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tv   [untitled]    February 14, 2024 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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of national statehood hunted journalists on the territory of the suburban complex and listened to their phones. a few days before that, it became known that the head of this department, roman semenchenko, was fired, but the main issue has not been resolved to this day. who is the customer? the answer should be given by the sbi. the state bureau of investigation is conducting a pre-trial investigation in this case, although the case was previously handled by the security service. there, however, they investigated the illegal acquisition and use of special means for surveillance, and not the fact of obstructing the activities of journalists. well, it is yes. subtleties, nevertheless, well, on february 6 , the prosecutor general's office reported that the case was transferred to the sbi, since law enforcement officers are probably involved in the crime, what results can be expected from the investigation, whether the sbi is interested in identifying not only the executors, but also the customers, and how long it is necessary, after all, as the investigation is progressing, we addressed all these questions to the sbi, but there they refused to comment for the time being, explaining that the investigation is ongoing and there is nothing to report on at the moment . meanwhile, biguzinfo journalists reported that after the publication of their
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investigation, where they talked about the involvement of the sbu in monitoring journalists and showed the main actors, security service employees were forbidden to wear branded clothes, expensive watches and luxury cars. according to bigusinfo, the corresponding mailing appeared in internal sbu chat rooms. to the attention of managers, please exclude the use of expensive branded clothing by operational staff during official activities during working hours. watches, luxury cars, etc., exclusively tactical clothing, execution of instructions under the personal responsibility of the department heads, thank you, tell the staff that they are currently not allowed to wear branded clothes, drive expensive cars , and so on, including and especially on weekends, as bigus will be actively working without any exceptions, tactical uniforms, and so on. well, bigusinfo journalists also reported that everyone. after conducting an operation
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to monitor bigusinfo employees, but before information about the surveillance became public, the then head of the department for the protection of national statehood, roman semenchenko and sbu employee ihor kravchenko, who directly managed this special operation, were nominated for the danylo halytsky order. the sbu, however, denies all this. alisa yurchenko, editor and journalist of the bigusinfo project, alisa, joins our broadcast. good evening. good evening. i'm at the beginning. stated that, in fact, almost a month has passed since your team reported about the surveillance, a week has passed, a little more, since the case was transferred to the sbi. do you know how the investigation is progressing? from what we know, us everyone in turn is called for questioning as witnesses, and actually they are questioned about what we did there, how many times in general we have been to the ukrainian village, and so on, i have not been there yet.
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uh, on this thing in the dbr, but i'll go too. that is , you, your procedural status, are you all witnesses so far, or victims, victims? as far as i know, journalists, one, at least one journalist, who was caught in the frame of the published video, applied for recognition of her as a victim and, in fact, for requalification of the article in criminal proceedings as obstruction. exactly journalistic activity, not only interference in private life, but she probably has or will have the status of a victim, so far i cannot confirm this for sure, the rest are witnesses. alisa, from the fact that you see how the investigation is progressing, there, observing the nature of the interrogations, do you believe, or do you see any reason to believe that the investigation will be objective, non-involved, operative? we
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are now cooperating, we are trying to do everything in our power to ensure that the investigation obtains the evidence they need and, in the end , understand what we understand, because so far they are considering all versions, i understand that they are even considering the version that we filmed ourselves, or one of us, that is, i want to hope for the objectivity and non-involvement of the investigation in this case, but of course i... have certain doubts and warnings about how far this investigation can go, i.e. whether it can conditionally reach someone further than the head of the department, because it is obvious to us that the head of the department was not the initiator of this whole process from the large-scale observation of journalists and the entire editorial office. we will now get to potential customers, i just want to remind here that your team reported that in january already after this operation. from
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surveillance, but before the information became public, roman semenchenko, head of defense, department of national state protection, and ihor kravchenko, an employee of the sbu, found a phone somewhere. was recorded as a clown, as far as i remember, who directly managed this special operation, that they were allegedly submitted for awarding the order of danylo halytskyi, you claim that you have reasons to trust this information, but the sbu denies it, are you sure as of now that they were really awarded for something there or planned to be awarded, look, not only us, but also several journalists from other newsrooms saw the order. and we see that several orders are missing on the president’s website, but i ask you to pay attention to the wording of the security service, because , for example, we wrote two questions in our request to the sbu: whether they were submitted for awards, and also whether they were awarded,
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according to the security service, they say that they have no rewards, but have not answered us, for example, when asked if they were submitted for awards, so we... we can assume that maybe something happened that they don't have awards anymore or they haven't had time to physically receive those awards, i don't know, but we 're waiting for the next one answer, because we filed a new request and are still trying to find out what happened to these orders, i wonder what could have happened, we wonder too, well, it's a joke of course, because that's probably when your investigation came out, or at least it has this situation become public, do you have any guesses? for what could they be submitted for awards, if they were submitted, was it for this special operation in this suburban complex? well, actually, as we understand it, several security service employees were served there, and it is, so
