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tv   [untitled]    February 15, 2024 1:00am-1:31am EET

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they highlighted it in schools as a feat, although , although from the point of view of the military , if these people were not to be pitied for slaughter, i.e. zhukovian soldiers, russian women give birth, well, maybe the russians there slaughtered four times as many of them there, which is not all there are russians, but ideologically, that was then killed with... this person, now the ship has died, it is very important, it is in our struggle, and we wish that, this chain, it does not stop. mr. general, russia has started using new zircon missiles against ukraine and is already talking about it kyiv scientific research institute of forensic expertise, he says that on february 7, russia applied on the territory of ukraine. cercon
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, which the enemy claims is hypersonic. british intelligence suggested that the russians used the k-300 land-based coastal defense system to launch the zircon. you, as a person who is well-versed in missile technology and countermeasures to these missile technologies, what can you say about this missile and whether it is true. it is so unique, hypersonic and unmistakable modern air defense systems. well, first of all, according to the characteristics, this is really a missile that is truly hypersonic, and this distinguishes it from daggers, which are quasi-hypersonic, if the sound is hypersonic, because in order to be greater than the speed of this missile, the dagger is a missile complex. this is an iskander that is upgraded and
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attached to an aircraft, and therefore the speed of the missile becomes, as it were, the speed of the aircraft is added, which means that it is a more difficult target to destroy, the zircon has such capabilities on its own without an aircraft and it was developed as a universal complex, first of all, a ship, a ship for application. and the ship is land, i.e. for land purposes, and taking this into account , the universalist is that if you apply the bespostion about the fact that you said the complex is land, then you can use it in this form at a speed of up to 2 km/s, i.e. there if previous to nine speeds, a speed is the speed of sound and... and so it's up to
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nine speeds, the criteria for a rocket or anything being hypersonic, it's more than five speeds, all of them they have, well, the approaches are the same, so it was two years ago that they were the first there, putin propagandistically set a task for the commander of their ship, which was armed precisely... with church ones, he entered the north sea on duty, and even then, we, as scientists, we talked about the fact that we need to work for the future, we need to work on an anti-missile complex with the ability to destroy not only the current ones that iskander has, they are mobile, that means daggers, there is the same-22, anti-aircraft missile to work and continue.
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on destruction, means this kind of rockets, the speed of which is about 2 km per second, and the staff must be trained with these means, which in we have a small number of batteries, we know petrius is being studied as far as possible, whether or not the service of these complexes will have time to respond to such actions, at such speeds, there is a question. but there is work to be done, it's just a matter of time, and to have and develop a complex that will be capable, if now petriato and this anti-missile complex that we have, will not succeed in destroying them, that's such a prospect and such a state. thank you, mr. general, another meeting of the international support group was held today in ramshtein format in the introduction. in his speech at
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the beginning of the meeting , the secretary of defense of the united states of america, lloyd austin, emphasized that now the participants of ramstein are building a coalition aimed at long-term security, a guarantee of service for ukraine. what lloyd austin said. today, we will work in accordance with the requests made by ukraine, in particular, regarding the provision of air defense missiles, as well as weapons and ammunition. we want to build the foundations for strengthening the defense forces of ukraine in the future, in the event of a protracted war. we will consider all requests of ukraine, which are aimed at the short-term and long-term perspective. before us today is an important task, in particular, strengthening the artillery forces of ukraine and providing the necessary, necessary shells.
