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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 4:30pm-5:00pm EET

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your small comment on the decree of the president of ukraine on the appointment of moysyuk as a special authority of the president of ukraine on the implementation of international security guarantees and the development of the defense forces in the ukrainian defense forces. so we understand that, rather, additional coordination will be undertaken in what is called defense and supply, and not only about this. how do you see how quickly we can get some additional shifts? you know, i think that here the story will simply be something else, we, on the other hand, have certain suspicions that maybe there were all the possible reshuffles that took place in the military leadership, which maybe they are not just about the fact that we are preparing for a long-term war for several years, but maybe we are preparing for some kind of political decision, because in this case the coordinator, well to appoint separately there a person
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with the rank of general to the political post of coordinator, then to all security guarantees, which are clearly prescribed in such a way that, let's say, their implementation should take place conditionally in the post-war period, she says approximately that's about what, that's exactly what it's about, that it's not about the fact that a person in this position should work directly on strengthening the defense here and now, on replacing the defense here and now, the personnel team that was appointed to manage the armed forces will work accordingly ... by ukrainian forces, this is precisely about a possible, well, political decision, which is not very customary to talk about in our country now, or even let's say, how it is customary to talk, rather about the fact that, well, with hopes that maybe the government will not go for it, but apparently it is one of the signals, well, that a political solution is being prepared one way or another, thank you, mr. ivan, for your opinion, ivan karychevskyi, a military expert defexpress, was on espresso, they talked about important military moments, and... and about the fact that today it happened, yes
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, let’s recall that such a significant event happened at night, gur drones hit a large landing ship of the russian federation, and in fact gur informs about the fact that they say that the russian caesar kunikov was parked near a specialized berth for 10 days the wall, the so-called slip, from which the occupiers carry out military loading of ships. weapons and equipment and according to a preliminary visual assessment of the ship's draft during the sinking, caesar kunikov was loaded. that's the information from the central intelligence agency, but we're moving on, we're moving on, and now we're going to take a short break that will last us four minutes, literally, and then we'll go back to the espresso studio. if you are tired of such heavy saws, then
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pawel kowal, the representative of the polish government for the restoration of ukraine. as always, we talk about the most important thing that happened recently week in poland, ukraine, europe. what is being said about ukraine in the eu, how should we perceive the statements of politicians and what will our accession to the eu look like in the project about politics about the world with maria gurska every sunday at 3:30 p.m. with a repeat at 10:00 p.m. in cooperation with seestre eu. great return of great lviv. conversations, discussions, search for solutions. the largest talk format of ukraine in the evening prime time. in general , i think we need two things. money and weapons. we did not start this war, but we must end it. we must win. all most importantly, every thursday at 9:15 p.m. in the project , velikiy lviv speaks on the espresso tv channel. vasyl zima's big broadcast. this is the great ether, my name is vasyl zimaya, we are starting. two hours of airtime. two
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hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhiy zgurets is with us, but what does the world live on? now about what happened in the world, julius fizar will speak in more detail, julius, good evening, please word. two hours to keep up with economic news. time to talk about money in wartime. oleksandr morchivka is with us. alexander, congratulations, please. and sports news. review of sporting events by yevhen postukhov. two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much lina chechenna for the information about culture news. presenters who have become like relatives to many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on advent day. andriy parubiy, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. people's deputy of ukraine, he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. information day of the tv channel in rozpala. the well-known ukrainian political
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expert taras zhovtenko, international security expert of the dem-initiative foundation, member of the public council under the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, will now appear on our broadcast. glory to ukraine, mr. taras, glad to see you. glory as a hero. greetings, well, an important message for our tv viewers from the head of the military administration, vadym filashkin, regarding the situation, avdiivka, and dear, which led to the city, it is already being shot at by the enemy, now there are 926 people in the city, people leave independently by three or four people every day. the head of the region stated that there are reserves of humanitarian aid, water and medicines in avdiivka. installation in avdiivka is very difficult. the enemy is trying to break through the defense line and capture the city in the shortest possible time. our defenders restrain the enemy in all directions. about this, the head of the military administration, vadym filashkin , said a couple of times, i don't know, some time ago on
