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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 5:00am-5:30am EET

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birth of the village of novotroitske, kherson region. her father, mykola kuzmenko, is the archpriest of the novokokhov diocese of the uoc mp. kuzmenko graduated from kherson state university and until february 24 was engaged in cosmetology and worked as a massage therapist. when the great war began, she moved to her parents in the village of novotroitske. there she went to the occupiers and began to beg for positions. at first, the invaders placed kuzmenko in a local employment center. she served there. faith and truth, so the rashists decided to push it further. tori kusmenko was included in the list of candidates for deputies of the occupying regional duma from the united russia party in the pseudo-elections that took place from september 1 to 10. on propaganda channels , yevgenia demonstrated true popular love and support for the russian federation. in local public places , the collaborator urged locals to repaint the ukrainian symbols in the tricolor. elections are a mechanism of checks and balances of power. citizens have an opportunity. evaluate
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their chosen representatives and, if necessary , replace them with new ones. in the elections, this traitor won the occupiers solemnly handed her the mandate of deputy of the fake kherson duma from the united russia party. when there is motivation, i think it doesn't matter what age you are. you are young, old, you don't care. what are you working for, and when there is some kind of incentive, it motivates people. this traitor knows for sure. what is she talking about, because she went through it herself. the occupiers encourage her with positions, so working for the bunker grandfather is an inexplicable joy for kuzmenko. the words of volodymyr volodymyrovych always sound solemn and penetrate deeply in the heart and soul of everyone. and kuzmenko's appetites are growing. for a short time, she was an ordinary deputy, already in october 2023, the occupying authorities of the kherson region appointed a traitor to the post of head of novotroitska. during her
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appointment, she read the oath of allegiance to the russian federation. now, in a new status, this traitor travels to forums in the russian wilderness and glorifies the terrorist country. people meet in general from different regions, that is, from different points of our great country, which offers many opportunities. people have more experience, so i try use and apply useful and successful practices. the only opportunities it gives. russia for collaborators is to receive suspicions from our law enforcement agencies, and then sit down. true, there is another alternative, but it is less pleasant - it is to lie down in our holy land. experience shows that the careers of all traitors end in the same way, so it is better to choose the first scenario before it is too late. it was the program collaborators and i, olena kononenko. if you have information about the kremlin sellers, write to us at this e-mail address or simply on facebook. we will send it together. all traitors after
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the russian ship. see you in a week on espresso. watch this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. judge maidan on the way out. who was fired by the vkk last week? she lost consciousness and threw us to the garage. but how did the unscrupulous judge otrosh try to stay in office? greetings, this is court control and i am tatiana shustrova. during all the years of independence, the judicial system of ukraine has repeatedly undergone changes. this year , the judicial reform, despite the full-scale war, has gained considerable momentum, and while a new composition of key judicial authorities is being formed, which should form an honest judicial body, the courts still remain corrupt, under the control of oligarchs and politicians. today. we will tell you about
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the next unscrupulous servants of themis, but first to the news. the supreme council of justice stopped the consideration of the disciplinary case against judge tandyr, who killed a national guardsman at a checkpoint in kyiv. the complaint to the judge was submitted by the public integrity council and contains information that may be a basis to dismiss the tandir from his post. vitaliy salikhov, a member of the vrp, said that he did not have time to draw up a conclusion on the cases. he said, because he waited a long time for the requested information from the prosecutor's office. according to the law, the conclusion must be submitted for consideration 30 days after the filing of the complaint in the case of the tandoor by february 10. we will remind you that on may 26, the head of the makariv district court oleksiy tandyr , driving a lexus car, ran over national guard soldier vadym bondarenko, who was on duty at the checkpoint at the entrance to kyiv. military serviceman who was originally from cherkasy and raised of the three
