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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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but in the meantime, we will move on and pass the floor to irina koval, who has already prepared relevant information for you with the news editor, so iro, we will pass the floor to you and tell us what you will tell our viewers and us about in this issue. thank you marta, well, the highlights in just a moment, so stay tuned. it's 4 p.m. in ukraine and we have a news release on the espresso tv channel for your attention. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers and now to the most important thing. a 33-year-old man was seriously injured as a result of shelling in nikopol in dnipropetrovsk region. the russians hit the city with artillery. the injured was hospitalized. doctors are fighting for his life. this was reported
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by the head of the region, serhii lysak. as a result of the attack, private houses were destroyed, as well as farm buildings and gas stoves. they said goodbye to dianna wagner in kyiv. a combat medic with the call sign snake served in the battalion of the carpathian jan. she died at the end of january in the luhansk region in the swativ region. farewell was organized in mykhailivskyi zotoverh. monastery, buried on lukyanivsky walk of fame cemeteries diana wagner, born in germany, moved to ukraine even before the beginning of the invasion. a german woman who loved ukrainian culture and traditions, studied the language and was waiting to receive ukrainian citizenship. she spent more than two years at the front. explosive technicians discovered a minefield near infrastructure facilities in the izyum district of kharkiv.
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this was reported to the national police. the field is mined with various types of ammunition, the found enemy arsenal is destroyed in separate areas. also, experts continue to examine potentially dangerous ones settlements and forest areas. he appropriated uah 1.5 million. law enforcement officers exposed the deputy mayor of one of the towns in vinnytsia region. the man led the evil'. a group that stole budget funds allocated for repairs in educational institutions. the impersonators recorded false prices for materials in official documents, and also reported on work that was not performed. the stolen money was transferred to the account of a front company. the perpetrators face up to 20 years behind bars. the organizer of the scheme was the deputy mayor of one of the vinnytsia bridge. at the same time involving in his illegal activities. the director and chief
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accountant of the utility company, as well as one of the fops, by overstating the cost of construction materials during the overhaul of educational institutions, the offenders took uah 1.5 million. workers of the poltava mining and beneficiation plant wrote an appeal to the supreme court of ukraine due to the risk of stopping their enterprise. our journalist yulia zubchenko will tell what happened at the scene. julia, i congratulate you. and i expect everything from you details congratulations, colleague, the problem due to which the employees decided to write this appeal arose after the eastern commercial court of appeal decided to collect uah 4 billion 700 million from the enterprise in favor of a semi-fictitious company. this debt arose more than 15 years ago and was paid in 2015. the legitimacy of the collection of these funds from the company's accounts was confirmed in...
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june 2022 by the supreme court of ukraine. as it turned out, later the deposit guarantee fund sold the already redeemed claim to poltava gzk to another firm, maxi capital group. the director of this firm is involved in several criminal proceedings that are currently being investigated by law enforcement officers. i suggest you listen to what the employees of the poltava mining and beneficiation complex and its management think about this situation. you made a completely illegal decision, an illegal decision. first of all, we are surprised how it is possible to make a decision in one hour, when 4.7 billion hryvnias are at stake, and secondly, as far as i know, there is no evidence that this company can even demand from us or file in court taking into account the extortion of uah 4.7 billion from us, that's why we are very worried, excited , excited, that's why we turned to the employees of the poltava beneficiation combine, first of all to convey this information, to convey, as we see it, to the management of the combine, as they see it. if our
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enterprise stops, it is 7, if no more people are left without funds, that is... this means that i, a person who was born here, grew up, where are my parents, i will have to leave here, where should i go? please protect us. 4 billion 700 million uah - an incredibly large amount, the repeated collection of which can simply stop the work of the poltava mining and beneficiation complex. about 10,000 people work at the enterprise, and in the city of horishniplavny, where we are now and... where the enterprise is located, about 50,000 people live, and the shutdown of this enterprise can completely paralyze the city, it will have catastrophic consequences not only for the city, but also for the whole of ukraine, since the products manufactured by the poltava mining and processing plant are exported, which guarantees currency
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investment in the economy of ukraine. the employees and management of the poltava mining and processing plant hope that this situation will be resolved as soon as possible, and... the enterprise will be able to function actively again. that's all the information for now. studio. thank you, julia. it was our correspondent yuliya zubchenko from horishny plavni, and she was talking about the problems that arose at the poltava mining and beneficiation plant. and we move on to the next news, and to know how to use weapons, to provide first aid, and most importantly - to be ready for national resistance. the young the boys of the white church study military art under the guidance of instructors and the supervision of veterans. my colleague daria ruban also returned from school. ukraine! ukraine! holy mother of the hero! holy mother of a hero! come down to my heart!