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the air of a telethon. well, we will now to analyze the extremely important things that are literally unfolding in the ramstein format right now. yes, there is a certain one... a not too pleasant signal came from nato secretary general jens stoltenberg, who refused to explain what the change in the gramstein format could be, so we understand that now the euro-atlantic, so to speak, participants in the process from the european continent are very worried, in particular, for those changes that the united states may undergo, and accordingly , most likely, it is this that can affect, so to speak, the eventual... regime format romstei, maybe i'm wrong, maybe there are some additional options? well, actually, strategically, the north atlantic alliance is interested in the fact that bremstein remained a permanent, permanent mechanism and accordingly turned gradually into a permanent mechanism of the north atlantic
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alliance itself, because in principle, as an instrument of strategic military assistance to a country that is under attack aggressor and which is not a member of nato, but... this is actually a very good tool for nato in the format of what, well we see that the world is becoming more complex and the world is becoming more dangerous, and it is obvious that not only ukraine may need such help. and actually, well, on the one hand strategically, nato is trying to turn this tool into its own tool, yes, but on the other hand , well, the change of format, the change of leadership in this initiative, the transition of leadership from washington to brussels, this is actually something that, to obviously our european allies are not ready because we see european allies trying to put their economies on military rails, but we understand that... well europe, taking into account the decades of underfunding of defense
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and national armies and, accordingly , the military-industrial complex, cannot change its priorities in the economy so drastically in six months, in a year, and the european allies actually need a little more time than they actually have now. given the situation in the united states of america, and i think that there is a certain tension among our european partners right now, it is precisely that... what can be done now, how can the transition processes be accelerated market economies of the countries of western europe on military rails, because we understand that it is very easy to do this in russia, where the economy is managed manually, and there you can simply transfer money from one pocket to another, completely ignore the social effect of these things, how it will be reflected on ordinary citizens, well, and accordingly receive mass production of relatively cheap no no no. high-quality, not technological, but weapons that work, that fulfill their function on the battlefield, western military defense systems are built according to
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another principle, i.e. there is the same leopard tank, it is not produced by one country, it is a consortium of countries, each of which is involved in this type of weapons, and in order to increase, for example, the production of leopard tanks, it is necessary to synchronize the enterprises of the military complex in several countries, and each of these enterprises has its own supply chains, logistics and so on, so it's well and... it's not to talk about the social effects, the same with the production of ammunition, and it's obvious that our european allies are now trying to find a solution to this problem , that is, how to reorient our own economies as quickly as possible and minimize this negative social effect, which could be reflected on the population, because , unfortunately, the citizens of the countries of western europe still do not fully understand the importance of this moment. mr. taras, look, the other day, trump made quite a scandalous remark. statement, when he spoke about the fact that the united states may, for some other
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reasons, not stand up for nato allied countries, if they do not pay their accounts, meaning that each country must pay 2% of its gdp towards nato's defense capability. and now that we're talking about the next election that's going to be in november in the united states, there's a lot of fear that trump has every chance of winning that election. and already in the european union they began to actively talk about it. but to think, and in fact to consider these statements of trump not just as some of his pre-election slogans, but as real threats and his real strategy for his future policy, and the president of the european parliament roberta metzola said the other day that it is necessary to move the question of creating an autonomous defense cluster in europe, which would be independent of nato, but would not be a competitor of nato, which would complement it, into a practical plane. do you think there is a chance in the short term? build such an alliance and what could it look like? well, in fact, it is partly connected with what we have already talked about,
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because everything rests in one way or another on the industrial complex of european countries and on their ability to produce weapons systems and ammunition for them in sufficient quantities in order to to ensure one's own, well, at least defense capability, if not to talk about security in general. if we talk about these statements of trump, they are not really new, well, because trump started his presidency back in 2016, when he actually started it precisely... with these topics, with the topics that the european nato allies, the united states, to put it mildly, they are not very responsible about how much money they allocate for their own security and defense, and when after the events of 2014, after the first stage of russia's hybrid aggression against ukraine, well, nato began a certain revision of what is generally happening in the alliance, and this revision revealed that with of the 37 member states, only four allocate from this mandatory 2% of gdp, and actually