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children died, according to the investigation, at the time of the accident, the judge's car was moving at a speed of 100 km/h, the tandir himself was intoxicated . former'. the head of the supreme court , vsevolot knyazum, was released from sizo on bail. we will remind, last year in may, the national anti-corruption bureau and the specialized anti-corruption prosecutor's office exposed the most extensive corruption in the supreme court of ukraine. the scheme of receiving a record bribe of almost 3 million dollars by management and judges. the head of the supreme court was vsevolod knyaz arrested with the alternative of paying a bail of more than uah 107 million. almost every month this amount, at the request of lawyers. knyaziva decreased until it became six times smaller. on january 31, unknown persons made a deposit of uah 18 million 168 00 for the prince. and the ex-head of the supreme court was released from custody. he cannot leave kyiv without permission, he must surrender his foreign passports and
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wear an electronic means of control. on february 6 , the supreme council of justice suspended knyazum from administering justice until april 6, 2024. in connection with prosecution responsibility the higher qualification commission of judges of ukraine continues to clean the judicial system of unworthy representatives by evaluating judges for compliance with strict requirements, professional, ethical and anti-corruption criteria. the evaluation is carried out for the first time after the complete restart of the commission's qualifications, in accordance with high international standards of justice, so not everyone passes it. it has passed. during the assessment week, several judges were dismissed at once, two judges were sent to the maidan for dismissal. judge of the solomyan district court of kyiv during the revolution of dignity, marina lozynska sent 20-year-old student oleksandr sydorenko to prison. on the maidan, he was captured by berkut fighters, beaten and tortured
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with electric shocks. we were led around a circle where a dozen or two berkut residents were standing, and they began to beat us, and then... i already lost consciousness and they threw us into the garage. legs, fingers, hands, everything that was, even stones, a concussion of moderate severity, you see, they left me with shin splints, broken ribs, a spike in the chest through my back, that is, well, a trace of electric blinds, however, maryna lozynska apparently had no questions about such injuries. as before the formulation of the suspicion itself, you were not embarrassed that the suspicion regarding this suspect lacks a specific objective aspect of what exactly he did, but uses general phrases that were used in hundreds of such
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cases that came before the judges. based on my own understanding of the law, i came to the conclusion about the validity of the suspicion of the application of such a preventive measure. marina luzynska also traveled to moscow several times and crimea already after the beginning of the occupation of the peninsula in 2014. on the same day that i luzynska was found unsuitable for kateryna vasylieva, the judge of the svyatoshyn district court of kyiv. she has superpowers and after being appointed in 2013 as a judge of the chutivsky district court of the poltava region, she was able to obtain a positive characteristic in nine days in order to be transferred to the saint. who of the district court of kyiv and already in two weeks received the decision of the higher qualification commission on the transfer, well, a very rapid promotion. i worked for a month in i was in kyiv before the appointment after winning the competition, and i liked it, it was interesting to work. if the law provided for
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a competition, how did you end up in the vtoshim court without passing the competition. that's the question. vasylva does not remember whether she took the exam or how the competition was conducted. the public virtue council has a version, why? everything that was previously said, in our personal opinion, in our opinion, as a matter of fact, the competition did not take place, the judge theoretically simply received this certificate and, either not the certificate, or found out through the apparatus vvks got into the court she wanted, maybe we made a mistake in the indicator, maybe it was due to family or friendly ties, maybe it was just banal corruption. and this is already known to us inna otrosh jr. she tried hard to avoid this qualification assessment. he said that he passed it already in 2019 and was not going to repeat it. however, she did not succeed. utroz is a judge of the commercial court
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of kyiv, and the civic council of virtue has a lot of questions for her. i declare that i naturally appeared voluntarily, because me summoned to the plenary session, at the same time. my opinion is that there are no legal grounds for holding a plenary session after the brp has been submitted to the president of ukraine. in 2013, former president yanukovych appointed a new generation of judges. to the commercial court of luhansk region, but already 26 days after her appointment, she was transferred to the commercial court of kyiv. magical, considering that judges usually wait years for such a rapid career jump, and inna otrosh managed it in less than a month, and without breaking the law got away with it the transfer to the capital took place without competition, inna otrosh herself did not have the necessary experience at that time. there is evidence in the case that it is important to consider not the circumstances. maybe it was like that, if i worked there for up to two months, maybe it was like that, looking