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come down to my heart! a stormy wind will blow in the caucasus! a stormy wind blows in the caucasus! the noise of the carpathian streams! carpathian noise! this is how these young belarusians start each class. the prayer of a ukrainian nationalist sounds bravely, proudly and unitedly. each of those present joined this training with own goal, but they have a common desire - to be ready to repel the enemy. shooting with a stress test, mastering weapons, controlling quadcopters, providing medical aid, handling mines and explosive objects, and more. here at centuria, everyone can master these knowledge and skills. we conduct training, classes, lectures, fighters of the third separate assault brigade, veterans of the azov movement and veterans of the russian-ukrainian war come to us. young people from the age of 14 are actively involved in the class, but there are among boys and girls who perform everything on a par with them, trying to keep up with
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the results. what motivates us to come here is that there is a war in the country, and we need to defend our state and our nation. our common goal is that strong youth is the future of the nation. i really like it, we have a very good company that we work for. in recent years, the organization has been constantly engaged in education and training of the civilian population for resistance. the military must be involved in the training, because they saw the realities of war with their own eyes and have considerable combat experience. there is a little mistake, but we are learning. a higher turnstile, yes, but everything is fine, it's fine. alex deals with the organizational issues of the school, as the young man emphasizes, everyone's opportunities here depend on their desire and level of training, but still something is the most difficult for beginners. well, physically, people who
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have not been involved in this, it seems static to me, because the hands get tired very quickly when a person just stands in one position, well , works out in one position, a lot of physical strain. so that people prepare faster, they gained strength faster, it became easier and easier for them with each training session. all of them are patriots of our country. their greatest desire is to drive the russians out of the territory of ukraine as soon as possible. centuria trained many fighters even before the war. for example, we had a large campaign to train the civilian population, even before the full-scale invasion. don't panic, i'm getting ready. thanks to this training, we were able to prepare the same territorial defense. and we hold promotions for support almost every week. holidays, holidays, mighty, cathedral, cathedral. glory to ukraine, hero, glory. espresso tv channel asks nato to join our initiative. for the second year in a row, we have been making our own
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vitamin mixtures for our defenders. ginger, citrus, cranberry, sea buckthorn, honey, caring hands and faith in victory. such a recipe for hearty delicacies. in the cold season. year they warm and give strength to our soldiers, we have a constant request, which means that there is a need for vitamin mixtures at the front, so join and support our soldiers, all the details ... you can see on the screen now, thank you everyone for your donations, and following wait for the news release already at 5 p.m., read more on our espresso tv website, a brief summary of the main things in our social networks and watch us on youtube, marta oliyarnyk, antin borkovskiy continue the broadcast of the espresso tv channel. the former political
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dissident, hero of ukraine and co-author of the ukrainian constitution, stepan khmara , urgently needs help for the treatment of a serious illness, about uah 200,000 is needed for chemotherapy for the next few days, journalist tetyana danylenko reported. i quote: his treatment, his treatment... is azov's patronage service, but both for them and for the family, at the moment the price is not high, and the medicine is really yesterday. let me remind you, stepan mylkovich khmara, a hero of ukraine, who, for the cause of our independence, served more than seven years in the gulag behind the urals. now he is fighting a terrible disease, as bravely as he fought all his life, for his views and freedom. details for help can be found at the patronage service of azov. i hope so, dear viewers. what do you know help to help the hero of ukraine, who is overcoming a terrible
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disease. yes, well, but in the meantime, we are adding ivan kyrychevskyi, a military expert of defense express, to our airwaves, with whom we will talk about many important topics. today. mr. ivan, welcome to the spresso restaurant. good day. let's probably start with the main news of today, to put it that way, more roughly, yes. we are talking about destruction by ukrainian security forces. nicknames magur of the large landing ship caesar kunikov, and there is already information from the main intelligence office that more likely, he went to the bottom. if we are talking about such a ship and such a class of ships in the enemy's possession, then how many such vessels of this kind do our enemy have, and in fact, how do you think such a loss of the enemy can affect his further actions? well , let's start here with what, usually. when it comes to russian amphibious ships, of which the russians have roughly nine units left, usually for some reason it is only about
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the logistical component, well, what do they say, the russians use such ships for the delivery of various military cargoes to the temporarily occupied crimea, from where they can then go to the front line in the south of ukraine, well, they usually also tie up what they say, if the defense forces of ukraine start more actively knocking out the landing ships of the rechists there, then it is possible there soon and to the crimean bridge. is the case, but here there can be a more conservative assessment, it consists in this: the russians cannot now use their landing ships for direct purposes, the direct purpose is to land the appropriate naval landing infantry somewhere on the black sea coast of ukraine for obvious reasons, because we have a powerful coastal defense and an attempt to get closer, let's say, 200 km closer to the coastline, it will end somewhat predictably, well, with a flight, for example, a neptune missile, then... . that's why the russians had to invent something, let's say , hybrid and use landing ships,