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to speak, from different directions, but two of them out of four, it seems or five, they were definitely involved in our operation, this is exactly the head department and this igor... who led the operation in the field, and in fact, we don't have any other versions for what else they could be awarded, precisely in january, except, as for this, but of course, we don't know, for sure , we are still in correspondence with the security service in order to find out, at least the security service could answer this honestly and without any guesswork, alisa, on the day when volodymyr zelensky fired valery zaluzhny, he was also gathering for ofrekt . such an informal meeting , not a sub-recording of journalists, i will say right away that radio liberty was not invited to this meeting , but i know from my sources that the president was asked, including the president was asked about monitoring the bigusinfo team, and he said that all executors will be released, i here, by the way, i want to say
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that, as far as i understand, you and your team were not called to this meeting with the president either, but they talked about you there, that's what he said, he promised that all the performers would be fired, did you follow up? the fate of these performers, well, at least the ones you showed in your investigation, do you know anything about their release? as far as we know, now there is only confirmed information about the dismissal of the director of the department. as for all the others, in fact, as far as we understand, it is not a matter of dismissal at all, but of displacement them to other departments, or to the war zone . we have just received a response from the ... security, which says that allegedly someone from this reformatted department for the protection of national statehood has already been sent somewhere east, and how many, as far as i know from my own sources,
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some of them have also been transferred to another department, i probably won't name it yet, but we know which one, that is , they are transferred to other departments or sent. east, it's about the performers, alice, now to the customers, do you currently have any guesses as to who the customer might be? please, i think that from the scale of the resources that the state secret service has engaged in order to illegally monitor journalists, it is clear that it must be a very influential person in this country, or ... several people, i think , such people can be counted on the fingers of one hand, and probably even two fingers are enough for this, but i will definitely not name them now , because we believe that they should be named by the investigation. alice, but you, along with that, i remember that you repeatedly hinted that
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the customers could be in the president's office, well, for example, i remember denys in his investigation, yes, as a presenter, he said that according to his data, somewhere... on the floor where he sits andriy yermak , they were thinking, why do these journalists say so much bad things about us, let 's show something bad about them, and then this idea of ​​surveillance appeared, and i... appreciated it as such a direct hint of , that the customer should be looked for in the president's office, or could there be some other reading? i i think that it is hardly worth talking about another reading, ugh, please tell me, and what do you think, whether or not the investigators will then decide, for example, to interrogate someone from the president's office, i am not sure yet, but we will of course. following the progress of this case, we would have gladly, we would have gladly raised this issue in the sbi, but the spokeswoman
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refused to come and join our broadcast. alisa, also at the end of february , the deputies voted to have vasyl malyuk, the head of the security service, come to the verkhovna rada with a report and answer all the questions. what would you did he ask i think that the deputies will put. the question of whether there is, whether there were at least, at least an attempt to somehow put a legal basis for this surveillance, because we have a feeling and even an understanding that there were no court orders to install cameras in a private bedroom, but only in this way, it would be possible to at least somehow justify the fact that... the security service of ukraine did not at least try to find some legal basis for the fact that the investigating judge
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gave permission, and actually all this was done by the special service in some, well at least legally, formally legal way. we have the feeling that there were no decisions, no support from prosecutors, no criminal proceedings, none of that existed, and actually, i think that this is the main, main question should be to, in particular, the head of the security service, to which. on the basis of which all this happened, well, they there, remember, then they gave an explanation that there was allegedly some criminal proceedings, something related to drug trafficking, and that is why this entire special operation was aimed at targeting dealers, as far as i understood, but in the answer was filled with questions, why, if this was the case, then firstly, show the court order, and secondly, why is this department investigating some kind of drug trafficking there, i really want to draw your attention to the wording that was in that press release, firstly, it did not say that... the security service was investigating some criminal proceedings , she wrote that she learned that
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the operator of biginfo was involved in some proceedings of the national police, i want to draw your attention once again, we believe that as of the moment when the security service carried out illegal surveillance on us, there was no for for this tracking none even formal legal grounds. alisa, thank you very much, alisa yurchenko. editor and journalist of the bigusinfo project, we talked about monitoring journalists, radio liberty is ready to give all participants of this story a word, including we invited to the air and wrote to the security service of ukraine and the state bureau of investigation, and if any of these stakeholders , so to speak, wants to comment, we are open. thank you very much, alisa. we have everything for today, i urge you to sign. to the pages of radio liberty on the internet, we are on social networks, instagram, telegram, facebook, twitter
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, viber, like this broadcast in this way, you will support our work and support independent journalism in ukraine, in general, you could just see from our last conversation with alisa how important it is. thanks for watching and see you tomorrow. turn on the heart-pounding investigation, the new chapter of the hbo series is now on meeogo, true detective, find out what secrets the alaskan ice hides, exclusive to the meegogo subscription, there are discounts on lozenges of iceland, 15% in there are discounts on mukaltin, 15% in pharmacies psylszynyk, bam and oskad. there are discounts on templegin tablets of 15% in the psyllanyk, pam and oskad pharmacies. professional
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beloved presenters, thank you very much to elina chechenna for information about cultural news, presenters who have become many. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of advent, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio: andrii parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, who was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among news channels. 10th month in a row we are the first i congratulate chas news on the air of the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, the sound, we continue the saturday political club of khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​and ukrainian point of view remain unchanged. stay tuned for espresso updates and thank you for your trust.
