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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, we can be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first platform in ukraine for people with disabilities to communicate. here you get all the information about disability, medical services and relocation. free consultations of a lawyer, a psychologist, a doctor, a specialist in the employment of volunteers from all over europe. this is where you get support. advice and
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true friends. together we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our family, enable me ukraine. with the support of the national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine, enable me ukraine. the information day of the tv channel continues. well, the events today on the... extremely many, many, president biden reacted to the impeachment for his own, for the minister of his government, and the president of the united states called the decision of the house of representatives dictated by the republicans unconstitutional and unreasonable, the same goes for the decision of congress to impeach the secretary of homeland security of the united states, alexander alejandro mayorkas, and i am quoting president biden now, history will not be kind to
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the deanery , who committed a blatant act of non -constitutional bias, targeting a respected civil servant for petty political games. the president reminded that he himself mayorjas is a cuban who came to the united states with his family as a refugee, and for two decades has faithfully served the values ​​that make this nation great. i quote the president of the united states in this case only to show how tense and, to put it mildly, the situation between the republicans and the representatives of the democrats, which means that it can be reflected in further votes when we are talking about a big package aid, in particular for ukraine. well, let's now talk about our internal ones problems are actually the consequences of the russian strikes. we are now adding kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, to our broadcast. mrs. katerina, we congratulate you. glory to ukraine, congratulations. so, the consequences. of the russian shelling of the dnipro
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, we know that they have been trying to eliminate these consequences for more than a day , we would like to ask you about the operational situation in the city and region, we know that schools had to be partially closed due to a difficult situation with heat supply, so we ask you to share, please what is happening now yes, as of now the situation is after the shelling, it is more or less under control , liquidation work is still ongoing to repair the thermal power plant, which was damaged and the equipment of which was badly damaged by these shellings, but in principle, now in the dnipro there is light in apartments and houses, there is water supply everywhere, even in that the prydniprovskyi housing estate, where all this happened, has already had its water supply fully restored, the only thing is that there are still big interruptions with heat. in the apartments, and of course in
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the nearby institutions, as is known in principle, they disbanded the hospital, which is near, well, near let's say, there was an incident during the arrival, but it was not because of the damage caused by the rockets, but because of the fact that, more precisely, the shahedis, but because the heat energy in the hospital is not working now, and the systems in principle... everyone went mad, that's why more than 100 patients, half of them were transferred to other hospitals of our city, and half of them, well, who can be treated on an outpatient basis, were transferred home and, in principle, they are now in online contact with doctors there by phone and simply receive treatment at home for those for who is it possible, according to schools yes, these are five schools which have also stopped their studies for the time being due to well... there is also damage, but in general
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due to the lack of heat, well, heat in schools, well , but let's say this, for students, it's in online mode, as of now, and... the consequences in general of these attacks, the termination of classes and transfer to online is the least problem, for sure. ms. kateryna, i would also like to clarify with you whether the city authorities are already talking about the approximate terms of resuming the operation of this hospital and schools, which actually had to be temporarily closed, or whether it is already possible to talk about certain the terms of the restoration of these institutions, their work and the return of schoolchildren to school, and hospital patients to the medical institution itself. well, here we must talk not only about the general restoration of this particular hospital and these schools, because schools and hospitals are very important, but we are talking more globally about the fact that in our country, as of now, in principle, the largest our thermal power plant in the city of dnipro,
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because its equipment is very damaged, and in principle they said yesterday that the liquidation these moments they... will end today, but as it became known that it is simply impossible to repair absolutely all the parts that were damaged by the arrival of rockets, it is simply impossible, not even technically, not financially, very quickly, so it is difficult to say for now, of course everyone is working, that is, the work is in progress, no one i haven't put my hands on it, well, we hope it will be at least until the end of this week, but i'm not an expert here, it's hard to say anything. therefore, let's hope that as soon as possible, but how it will be is still unknown. mrs. kateryna, well, information was just coming that they were even planning to drain the water from the heating systems in the dnieper , and they are drained, the heating systems are drained in the hospital and in those schools that do not work in principle,
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that is why the terms are not very happy, but look, there is still almost a quarter of a thousand houses without heating, so which are on the balance sheet. cities, and there are 225 or 224 houses that are now without heating, that is , they can drain the water there too, and the corresponding consequences at that time, because they are again talking about a possible cooling, so is the situation in the houses, if the hospital there can simply be dissolved into a school don't let children go to school and transfer them online, then you won't evict people from their houses, and in principle the houses there are intact, well, some of them are damaged there. but in general they are not damaged, but there are indeed problems with heating, as far as i know, the system was not drained from the houses, because after all, there is hope, but people heat themselves with such other alternative methods. ugh.