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if it didn't sound strange, also for the tasks of the so-called control of the sea water area, well, they proceed from the fact that they say that on landing ships there are some artillery weapons, there are analogues, naval analogues of hail installations, radar stations are standing, you can even put uav calculations, accordingly, such a cheap way of controlling the sea area, they say cheaper than a warship, accordingly in this case... here even a question arises, which the equivalent of counting when to estimate the loss of this tsyzaryakuvo, because on the one hand you can count that the russians had 13 amphibious ships at the beginning of the complete rejection, now there are nine, well, after today's loss, and it can be considered that the russians lost another unit today, which supposedly provided them with control over that segment of the black sea water area that they could still cover there. and accordingly, well, at least our desks have now become safer, so in this case, taking into account all the complexities and nuances,
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here it is worth simply focusing on the fact that another russian vessel went to the bottom, its crew joined colleagues from the cruiser moscow, and it gave everyone a correspondingly festive mood. mr. ivan, look, how about for example, with the corresponding defenses of the enemy at sea, i don't know how to even properly call that radar system that would, in theory , be able to calculate our surface or underwater uavs. you know, i think that after today, it's not even the case that we have western analysts... there will be a lot more work and they will start, forgive me for the simplicity, but my head will boil, because before that, what was possible to meet, because they estimated that the russians could pick up the old b-12 planes that are there from the conservatory there literally 50 years old, k-27 helicopters were able to raise the air there, and even if not coastal radars, then here and there old
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helicopters could visually detect these kamikaze boats, sometimes they even really succeeded. cases were recorded when , well, let’s say that there is something to hide, sometimes the russians even managed to shoot down our kamikaze drones in the sea from the good old misim amphibious assault ships, but somehow it happened that, contrary to the curtain that the russians tried to build, well, from the radar detection means, aviation, there are still anti-sabotage so-called boats working there, well, somehow it was obvious that we have more kamikaze boats than the density that the russians can... put out, that's why they have such a story today, which they still don't comment on, because, as far as is known, well, here are the russian resources from the fact that , if they commented, then there in the body , look, the shells of the stambavo plant exploded on the ship, literally there even under water, this means the quality of our shells, but nothing about the ship itself they say, well, well, yes, well, mr. ivan,
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we understand that by sea, by sea, extremely important, tragically complex events are now unfolding in... around avdiivka, well , good positive news arrived: our fighters managed to destroy the enemy column, enemy equipment, now near avdiivka they were preparing to transfer the equipment to avdiivka, but between verkhnyotoretsk and kamianka, they were destroyed, if possible in a little more detail, and in general the situation in the driver's direction, well here, if we comment on this particular one... the episode about the fact that our troops had to preemptively destroy the column that was supposed to go to reinforcements roshista in this direction of the front, then we can proceed only from those data that are in public access, let's say so, but based on this to make appropriate certain exhibitions, what is possible for us there, well, with the combat success of our troops, it is much better than, well it is usually customary to comment, well, because before that
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, so that we could find, for example, in western sources, that we have a very critical shortage of ammunition there, that we may... literally have nothing to get a line of defense and that some brigades said there, who could go there reinforcements, we will not go into detail , because these are not confirmed data, as they say, this is not the last reserve that would allow us to get the city against such a background , the very ability for our troops to be able to carry out such in-depth reconnaissance as to detect an enemy column somewhere , large, which should have gone to reinforcements, to find suitable means of defeat to shoot this column. to record accordingly, well, against this background , it should look unlikely, but our troops managed to do this, accordingly, well, we can carefully omit that certain reserves in order to to have the stability of the defense in the audio direction , our military has, of course, it is not that there are reserves that can be spent endlessly without, you know, some
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specific options in the style that sooner or later will have to leave, but that the situation at the moment looks somewhat... better than it is customary to talk about, well, as of yesterday, you could only hear that the russians seem to have an advantage there, they are constantly working with guided aerial bombs, and we do not seem to respond to anything, it turns out we answer, so every day, let's say when our troops are now managing to get avdiivka, which already means that, well, in some ways our defenders are stronger than the russian attackers, well, because according to all calculations , it is possible that the departure of our troops should have already taken place, but... well, we still manage to get defense there and to destroy the russians, mr. ivan, look, there is information from the minister of defense of the netherlands, kaisa olen gren, who announced that her country will join the drone coalition, which now includes sweden, great britain and latvia, and she said that in addition to the fact that the netherlands will supply us with