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trump's claims to the european allies, they were absolutely justified, that is, this is an absolutely abnormal situation, when, well, if the mandatory percentage of defense funding, and we do not say , that this 2% should be given to nato, yes, to some joint budget, this is 2% that is invested in its own defense capability and its own. dpk, by the way, sir taras, marto, i discovered interesting statistics here, who is one of the record holders, for example, in terms of defense spending, in... poland, well, in terms of percentage, the poles are even ahead in this case, well , we understand that the polish economy is not proportional , the economy of the united states, well, the poles are even ahead of the americans in terms of percentage, there are more than five of them, it seems that there are about four of them, yes, but, for example, the czech republic - one and a half, germany 1.6%, there is
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portugal, italy 1 each .5%, that is, well, they don't want to pay. but we understand that you will have to pay, yes, because all the problems of nato and the europeans are not related to trump, but they are related to putin, but trump can be a very dangerous tool in what is called the collapse of euro-atlantic solidarity and security policy, although one does not want to to demonize him in this regard, well, but here the question is that in reality trump, as a showman and populist, is more than a politician, so he understands that this is a topic with nato. funding, it's well, actually, one of, one of the few things that he you can, so to speak, add to the plus , yes, that is, well, actually, during his first presidency, he raised this topic, well , quite harshly, and he did it absolutely correctly and rationally, yes, that is , the europeans had to, as they say, to bring to mind, at least in this way, if they did not understand it, well, as they say, at that time,
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but tra, trump, as a showman and a populist, he is now playing with this topic, that is, he understands that it is necessary somehow . in a way to scroll in public space and if to the extent of one's lack of understanding, so to speak, the importance of his words as a potential presidential candidate and a potential leader in the presidential race of the united states, if he were to release such things, which actually in terms of the wording that he used now, they are absolutely destructive, given that, well, trump with on the other hand , he did a lot to break away from europe and break these euro-atlantic ties, political and, first of all, security. and president biden actually, well he spent most of his presidency on to somehow restore these ties, yes, to reassure the europeans, to say that now everything is fine, well, the united states is with you, they are not going anywhere, and here suddenly there is such a turn again, and it is clear that the european union , the european allies in principle, but now it is necessary to raise their old plans for security
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tools that they planned, because in the european union in the mid-90s there was a project of the so-called western. it was supposed to be such a security tool of the eu, this experiment hung at such a conceptual level, i.e it was strategically worked out, but when it came to practice, it turned out that everything is much simpler on paper than in reality, and actually this is such a sub-unit of the eu, it carried out several missions to patrol the west coast of africa in the mid-90s x, on protection against piracy and... this project was curtailed, and i think that now the european union will definitely return to this, and it will return to this no longer as an alternative to nato, because before it was considered as a type of alternative to the northern to the atlantic alliance, now it will be exactly the project, or one of the variants of the project to strengthen nato and to strengthen , first of all, the potential and capabilities of the european allies, to make them more independent from
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the military resources of the united states, but now we poles do not have that much time, i wanted to ask what your opinion now ... is happening in poland with those, well, frankly manipulated protests, but in any case we understand that they have every chance to expand and play an increasingly important role in polish domestic politics, that is, i i would not take it lightly, so to speak, but i would like simple solutions, you know, to disperse everyone with birds and sit there, we understand why the tusk government does not do something like this, they are afraid, so we understand that the situation will not be as stable as we would like, for example , tusk and we understand... so connecting farmers and winding farming interests on this flywheel, it can significantly complicate the situation in poland, but, but there is a fear that they may switch from agricultural products to transit. transit is about weapons and our immediate interests, then so we should not take all this lightly, but
