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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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you draw your own conclusions. good evening, we are from ukraine. big landing ship caesar kunikov is already at the bottom of the black sea. ramstein started, which is promised for ukraine, and the enemy shelled donets. and kherson oblast, unfortunately, there are casualties. we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 45 minutes. the big ether program is with you, my name is vasyl zima and we start with the announcement of the collection. i am asking you to join and help us raise the necessary funds to purchase, again , necessary things for our soldiers. so, to move quickly and perform combat task. the legendary 25th, a separate sicheslav airborne brigade needs a car, they are empty. but under
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the gun. the occupiers try to storm every day, but despite everything, our defenders firmly hold their formation in the eastern direction. we ask everyone who cares to join the car fundraiser. don't be left out. every hryvnia brings our victory closer. our goal is 300 thousand hryvnias. please report the details you see on the screen. together we can close this collection as soon as possible. well, we start by talking about the situation in donetsk region. vadim filashkin, chairman, is in touch with us. donetsk regional state administration of the regional military administration. mr. vadim, i congratulate you. i congratulate you. i will not say good evening, because today the enemy again hit the populated areas of donetsk region and, unfortunately, we have dead and wounded. here is the latest information that i just read, literally, specifically with reference to the regional military administration, that four more people died from russian shelling, this is avdiyivka, two elderly women were victims there and in the settlement of bagatyr velikonovosil community. two men
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were killed, in addition, two more people were wounded, maybe we will start with these last shellings, and you will tell more about what happened there, then we will go to selidovoy. yes, you said everything correctly, only two more people died in the city of mykolaivka, it happened today after lunch, the enemy is shelling donetsk region, constantly, and, unfortunately, these people, as you already said, they died today. at night, the enemy cynically bombarded the city of selidova with ballistic missiles, one missile hit the field, one a rocket into a multi-story building, at the same time completely disintegrating the entire entrance. six people received. unfortunately, among them three children, from 2006, 2011 and 2016, two more rockets hit the hospital, one, unfortunately, hit the maternity hospital, and three people died, one pregnant woman and one child.
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during the shelling, there were 149 people in the hospital, all of them received medical, psychological assistance and... completely all the assistance that people need now, nine high-rise buildings, pharmacies, shops and private transport were destroyed and damaged, also near selidovka, the city of novohorodovko is located near selidovo, one ballistic missile also hit a shop there and one person was injured, while three people died in the city of selidovo and 13 were injured during the night shelling. authorities, the police, the state emergency service and all communal services were working at the site of the injury, issuing construction materials so that people could cover their windows and roofs. yes, you just reminded me about these shellings, also about seridov, unfortunately, a pregnant woman and a child with their mother
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were killed, at the same time, we understand that the situation on the front line is changing, again, now, well, there was some information from the regional office about avdiivka, but again, she is very careful. the most important, probably, message that should be perceived by the society and us journalists is that the situation changes every hour, so saying anything now, without understanding whether it was there an hour ago, is probably useless, but since the situation is changing and there may be issues of evacuation , the enemy may occupy certain lines there or there may be some movement of troops, forces and means on a lazy basis front, it is clear that there are civilians there, they are even in avdiivka, we will talk about it later. but without revealing any details, whether certain decisions are now being made by the regional military administration regarding the evacuation of people again, perhaps from those settlements that are currently further from the front, but again the situation may change and the enemy will try to strike already further in order to demoralize and destroy cities and settlements
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east or south of avdiyivka, well, one in a word, once again the situation is not easy now and it will be clear there soon, so is it accepted again? now certain decisions are being made, certain steps are being worked out on how to work with people who may need evacuation in the near future or some other moments to preserve their life and health? the evacuation of people has not stopped since the beginning of a full-scale war, we have been engaged in one of these directions for almost two years, now 70 thousand people live along the front line, about 70 thousand people and 2 or 100 children, the forced evacuation continues now there are two people in the tares community, in the ocheretin community and in the maryan community, in the maryan community in the city of zorino, i hope that tomorrow we will take them out with their parents. this line
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of work continues under constant control and people are constantly talking to them, such as authorities, the police, the state emergency service, units, white angels at the police. we are doing everything to protect and help our people, and i would also like to ask about the humanitarian situation, the enemy hit the thermal power plant, i understand that this is exactly what it is called enterprise, in kurakhovo, and then somewhere around the time when he was shooting on the dnieper, according to me, it was kurakhovo the day before that, i am afraid to be wrong now, but you know for sure and will let me know, and is the situation now still difficult with security? thermal energy, electricity, please, two weeks ago the enemy hit a very important node in the kurakhovsk power plant, and unfortunately, the kurakhovska tets has not been working for two weeks, we gave light