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f-16 fighters, artillery, ammunition and air defense systems, they are also ready to join. to this drone coalition, and she says that there may be additional costs in addition to the 2 billion euros already allocated for the 24th year. if we are talking about the drone coalition, how promising is this coalition in the context of war, let's say, technological progress, because ex-head zaluzhnyi already spoke about it, that we need some sort of technological leap, can this drone coalition provide some sort of technological leap and it enough to have only four countries in this coalition, or should it still be expanded more? i think we should focus on the netherlands here, because there are very specifics. situation, first of all, it turns out that they still have it, well, the process of transfer of power, let’s call it a more understandable term coalition, against the background of which, for example, the same minister of defense of the netherlands, recently
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there in open, let’s say, access stated that, you know, we don’t have money for a tank battalion to purchase 40 new leopard-2 a8 tanks there, although we really wanted to, and in general it will no longer be our business, it will already be the business of the new government, accordingly here, well as a minimum, one should be careful with expectations that... if the same official said that they, well, since there is a process of change of power in them, it means that they will not deal with tanks, then one should be careful about expectations, well, about the dutch and drones for us. second, the same longren she said something like the following, saying that since we don't have money for a tank battalion, that's a paradox, a nato country that has a defense budget of 20 billion euros, but cannot afford the purchase of 40 tanks. well, they turned out for a hundred. that it is possible to buy something smaller instead of tanks, well, for example, combat robotic systems that will work on the battlefield, from this we can draw the following two conclusions: first, well, maybe the dutch
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will help us with land-based drones that do not take off shoot at to the russians, but the second, well, accordingly, that they themselves will rather expect, well, not that we will have any capabilities there, but rather that we will tell the dutch how to make these combat works, well, at least in some ways ... were catching up with the main battle tanks in terms of the capabilities that can be obtained on the battlefield, because, well, regardless of what he had time to say, zaluzhny, regardless of what our military leaders may say now, it must be understood that now we have entered such a phase, when we are not the only ones there to do something to calculate, but now they will also demand a certain return from us, but it's cool, mr. ivan, it's cool that now ukraine will tell other countries how to make these or that drones. we, in turn, can get from them, let's say, their potentials, their factories, their willingness to give us, maybe a part of what they produced, which
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they will be able to make for themselves and help us? well, in my case, just write the configuration, because i understand that in this case, until now, there were ideas that the dutch would be flying drones, and about their nuances with tanks, that they don't have money for it, and they want combat work, i think few people guessed, and my task in this case was modest. tell about all these specific nuances? mr. ivan, ramstein, yes, well, an important signal from nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, who said that this is an example of success, but he refused to reveal the details of a possible configuration in the ramstein format. we understand that part of the euro-atlantic community is seriously concerned about the situation in the united states, in particular, it is about radical activation. pists, on the other hand, all also live in the premonition that trump can, well, anything happens to win the presidential elections. so we understand that now the europeans may have more
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responsibility than european countries, members of nato. how do you see the prospects of reformatting romstein? well, let me remind you that today is the 14th meeting, virtual in the ramshtein format. i think on the one hand. we will not see something fundamentally new in terms of architecture, well, how fundamentally new, even if we take it out, if we will have to take out the usa and , let's say, the arab countries, because if this had not been heard, before the events in the middle east, before the start of hostilities in the gaza sector, there were some arab countries that also helped us, well , for example, according to some data, jordan anti-aircraft missiles, well, or morocco with t-72 tanks, well, obviously it will look oriented plus-minus in the same way, that is, there is a certain coalition of european countries that still have certain... stockpiles of weapons, and they are ready for something there within the framework of joint agreements allocate to us, and something is ready, well exchange, the question here is, firstly, how resource