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ms. kateryna, we would like to clarify, if we talk about the trend of shelling, the russians have been trying lately, at least in the city dnipro and the region are amazing. certain objects of energy or strategic infrastructure, i.e. these are the ones already mentioned by you, are they some other possible objects on which the life of the city depends, there is heating, light, water and so on? well, if we talk about the dynamics of shelling in general, then they are, you know , as if seasonal, but in general we very often talk about shelling, well, very often it is every day and every night about... our nikopol district, that is, dnipropetrovsk region, there it is heavy artillery, there is no one there at all it is surprising, every day, every night , they attack there for no good reason, that is, they attack there simply in the private sector, even frankly speaking, there is no damage to any critical
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infrastructure, it is just such terror that it is convenient to do it there with the energy supply, if we talk about others regions of the dnipropetrovsk region, then these are blue. and pavlograd and novomoskovskiy districts, these are also three rather more strategic districts, and there the blows are really more directed at some infrastructure objects, these are either enterprises or, well, really some critical infrastructure. if we talk about the dnipro, then there are often regular civilian attacks on the residential sector, but now they have really intensified. attacks on critical infrastructure, well, winter, we all remember the winter of last year and general blackouts and disconnections, most likely the russians want to repeat something of that type, it will not be possible, but they want to do some damage. and how does this
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affect the mood of the dnipro people? and of course it is very difficult, very difficult to control oneself when people wake up at night. from such loud noises, and in general, then in all the public places they write that the russians should die and so on, because , well, even, as you know, as everyone knows, our imer does not limit himself to... such statements about our enemies, well, what in the principle is objective, but not everyone can afford to simply call everything by their names in the public plane, so on the mood, well, let's say this, it will not break the spirit of dnipropetrovsk region, it will not cause any despair, but of course i would like more positive ones news to the population. thank you, ms. kateryna, for telling us us about the situation in the dnipropetrovsk region, as of now kateryna nemchenko, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council, was on
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espresso. we are moving on, now we will have a few minutes of break, after which we will talk about the difficult situation on the ukrainian-polish border, because from tuesday, february 20, polish farmers are announcing a complete blockade and not only crossing points, they are even going to somehow block the work of sea ports and railway stations, what all this can lead to, we will try... together with myroslav chech is a polish politician and public figure, so stay with us for a few minutes and we'll be back. nothing has happened yet, not yet, stop it, oh normolact, honey, take normolact. normolact eliminates constipation, normalizes bowel function, restores the amount of lactate and bifidobacteria. everything worked out, normolact and everything will work out, there are discounts on linex forte. 15% in pharmacies plantain you and save. do ordinary things become unreal?