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to the residents of kurakhov and the kurakhovsk community, they are all now without light, i will not to say from which alternative sources, but the people in kurakhovo are all in the light , as far as... aid to the population of donetsk region is concerned , it is very difficult to deliver humanitarian aid to such cities as avdeivka, ocheretinska hromad, the city of new york, krasnohorovka. this also applies to the city of chas avir, we do it, well, it is very difficult, we do it thanks to the support of both the military and our volunteers. in the city of chasiv, our volunteers have been preparing hot food for six months and distributing it to people, at the same time persuading people to leave. you know i will say this, because it is not possible to reveal the details of certain works that may be taking place and... help the enemy, so we will not do this, but are certain works being carried out to
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secure the settlement of chasiv yar, where the enemy is rushing and it is no secret there, that , in principle, it is not so far from the enemy's position, which there are, which he has now occupied and equipped up to the city limits, well, how difficult is the situation here, and are the issues that arise, let's say this, before the regional authorities, local power? regarding security first of all citizens from enemy attacks? as for the defense of the city, we are engaged in this direction first of a full-scale invasion, as well as an evacuation, and we will hold the enemy in all directions. the enemy is trying to break through our defense line, but our defenders hold him back and give a decent fight back. everything that concerns the military bodies, administrations, authorities, we are doing everything to get the people, first of all, to withdraw, protect, and get our region, you all know that the donetsk region is
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an outpost of our country, we are here restrained and we will continue to deter together with the military, and today dmytro lykhovi, the spokesman of the operational strategic grouping of the tavriy troops, wrote about the fact that it was possible to evacuate five people from avdiivka, and i understand that now the issue is not that people are not they want to evacuate from avdiivka there, well, i think so, it seems to me. but the question is that it is very difficult to do it now, again, what kind of risk are such evacuation measures bordering on, because we, in principle, have a map, but we also had a combat map on espresso actions, we looked and understand roughly what the situation was in the city, at least this morning in the day, i don’t know what is there now, but it is very difficult, i can’t comment on the map of the hostilities, no, i mean about the evacuation people, five people were evacuated, uh, everything that concerns... the evacuation of people from avdeivka is a very difficult and responsible line of work, in recent
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days people have been leaving on their own, picking up white sheets, white, white things and trying to leave on their own, because stop by now through the one road that remained is almost unimportant, it is completely under fire control of the enemy, and the military must go about their business, and they help us evacuate. people, this is actually the question, here you know, it is too late to talk now, but we have talked about it several times, the representatives of the donetsk regional military administration, the representatives of the district administrations of the communities of donetsk region said that at first there were 1,600 people in avdiivka, then there were thousands of people in avdiivka , and well, you always want to believe that everything will be fine better, but sometimes there is a lack of ammunition, sometimes there are many things that do not depend , again, on the armed forces, on the ukrainian authorities, and it does not happen like that, so this is once again, i think you are absolutely guessing that those people who understand ... that there may be certain problems or a threat to their lives, then of course it is better to evacuate in advance, at least in
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ukraine there are definitely much safer places where you can have shelter, a job and some funding, by the way, is there any maybe cooperation is separate with certain areas, which well they say, we are ready to accept your people, well, at least we will give them a place for the first time and help them to adapt, to find some kind of work in order to be able to feed themselves at least for the first time, and then some perspective for them. i want to thank all regions, since the beginning of the full-scale war , almost the entire state helped donetsk region in sheltering our people. now we are fruitfully working from the zhytomyr region and special words of thanks. we transport people from the front line through our two humanitarian headquarters, located in the city of pokrovsk and there is one in the city of kramatorsk. we provide humanitarian, medical and psychological assistance to people, we help them as soon as necessary and then send them by train to the city of zhytomyr. in zhytomyr, our
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colleagues meet us, issue all the necessary payments and deal with the accommodation of our citizens. thank you very much, mr. vadym, take care of yourself and of course we wish you success in the difficult work that you and your assistants are doing, vadym filashkin, head of the donetsk regional military administration. was with us in connection with enemy attacks on donetsk region, unfortunately, there are casualties in mykolaivka, there are no casualties in bagatyr, there are casualties in avdiivka, well , there were also casualties in selidovo, where the enemy targeted... a little earlier, but already today there are new hits and, unfortunately, new casualties , there are also, unfortunately, wounded again, let's see if there are any casualties today, but obviously in the kherson region, as the enemy is also constantly under fire from the left bank of the kherson region, and yuriy sobolevskyi with us, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, mr. yury, thank you for joining, congratulations you, i congratulate you, well, actually, today the enemy