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on the eve of this meeting , information appeared in the press that nato is considering the possibility of taking over the coor'. nation supplying weapons to ukraine, integrating the ramstein format into the alliance's structures to protect itself from possible changes in the policy of the united states of america. mr. general, why doesn't rampstein keep up with the war and for help ukraine? because there is a history where they lived there for decades since the end of the cold war, organized their quiet, peaceful life. calmly and contentedly , with specific approaches, and now we, and they, and the whole world are falling out of love with this approach, and it is possible to quickly build up, well, what is faster than what they are doing, and we are working on making it
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our military political leadership, first of all, to make it happen, but the inertia is quite large, the same germans say that they can 500-700 thousand shells a year, but the task... we need to provide ukraine with the next 2 million, and of course we need them, but these 2 million ammunition are needed now, and not in the bright future, you understand, because given the current situation, it is necessary to quickly correct it, to increase the capacity, in first of all, it is possible precisely at the expense of ammunition, because we have such means, well, they are limited. quantity, but there is, and therefore, if you add ammunition there, it will have an effective and powerful effect on the enemy and hopes, everything else is waiting for the planes there, next time they are still what, now, as far as they can to supply, maybe when they make a decision, then
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they will solve this issue in a hurry, because i am deeply convinced that according to the way it will be done. i.e., time-based aircraft and so-called long-range missiles, then i would so gently say to this that this is a political decision, and now taking into account what they are producing there in the conditions of our war, but a democratic approach, as it is irrational and is ineffectively happening in america, an example of how we should build it is this... so as not to offend the allies, but that this is politicking, that's for sure, and it can be resolved , today let them accept it, and tomorrow the planes will appear, and we will use them effectively, and the same missiles, german tauris, and american atakams, and so
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on, especially in those conditions, if they see generals and military analysts, they are told, in such conditions, how to prepare and conduct operations, the same wants. and another thing, he wants to open up, as already resignations, but also active ones talk about it, but politicians are playing their politics, unfortunately. thank you, mr. general, for the conversation, it was retired lieutenant general ihor romanenko. friends, we work live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. if you're watching us live there, please like this video to help it trend on youtube and facebook. well, take our part. in today's survey, we ask you the following: do you support the idea of ​​deferring mobilization for an additional tax? yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, either yes or no, write your comment, what what do you think about this, and if you watch us on tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you
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support the moratorium on mobilization for additional tax (0800-211-381), no 0800-211-382, all calls on these numbers. are free, vote, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. next, we have maksym rozumny, politician, political expert, doctor of political sciences, mr. maksym, i congratulate you. and thank you for being with us today. good evening. mr. maxim, let's start with the political part of the resignation of the military leadership of ukraine. we are talking not only about the head of the armed forces of ukraine, but about the resignation of 16 generals who were actually close to valery zaluzhny. from the point of view of the military, there is probably some motivation, and president zelenskyi told journalists about this motivation in an open regime,
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who held a closed meeting with my colleagues, so what about the political component in the conditions of war, such a large turnover of personnel, as far as to you it is appropriate and what is it can be provoked? well, there is a good version and a bad version about this. questions and answers to it, in fact, the good thing is that the new commander-in-chief, general syrsky , received carte blanche to form his team, people with whom he is comfortable working both professionally and personally, he has great motivation, he ready... so to speak, to get involved in the work immediately and actually counts on e people
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with whom he has, with whom he understands each other, this is a good, good, so to speak, version, good news would be for us, and well come on, let's believe that it is so, but of course keep in mind the worse version, the bad version. which actually fits into this political context, that is, it consists in the fact that along with general zaluzhny, the people who support him resigned, people, relatively speaking, zaluzhny's people, and this, so to speak, regardless of their professional competence , regardless of their qualities, as military leaders happened. and in this case, we will also see the consequences very quickly, consequences
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that will result in a decrease efficiency, decrease in professionalism and so on. well, the third version is fantastic for me so far, but we'll see. the third version is that valery zaluzhnyi will become a public politician and together with him... the people who will actually make up his team have arrived, so far there are no signs of this, but theoretically this can also happen, well , it can happen if valery zaluzhnyi will articulate some political ambitions, because he has not done it until now. russia is trying to tell everything about what is happening in ukraine to the world that they are ready for negotiations, of course on... their own terms, first putin spoke about this in an interview with tucker carlson, then tucker
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carson spoke separately about the fact that putin is ready for a compromise, but today the minister of foreign affairs of russia sergey lavrov said that russia is supposedly ready for a political and diplomatic end to the war against ukraine, but at the same time russia is not going to return the occupied territories to ukraine. let's listen to what lavrov said. we remain open to political and diplomatic settlement on on the basis of taking into account our legitimate interests, on the basis of taking into account the realities that have been formed over many years and have currently led to the current situation. however, in the absence of serious proposals from those who declared war on us, their reluctance to take into account neither our interests nor the realities on the ground, it will not be possible to reach an agreement at the negotiating table. version. it is a pity that lavrov did not say about the realities on