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of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport appeals to the viewers of the espresso tv channel with a request to participate in the collection of defense funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes. vasyl zima's big broadcast: 2 o'clock of air time, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is about, two hours to be informed. economic news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. the tv channel's information day continues
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, and the extremely difficult situation on the polish-ukrainian border was discussed on the sidelines, so to speak, but the key thing... is decisive action polish authorities, or their absence. let's try to understand the intricacies of polish politics, together with myroslav chech, a polish public figure, a member of the polish diet of the second term. glory to ukraine, mr. myroslav, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, it was not calm on the border, there was, so to speak, no systemic relief, but we received yet another threat. those people who represent, it is not known who, but as if they are representatives of the polish agricultural sector, in the simple language of farmers, so they promise to even crawl up to ports and so on, what is wrong with all that matter, why the polish authorities do not act decisively enough, or they cannot act decisively enough, as, for example, they would like to do in
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ukraine, because of the fact that the then ruling system of government is now. may receive additional problems from the pisivsk electorate. you know, this is not about the pisiv electorate , it is already of secondary importance. i would like to note a few points about this situation. first of all, er, the very problem of the agricultural sector, er, and the ukrainian so-called grains, well, this is already such a saying in the ukrainian grain report with the export of ukrainian agricultural products to poland. since april. in 2023, grain from ukraine will not be imported to poland, there is a slaughter embargo on imports, in violation of international agreements, bilateral agreements, its internal documents of the european union and contrary to the position of the european commission, in ukraine and the embargo, which was introduced in april last year, it continues to
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this day, and i now see no prospects in the political and... social situation for tsenbergo to be removed, so all those who say that ukrainian grain creates some problems in poland on the polish market, they are simply lying, because there is no such situation. secondly, the european commission recommended that those countries that have problems with ukrainian agricultural products, and they border ukraine, can sign bilateral agreements. the problem is that the polish side in these agreements actually wants to get the opportunity to introduce an embargo on the import of all ukrainian agricultural products, it hides it, it does not hide it, and instead so far, only the draft of the corresponding decision of the european commission should take place and this
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draft should be approved by the european commission. radio, that is, leaders, and now there is an onslaught of farmers, not such farmers, but actually farmers, and we say, large producers of poland, polish agricultural products, to introduce such a ban on imports to poland from ukraine, well, they do not like competition, they will be afraid of this competition, in addition to this , they take out a lot of money for themselves, and the third point, there is absolutely provocations pro-russian groups, this is with... pouring ukrainian grain, i heard the testimony of one of the ukrainian drivers, and it is clear that it was not done by farmers, who, the group in which the figure, politician of the pro-russian confederation party led, so that there is a political trace , political motivation, but
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the fourth moment has actually been reached, because in fact ukrainian grain is not imported until now. and it is necessary to boost the atmosphere, then in fact a different process is taking place in poland now, poland is de facto stopping its role as a transit country for ukrainian agricultural products, of ukrainian grain, and this is actually a bacchanalia, because it is happening with the support and encouragement of the state authorities, i am sorry to say this, it pains me. to speak , because such useless actions, such a mess is happening on the border, and with regard to agricultural production, a country that is bleeding, for which... for this, for this agricultural production, people pay with their lives, russia is specially hitting with missiles, reporting infrastructure, about elevators, about
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agricultural farmers, large farms, and it simply does not hit a healthy head, and all this happens in such, you know, beautiful, beautiful, beautiful frills are trying to sell it, we help ukraine, well, don't judge. just don't cheat, you want to earn your money, get privileges, benefits, well, earn, but not on the blood of the ukrainian people and ukrainian, ukrainian soldiers, because it simply contradicts everything. mr. miroslav, you mentioned that you have had enough, well, it is a shame now for the actions of the polish authorities, and you also mentioned that one of the options is that now all these provocations on the border are behind pro-russian forces, in this case i personally have a request... this is a logical question, in general, what is the benefit to the polish authorities from this situation, because it is now misrepresenting itself in the eyes of its allies and partners, and we here in ukraine too, well, if
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a little, if disappointed, to put it mildly, because we hoped that when the new government of donald tusk comes, he will be able to solve this problem. well, unfortunately, donald tusk, who is a staunch pro-ukrainian politician, and this is absolutely true, he has proven this by his activities, and these are... the declarations that he is that he is perhaps the most pro-ukrainian politician in europe, they have the ground under them, unfortunately, it is with whom he signed a coalition, with whom he entered into a political union, and these are representatives of the large agricultural sector, large producers of agricultural products , producers of agricultural products, unfortunately, it all costs, it costs that donald tusk... is essentially his activities and measures and those documents that are currently being formed in the ministry of agriculture of poland,