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a separate platoon of the sapsan unmanned aerial systems of the state special service of transport. appeal to the viewers of the tv channel with a request to join the collection of crown funds and technical equipment for our unit. thank you, glory to ukraine! heroes! verdict with serhiy rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format, even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests, foreign experts. inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at any time of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhiy rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso.
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congratulations, i am asking for a few minutes of your attention and help in... here is this boy, this is 13-year-old nikita sadovy. he went missing at the end of 2023 in the temporarily occupied city of gola prystan in the kherson region. since december 26, nothing is known about the boy. of course, the fact that he disappeared during the occupation greatly complicates the search process, so there is really a great hope for witnesses, in particular for the help of the residents of the temporarily occupied bare pier. ukrainian tv is not broadcast there, it is possible that this video will be seen. on youtube or on social networks, so please look carefully at the photo of nikita sadovoy and if you know where he is, or if you know any, even the slightest information about him, immediately report to the hotline at 116.30 and it is very important, if you are under occupation and you do not have the opportunity to call, write to us on the website or in
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the chat box of the child tracing service in telegram, anonymity of course we we guarantee also in the kherson region and also in the occupation , this girl disappeared, her name is horishnya kateryna, she is 16 years old, and she disappeared on december 26 , 2023 in the village of nova zbruivka on the left bank of the kherson region, where she is now unknown, just like in the previous story , through the occupation it is much more difficult to search for a girl than in the territories controlled by ukraine. the reasons are objective and clear. however, if there is even the slightest chance of finding a missing child, you and i... definitely take advantage of it, and the least you can do is share the search video on your social networks. it is very important that the information is seen by as many people as possible, thus the chances of finding a missing child become much greater. so i thank you in advance for your concern, attention and help. also, of course, please
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to carefully look into the face of the poor katya. if you have any information about her, don't hesitate and let me know right away. to the hotline of the child tracing service at number 1163. in fact, searching for children from the temporarily occupied territories is a very difficult and usually long process, but our experience shows that the search must be continued even in the most difficult or sometimes seemingly hopeless situations. so, for example, we were able to find the guy, by the way, also in the then still occupied part of the kherson region. about ihor from february 24. year, nothing was known at all, we only knew that he lived in the village of sonyachne, kherson region, which was under occupation. in our programs, we called on the residents of this village, if... they still see us on the internet, if possible, let us know if 17-year-old ihor still lives in sonyachny and if everything is okay with him, and it worked, we were sent
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this video with igor: my name is tohor, today is february 31, 2022, i live in serisechny, kherson region, with my child and grandmother, everything is fine, i have no ukrainian connection, since i live in the occupied territory, the guy under... claimed that he still lives in the village of sonyachne with his grandmother and grandfather, and all this time he could not report himself, because there was no ukrainian in the occupation mobile communication. i really hope that the story of the search for nikita sadovoy and katya horishnaya, which i told at the beginning, will end with the same happy ending. so once again i ask you not to remain indifferent and join the search. i also encourage you to go to the website of the search service children here is a photo of all the boys. and the girls we are trying to find. take just a few minutes of your time, look at the photos of the children, look into their faces, maybe you
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will recognize one of them and help find them. if you suddenly have any information about one of these children, call the hotline of the child tracing service at number 11630. calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free. the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time program is broadcast from washington. i am yulia yarmolenko. congratulations. alternatives to the american one there is no support for ukraine. such a said us national security adviser jake sullivan at a briefing at the white house on wednesday. he once again called on lawmakers in the house of representatives to vote without delay for the bill, which
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provides aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan in the amount of more than 95 billion dollars. he emphasized that the delay in american aid is already affecting the capabilities of ukrainians, so it is necessary to act immediately. other allies fulfill their obligations, but this is not enough, said sullivan. when it comes to sharing the burden of provision military aid to ukraine, our nato allies have significantly increased aid and will continue to do so, but we need to face the truth, the united states has provided a significant portion of this aid and the gap that will be created cannot be fully filled by other allies and partners , at the same time to provide some. which the united states has but other countries do not, we need the authority to allocate them and the resources to replenish our own reserves. so, if you put it all
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together, it's easy to replace us funding impossible as for how long ukraine can hold out. we are talking about a brave, stable, courageous and determined people who defend their homeland. they will continue to fight, but they will fight. from less strong positions, if they do not receive the replenishment of ammunition, air defenses and other capabilities they need to be able to resist the russian offensive and liberate the territories currently occupied by the russians. i cannot say how long ukraine will last, i can only say that every day and week the price increases the inaction of the united states, which is being paid for on the front lines by brave ukrainians, is increasing, and that is why... this bill needs to be passed so urgently. speaker of the house of representatives mike johnson said that there are no immediate plans to vote on
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the version of the bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan, which was approved by the senate the day before. he reiterated his position that any legislation on international military and humanitarian assistance must also include measures to guarantee security at the us border. he also said he wanted to meet the president once and for all. joe biden and made it clear that republicans in the house of representatives will propose their own version of the bill. much more needs to be done, of course, to secure the border , and what the senate voted for this week does nothing to resolve that issue. senator mcconnell and i have talked about this openly in the sessions, and let me say it again now. the republican-led house of representatives will not be forced to pass the bill. which does nothing to secure our own border.