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at when the subpoenas came, maybe there were several days at all, or for weeks there were no subpoenas, well, you only took the oath on the fourth, you submitted an application on the 10th, and dev on the second day, the head of the court gives you a description, that is, 5 days after you took the oath, no not a single case was considered, and the characteristic that you, working in... luhansk, the economic judge of the luhansk region , proved yourself to be a competent, experienced specialist. experts believe that the rapid career jump of inna otrosh jr. was not without the help of relatives. i personally submitted an application, as far as i know, there were no other contestants. inna otrosh, daughter of the odious ex-head of the pechersk district court of kyiv during yanukovych's time and ex-member of the supreme council of justice. in 2014, she... hastily left ukraine, and the news spread, allegedly otrozh is older, got a russian passport,
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moved to crimea and headed the occupation yalta city court. however, later the news died down, and the otrosh reappeared in kyiv. inna otrosh refused to answer questions about her mother. my mother is not a member of my family. meanwhile, the younger inna otrosh also visited the territory occupied by the russians. since 2014, the judge has traveled nine times. gave to the occupied crimea, as well as twice to st. petersburg. my trips were made to the russian federation, exclusively to the city of st. petersburg, and exclusively, well, to the autonomous the republic of crimea, exclusively for the purpose of communicating with my loved ones. for me, this is an urgent need, it is about trips to the autonomous republic of crimea. first, regarding legal, any restrictions, legal, regarding such departures. citizens of ukraine have the right to free and unhindered entry and exit. and this is true, however, the ukrainian judge is not
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an average citizen, and constant visits to the occupied territory do not contribute to the strengthening of trust in the servant of themis. however, inna otruzh disagrees with this. i think outsiders observers do not know such information at all. first. secondly, they can find out about it only because we are now talking about it live. but i think that no one looks at us except the judges, as practice shows, because no one is interested in it. even before assuming this position, judge of the commercial court of kyiv inna otrosh managed to become the owner of a 360 m2 house near kyiv, two apartments in kyiv, only one of which reached 146 square meters and cost about 250 thousand dollars, as well as a lexus car. at once after her mother, inna otrosh, senior, left kyiv for crimea in 2000, in the 14th she gave her daughter another apartment in the center of the capital of 139 square meters. all the property that
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was, that already provided an explanation to the relevant board of the bkps. all property was acquired before i became a judge, except for the apartment, which was given to me by my mother. in 2014, this apartment was purchased from her in the 12th year, and accordingly it was declared. all other property was accumulated before taking the position of a judge. er, and shouldn't be the subject of research. this inna otrosh failed the interview at vkks, and was so offended by the qualification committee that she could not contain her emotions. the next day, she published a column in the publication "business laws", where she stated that the members of the judges' qualification commission do not know the laws, disregard the requirements for the protection of personal data and interfere disproportionately in the personal lives of judges. moreover, the entire judicial reform was initiated and implemented with the participation of international organizations. experts and in accordance with international standards, is actually designed to create pocket
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judges, from the publication and neotrozh in the publication law and business. the goal of judicial reform in its permanent state is to artificially create submissive judges who will speak only when, and only what, they are allowed to do. the slogan of forming an independent court is only a cover to achieve the opposite goal by keeping the judge in constant fear that he will be removed from office if he does not ... meet the right criteria. that's right, the judges should be held accountable. the higher qualification commission recognized inna otrosh as not having the right to administer justice. final decision on dismissal the supreme council of justice should soon adopt. for today, i have everything, it was a judicial control and i am tetyana shustrova. report corruption and dishonest judges to the email address you see on the screens or write to me on facebook. see you in exactly one week. good bye.