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the problem is really very difficult. yes , the problem is absolutely complex, there are at least two dimensions in this problem, the first dimension is... a purely domestic political polish one - it is actually a confrontation between president duda and prime minister tusk, because after the parliamentary elections, law and justice, political power , to which the previous polish government belonged, and to which president duda continues to belong, lost the parliamentary elections, and the tusk government responded, roughly speaking, the opposition government to the polish president, here you have to understand what law and justice are, the polish party law and justice is actually quite specific. a political force, it is very close in its ideology, no matter how strange it is to us, well , it may not sound like it, but in its ideology it is such an internal political one, it is very close to... orbán's party, to the party of the current prime minister of slovakia, fico and so on, that is, they are such right-wing conservatives with such a bias towards populism, and that is precisely why they
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like each other, so to speak, yes, it's just that we accept, well, first of all , in terms of their statements regarding russia, regarding russian aggression against ukraine and so on, yes, but in terms of internal politics, they are absolutely the same as the party, as the political force of viktor orbán there in hungary and so on. yes, i.e. they are close to trump, because in fact there were a lot of complaints from the european union regarding their legislation in poland, there is the problem of abortions, conservative approaches and so on, i.e. all this is merit, so to speak, the right of the party and justice, and therefore actually processes and the elections to the council of europe , including, well, mr. taras, look, but if we are talking about the role of the european commission, which should probably somehow manage this whole process, because the european commission is very soft... method is constantly trying to somehow conduct negotiations, agree to somehow , well, bring the situation to its solution, but we see that it does not work, are there any certain effective
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tools of the european commission that it can apply, if poland, if polish farmers, so to speak, then we cannot it is safe to say that these are precisely polish farmers, maybe these are bogus polish farmers, in order to stop this scandal after all, because the temperature is rising, on february 20 they actually said that they would block ports and some railway stations. that is, well, it already crosses, as they say, all limits. well, in fact, the european commission has regulatory tools, but they are quite powerful and rigid. that is why the european commission is trying to postpone them until the very end, that is, it is a cut in financial aid to poland, a cut in poland's access to those financial resources and others that poland gets from the level of the european union and so on. yes, that is, this is the story that hungary got into, and that's it. and the reason why viktor orban is so actively blackmailing brussels with the issue of the russian-ukrainian war and his sympathy for putin, that is, he
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is not doing it because he likes russia, he is doing it in order not to fulfill the requirements of the european union, but to unblock hungary's access to those funds, to those resources that were blocked because hungary did not obey, so to speak, yes to these recommendations, that is, this is a story about the opposition of these same conservatives, yes. well, they present it inside their audience , as if there is an international organization that puts pressure on us, a sovereign state, and we defend our sovereignty, and we, as it were , keep our priorities and conduct our policy accordingly, saying, i don't know there about polish or french or , god forbid, german and all the rest of the european farmers, for some reason i remember the story about the ukrainian miners, and how they were happily taken to kyiv under the tunnels, yes well, defending their interests, yes. but we will finish for now, we have limited air time and we thank mr. taras for visiting our studio, taras zhovtenko, candidate of political sciences, international security expert of the smoke initiative foundation and
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member of the public council under the ministry of foreign affairs of ukraine, was in the spresso studio, today we are already saying goodbye to you, tomorrow we will see you in this studio, at the same time antin borkovskyi, marto liyarnyk worked for you, well, see you tomorrow. everyday life is full of stress and anxiety now, deal with it melamah b6 will help with these challenges. melatonin, magnesium and vitamin b6 contribute to a full rest and restore strength to b6 melams. full sleep and recovery from bhfz. there are 10% discounts on tantum verde. in pharmacies, plantain, pam taushchad. usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags, not for my sick back, from
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ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. verdict with sergey rudenkom from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and turn on. verdict with serhii rudenko. every weekday from the 20th. until 10 pm for espresso. the war created many challenges for us ukrainians, and even more so for ukrainians with disabilities. but we know that only together, united, can we be stronger. friends, welcome. friendly online community enable me ukraine. this is the first
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it's 5 p.m. in ukraine and to your attention is a news release on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and let's start with the situation in donetsk region, where two women died as a result of the shelling of mykolaivka. what. a person was seriously injured, the head of the regional military administration , vadym filashkin, reported about it. the russians hit a residential quarter of the city. consequences of the attack so far set a 33-year-old man was seriously injured as a result of shelling in nikopol, dnipropetrovsk region. the russians hit the city with artillery. the injured was hospitalized. doctors are fighting for his life. this was reported by the head of the region, serhiy.


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