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shelled kherson again. a woman was injured, that's what i managed to read in front of ater, maybe the situation has changed, the russians kissed in the pharmacy, the russians kissed in the theater, let 's start, probably with shelling, and that 's what happened now, and i understand that and at night, the enemy also struck, please, unfortunately, yes, as of now , we have three people wounded, including a 14 -year-old child, unfortunately, because of the enemy's kopstrolavas. hard state, now doctors are working to stabilize the condition, the issue of medical evacuation will be resolved only later, and we have one more request, a person was injured yesterday, but went to a medical facility on his own only today, and unfortunately, let's
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go now , now, now i'm looking exactly where to start, okay, let's start with this... such news, today there was information about krynk, about the fact that the armed forces of ukraine, the marines, especially, managed to impose a battle there and achieve certain results where the museum otstap vyshny, well, another flag appeared precisely in the villages, the flag is the ukrainian national flag, please tell me what is known about it, and i really wanted to hear about that museum, i understand that in the villages it is unlikely something survived there, but here... this is a very, well, revealing story, probably, well, unfortunately, i can't comment much, because we maintain informational silence, we don't prevent our military from working, regarding the condition of the buildings in general in kryknia, well there is nothing there, what, what, you know, though external, somehow reminded me of a building there,
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it's all either destroyed or seriously damaged, because the intensity of the fire there... crazy now, i can say that the defense forces continue to keep a significant area under fire control there, and indeed they are successful, they continue to destroy the enemy there , and this is not only about the personnel, but also about the military equipment, there were successes again, and work is constantly being carried out on the military formations, there are also results, uh, well, after the shelling, the work was stopped electro. transport in kherson , so it would seem, well, what kind of news is this, why is this important, because, well, in a city where you can always fly, of course it is important for people to be more or less mobile and move faster, then whether it was possible to resume work electric transport and some other , let's say there were no services there, let's say electricity in the houses, can you please, and now most of our subscribers are
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connected to the power grid, there really were works carried out there due to... the fact that the infrastructure there was damaged energy, but now according to my data, these works have already been completed there, they have been calculated for literally several hours, that they will work. a few days ago , we spoke with the mykolaiv oblast, and preparations are already being made for planting there, well, the south of ukraine, of course, everything starts a little earlier there, and before the great war in the south, everything ... was light and gave crops much earlier than in the rest of ukraine , but we understand that now this is a war zone, and where there is even a war there are no combat operations, well, it means the clash of armies, but there remains this response of the war in the form of mines and ammunition, rockets that did not explode, and this is news, just to assess the scope of the work of those people, sappers
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who were engaged in demining on the right bank , managed to demine 200 thousand. hectares of territory, we understand that this is a lot , and at what cost of the power of means, how much was and how much it gives to the sown area, is it some territory somewhere there, let's say populated areas , it is about 2000 hectares, well, these are general statistics, well first of all, it's more than 30% now territory, which still needs to be checked and made safe, first of all, exchange. objects of critical infrastructure and settlements where there is the greatest threat to life and health of people, as well as objects that are necessary to ensure the livelihood of communities. secondly, of course, there were demining areas that were cultivated by land plots, including our
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farms, for them it is actually a difficult situation now, because as you can see, we also had a lot of cases last year, when agricultural machinery fell on mines, on explosives, on unexploded ammunition, they worked on... with whom actually a lot of people from different organizations work, all the military work, the emergency services, the police, exchange groups and all of ukraine, and the non-governmental organization is also helping the kherson oblast there within the legal field, as well as making this territory safe. ugh, i'd like to now i'll think come on yeah i'd like to ask about any help that's possible if it's available now i i weigh first of all, western aid, well, let's say, if we talk, for example , again about that mykolaiv, the same mykolaiv oblast, the neighboring region, it was taken under its wing by denmark at one time, the kingdom of denmark, and
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there is a certain amount of work going on, i know , i have acquaintances who work for the embassy of the kingdom of denmark in mykolaiv and there is a certain job, certain projects, certain finances, or they are accumulated, or will be accumulated, in relation to the kherson region, are there any partners in the house already, as they say, fixed in. .. you, is it permanent the search for opportunities for humanitarian aid, for some kind of conditional investments in order to be able to continue life and develop the life that is and will be even more rampant in the kherson region, although of course the war is still going on there? there are such partners, there are countries with which there are already preliminary agreements, but this is a long process and i think there will be changes, because those about... aid investments that will be needed for de-occupation, not even for de-occupation , and for the reconstruction of already
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occupied territories, they are very significant, because we have a lot of destruction, and this is as of now, and as we can see, the enemy continues shelling, we continue the process, but we only have an increasing number of objects that will need restoration, rebuilding, so there is more to come on this work. and work, and when we are talking about the entire kherson region, it is very difficult to predict the state of the de-occupied territory, even what we see is in the occupation administration, it does not invest a lot of resources, even in maintaining the infrastructure that is in including critical, you know, there is such propaganda, there are some separate steps, they make a picture and everything, but... we also saw in the ginitsiv district, when there was no electricity supply for a long time, this was due to the hostilities, due to the fact that they these facilities and