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representatives fulfills their will. house republicans met hours ago, and we have a lot of ideas on how to solve these problems. we will solve the issue and fulfill our duty. and all this seriously begins right now. we must take this seriously. we have to really solve the problems and not just engage in show politics as is happening in some other places. in the white house, speaker johnson and republicans in the house of representatives were accused of , quote. put politics above national security and are on the side of donald trump, vladimir putin and tehran and against the defense and industrial base of america, nato, ukraine and american interests in the indo-techuan region. the spokeswoman of the white house, karin janr, said that it is the job of the speaker of the house of representatives to bring the bills up for consideration, and if he had done it, the aid to ukraine would have gone without approval.
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it's not about politics, it's about national security needs, and it's critical to make sure ukraine has what it needs, it's critical to make sure that we continue to give israel what it needs to protect them from a terrorist organization. it is also critical to provide the humanitarian aid that people are waiting for. i think the speaker is confused, i think the speaker doesn't understand what his job is, which is to bring the bill to a vote and it will get bipartisanship. meanwhile , another meeting of the contact group on the defense of ukraine, the so-called ramstein format, was held again without the announcement of new military aid from the united states. the head of the pentagon , loy dostin, who was discharged only the day before from the hospital, took part in the meeting virtually. he assured that almost two years after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine, the us and its allies remain steadfast in their support for kyiv. we will talk more about the results of the next meeting
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with my colleague. yarishem, who joins the broadcast from the pentagon. ostape, hello. congratulations, yulia! ostape, with what results actually ended the 19th meeting in the ramsteim format, which was in focus, and how exactly can austin talk about the fact that support does not weaken when the last aid package washington sent to kyiv even before the new year. really yuli, in order, let's start with, i guess, the second question you asked, a really good question, and we also asked it here in the pentagon last time, under the previous remstein, when... we also didn't see aid packages from the united states , they answered that indeed, although the meetings in the ramenshtan format are taking place in july under the leadership of the united states, not only the united states participates in them, it is more than 50 countries from all over the world that also join in to support ukraine, the pentagon is convinced that these countries do not express any concerns about the future of their support for ukraine, even though the united states is currently still in a pause with
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supplies from the united states, but... really yulia, today this meeting, it was held in a semi-virtual format, defense minister loidosin joined from home, he recently had an operation, so he is now working remotely, and according to him, this meeting, he says, was very productive and focused on yuli's immediate needs of ukraine, but so far he has identified three such urgent needs, namely the provision of ukrainian troops with artillery and ammunition, as well as the provision of ukrainian troops with anti-aircraft defense systems and also the actual. means, yes, that can help the ukrainian military advance further on the battlefield. minister rosyan also said that they also talked about the long-term needs of the ukrainian army, in particular about the provision and strengthening of artillery forces, about the coalition within the framework of training f-16 pilots and preparing infrastructure so that ukraine soon she could get these planes and use them on the battlefield, and also to yulia about helping ukraine to further develop a multi-role system.
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air defense to protect ukrainian cities, including ukrainian civilians. fredosin assured that if putin or someone in the kremlin hopes to be able to hold out longer than the west and thus be able to play at exhaustion, then the allies there are mistaken, as lloyd austin says, they will be unwavering in their support. let's listen. the kremlin's invasion is direct offensive, not difficult to obtain after the second world war. an international order that condemns aggression, protects state sovereignty and supports man. the outcome of ukraine's fight against putin's imperial aggression will help determine global security for decades, and for principled people and prudent governments, standing aside while ukraine fights for its existence is not an option. ukraine will not surrender, and we will not surrender either. ostape, we heard from jake salevan that the alternatives to american...


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