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-poor will this coalition, which will be created on the basis of romshtein's format, become, and secondly, how long will it take to complete it, i suspect that it will finally be possible to speak about the fact that this new resource coalition based on ramshtein will be formalized there sometime before the summer, well, somewhere it is somewhere, you know, roughly the same. as when we had the first ramsteins there and there was talk of overcoming certain barriers to the transfer of certain types of weapons, for example, combat aircraft, that is, certain decisions that were actually made, for example, in the winter became known only in the summer, and this, for example, about the same v-16 or other aviation equipment, so i think that closer to the summer we will already be able to clearly see what the new ramstein will look like there corrected for the fact that something is happening in the usa, and the arab countries do not really want to help us either... mr. ivan, look, there is still information from the ministry of strategism and the ministry of strategy and industry about the fact that the ukrainian defense sector will increase this year volumes
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in... in six, in particular, the ministry creates opportunities to attract civilian companies to work in the direction of military tech. and in fact, it is about the fact that over the past year our strategic direction, which is essentially defense , has tripled, this year the industry is expected to grow six times, quite ambitious numbers, but we would like to understand how realistic they are. you know, the main thing here is that all these results were somehow simply manifested at the front, well, that is, so that, let's say, at least, if at all, let's call it that, at such a level, that there would be more photographs like our ammunition is used , because well, if the price had not become familiar, let’s say this, i do not claim that this is so, but there are claims that, for example, tanks are being loaded somewhere, perhaps pakistani shells, it is difficult to confirm, or perhaps in self-propelled guns loading indian shells, it is difficult to confirm, but there are such statements, regarding
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ukrainian ammunition, statements so far... there are no, accordingly, in this case, these are all statements that are somewhere about the military of those, about the planned increase there, well of production at times, you know that, you just have to take into account that the relevant military-political management body there has the corresponding intention and further witness how this intention is realized, because on the other hand , you know, we are in such a strange situation when we ask, for example, when europe will increase the production of projectiles, we do not ask our native structures when they will do everything necessary to increase our production. comrades, so i don't think that in this case we need to stick to such an angle that they promised and it will be good, it is necessary to stick roughly to this angle, accordingly the structure promised, it is necessary to control or trace how it is carried out in practice, but over the past year they say it has tripled, you as a person are competent in this regard, well, clearly more competent than us, can you assess whether promises were kept, did we really triple in this industry last year, well, you know, here... we
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did grow, but the question is simply in the basis of comparison, because if by 2022 we have there, or in the middle, or at the end of 2022 according to some articles of production were zero, well, of course we grew, well, the only problem is that we are not growing as fast as we should, because if we were at least a little bit, if we had industry thanks to incentives, in that from government structures could work better, we would not have a situation where fighters are forced to... choose cluster munitions received from allies in order to have, for example, drops from drones, well, how else to get them, accordingly , certain such critical 2022-2023 passed there years, when it was possible to travel on old stocks, to travel on the basis that the western countries gave more generous aid, there you can somehow skip these periods, you know, to skip the childhood periods of growth, when there can be different moments, now you have to to somehow be
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more attentive, well... well, let's say this, we still have to start from the fact that this year we will have to rely more on our own strength, our own resources, in order to provide for our needs at the front. in this case, when something will come to us from the western countries, this would rather be a miracle, anything , regardless of the fact that even if it is a weekly supply from the bundessphere, there are several thousand shells, several self-tracked all-terrain vehicles, and the like, any supply from the west will now have to be regarded as a miracle, in the first place it's our turn to do... on what we make ourselves , what we can do, because i repeat, in this case it is somehow so strange that the government structures are talking about how things have grown so wildly, and at the same time there are various interesting photos that she is there somewhere with of the hindustan peninsula, it seems that ammunition has arrived, i don't know, i can't confirm, i can't deny it either, but just the fact itself, where is the hindustan peninsula, but where are we, nevertheless, uh, well, look, we would like your little comment now about... decree
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of the president of ukraine on the appointment of moysyuk as a special authority of the president of ukraine on the implementation of international security guarantees and the development of defense forces in the defense forces of ukraine. so we understand that, rather, additional coordination will be undertaken in what is called and and defense, and supply and not only about that. as you can see how quickly we can get additional. these or other shifts, you know, i think that here the story will simply be something else, we, on the other hand, have certain suspicions that it is possible that all those changes that could have taken place in the military leadership, that it is possible that they not that we are preparing for a long-term war there for several years, but perhaps we are preparing for some kind of battle.


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