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good evening, congratulations, my name is myroslava barchuk, this is a program of my own name, a joint project of ukrainian foam and the espresso tv channel. so, literally in the next few weeks we will celebrate two such very dramatic anniversaries for our country, for society, it is 10 years since the beginning of the shootings on... the maidan and at the institute during the revolution of dignity, and the second anniversary of the full-scale invasion. it is such a time to draw certain conclusions, to understand , to speak, to manifest something that we could not stop at, being in such a frantic pace, and today i will try to do it with my guest, yevhen hlibovytskyi,
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member of the knestor group, director of the newly created frontier institute, my guest yevgeny, congratulations. good day. thank you for agreeing to come and talk. i know that quite recently, the ukraine-2024 forum took place, dimensions of sustainability. actually, the frontier institute and its partners organized this event, and it was really an event that had such publicity that more than 100 leaders of opinions and environments tried to find the question of where we are now, in what state, where are our limits. stability and so on. let's start with how do you feel about the times and mood of today's society? i think he must be anxious. and, if at the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the ukrainians very clearly handed over the mandate to the state, and so on. the whole
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imperfection of the state, they said, okay , we fully support what the state is doing and are ready to fit into any management decisions that exist, then already in the 23rd year we see a retreat from this position, in the 24th year, i think , that we're seeing an even bigger pullback is probably easiest to see through the institutional confidence indicators that zami will measure. constantly conducted by sociological companies, we see how trust simply reached unprecedented high levels in 2022 and began to slide again in 23-24, and institutional trust is very different from, for example, popularity, because it actually determines the level of influence of this
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or that state institution, and it recognizes... with what power of persuasion, with what level of authority this institution can appeal to society, and actually, ukrainians mainly took away institutional trust from the state, because they were wary of the toxic influence of the state on their lives, due to the fact that independent ukraine did not emerge as a result of the victory of the national liberation movement, as a result of this unique compromise, which in 91 year... between the democrats and the communists, the entire soviet system of state institutions was actually inherited, along with all the legacy, including the legacy of the extermination of millions of ukrainians, and ukrainians were wary of state institutions from that time to this day, they actually learned , taking away
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the trust to weaken the state and thus effectively knock out the teeth of those institutions they were most wary of, and then feel relatively safe. the 22nd year is a return of trust. 23-24 year society saw that the advance of trust did not lead to a fundamental change in the quality of governance, that is , there was no more responsibility, no more accountability, no less. these and so on, that is, as a result of what society began to do, it began to weaken the state little by little from the inside, by taking away this trust. this process, on the one hand, is logical. on the other hand, very dangerous, because it is dangerous, because we are in the process of war, and excessive weakening of the state will not increase
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the security of the citizen, on the contrary, it can lead to the collapse of state institutions, and as a result we are now in such a very precarious situation, a very unpleasant situation, we do not know exactly how society. where there are limits beyond which you cannot stand, we do not understand what these confidence levels are expressed, for example, in some numerical indicators, there, for example, 12 or 15 or 22, but we understand very clearly that the trend that is now, demands from all subjects, from the authorities, from the opposition, from a significant part of subjects that serve them, for example, there media and so on and so on, but a fundamental change in behavior and actions that are not based on an empty declaration. on actions to restore trust, and i understand very well what feeling you are talking about regarding trust in the authorities and state
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institutions in the 22nd year, this is when for the first time , perhaps in the entire history of our lives, we felt that the state is not a stranger , that it is ours, that it protects, that we can do something together, so we all began to trust and invest in the state. his efforts, the resignation of the diligent worker, which took place a few days ago, it was also about the credit of trust, yes, the diligent worker is trust, this is his own, this is a representative of the authorities, a representative of the state, who is ours, and here is this person in society, who was trusted by many people, regardless of how much he really was. or not, but he had a tremendous amount of trust, and here this man is being taken away, what are the consequences, as dramatic as the consequences may be, i think
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it's too early at this point to say exactly what the consequences will be, because there is also a certain amount of trust in to general syrskyi and to those who will now be in management positions, i think that a large... high level of trust in commander-in-chief zaluzhnyi to a large extent was caused by the fact that he appeared to ukrainian society as someone who feels the pain of ukrainian society, and this empathy, it is certainly a very important component of building trust, we have a very traumatized society, the one who empathizes, the one who demonstrates his empathy, the one who demonstrates... if you want respect for pain, he will get extra credibility, and accordingly this demonstration was from