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the water, because today a large russian amphibious ship went to the bottom near the occupied crimea, but who are these messages for, mr. maksym? calculated, that is, well, if we enter into negotiations with russia, as putin and lavrov want, then this means legitimizing the right. strong for war and for the seizure of foreign territories for other participants in world security, right, well, obviously , it is obviously a precedent, so to speak, for the entire world public, for all potential aggressors, but not only, not only in this, so to speak, these statements should be considered in context, well , we read in the american press that there are sources of insider information that the russians,
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putin himself is there, sending some kind of signal. allegedly about their willingness to negotiate and the fact that the americans responded with a refusal, that is , a certain game is being played, and this game, well, it has its own obvious logic in a purely propaganda discourse, i drew attention to the fact that since the beginning of the year, in january , in february a number of high-ranking russian officials, representatives of the regime. in one or another interpretation, they put forward their versions of why russia started this war, and carlson asked putin directly. in fact, this is a very acute and very inconvenient issue for the kremlin: why was there to start this war, and that's
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what russia is giving signals, that russia is supposedly ready to negotiate? this is an information counterattack, when it will become clear to the whole world and even the russian population that this war was absolutely unnecessary and that this war is actually not clear for what, well, apart from the fact that putin has retained his power, then to say that russia is ready to negotiate is means to change the image of russia, that is, it is going, it seems to me, that it is still about... a part of the world public, in particular the global south there, people who do not trust or don't like the west, so they live with the idea that russia is not really that aggressive, russia is willing to negotiate, russia wants its legitimate interests to be taken into account,
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and that russia just attacked a neighboring country in an absolutely savage, barbaric way . so that it would somehow be forgotten, so that it would go off the political agenda, and everyone would discuss that russia is ready for peace. well, but is it possible that putin will be able to return to the circle of those people who lend a hand and with whom they talk about something, because what both lavrov and putin are doing now, they everyone is trying to convince the whole world that in principle it is possible to come to an agreement with us, but wait. we squeezed the territory of the ukrainian state a little here, well, you understand that these are, as they say, the historical lands of russia, although, well, everyone understands that this is such historical nonsense, yes, which putin has been rebroadcasting for the past 10 years, trying to somehow a way to explain russia's war against ukraine, to justify what to say, that once
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somewhere at some intermediate historical stage. the lands of ukraine were part of the russian empire, well, he is talking about the fact that ukraine it does not exist there, that it was invented by lenin, that ukrainians were invented by count pototsky, well, in short, everyone has heard this delusion for a long time, but putin wants to look adequate, does he look adequate now, after the interview with tucker carson, to those people who understand what is going on, i think that no, i think that... this interview and the latest statements of russia's positioning in general today, it consolidates this division in the world, that is, people who think soberly, critically assess the situation and actually rely on some liberal democratic ones values, they perceive all these messages as
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delusional and complete inadequacy, and only confirm their opinion that... there is no point in negotiating with putin, in fact, it is not the first time he seizes territories in the 14th year with crimea, everything was not less brutal in fact, well, although less blood was shed then, but at the same time there is a part of the audience in the middle of russia, which is very important for putin in fact, and outside of it, there is... which is ready to understand putin, and for whom these arguments can be interesting, convincing, for this audience today working. and lavrov, as we have seen, that is why it is not about real agreements, a real push for agreements and the establishment of some kind
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of trust between russia and the west, it is about fixing russia on the propaganda, ideological and political positions that it already has today and which she tries to save. mr. maksym, here... our western partners seem to understand everything about what is happening on the territory of ukraine and with putin as well, but there is no unified vision, and what to do with this russia, that is, everyone is talking about the fact that ukraine should not lose in this war, but what the defeat of russia means, no one can speak and articulate until now, that is, what the defeat of the russians means. removal of putin, deputinization of russia, demilitarization of russia, denezification of russia, that is, does the world understand that putin is one of
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the threats in the current world and the current situation in general, which is taking place on the entire planet earth. well, actually, this is already a part of such a western. political discourse, many western politicians say that putin will not stop, this is an existential threat for the world order and for the liberal democratic world, although it seems to me that at the same time someone probably perceives it with their mind, but as an existential threat they do not yet feel, well actually the russian army... stormed bakhmut for six months, then stormed avdiivka for another six months, but it does not look
