely simple. so we
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we take our heating pad, smoke the package so that it interacts with the air in us, if necessary, we can in principle already observe that it is activated. we have her back. we close it, distribute our substance over the entire area of ​​our package so that it evenly gives us heat, and we can already feel how it... warms up, in order to reuse the heating pad, it must be boiled in hot water until transparent, according to the head of the department of pharmacognosy and botanists of natalia lviv medical university shapovalova, it is better not to make chemical heaters at home, because it is dangerous without special equipment and specialized education. at home, no, there must be appropriate equipment, there must be a chemical laboratory, there must be a hood and many, many things. which must be observed, plus quality control, which must be carried out after the manufacture of heating pads. in three months
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, the student team produced and delivered more than 2,000 heating pads to the front. these means warm our defenders in the donetsk, kupinsky, avdiiv and other directions. volunteers they buy raw materials with donations from benefactors. if you are able to join, you can now see the details on the screen. kateryna oliynyk, andriy polikovskyi, espresso tv channel. it is a good initiative and we wish the volunteers success in this work, but now we will talk about what happened in the world, the world about ukraine, yuriy fizar with me, yuriy, good evening, please, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us today, so today about such a historic decision of the american senate, the kremlin announced in the international search for the prime minister of estonia kaija kalas, after all, not only her, and it turns out that it is the philosopher immanuel kant, who is guilty of the fact that the russians stepped into ukraine. february 24, 2022, about this and other things in a moment in the world about ukraine section. well,
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i'll start with the most important thing. the senate, which is the upper house of the american congress today at noon kyiv time, passed the bill on the allocation of aid to ukraine and israel, as well as to southeast asia, during the final vote. immediately emphasizes that the senators did not sleep all night, and voting ended around 7 am washington time. 70 senators voted for this decision, against - 29. at the same time, 20 senators are representatives of the republican party, which raised a lot of objections. the bill provides for the allocation of more than 60 billion dollars to support kyiv and a little more than 14 billion dollars for tel aviv to the southeast. asia, in particular to taiwan. at the same time, there is no money in it for the protection of the southern border of the united states
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of america with mexico. now the document has been directed to the republican-controlled house of representatives. this is the lower house that threatened not to support the bill. but more on that a little later, and now let's listen to how the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer, commented on today's vote. today we are with witnessed the passage of one of the most historic and important bills ever to pass through the senate. certainly, it has been years, perhaps decades, since the senate last passed a bill that so profoundly affects not only our national security, not only for the security of our allies, but also for the security of western democracy. as i said, if we want the world to remain a safe place for freedom, for democratic principles, for our future. prosperity, america must lead the way. and with this bill , the senate declares that american leadership will not
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retreat, will not waver, will not be defeated. well, a truly historic decision, and considering the fact that it was adopted, voted on, the last vote, there very, not in the same sense as we vote, everyone or they pressed the button and immediately, no, it's very slow there, every senator there says what he thinks. they stayed up all night, they voted, and 20 senators are republicans, they repeated the feat of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, remember , constitutional night was in 1998, but now it's 2024, it's very cool, i just want, i think that our viewers now too, well, who follows this and understands a little bit the nuances of the political legislative system in the usa, they go through, are accepted by the lower house, actually the congress. voting this bill, or this agreement that was in the senate, will it
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extend to the lower house? oh, no, vasyl , unfortunately, there is still a fight ahead, and this fight may be beyond hell in the lower house of the american congress, in the house of representatives, as you said, speaker mike johnson has already threatened that he will not for a vote on this decision of the senate, because there was not what they want about the trump republicans, and they wanted to highlight. money also for the security of the south american border, here in this draft law, it is already in the law, there is no such thing, and that's why they mr johnson says about, well, we're going to have another debate? and we will still discuss this, and i want our viewers to understand that it is wrong to say, well , we are used to calling the lower house, the upper house of the american congress, this is not the way it works in our country, there are two identical houses, and therefore , for example, if the senate has now passed its version of the bill and is going to the house of representatives, the house of representatives
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may not pass this one, and most likely it will, and they will play, bargain, and it may even be the case... that now the house of representatives will present its version of this bill and will demand from the senate that the senate approve it, but still i want to hope, i leave this hope somewhere deep in my soul, well, deep, i confess that congressmen the house of representatives will still pass this bill, yes, after a debate, but it will pass anyway, well, we’ll see , by the way, johnson wrote on twitter today: not having received any proposals from the senate on changes in border policy, the house of representatives will be forced to continue its work on these important issues. therefore, as i often say, there will also be three dots. well, we go further: germany will spend 2% of its gross domestic product this year on funding nato and