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he authorizes all this, that is, he essentially drink up is signed politically, i am very sorry for this, and i can express my disappointment with such a position, but this situation has a component, you know, and the words of trump and putin, who... the interview mentioned poland 36 or 37 times , and president biden clearly said that, in addition to ukraine, the targets of russian aggression are poland and the baltic countries, well , the minister, the head of the national security bureau under the president repeats that poland must be ready, so that within three years it can become an object of aggression from of russia, repeats these theses, the same to me. of defense, who is the head the peasant party or the agrarian party, the people's party, i will translate it into ukrainian, but gentlemen, well, then your
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actions and your words simply contradict the fact that the channel is happening on the border with ukraine, this is a shake-up, this is a shake-up of the security of poland itself, but and equal to b , there is no other option, i worry for poland, because the hybrid war that is taking place in... with ukraine, it hits the elementary basic interests of poland's national security, well , today i listened to the radio of the minister of defense, who said which is one of the guarantors of security the presence of an american contingent of ten thousand and a large logistics hub for the supply of weapons to ukraine, near ryashev, near zheshevo, as in ukraine, as they say in ukraine, well, well, but is it... in blocking ports, blocking railway stations, in the end, blocking roads that connect this hub with ukraine, it directly hits the americans as well, i
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can easily imagine, knowing the methods of activity of the russian agents and russian special services, that after they get bored of blocking ukrainian grain, which is not comes to poland, they will block... military aid to ukraine, because this is the kind of scenario that is developing, now such anti-ukrainian sentiments are rising among the poles that it simply does not exist, it may have no limits, i call on the polish authorities, representatives of the authorities , so that they stop it as soon as possible, because the price of this can be very deplorable for poland, well, the price will undoubtedly be deplorable, if very drastic measures are not taken. clear and understandable steps, when i started to study this problem, i i was even impressed, remember, there was such a union, pro-union solidarity, yes, well, it
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is related. coordinate the blocking of polish roads and the polish-ukrainian border, they created a union with a similar name, but with a small addition of individual actors, that is, individual farmers, that is, in this way we see that very technological guys work, and that it is not just that, if a lot of money was injected into them. then here we can really expect not just a bacchanalia of the present, it even smells like one or another apocalypse in polish roads, and we hope that the polish authorities will react clearly so that this whole thing does not spread to the ports, to radio stations, radio transmission stations and so on, why do they not dare to act so that we do not enter into the conspiracy, the solidarity of these
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individual farmers. has existed since 1981, 1980, sorry, yes in 1980, it arose essentially parallel to this solidarity, which i led, which was led by leg valensa, it is an old structure and it is well known, i am just saying two things, throughout europe there are farmers' protests due to the so-called the european green order or order or whatever we will call it, it is about ecological. environmental postulates to farmers, and all the farmers in the entire european union are protesting against this, protest yourself, stop by the city center and so on, well, how do you people protest, well , farmers have such a thing that the tractors are standing in the winter, there is no sowing yet, well, it depends, well , the engines will have to be overheated there so that they don't stagnate the battery, it's the same, then let's go for a ride with horses sometime. now these
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mechanical horses go out to na na protests still occur, there is some sort of thing and so on, you don’t have to sit at home, not listen to various situations there and so on, that is, it’s understandable, well, a protest, if there is a reason to protest, instead, a protest against the importation of ukrainian grain into the territory of poland is simple fiction, because this grain is not physically present, ukrainian agricultural products do not threaten poland in any way, because ukrainian farmers and... ukrainians, the ukrainian state managed to establish, well, control its own grain corridor with territorial waters through the territorial waters of romania and bulgaria, and ukraine has now reached the 2021 indicators of exports by sea by sea, that is, what is called pre-war, that is, this problem is solved, ukraine is restoring its position on...
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the world markets of the middle east, asia, africa , and so on, and the americans say, well done ukrainians, the british say, well done ukrainians, fantastic work, the gdp of ukraine thanks to this corridor will increase by 10% this year, and the poles, who made money by trading with ukraine during the great war, they are coming more damage to the polish economy. all these protests, blockades and so on, as even for the ukrainian economy , this is simply not a good idea for people, politicians, who are afraid to stand up in the truth and say, and the truth is like this, unfortunately, tolerate this situation, which creates a threat the security of ukraine and, above all, the security of poland, i am simply amazed by this, unfortunately, amazed that no one brings it up. thank you, myroslav cech, polish politician
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and public figure was eteri spressu. well, in the meantime, we are already passing the word on to ours journalists and our beautiful irina koval, who has already prepared relevant information for you with the news editor. iro, we'll give you the floor, and actually tell us what this issue will be about. thank you marta, well, the russian terror in our lands continues, so i will tell you more about the situation in different regions of our country, and there will also be a lot of other news, so stay tuned. 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval. i welcome all the viewers and now to the most important events. a 33-year-old man got heavy injury due to obsi.


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