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zaluzhnyi, ah, it was very different inside the armed forces, we now see very different stories leaking from that million ukrainians who are now in the army, well, in civil society, and stories about empathy, mutual aid. brotherhood or sisterhood on the line of fire, some fantastic stories of mutual aid, but also stories about indifference, about her stupid deaths, about her victims who could have been avoided and so on, that is, we have both a soviet and a non- soviet interface inside the armed forces, this is a very patchy story, it looks very different, and since there are largely these ... extremes that are in competition, in counterbalance among themselves, the question arises whether the change will lead to the strengthening of this more modern,
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uh, that means, the trend that is aimed at increasing dignity, that is aimed at preserving human lives, actually during the forum, it was such a very good formula, it was human-centered er... militarization, actually, how, as a description of what we need to move into, and the real question arises, will there be more people-centeredness, or on the contrary, we will retreat, with a new leader, or on the contrary , we will retreat to a state when a person becomes a resource, an expendable resource, a resource that, for example, in soviet times it could simply be used with this zhukovsky formula of women and that they offend and so on, and so on... i see that there is a significant level of anxiety, and this level of anxiety is either converted into mistrust,
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or vice versa. is converted into trust after we will see already, i would say, the first actions that will allow us to say that, for example, the handwriting of the new commander-in-chief looks like this, uh, and of course that the stories that we hear from middle of the armed forces, they are alarming, an equally alarming factor is the fact that there is no frank conversation with society, to why exactly such a change was needed, i.e., to speak archetypally, we have a situation between zelensky and zaluzhny, which is very similar to the relationship between kuchma and yushchenko, i.e., on the one hand, we have a popular figure that society does not actually know , society to a large extent did not know who yushchenko was, and society to a large extent did not know who luzhnuy was, due to objective and subjective factors, on the one hand, due to the fact that we have
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media restrictions that we have now. . we have, on the other hand, due to the fact that, eh, this is a feature, in fact, the advantage of army figures is that they are less public, but the consequence of this is that people project their expectations onto this figure, and then, as happened with yushchenko, when at a certain point the expectations were not met, they actually led to an unpleasant his defeat in the elections in 2010, and... the similarity of archetypes does not mean that we necessarily have to move in this way, that is , history can in some cases follow precedents, in some cases set precedents, but it would be much better for society, if society understood that is happening, and generally what we see and what is disturbing is that there is some built-in desire within the state apparatus.
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objectifying people, objectifying society, and it manifests itself in many factors: 30 sbu officers who monitor journalists, this is a very bad signal, and it is not the head of the department who allows this, but the head of another department who is fired, and- and when we talk about the relations between the state and society in general, we do not see a frank, albeit closed, but frank conversation. between sectors, actually a forum where the military, business, churches, civil society, think tanks, universities could talk to each other and reconcile their views, reconcile their visions, and here i have, and here i have a very skeptical question , i saw these conversations, i understand what you were talking about, and a
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lot of it was generated there. there were thoughts and ideas, and there was such a wonderful metaphor of a liner that was captured by pirates, and someone on this liner is already fighting with pirates, someone is buying weapons from other liners, someone is sitting and drinking coffee or playing the orchestra is there, and i forgot which of the participants said very well that it resembles a meeting of heads of condominiums of a burning ship, so my question is skeptical, these heads of condominiums will be heard by five or six effective managers of a bank, well, actually, i do not even think of such a thing task , that is, it is not, conventionally speaking, a gathering of people so that they write some response and this response is somewhere out there, which means it got there and so on, it is rather a test of a common language, whether we from different sectors understand each other, or whether we can feel what is being said another or another? and are we
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we can translate it into our own language, and here too, i would say, there are mixed feelings, because business speaks business-like, there are think tanks in their bird language, civil society in their own language, politicians who were present and government officials who were present in their language, some participants have bilingualism that allows them to translate, but some do not, and if we compare. the russian system, for example, and the ukrainian system, the russian system is vertically hierarchical, it is united around vertical shearing, ukrainians.


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