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will do it not only this year, but also in the future. this is the chancellor of germany. olaf scholl said the day before during a late-night joint press conference with the minister and polish prime minister donald tusk in berlin, while he added that germany would follow a similar strategy and in the future according to the head of the german government, now the armed forces of his country are able to carry out orders with a deadline of the late 20s and early 30s. and at the same time, he added, then a quote from the chancellor. in this way, germany definitely has... the largest defense expenditures in europe, and that is commendable, and also what serhiy zgorets told a few minutes ago about how new factories are being built in germany, in particular the rhine metal corporation, where they will to make ammunition at an increased pace, and not only rhine metal, it is gratifying. prime minister of estonia,
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kaya kalas is wanted in russia and beyond. russia has also declared her an international wanted person, this is evidenced by the search database of the ministry of internal affairs, still the russian one, still the federation, the russian agency tas reports about it, the reason for the search is an accusation under the article of the criminal code, which is not specified. kalas often made such statements that the russians did not like, she called russia a constant threat to the security of western countries, and expressed her desire to personally lead it. nato to confront moscow and called for isolation russia from the free world. and this is how ms. kaya kalas herself commented on today's news that she was declared an international wanted person in russia. the actions of the russian federation are not surprising, it is their usual intimidation tactic. we will continue
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the steps we have taken so far: to support ukraine, to strengthen european defense, to fight against russia. propaganda, i will not be silent, i will continue to resolutely support ukraine and advocate for the strengthening of european defense. tanantei dvaga, thank you very much in estonian. well, it is also interesting that in russia already commented on this information, masha zakharova, a person who likes to call herself an official representative of the ministry of foreign affairs of the russian federation, and whom i call simply a spokeswoman, commented. this decision, yes, this is only the beginning, and then there is a continuation of her citation for crimes in front of the memory of the liberators of the world from nazism and fascism, one must answer, and this is only the beginning, it is also very interesting that this list, which was announced today in moscow and in russia, not only the prime minister of estonia kaia kalas got there, there were 83 estonian politicians
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and high-ranking officials, there is the minister of culture, but ... lithuanians, there is the mayor of klaipeda, in a word , there are a lot of people whom russia wants to detain , so that these people will be handed over to her, because they allegedly committed crimes and crimes against humanity, as they believe in russia, well, and the minister of foreign affairs of lithuania , gabrielius lansbergis, interestingly commented on this information, he said, he says, well , on the one hand, to be included in such a list is an honor and respect, but on the other hand, now you have to be careful, because there are countries that, well. .. it is definitely not worth going to kai kalas even though the fact that she has diplomatic immunity, because they can pass, really pass. donald trump is asking the united states supreme court to review a lower court ruling that he does not have immunity from legal prosecution in the case of his involvement in attempts to retain power. lawyers
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for the 45th president of the united states insist that this trial will fundamentally disrupt his ability to participate in the election campaign, according to trump and his defenders, unless the supreme court overturns this court decision lower instance, such persecution. then the quote will happen again and repeat itself more and more often, this is the end of the quote. i will remind you that the prosecution of the ex-owner of the white house continues, as he is accused of four counts, the maximum penalty for the most serious of the crimes against donald trump is 20 years in prison. and there, if you put it all in a heap, then hundreds of years will run up there, according to american law. also about donald trump's statement that he will not defend nato member states in in the event that they are attacked by russia, he
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said on monday, saturday night, so it is interesting that he said that he will not do this and such blackmail from his side, if nato member countries do not give more money for support of the north atlantic alliance, and today i already told you a little earlier ... the manifestation of german chancellor olaf scholz, who said that we are willing to pay 2% of our gross domestic product and even more, and germany is not the only one. well, if we compare, then in general the european union gave much more, for example, in support of ukraine, which trump is always fighting about, than the united states of america. yes, this is generally the european union, there are countries that are less, if you compare the united states of america with the example of the same poland, well... of course the united states gave more, but the european union in general gave more than the united states of america, so let trump a little it's just that germany, the richest country in the european union, has