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like a threat not only for america, even for europe, well, such a well-fed and part, and which is used to living in peace, well, that is, for the neighbors of russia, it is threatening, yes, but... it can be seen that in such a under such conditions, the russian empire will not go to berlin or the english channel and will not will reach london, that is, there is such a sense of threat, i think that the western elites do not have it , but if we are talking about the defeat of russia or the victory of the free world, then we can hardly talk about some point of certainty, like this... was there with nazi germany, with the nuremberg trials and so on, it is more about the fact that russia, well, to
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put it simply, has fallen into a trap, russia is being depleted, russia is degrading, in all respects, it is losing its best personnel, military forces , she loses her, her equipment, loses access to technologies , loses markets, and this process... indeed , it absolutely suits its opponents and maybe even its so-called friends from among china or india, this process also suits them, because that is why, in principle, it is unfortunate for us to realize this , but it’s okay, in principle, this process suits the west and our allies by and large in... in terms of geopolitical strategy, but as for some current moments, tactics, now yes, it seems to me that the western elites
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somehow they will gather, concentrate and ee will help us to stop a possible offensive there, a breakthrough of the front or something else, which military experts actually warn us about. thank you, mr. maksym, for the conversation, it was maksym rozumny, a political expert. doctor of political science, friends, we are working live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, during this broadcast we are conducting a survey and will continue the survey in the second part of our program, there are discounts on afida max 10% in pharmacies psyllium , pam and oshchat, there are discounts on tantum verde, 10% in pharmacies plantain, memory. professional anti-fix cream is an extra-strong fixation for all types of dentures. it is applied to wet prostheses. protifix - german quality at an affordable price. there are discounts
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on emolium 25% in psarynsky, bam and oskad pharmacies. according to the results of january, the espresso tv channel continues to hold the first position among information broadcasting channels. for the 10th month in a row, we are the first. greetings, it's news time on the tv channel. this november we turned 10 years old, we updated the design, sound. we continue the saturday political club, khrystyna yatskiv and vitaly portnikov. our values ​​remain unchanged. and ukrainian perspective, stay tuned for the updated espresso and thank you for your trust. an unusual look at the news. good health, ladies and gentlemen, my name is mykola veresen. sharp presentation of facts and competent opinions. and in america they also say, let's have better roads , we will have even better ones. a special look at the events in ukraine, there will be some katsaps on the border of kyiv and beyond, which the world dreams of, as a rule, we can imagine it. all it is in the informational marathon with mykola
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veresny. saturday. 17:10, sunday 18:15 at espresso. congratulations, friends, live on the tv channel, the second part of the verdict, my name is serhii orudenko, today in the issue: functional review in the armed forces. after the release of 16 generals, purges can begin in units, or should we wait? cases against zaluzhny and his team. the case of pashynskyi, for which the head of the association of defense enterprises of ukraine is being prosecuted, risks for the country's defense capability. putin begs for talks. spokesmen of the kremlin put forward conditions for compromises in the war with ukraine. what does the owner of the kremlin want? friends, we are live on the espresso tv channel, as well as on our youtube
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and facebook platforms for... those who are currently watching us live there, please like this video, subscribe to our pages, participate in our survey, today we ask you about this, do you support the idea of ​​deferment from mobilization for additional tax, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you have any opinion, please leave it under this video, if you are watching us on tv, pick up your smartphone or phone and vote if you support the idea of ​​a postponement, mobilization for additional tax 0800 211 381 or 0800 211382. all calls to these numbers are free, vote, at the end of the program we will here are the results of this vote. i would like to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is oleg sahakyan, political scientist, head of the unified coordination center platform. mr. oleg, i congratulate you, my congratulations too, i am glad to see you.
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ihor reiterovych, political scientist. head political and legal programs of the ukrainian center for social development, mr. igor, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. congratulations! so, gentlemen, let's begin our program with the bliss survey. we ask our viewers whether they support the idea from line to line of mobilization for an additional tax. very briefly, do you support this idea, because it is currently being discussed quite actively in the parliamentary committee. from economic development to the second reading of the bill on mobilization, mr. olezh, please, well, in this wording, no, no i support it, because the deferral for money immediately appeals to the fact that some will be able to pay off, others will not, officially now, although we understand that unofficially this is happening, unfortunately, everywhere in ukraine, but if we talk about the overall construction
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a system in which... everyone can be used by the state to the maximum with the greatest coefficient of useful action in its place, then yes, of course, labor or economic mobilization or reservation is necessary for ukraine, because one way or another we need to build a system of struggle now for a long time, and whoever turns out to be better, more organized, will be able to win in this war. there are significantly more russians, and we should be better organized, accordingly, have a higher coefficient of useful action from each citizen. thank you, mr. oleg, mr. igor, do you think there can be a postponement of mobilization for the additional tax that will need to be paid to the budget? no, i do not support such an idea, because it has nothing to do with social justice, and we must remember that in general the bill about mobilization and the law about mobilization, it is primarily about justice, and it must be observed both in the social sphere
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and in all others that exist today. the current day in the country in that formulation.


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