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infrastructure were not properly maintained. well, what damage has russia caused, let's say to the ecology, kherson oblast is a separate topic, we understand that both the oleshkiv sands and askania are new and there are the kinsbur spit, the tendriv spit, well, we understand very well that the enemy will leave there, but... i today i read about the fact that the enemy destroys all such businesses that remained in the occupied territory, simply squeezes this business, i will say in such a slang language, and that which is still alive somehow, simply cleans it up, are there such facts, again and what is the hostile pressure on local and ordinary citizens and entrepreneurs expressed today, there are such pressures and there are processes when they... uh, as you rightly said, they are pushing back there, because there is no other way to say it, there no legal procedure actually exists in these processes, they simply recognize the property of ukrainians
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as free of charge, they then transfer it to the so-called temporary use without any tenders, there is actually no established procedure, it is simply the decision of individual officials who will use these objects, well, the number of enterprises. which were simply destroyed, their production base, the equipment was taken to the territory of russia, it is generally very difficult to count there now, but there were a lot of such messages from the owners, from the heads of enterprises that refused to re-register this business in russian jurisprudence, they simply either destroyed it or in such a way they simply took out modern equipment on metal trucks, and i don't know what happened to the places where these lakes were salty. they also mined there , i don't even want to ask what is happening there, but i understand perfectly well that i perfectly understand what the enemy can do there, and plus he conducts his propaganda among especially young people, children,
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and this is very unfortunate. then it will be necessary to work quite seriously with children, first of all, they can be the most favorable to the enemy propaganda, thank you very much for your input and yes, please, it is , you are absolutely right, this is their priority, they have now directed a lot of their efforts to the zambam of the youth, that is why the integration, reintegration of our children, our teenagers, there should also be psychological rehabilitation, because they really know how to do brainwashing, thank you very much for your comments, thank you for your work, first of all, yuriy sobolevskyi, the first deputy chairman of the kherson regional council, was in touch with us, and well, there are three people were injured as a result of the recent shelling of kherson, today there is a 14 -year-old boy who is in serious condition, let's believe that the doctors will be able to stabilize him, stabilize his condition,
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my colleague will talk more about the front, about the war and about the war. today we will talk, of course , about the destruction of the enemy ship caesar kudnikov , about the ramstein and about the strengthening of our air force with either f-16s or even french mirage planes, and about the fact that ukraine seems to have finally received these long-awaited bombs, missiles from of the united states with a range of 150 km, because... there is video from the enemy side where we see the wreckage and that these munitions are already working against the enemy, about all that in a moment. so, the main news of today is that on the night of february 14, the large amphibious assault ship caesar kunnikov of the russian black sea fleet was hit and sunk. it happened to
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the south of... a lubka, which is still occupied crimea, as a result of joint actions of the naval forces of ukraine and the main directorate of intelligence. according to information from the inhabitants of the peninsula, the ship was attacked so that a number of explosions were heard, it is clear that the ship was transporting equipment, the main intelligence department reported this, and maybe even ammunition or even shahedis, because usually these bdc eyes are used quite often. for rebasing drones from novorossiysk to sevastopol, there are areas nearby where these drones are then released throughout ukraine, but now this bdc has of course not fulfilled this mission of supplying technical equipment or drones, the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine emphasized that the enemy ship was in territorial waters of ukraine and the attack took place using kamikaze surface drones. the general directorate of intelligence
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submitted a video where... you can actually see all the stages of this attack, actually it was the attacks with graya, that is, when several attack drones with a certain frequency carried out strikes on different components of this ship from different directions, and there is even a video, when these russian sailors are trying to fight off the attacking magura 5 drones with the help of automatic weapons, of course. it didn't have any result, because caesar kunnikov was drowned, and in fact, that's enough good decision to use drones, and in fact we can say that this is the fourth large amphibious assault ship that has been destroyed by the navy, central intelligence agency or the air force, because in fact several such large amphibious assault
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ships have been destroyed so far. . i repeat, this is the fourth, and in fact, it significantly limits the possibilities of using these ships for certain missions, because usually at one time they created a threat to the landings there near odessa and mykolaiv, then when they appeared in us anti-ship missiles, it became a suicide mission for the enemy, these ships were used to bring ammunition there to the occupied territory, and now just now ... the use of naval drones demonstrates what is an effective, realistic, asymmetric, technological concept of combating the enemy , using precisely marine robotic platforms, and there is a great expectation that such a concept, already with a bet on land or air platforms, will be scaled along the entire front line and...


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