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its annual gdp, well, for 21 years, say, 4.2 dollars, and the gdp of the united states of america is 23.32 dollars, that is, we are fine here we understand, there are five times more, more than five times more, so of course there is, but trump said, i will like his words, so he quoted them, chinese, he said that he called on nato to help. in ukraine on a level with, well, actually, this is what you say, with the united states of america, well, yes, yes, well, and the european union is doing it, well , at least, according to the statement of olaf scholz, they are going to that. yes, and now a little further from europe. south korea said it is ready to give a decisive response to any provocations from its northern neighbor, which recently conducted a number of tests of new types of weapons, including guided missiles for rocket systems. volley fire, this was reported in the committee of the chiefs of staff of south korea. according to a representative of this committee, the south korean military maintains a high, high degree of combat
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readiness and can give a decisive response at any time. he also added that the military department, together with the united states of america , was monitoring north korea's 11 in real time. of february shooting at shooting ranges. well, fortunately , things have calmed down a little on the korean peninsula, because they saw how kimchen encouraged his army to somehow provoke the situation with his actions, to make things tense, well, it's calmer now. iran's islamic revolutionary guard corps launched a ballistic missile from a ship at sea for the first time. this was announced by the commander of the corps forces, hossein salami, during a press conference, according to him, this is an important step in strengthening the combat capability of the qir.
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because the test proved the ability of the corps to strike any targets in different regions of the world, which significantly strengthens iran's position on the international stage and opens new opportunities for strategic influence in the region. well, this is another reason for us. to think, because if there is a new missile there, then this missile has a great chance of reaching our, unfortunately, northeastern neighbor, i think that such missiles, which can reach so far, well , surely iran will keep a bunch of its own in it for him enemies on in that depends on of how much russia will pay vasyl, and the ministry of defense of the united states of america is considering the possibility of using a heavy rocket of the starship carrier, developed. elon musk's company spacex for the urgent transfer of military cargo to the ground. this issue was discussed at the conference on space mobility, which was held by
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the space. us forces, according to air force research laboratory senior scientist gregory spangers , have already created starship cargo bay missiles, this opens up new opportunities for of strategic influence in the region, however , it is worth noting that the starshiptse missile has not yet made a single successful test flight with it, with some kind of cargo, but it is interesting, just imagine if this missile goes up there, for example, a sense... averal in the state florida , she has some kind of military cargo , she goes up, after half an hour, she gets down already, well, because they go up, well, either in ronstein, or in south korea, where there are bases of the united states of america, in about half an hour and that’s it, well, it’s simple yes, of course the cost will be, oh-oh, but, but you know, i'm telling you, musk, on the one hand , makes these big eyes, and on the other hand , he declares that you will not initiate the masks, he did not plan, he says, so it means that putin in
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this war... cannot lose , unfortunately, and now there will be a genius again, not a genius, he said, he didn't say that he is so shallow, well, in any case, it's just an ambiguous person, as they say. yes, and finally, kant is to blame, immanuel kant, a philosopher who was born in kaliningrad, well, actually he was born not in kaliningrad, but in königsberg, has almost a direct relation to the global chaos, the global restructuring that we are now facing more. then it is directly related to the military conflict in ukraine. the governor of the kaliningrad region, anton alikhanov, announced this at the congress of political scientists held in the city of svitlogorsk. this is the kaliningrad region. according to him, kant was one of those who started german classical philosophy and separated the german will from higher values. he also added that, further, quote: working in the kaliningrad region, it is impossible not to to think about world politics and
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international affairs. relations, i agree, living in the kaliningrad region in this enclave in the middle of european countries, it is impossible not to think about international politics, but these statements about kant, who separated the german will from the highest values, which are the highest russian values, well, what about this in everything about me is in the world about ukraine column, that's all for today, tomorrow there will be more and more will be in our further broadcast, so don't switch. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports on them, but few know what is happening. it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess the events, analyze them, modeling our future. every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. in the studio.
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an espresso event with anton borkovsky.
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in the evening, we are from ukraine, we return only to catch up with yuri fizer, who spoke about kant, whom the russians accuse there, so hryhoriy savych skovordash also met kant, they lived at the same time, probably so russians should already blame skovord and ukraine for the reason why they blame kant, especially since both express such a national-legal model.


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